IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Sorry, just clarifying.

 -- "yes before we used to do that" do what? sending AOS and IV package together or sending the two separately?

-- "but NVC just changed the rules" what rule was changed? before it was together and not separate or the other way around?

Please clarify. 



  Sorry about that, yes we used to send the AOS when the bill came due and paid it then sent them off and waited for the IV to come due and pay it. 



 The rule they changed is I think after Sept 12-2014 both fees will be payable and you get to send both the AOS and IV in together.


   :D Before you sent them in seperately


      Now or after Sept 12 Th you send them in together. :D 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 00:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

ugh. I seriously hope that price increase actually helps them solve some of this backlog, otherwise we are paying 95 dollars more for nothing! My five business days from when they said they reviewed my ds261 is on the 11th so I hope we get that day. It's cutting it really close!


  I think they have paties with the extra money and find interesting ways to hold us up and lose our documents.  I saddly don't think it will make a bit of a difference. :(  And I think it's more like $127 dollars both fees are going up AOS and IV.  What a crime, I pray all goes well for you. (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 00:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hi All,

How come that in the NVC website, the instruction is to send the AOS and IV docs in one package?

But from what I see in this forum, seems everyone is sending the AOS and IV independently or separately.

Why is that?


   Yes before we used to do that but NVC just changed the rules I read not long ago in this thread and now they are both being sent together and the prices are going up Sept 12 Th I believe.  I think it's best to send them both together and I think they will be reviewing them together also not 100% sure.   (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Inshallah, I hope so! I am praying for you, too, dear friend! <3


  Thank you so much :) as I am for you my dear friend as I am for you and yesssssssssssssssssss Insha'Allah   t0803.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 21:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Yeah, I have been here, lol. I just have not been able to log on! I am hoping for a CC with no checklist some time soon. You and I submitted our docs around the same time, so I am wishing you luck, my friend! :D


   Thank you very much and wishing and praying you get your CC this week. :) you just never know we just might finally get lucky and there is a nice size group of us with the same time frame.   How wonderful would that be a flood of CC's. :D 


    Thrilled you can post again. :D 







Edited by Soloenta, 07 September 2014 - 08:44 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 20:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

SWEEET!!! I've been planning on a CC by mid October, but looking at Saylin's spreadsheet, the average time from last scan to CC is 42 days which puts me at CC on September 24th!!! that would be awesome. But with the fact that I was at USCIS for just over 10 months tells me that my luck isnt average but I can still hope without exagerating!


Just thought I'd get that out there   :joy:


   Hahahaha that was cute and I think you will get your wish.  Despite what everyone thinks, I think NVC is slowly catching up.  So keep your fingers and toes crossed and say your prayers.  We are all praying for each other and it works. :D  m0113.gifm0113.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 20:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I applied online..filled out the form and uploaded it on their website.. do you know when my husband can go pick it up? He's planning on going on tuesday. I don't know if they will have it ready by then.  :unsure:  :unsure:


    I'm not an expert but there are countries that still have arranged marriages and I do believe India is one of  them.  If so I would think they would expect this and not think anything of it.  


    But the more proof you have of a Bona Fide marriage you have the better as in wedding pictures letters, Skype conversations I just click on PrtScm/Sys Rq next to the Scroll Lock on my keyboard then bring up Paint click on paste upper left hand of Paint you will see the picture of Skype conversation, to make it smaller, click resize put 50% to bring down the size then click on button above Paste button and click on Save-As save it to a folder then print it out and send via mail to ( I sent to NVC) but you can wait to send it to the Embassy when you get to that point.   Also cell conversations but I had no luck with that :(  cell phone companies didn't even respond to me.   Pictures of gifts he sent you and you can also have friends write letters about you to and there interaction with you.   Better if they are US citizens. 



    Anyone know how to get phone records?  I failed at this. :cry:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 19:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Happy to see you are here still. I had lost my password and just now retrieved it :)


  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO was wondering what happened to you so very happy your back.  Hey put that password in a safe place please. :D 



SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 19:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Thank You..It was a little helpful..I have like a million questions running around in my head  :unsure: :help:


  Then why not post all your questions on a new thread on the India Portal?  I bet you would get tons of answers. :D   Let us know.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 02:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Those of you who have sent IV package please tell me where did you get the police certificate from? police station or passport office? can they accept the police certificate at the interview time? please help 


  Found this hope it helps you out. :)












  General Search link,


SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 01:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Try to take it one day at a NVC...tomorrow wait for interview date +preparation for interview questions...then LAST ....AP. Hope no one here gets that. But its a HUGE IMPROVEMENT!! And of course I'll be right behind you ;)


  Your right I'll do my bestestestest to do just that.  Thank you my friend. :D  Yikes didn't think this would EVER happen. :)   

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 00:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


:rofl:  We both have the same or similar received/scan date so we'll hear from NVC at the same time.   :content:


We'll probably hear from them in the week of Sept 15th assuming they're awake at the NVC office.   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  Hahahahahaa I hope Don's right and we get some news in no more than two weeks. :D  OMG that's so funny!  

