IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


WHAT!?   :protest:  Checklist!?   :wow:  Another 60 days!?   :wow:


I'm so sorry to hear that!    :cry:  I'm kind of depressed because of this news!   :crying:

  Thank you, I would love to die just about now.  I need your help going over my mother's I-864a.


  Just want to make sure they can't say this one is wrong I found the hard copy of it since my computer crashed and I lost everything.


 Part 1.  number 8 Relationship to Sponsor, I checked C, Iam not the intended immigrant. I am the sponsor's household member. I am related to the sponsor as his/her.


I put parent.  But I'm confused both my father and I are sponsors and my mother is the co-sponsor so then who is it? Spouse, Son or Daughter, Parent (which I checked) brother or sister, Other dependent.    Do I put Spouse or Parent she is my parent my father's wife who is also a sponsor. 


  They are also saying I screwed up,

  Part 3

  15.I , the household member I have my mother's name here

  under this it says,

 In consideration of the sponsor's promise to complete and file an affidavit of support on behalf of the above   One from number 13


   Last question,


  who signs Household member's Signature?  He said my father signs there but I'm don't know if he told me the truth. :(


  Everything they are telling me I didn't do is in the hard copy so far.  Except number 16 who signs there?

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 20:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member:


You mean you just talked to Octavio and he told you he couldn't help you because you got a checklist?   :huh2:


  Yes and another 60 days, I want to die.  Thank you Austin Go bless you my friend.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 19:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

   I need help, I can't think and the tears in my eyes doesn't let  me see the screen very well.   I need a link for  I-864A sponsor now they are saying I made a mistake on part two item 13 my father is supposed to sign they said and put my husbands name and a letter stating why my mother didn't file taxes which I sent and have a copy of. :(  I can't believe this so please someone help I can't think.  

Edited by Soloenta, 06 October 2014 - 06:56 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 18:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Guess who has three N/As ;)



SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Yes, but SoCal is going to be in a world of hurt if we don't get some rain since a lot of their water comes from NorCal through aqueducts.  Orange county might be okay because they use recycled sewer water. Yuck! :blink:  Anyways, pray for rain!!  :innocent:


Thank you!  Representative Todd said that it was actually closed on Saturday but I don't think I believe that.  :no:


Thank you, Soloenta!!  I love how positive you are.  You can still be happy for others, when you have been given the run-around for so long.  I admire your spirit.  Keep your chin up!  We are all rooting for you!

  Awww thank you so much, I'm trying. :) (L)


I called and spoke with Arthur, he makes me laugh seriously :lol:
So I go, "is there an update on my case?"
Him: no, doesn't seem like it. We did receive your package on August 15th *gives me the 60 day speech*
Me: ahaan, so NVC is still working around or before August 15th?
Him: ehhhh, yes it seems so. I believe they're on August 14th right now.
Me: oh really, then what would explain people getting their case completes for the 15th, 18th and 19th of August.
Him: *all frazzled* well you're veryyy close to it.
Me: what do you mean?
Him: I mean, give it a short time and you'll see it.
Me: *all confused* sigh, alright guess I'll wait.
Him: have a good day!

I don't know what to get from this entire convo :rofl:

Either they gave me another checklist, for which he isn't telling me....or they haven't reviewed it altogether.

   Hahaaa at least he wasn't rude hahaaa geez what a waste of time it is to call NVC.  I'm praying it's not a checklist and Aurthur was drunk. :rofl: :rofl:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 15:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Heeeeeeey! Congrats!!!!!!!! Seriously, Soloenta will have the most celebrated CC ever seen on this VJ when her time comes (hopefully it will be soon).
Many many congrats and hope your interview will be soon.
Where in Jamaica are you from? My hubby and I went ther last year and stayed at Negril. OMG, time of our lives! :))))
My profile pic was taken there, btw!


   im-blushing-smiley-emoticon.gif   Awww thank you so much. t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hey guys! I posted in the other thread but noone seemed to have an answer for me... my husband and i have gotten that 60 day email 6 times already. The 5th being last week and the 6th today... has anyone else experienced this? Should i be concerned?



