IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

InshAllah inshAllah it's a case complete. When did you receive the email? Maybe the status online will change after some time.

Praying he gives you the good news today!! :clock: :clock:


    Yes Insha'Allah I'm on the phone right now but wont believe it until he tells me.  This was supposedly the only thing holding us back from CC so we should have it today God in heaven only knows. :D  First time I didn't feel joy this time if it happens I'll be grateful and thank God. :D  (L) (L)


   I received the e-mail today a few minutes before I posted it a guess a couple of hours or so ago. :D  :dance:  :yes:  :dance: 


  Thank you so much for your prayers they are worth more than diamonds and gold. (L) (L)

Edited by Soloenta, 01 October 2014 - 11:37 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 11:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

OMG could this be a false checklist??? Have you called them yet? How about the ceac site?


  I checked the CEAC site every few minutes hahaha then read your post and checked it again and nothing I think I'll have to wait for 4pm when Octavio comes in the office. God in heaven I'll only believe him.   (L) (L)   Please God!!!!   t0803.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 11:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Say what??? I would think that you better call them ASAP. To me it seems that the case is complete, but there is the pesky AOS bug rearing it's ugly head again. Get on the phone and CALL them!! What are the specifics of what the checklist said? Anything? Or was it just a general checklist?


I really hope this is good news for you my DEAR!!


I haven't been on the thread much because things are still crazy with moving my parents. Also because as we enter the (hopefully) last month until CC (projected date Nov 1) it gets harder! I just want to try to forget about all of this in hopes that the month goes faster. I know it won't really work, but I need to try to RELAX!


   Hahaa yeah my same reaction was so scared to open it and thought false checklist but was scared to even think it.  Nothing specific just what you see and the typical fill out a new from etc.  Thank you so much sweet heart for taking the time to come by. 


   Praying your CC comes with no snags and you get everything straightened out soon so you can relax.   Your in my prayers and thought and you know what song is in my head now hahahahah ;) (L) (L)



It looks like a false checklist to me Soloenta.. Please call and let us know the good news soon..... Shall pray that it turn's out to be a case complete for you........

  Thank you sweet heart it's exactly what I thought but was just to afraid to believe it. :D  Thank you so much for your input. :D  (L) (L)


l dont understand this checklist. Was there anying marked on the attached checklist?

  Nope that was it three pages of nothing first saying it was a checklist for our AOS, second the Cover letter with DR Bar Code to download and the last one what you see.  So I'm sure it's a false checklist.   I told Octavio everything was there and my sweet friend Shannon who is a genius filled out the third one for me so I know it's correct and all the paper work is there at least I said I sent it.   Just more BS, I just wish we knew why they do this to certain people I am really becoming paranoid and I'm not kidding. ;) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Good that you fired Silvia, she is unprofessiona. l guess you will hear good news from Octavio.


  Thank you :) I hope so, I just wonder what happened to her?  I  have heard such great things about her work ethic but she decided to abandon it with me. 

   Insha'Allah Octavio wont let me down.    (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 10:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

  Ok I need your help please I think I know what this is but I'm not sure and I don't want to suppose it's what I think it is cause I don't want to jinx anything if you get my drift. 

  So what is this?  Come on tell it to me straight. ;)   If it is what I think it is they lied to me even more. 



          __________CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS: ____________________________

           A review of your case has been completed based on your inquiry.  The items included in this checklist
           represent the items still required before your case can be considered complete.

          _______ F -FINANCIAL EVIDENCE: __________________________________________

          A review of the I-864,  I-864W or  I-864A (if applicable) Affidavit of Support form and
          supporting documents that you submitted has revealed that you have provided incomplete information in
          you response or you have not responded to some questions.

          Please pay specific attention to the questions marked in the attached  I-864/A checklist.  You will need to
          complete and submit a new form with the changes noted on the attached checklist, blah, blah blah.:)


SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 09:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Another month is started now n our result is not announced yet plzzzz Allah before starting of dec v all out of this NVC waiting Center...
I wish i will celebrate my bd with my hubby :(


  Insha'Allah  we will all receive good news soon, stay strong no matter what your time will come keep praying God does answer our prayers. :) (L) (L)



   Don't know what that means but great to see you and graphics-welcome-010883.gif


May this month be filled with CCs for everyone inshAllah!

