IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014
OP is trying to prove he still has domicile in the states, where as you live in the States, and you are current at that resident address the CO at interview wouldn't bother really giving much thought into the letter.


  Well, what can I say I'm an idiot, I thought I had read others in their same situation living with family and when I was living with my husband that was what I was going to use for proof of domicile since how many people can keep a home running and paid for, for two years unless you won the lotto.   I should just keep quiet hahahaa, ty I appreciate it. :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-22 05:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

AOS changed to N/A today,,, and got an email with a cheklist.. its mention there that i should submit the cheklist in interview..


I have a question, i got the same cheklist now as it was before.. what to do i don't know.. my wife rectified it with a lawyer and she paid $80 for it..

should i correct all the following points plz


P.s :    we only submitted the part 6 page, while it was written in the old cheklist that plz submit all nine pages..

so should we redo all these things..

Please review the instructions below then refer to the final page of this checklist for mailing
I-864, Affidavit of Support Checklist
[x] The NVC recently completed our review of your visa case. While you meet the minimum qualifications for a visa
interview to be scheduled your Affidavit of Support contained one or more sections with missing or incorrect
information. Please review the additional instructions below then complete a new Affidavit of Support. (You can
download the I-864 form and instructions at Once you have completed the new
Affidavit of Support, please provide it to the principal applicant to bring to his or her visa interview. Do not submit
your new Affidavit of Support to the NVC, as doing so will reopen your case and cause processing delays.

In Part 1. Basis for Filing Affidavit of Support, please correct the following...


In Part 2. Information on the Principal Immigrant, please correct the following...

In Part 3, Information on the Immigrant(s) You are sponsoring, please correct the following...

In part 4. Information on the Sponsor, please correct the following...

In Part 5. Sponsor's Household Size, please correct the following...

In Part 6. Sponsor's Income and Employment, please correct the following...
[x] Items 13.a.1. The income you enter must match the total (gross) income reported on your most recent Federal
income tax return. If you filed Form 1040EZ, use the adjusted gross income instead.

In Part 8, Sponsor's Contract, please correct the following...

The Form I-864 we received was missing the following page(s). Please ensure you include all nine pages when you
resubmit the form.

You must submit the following financial evidence:



   Woooooo Hooo CONGRATULATIONS so happy for you and your love one. :D t9304.gifegyptian.gifegyptian.gifh0403.gifegyptian.gifegyptian.gift9304.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-22 05:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


Ok, good.


Now I filled out my Affidavit of Support, this time I put N/A in all the parts for 7 a,b,c,d because I do not want to use asset as supplemental income. This is the stupid reason why I am in this mess. Everything is approved (cosigner and all documents) just my stupidity in filling out this section and NOT sending in bank statements caused my 2ND CHECKLIST. Even though I am below poverty line and even though my income wont be looked at.



Should I still send bank statements? I am so paranoid now that they will still be like "Well checklist said bank statements..." even though I completed a new Affidavit of Support and omitted part 7.

Now I included a letter explaining I made a mistake and i didnt want asset as supplemental income included and signed it. That is what a rep told me to do, he said you dont even need to include a new form and I said Well too bad I am sending it.


I dont know if should just send teh bank statements as well even though technically they are no longer needed :unsure:  :unsure: Then I am afraid I send them and they are like "why is he sending these for they are no longer needed, maybe he filled out form wrong...checklist!"


   I had a ton of help with the AOS actually didn't fill it out because I just didn't get it.  I only feel comfortable with how many people the rest I could not advise you since I would just die if I hurt your chances of a quicker CC.  I will leave this to those who know what they are saying. :) Be patient someone will come along that can answer your questions. :)  Sorry it couldn't be me. (F) (L)  (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-21 23:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

CC was confirmed by phone on Monday, the 18th and I received an email this morning, Thursday, the 21st notifying that an email will be sent out once the interview is scheduled...I also called on Tuesday to ask about the next step, the rep told me that NVC is done scheduling interviews for the month of August, so he asked me to expect an email in the first or second week of September...meaning more waiting...

One of my friend got her CC on August 11th, then she received an email regarding the interview date (September 2nd) on August 15th..I guess some people are just plain more lucky :S


   WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so very happy for you and your loved one! 



                                                                        cancan.gif127fs2361263.gifegyptian.gifegyptian.gifdancing1.gifdancing1.gifmini-graphics-dancing-and-singing-259303mini-graphics-dancing-and-singing-259303127fs2361263.gif  cancan.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-21 22:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Just got off phone, no CC for me   :cry:




   The worse you feel the closer it is, so very very soon :) I'm praying if not this week early next. :) And when you do I'll have a bunch of these 127fs2361263.gifcongratulating you. :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-21 22:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Our prayers are with you. Do not falter. VerilyGod is with the patient.