  It's just  glitch and they have nothing better to do, they keep sending me change of address in the mail hahahahaa did that almost 6 months ago and I get one like clock work every two to three weeks.  Can you imagine the money they would save by not sending so much nonsense to us?  So don't worry it's nothing. :D  (L)


     And graphics-welcome-010883.gif to the thread :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I got a case complete today!  Scan date was August 18.  I am sooooo relieved to be done with the NVC phase but I am also sad for people like Soloenta, who have been waiting so long.  I wish everyone the best and hope that you get yours soon! One love!  (L)



SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

In the other thread there's a 08/19 scan date CC.
Wooooooooooooowwwww hurry uppppp NVC! It would be lovely to have approvals of September scan dates by the end of this month!!! (Dreaming is free right?) :)


  Yes one of the few things that are. :D  I'm still praying everyone gets their CC's and interviews soon. :) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

New week! Woohoooooo!
InshAllah it brings loads and loads of happiness for us all! :yes: :yes:


   Thank God, some tiny bit of hope. :D  (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Well, some Americans might think that Canada is the 51st state that belongs to the US....   :content:


But.... the truth is...  Liz (Queen Elizabeth II from England) owns Canada.   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


Nope, Barack doesn't own Canada.   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:     Hahahaa no, no that's NOT what I mean ahahahaa but you know if you guys keep marrying each other it will be.  ;) :rofl:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


HAHAHAHA! My husband tells me that all the time. "We are all AMERICANS!" He says we don't have a real country name, just a state of being!


He likes to call us Usanians ;)


  Always listen to your husband! :D   We don't let others change what is unchangeable if others want to feel better than us and thus separate so be it be we are Americans and proud of it. :) Even prouder to be South American hahahahaa.   Hey I love all of America every single inch of it. :D  We are brothers and sisters and it's a shame people are unaware of the truth.  If you look at the old books you will see this, the 7 continent c r a p is fairly recent I would say lat ten to 15 years.  Anyway what ever make all of you from where ever you are happy go for it.  But I know the truth and will stick by it. :D   (L)  (L) 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Sorry... but you are wrong here.....


North America is comprised of only three countries - Canada, USA, and Mexico. Just because someone was born in North America does NOT make them American. Only those born (or naturalized) to the US are American.


You would not call someone from India an Asian just because India is a country within the continent of Asia. Please check your information. 




  Nope you are just because they tell you in the USA it's so doesn't make it so. 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


North America and South America are two different continents.


  No they are one. :D

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

It's just about the start of a new NVC week. I hope it brings lots of good news for everyone.


  Just in case graphics-welcome-010883.gif To the thread. :)


  God willing this coming week will bring great news to everyone. :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-05 21:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread



Calling us 'North-Americans' is perfectly acceptable and non-objectionable. Just like calling South-Americans by that one name. However calling someone an 'American' is generally understood as coming from the USA.  North, South and Central America may be referred to as 'the Americas', but not only one country's citizens refer to themselves as Americans.


Canadians do not like being called American anymore than a Brazilian would like being called a Colombian, nor a Scotsman an Englishman. Canadians are very bristly on the whole when confused for an American. It comes from living next door to a somewhat boisterous and boastful neighbour.   :)


    Then that only pertains to Canada and the USA I guess.  The rest of us are and do consider ourselves Americans because we are. :D   With all due respect the analogy about Brazilian's and Colombian's has nothing to do with this.  America is a continent not a country and just because the USA has America in it's name doesn't make them more American than everyone else in America there is no Americas there is only one. :D  

Thanks maana " inshallah" I am hoping for the same


  I hope and pray this happens very soon. :)  Insha'Allah

Edited by Soloenta, 05 October 2014 - 08:15 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-05 20:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


There is no Columbus Day in Canada since Oct 13th is Canadian Thanksgiving Day.   :idea:


We (Canadians) celebrate Thanksgiving in Oct while Americans celebrate Thanksgiving in Nov.   :star:



Hot water bottle!?    :rofl:  


I hope you get a CC this week!   :yes:  If you get a CC this week, you may get a late Nov or early Dec interview!   :thumbs:


You may be able to celebrate your birthday (Christmas Day) with your hubby in the US.  Fingers crossed!   :star:


    I've asked this of Canadians before and they seem insulted for some odd reason but I'll ask you because I know you wont bite my head off :D :rofl:

    Don't they teach children in Canadian schools that Canada is part of America?   By America I mean the continent.  America is one continent not two as they love to say in the USA, and it encompasses Canada, USA, Central America, Caribbean and South America.   All people with in this group are American by birth since it is NOT a country but a continent.  It always dumbfounds me to realize so many people are unaware of this fact.   Olympic flag has 5 circles not 6,7 or 8.  Makes me laugh when people add continents, I often wonder why they do that.  Really odd I think, just my pet peeve. :D  (L) (L)


   They should have hot water bottles at your pharmacy and yeah e-bay will do if you can't find it close to you. :D  They work beautifully and keep you nice and warm.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-05 18:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I agree, I'm always too cold and my wife is always too warm so it works out for us lol. Thought she would be here by November and would have if not for our AOS checklist. Our timelines are fairly similar. She's booked flights to visit over thanksgiving and I see you had luck with your visit. Wondering if bringing an extra bag (of clothes to leave with me) would trigger suspicion. She doesn't have any big things so will probably just bring everything over here at POE. Would help if she's able to bring a bag on her visit as well.


    Geeeez same here I'm always to warm I love the cold and my husband hates fans and Egypt is HOT!  :(  


     Now I think these people know we goils need our clothes and have problems picking what to wear.   I don't think if she takes one large bag fills it up with everything she can and wont be wearing when she gets back home and puts clothes she will wear in the US in her carry on she will be fine. :D  Just my opinion. (F) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-05 18:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Lol it's bakra eid. He might have bought a goat or something. But yes eid Mubarak :luv: (L)



   Hehehe :oops:  Ty :D


I saw this on Facebook and decided to share, it seems Egypt have really pick up.



     Thank you so much my dear friend, you are so kind God bless you and your family.   Your news has comforted me and this is priceless.  Insha'Allah, it will keep up and  I pray my husband gets a nice Co we have already been through so much.  t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-05 17:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I don't know what, but there is something about Nov and Dec.   :wacko:   We tend to get lonely in winter?   :huh2:


When I found out my interview date (Nov 10), I thought "Yes, I'll be in the US for Thanksgiving!"   :star:


But....Wait!  I don't even like a turkey meal since I think turkey is kind of dry.   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


I also thought....  "Yeah, I'll be in the US for Christmas too!"    :thumbs:   Wait!  I'm not even a Christian!   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


    You don't have to have Turkey for Thanksgiving hehehee and who cares what religion or atheist it's a party!    :dance: :dance: :yes: :dance: :dance:





    Happy Eid to all my Muslim family hope you have a happy one.  Forgot to ask my husband today what Eid celebration is hahahaa bad bad wife. :( :P (L) (L)


    I'm so lazy I'll look it up geeeeeeeeeez.

Edited by Soloenta, 04 October 2014 - 08:34 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-04 20:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I need some advice. My wife took her medical early which we thought was smart because she ended up taking the sputum. Two months wait is over and the results were neg but we still don't have case complete and I'm afraid that she will not get an interview and her passport back by the time her medical expires on Dec 25th. Should she go ahead and repeat the medical now (thinking they will make her redo her sputum) or should we wait till we get and interview date. What scares me is I don't know if the exrays shows the same as before are they going to make her take the sputum again. This whole process is dragging me down, I really thought this would be over by now.


   NONONONONONON and NO.................................  get the medical again when you get the letter they send you when you receive your e-mail and you get that once you have received your interview date.   It would just be a wast of money because you have no idea what can happen from here to then.  I for one should have at least a CC but don't.   Please don't waste your money just wait. :) Good luclk to you. (F) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-04 19:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Congratulations sweetheart. 2 good news in one day, its worth celebrating. Am so happy for you.

Am Short of words with what's happening. You can't give up my dear friend, you just have to keep calling till they sort it out, am still here for you.