It's officially October 1st :joy: :joy: :joy:

Someone got a case complete for 8/12, which gives me hope that they're processing documents quicker now! :dance: :dance: :dance:

   WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Romii your time is coming you'll see sooner than you think. :D   (L) (L)

to the thread. :D

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-01 09:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Words can't explain my anger towards supervisor Silvia. Messing up with people's life as if she doesn't care. Sweetheart my heart and prayers goes out for you and am praying real hard for Silvia to do something about your file. Or do you mind asking of Supervisor Octavio (Great minds think alike ;)  )  since its taken forever for Silvia to close your case.


  Thank you so much EOC I really appreciate your prayers and kind words mean the world to me.  Oh I fire Sylvia she's gone I spoke to Octavio and explained everything and how Sylvia has not returned any of my calls for many days now.  So he said well don't worry I'm taking your case as of right now and I'll see what I can do.  So God willing he will help us out.   I'm sure he will he sounded like he cared and was very nice while when I talked to Sylvia for the first time she was not nice at all very nonchalant! 


  Thank you again sweetness. :D (L) (L)

Edited by Soloenta, 30 September 2014 - 10:15 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 22:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hahah I don't have to pull it out cuz it's shedding like crazy not to mention the weight loss


  Oh geez so sorry about that, I would take the weight loss :D  Have you seen your Dr, might be hormones due to the stress, It can be fixed. (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 20:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I didn't get any REF or checklists, but it'll take more than one year by the time I get the visa.   :bonk:



I hope you're no longer checking the CEAC site more than once a day.   :whistle:



You mean you fired Supervisor Sylvia!!??   :wow:


  Yup had enough of her bull poop wasn't going to take it anymore it's now in Octavio's hands. :D  evil-penguin-slap-smiley-emoticon.gif  I'm the one on the left. :D   :dance: :yes: :dance:

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 20:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread




    Hello and graphics-welcome-010883.gif  to the thread :D (L) (L)  Praying for a quick out of NVC for you. :D 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 20:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I130 approved 9/17  Waiting for NVC to receive.




  Congratulations and  graphics-welcome-010883.gif to the thread. :D  (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 20:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hi friends

Checking in for the October thread. I hope this is the last one for many of us. This is my 7th month at NVC and hopefully my last.

Soloenta. I am SO proud of you girlfriend for giving it to NvC today and demanding to speak to Octavio. Let's hope he can get his butt into gear and get you out of there very quickly.

Am off to have a nice day with my Mum and sister.


   I hope and pray sweet heart you get home soon, I'll be around until our friends finish with NVC then I'm out of here. :D  And someone else can pick up the flag. 


   Oh thank you so much your so kind (L) I just lost it I have my limits and I reached it.  


   Be safe and have tons of fun girls day out. :D   (L)  (L) 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 20:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Still waiting for the freakin checklist to be reviewed :( bonk!


  It's a wonder we haven't pulled out all our hair from our heads with all this c r a p!    pulling-hair-smiley-emoticon.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 18:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Already 3 pages to read and it's not even October til tomorrow!! :rofl:

  Hey there's a lot of venting to do. :P   :rofl:  :dance:  :yes:  :dance:


Checking in. 


As I near the six month mark at the NVC with still another 50 days to go on my checklist review, I know I'm going to need to vent here some more :clock:  :ranting:


I never imagined in my wildest nightmare it could take over a year to get my wife here.

   Welcome back and boy how we can relate!  My nightmare started  first week in March 2013 thought it would take a year at most.  Well color me pink with green poka dots.   Well rest assured we will be here for you until your beautiful wife is by your side. :) :yes:   Vent to your hearts content.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 18:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Awww sweety don't worry, you'll catch her. Maybe she's really busy, she isn't the type to not keep her inshAllah she gets to it soon. Remembering you in my prayers.

