IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


Welcome to the group. I have added you to the spreadsheet.


  Please check your messages. (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

I just called. They need at least three business days in between so for the 18th, you need to do the medical no later than the 12th.


I'm sorry I think that's cutting it way to close I would say two weeks before interview I have seen to many close calls even with doing to two weeks before. doctor-smiley-emoticon-1.gif


Edited by Soloenta, 06 October 2014 - 04:47 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 16:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews





Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! It worked and they found another plane to put them on and they are boarding now.  He should still have time for a coffee before the appointment. Phew!! Not what I needed this morning when I am already stressing.  Let's hope all goes smoothly for the next 3 hours and he gets approval.  :goofy:


  Awwww I'm so happy he is on his way, thank God and prayers do work.  I asked that this prayer be granted because of all the suffering you have been through.  Not that it was my prayer that had anything to do with it.   I'm so happy now can't wait to hear, VISA GRANTED! :D  My work is done. kurby2.gif



OMG is that not the cutest emoticon ever. Soloenta you need to stay here on the thread with me. Your emoticons are priceless.


By the way any word on your case?


    Awww thank you got kicked out of another thread for my Emoticons they said it was dirt they had to filter through to get to the gold hahahaa so wasn't using them here much.   Thank you for bring so kind. :)


    No nothing on our case, going to call at three it's 2:35 right now so not long to wait but I'm sure there is nothing.   It's not been a good day so don't think it will get much better. :D  t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 16:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Hubby is flying to Sydney this morning for his interview. We booked the 7.35am flight to get him to Sydney by 9.00am for an 11am appt. time. Plenty of time in case of any delays. 


Was watching online to see his flight was boarding.  Let out a sigh of relief that all is going to plan.  Checked website a few minutes later and flight no longer listed as boarding.  Odd.  Get a phone call from hubby, they have unboarded (is that a word) the flight because of a mechanical fault. All other morning flights full.  STRESSED!!!


They think it will take about an hour to resolve.  This is going to put him down the wire to navigate his way from airport to consulate.  Please everyone send your good vibes that he gets there on time or they let him still interview if he arrives a little late. We have been waiting 16 months for this day and can't afford (financially or emotionally) to reschedule this interview!




t0803.gif Praying he get's there in plenty of time for interview.  Sorry have to go pray for you guys please let us know. (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 15:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


Well hot dang, I thought I'd take a chance and call the NVC. And indeed our interview was scheduled. November 12th!


I hope the others waiting for a date in Paris will soon get theirs as well!


(Thanks so much, Zamsha! You were right!)


  Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooo congratulations HOLY COW I'm so happy for you. :D  t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

I was away for the weekend and missed the interview bonanza, but I'm so happy for all of you that have scheduled interviews. Congrats!


I am still waiting. Our was CC 9/16, but apparently they are still not scheduling Paris interviews yet. Or maybe we have to wait until December?  :cry:


    Don't be sad your through the worst of it now just to wait for the interview date.  I'll be praying it's very soon, God willing this week. :)  t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 15:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Interview for tomorrow... Wish me luck.... Any tips welcome


  You will do great just be yourself and as they say just answer their questions don't volunteer anything ;) I'll be praying just in case. ;) t4582.gif

Good luck dear. Mine also tomorrow. Okay. I have arranged my docs in 4 see through folders ( filers). I am bringing my education and work related docs as well. For proof of relationship I have my wedding pics, reception and family get together / trip/ honeymoon photos, wedding bills, few viber & Skype logs, and Money transfers. How about u girl???? How did u prepare ur folders?


t4582.gif Will be praying for you also :D   (L)




My hubby's interview is also tomorrow!  Looking forward to hearing the good news of approvals for all of us!!


I arranged our docs in a binder full of plastic sleeves so you can see each document to make it easy for the CO or hubby to find what they need. I am not going along to the interview and I am the one who has prepared all of the paperwork, so I want to make it as easy as possible for them. I also put post-it notes on everything. Lol


  OMG you to how wonderful will be pray all goes well but you don't need it. :) t4582.gif

 Interview Date: Nov. 18th  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:

   Case Complete: Sept. 18th  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:



     Congratulations great news. :) t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 15:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

My case is complete since Sept 25, just waiting on the interview date. NVC hasn't assigning  yet for me but the rest got their interview date.


