IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Thank you dear... Yes, she had mastectomy 6 years ago and she's been cancer free ever since. 5 years of medications took a toll on her quality of life though, but the tough lady is bouncing back of late. The prospect of relocating to Colorado is cheering her to no end.


  Oh I'm so happy, I know what the medication does to the body but with time she will  be back to normal.   One of my dear friends had a double masttectomy and also had a rough time but with time got back to her bouncy normal self. :)  Colorado is a beautiful place now wonder it's cheering her up. :)  Give her a  big huge hug from me. :D  (F) (L) (F)


                                                                                     t4582.gif t5063.gif                        

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 22:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Not LPR per se, but the IV you got last time is your last visa, unless you got an non-IV issued recently. As for last 5 US visits, I'm not sure... logically, from POE date till last exit from US that terminated LPR status should be a single "visit". However, I'm guessing background checks will utilize the CBP electronic entry/exit logs which means you should list the last 5 trips to the US regardless of status.

Please let us know when you find a definite answer.



I had the same chest/heart pain for months after my wife was diagnosed with cancer. At one point, my left arm went numb as well. Fearing the worst I went to the ER and had EKG and was reassured of good heart health. Turned out stress does that to you sometimes. Definitely go to the ER if you feel left arm/shoulder numbness or shortness of breath.


  OMG I'm so sorry your sweet wife had cancer but I'm guessing and thus happy she is cancer free, thank God.  :)   (F) (L) (F)



  Hahaha OMG my face both arms and left leg was going numb and I'm not a hypochondriac so I know it's stress.   OMG I"m going to call right now, serve dinner to my parents then go to sleep I hope. :( I'm totally wiped out.  Don't be shocked if you see me back. :rofl: :rofl:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 20:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread



Oh, so sorry to hear that!   :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


I almost passed out when I found out that I got transferred to NSC (Nebraska Service Center) at the USCIS stage.   :crying:


  Not me, I almost passed out when they transferred us out to NVC, thought that nightmare would never end. :(  Boy everyone transfered to that H E LL whole and NVC should be given  free pass out of Immigration and two passes each to either Disney LAND the one and only original or the Disney in Florida. :D  (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 20:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Im glad to know u at least talked to a supervisor and Silvia has had good reviews from ppl here. Hope u hear back soon or u should try calling on friday to follow up. Best of luck my friend!

And once u get official CC you'll forget all about NVC heartache. You've been waiting so long and deserve CC TODAY!!

Praying for u my friend and keep us updated.

Vj really needs to come up with an App or live streaming that gives instant notifications like skype or viber. ??


     Thank you, she didn't seem that nice but not mean either, but then the only thing that really matters is if she does her job and helps us out.  I can live with out nice if people get things done.  


      I'll tell you Maria, I wont forget about this until I know I'm out for sure.  Thank you for your prayers my friend they mean the world to me more precious than diamonds. :) You are also in my prayers and wont stop until your out of here. :)    Yes they need to fix this but I think they like it this way. (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 19:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I think Saylin on the other NVC thread can probably help you.   :idea:


This thread is more like for moral support and ranting.  LOL   :rofl:  :rofl:

  But if someone here can help we will, I've seen questions go unanswered at the other thread.  So this thread can serve as a safety net of sorts. :) (L)


You are not been dramatic sweetie. I had a sharp pain in my heart after I called and got the bad news from JIM and I almost passed out. Am still feeling the pain in my heart right now.

  Please be very careful, if you get any worse or feel short of breath you need to go to the ER. :(   (L)



I am soooo sorry. How much pain can these idiots inflict on you? If anyone deserves a CC it should be you. USCIS. NVC

And god knows the interview. I can only feel your pain and to god this nightmare will be over for you soon. I hope this AOS issue be solved soon and you get your CC and a quick interview, and your love be in your arms.

With gods speed  INCHAA ALLAH. There always a reason for how and why things happens only gods knows.


Very soon very soon dear 

 Shoukran, Insha'AllahI agree there must be a reason, they say not even the leaf of a tree moves without the will of God. ;) (L)  Thank you for your sweet and  kind words there is a big group of us what have been tested by fire, God willing we all get our chance quickly to get back to our lives. :)  God bless you.

hello all

I think i just got a false check list for my AOS.  Nothing sepecific Here is a snapshot. 






______CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS:_________________________________

When responding to the National Visa Center, please include the bar code sheet that came with this

letter. Failure to include the bar code sheet may cause a delay in the processing of your case.

The barcode sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to the address provided.