I was having such a bad day, just got home and came straight to my room to cry. As I was crying, I read your post and I honestly stopped. I have no right to cry for whatever is going on, when there's you whose going through the toughest of situations. I love your positivity! You support all of us with such kind words and yet you're getting the short end of the stick. Allah will surely reward you for all your patience. I know amazing things are in store for you inshAllah! :joy: :joy: :joy:


  What beautiful words thank you so much precious, you brought tears to my eyes.   You have all the right in the world my dear we are all feeling pain and loneliness if a only a day or a year it doesn't matter.  It's a good stress reliever to cry and hey it makes the eyes sparkle after.    I love it I have green eyes and when I cry hahaha makes me look like a monster with green eyes and a red background  :rofl: !   


   OH, OH I fired Sylvia hahahaaa :rofl: :rofl:  she is GONE!!!  Octavio is now checking my files. :D  :dance: :yes: :dance:


   You know each and every one of you are dear to my heart. I know your struggles and fears and that makes us family. :)    Insha'Allah he will get us through this soon.


                                                                         t5063.gif        t5063.gif

Edited by Soloenta, 30 September 2014 - 06:09 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 18:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Hey jcruzazucar, I just got my NVC email! I don't know if the fees are actually going to be unlocked soon... it still doesn't work but I JUST got the email. Both fees got invoiced though (as everyone said, because we have a lawyer and skipped the DS-261).


I hope yours gets resolved soon. :(


  The good thing here if your very careful maybe get some help if you need it and don't get any checklists you will be so ahead of all of us considering all the obsticles you have been through.   I'll be thrilled to know you guys didn't have to suffer like we are. :D   I'll be praying it's so. (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 17:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


You are correct. And I believe change of contractors handling NVC's workload is what caused our delay from May onward. Thank you State Department for the timely change and smooth transition, because waiting for a year on the DACA cases to get an approval before USCIS even touched our files was not enough.



  The one hundred times I called today none of the reps knew who the supervisor were.  What does that tell you?



I'm so sorry this is happening to you. :( I hope it is resolved soon. I can't believe it though, from what you're posting it seems like this supervisor hasn't been at her desk for the past week!!! :lol: :( I hope she comes back with good news for you.


I just received my welcome email, and got both my fees invoiced!!! I know I'm still very new to this NVC stage but YAY progress! Your good thoughts must have helped. :)

  Aww thank you sweet heart hehehee yeah I think she goes to the bathroom and sleeps so much for her being a great supervisor.  


  Nope I had enough got really pissed off on the phone said I have been stuck from USCIS to NVC for well over a year and I want action on my case.   I said I'm DONE WITH SYLVIA I WANT TO SPEAK TO OCTAVIO.   She said oh, umm yes of course and put him on the phone I told him the lies they told me with dates and how Sylvia has totally ignored me and I need my case completed I've been screwed by immigration enough.  So Octavio has taken our case from Sylvia so she can go sleep more in the bathroom.  (L) (L)  :D  I have my limits and I've reached it. 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 17:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Thank you Soloenta, I have no clue how you keep it together. I'm frustrated and I barely started my journey with NVC.


     Thank you and I have no other choice the alternative is unacceptable so between crying alone in my bedroom to posting here I try to do my best.  Not always easy and I often fail but I keep trying telling myself the end will come then all this will be over. :)   I fail all the time believe me.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

So FCi Federal is in charge of NVC? It seems they won the contract in April, so are they now dealing with all the paperwork?



 Yup and someone posted that this is the reason for the backup which makes sense.  (L) (L)


Checking in for October :D

  Welcome back sweet heart happy to see you with us. :)   (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-09-30 14:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

there is NOTHING to be ashamed about. If they would have told me what they told you, and did what they are doing to you, I would by crying NON_STOP. This is total BS. I am really sorry. Really sorry. I know it is so painful. I shudder at the thought of it.


I think you need some wine and a nice dessert, and then some sleep. Then wake up rested and with a  calm mind write down what all options you can come up with. 


I shall pray everyday for you to get your case complete and move on as i do for mine.


Hang in there. Please. It shall be all right.