   Thank you very much I so appreciate your prayers.  My biggest fault is being impatient :( it's something I struggle with.  Thank you again and may God bless you and yours. :)    (F) (L)  (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-21 22:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Wow I think I found another error


Part 5 Sponsor's household Size


So I am sponsoring my wife so on Question # 1. I put a 1 there


Then the second half is Persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit


So I put one for myself (by default) Question # 2


Then Question # 3 says if you are married put 1 for that as well



Now since I am sponsoring my wife, I don't put a 1 here correct even though I am married?, since she is included up at that top and I am SPONSORING her?


How did NVC not catch this? On my last form I had 3 in my household when I think I should only have 2 in my household...right? If its just me and my wife and im sponsoring her?


  You got it, good catch :)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-21 22:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Looks like our AOS is being reviewed. I think that's what the operator said that AOS is being reviewed and allow us 60 days for the reponse. Hopefully Tomm we will hear something! Let's see.


   Oh wow praying it's soon :) how exciting.t0803.gif    t0803.gif      

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-21 21:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

I can imagine ur pain :( I really really hope and pray that u don't get put into AP. Does everybody from Egypt go thru it? 1.5 years was a terrible time already really :(


   Thank you my dear, I have seen some not being put in AP mostly Christian, the rest I suppose they think are terrorists hahhaaa I find it amusing in a pathetic sort of way.  But we shall see, with some prayers said and if they are just (not holding my breath) maybe just maybe we will be lucky. :)  God willing.    (F)  (L)    (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-21 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sleep like a baby and do have a nice and sweet dreams.


   Hehehe ok I'm realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly going now. :D  REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY!  Thank you sweet heart. (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 05:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

 I'm going to try to sleep, I'll be back to annoy all of you in the morning:D  m0113.gift9304.gifegyptian.gifegyptian.gifh0403.gifegyptian.gifegyptian.gift9304.gifm0113.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 04:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Thankyou so so much all of u guys! It means a lotttt really. I don't know what I would have done without VJ in all this time! And yes u guys were talking about ppl who live together for a short time and then get apart so I lived with my husband for barely 3 weeks and I have been living life without him for close to 2.5 years now (including 8 months that we were engaged) so yeah we couldn't have things as strong as old couples here and yet facing this distance is really really harder for people like us I think. But since we have faced tha worst now I do think that it doesn't take ordinary love to face it and we must have stronger bond than I used to think we have. But we will all make It to the finish line soon now :) can't wait for this nightmare to be over and can't wait to cheer for u guys on having case completes in a couple weeks and I really do mean it :luv:


    Your very welcome precious and your both stronger now and the advantage is that when your together in the not so distant future you will have been tested by fire!  You will appreciate each other so much more and hold on tighter. :D  Please rest assured I'll be here to annoy you until you reach the USA :D.   egyptian.gifegyptian.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 04:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

I really wish we all get a CC as soon as possible. Hey!!! We'll also be hanging around for Samreen also



SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 04:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

I have a while now :( u guys will be done in 2-3 weeks and I am gonna be dangling here alone :cry: that's u Austin didn't include my name :(


    Hahaha you crack me up girl, where do you think I'm going?  Do you think I would abandon you here because I get a CC God willing?  REALLY YOU THINK THAT!  t1940.gift2615.gift2615.gif  I'm parking my A$$ right here until you get your CC, you can take that to the bank and get a 0% loan on that one!   Ghelyon.gifleb.gif



      And NOPE, Austin just forgot is all I do that all the time my brain freezes and I can't think of the all the ID's I want to mention.  So there :P ;)

Edited by Soloenta, 31 August 2014 - 03:55 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 03:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Oh Soloenta

You are so nice. I think this journey has changed us all and for those of us who have gone through it apart from our spouses, as you and I have, I think it has changed our relationships with our husband as well. We are fortunate as we have been married for 17 years so have a strong base to go through something like this. I do feel bad for those who have just got married and were separated quickly as they applied for their Visas. It must be tough but we just hope and pray that when they are back together the love that bound them together in the beginning will see them stronger.

Today is a big day for us as it is exactly a year ago today that my husband left to start his new job in the US. He was quite down this morning but I kept saying that it really won't be long now.

Oh well, better go before I start going on and on and on ......


    17 years how beautiful and yes that makes all the difference in the world, your well established and have children but it's still not the most easy thing in the world to be apart.   I will be married 3 years Oct 16 Th and I can tell you this hasn't changed anything for us.  We hold each other up, ok he holds me up more than I do him.  He keeps saying don't worry we will be together soon Insha'Allah.   What this has taught me is to realize how lucky and blessed I am to have found my husband in this gigantic world and USCIS, NVC or the Cairo Embassy can't change that! 