   I honestly don't know if I can anymore I'm just tired of it.   Thought about not coming to the thread I feel I'm putting everyone down when they should be happy but you see I'm addicted but will keep trying. :) (L)




Sorry to hear that, Soloenta.   :cry: I don't know why NVC continues to torture you.   :crying:


 They can see you've suffered enough already (all the way from USCIS) so I wish they would stop doing that.    :dead:


Maybe you can take a short break until next Thursday/Friday since you must be tired of calling them.   :idea:


Octavio may be able to get to your file sometime next week if you give him more time.   :yes:   Fingers crossed!    :star:


 Thank you Austin you make perfect sense I took him at his word.  When I say I'll call you back then I'll call you back but that's me not them.  I'll just wait and your right I'm tired in general plus whats the use.    Thank you my friend.  (L)


Hang in there Soloenta! Thinking of you!!! Good night friends!

And Congrats Austin!!! Hope to see you at the top of the Space Needle sooooooon!



   Thank you I will :) (L)


I have a repo of being quite a good predictor for other people. Doesn't work for myself :rofl: looks like I have crystal ball as well soloenta :devil: :devil: :joy:


   Hahahaa Its because we're sisters!   (L)


Now I really really hope that even next month they schedule interviews as late as this month. I don't think my checklist will be reviewed before the end of month and I really wanna get a dec int date :( new year then my anniversary and birthday in jan. I m praying I m with hubby in this one!!


  God be with you, I'll be praying you get your Dec interview and an early one. :D.   I don't really have much hope, I just saw KoKo post  day or so ago he still doesn't have a interview for the Egyptian Embassy, I think they are falling back again.  (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-04 16:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Congratulations sweetheart. 2 good news in one day, its worth celebrating. Am so happy for you.

Am Short of words with what's happening. You can't give up my dear friend, you just have to keep calling till they sort it out, am still here for you.


   I honestly don't know if I can anymore I'm just tired of it.   Thought about not coming to the thread I feel I'm putting everyone down when they should be happy but you see I'm addicted but will keep trying. :) (L)




Sorry to hear that, Soloenta.   :cry: I don't know why NVC continues to torture you.   :crying:


 They can see you've suffered enough already (all the way from USCIS) so I wish they would stop doing that.    :dead:


Maybe you can take a short break until next Thursday/Friday since you must be tired of calling them.   :idea:


Octavio may be able to get to your file sometime next week if you give him more time.   :yes:   Fingers crossed!    :star:


 Thank you Austin you make perfect sense I took him at his word.  When I say I'll call you back then I'll call you back but that's me not them.  I'll just wait and your right I'm tired in general plus whats the use.    Thank you my friend.  (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-04 16:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I hope you get to talk to Octavio this evening and finally have good news!    :star:


So you can relax and get more sleep this weekend!    :whistle:    Fingers crossed!  


    Thank you my friend,  I did call at 6:02 and at 7pm I talked to Gus very nice guy.   Octavio was not at his desk yet again and David his supervisor was also not at his desk bless their hearts, busy, busy busy. ;)   Anyway wont be calling again I give up, I'm done I have no recourse in this process I'm just a floating piece of poop in the ocean just going where ever the tide takes me.  :D I've lost it I now surrender it to God. (L) (L)


Another good news for me today; MoBar was right about the double helping....I called NVC again this evening and today my interview was scheduled for November 20th. An ordeal that started in August 2013 is coming to an end for me. I spoke with Oscar and he was happy to tell me the good news.

smiley-happy093.gif    Oh, OH great new wooooooooooo hooooooooooo so much great news for you in one day, makes me so happy.  Did you tell your mother?  If so what did she say? :D




SOLOENTA, call them. I need an update on your case too. I pray all is resolved and you get the news before the weekend.


   I did sweetness nothing for me yet.  (L)

Nvc still working right now?