  Thank you so much Target,  My father bless his heart found their marriage certificate so we are good to go there, if he hadn't found it God only knows.  Thank you so much for your prayers you have been in mine and wont stop until you have your visa and pas POE. God bless you for your kindness. (L)



I am so sorry Solenta about all this situation, they do treat us like criminals, let me tell you what happened to me on Feb 25 2014 a date ill never forget. I was going there with my husband for our honeymoon, we had our ceremony here in Mexico on feb 22, I was coming back to Mexico after the honeymoon so anyways, they denied me thw entry to the U.S. because I was married to a usc and not only that they cancel my visa, for them to cancel my visa they detained me for 8 hours, like a criminal, pretty much on jail, I wasnt doi g anything illegal, ever since I had memory I own a tourist visa but thwy didnt care. It was such a nightmare the border officers offended me and my husband. I still dont know whyt they did that, while I was there in that little office, around 10 officers were "working" and they didnt really work at all, I was they only one that was out that day but they have around 56 kids from guatemala in a small space like animals, making fun of them an nobody was working on their cases to releaae them. The whole system is broken, they dont want to fix it, they dont want me or your husband to move there, but we wont give up. I am never gonna give up because of this and one day hopefully soon ill be able to spend my life with him.

I received an email a few days a go with the 2-4 weeks estimated, today I received the 60 days, I cried like a baby, my dream of spending Xmas witn my hubby for the first time ever is gone, I just wanna go downstairs make brownies, buy ice cream eat a whole bag of twix and watch sex and the city to forget about this but I am already chubby because of this situation.,

Praying for you solenta..
Dear Lord, I lift up wives who struggle with anxiety. You know the details of what triggers their fears and you know what they face on a daily basis. My prayer is that you would comfort these women and that your awesome peace would remove their fears and anxiety. I pray their husbands would wrap their loving arms around them and also comfort them. I pray these marriages are not hindered by the anxiety, but rather strengthened! I know the debilitating affect of anxiety and I know you dont want us living life controlled by it. I call out to you for help Lord. Please transform our hearts so that we do not live in fear or allow anxiety to consume us any more in Jesus name AMEN!


  Amen Alepenaflor God Bless you and your in my prayers also.  I think the illusion of power gets to them so they act in the way they do.  What cowards to treat you like that I'm so very sorry.  I can't even imagine how you felt while all this was going on.  I pray that one day this wont even be in your memory.  We can't let these cowards win. 


  You made me laugh a little when you said you wanted to eat ice cream etc and that you were already chubby OMG same here I have to try to lose while going through all this and what is it with women that we have to eat to calm down?  My husband loses wt when he's stressed I gain.  Geeeeeeez what luck eh. :(    I just lit  candle for all of us an pray as you and to the blessed mother that our prayers be answered. t0803.gif



I am so sorry you have to go through this. I know it is painful, but please don't give up! Try to distract yourself, meet up and talk with a friend or relative, get some good sleep and tomorrow will be a new day. You are so close to being done with NVC! Don't look back on your visa journey (hey, you already got most of it behind you) but concentrate on what is left. Get in contact with your congressman, senator, ombudsman to get support from them (NVC gave you conflicting information - that's so not okay) and give the silly NVC whatever they want. You are almost done, honey! Wish we could all help you more! I am praying for a speedy CC for you! You deserve it so much! 

Hugs  (F)

  Awww thank you so much wont give up sent an e-mail to my Senator see what happens couldn't call cause I burst out crying.  What is ombudsman I'll e-mail them, where do I find the information to e-mail them do you know?  I wont give up I'll so the best I can.  IF these Ombudsman can help I'll write an e-mail that will light a fire under their  A$$'s.  Thank you again. :) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 18:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I truly believe GOD hates me!!!!! 


 we had received a checklist (due to my lawyer's mistake) and sent it back on Sept 7 via email (my lawyer did) (Electronic Processing).. I called up today a month later ( as i never received an email confirming they got it ). Talked with Gus. Apparently there is no record of that of that email in their system. So he wants us to send it back. Yippppppeeee!!! now instead of Sept 8 it is Oct 8 as our scan date?though it is not confirmed yet?as the email is still not reached there yet...


I am thoroughly disgusted and depressed.


    No never, God doesn't hate you this is man made.  You would think the lawyer would have called to make sure, but I always wonder how much is NVC's fault call me paranoid but I don't trust them at all.