PLEASE NOTE: No interview will be scheduled until ALL of the information requested has been

returned to the National Visa Center.


______1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________

All traveling immigrant visa applicants on your case are required to complete and submit the DS-260

Online Immigrant Visa Application. Even if you previously filled out a DS-230, Application for

Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Form, you now must complete the DS-260 in order to be eligiblefor a visa interview.





SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 19:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

25th aug i completed Ds261 , when will i get iv bill guys ? Any idea ?

it suppose to show in nvc website right ? You think i should call?


  Oh yes call I think you should be close to being able to pay it but it's always best to call,  I'll be praying you get good news. :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 15:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Jim didn't allow me speak with a supervisor. He said he will pull my file and send it for a supervisor review. He told me to call back after one and half week. Then l called back and spoke with Carl and he gave me a different version story. He said my package is not reviewed yet, lf its not yet reviewed, how in the world did Jim know about the death certificate. l'll have my hubby call again tonight after work. l just hope l won't pass out with this trauma NVC is putting me thru.


  Honestly  EOC not to sound dramatic but I almost passed out twice in the last two days and find myself trying to catch my breath.  This has never happened to me before.:(


  I wish we could take them to court for this, I take that back I just never want to have to deal with them EVER AGAIN!  t23160.gif

Im still waiting for for my iv bill


  Did you call?  

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 15:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Quietly waiting....


Waiting sucks...!


'picks up pin and sticks in eye'

  NO, no only if it's a Rep :D   voodoo-smiley-emoticon.gif   One of the bad ones that is. (L)


I called and spoke with Jim, told me to expect a checklist email today or tomorrow. He said the death certificate submitted didn't pass their review. He said I have to get another original, I told him that's the original death certificate. He said he will have to pull the file again and pass it on for a supervisor review. I asked if I can talk to a supervisor he said FOR WHAT? He said I should call back in a week and half.

Am so devastated  I couldn't stop crying and he just told me to call back next week.

   OMG EOC I'm so very sorry what the h ell is going on.  I'm sorry I think they are doing all this on purpose and this is just cruel :( Call again get another Rep, I used to like Jim what an A hole he turned out to be. :cry:  Praying all will be fixed sweet heart. :( (L) (L)



I called again and spoke with Carl, he told me that my package have not been reviewed yet, he said they are still within their 60days time frame. I explained to him that I called earlier and spoke with Jim and he made mention about a checklist list, he said he can see that my IV package have not been reviewed yet. I asked him when can I call back, he said any time I like, then he said I can call back by the end of this week.

I don't know what to belief anymore.

   OMG I Know exactly how you feel, my heart breaks for you but I know this will be fixed did you talk to a supervisor?  I'm praying this is fixed quickly. (L) (L)




You and Soloenta seem to be magnets for NVC retards. It would've been funny if it weren't for the 60-day wait specter. I sincerely hope you two will get knowledgeable and compassionate supervisors.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  TY :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 14:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

First week of June filer here and just got a checklist so just praying to get the interview till dec. the first half of 2013 filers got officially screwed.

OMG Samreen I'm so sorry, what the h ell is going on?  Did they say they will let you take the corrected one to the interview?  OMG this is horrible. (L) (L) 

Your in my prayers sweet heart. :(   OMG you scared me I thought it was another one, BAD, BAD SAMREEN!  :P



Ok so here it comes guys!!! My AOS was reviewed yesterday and I have a checklist coming to my email....


The error is in Part 3, Item 7 "Enter the total number of immigrants you are sponsoring on this form from Items 1 through 6"). I have entered 1 for Item 7 under Part 3 since I have marked 'Yes' for item 1 under Part 3("I am sponsoring the principal immigrant named in Part 2"). Someone please let me know what needs to be corrected here...... :crying:


Please note my wife the petitioner is not employed with 0 income and we have a sole joint sponsor who makes well above the financial requirements.

  OMG I'm so sorry, I can't see anything wrong with that unless your supposed to add yourself?  So it would make it Two? (L)  (L)  Please call and ask for a supervisor.



SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 14:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I am so sorry to hear your bad news, Soloenta.

All my support and encouragement for you.

Besides trying to contact to a NVC´s supervisor, explore another options.

Last Saturday evening we sent a letter to the American Ambassador to Madrid complaining about how unfair all this process is. Especially in comparison to other visas (K1, adjustment of status from a tourist visa or F1 visa, etc) and other immigration programs (DACA, for instance). This is a real punishment to families, creating insecurity, defenceless and a deprivation of a basic right.