  Yes but there is no way you can get through, try but don't expect to get anyone.   Everyone is call, but give it a try, good luck. :) (L)

Edited by Soloenta, 03 October 2014 - 10:30 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Called NVC and spoke with jack, nope still haven't reviewed my checklist. I asked if they were working the weekend, he said "no we do not work on weekends". :rofl:

    Finally someone at NVC that told the truth, it's one for the record books. :no:


got off the call

they told me i gt checklist    :devil: :devil: :devil:

in AOS in part 5 in number 1 and  number 8.

and they need i 864 of joint sponser.

somebody please tel me whats that?


   I'll leave this to someone that knows or you'll get a Checklist so quickly it will make you dizzy!  :yes:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


green-card-interview.jpg         November 10th (9:30am)!


Sweetie, you were right!   :wow:    I got an interview date on my immi-versary date!   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:



      Didn't want to post this on another thread so thank you for posting your good news here.   I just wanted you to know how deeply and profoundly happy this news makes me. You are one special and wonderful man and anyone beside you has to count their blessings.  May God bless and protect you and I wish you a smooth and easy interview. (L)

Edited by Soloenta, 03 October 2014 - 10:05 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Although we both have iPhones but I m sure it works on android. But both need to have that application though.

Awww thank you then it wont work for us we will have to try Magic Jack and if that doesn't work then just stick with Skype all the time :(  Ty sweet heart. (L)



Hey Soloenta! I called NVC yesterday and I was told my file wasnt reviewed yet I told them I had called  before and was told I got a checklist 9/30/14 but the guy kept denying it saying my file was still under review . So I called them today, I spoke with a very nice lady she said my file was actually reviewed 9/23/2014 and I should have received my checklist already so she put in a request to re send it -.-  They lost my 2013 letter stating I didnt work that year and some other corrections I need to make on my AOS. :\ I hope I receive it soon  :cry:


   :ranting:   SOB's they just love to ruin peoples lives I think,  I'm so very sorry this happened to you and will be praying that this will be fixed in the next week.  It breaks my heart, like you have no idea to know they have made one more person suffer needlessly.   God be with you and you will be in my prayers as of tonight.  (L) (L)


I keep checking the threads and it seems everyone is busy calling them :lol:

Somehow I've gotten so used to reading comments here that it has become a habit! Every time I grab my phone, the first thing I do is go through all the threads :rofl:

Such a sad life seriously :bonk:

Join the club!  But mostly just check this one and when I can't sleep :D.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 22:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

It works on any phone, it's an app you can download. You need to have it in your phone and he needs to have it as well...then you can call each other. We usually use viber, it's pretty good.


  OH :( I don't have an Android they are to expensive to use with the internet I just have a regular cell no way to download it. :(  Oh well Magic Jack or Skype will have to do for now.   Thank you sweet heart.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I need to read the thread backwards to figure out your situation and if it is resolved by now. Its been a few days since the Silvia/Octavio ordeal.


  No don't waste you time, it's not resolved and Octavio like Sylvia has not called me back.  Might try again tonight not sure. :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

case complete!! I'm so happy! last scan date for AOS checklist 14/8 ! also AOS changed from PAID to N/A :) .... but they don't have my interview date yet ! i only hope to get my date ASAP! :)




            You don't have a time line how long was the process for you start to finish and is your case expedited?  Thank you in advance and praying you get an inferview very soon.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Yes! Our day will come when it's meant to come :yes: (L) (F)

We use either tango or viber soloenta. I really like tango. Better than skype and is lighter so it works even on 3G without wifi. U should try that!


  NIce it works on Android cells?   You can call cells and landlines?   Oh my I hope its true thank you precious can't wait if it does I'll tell my husband right now. :D


Edited by Soloenta, 03 October 2014 - 03:40 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 15:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

  Any one that has Magic Jack for Android know why my husband is getting Error 20 and if so how to get rid of it?  Would be so lovely to talk to him no matter were I am.


  He is in Egypt he says he has G3 and good internet.  (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

EOC congratulations!! So very happy for u! :joy:

Soloenta I love you and my heart goes out to u. I know how u must be feeling right now. U should be part of this group getting interview date :cry:


  Awww thank you Samreen, it is bitter sweet but I'm truly happy for all my friends finally being freed form this torture.   Our day will com my dear and beautiful friend and I love you to with all my heart. :)                                      t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 15:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I have called and requested a supervisor on wendsday and thursday and no call back. Does anyone have any experience with getting through to a supervisor at the NVC?