  In this case it's your Embassy not NVC the Embassy sends what dates NVC can fill.  Soon sweetie soon and Koko is in the same boat he's waiting for the Egyptian Embassy.   Your almost there just hold on a little longer.   I know it's not easy seeing everyone else moving on, it feels like taking a test at school and people start to finish and your still half way through.  Just take a deep breath. :) Next week I'm sure will be your day to cry happy tears. :D  (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-04 20:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Are you CC already and waiting on the interview date?


  No they told me I had CC Sept 17 they lied, files are with the second supervisor still waiting or a call he said he would make three or four days ago.  You?

Edited by Soloenta, 04 October 2014 - 08:27 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-04 20:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Yeah, am glad too this is coming to an end. Anyone feeling depressed about how long it's taking can just see my USCIS timeline and count their blessings.


  Same here, sent my I-130 in Feb arrived first week of March and here I sit. :D

Edited by Soloenta, 04 October 2014 - 07:47 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-04 19:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

   Congratulations to all getting CC and interview dates, will be praying the rest of your journey is a smooth and quick one.   (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-04 16:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Interview date November 7
10:00 am

Talked to Kendall, she said I would get more information by email in 5 business days
She also confirmed my case complete date was September 15, not the 19th, that was just the day they told me.

SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!


   Wooooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm so excited for you CONGRATULATIONS!  (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

After one hour waiting on hold
No interview date so sad :(. :(
That mean i will wait till December interview ?!!


  Remember my friend Egyptian Embassy is special an not in a good way!  :cry:  I'm praying you get an interview very soon. 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

November 10th at 9am!!!!! Sooooo happy :)


  :D  Congratulations my friend I'm so very happy for you, well deserved. :) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


Congratulations. :goofy:


O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.








Aargh! I'm reading all this fantastic news of so many getting their interview dates and I'm stuck here at work until 8pm, can't wait to call and see if we've got ours yet!!!!

Congratulations to everyone who is getting their interview dates, I am so happy for all of you!!!


  You will and very soon, no worries. :) (L) (L)

Edited by Soloenta, 03 October 2014 - 10:41 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


It looks like it's random for the London Embassy since someone who got a CC after you did got an earlier interview than yours!   :no:


Maybe you called NVC too many times and made someone angry?   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:



My doctor in BC told me that I had to have an interview letter before they can make an appointment.   :idea:



Thanks sweetie!   :star:    I'm still on the NVC ranting thread.   :content:   I hope you get a CC this afternoon!   :thumbs:  


   Awww thank you sweet heart I appreciate it. :)  (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

green-card-interview-med2.jpg November 10th (9:30am)   :goofy:


  Congrats but please don't forget us Austin. (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 15:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews



I feel the same.  We started in July last year and have not got the inteview scheduled yet. On the other hand, some people started later and moving much faster. I don't  know how the whole process is working. :cry:


Anyway, I have called two days in a row but no interview scheduled.

So maybe I will just wait untill  the next week unless somebody in Europe (especially France) starts to get the interview date.


  Please don't be sad, you will get your interviews, Canada is just slow and it has nothing to do with the dates you will receive.  Revel in the knowledge that you are so very, very close.   I wish you both and every one here a smooth end to this nightmare.   God Bless you. :)  (L)  (L) 

Edited by Soloenta, 03 October 2014 - 09:02 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 09:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

I don't know how to multi-quote properly, but thank you EOC, dswheels for the information. We are all so close to the finish line, praying for everyone to get interview dates and easy interviews. Soloenta? What is happening with your case? Any news that I missed?


  I was the same way,  click on multi-quote you will see a box inside it's blue click on that and you will see a box with the quote, answer it then scroll up do the same for another post you will see it again in a box you type under that then repeat.   It has a limit to how many you can multi-quote I usually only do four , five max.


