Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP-Tracker, Part II

Waoh soccerplayyer finally got the visa! Congrats buddy! And welcome to USA. I have not been here for a good while did any one else get there visa who was in April for a extended perid.?

sn530MalePakistan2014-07-10 00:22:00
United Kingdommy Izabela will be here friday evening !!
Congratulations... just dont speed on the way to the airport.... or on the way back! I know how excited you will be, but try explaining that to the popo.
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-22 00:58:00
Asia: SouthIntro and quick question - Pak
@me&him thanks for the reply I have heard many getting approved in California after a week to two weeks! Also I told a few of my other friends what happened and they told me about there cousins who got denied because the embassy though they were married.... I'm starting to get worried about that now! Strange things that we have to deal with trying to follow proper procedure!
sn530MalePakistan5/28/2012 6:13
Asia: SouthIntro and quick question - Pak
Hello and Salam to all,

Just wanted to introduce myself and this would be my first post!

I live in California, got engaged to a wonderful girl in Pakistan. I filed the K1 visa in December 2011, also got a RFE.... (Yes dumb mistake I managed to skip the questions on part C!) Returned the RFE in mail same day have been waiting since May 17th 2012 (RFE received) in California center. Hopefully things go well and we get the NOA2 very soon!

Has anyone else gotten a second RFE here? I searched the forum all I saw was people getting RFE whom had been married before or other complicated cases!
sn530MalePakistan5/27/2012 0:25
Asia: SouthPakistan Divorce Certificate
Perhaps you should consider a local divorce attorney who has experience with divorce cases with international ties.

The Uscis requires the application of local regulations on any case matter so it's the local laws that apply to legal matter. And to fulfil the requirements only a local lawyer would know what's necessary... document can be translated as necessary.
sn530MalePakistan6/10/2012 20:52
Asia: SouthAffidavits for Bona Fide Marriage at interview
I hope someone answered your question in the other post but all that is required is a copy of your marriage certificate if it's in English and Urdu then don't need translation. If it's only in Urdu get the document translated by a authorized individual that can attest it was translated properly. Pictures are the actual proof of marriage the certificate is just a document to be submitted for paperwork requirements.
sn530MalePakistan6/17/2012 21:08
Lady killer did the lady kill you at the interview what happend? I think your interview was a few days ago right?
sn530MalePakistan6/19/2012 0:34

Thnx bRo :)

Make sure you update us on the results of your interview write a review for the people whom are to follow.
sn530MalePakistan6/9/2012 21:23

check this link out it has quite a few reviews! dont stress too much!
sn530MalePakistan6/8/2012 23:12
Asia: SouthFiance i-129F Visa

Couple of facts that were probably of concern to the agent that you mentioned:
1. You were divorced
2. Your FIANCEE is also divorced
3. You are applying for a K1 fiancé visa
4. Term of relationship (time)

The above listed facts are all unfortunately working against you. Basically concern of the agent is that it is too soon and also proof of on going trelationship. Essentially you two are being asked to prove that what happened in the past is not a habitual behavior. Getting fiancé visa for someone who has gone through a divorce is a bit difficult to do in the first place. you now have to additionally prove you two belong together and further evidence of a solid relationship with a promising future. Also fiancé visa is a promissory agreement not a binding agreement like a marriage. . It would be easier for you to get married then file for visa.

However if you feel certain the fiancé visa is the route you would like to go, see what happens when your file is reviewed, maybe the second level reviewer feels differently go through an appeal process see how that pans out for you.
sn530MalePakistan6/17/2012 15:08
Asia: SouthHelp?Where we stand.Red ,yellow or green zone
I suggest you get coached before you go to your interview!
reason is not to hide any facts, because facts are just facts but to respond to the question properly with an appropriate answer.

Yes I agree with the above response there is a red flags but you as an individual need to prove why your marriage is a bonafide one. I think the fact that she has been living with you in Pakistan for the past 2 years is enough proof. However the interpretation of the interviewer could be differed.

Another question is if she has kids that are under the age of 18 who is taking care of them? If your wife is actually a responsible individual wouldn’t her kids be with her rather then as you said above "drunk and abusive" ex?

Do not make clams or statements of her ex in the interview that is a sure shot to get a denial.

The purpose of the interview first off is to see if your relationship in fact is a bonafide relationship.
Second will be to assess the ability for you to be financially independent individual and not become a indemnifiable cost to the government.

I think it would be advisable that you ask the board to ask you mock interview questions and how best to address questions in the interview.