    I think we should all promise God something, I don't go to mass every Sunday but I will promise him to go every Sunday and I will pray for all of us there.  Maybe it's time to ask for a miracle and make an effort?   (L)  (L) 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 17:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

there is NOTHING to be ashamed about. If they would have told me what they told you, and did what they are doing to you, I would by crying NON_STOP. This is total BS. I am really sorry. Really sorry. I know it is so painful. I shudder at the thought of it.


I think you need some wine and a nice dessert, and then some sleep. Then wake up rested and with a  calm mind write down what all options you can come up with. 


I shall pray everyday for you to get your case complete and move on as i do for mine.


Hang in there. Please. It shall be all right.



  Thank you so much Target,  My father bless his heart found their marriage certificate so we are good to go there, if he hadn't found it God only knows.  Thank you so much for your prayers you have been in mine and wont stop until you have your visa and pas POE. God bless you for your kindness. (L)



I am so sorry Solenta about all this situation, they do treat us like criminals, let me tell you what happened to me on Feb 25 2014 a date ill never forget. I was going there with my husband for our honeymoon, we had our ceremony here in Mexico on feb 22, I was coming back to Mexico after the honeymoon so anyways, they denied me thw entry to the U.S. because I was married to a usc and not only that they cancel my visa, for them to cancel my visa they detained me for 8 hours, like a criminal, pretty much on jail, I wasnt doi g anything illegal, ever since I had memory I own a tourist visa but thwy didnt care. It was such a nightmare the border officers offended me and my husband. I still dont know whyt they did that, while I was there in that little office, around 10 officers were "working" and they didnt really work at all, I was they only one that was out that day but they have around 56 kids from guatemala in a small space like animals, making fun of them an nobody was working on their cases to releaae them. The whole system is broken, they dont want to fix it, they dont want me or your husband to move there, but we wont give up. I am never gonna give up because of this and one day hopefully soon ill be able to spend my life with him.

I received an email a few days a go with the 2-4 weeks estimated, today I received the 60 days, I cried like a baby, my dream of spending Xmas witn my hubby for the first time ever is gone, I just wanna go downstairs make brownies, buy ice cream eat a whole bag of twix and watch sex and the city to forget about this but I am already chubby because of this situation.,

Praying for you solenta..
Dear Lord, I lift up wives who struggle with anxiety. You know the details of what triggers their fears and you know what they face on a daily basis. My prayer is that you would comfort these women and that your awesome peace would remove their fears and anxiety. I pray their husbands would wrap their loving arms around them and also comfort them. I pray these marriages are not hindered by the anxiety, but rather strengthened! I know the debilitating affect of anxiety and I know you dont want us living life controlled by it. I call out to you for help Lord. Please transform our hearts so that we do not live in fear or allow anxiety to consume us any more in Jesus name AMEN!


  Amen Alepenaflor God Bless you and your in my prayers also.  I think the illusion of power gets to them so they act in the way they do.  What cowards to treat you like that I'm so very sorry.  I can't even imagine how you felt while all this was going on.  I pray that one day this wont even be in your memory.  We can't let these cowards win. 


  You made me laugh a little when you said you wanted to eat ice cream etc and that you were already chubby OMG same here I have to try to lose while going through all this and what is it with women that we have to eat to calm down?  My husband loses wt when he's stressed I gain.  Geeeeeeez what luck eh. :(    I just lit  candle for all of us an pray as you and to the blessed mother that our prayers be answered. t0803.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 17:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


What about sending your own birth certificate? That is a solid proof of relationship between you and your co-sponsor. Even though it doesn't make sense...What is the importance of the relationship between persons filing AOS? Once AOS is signed its a contract between the signatory/s and the government, not a contract between you and your co-sponsor/the other signatory........