The embassy has the power to claim for your file and give a final resolution. Furthermore, thery are going to end up the process through the personal interview.


I don´t want to get my hopes up, cause I still feel myself lucky (I am a January 2014 filer), but I do believe that if there is a chance, it is by doing this. If we hadnt sent the letter, we wouldnt ever have had a chance at all.


  Thank you so much Altito and you have to do what you have to do.  I hope and pray the Ambassador helps you.   I fear everything at the Egyptian Embassy I'll wait to see how it goes with you.  Your in my prayers and ty again my friend. :)  t5063.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Soloenta! I am so sorry to hear ur bad news u got this morning. Try calling first thing tomorrow morng and DEMAND to speak to a u rememver the name of the supervisor that was gonna "Review" ur docs? If u dont its ok, i heard from other ppl here on VJ that Supervisor Silvia is there in the morngs and is really good. U should call and specifically ask for her and just tell the NVC Rep she told u to call her tuesday morning. Then hopefully they will transfer u over to her. If not, ask to speak to the call center Director if no supervisors are available. I worked at a call center and usually when people are upset they'd get transfered to supervisors and if a supervisor didnt resolve issue it would go to the director and at that time IT GOT HANDLED RIGHT AWAY. Of course its a little different here since its NVC & also scared they may "loose" one of ur docs. I am just really really sad how NVC messes with ppl going thru this process and we even pay to be treated this way ??????. As everyone on this thread, I will be praying for u my friend and remember God has control of everything. LET'S ALL SAY A SPECIAL PRAYER FOR SOLOENTA TONIGHT SO THAT SHE SPEAKS TO A SUPERVISOR TOMORROW WHEN SHE CALLS AND GETS CONFIRMATION OF A CC.

We're here for u my dear friend. All will be ok and God will help us all going thru this horrible process.


  I called and the rep didn't understand her name after I explained all the  c r a p  from day one she checked then said she would check with a supervisor.  Came back no one has looked at my case it's just sitting there, she said put in another request will take up to 30 days.  I asked what supervisor did you talk to, she said Silvia I said please let me talk to her and she didn't hesitate.    So I asked the supervisor after filling her in to please not make me wait 30 days.   She said she would call me back but nothing yet.  I have no idea what will happen but God was on my side at least I know this supervisor might help me out.  But I don't think in time for an earlier interview.   Which is ok. 



    Thank you every one for your prayers. t4582.gift4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Soloenta! I am so sorry to hear ur bad news u got this morning. Try calling first thing tomorrow morng and DEMAND to speak to a u rememver the name of the supervisor that was gonna "Review" ur docs? If u dont its ok, i heard from other ppl here on VJ that Supervisor Silvia is there in the morngs and is really good. U should call and specifically ask for her and just tell the NVC Rep she told u to call her tuesday morning. Then hopefully they will transfer u over to her. If not, ask to speak to the call center Director if no supervisors are available. I worked at a call center and usually when people are upset they'd get transfered to supervisors and if a supervisor didnt resolve issue it would go to the director and at that time IT GOT HANDLED RIGHT AWAY. Of course its a little different here since its NVC & also scared they may "loose" one of ur docs. I am just really really sad how NVC messes with ppl going thru this process and we even pay to be treated this way ??????. As everyone on this thread, I will be praying for u my friend and remember God has control of everything. LET'S ALL SAY A SPECIAL PRAYER FOR SOLOENTA TONIGHT SO THAT SHE SPEAKS TO A SUPERVISOR TOMORROW WHEN SHE CALLS AND GETS CONFIRMATION OF A CC.

We're here for u my dear friend. All will be ok and God will help us all going thru this horrible process.


    Thank you so much Maria your such a sweet heart, you have no idea how much I appreciate your words and prayers and those of our VJ family I am eternally in your debt. (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 02:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


18 MONTHS!!??   :wow:  April, 2013!!??   :wow:   AND No RFE or checklists!!??   :wow:


I really hope you get a CC this week!   :star:  I really don't want you to have any checklists since you've been waiting for too long.   :thumbs:



Soloenta is another filer who has been waiting since May, 2013.   :crying:


OMG!  I thought most of the May, 2013 filers were done with NVC!    :cry:



LOL!  If NVC employees worked last weekend, we would have had tons of CCs today!   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:



What!?   :wow:   Another May, 2013 filer still at NVC!?   :wow:   What's going on?   :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


             Actually since first week of March 2013........................................... smiley-sick014.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 00:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Sorry about this. You have been so a wonderful person. I pray you get all of these NVC issues behind you soon. :clock:. Please stay strong

  Thank you my friend I'll do my best and I thank you for your prayers more than you know. :)  God bless you and all the people at VJ. (L) (L)


  "You have been so a wonderful person"   It is only the reflection of all of you shining on me. :)  I am forever grateful. (F) (L) (F)


No no no. This cannot be. I am SO very sorry sweetie but it will come very soon. I still have a few pages of catching up to do here so will wait with baited breath for some good news.