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 00:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


Not so fast!    :no:   They now go by the date they received your package (rather than the scan date)!   :rofl:


Remember the 60-day email from NVC?  The date in the letter was July 22nd because that's when they received my IV package.    :content:


   Are you kidding me my brain is fried NO I DON'T REMEMBER HAHAHhahahaaa :P   Oh ok then it's all good cause my tracking date from USPS was that exact date NVC received it. Now let's dance! m0113.gif <--You  m0113.gif <--Me ;) :rofl:

Edited by Soloenta, 07 September 2014 - 12:12 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 00:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

This is exactly what happened to me with the Singapore a Certificate and hence why we will be waiting for a CC around mid-October to early November instead of now.


   You just have to wonder why governments in general make things so difficult!  :(  Your in my prayers and here for you if you ever need me.  You can yell at me to if that would make you feel better. :D  m1322.gifm1304.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 00:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


I still havent heard anything from the interview thread but your comment just gave me more hope and now we wont need to wait 6-8mos for interview!! Now we just need NVC to wake up & approve our cases!! So if you get CC this month....hopefully ur husband will be for Christmas!!! BEST OF LUCK!!!



   :) Yes it is great new and it's almost normal like everyone else.  Still have AP in the back of my mind can't help it, don't want to be to happy just in case.  


    God willing will all get CC soon I do believe in my heart NVC is slowly getting better and catching up. 


    I'm happy to, don't let me take that from you. :D Follow me....  kurby2.gifkurby2.gifkurby2.gifkurby2.gifkurby2.gifkurby2.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 23:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

awww thank you  (L)  (L)  (L)  I am actually not on the right road. I spoke to one of the immigration lawyers and he said my hubby needs a police certificate one from the passport office and one from the police station. My husband doesn't mind getting that but here's the hard part, he said my hubby has to wait til he gets the letter from nvc asking him for the police certificate so he can take that with him because they need proof/reason for why we need the police we have to WAIT until my husband gets the letter. I don't even know if they send a letter asking for these documents.  -_-  -_-


    HOLY COW that sucks, OMG I'm so sorry, governments they are all silly illogical entities.  :(   Hummm wonder if you can call NVC or e-mail your Embassy and ask them for the letter to get your Police Certificate now.   I would ask the Embassy rather than NVC but if you can do both better.    If possible get two PC's ;) not sure if you can but worth trying.


   I have found some luck contacting the Egyptian Embassy and they aren't known for being helpful. :D    I'll be praying this works.



                   t0803.gif                              t0803.gif

Edited by Soloenta, 06 September 2014 - 10:27 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 22:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


General question here. 

Wondering if you know of anyone who was denied a request to expedite their case - did that slow down the processing of a case compared to never submitting a request in the first place?

Thanks for your reflections!



   I did twice and it didn't slow down the process.   Good luck.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 21:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


i dont know what to send ! , war situation is known and famous on every channel worldwide ! they should be educated people and know how bad and horrible the war overthere !


   Yes, I agree and one would hope.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


no need for any proof or photos :( the situation in Syria is VEERYY bad and every day the war is becoming closer to my wife area. thats it !


thank you


thank you very much


    No need, you don't know these people and how they think.  The more evidence you have in your favor the better but that's up to you.   I'm praying for you and your loved one and for Suria.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 20:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


How can i request expedite at NVC ? to which email should i send and what should i say?


thank you for help


   I believe the phone numbers are to call if they accept the case to give interview date quicker. I have no idea if they actually call or not.   Also if you have pictures add them, anything to prove your case no matter how important you think it might or might not be send it.   Good luck to you I can only imagine what is going on.  I'll be praying for a quick expedite. 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 20:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I don't know how you guys are handling it, I'm still waiting for IV fee to be posted to be paid.  This process is taking so long its effecting me emotionally in so many ways.  I can't eat or work properly, I miss the wife so much right now, I'm waking up crying in the middle of the night.  I know it sounds funny coming from a guy, but I've never felt like this my entire life up till now.  I try hitting the gym even harder and many other activities but it's just not helping.  :(