 Get upset, no expletives but tell them if you don't get a supervisor you will talk to upper management and make sure the rep knows that you know her/his

name                                                                                                                            (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 14:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

It's really quiet at NVC today about case completes. I do see a lot of interviews being scheduled so maybe they're busy with that now. :dead:

  Who ever knows with them! (L) (L)


Hello Everyone !!


I hope everyone is having a Fabulous Friday and great day of Day of Arafat for anyone celebrating Eid tomorrow  :rolleyes:


Quick Question! - I just tried calling the NVC customer service line ((603) 334-0700) a few times and it gives me the busy signal. Shouldn't it give me a menu and put me on hold?


~~~~ Best wishes that we all get Case Complete Soon, God Willing ~~~~


~ Sofi 

  Happy Eid arabic-symbol-allahu-akbar-smiley-emotic  And graphics-welcome-010883.gif to the thread. :)

I'm checking CEAC quite a bit now. I haven't seen any August 15th CCs yet so I'm keeping my distance from the NVC call centre :P


  Don't blame you everyone is calling it's a nightmare!  (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 14:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

It is official: CASE COMPLETE as of 10/2/2014. Interview is not scheduled yet, as Lisa @ NVC said, the paperwork was just reviewed. I pray I make the November round of Interviews. Last scan date 08/12.


   WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO congratulations again, now once you get your date you can call to see if you can change it to sooner Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo Mommy is coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (L)


SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Thanks. Yeah you can say that again, I guess I have to get a place closer to the embassy to lodge so I can make it on time because my home is a bit far from the embassy.

Yeah its worth the wait. Thanks.

Thanks my dearest friend, am so happy. Hubby is at work and I just gave him the good news. Am praying you also hear good news soon.

Thanks sweetie.


              :)  Thank you so much.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I pray and believe for a November interview. G-d knows we really need it: mom did not plan to spend winter in Bulgaria and has no wood for the stove, no food supplies for the winter months, etc...and winters are severe where I come from...So if I can get his 67 yr old woman in Texas before first snow I will be the happiest person on earth.

Thank you so very much! I am almost afraid to let myself go and feel happy, remembering what we went through. I am an August 2013 filer.


   Will be praying you get an early interview and you can call and ask for an early one, I'm sure Bulgaria is a slow Embassy God willing. :) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 09:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I just called and spoke with Lisa, I asked her for our case status and she told me she has got good news for me.






              WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CONGRATULATIONS SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU.  Your on your way great news twice I'm overwhelmed with joy!  This time I have tears of shear joy, what a difference these tears are!   Thank God now for the rest of you MoBar the list goes on. :) :dance: :yes: :dance:


SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 08:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

VJ FAMILY!!!!!!!

MY DEAREST, without whom I would have positively lost my mind.

I want YOU to be the first to know that my AOS fee changed to N/A. I have not received an email yet and will be calling NVC later in the day. I sure hope this is CC. My last scan date is 08/12 and I am positively out of patience, pregnant, and still hoping for November interview, so I can be with my mom at the interview. Hopefully while I can still board a plane, without going in labor on the plane, or in Bulgaria :) Hehehe


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CONGRATULATIONS SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU.   I am beside myself with joy and hope and can't wait until you tell us your on a flight to the USA with your beloved mother.  I have renewed confidence that God listens to our prayers and he answers us in his own time.  OMG what happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by Soloenta, 03 October 2014 - 08:34 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I was exaggerating a little ofcourse :oops: it's more like 10-15 pounds or in between? :cry:

Yes I don't wanna weigh myself because I know I'll get even more depressed :lol: it's all because I've become super antisocial and I don't wanna go out to hang out with friends...I've lost all interest in shopping too.

I think it's lack of physical activity that's causing all of this, I really need to get up and start being more active. All in due time I guess.


   Yeah and I'm 16  :D :P :rofl:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-03 08:28:00