 I join you in prayer so that those separated to soon will hold together tight and make their union stronger. :)


                                                       t0803.gif          t0803.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 03:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


I was only referring to the bit about paying the difference at the interview. The fees will still be increased on September 12th, so if you haven't paid one or both of the fees by then, then yes, you'll be paying the new, increased fee.


         Ok so now I'm totally confuseddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!  tantrumsmiley.gif

do anyone really know if NVC is working on Monday can we call them?


   Have you ever heard of any government workers working a Holiday, any Holiday hahahahaaaa no way and they will take the rest of the week off to they will just be at the office. ;) hahahahaha Breath, I am, I know how you feel I hate weekends and Holidays to. :(

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 00:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Someone posted that the waiting time for ds-261 to be reviewed and accepted is 60 days. Is this real?? I thought 60-days is how long it would take before they review AOS amd IV package...

Btw, Im confused with the new visa fees. Are we affected by that?

Thanks guys! :)


   Saylin AKA 129fs238648.gif  said it would not affect us. :D  m0113.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 00:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Wow interesting replies folks!  


Just waiting over here for our IV fee to unlock, it has been 31 days so far since they received AOS documents, only "at least' 29 days to go..  :clock:  :wow:



Lets all keep being positive and strong it will be OK!  We'll all get there!  :yes:  :dance:


NNNNNNNNNNOOOO I DON'T WANNTTTTTT TO! smiley-angry047.giftantrumsmiley.giftrenchcoat.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 00:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

i wasnt able to open the site yesterday but now its ok


   Let's pray it wasn't maintenance hahahahhahaaa God that would be bad. graphics-computers-005803.gif

Woohoo a wonderful treat to wake up on a Sunday morning to an IV invoice e-mail and checked on ceac website and its ready to pay! great way to start of Sept :)


   WoooooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo CONGRATULATIONS ONE step closer. :D 



SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 21:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Did anyone receive mail notice about "60 days waiting period". I got e-mail before, about it, and today I got the snail mail stating the same. 


   Yes I did two weeks or so ago the SOB's just want to shove it in our faces!  t1940.gifkurby2.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Me too guys although I think I will be at the back of the pack!


   No way, our brains are still mush from the trauma of this whole thing that's all.  I know people think I'm being funny but I'm not, since going through this I'm a mess and really should keep my mouth shut.   I'm not stupid really.  I deal with heavy duty situations that take split seconds to react or someone is dead.  You can't be stupid, so I hope after this is all over and I rest my brain hahahahaa it will go back to it's normal self.  No not working with patients now so heheheee no one is in danger.  Or they would all be deader than a door nail for sure. So your not at the back of the pack your right there in the middle. :D  (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 21:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

hey guys 
i am lil bit confused , our sponsor send us the W2 form and the tax transcripts 
in the question PART6 in i864
do we use the information on the W2 or tax transcripts?

do we put NET or GROSS income ?


    Please be patient someone who knows will be along to help you out so don't worry.  :)  (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 18:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Seems like ceac website is down.


   Just logged in to check as usual and it seems ok but then I didn't click on anything.   What did you notice?

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 17:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


Congrats for getting your interview date!   I'm so happy for ya!   :dance:


Wait for your NVC buddies!   :rofl:   You don't want to miss us finally getting a CC!   :content:


Sololenta, EOC4ever, nicholemariev, stackeria, ncglenn, TM713, and I may get a CC in the next 1-3 weeks!   :star:


   Don't forget our buddy Samreen :D 

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


Nice touch with that flag... thanks.



There are a handful of VJ buddies whom I'd like to see through before I'm done here.


                        ;)  Anything for my friend. :D  smileys-pharaoh-921400.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


He sends BIG HUGS AND KISSES......He promises to pray for U tonight....
Our latest venture is in the LEGO realm.....not sure who plays with them more these days



     Awwwww thank you so much, now I know for sure God will hear he sweet prayerhappy-love-heart-smiley-emoticon.gif. :cry:  WOW I'm truly blessed my friend and your wife is such a beauty you make a wonderful couple. :D 

Edited by Soloenta, 30 August 2014 - 08:11 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 08:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


If it happens... it happens. And when it does, it's only for a few weeks for most. If you can survive NVC, you'll sail through anything in the overall visa journey.

Usually, there are good solid reasons for very extended APs, and I doubt your case has any of those.