:thumbs: along with what dwheels76 has said yes its strange you paid for her divorce and you should be prepared to be questioned about that but dont lie about it They know everything or have a way to find out. As long as you can provide without a doubt a good bonafide relationship it should be ok but you will be questioned so plan for direct honest answering

Waoh, we think alike! lol!
sn530MalePakistan7/16/2012 18:31
Asia: SouthMedical Exam

Thank you so much for your reply.

your welcome so much!
sn530MalePakistan7/30/2012 17:49
Asia: SouthMedical Exam
im guessing he is between the age of 21-50? right

Cost of Vaccine = 5230
Cost of Flue = 750
Administration fee = 500
Medical Examination = 4000

if he has to get all those things done including flu shots = 10,480

Current rate of rupee 1 dollar = 94.55 (Todays rate)

Should cost about $110.85 Dollars.

I dont know if they will give him all the vaccine again? i dont think they shoudl have to but i cant be for sure im not a dr.
sn530MalePakistan7/30/2012 17:39
Asia: Southmedical examination done
Congrats where did you go for you medical exam?
sn530MalePakistan7/22/2012 21:40
Asia: SouthChange of First Name

I am kind of new to this topic poll. My question is, how important is it to change your first name? When going through my wedding my name wasn't a Muslim name so the decided to change my name to a Muslim name rather than the name I was born with. Should I change my first name? Or can I keep it the same? How important is your first name, name change when it comes to paperwork?

Hello, I am not sure if you got your answer already but maybe this will help.

"how important is it to change your first name? When going through my wedding my name wasn't a Muslim name so the decided to change my name to a Muslim name rather than the name I was born with.

- So, let me get this right you changed your name?... was this officially done with name change registery?
- I just re-read your post and it seems that you are a bit confused on NAME CHANGE.
1. What is currenty your registerd name? the one that is used to pull up your Credit History information, the one that is on your drivers license and also the one that is registerd to your social security number.

2. Now that you have already started the process for immigration, the consistancy of your name needs to be maintained. meaning your name needs to be the same on all documents and it should be traceable to history (This being the history most gov. agency's are able to pull on individuals... AKA .. Background Check)

If your name is inconsistant in documentation you will be refused, so if the information you are submitting to the immigration is not consistant or you have already submitted some documenation that does not agree with the rest. I Highly suggest you recall your application start again when you have decided what name you want to stay with. Also in the application there is a question of which names have you used previously. Your prior name will be noted there and if it is going to be an issue it will be still represented in the application.

sn530MalePakistan8/21/2012 11:11
Impressive list, I might have to copy that from you.
sn530MalePakistan9/12/2012 23:53
Asia: SouthPackage 3.5 and I-134
1. Yes send the photocooy get the original in the meantime also if it needs translation get that done.

2. You have 2 options here. One would be to not submit the i134 because disability is not considered actual income in some cases so don't send anything now . Other option is send what you have and gather the remaining items needed to complete packet.

Pm me for a list of items to send.
sn530MalePakistan9/15/2012 9:27
Asia: South'B' Form Needed for Pakistani Applicants?
who is requesting the documents and for what purpose?

1. Do Pakistani spouse visa applicants need to submit the B Form when civil documents are requested if they are above 18 years of age
I Hope your spouse is over the age of 18... most countries its illegal to marry someone under the age of 18 without parental consent

2. You can translate the form yourself there is a letter/form that you need to attach with the translation saying you are fluent in both languages and attest the translation is correct.

3. Best thing to do is get whatever documentation from NADRA, that is the primary resource the embassy uses for referances and background check.

Could you please tell us what you are appliying for? CR1? or some other sort of visa?
sn530MalePakistan9/17/2012 12:14
Asia: SouthK1 Visa after the interview is done.
Its already moved to the Regional forum dont need to do anything.

try using this to see what the status of your passport is.

thats the link to the american express website it will show you update on what the status is when they recieve it.
just put you passport NUMBER in there including the letters example BW1234567.
if it shows up as "record not found" or someting then try another day sometimes the server is down.

Edited by sn530, 19 September 2012 - 05:29 PM.

sn530MalePakistan9/19/2012 17:26
Asia: SouthK1 Visa after the interview is done.
Hey congratuations on the interview, Generally if they are going to put it in Admin Process you will recieve a paper with instruction on what will happen etc. But it seems like you were given the information on how to collect your passport. The responce the Agent provided you was a valid one they are not permitted to promise anything and they really cant because they are not the one handling anything besides processing your papers at the interview.

