Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Awww beautiful wedding pics Jezz and Moonie,...

And congrats to Kym,.

Also Congrats to anyone I may have missed,...

Sorry, have been a bit preoccupied in trying to get house in some sort of order before hubby comes home on R and R,..


Edited by jodee, 30 July 2007 - 03:14 AM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-07-30 03:14:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

I was under the same impression,..
because I had custody issues, i couldnt have my interview when planned,..So I rang the consulate, and they extended the Petition time(window), not the actual visa. They didnt need the letter at the time, but requested it at interview, so they knew my fiances intentions were still there, as things can change, as we all know. The letter of intent is required to let them know that your fiance still wants to get married. It doesnt extend the actual visa...I would double check on that Sharyna.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-07-25 04:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I just wanted to drop In and say hi to everybody,..

I'm glad things have been going well for the most of you,..Glad to see so many of us Aussies have made that trek over the pond,...

I guess in a month or two I can start posting some more info of my own. As I will be starting my daughters I130's from Germany to the States. we were lucky in that when they came over here to live with me in Germany, they didnt need visas, as they were sponsored by the US Military to live here on base. AN upside to it, is I have completed my journey pretty much,.and technically as of July 26, I could apply for Naturalization. I intend to do that as soon as I get stateside actually, then my girls wont have to go through lifting of Conditions, they will automatically acquire Citizenship under me,..something for nothing from the USCIS,,.wooo hooo. I guess though I will have to fork out for the Certificates,..but thats all good!!



Edited by jodee, 22 July 2007 - 02:56 PM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-07-22 14:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
ummmm Kath is on her camping holiday and said in one of her posts she probably wouldnt have much computer access,...I thought she left like around July !st,..Im sure shes gone for about a month,..

in fact i found this in her last post in July 1,..

well were off now on holidays...see you at the end of july if got connection down in them hills will check in on you's...
take care


Edited by jodee, 12 July 2007 - 03:40 AM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-07-12 03:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Somebody call my name,.... :blush:

Yes, its true,..Im an Aussie, married to a Army man, who's currently deployed, all be it for the second time,...

How can I :help: .

Hey Caroline, how goes it with you and hubby?

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-04-29 13:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hampster- Im so sorry to hear about your dog. You had me crying, i really feel for you.

I had a dog called Angus a German Shepherd/Keshund cross, named after the AC/ DC legend,....he was 12 when I moved to the USA. My ex-husband said he would look after him for me when I left, as he was originally a wedding present from him to me, the many years ago it was. And even though him and I were no longer, he was still a special part of our lives. About 12 months after i left, the ex rang me crying one day, and I thought it was about our daughters, becasue they also stayed with him for a while, while I got settled in to my new life. NO, it was Angus,..he had been diagnosed with a huge tummy tumour, was the size of a Rockmelon apparently. he had to be put down, and we cried on the phone together. Even though the ex and I were no longer, and MUCH happier that way, Angus was an important part of our lives, and the last remaining 'us' factor, the link between me and him, apart from our daughters.

We cried, we laughed about moments with shared with Angus, and then we said Goodbye. damn, i cry when I think about my puppy.


jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-04-20 23:44:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER


Do NOT open the brown envelope. It should actually be stamped Do Not Open, only to be opened by IO at POE.

I assume you left the consulate an express post envelope or something of the like for them to send it back to you. Inside that express post envelope, you will find you will have your passport with visa inside it, and the "brown envelope". and a page or two of general instructions,...will at least mine did. But most definately do not open the brown envelope. Good luck with your journey to the states,..


Edited by jodee, 16 April 2007 - 01:48 AM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-04-16 01:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Just wanted my fellow Aussies to know,..My hubby has now been gone 5 months. This time seems to of gone by so fast. Almost halfway done, but still don't to get to see him til July for his R and R, from that stupid sandbox, hes currently playing in,...

Jodee...*big sigh*

On another note, very best wishes to all those with upcoming interviews,.. Im sure you will all do great,..

And on the great state debate,...I'm a born and bred Sydney girl, NSW for me....though , when I did finally leave OZ, was from my adopted state of the NT,..Darwin to be specific....where i had spent 6 years....

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-04-03 01:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Ok guys,..not to get off track here, but just wanted to share something with you.

I need to pop into our "lil downunder" more often, and I'm sorry that I dont contribute as much as I used too, It's not that I dont think about all of you and your journeys, I wish you all the very best and speediest of approvals.

My hubby, Brian has been in Iraq 4 months today, on his second 12 month tour of that ratty dirty sandbox. He re-enlisted yesterday, Indefinately this time. He has served 14 years, and re-upped to retire from the Military. So, it's another 6 years or thereabouts for us.