     I think I can safely say we all understand how you feel because we feel the same way.  That your a man means nothing, you have a heart and feelings just like anyone else.   I for one find it impossible to sleep at least very much and my body is showing the stress by constantly getting colds, flu and just not feeling healthy.   But as I have said we have to go on to reach our goal to be with our loved ones.  So take a deep breath try to remember a year ago and realize how far you have come and how short the distance to the end really is by comparison.  Your/we are almost there so hang on and know we are here for you to help you along the short path that remains. :)  God bless you and all VJers we have been to h e l l and back. 127fs2361263.gif

Edited by Soloenta, 06 September 2014 - 08:20 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

LOL i am asking the wrong person  :lol:  :lol:  I don't want any checklists..I got my answer already  :yes:  :yes:  :yes: 


    Hahahaa sweet happy your on the right road. :D   By the way your picture is BEAUTIFUL! 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 20:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I hope to speed up real soon. I don't know how I'm going to survive the 60 days thing considering my scan date is 8/20.


   You will, like we did you will because you have to.   With out us going forward we will never get to our goal to be with our loved ones.   :) So we are here to pull each other up when needed. :D   (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 20:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I just hope they speed up real quick this coming new week. Their work rate this last few weeks is equal to zero.

Am hoping to have a CC in 2-3weeks and heaven forbids I get a checklist, I doubt if I'll survive it. :dead: :dead: :dead:


   I sweet heart I've been praying it speeds up for all of us and I know it will.  Next week will be a normal week for them so they should go back to their routine, not the best but better than last week.   This is a scary and tiring journey for all of us. :( 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 20:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Thanks for sharing this! I've heard alot of interviews in Cairo are like this...and the CO also asks tricky questions (about specific dates) to confuse the beneficiary (especially if beneficiary is a guy) and then after the interview the dreaded AP....?? So we still have some ways to go but praying all goes well for everyone and our husbands get a nice CO. I think I've read 1-2 good reviews for the Cairo least we know so we can prepare. Best of luck for all of us


   Yes read two nice ones but the beneficiary was Christian and yes we need to prepare our husbands sad to say it should be natural not prepared.  I mean prepared as to hopefully keep them calms so they don't tear the plexy glass down to strangle them. :D    

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 20:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


You sent your package on July 22nd, and they scanned it on July 24th?    :wow:   That may be a typo!   :rofl:  :rofl:


I FedExed mine on July 21st and it arrived at NVC on July 22nd.  They told me that my scan date was July 25th.   :star:   


Maybe my scan date is earlier?    :huh2:   Who knows how they work since they're super disorganized?   :no:


   Hahahaa well, I think my plan worked I wasn't sure but I am now.  When I sent the package I folded a Bar Code sheet to show my husbands name and bar code only put that outside the package I put inside the USPS Express envelope then I did the same to the other one showing the CMR and my husbands name in hopes they wouldn't have to actually open my package so they could just scan it as is. :D   I do believe it worked no one had to open it to get the information they needed to put it in their system. :D   Just a possibility. 127fs2361263.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hope it's a normal one and not expedite. Remember last month they did really good (about 2 months after cc) to schedule egypt interview. I really really hope the embassy is better now And we dont have to wait 6months for interview after CC. I will check out the interview date thread later and see if anyone from egypt has gotten interview dates. Keep us posted if that person replies and says if it was/ was not an expedite.


   Maria they answered me back the following.


  "no i didn't expedite my case .. now there's no lottery interviews in the embassy anymore, so i think that the reason our interview been faster than before."



    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEY ARE CATCHING UP!  WOW what great and unexpected news this is. :D   127fs2361263.gif127fs2361263.gif127fs2361263.gif127fs2361263.gif127fs2361263.gif127fs2361263.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 19:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Question about the police certificate: my husband is planning on sending me his police certificate next week and it will take about a week or two to get here. after the AOS package, I will send all the documents required for IV package. How recent of a police certificate is required? is there a time limit?