  I called last night twice to speak to Octavio, he wasn't at his desk a message was left to call but he didn't.  I did get the name of their Supervisor whom I will call if nothing happen.   The rep told me that thee are others waiting much longer than me, 20 years and I tried to explain that was not the kind of Visa that has to do with us.  She was totally clueless.   (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 08:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

My hubby is crying and so am I?. We have been scheduled for an interview November 14 at 7 am.


  I'm so very happy for you and your dear husband congratulations and congratulations to everyone else that has good news today CC's and interviews so happy for all of you. :) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-02 18:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Thank you ,,, it will be faster for you ,,, finely they are doing their job, , I wish you best of luck, ,


  Thank you so very much and I wish you a safe and happy flight to the USA I hope you love it here. :D  (L) (L)




  To everyone getting CC or interviews congratulations I'm very happy for you and wish you all a smooth and easy interview and Visa. (L) :) :dance:  :yes:  :dance:  (L) 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-02 14:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

US embassy in cairo,,, just sent the passport to Aramex after one day of issuing the visa ,, and is ready for pickup, , that was fast ..


  WOW congratulations I hope they keep it up by the time it's our turn. :D  So happy for you!!!!!    :dance: :yes: :dance:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-02 14:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Hi TM713,


Thank you for sharing  your thoughts. Yes, I agree. I think it is better prepared enough than regretting later.

Since we don't know exactly where we are going to settle down in the U.S. yet (dépends on our jobs), we don't have any lease contract or anything like that.


What I am thinking about bringing at the interviews are;


-U.S. bank account statements with my U.S. address

-Voter's registration (I have just received the absentee balloting material for the November election so I will make photocopies)

-A letter with my US address from my US credit card that shows how long I have my US credit card for.

-US IRA account statement with my US address

-US investment account statement with my US address

-Estimate from a shipping company for the costs to ship belongings

-Estimate for selling price of our house from a real estate company (as we are planning on selling our house in France once we are ready to move to the U.S.)

-Emails from some companies that I had interviews with. (although I have not got a job yet but I believe that I can say that I am seriously looking)


Yup, we both got our CCs at almost the same timing, we may cross each other at the embassy. Good luck to you, too :)


   I just don't understand why a US national/citizen would have to have proof of anything to return home, sorry just doesn't seem right to me.  Even if you return to live under a bridge it's your country! 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-02 13:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Thank you


  Dilmera Congratulations did you post this at the support thread?

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-02 12:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


Soloenta, you have all my sympathy, I also have horrible debilitating migraines :(

Oh man, if there's something I truly hate, it's being lied to, and USCIS/NVC seems to do that quite a bit. Wish they would just get their shat together and give you that darn cc/interview date!


I'm still in AP t23126.gif


  Awww thank you so much, I would like to know who I can talk to high than the supervisors there.  I'm done with this BS I want out of NVC.  


  Sweetie they kept your passport so it should be from 7 to 10 days until you get your Visa, I'll be praying for you just in case my friend cheer up. :) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-02 02:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Thanks, I thought you already had your interview scheduled. Turns out after all the waiting for getting a case complete there is another long wait to get an interview. Actually, we sent our I-130 in February, just got the PD in March. I don't know of anyone waiting longer than me in the NVC or interview threads.


WOW same here sent it in February they scanned it in first week of March . :( 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-02 02:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

What a nightmare! I am so sorry. Hang in there. One day this will all be over.


  Thank you my friend just hoping it's not 2025 :D ;) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 22:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


How I wish they had phone service for us outlanders, would have called them 100 times already  :lol:  I will ask husband to email them tomorrow morning, if I'm still in AP. Your prayers are much appreciated!  (F)