I AM SO DAMNED PROUD of my hubby and all he has achieved as an MP over there trying to train up and oversee the Iraqi Police.

Please keep him in your thoughts.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-03-02 03:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Vylex., wasn't Harry's Cafe de wheels was it,..In Wooloomooloo?

I loved that place,...a Sydney Icon!


Edited by jodee, 02 March 2007 - 03:28 AM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-03-02 03:28:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
David,...I went through LAX at the end of 2003 to activate a K1 visa. I went through the US Citizens line,..well more specifically, they had a line sign posted for new immigrant/non-immigrant visas.(k1, K3 etc.) I simply asked a Immigration officer that stands near the front of the lines where I should be,..he asked me what I had, and directed me accordingly...All up I was in/out of customs in less then 15 minutes, and that included the wait, and the Customs officer going through the envelope etc...


Edited by jodee, 21 January 2007 - 02:07 PM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-01-21 14:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Oh Man,..David those pics were great. I'm a born and bred Sydney girl, and those pics made me homesick. I had also been to the Apostles, and didnt realise one had recently fallen, thanks Kath,..

The trouble with these police reports is a bit disconcerning to me,.. I originally applied in Darwin, NT for mine, which was meant to be the AFP nation wide check, along with fingerprints which were taken. And it was sent directly to the Consulate to put on my file. ON the day of my appointment, they said there was a problem with the way that it was processed. Apparently, the nation wide search had been done, and there was a match to a NSW record, but the record for my name matching was never pulled. That was the only reason on the day that I did not get my VISA but instead the dreaded blue form. Even though I had a copy of the court documents and a supporting letter from the lawyers on my case, saying I was found innocent and case was admonished (mind you, I was 14 when I had my lil run in with the law), that wasnt enough.

I marched down from the MLC centre to the Police station at The Rocks,( a five minute walk at the most) I was furious, and ready to fight. I explained my situation to them, they took me in, had another set of prints taken, and the paperwork was filled out and sent away, along with another $100 at the time. Less than 3 weeks later, It had been rectified. They had sent a copy of the NEW police record for NSW to the consulate, and one to me, in case the consulate lost theirs. The Consulate sent me my passport with VISA inside, back less then a week after that, I was delayed by 4 weeks in total.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-12-12 17:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

I actually rang the NVC phone line with that exact question about going to a different office and got put through to a immigration officer. I said my I-751 approval letter says I must go into Fresno office to hand in my photos, which is 3.5 hours from my CA residence, as the County of Kern comes under Fresno. But Los Angeles is a little under 2 hours, so would be much easier to get too for us. He said, I could go to what ever office was closer, but if I tried to book an an appt thru infopass it would automatically allocate Fresno, according to the zip code I input. He suggested to input a zipcode valid closer to the office I wanted, just to get the appt there, otherwise, try and contact the office via email, to see if they see me on a walk in basis. I have done walk-ins before, on both occasions thru Los Angeles, for my AOS, and EAD/AP, and never had a problem.

As it is,...I have sent a letter off to them with some more photos, and a copy of my hubs Military orders explaining Im overseas, and could they please issue the card based on that, so as I dont have to make a special trip home just to hand over some pics! The immigration officer suggested it, so if it works good, if it dont, well, my 10yr card will have to wait til Xmas. I certainly dont suggest you do that though, sending a letter in I mean ..LOL, its just that I had a slightly awkward situation, and wanted to share what I was up


Congrats on the wedding, hope you had a Happy Happy Day! (F) (F)

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-09-12 11:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
HI all,..

I dont venture in here as often as I could, but I stumbled across this lil love poem, and thought the true blue Aussies would get a bit of a giggle outta it,...

Attached File  ozluvpoem1__2_.jpg   55.94KB   22 downloads


Jodee :thumbs:

Edited by jodee, 07 September 2006 - 02:50 PM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-09-07 14:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Just wanted to say a Late Congratulations to Kath and ROB!!

Well done guys,.....

And just so all you guys know, Im just about to send off my I-751, once I work out the best way to send it. I finally have it all put together, after several weeks of procrastination, but its now ready to go, with a month to spare. It has to be in at the California Service Centre by July 26, 2006. I know I am a lil bit further along in my journey than most of you, but I love this site, and the friends Ive made, and love reading about all your successes as they happen.

Hugs to you all

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-06-23 07:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats Kath and Rob

Wooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooo

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-06-16 00:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
when Shon says "Coz, G. Dubya said so!"