  Oh your always so sweet and kind thank you so much.   I hope it will be soon, time will tell, nothing today but will call in the morning and then let everyone know. :) (L) (L)



Please don't be too surprised.... I am another April 2013 filer with no RFE or checklists (until now)... It's been 18 long months and I am still holding tight hoping for a CC.... My last scan date is July 30. I don't think I can survive a checklist at this stage... :cry:  :cry:

  OMG it has to be your turn, next, for all April 2013 Filers. :(  God I know the feeling so well!  (L) (L)



LETS HAVE A VIRTUAL CELEBRATION PARTY WHEN SOLENTA GET CC!!! I don't think anyone has ever been through so much on this thread!!! I have been on this entire journey for 5 month and I feEl exhausted. sHARE YOUR IDEAS

  Hahaa your just to cute for words hahahaa you made me smile and laugh thank you for that ;).  God bless and keep you safe and strong. :D  (L) (L)


SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 00:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hang in there dear! It should be any day now hopefully

  Thank you my friend, I'm praying it's soon. :) (L) (L)


so sorry Soloenta,  I was following your case and I was so happy that you had cc.....sorry to know the bad news, NVC is doing a terrible work, I really hate them... I have two checklists but like you said God is with us, dont worry everything will be fine :)

  Oh thank you I know you were, yes NVC has much to be desired and I wonder if they do this on purpose as paranoid as that may sound.

  They honestly need more workers, not sure how they do it but work in groups, like some only check, checklists this really needs to be done much quicker but as I said I wonder how much of this is done on purpose.    Wishing you and everyone a very smooth end to this madness. :) (L) (L)



Our experience in getting a supervisor on the phone was like drawing blood from stone :D and the one supervisor we finally got was like "meh, don't care". It's funny looking back, but was really distressing at the time x.x I hope we don't have to do all that again with my IV package.

 Same here only time I get help by one of them is if the Rep decides on their own. :( (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 00:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Soloenta I just read ur post and I feel out of words and totally disgusted!! But after what happened with romii's case I think I have faith that supervisors are actually fast and u will soon get a case complete and a nov interview iA. I really can't believe to the levels they can go to torture us. They have no limits whatsoever.

   Thank you my friend I will keep you all updated on whats going on.   You know Samreen I had a feeling deep down that something was wrong from the very first call I just couldn't get over the feeling that I didn't have a CC.  Very strange feeling I can't begin to describe. :)   (L)  (L)


Dear Soloenta,

I am speechless after reading your post. How is this possible?!?! Holding a good thought for you and for a speedy CC. Stay strong and dont give up faith that things will work out at the end, even after a delay. . I try to type something to console you and there is just Nothing I can say that will make sense in light of what is happening with you, NVC, with all of us and NVC.Praying we are all out of this hell hole very soon.

I was at the airport yesterday meeting my in-laws, who came to visit us for a month. We waited for about an hour and I had a chance to people watch. I watched the eyes, and happy faces, and the smiles of people seeing their loved ones, and I couldnt help it but get teary eyed. This too will happen to all of us very soon: we will take a rush trip to the airport to pick up our husbands, wives, mothers, and maybe just maybe the joy we feel while hugging them for a first time will heal the pain we feel now

  When the rep told me no CC I was speechless, I didn't know what to say but quickly recovered. Thank you for your prayers and those of every ones they are worth more than diamonds. :) (L) (L)


  More amazing and beautiful words I have never heard spoken before,  I think your right we just may forget all of this if that day ever comes. :) Thank you for the magnificent words and thoughts.  :)



No CC!?    :wow:   Sorry to hear that!   :cry:  


If I were you, I would call them everyday trying to talk to a supervisor.  I suggest that you call them in the morning and try to speak to Supervisor Sylvia.   :idea:


I had no problem talking to a supervisor.  I talked to Supervisor Sylvia, Octavio, and Ike when I was trying to get the IV fee invoice.  NVC operators transferred my calls to them without any hesitation.    :star:


I remember jsummner waited for a supervisor to review his case for 30 days.  He got impatient and finally called them up and demanded that he talked to a supervisor.  Then, he found out that nobody was reviewing his case!   I believe Supervisor Sylvia finally took care of it.   :thumbs:


   I'm sorry if I answered you my mind is in a fog and can't think,  but I will do as you say Austin not sure how much luck I'll have but I will give it my best until something happens.  Have written the names down so I'll make sure to ask for them. :) (L) (L)


Yea supervisor Sylvia unlocked my IV fees after like 60 something days and then supervisor Ike helped me with my marriage certificate.