  Because when I was a baby at POE immigration took it and never gave it back and I can't get another one much information was lost when birth , death and marriage certificates were sent to the capital.   But they want my parents marriage certificate and I think we have that. :(

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 14:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


That is so ridiculous! Have you tried calling and speaking to a supervisor and ask can you bring it to the interview? Or at least will it be reviewed quicker? Anything? :(


  Yes have spoken to several supervisors, they say no to everything.  Some are nice some not so much.  Octavio and Sylvia were a total disappointment


sweetheart please don't cry, it is now time you write to senator Barbara Boxer's office, my sis wrote to her office and it helped my case. Send the written consent form from her website asap. You can fax or mail it phone # 510 -286-8537, ask for fax #, . Please be calm, this to shall pass. my prayers are with you. All this with the help of boxer can end very soon


  Thank you my dear I will do just that, it can't hurt. :(   God bless you and thank you so much for your prayers I really need them. (L) (L)

and I could hardly understand Octavio.  


You would do best by calling NVC. Another option to email, but it takes a while to receive a reply. I emailed that address on June 17th, and got a reply on July 18th. By the way, my case was received by NVC in the beginning of April, and I just now got a case complete. Best of luck to my beautiful Bulgarian countrymen!


  Tell me please did you tell your dear mother about CC and interview and what did she say? :D (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 13:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hello :) So we are stuck in NVC for 6 months now (from april ) and I want to ask if there is some website where i can check our status online?

  Best thing to do is call them the website is worthless and you will only get answers God willing if you call.   So sorry for your long wait.  :(


I really don't know what to classify NVC with. This is not fair at all, i think you should get your senator, congressman, governor or those in power involved in this. This is absolute rubbish. Why are they saying different things every time you call. Is there some group of devils in NVC messing up with your file. I can't imagine what and how you are feeling right now, this isn't fair. OMG this is pure injustice. I don't know what to say or do anymore. I wish am working in NVC or know someone working in NVC, i would have pleaded with him/her to help close your case. Am so sorry sweetie.

  Thank you my friend I appreciate your kind words.  If I contact my Senator I'll have to e-mail because I can no longer speak to anyone normally I just burst out crying I can't control it.  I think maybe it might be a nervous breakdown I'm not sure.   I can't smile or laugh all I can do is stare, cry and sleep.  I'm not sure how I'm typing  right now to be honest. :(   I thank you for your sweet and kind words my friend you as the rest of the people on this thread, not on this thread Shannon, Saylin and Dwheels are exceptional in every way and am blessed by God to have known you.  


   Not sure what to do right now, should i cry or go to sleep?  It's a pathetic toss up. ;) smileys-confused-917847.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 13:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Soloenta, they are taking the royal piss with your case. I wish there was something we could do to help :(

    Yes they are and I think it's because my husband is Arab, I hate to say it, it usually seems like a weak argument to me but now I can't think of anything else. :(  What a sad world we live in.  :(  Thank you sweet heart but there is nothing anyone can do against those that are given total power over us.  They say there isn't a war that can last 100 years or a body that can take it. smileys-confused-917847.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 13:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I'm so, so sorry, Soloenta.  :cry: I think you have every right to raise hell and demand an exception to the 60-day review. :diablo:  They have put you through a roller coaster of emotions and it's time they let you off the ride!  Maybe one of your congress people can help?  Good luck to you and big hugs.


   Thank you so much sweet heart, it wont do any good.   I'll send my Senator an e-mail, my Congress woman Napolitano is worthless.   I would call but would start to cry so bad they wouldn't understand me. :(  Thank you for the hug i needed that. :) t5063.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 12:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

OMG!!!! i am so so so sorry Soloenta?.i really think you should call up NVC and ask them to expedite your process?.they gave you false information about your AOS??.i know it may not work, but hey it truly doesn't hurt to try?.this is very unfair.


I am feeling depressed hearing your news... :cry:



  Thank you very much, just called, you know how Austin says to cry as in faking it.  I lost it, I'm ashamed to say I toally lost it could hardly talk what  a disaster.  Poor woman was beside herself, I was a total mess.  She said at this point they can't expedite.   This is just to much, criminals don't go through what we do.  It would be considered cruel and unusual punishment.  Haven't stopped crying since yesterday I have a migraine because of it, only good thing is I'm not hungry at all. ;(

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 12:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Ok I just need to rant!!!!