   Was going to go to bed I have a migraine and I just had to check here.   I spoke to Octavio and he said that he talked to Sylvia and she said she will call me then told him she had called me.   I told Octavio, NO SHE DID NOT call me I've been home all day long, not even my brother has called.   So she blatantly lied to Octavio and I told him I have an answering machine actually part of the phone system and he asked are you sure hahaha.   So I told him listen Octavio I DO NOT WANT THIS WOMEN  to have anything to do with our case I want you and only you to fix this.  I asked him doesn't getting a false check list mean my AOS is fine and approved, I have received two since 8/10 and he seemed to be confused he said well I have to check the files I said doesn't Sylvia have them he didn't know what to say.   I said so that means I have lost all hope of maybe getting an interview date because of all this and he said no I'm working very hard on this and I will call you tomorrow.  OMG SOMEONE PLEASE SHOOT ME AND PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!     t23126.gif  I'm going to lay down see if I can get rid of this migraine.  Prayers being said Ellinora no worries there my friend. :) God be with you both.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 19:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


Well, the good news...."yes m'am we have started scheduling"...ha. I will believe that when someone/anyone ever announces they have an interview.


The bad news: "no m'am you did not get an OCTOBER interview"... Thanks. NVC. You prove to be eternally helpful. What about the NOVEMBER interviews?! Not for me yet anyway.



 Don't believe a word they say they have blatantly lied to me on at least 4 occasions from I have AOS accepted to CC.  The proof is in the pudding.


 So when is the cut off date if you get CC  depending on the Embassy of getting an interview day this month?  I would think Sept 30 th?

Edited by Soloenta, 01 October 2014 - 10:55 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 10:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

I got the exact same msg within 1.5hrs of my interview. No Admin processing nothing, From ready to issued and visa printed :)

Hope this helps too.


  Thank God , so very happy for you what A joy to know your done with all this BS!   I hope and pray we are so lucky. :D  (L) (L)  And hope the good luck of this thread never dies. :D 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 10:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

U.S. Department of State
Immigrant Visa Case Number:

Case Creation Date: 07-Jan-2014
Status Updated Date: 01-Oct-2014

Your visa has been printed. Depending on local procedures at the location where you were interviewed, your visa will be mailed or available for pickup soon. If there are further questions, or if we need updated contact information, you will be contacted.

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.


  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO congratulations so happy for you, how long did it take for you to get this notification?  (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 10:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


Oh, I just hope the consulate would hurry up and issue the visa already. I need to get the it by Friday, if I want to travel with husband.


  Can you call them and check?  Squeaky wheel does ..........................  etc, etc. ;)   (F) (F)  Praying you get it tomorrow so you can relax. :D

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 09:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


APPROVED!!!! (happy dance)


Interview was fairly straightforward. was asked 3 questions and heard the magical words! "You have been approved"


Here are the questions I was asked:

1) What does your husband do.  I replied. She asked can you tell in more detail about his job. I did.

2) How long do you know your husband. Was it an arranged marriage or love? When did your relationship turn romantic?

3) Did you have a reception/party after your marriage. Can you show me your wedding pics?


"you have been approved"





And what better, by the time I reached home from the consulate my status is :

Issued : Your visa has been printed. Depending on local procedures at the location where you were interviewed, your visa will be mailed or available for pickup soon. If there are further questions, or if we need updated contact information, you will be contacted.








  I am so tremendously happy and thrilled for you, what great and exciting news. :D  Wooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooooooo (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


It was my first time I didn't have to redial.   :star:


I just called NVC and got connected!  I was SHOCKED!   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


Of course, I was on hold for 30 minutes though.   :bonk:


  Congrats on that, a while ago I was on hold for one hour and ten minutes.  That was so much fun I thought my ear was going to fall off :D

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews

Hiiiiiiiii soloenta
When u get your CC ??!


  KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long time no see happy your back.  Well it's a long story I'll try to make it short.


  Was told AOS approved 8/10, then was told I had CC Sept 24 :D Then I called the following Monday and found out it was all a lie. :D Isn't that special! 


  KoKo come to the new thread  http://www.visajourn...-3#entry7268253  :dance: :yes: :dance:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 18:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2014 Interviews


Thanks for calling Austin! I am sorry to be negative guys, but I just cannot believe this #######. Every single step of the way... you get a CC and you are so happy, and then you think WOW, in just a week I should have an interview date, awesome!! And then of course it is all a lie, and as usual, just when it is your turn there is some sort of inexplicable delay out of nowhere. It does't even matter that I got a CC on Sept 11; I could've gotten a CC on September 30th and I'd be in the same freaking spot I am now. I didn't make one single mistake in this whole process, no RFEs at USCIS and no checklists at NVC so why am I still here?  I am SO over all of this!!