   You can e-mail your Embassy to make sure but most as in Egypt is good for 3 months but for the Embassy it's good for one year. :D   I Would e-mail the Embassy or someone doing the paper work for India will come along to say for sure. :D.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 05:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hello people. Just so you know, I am not your age but by reading this thread I learned a lot about the NVC process! At first I thought my Mom petitioned me so I thought I'm F2A. Then my mom told me it was my step-father who petitioned me, not her. They got married before my 16th birthday. My mom left us (me and my older brother) to work in the USA. She's been there since 2003 or 2004. I was like 3 or 4 at the time. Last year she got married to an American and that's when she decided to get me. She petitioned my brother who is in college but her current goal is to get me first. The process started last year though I'm not sure which month. But now I know that she wouldn't be able to get me until next year. A month ago, she called me and said "I don't think I'm gonna come soon, I received a letter-" "Something about that it's gonna take 60 days?" And she was like "How did you know about that?!" Well, she was kinda shock I guess haha. I just told her I like browsing the internet lol. Well now, we are still waiting. She told me the NVC received the.. I don't know something about the AOS on July 25 or something. And that's it we are still waiting for another letter from the NVC. Oh God, please help me I want to be with my mom!


   Awww poor thing I'll be praying you get to see your mother very soon.   But your ahead of the game and pretty much almost finished with the process so just try to be patient. picgifs-welcome-2-8100585.gif Welcome to the thread. :D

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 05:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014



another question- I have my father's irs transcripts for the year 2011 and 2012.. We have filed 1040 for year 2013.. I dont have IRS transcript for 2013.. Can I use 1040? 


   Phewwwwwwww ok now I can breath and I can answer your questions if you want to guarantee a checklist :rofl: :rofl:.   YOU EVER see me answer one of these questions RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNsmiley-sport018.gif

Edited by Soloenta, 06 September 2014 - 05:19 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 05:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

   Below is a very mild case of how CO's at the Cairo Embassy treat beneficiaries it's usually a thousand times worse making fun of the wives insulting in so many ways etc.  It's frightening.    :cry:



  This was an expedite.  

September 6, 2014 Embassy Review : My husband had his interview at 7:30am on September 1st. He arrived one hour early. They took his fingerprints promptly after him entering the embassy but then had to wait an hour before being interviewed. The consular officer was an American man who spoke Arabic. He treated my husband poorly from the start and told him his English sucked. The interview lasted only 30 minutes. Asked how we met, where I went to school and did I graduate, the names of my family members, very basic questions. The CO told my husband at the end he believed he was not telling the truth because of our language barrier and gave him a paper requesting our chat logs from Facebook since that is how we commonly communicate. My husband tried to show the CO more evidence he had brought with him but he refused to look at it. Simply told my husband "I want more" in a rude tone and ended the interview. We sent back the requested chat logs same day and our case has not yet updated to a new status.

It wasn't a horrible experience for my husband but it was not a real confidence booster to have his English made fun of and to be treated so rudely. Fortunately, we had practiced the interview beforehand and he knew it was likely he would get a tough CO. Rating : Poor


SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 02:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

i believe You put 'No' for the answers.


  I just read this today someone a GENIUS stated " think of it this way a USA citizen can travel/return to the USA because they are already US citizens"  I Loved the way it was put.  So no on all of them unless one is not a US citizen and their papers are in immigration process. :D  But someone correct me if I'm wrong which I often am so be patient and someone will come along that knows best. :D  (F) (L) (F) Much luck to you.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 02:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

THank you so much. I fixed that. do you know when the AOS fees will be available to pay? 


   Your very welcome but not sure how long it takes now.   Someone will come along to give you an idea might find it on Saylin's Wiki in her spreadsheet, check it out when you can. 



   Now repeat after me,  I WILL NEVER CLICK ON DS-261 AGAIN!  :D   

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 02:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014


I saw this in the Aila website:

"2014-07-31 Call for Examples: National Visa Center Issues (Updated 7/31/14) - AILA is collecting examples where members have experienced issues with the National Visa Center (NVC) within the last six months. Please send us your examples by August 31, 2014.
AILA Doc. No. 14062646.....................

The AILA DOS Liaison Committee has received numerous reports from AILA members regarding issues that they are experiencing with the National Visa Center (NVC). If you have experienced any problems with the NVC within the last six months, please complete the following survey. If you have questions, please e-mail with the subject line "NVC Issues."

Here are the links:

I remember reading something similar when USCIS was backlogged & a little after USCIS got way better (but inundated NVC ??) So im really really hoping things get better at NVC quickly. We've had bad luck with USCIS & even obtaining Police Certificates then NVC announced the 60day timeframe. ??