Sylvia is usually there in the mornings and Ike is in the evening, around 4 to 5 PM.

Yea I think it depends on the supervisors. Supervisor Ike helped me with mine, he sounded very nice and calm. He was very professional and although he asked me to wait the entire week, he literally had it sorted by the next business day.

   Thank you so much for the information :) will help me a lot. (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-23 00:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Those m#th@r f$ck@rs!!!! I'm so sorry. But I would definitely try to get through to another supervisor. Did they say it wouldn't do any good because it's in a specific persons hands and you can't talk to them? Why is that true now when you were able to speak with another supervisor to clear up the AOS issue they kept bringing up? This is so frustrating and I'm so sorry to hear this! Thinking of you today my dear!


I called today just because I hadn't called in a week and they tried to tell me it would be an additional 60 days form the submission of my DS-260 no matter when I sent my IV documents, that it would all be reviewed separately as they arrive. They clearly have no consistent leadership and information because everyone you speak with gives a different answer. Ridiculous.

  Thank you Molly, I was so depressed I pretty much slept all day and no one in my family knows about this. I just couldn't bare to open my mouth and speak the words. :(

   Yes they did say it's in a specific supervisors hands and in another building (they think we're stupid)  so another supervisor could do nothing.  I missed calling today because I just slept  but will make sure to call this morning and see what I can find out. :(


   Thank you for thinking of me :) (L) (L)


hey soleonta, please don't be sad. Nvc is just a piece of s***, your case complete is on the way ok. keep cool and relax, you know we here on vj are pulling for you.

  Awww yes I know Ebu I'm trying my best to relax and stay calm.  Insha'Allah all will be well. :) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 23:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Just so you guys know where NVC is i had a Case Complete on Friday Sept.19. Scan date July 29. Found out this morning.


  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh what wonderful news, I'm so very happy for you wow so excited for you !




SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 23:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Am just so short of words because I really don't know what to say about this. Am so sorry sweetie, am sure it Will be sorted soon. I really don't knoW what to say.


  Thank you my friend I know how you feel. (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 12:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread



Hang on Soloenta!!  Don't let them grind you down.... Almost there!


  Thank you so much Kanuk, doing my best to fight it back but not easy to do.  Thank you. :) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 12:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Eoc4ever hi girl, don't worry my dear, you will soon get that famous cc. I know you will make the November appt, and will be with your husband before Christmas. You, soloenta, and samreen continue to have faith. I am praying every day for you guys.

Thank you I truly appreciate it :) God bless you . (L)


WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT..... w-t-f is going on.
Im soooo sorry for you soloenta !!!
Cant believe this sh..
Sending good vibes to you and NVC for a CC today !!!

  Thank you I can't believe it either. I do appreciate your kind words.  (L) 


Just received the 60 days mail ..... receive date documents NVC august 11 !!
Finally.... felt left out :rofl: :rofl:

Hahahahaa well happy that made your day ;)(L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 12:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Oh my god Soloenta!!! I find this difficult to even read.... This is absolute B**S**!!! from NVC.... You surely must find a way to speak to a supervisor and get this cleared (Give them the name of the NVC reps and supervisors who confirmed your CC over phone last week).... Stay strong buddy. We all are with you. I still believe your case is complete.....


   Awww thank you I really appreciate it and I did just as you said but they said there is no use talking to another supervisor because it's in a supervisors hands. :(  I don't believe  a word they say.  I hope and pray this doesn't happen to anyone else but that is just a dream. :( (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 12:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I'm so sorry soloenta! This is complete torture! I can't believe NVC is taking such a simple matter to such an extent! This just broke my heart seriously! :(

Please stay strong! Don't give up nor lose your hope! InshAllah This will all be resolved. I know it must be very hard, but please keep calling them until they let you speak to a supervisor. Don't give up! You need to collect all your strength and keep your head up!

