Agree with together4never13
sn530MalePakistan9/12/2013 9:58
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Unmarried cerificate
unmarried certificate = Divorce papers!

I hope thats what you mean! anyways could you be a little bit more clear about were the "unmarried" occured? were it was registerd?.... what exactly you need the documentation for?

I think you are filing for the K1 visa so are you the Applicant or the Beneficiary?
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-03 20:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Home Investigation Durning The Administrative Processing
It could take up to 2 years! Have the applicant call the local congressman and or Senator to escalate the attention to your case.
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-09 10:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Packet 3 , Packet 4
Packet 3 Contains:
Specifying the documents needed and actions that must be taken by the beneficiary and the petitioner prior to issuance of a visa.

Packet 3.5 for K1 Visas (for Afghans) Requests These Documents:
Cover Letter
Passport Photos 2"x2" (2 in addition to the ones attached to DS-156s)
Copy of National ID Translation
DS-156 (2 copies, EVAF, w/ original passport photo attached)
DS-157 (1 copy)
DS-156K (1 copy)
DS-230 part I & II (1 copy)
Parental Information Form
I-134 Affidavit of Support w/ Supporting Financial Docs from Petitioner> optional .
Dont need to fill all forms for k1 just fill out DS- 160 online and need to email the comformation to the embassy .
**Note: Police Cert for Afghans is NOT required unless they lived in another country after age 16 for more than 6 months.

Includes These for Benefit of Applicant:
Medical contact information
Vaccination requirements
Picture requirements
All forms included with exception of DS-156 which must be completed and printed offline. Web address given in packet.

Packet 4 contents
tells where to go for ur medical before interview and the exact date and time for interview and what documents are needed for it .
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-18 18:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)interview come soon desprateky waiting for you ;)

deparately ...spell mistake soryy

yeah I can tell how "Desperately" you are awaiting! anyways keep your mind off of it and dont worry in a few weeks i will ask someone to do the same for me IA. I still have yet to get a case number from NVC, Thus i still have a ways to go I guess.

Oh yes btw this makes my 100th post! wooohooo! you should be honored I chose to post on your topic! lol!
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-25 11:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What may be the matter @ NVC
My NOA2 was on June 4th and I was confirmed over the phone of a case number on June 29th! so that should give you an idea of how far along they are at speed of things.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-03 01:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)11th Business day since NVC recieved my file still no case number

It took 20 business days for us, 28 days.....just got the case number today...

This is the normal right now guys. It takes 20 BUSINESS DAYS meaning monday to friday add for holidays! Estimate about a MONTH! from the NOA2 and you should have your case number.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-16 13:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Finaly got the case number from NVC

i got my police certificate in 3day :D

:o well i hope my fiance can get hers soon also, I asked her to get it a while ago but she had her Finals going on for school. Now we are just waiting for the police report to send the packet back.

It only took a week to get the police certificates, and I have my my IV packet and AOS ready.

where did you guys (butt saaab and Zinger) get the police report? which city are you two from?
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-19 15:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Finaly got the case number from NVC
congratulations boss, Now go get your police report it takes about a month to have prepared in pak.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-19 13:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case no?were are you?

I am already on day 30 :huh:

I'm sure you will have it tomorrow or Monday ... Latest Tuesday .... If you don't have it by then , then I would panic.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-19 20:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case no?were are you?
Its taking aproximatly 30 days that is roughly 20 Business days! Search and review other threads there is a lot of chatter about this topic lately.

Good luck.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-19 17:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Interview DATE?
Congratulations I hope the date does not affect your interview: )
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-03 19:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Interview DATE?
do you have your interview scheduled?
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-30 17:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Case Complete timeline

Why is ramdan will slow things down ???

I have read this on the board and also a embassy operator said during summer more applications come for student visa and modified work hours and people tend to take time off for eid perpetration.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-05 19:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Case Complete timeline
I hope you got an answer to your question best thing to do is make friends with others whom are a step ahead of you. They are probably the best indicator of process times.One thing to keep in mind during Ramadan and did things are going to be going slow. This will only add to the time frame compared to others. I looked up time lines to detect a trend but the data available by filters is incomplete and inconsistencies are to great.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-05 07:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For Those Of You In AP At ISLAMABAD
Waoh Josephs Urdu is better then my Urdu skills, I don't think I have used the word "gozarish" like he did I'm impressed! Now I do want to express my gratitude to the interviewed because I can see how easily it would be to incorrectly respond to a question. He's a bit difficulty to understan for the common only Urdu speaker.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-10 20:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Case Completed
Congratulations !!!!
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-30 20:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does any NVC Jun filer get Case Number yet?