  WOW thank you wonder if they still accept e-mails for NVC issues boy will they be shocked.   But can't help thinking this might mess us up again further down the line.  I hate to think this way but I'm tired of getting the worst of everything. 


  Yup I fall asleep praying for all of us stuck here.  :D

But I submitted it already...can I redo it and make myself the agent even after submitting???


   Yes you can submit it again just don't every click on it after you fix it.  :D  Go fix it now so it wont delay you.  BUT NEVER CLICK ON IT AGAIN!  :D 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 01:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

I have a question guys...I am the petitioner and I submitted ds261 for my hubby.. I didnt choose any agent but I wrote my address under choice of address.. is that ok? or will that show me an error?


    I'm not sure but why not go back and change it now will only delay it one day.   Most petioners like myself are agents of choice so if I were you I would go back and redo it now.   


    But WARNING don't go back after you fix it no matter what.  Just fix it and forget about it or it will set you back to the day you clicked on it. 


   Go fix it make yourself the agent it's what most of us do. :D    127fs2361263.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 00:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Lol! I LOVE UR GRAPHICS!!! Always make my day when im reading thru this thread ??

AND YES WE NEED TO PRAY HARD SO EGYPT FINALLY CAUGHT UP & STARTS SCHEDULING INTERVIEWS IN NORMAL PACE LIKE OTHER EMBASSIES. I also asked in the interview thread if anyone had recently gotten interview in egypt as I hadnt seen any so far this month. I'll keep u posted as well. ??. Hope NVC speeds up and u get CC sooner than expected!!! Maybe there wasnt so many CCs this week due to the holiday + also beause they were scheduling interviews so lets hope NVC wakes up next week and HOPE TO SEE LOTS OF CCs NEXT WEEK!! ????( Fingers crossed)


   Awww thank you just trying to spice it up ;) hahahahaa and we are just two sexy gumans (my mother can't say woman) dancing for our husbands. ;) hahhahaaa   :rofl: :rofl:


    Yes indeed and am praying they get some new blood in that Embassy some that aren't so mean and nasty bitter little snots.  Might as well while we're at it. :D 


   Thank you hope someone answers you on that one soon. :)    127fs2361263.gif127fs2361263.gif127fs2361263.gif127fs2361263.gif



Edited by Soloenta, 06 September 2014 - 12:49 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 00:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

     I just sent this e-mail heheheheheee



   Dear Sir/Madam, 


   Tonight is September 5 Th and I called at around 7:30 and spoke to Don one of your customer service reps.   I wanted to thank you for Don and if possible please clone him.

  Those of us going through this torture of immigration and being separated from our loved ones are under so much stress and with the long waits now experienced at NVC with no relief in sight, it's a breath of afresh air to talk to a kind and understanding person.   Thank you from the bottom of my heart for hiring Don.  Please let him know he is truly appreciated and is now on the much loved list at VisaJourney not an easy list to get on. emo1.gif    leb.gifleb.gif



SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 00:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Overall the night shift CSRs seems to be more polite and helpfull... Called few times during the day and the CSRs seemed a little rude... But everytime I call during the night I get a nice person who is actually willing to dig a little deeper to find answers and not just threw the 60 days thing in my face lol


   I agree but every once in a while you get a nasty one on nights.   I spoke to Don tonight and he was a prince just a joy to talk to.  I have an e-mail below to complain but tonight I'm sending an e-mail to thank them for Don because it's just as important for them to know that they have some great people working for them and that we appreciate them. :D 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 00:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

UPDATE: Received my case number!!!! :) submitted ds261.. AOS bill not available.  :angry:


    Congratulations and welcome to our nightmare       picgifs-welcome-2-8100585.gif                                                


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SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 00:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - September 2014

Hope it's a normal one and not expedite. Remember last month they did really good (about 2 months after cc) to schedule egypt interview. I really really hope the embassy is better now And we dont have to wait 6months for interview after CC. I will check out the interview date thread later and see if anyone from egypt has gotten interview dates. Keep us posted if that person replies and says if it was/ was not an expedite.


   Oh I'll let you know, no worries there.   It's important we know what to expect for many reasons but remember the person your talking about had put in an expedite, she said nothing about a denial or acceptance.   So I don't hold much hope in that one sad to day.   :(     We need to pray hard that they are catching up finally and it would be about time.     Us dancing hahahaaaa :rofl: :rofl:







SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 00:14:00