Also i looked at other peoples time frame it takes about 15 to 20 days after the interview for the visa to be recieved. Also keep in mind sometimes randome holidays and political events tend to slow down the processes and mail.

Keep your spirit up Inshallah you will get your passport with a visa very soon!
sn530MalePakistan9/17/2012 17:43
Asia: SouthPhone call from US embassy Islamabad prior to interview!

Important to mention that they have my original marriage and divorce certificate but they have also been asking for;

1)Original nikahnama with ours signatures
2)Original nikahnama of previous marriage
3)Union council urdu notice of divorce effected

Thats a bit extensive! who the heck keeps the original nikahnama of a previous marrage... you shoudl tell the CO that you had a bond fire and burnt all the previous items out of anger to relieve your fustrations! .... if you have it thats great! i hope you can gather those thigns.
sn530MalePakistan8/31/2012 22:27
Asia: SouthPhone call from US embassy Islamabad prior to interview!
when they are asking for "original" that means they want the authetic document that you have, NOT a PHOTOCOPY! so just take the Original document with you incase they want to see it thats the only reason they are asking for it. For example the Birthcertificate they ask everyone to submitt an ORIGINAL not a photocopy its the same scenario here. The main purpose they ask for originals is to inspect that they are official and not a forged photocopy.
sn530MalePakistan8/30/2012 14:55
Asia: SouthPhone call from US embassy Islamabad prior to interview!
what documents did they ask you to bring? it could be that they are asking you to bring original documents of the one they already have or additional documents that were not submitted with your packet that were requeted.
sn530MalePakistan8/30/2012 12:23
Asia: Southinterveiw papers
I was present in Pakistan to make it to the interview but chose go because I felt our case is pretty simple and strait forward. If you feel there are some red flags in your case that's the only reason to attend the interview. Luckily things workers out that she was given her visa in time for.her to travel back with me and my family. Btw pm me!
sn530MalePakistan11/16/2012 4:02
Asia: Southinterveiw papers
Bit of an overkill but Its best to go prepared for anything my fiance was only asked to and the interviewer just went through them asked about people whom were in the pics. She got her visa a week later.
sn530MalePakistan11/16/2012 3:40
Its good for one year but generally you want the issuence of the report close to interview date. Its preferable that its not more then 3 months old by the time of interview.
sn530MalePakistan11/30/2012 11:37

Do i need to notarize the K1 (PACKET 3.5) forms??? is there any fee to pay while sending documents (3.5 packet) to embassy.


NO you do not need to notorize any of the things submitted. Just make sure you submitt the items listed below. Its also best to write a letter listing the content included in the packet 3.5 and a case number identifiying the case.

1. Form DS-156 (Printed Online) 2 Sets.
2. Form DS-156K (Only for Fiance Visa)
3. Form DS-157 (for non-immigrant visa)
4. Form DS-230 (Part 1) Only.
5. Police certificate.
6. Birth Certificate (Original, Translation and one copy of each).
7. Credible evidence of Financial Support in the US. (i-134) and petetioners last year Tax returns. (include copy of W2's, Bank Statements, Pay Stubs (last 3 months))
8. Copy of Passport.
9. 2 Passport Photographs. (you should have additional copies for yourself about 6 for future use)
sn530MalePakistan11/29/2012 13:55
Asia: SouthOriginal Birth Certificate
NADRA can issue a original copy of Baiy form (not sure of spelling) but bascially it has all the information that is on there also. My wife lost her birth certificate given to her at birth, It was submitted to her school and they missplaced it. Anyways she sent in the Original and also the Baiy form.
sn530MalePakistan12/18/2012 18:19
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

No. We are still in AP and waiting to hear if they will accept the documents I sent . I found online that they should accept not only wages, but also my bank account , and the value of my home which I own. However , the embassy is saying they will only take my wages which alone does not meet the financial requirements.

I sent them a link to their own government site , showing that yes they should accept bank accounts and personal property ( my house ) now I am just waiting for a response.

They will only accept the equity in the home so if you own it free and clear of financial obligation there will be additional documentation that can be submitted to prove the financial stability.
sn530MalePakistan1/7/2013 19:56
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan

It means there isn't any kind of US Law which doesn't allow co-sponsorship for K1 Visa for Pakistan if I am not wrong it all depends on the CO either he/she prove co-sponsor or decline but i am not satisfied with above mention Answers still haven't got the clear image yet . need more comments please .