I feel so ripped off by stupid NVC! the received our AOS package on 4th of August and our IV package on the 10th of September so after waiting the stupid 60 days and calling them to now realise that they are only reviewing both according to my last scan date which means I have to wait another month on top of the 60 days we have already waited.


its really stressing me out as im terrified of getting a checklist for the AOS package and now i have to wait another month to find out if its ok or not and if its not its going to put us back even more!!!! sorry i need to rant no one else in my life gets all this stuff. its driving me nuts!!


thanks for listening  


First thing, first    graphics-welcome-010883.gif   to the thread.


 I know exactly how you feel and I don't even have words when it comes to NVC I want it wiped out of my mind forever!    You can come and Rant, cry and blow off steam when ever you want this is why this thread was made.  Praying you don't get a checklist for anything at any time. t4582.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 12:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Sorry I havent been around guys, but just caught up on 25 pages or so! lol Our last scan dates are August 18th for IV and September 15th for AOS checklist.


No CC yet obviously, really hope they dont take the full 60 days for the checklist :(



@Soloenta  have you tried contacting your congressman? I think it would help!


    Hi sweet heart nice to see you again.  Not for this no at least not yet.  They are saying I need to send a copy of my parents marriage certificate.  I wonder what next the kitchen sink?

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 12:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

[quote name="Soloenta" post="7277489" timestamp="1412641039"]

[b]  Yes and another 60 days, I want to die.  Thank you Austin Go bless you my

check your in box



   I'm so very sorry I am in you shoes, just got off with NVC and just can't stop crying again, I don't know how much more of this I can take.  Spoke to Sara she is talking about a checklist from June that I was told to ignore about some proof of relationship, W T F is that and why I think they men my parents.  I think it's discrimination because well you know. :(   I can't catch my breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Soloenta, 07 October 2014 - 11:29 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-07 11:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Soloenta sweetie, words can't explain how depressed i am right now seeing what NVC is making you pass thru. This immigration process is really a nightmare, i guess there's no end to it, one seems to be held up at every stage. My heart goes out for you. Am so sorry sweetie.


   Thank you my friend, at times I can't catch my breath. 



    Love all you guys thank you so much for your kindness and understanding.   Enjoy your good fortune in my name. :) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 23:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Before you send anything and add another package to be reviewed (after 60 days!!!) call some more people tomorrow and talk to your Senator!!! This is outrageous! Why did it take them so long to tell you what was wrong with a package that had already been approved according to them!!! BS.


  I called NVC again tonight asked to talk to David again who is all these peoples supervisor and as usual he wasn't at his desk.  Most likely  waving frantically no, no I'm not here.    Rep Mel very nice guy said David would call tomorrow.  But I know he wont.


   I don't know who to call, all I want to do is sleep for weeks if possible.  I really don't know how much more of this I can take.  Don't mean to be dramatic and I know it will sound it but I felt i was going to pass out today.  One bad news after another.  (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 23:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


You live in California, eh?  I contacted Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein when I was at USCIS stage (in Nov, 2013) since I used to live in California.   <_<  Sadly, they didn't do anything for me!   :dead:  


So I contacted Nancy Peloci since we lived in San Francisco.   :star:   Her office requested to expedite our case, but USCIS denied it.   :bonk:   I was like "What?  I thought Nancy Peloci was the most powerful woman in America?"   :blink:   I should have contacted Michelle Obama instead!   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


NVC probably has different expedite criteria.   :star:  Try to emphasize that you initially applied back in March, 2013.   :idea:


  I must say I don't have much hope at all.  Might as well try :(.  Yes I have dates, names and times I called NVC also so they will have all the information they need. .  Thank you Austin. (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Soloenta I just sent you a private message, I hope I can help you.......... keep strong, I know it is a very hard situation and I am so sorry :(



  Thank you my dear and I responded. :) and will do.  By the way my husband suggested it also. :) t5063.gif


Oh no. This just cannot be. Who can you speak to above a Supervisor. Surely we have some recourse for being treated like this. I am SO sad for you. This isn't fair. Did you actually speak with Octavio? I am giving you a very big hug. Xx


  His name is David but when I've asked for him he is busy or not at his desk.  I did talk to Octavio and he gave me all the supposed errors but I have everything on the form that he said was missing and I have it right in front of me I have a hard copy thank God that I saved just before I lost every thing on my PC.   Tomorrow I'll contact my Senator see if she can do anything.  Thank you so much for the hug I really needed it. :)   t5063.gif

I am so sorry to hear it be strong and pray too allah miya everything will be alright!!!!