We all support you and are praying for you! May Allah help you overcome this obstacle very very soon inshAllah. Ameen.

Please stay strong!! :)

(L) Thank you my friend.


Now that it's under supervisor review, I believe it's just a matter of hours or a day for you to have an official CC.... Please stay strong.


We all are with you!!!

Thank you I hope so :) I appreciate that (L)


WTH!!!!! THIS is absolute BS!!! I am so sorry Soloenta. BUt you know what. I am going to pray for you and keep praying until you get a case complete. It will happen sooner rather than later. I know it! 




  Thank you my friend, I was hesitant I felt there was something wrong, I just hope this doesn't take forever. :( (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 12:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Oh my god Soloenta!!! I find this difficult to even read.... This is absolute B**S**!!! from NVC.... You surely must find a way to speak to a supervisor and get this cleared (Give them the name of the NVC reps and supervisors who confirmed your CC over phone last week).... Stay strong buddy. We all are with you. I still believe your case is complete.....


   Awww thank you I really appreciate it and I did just as you said but they said there is no use talking to another supervisor because it's in a supervisors hands. :(  I don't believe  a word they say.  I hope and pray this doesn't happen to anyone else but that is just a dream. :( (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 08:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how devastating it must be to have this taken away from you when you thought you were done at last... just hold on  (L) Everyone here is rooting for you and will help you hang in there 'til the end. You're a day closer every day, and you will definitely get there. Sending lots of warm thoughts and virtual hugs your way. 


  Thank you very much I truly appreciateit. (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

   Spoke to Reese and what a B she is said I DO NOT HAVE A CASE COMPLETE  that it's under Supervisor Review to get it complete and can take up to 30 days to get this done.  But she didn't think it would take that long. 


    I called again right away and spoke to Torry nicer but of no help and said the same your case is not Case Complete and it's in the hands of a Supervisor asked if I could talk to them the obvious NO we are not in the same department and they don't take calls. 



    This is the reason I hesitated to say I had a Case Complete, right now my heart sank to my feet and all I can do is sit there and stare at the VJ page.  I should have known better but of course I let my guard down and let myself believe this was almost over with.   God only knows how long this will take a day or weeks.  God be with us all. :cry:


    Even to those who are lurking and happy to see this, I wish you no harm but a speedy process.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 08:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hey guys!  I've been reading but really busy the last couple of days moving my parents to their new home. I've basically been crawling into bed at night falling asleep while trying to get caught up on the threads!


So we finally completed the DS-260 two nights ago. It's been a challenge to carve out the time we needed to be on FaceTime together and get through all of it! I knew it would take a while but that was rough! So glad that's behind us and we just have to wait for everything to be reviewed... and hopefully a CC with NO checklist!!!! That would be amazing. The AOS got approved last Monday and I really hope NVC can start to speed up their timeline. Scan date for IV is Sept 2.



   I'm praying you get a Case Complete soon and now rest you deserve it. (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 08:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Today is Sunday (not Monday)!  LOL   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


How come you're still having a sleeping problem?   :huh2:


You got a CC so you should be able to relax a bit!   :thumbs:




(L)  Because they told me something is wrong with the AOS and I know the last one I sent was perfect.   Also I wont feel it's real until I actually get an e-mail or see the N/A instead of Paid because I can't trust them as far as I can throw them. :D   I'm also paranoid about the Egyptian Embassy because if they treated a US citizen like myself with such rudeness and total lack of respect and most of all their reputation for putting Muslims in AP for up to 18 months or longer.   I wont be able to sleep until I'm on the plane with my husband and out the door of the Airport at POE. :(   So please my dear friend keep us in your prayers. :) (L) (L) :cry: TY

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-22 00:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Soloenta you are in my prayers along with others.


t4582.gif Thank you so much. :) t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-21 15:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

  It's only one day I don't think it matters much I would use the 18 Th  Woooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo  praying all goes well and you wont have to wait over 60 days. :D (L)

Yes, my scan date is sept 18th & hope we dont wait 60days since NVC has been picking up the pace. We still need to keep praying so NVC goes back to the old 30day timeframe they previously had. ??
I agree with Maria, she's usually right. :D (L)

Awww thank u but i learn from all the wonderful people in here ??


Hehehe you are usually right. :D  t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-21 14:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Awwww ((((((Hugsss))))))) sweety! You should rest a bit! I did manage to sleep after a while.