Here is something that answered some of my questions:

So it sounds like I don't need to call the NVC at all. I just wait until my foreign fiancee receives the instructions in her mailbox, which sounds like it may take up to a month.

If you are waiting for further instructions it might be advisable to look at the embassy portal and fill out the forms that will be requested with packet 3.5 so you can respond to it quickly.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-05 13:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does any NVC Jun filer get Case Number yet?

As a K1, you don't pay any fees at NVC, so, as far as I know, an IIN wouldn't be assigned for your case. The IIN is just for IR-1/CR-1 applicants as they pay two fees at NVC.

Your right there is no Fee to be paid by the K1 Applicants, however still asigned a Invoice Identification Number it just has " $0 " in the fee and exempt.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-03 12:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does any NVC Jun filer get Case Number yet?

The first operator told us that our file is being processed at the NVC and should be sent out in 5 business days.
The second operator told us that our case is under additional processing, there is no time frame for the process, no estimate. I asked if this is the same as administrative processing, she said more or less.
The third operator told us there is no such a thing called administrative processing, all received I-129Fs go through processing at the NVC to be forwarded to the consulate. This usually doesn't take more than 5-7 business days but she acknowledged some cases can take up to 30 days.
The fourth operator told us that our file is under administrative processing, but this is standard procedure, there is nothing unusual about our case processing and should be sent out in a few days. (He said they double check the name and addresses etc)

I have been doing a lot of research about K-1 AP at the NVC stage. These are my conclusion that may make you feel better.

1) All K-1 cases go through some form of additional processing at the NVC. This can be as simple as checking the beneficiary's address is correct or running an entire background check on the petitioner and/or petitioner.
2) Some petitioners do receive a letter/email from the NVC stating the case number and that their case will be forwarded to the embassy in 7 days. This is a standard letter, it will always say 7 days even some cases do stay at the NVC for a lot longer time.
3) NVC operators use the term additional processing and administrative processing interchangeably.
4) NVC operators do not have the information about the processing of your K-1 case on their computer monitor. These are not the same people who process the cases.They can only see the date it was received at the NVC and see that it has not left the NVC. When the case has not left the NVC, they are instructed to tell the callers that it is undergoing (additional/administrative/extra) processing.
5) Most cases leave the NVC after 2-7 days, so people have become to regard this "quick" one as "normal processing". I have seen cases on the forum where people were told that they were in AP and their cases were sent out 2-5 days later.
6) The longest K-1 in AP at the NVC case seems to be something like 55-60 days back in 2008.

Final and the most important conclusion
7) There is no one who can tell you what is going on at the NVC. This is just another government black hole. The only thing we know quite for certain is that our case will be sent to the consulate between 2-60 days after the receipt date. All we can do is just wait and keep calling everyday and hope we end up on the "normal processing" time frame e.g. 2-7 days.

:thumbs: Thanks that was some very helpfull information! I got my Case Number yesterday but no IIN number yet. correct me if i am wrong is the IIN number assigned when they file is sent off to the embassy?
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-03 11:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Does any NVC Jun filer get Case Number yet?
Received out Case Number on the 29th also but was confirmed today (7/2) of case number!
NOA2 date was June 4th 2012.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-03 01:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case waiting for interview
[quote name='GreenThumb' timestamp='1351563451' post='5788142']
We have perused through the list...but I think it's time to start doing mock-interviews now. :)

Good plan! Just make sure you answer questions honestly and full only to the extent you are asked . If you do not understand the question ask them to repeat do not attempt an answer without full understanding of the questions.
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-29 23:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case waiting for interview
Congrats ... make sure to review and practice sample questions so at the interview you are not overwhelmed and produce incorrect answers it can be a very stressful moment specially when you have wait nearly a year for the moment of decision.good luck!
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-29 20:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need Pakistani people views.

Thank you.. And do you have any idea that which form do we have to fill up in the airport? If it does!


Traveling to Pakistan I see.... how long has it been since you went back?

Couple of things I suggest Make a copy of your green card BOTH sides and email it to yourself so you have a copy of it incase it gets lost... same thing with your passport!

I am a USC so one of the things we have to do is get Visa to enter Pakistan, The Pakistan Embassy offers a NICOB card for Pakistan National Descendants Citizens abroad. Basically with that its equivalent for a multiple year visa to enter!

Only form they will ask you to fill out when you get to Pakistan is the Customs form.

On your Journey back to USA they will review your Pakistani Passport make sure its not expired and also your green card that it is still valid and that you are the card holder.

Make sure you keep an eye on both things. I got into a bit of a situation as one of the check point agents attempted to swipe my cousins Green card. Needless to say I don’t think he works there anymore.
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-03 20:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionso finally I have got my interview date
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-27 23:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Processing
Sajid you need to fill out your timeline so we can also see what the steps you have gone through.