She talking about George. W .Bush.....

Shes been doing it for weeks now

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-06-15 13:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Just wanted to wish you all the best Lorelle for your interview in the morning.


Jodee :thumbs:
jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-06-04 08:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Just a note for Kath and Lorelle,...

They bag search once you get to the 59th floor, and you go through a metal detector. Any electronics, including MP3 players, cameras, mobile(cell) phones, are taken from you, placed in a bag, to which you are given the corresponding ticket. You are then buzzed into the main area through a locked door. You can collect your belongings using the ticket they give you upon leaving. Its a full bag search up there, so be warned. I saw people on my day, go up with luggage which had to be screened (xrayed), then left in the foyer area, on the 59th floor near the guards....

Just thought you'd like to know......BUT THE VIEW IS GORGEOUS!!!!


NB. my interview was NOV 03, so I dont know if they have relaxed things or not, maybe someone with a more recent visit could pipe in

Edited by jodee, 03 June 2006 - 02:13 PM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-06-03 14:11:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey Lorelle,....

I had my medical done in Darwin, but as far as I can gather the medicals are pretty much all the same, as the paperwork sent out to you is the same as everyone else is sent for a medical, and the doc has to complete all the required fields.

I had to bend over, touch my toes, showing flexibility basically, checks for scoliosis etc, and made me squat down and walk while squatting, it was to check something, god knows what, but Im sure it looks like a duck Also had a basic eye test, blood pressure, height, weight, BMI. Not much to it at all really, was able to keep underwear on the whole time.

I didnt have any immunisation records to speak of, so I just grinned and beared it, and had a needle for tetanus, and had a MMR booster even though it wasnt really required for my age group, over 35 at the time... :blush: . I had had blood tests done for the HIV etc, about a week before hand, but that was organised by the Medical centre handling my medical stuff, and had to be sent directly to them. I had asked previously, directly to the Sydney consulate, if I could of got that done through my own personal doctor, and just take the results with me to the medical, and I got a big FAT NO!. X-rays wernt a big deal either, but again, had to been organised by the Medical centre handling the medical itself, and again, were sent directly to them. I had to pay for the X-rays immediately. Stupidly there was a new girl doing the bloods, and she tried to bulk bill me through Medicare, she later came to realise that blood tests for immigration medicals couldnt be bulk billed and had to be paid by the person requiring them. They sent me a letter requesting payment, I vehemently refused to pay, because of their error, and someone at their end not doing their job properly. I think they just qwrote it off in the end, I never heard back from them,

Just dont forget the piccies required for the medical paperwork, when you go. I think it was 2 passport sized pics, that they attach to the front page, and half stamp the docs stamp over it.

Good luck, IM sure you'll be fine,..


Jodee :luv:
jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-05-11 10:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Wonderful news on your date Lorelle...

Now all ya gotta do is worry about the packing, moving the furniture and stuff and goodbyes,...believe me thats the hardest part..

On a good note, you'll be with Dan soon,...Just in time for Summer!!

*wonders what wenches and pirates get up to in the summertine,* :lol:

Congrats again,...

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-04-27 05:29:00
Asia: East and PacificAustralian Police Checks
I can't find it in writing right now, but you DO need a fingerprint check. If in doubt, email the consulate. And I had mine done in 2003, and it was over $100 back it hasnt gone up,...

QUOTE (mingus_drake @ Apr 27 2009, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
is there anywhere that says we have to have a fingerprint check? prices have gone up, and i don't see anything specifying this.

Edited by jodee, 27 April 2009 - 11:55 PM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2009-04-27 23:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLifting Conditions
Good Luck to you,...and your Hubby

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-01-14 22:10:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDV
Awesome news Reinhard and Nani,..
jodeeFemaleAustralia2008-01-17 17:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)WTF! It all changed on Monday!!!
dumb question,..but what if your local overseas office is a USCIS sub office, like Frankfurt??
jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-10-04 13:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNON Benefit Center
I really dont think its the right thing to be calling USCIS staff names, and making generalised assumptions about their work behaviours.

This forum is monitored by lawyers, DHS, and USCIS from time to time according to several reports from other members here, who have had interviews where the IO has mentioned this site,...Just be careful.

I know this process can be frustrating :yes:

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-07-17 05:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGood news....the USCIS will send the I-797 overseas
Maybe I should of mentioned that earlier,..I have Adjusted my Status, and Filed to lift Conditions, all from an overseas Address....started in 2004...

But Congrats nonetheless.


Edited by jodee, 13 March 2007 - 11:12 AM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-03-13 11:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpousal visa (k3) I-130, I have a few questions,....
Ok,'s the story,..