InshAllah you're getting the long awaited email very very soon! So rest assured that this nightmare will soon be over. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Oh and VJ should have a live streaming feature, where all of us can sit around and talk it all out....that way we'll have a recollection of what we said and did the entire day!! :rofl: :rofl:


Hehehee I will but my husband said I'll call you later and when he says that I can't sleep.  OMG I'm such a mess hahaha thank you sweetie and I'm happy you were able to sleep some.:)


I hope so or at least would love to finally see the Paid go to N/A that would be so majorly cool. :D 


Oh, oh I would love that chat in real time.  There is Skype or Yahoo. 

:dance: :yes: :dance:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-21 09:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Why am I still up? It's almost midnight and here I am reading consulate reviews. :clock:

Waiting sure isn't easy! :clock: :clock:


  You still up because I am hahahaha and didn't sleep at all last night and almost passed out, was it yesterday or today?  OMG someone is going to have to walk around taping me so I can go back to see what I've done hahaa :rofl:graphics-camera-304636.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-21 03:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Thank you so much!!!  That means so much


Thanks so much!  Congratulations on your interview, I'm so glad it went well for you.



Wanna hear something funny?  When Gus told me case complete, I just about did a cartwheel I was so excited.  I wanted to shout it from the hilltops, I wanted to announce it to the world.  And then I realized... 95% of the people I tell would be like, "Case complete... does that mean you are moving now?"  No, not exactly, but still it is awesome news.  So happy to be able to share it with people who can actually understand what it's all about!


   Hahahaaa I know the few I tell just look at me with a blank stare hahahaa. But wont be really excited until I get the e-mail, I just don't trust them at ALL!     :no:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-20 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Well my mood is crushed. Just checked the mail, for some reason the postal service figured I wanted my IV package back. Big sticker on it saying 'Rejected' but no reasoning or w/e on it.
I sent it through regular snail mail since.. I figured I had plenty of time with my AOS still being under review and what not, now I'm going by the postal office on monday and ask what got into their bloody mind to return it to me and overnighting it to the NVC.


Guess my dream of being with my wife for Christmas is now a lot less likely to come true.


  Never ever lose hopeif you can't amke it for Christmas then the New Year is  good Month :D  At least you will be together!  I'll be praying NVC speeds up so you will be home for Christmas.  Please keep us posted. (F) (F) Roses for your wife. :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-20 19:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread



This made me so teary eyed. You are such a sweetheart. I just feel like i'm teetering on the edge of a huge panic attack/melt down. In May I didn't get out of bed or eat for 2 weeks due to anxiety over this. Saying goodbye and driving away from the airport will be one of the hardest days of my life. 


I just need a volcano in Iceland to erupt and stop air travel so I can keep him here!  :rofl:


If I get a checklist, I honestly have no idea how I will cope. I will lose my PhD candidacy and not see my husband -- it's too much to think about.  :cry:


  Just a thought, there are people that stay illegally in the UK, why can't your husband just forget where the airport is? :D


   Hummm can we drop something in the volcano? :D 


  How about an expedite, please check your inbox :D 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-20 13:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Thanks Soloenta. It makes me so angry and I just don't get it. To be literally told by an immigration judge to quit my PhD and start one in the US, when i'm a British citizen and have lived here for 24 out of 28 years of my life, is just disgusting. Any foreign student in my department is permitted to have their spouse with them, likewise any other EU citizen (non-British) has the right to live here with their EU spouse or their foreign spouse. Why am I denied the right in my own country? Most importantly, why is my dual US/British citizen daughter not allowed to have her father here?! I could understand if I wasn't working or if my husband was flagged for something but the only reason they give is because I gave birth to my daughter in the US and therefore I should live there. It's so petty! I'm so angry. I wanted more time with my family here and wanted to make the choice to go to the US or not. 


I'm struggling with the thought of my husband leaving and going back home. I feel pathetic. Most of you wonderful people on here have been separated from your spouse for such a long time and i'm whining about a few months. I think the main issue though, other my daughter being heartbroken, is the fact that it's forced. If he were moving back for a job and to get our lives situated I would feel so much better. Instead, we have to go to the airport for him to be given his passport and watched to make sure he gets on a plane. It's evil and I feel like I can't handle it. I haven't done anything wrong and neither has he yet we're being punished. Sooooo many women in his position have been granted permission to stay because they clearly value motherhood over fatherhood. Furthermore, men earn more here and are more likely to be able to meet the financial requirements. 