You should search this topic this has been discussed a lot because of the recent experiances at interviews. The reality is there is NO regulations that clearly define this, sometimes they allow it and other time they refuse. Something similar to the Admin Process which can take 2 to 3 weeks others have been on it for years! Good luck with searching for an answer if you get clarification please share it with us.

Another alternative would be to ask the embassy, below is a link to resources of contacting the embassy.
sn530MalePakistan10/4/2012 13:49
Asia: SouthCo-Sponcer for K1 visa Pakistan
One of the member’s asked the embassy for clarification on the view the embassy replied "the use of a cosponsors is to the discretion of the interviewing agent" so in essense it is totally up to the interviewing agent. Generally if they do not see any other issues with the case they will not bring this up as a issue.
sn530MalePakistan10/4/2012 10:44
Asia: SouthAffadavits of witneeses of bonafide marriage
Attach 3 to 5 pictures of you two together with the family. Many people think they need to overload the applicatoin packet with pictures and affidavit of support. Just follow the instructions and keep it simple, less clutter the faster the process. so few pictures with description of the event or location with the people in the pictures.

You can take the letters and additional documentation with you at the time of the interview if they ask for it.

Edited by sn530, 27 January 2013 - 09:39 PM.

sn530MalePakistan1/27/2013 21:38
Asia: SouthQuick question

Well at first my husband was going to go on his own but now a change of plans is making me go to Pakistan so I was just wondering since I am going and looking at a possible interview during my stay, if going with him was ok. But ill definatly think about it now.


Best thing you can do is review previously asked interview questions. You will be surprised how often peopke will miss undrstand or not know the answer to a question. Specially under this sort of stress... practcally an interview that determins were your life ends up at. Review question come up with questions your husband can be asked thats the best thing to do... when my wife went i had grilled her on questions and before she went told her just to smile and take your good attitude with you. Result was 4 basic general questions and she was confused when she left if it was approved or not. Week later phone call came to pickup passport. So practice questions be honest smile and keep a positive attitude.
sn530MalePakistan1/29/2013 0:03
Asia: SouthQuick question
I was also in the same predicament at the time, But I opted not to go because there really is no need. If they dont ask you to be pressent there is no reason to be present. Unless you as an individual think it is imparative to be at the interview to possibly clear up some sort of complication or confusion with your case. Its really up to you! but in short to say CAN YOU BE AT THE INTERVIEW? the answer is YES.... but should you be there? I heard of a few horror stories of people who accompanied there spouce/fiance and they were put in AP. I did not go because my case was pretty simple and strait forward.
sn530MalePakistan1/27/2013 21:35
Asia: SouthBirth certificate

You mother in law will not get any birth cert in Pak, since she born before pakistan born.

You can do following and will work in NVC, I have done for my father. I went to the the office and I told them that my father didnt born in present country and I need a letter stated that no birth cert available for him, since no record available. They print out a letter and stamped on it. Then we got 2 affidavit from people/family like his age saying that we know him and his birth day is xyz.. Just tell true B-day as on education/ ID card has it. This will work 100.

Please read I-130 instarctions... read and read.

Another option go to local union council they will do the same process.
sn530MalePakistan1/29/2013 0:09
Asia: SouthDoes Islamabad consulate check US Naturalization certificate?
if you have a US passport you should have a naturalization certificate . cant get a passport without it.
sn530MalePakistan1/9/2013 18:33
Asia: SouthDoes Islamabad consulate check US Naturalization certificate?
I filled out the same docs became a citizen via parents also . im very sure we the petitiners are supppose to fill our information with our naturalization number. if you are a citizen you sshould have a naturalization number .
sn530MalePakistan1/8/2013 15:01
Asia: SouthDoes Islamabad consulate check US Naturalization certificate?
one of the forms require providing the naturalization number so cant complete form withiut the naturalization number.
sn530MalePakistan1/8/2013 14:15
Asia: SouthNo birth certifcate for Pakistani fiance

Update:  It turns out he does not have a birth certificate, but he does have an official Family Certificate by Birth from Nadra listing all of his family members including himself.  Will that be enough? 

what you are talking about is the bay form from nadra my fiance had a similar issue her birth certificate was given to the school and they lost it she never had any use of the birth certificate till the visa application so she had to have one attested by the family and have a local registery of her birth its not difficult to do specially since you have the family form already. Msg me if you need instructions on how to have a birth certificate made.

sn530MalePakistan7/8/2013 12:20
Agree with together4never13
sn530MalePakistan9/12/2013 9:58