The senators and Congressmen can be helpfull, it just depends on whom you have contacted. Each one of them have a person assigned to assist with immigration issues. And the help they can provide is related to how good there contacts are within the immigration and at what stage your immigration process is at. Furthermore another aspect is the information you provided to the immigration office and there evaluation of you as an individual worthy of immigration approval. Just because a person contacts a congressmen or a senator it does not garantee anything, just the fact that they will try to shead light on the case and assure it has not been filed away on a shelf and forgotten about.
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-29 01:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhone log and bills requirements for K1 Visa Interview for USA ?

I sent over 100 pages of double sided printed phone/chat/email logs. There is nothing like too much evidence. Has your case been forwarded to the embassy yet? If not, then you may still have a window to send additional evidence to the NVC and have it attached to your case. Call them and check.

Her interview is not till next month. So I still have time to send her stuff.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-28 10:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhone log and bills requirements for K1 Visa Interview for USA ?
Waoh I am tottaly screwed! I only sent my fiancee the last 3 months of phone call logs because that is all that i really have! I used a phone calling card company that only tracks last 3 months.

facebook chats.... 100 pages of that did not want to print soo much paper and expenseive INK!
whatsaap....... 200+ pages same as above
skype.... yeah did not chat much on skype just used the video option.
emails.... maybe a few emails... phone is a lot easier

any suggestions?
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-27 09:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMinimum Income to sponsor Fiance using K1 Visa ?

How shall I manage to check either my sponsor is eligible to call me or not so how shall I see it ?
I mean, she is calling me on K1 visa and her family unit is sized as 6 but no one is dependent on her and everybody is earning their own ? How shall I check that ? Right now I am simply preparing for my Interview and asking her to prepare I-134 so what should I do !

1. Does your fiancee have a job?

IF Yes: then she needs to provide suporting evidance that she has an income of $19,000 or roughtly 1,580/monthly income prior to taxes.

IF NO: Then you will need a cosponcer whom is willing to provide support to you and your fiance (this needs to be checked of on the form and also a additional letter written to confirm is suggested NOT required).. that means unit size is now 3... generally in financial world they will not use the unit 3 size being (co-sponcer, Fiancee, you) Thirdy party assume the cosponser also has a family of 5 example husband & wife with average family size of usa is 2.5 so that is 5... now with the additional YOU that totals 6! not 3! so the income that would be expected is $39,000!
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-28 13:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConfusion in relationship to the sponsor written there in the I-134 form for US K1 Visa !

Hi Syed

You are talking about column "10" in I-134...You need to write 'Fiance' (Male) under Relationship if she is the petitioner /or write "Fiancee" (Women) if you are the petitioner. That't it.

Do not include Male or Female...Its just for meaning of both words.


hsn is correct, there is also another question that ask for "if you are related" thats were you would put your family relationship as cousins.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-27 09:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCase completed at NVC.. Whats next??

The timeline in my signature will also give you some idea.

I think, as long as your interview is before the expiration of the police certificate, you should be ok.
Packet 4 will describe in detail what you will have to take to the interview. I recommend taking a copy of everything that has been submitted so far, just in case.

sn530MalePakistan2012-10-02 14:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCase completed at NVC.. Whats next??

Really 24 people read this post yet and no response???? Posted Image

I think I read it 2 times and got distracted and did not respond... will try to answer some of your questions.

My question is that how long it will take usually for a interview date should be schedule?
--Depends on the workload of the embassy, as they describe it i would hope for a interview in Nov Sometime.... one way to see interview dates is see who has recently goten an interview date and it will give you an estimate of lag time.

Are we going to get an e-mail confirmation from NVC when the interview will be schedule?
If you have provided an email you will recieve and email. IF you have not provided an email they will mail the letter to the address of the beneficiary.

Does my wife (Beneficiary) is going to get packet 3 OR 4 from Embassy OR how it will works?
Its a packet 4, they will ask for her to gather a Police report, Medical Record, Passport Pictures and affidavit of support docs, proof of relationship ... i think you probably already know this.

the Packet 4 is generally the instructions for the interview it will include instruction for items i listed above.


This is a great resource to answer all of the questions you have. Just a heads up due to the recent changes in the conditions of Pakistan and the protesting..etc. Also the Holidays coming up... the time line or an estimate could be greatly affected. give you an example I konw someone who sent in information to schedule an interview 2 days before we did and they have a interview date 9 days before us.

if you want something to do in the mean time... you can review questions they will ask your wife prepare her for the interview. To get her familiaries... this can be a very stresfull experiance and having had exposure to this might make it a little easier.
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-02 11:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions asked at Islamabad Embassy
Looks good buddy you should get your visa soon Inshallah then.
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-15 22:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionstill waiting month after the interview
It usually takes about 4 to 5 week turn around on additional documents submitted. I would double check from the embassy make sure they recieved the documents for your piece of mind. It has happened that the documents never made it to the embassy or have gotten lost in transission or missplaced. Lots of people apply for Visa and if sometimes they forget to write the case number or a referance number with submitted docs and also what the docuemtns are (attached copy of green sheet your wife was given) then its hard to trace down what the docuemnts are for.