I'm so sorry for the rant but I honestly don't know how i'm going to drop him off at the airport, see my daughter cry and not want to punch or yell at the immigration officer. If I had my US citizenship I would probably lose my mind at them, but my fear of this IR-1 being denied means I have to just sit by and watch my life ripped from me. Now i'm sounding over dramatic, but due to some previous life struggles I have been plagued with an anxiety disorder and agoraphobia. He's my rock and whenever I can't leave the house, he has always taken over for me. The UK government told me that because i've always had anxiety, I should know how to cope. #######. I just hate this place more than anything. 


Sorry again. You are all so strong. Hopefully some of the strength in this forum can rub off on me because right now I have none. 


:cry:  :ranting:


 I wish I was there to give you a big hug and look into your eyes and tell you WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, SORRY FOR THE RANT! That's what this thread is for and if anyone has the right to rant it's you.  All governments seem to be the same with some exceptions.  I know very well how unfair they can be.  You have to wonder how they get to these conclusions.  I'll tell you here in the USA  they would have let your husband stay they take anxiety and agoraphobia seriously, but I think that might be the only difference.  I also find the inequality of men and women disturbing, most women cry they aren't equal but men are the ones that suffer when it comes to family as in your case and mainly in divorce.


  I totally understand your anguish when it comes to being pushed to do something against your will, our lives are in the hands of strangers (immigration) who don't care or know us at all.    For now we are in their hands but soon God willing we will have our lives back. 


   Yes we have waited a long time but it doesn't make your pain any less nor do I think your whining at all.  Your pain and anguish is just as valid as ours and your little one well poor sweet baby but soon her heart will heal and forget about this nightmare.  Please remember we are always here for you to listen and if possible try to help.


    You're in my prayers and in the prayers of many here I know, these are the most wonderful people I have met and we will get you through this. :) God bless you and many prayers going your way. :)             t5063.gif


SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-20 06:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I was just happy because finally I went out off NVC, and I was, the only thing I have to worry I already have it with me, and then, boom! I-864A checklist, and now I'm just worried because I don't understand a thing about AoS and etc, so I don't know if they must send a new AoS to me, or just the I-864A.



They did the same thing to me and I know the AOS has to be perfect so nothing in the mail yet to post here but if you have it please copy and paste it here with out your information just the body of the e-mail. :)  I'll do the same. :D (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-20 03:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Thanks so much!!! We are over the moon   :joy:


Last scan date was August 8, but I'm thinking maybe they reviewed the docs all together on the AOS scan date 7/21, that was what my 60 day letter said.  Who knows with NVC... I called to ask about my AOS and was shocked and amazed when Gus told me I have a case complete!




Maybe, maybe not, they may have gone by my AOS scan date since we are EP.  It would be nice to see lots more cases complete soon though, this has been a blockbuster week!!!


LOVE the fireworks!!!!!  I am still a bit in shock and amazement that this time they are for ME!!!!  I still can't wipe the silly grin off my face even as I am typing, thank you all so much for all of your help and support here on VJ, couldn't have done it without such a wonderful group!


(L)  My honor and pleasure !  :)  (L)  Now for your interview date. :) Praying it will be soon.



   Have a great weekend every one let's all pray for more miracles for next week. :D  t0803.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-20 00:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Heeey sis! Let's go to "Sampa" haha It's like the Brazilian NY...but I'm much more a beach girl, so the only reason why I'm excited about it is because it's a family trip :)))

I hope by the time I come back you'll have your interview scheduled!
Many many kisses!


  Awww thank you hermanita, I hope so and family trips are the BEST, funny how we South American's can have fun with very little huh.  Well just the same hope you have a lot of everything. :D Would love to check out Sampa :D    I have this beautiful hammock from Brazil wow magnificent. :D  Did you guys know that the Hammock is from the Amazon?  So is Chocolate actually Cacao, Tapioca and Achote called Annato in some places all OURS :D also potatoes and tomatoes. :D   Let's Samba girl!  Couldn't find anyone but Ronaldinho dancing the Samba hahahaha ;)  LOVE HIM!  Kisses and hugs to you :)

Edited by Soloenta, 19 September 2014 - 11:40 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-19 23:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Just got off the phone with GUS at the NVC... oh Gus, sweet Gus... the NICEST rep I've ever talked to...


He was nice even before I gave him my case number...


but once he looked at my file, he became my favorite person in all of NVCdom...



:joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:   :joy:CASE COMPLETE :joy: :joy:  :joy: :joy:   :joy: :joy:   :joy:


  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CONGRATULATIONS SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU.  OMG what great new Just can't tell you how happy I am.  What a great week it has been, please GOD don't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-19 23:27:00