   Thank you so much, I do pray every day many times a day.  God be with us all. (L) (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 21:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


Oh no! I thought your AOS was already approved.... I am so truly sorry for what you have to go through....but brace yourself, you are strong and you will overcome this.


  Thank you, they said it was approved then it wasn't then it was fine then it has errors but I have the hard copy and there are no errors I can see. 



   I'll send it to Shannon I hope she reads this tonight.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 20:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread

I'm so sorry dear :( this whole thing is messed up!

  :( Ty (L)




Definitely not the closure we were all hoping and praying you'll get. This news hit me worse than my own AP, knowing how stressed I was when I was waiting for my CC.

Just get through the necessary motions, dear, and send those dratted documents. We'll both have to bide our time for a while and do our best to cheer on our harried VJ buddies.


    :( Ty (L), Awww thank you my friend. I can honestly say this has been one of the worst days of my life not only because of NVC but other things that have happened.  I feel hopeless and wish I could sleep until this was all over.  I'm hoping to send the documents tomorrow early and I will do my best to cheer up whom ever needs it. 



Gosh darnit!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe you have to pass through all that! It's crazy! I can only try to think how you feel! Once you calm down (maybe tomorrow?!) try to call again and ask them to review the documents you've sent and tell the mistake isn't yours. Oh jeez...we're all a bit sad for you right now're a sweetheart who doesn't deserve this cruel process!!!
But I'm sure you and your hubby are pretty strong to handle this. We're all here to support you and pray that things come out to a less painful end.

  :( Ty (L) so very much I appreciate you sweet and kind words.  I don't know if calling will do any good at all.  I appreciate your prayers and support more than you know. (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 20:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


I'm so sorry to hear this Soloenta . . .   :cry:

  :( Ty (L)



Omg! What the hell. This is sooo unfair! Why are these people so heartless! I'm so sorry sweety!


  :( Ty (L) I think it's on purpose, the AOS was perfect.




Oh Soloenta I am so sorry to hear this. I thought you already had case complete? some of the reps there are so very rude.

  :( Ty (L), they told me CC but it was a lie. :(



Oh no! I'm so sorry!! That's just not fair!!!

  :( Ty (L)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


But...   :dead:   This doesn't make any sense!   :ranting:   


I wonder why you didn't get a checklist sooner if you had received a checklist on your AOS application.   :blink:    


You sent your AOS package a long time ago!   :wacko:  


    Yes and many of the things they say are missing are not because I have the hard copy. :(

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 20:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC October Moral Support/Ranting Thread


WHAT!?   :protest:  Checklist!?   :wow:  Another 60 days!?   :wow:


I'm so sorry to hear that!    :cry:  I'm kind of depressed because of this news!   :crying:

  Thank you, I would love to die just about now.  I need your help going over my mother's I-864a.


  Just want to make sure they can't say this one is wrong I found the hard copy of it since my computer crashed and I lost everything.


 Part 1.  number 8 Relationship to Sponsor, I checked C, Iam not the intended immigrant. I am the sponsor's household member. I am related to the sponsor as his/her.


I put parent.  But I'm confused both my father and I are sponsors and my mother is the co-sponsor so then who is it? Spouse, Son or Daughter, Parent (which I checked) brother or sister, Other dependent.    Do I put Spouse or Parent she is my parent my father's wife who is also a sponsor. 


  They are also saying I screwed up,

  Part 3

  15.I , the household member I have my mother's name here

  under this it says,

 In consideration of the sponsor's promise to complete and file an affidavit of support on behalf of the above   One from number 13


   Last question,


  who signs Household member's Signature?  He said my father signs there but I'm don't know if he told me the truth. :(


  Everything they are telling me I didn't do is in the hard copy so far.  Except number 16 who signs there?

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-10-06 20:05:00