    You always manage to make me feel better thank you so much, until the next time I panic. ;)  Shoukran! flag-of-kuwait.gif




Edited by Soloenta, 30 August 2014 - 08:05 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 08:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


Andrew says hello to Godmother Soloenta...... :)  :rolleyes:  :D




      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww you made me cry, so can I have him heheheheeee.   So wonderful to see you I thought you had forgotten about us. :D  But I know your all busy living life and that takes precedenceHe's becoming more gorgeous with every picture.  Please tell him I send him a huge kiss and hug. :)  t5063.gif  t45130.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 04:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


I hope you're right. There is still administrative processing which I've been through more than once.. the longest was 13 months. From my experience, however, the psychological damage caused by NVC is far worse than AP.


     My biggest fear and the one that doesn't let me sleep and makes me feel physically sick while I'm awake.  I have no peace. :(

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 04:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


Edited by Soloenta, 30 August 2014 - 04:14 AM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 04:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

If u r sure then U shouldn't wait for the checklist. Send with AOS checklist. In case u don't get checklisted for the birth certificate still it wouldn't affect ur case since u wouldn't be getting a case complete without ur AOS checklist reviewed anyways. So there is no harm in sending it right now.


    I second Samreen :D

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-30 03:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

My aos package changed from paid to n/a, but iv is still on paid. Does this mean the aos is done with?


   Great, did your IV change from paid to N/A?   

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 23:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Ok I finished catching up on the last 30 pages since my last visit, this thread moves so fast! Today is 30 business days since my AOS package, I called yesterday and talked to Sarah. She wasn't very helpful at all, every question I asked she just kept repeating wait 60 days. I asked "60 calendar days or 60 business days?" All she would say is 6o DAYS, I could not get her to commit to one or the other.

The only helpful thing I got was when I mentioned that I sent in my civil documents before my ds-260 she said, "oh, that's good!" So that was a bit of encouragement.

At the end of the call I got a syrupy sweet, "thanks for calling,and have a wonderful day!" It was almost dripping with sarcasm, but not quite.

I was really hoping to be done by November, but it's not looking too promising right now. Monday is a holiday so nothing is getting done until Tuesday no matter what AustinCanada says (if emoticons worked on my iPad I'd put the laughing guy here!!!)
Oh well, at least I have this forum to make me laugh about it all.


  I got her a couple of times also, didn't you just want to B slap her OMG I wish I could walk up to them in person! smiley-angry026.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 23:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Just made my last phone call ever to NVC. A month after CC, we finally got our interview date.

Your well wishes and prayers made it happen, I'm sure. Thank you all, especially you two soloenta and msc13. I'm almost in tears thinking of you both.


God bless you my dear friend, well deserved you are one special human being and I'm proud to call you my friend. :) (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 23:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Just made my last phone call ever to NVC. A month after CC, we finally got our interview date.

Your well wishes and prayers made it happen, I'm sure. Thank you all, especially you two soloenta and msc13. I'm almost in tears thinking of you both.




   I think this is a good omen that it only took a month after CC I'm so thrilled I'll be praying for you and I'll stay up all night if I      have to praying the day of the interview. I believe that would be the 31 St if not mistaken?  Woooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!



Edited by Soloenta, 29 August 2014 - 11:11 PM.

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Hi Molly&Juan

I believe the guy you are referring to is theDude. Like you I am also concerned that he is ok. Dude, if you read this please know that you have friends here who care about you. We are all in this together and we WILL make the finish line. Please come onto the forum and let us know how you are doing.


     Same here I've been thinking about him constantly, keep wanting to post to him but things keep getting in the way.



      Please TheDude check in please let us know how your doing we really want to know.  If we don't mention you it's not that your not in our thoughts and prayers.   (F) (L) (F)

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 23:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

I still haven't recieved any email from them. This is so stupid that they send false checklists right away and real checklists takes time from them. Such idiots.


  They will and you'll most likely get ten of them they are such doofus heads.   I bet Monday is your day to get the e-mail :) .

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 23:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

 Hello there,

I came back just to check on you and other friends!

How are things going with you? Looking at your timeline, you've made some progress! Good luck with the rest of your journey!!!


   :o    Hello, missed you and thought all of you where gone never to be seen again. What a pleasure to see a few come back and say hello.



        Yes they accepted our AOS no thanks to me hahaaaaa but one step closer yet seems so far away.  But seeing you come back for a bit has brought back much joy to me and your other friends here I'm sure. 


         Now tell me how your doing?  Come on don't doddle!  Hahhaaaaa   smiley-happy114.gifsmiley-happy093.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 22:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


Thanks for update. Enjoy every moment of your new life together. 


                                                             :o    ................................................................  kurby2.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 22:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Oh Soloenta, I love you too.  You are always in my prayers and thinking of you!  Soon my dear, soon you will get your normal life!   (L)  (F)  :luv:


  :cry: Thank you querida, I'm in your debt. :) (F) (L) (F) t45130.gif

SoloentaFemaleEgypt2014-08-29 20:09:00