I have a friend here living in Germany, she is Slovakian by birth. She is married to a military member who is stationed here also in Germany, but he is currently in Iraq. She is currently trying to start the I-130. She is unsure, of how much longer they are here in Germany before they go back stateside.

My question is?

How long is the spousal visa valid for once issued? , is it a once only entry visa?, or is valid for more than one entry?. And if that is the case, how many entries to the USA is it valid for?

Next question,..

If they are married less than two years at time of activation, does AOS need to be completed?, or are you automatically issued a greencard after activation of Visa? I assume it will be a two year green card, please correct me if I am wrong.

If married more than 2 years at time of activation, does AOS need to be completed?, or once again, is a greencard issued automatically? And will it be a ten year greencard in this case?

Do not worry about residency requirements for greencard issuance, as a military spouse, you do not need to meet the requirements that USCIS set, especially if stationed overseas...we already know this as I personally went through this, after a K1, and AOS, and lifting of Conditions.

Please excuse my ignorance in regards to the spousal visa. i did a K1, and its slightly different. I just want to get the right answers before she starts this. We are also aware of the I-129f,and other docs required after the NOA1 is issued for the I-130, but do not want to get too far ahead of ourselves at this stage.

any help greatly appreciated,..

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-03-14 04:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long is 40 quarters
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 11 2009, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm saying that when applying for SS benefits or when determining if the 40-quarter requirement for enforceability of the I864 has been met, that the work quarters the USC spouse earned during the time of the marriage can be counted towards the alien's total.

I do not know if this "vanishes" at citizenship. I imagine that DM would know.

Ty R-J.! good.gif
jodeeFemaleAustralia2009-07-11 11:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long is 40 quarters
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 11 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (carslo @ Jul 11 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
10 years. If the individual being sponsored becomes an American citizen then the co-sponsor's resposibilities are over. Good luck.


Not that simple.



Rebecca, are you saying, that if someone has been married to their spouse for 5 years,( I.e, the alien, that has not applied for citizenship, is married to the US citizen), they technically have 5 years or 20 quarters accumulated?

And if this is so, do they loose the acquired quarters if they choose to take citizenship?

Hope that made sense.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2009-07-11 11:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMONEY ORDER HAS BEEN CASHED!!!!!111111!one!!!!
why are you dragging up such old posts?
jodeeFemaleAustralia2010-06-27 14:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMONEY ORDER HAS BEEN CASHED!!!!!111111!one!!!!
Justa a question, how do you know the money order has been cashed?

I know, I know, a dumb question, but I hardly ever use them, and sent one off recently, had no clue they could be traced

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-06-25 23:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUSC Born Abroad, Original FS 240?
My hubby is a US citizen born abroad in the UK, becasue his Dad was in the Airforce stationed ther when he was born.

He simply sent me a Notarized copy of the FS-240 and of his actual Birth certficate. I took those in, and had no problems...

jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-04-26 13:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificate
You need to complete the one including fingerprints!!

When i did it back in 2003, it was about $100 AUD.

I think it's $140 AUd now.!!


Edited by jodee, 20 June 2007 - 05:59 AM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-06-20 05:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan a pregnant fiancée be granted a k1visa?
Hmmm, because she is not far along as ,..they MAY actually ask for GOOD proof of her fiance's last visit with her, or her with him, to actually substantiate it could in fact be his. If they cant provide proof of his last visit with her or her with him, however it went, to calulate due dates etc to coincide with visit ,I can almot guarantee if she is from a high risk immigration country, they will ask, and may indeed also ask for paternity testing once the baby is born. Thet may even in fact delay the processing AS TO WAIT FOR THAT...

I rememerbr eading a story much like that on here a very long time ago,..

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-07-24 09:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAustralian? Then you can help me! : )
go to the regional forums, southeast asia(except china), then at the top of that forum, is a LAND DOWNUNDER forum.
jodeeFemaleAustralia2008-03-11 06:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAustralian Police Clearance
Umm,..dcnry, did get the police check that had a fingerprint check as well didn't you?. because it should of cost you closer to $110, not $60.

QUOTE (dcnry @ Apr 11 2008, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CL79 @ Mar 20 2008, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, mine was done on letterhead but the whole thing looked photocopied. I was expecting at least color printing, real signature or even a nicer piece of paper... It's ok.. at least I got it fairly quick so I can't complain too much heheehe ! smile.gif


Hi There!