PS, I would've put this in the rant thread, but since most people there don't have CCs yet, I figure it would be cruel to complain to them...


    Sweet heart who else but us to understand you, please feel free to post there anytime you wish we are all in the same boat.  t5063.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 17:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hey guys!

We just got a checklist from ours AOS...the form itself is fine, but hubby thought that only W2 was necessary, and didn't include the transcripts. :ranting:

I'd kill him, but my love is too big for that (it would kill me too). :cry:

So, instead he's putting himself together and sending right now the transcript. Is it ok to send just a copy?

We're trying to be focused...I was so sure I'd be there for thanksgiving...but prayers for a Christmas miracle!!!


  Awww sweet heart are you sure?  Can you copy and paste it here for us to see just remove all personal things.    I'll be praying it's not true. :(  (L)  (L) 





Good call Austin, and glad you remedied the situation quickly Soloenta. You would have gotten another checklist, most probably. Your VJ friends would rather give you tough love than keep silent   ;)

Now, borrow Austin's fake tears (or use real ones) and try to nudge Betsy into forgoing the 60-day wait to review the certificate/translation.

  Yes I'm so thankful to Austin and I'll take tough love any day of the week.  Oh you know I would have had to wait another 60 days for sure.  Betsy told me to send it just like that and when I talked to her I was hysterical, I can't believe my reaction so humiliating and I can't do fake.  Plus how much more real could I get and I asked her can't you let us take the paper work corrected to the Embassy and she resoundingly said NO we can't expedite your case at this point.  Shes a total loss. :( There is no one there to help me.   Anyway I'm very grateful. :) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-17 22:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

  Austin, I called your right so I just paid $100 for three pages to be translated and they are certified to do immigration etc and will have it in 24 hours so they say. 


  Thank you Austin my dear friend, if not for you it would have cost me so much time.  I sit here crying in gratitude for your thoughtful kindness.  

  Yes Betsy said to just send it the way it was, so much for Betsy. :(   No worries it will only cost me two to four days not 60 like it would have if not for you. t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-17 18:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I'm glad i made the October Cut! lol


Thanks so much Soloenta for the warm welcome!!


~~hugs~~and positive vibes~~


~sofi  :rolleyes:


   Your very welcome and I'm happy you made the Oct cut also. :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-17 17:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Congratulations who are getting cc UNFORTUNATELY I am not the lucky one either to get cc before 60 days I know my luck keeping my finger cross and only can pray inshallah soon!!!! Scan date August 28



   Yes Insha'Allah all will go smoothly for you and soon will get your CC!   :) ,   Umm have you posted before or is this your first time :D? (L) (L)



Thanks! Yeah, my lawyers will be dealt with but trying to wait until I have my visa in hand first.

I appreciate the suggestions! Unfortunately I didn't call nvc until after all fees were paid and added my email address at that point. So I've only received the sixty day and checklist correspondence. No IIN on those, so sounds like I'll have to call if I want it.

I think you're probably right. And thanks for the welcome :) been following your case and really hoping for good news for you soon.


   Your very welcome and thank you so much.   It's sad I learned this week my nightmare is becoming more common place it's really scary. :(

   OH yes you always have to call, what torture that is. :( (L) (L) leb.gif



I don't mean to scare you, but according to, it states the below:   :mellow:


All documents not written in English, or in the official language of the country in which application for a visa is being made, must be accompanied by certified translations and submitted to the NVC.


Since your embassy/consulate is in Egypt, no translation is required as long as it's in English or Arabic (but not in Spanish) since it'll be sent to the embassy/consulate in Egypt.   :wacko:


Maybe you asked Betsy (supervisor) and she said it was okay to send it as is.   :yes:



     My heart just sank but thank you, your so precious I'll call. :(

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-17 16:17:00