If you dont hear anything within the week or two then start inquiry of what is going on and if the docs were recieved or not.
sn530MalePakistan2012-11-28 12:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3.5 to Packet 4
Contact the curiour you sent it with example the packet 3.5from Lahore is sent via American express check the website for status. It takes only 2 to 3 weeks for an appointment.If you provided an email for contact check junk mail for the appointment letter. The embassy will just give you the run around specially Islamabad.Call NVC in USA they have all the information available and they are a bit more easy to contact and much more helpful in my experience. Follow my time line everything happened pretty much on time except our interview was delayed because of Eid and Ramadan you should have estimated same time process.
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-30 20:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 interview question in Islamabad

Tell them the truth and stick to it. Most interview agents are not out to make your life misrable... the only items they have are the ones you have given them and there job is to review and make sure you have correctly represent yourself. Yes ocassionally they do back ground checks. Majority of the people who get rejected or placed in admin process are people who have discrepancy in answering interview questions and documents that are submitted.


In my case the reason we filed for fiance visa was because it gave us time to get to know each other also it reduces the wait time of waiting for your husband or wife. Most importantly this was an agreement that was made between our parents prior to us getting engaged also my family is settled here in usa and we wanted to have the wedding here due to financial constraints.


Additional keep in mind when you submitted your 129 application originally you had to describe how you met and what the circumstances of your wedding are. My wedding was partially arranged with involvement of my family. Your family being involved is very important it shows that it will lead to a honest successfully marriage and also not a madeup skam... most desi weddings that are reall weddings you will notice there is a lot of involvement of family. with the original application that was submitted you have already given part of the reason so if and when you are asked abou this question it should be in line with the original application.  


Also it is very important that your fiance is familier with your background and what you do, etc. things people should know if they are gettign married or plan on getting married to someone. While my ex-fiance and now my wife was at the interview she noted some girls did not even know what state they are going to in usa, were there fiance or husband worked etc. common stuff that people who are in a honest relatioship should know. anyways Good luck with your interview.


PM me if you have any more questions.

Edited by sn530, 01 August 2013 - 12:47 PM.

sn530MalePakistan2013-08-01 12:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWill accompanying wife for interview help?
Best proof to submit is family pictures with the two of you. Most bonified wedding have a large family involvement. Thats the best proof.
sn530MalePakistan2013-08-03 10:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWill accompanying wife for interview help?
Save your time money and headeach you will realize if you do end up going its not recommended. .. see the previous discussions about this.
sn530MalePakistan2013-08-02 22:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp - Islamabad Embassy

Hi All,


I am the beneficiary for k1 fiance visa, any one who has recently had the interview in islamabad embassy could please help.


I recieved the packet 3.5 and send all the documents mentioned in packet 3.5 on Friday August 23, 2013 and the American Express guy told me that I will get the interview date withing next 2 weeks.


2 weeks are over and I have not receieved the interview letterview letter - if any one could share their timings of getting the interview letter which may relax or stress me but atleast I will have some idea.


Help is needed - also one more question that what is the mode of payment at Islamabad embassy for k1 fiance visa - is it paid in USD and in cash?


Appreciate if you could share your expereinces.





You should be getting a email if you sent the form also keep an eye on the online status check it will say when your interview is on there also. It generally takes about 2 to 3 weeks give it some time. Your interview date can be between 4 to 6 weeks from the time you get the letter. So if you have not gotten your letter of interview then i would start to worry alittle. ALso when you get your interview letter that is the item you will need to use to go get your medical examination for the interview. I hope you attached a covery letter with the packet 3.5 and also the letter you recieved from the embassy to submit the particular information.


Last time i checked the costs was $210 dollars but i heard it went up. Take about $300 in US DOLLARS with you YES United States currency. 


Send me a PM if you need further help with preparing for your interview... and YES you should always prepare for the interview instead of going to interview and getting confused and answering questions incorrectly because you become nervious.


Good luck

sn530MalePakistan2013-09-06 15:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved!!!!!!
Btw the application does not expire. It only expires if you stop following up wiyh the process and abandon it on your own. The k1 process once upon a time took 3 months total now it takes 9 months. So dont stress about the expiration of the application.
sn530MalePakistan2013-09-11 21:24:00