I have had mine Australian Police Record and its nice to know that the $60 or so that I paid for a record check came on a nicely printed, muliticouloured, police sealed stamp. Just to make sure its legit, a police record contains several built-in security features such as the police stamp are "heat sensetive" and will disappear if any heat or friction is applied. The document can be magnified to view certain security imprints. So nothing can be forged or altered. Also the back of the record should have a document number stamped in red.
I have heard many horrfic stories from friends of mine in politics and immigration were police records were fraudulent and altered and instead of those people getting a visa they got a visa to jail for fraud!

As long as you requested it from a police station it should be legit. Oh and it should arrive in a A4 envelope. Apparently no documents from AFP or police are folded!

jodeeFemaleAustralia2008-04-11 05:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview gone HORRIBLY wrong!
What about any Valentines card/presents, birthday cards, Christmas cards,..etc etc that were sent to each other,...
jodeeFemaleAustralia2008-01-24 11:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization Success-the US has a few more citizens today
OMG, how did I miss this,..

My warmest congratulations to Meauxna, and her darling hubby...

Jodee :thumbs:
jodeeFemaleAustralia2006-07-21 02:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNaturalization for Military Spouse
I officially stand corrected, and was misinformed by the USCIS in Frankfurt, in regards to the lodgement of the I-751 after expedited naturalization. Everything else I said in regards to the naturalisation, such as you physically being stateside for the process, lodging it stateside, and that we qualify is still correct.

ok,..I did a LOT of searching and found this,...firstly, read in particular the part I have put within ***** and ******* (stars),..


Sec. 319. [8 U.S.C. 1430]

(a) Any person whose spouse is a citizen of the United States, 1/ or any person who obtained status as a lawful permanent resident by reason of his or her status as a spouse or child of a United States citizen who battered him or her or subjected him or her to extreme cruelty, may be naturalized upon compliance with all the requirements of this title except the provisions of paragraph (1) of section 316(a) if such person immediately preceding the date of filing his application for naturalization has resided continuously, after being lawfully admitted for permanent reside nce, within the United States for at least three years, and during the three years immediately preceding the date of filing his application has been living in marital union with the citizen spouse 1/ (except in the case of a person who has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty by a United States citizen spouse or parent), who has been a United States citizen during all of such period, and has been physically present in the United States for periods totaling at least half of that time and has resided within the State or the district of the Service in the United States in which the applicant filed his application for at least three months.

*****( B) Any person,

(1) whose spouse is

(A) a citizen of the United States,

( B) in the employment of the Government of the United States, or of an American institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General, or of an American firm or corporation engaged in whole or in part in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States, or a subsidiary thereof, or of a public international organization in which the United States participates by treaty or statute, or is authorized to perform the ministerial or priestly functions of a religious denomin ation having a bona fide organization within the United States, or is engaged solely as a missionary by a religious denomination or by an interdenominational mission organization having a bona fide organization within the United States, and

© regularly stationed abroad in such employment, and

(2) who is in the United States at the time of naturalization, and

(3) who declares before the Attorney General in good faith an intention to take up residence within the United States immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad of the citizen spouse, may be naturalized upon compliance with all the requirements of the naturalization laws, except that no prior residence or specified period of physical presence within the United States or within a State or a district of the Service in the United States or proof thereof shall be required. *******

Then, this in between the stars****** and *******

******(k) Naturalization Issues Relating to Conditional Residence .

.(1) Form I-751 Filed by a Naturalized Citizen . If, prior to the second anniversary of his or her date of admission or adjustment as a conditional permanent resident, an alien naturalizes (such as an alien who qualifies under sections 319( B ) , 319© or 319(d) of the Act), the requirement to apply for removal of conditions no longer exists. Should a naturalized citizen file a Form I-751, either jointly with his or her spouse or individually as a waiver under section 216©(4) of the Act, the naturalized citizen should be advised in writing that, as a citizen of the U.S., the removal of conditions provisions do not apply to him or her. If there was Service error involved in the Form I-751 being filed (for example, if the citizen received a computer-generated notice from the Service that he or she had to file such petition), the filing fee should be refunded. The Form I-751 should be counted as a statistical denial. *******

YOU or more importantly, WE qualify under 319( B).

I am going to send an email to the USCIS Frankfurt quoting these laws, and see what they say. The only stipulation in reading it, is that is YOU must be physically present in the States when applying for it, just as I stated before, in previous posts.

Ok,..there you go,...


editted to note: wherever you see a smiley face a "b" should be there,..i tried editting to suit but the smiley kept coming up,..

Edited by jodee, 05 January 2007 - 01:50 PM.

jodeeFemaleAustralia2007-01-05 13:46:00