K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent
My opinion is, just wait and you may get a RFE, if you do just get whatever they are asking for and send it.... If you need I have my letter of intent here that I sent when I applied... My application got straight with no RFE, so it may be right.... wait to see if they gonna request if they do, make one or just ask me that I can send you mine so u can have an idea to make yours. good luck ;)
dadajhowMaleBrazil2012-11-04 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI129F

Your timeline says the consulate for your petition is Armenia. Your VJ profile lists your country as the Philippines. Which is it?

It would be wise to clear that up, because after the I-129F approval, the process seems to be different for every country. So what advice you might be getting from users here, who are under the impression that your fiancee is in the Philippines, may not apply to you if your fiancee is in Armenia, and vice versa.

Thanks for letting me know is Manila, Philippines. For some reason it showed the wrong consulate. I have changed it.

same advice as those written above... Start gathering and completing the paperwork now... it will save u time :)

Thanks, good advice.

congrats :dance:



Thanks !

Congratulations :dance:

Thank You !
ulearnasugoMalePhilippines2012-08-17 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI129F

Have you provided a copy of your I-129F package to your fiancee, including the additional evidence you sent in response to that RFE? A copy of the package is often useful for the beneficiary to study because interview questions often come from information provided with the petition package.

Prepare your affidavit of support and financial evidence and gets those to your fiancee. Download the consulate instructions from the Manila Embassy website. Those will describe the process leading up to the interview, and the documents and evidence required.

Here are the instructions in English:


...and Tagalog:


Thanks for your help.... and the good tips too.....
ulearnasugoMalePhilippines2012-08-17 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI129F
Hi all.... I received my approval for the I129F yesterday by instant message and Email I am waiting for the letter to arrive today. I applied on March 2, 2012. Four months and 3 weeks later I recieved a request for additional info.
I sent in the additional info and received the approval on August 16, 2012. Hooray !! Can anyone tell me what we do next?
Thanks and just a word to anyone in the process, this can indeed be done, just carefully follow any directions and be very detailed with info and replies. Good luck to all.
ulearnasugoMalePhilippines2012-08-17 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPotential K1 Issues???

Are these potential issues?
1. Overstaying her UK visa

Not an issue.

2. Due to the situation, I have been helping her financially via Western Union

Can sometimes be an issue at some consulates, depending on the circumstances. People in some countries are known to 'play' Americans for money, but I've never heard of that being an issue in South Africa. Also, if you were obviously grossly mismatched (You = hideously ugly, old, fat, and rich. She = stunningly beautiful, young, slender, and ambitious) then they might suspect you were essentially buying a bride.

It's not an issue in most cases.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-13 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 question, non-typical case
K1 is a non-immigrant visa that allows for immigrant intent. It's not an immigrant visa, so obtaining one wouldn't mean you'd have to answer "yes" to question 36. The immigrant intent is why consulates handle the screening process more like immigrant visas.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-14 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRevoked k-1 reaffirmed but got married

but my petition was reaffirmed in a week and shipped promptly to NVC which would be the most rare case i have never heard or seen a petition which is being approved within a week because uscis needs 160 days to review the petition. looks like nothing was wrong with my petition likely a minor error which CO could have ignore it and approve me visa we have already written an email to consulate but haven't written to NVC since my case is still on the way to NVC. so should i also email to NVC. do you think my reaffirm K-1 can help my CR1 go smoothly and if i expedite for CR1

In all likelihood, the consulate probably saw something in the original petition package that caused them to conclude that some fundamental requirement for the petition had not been met. USCIS took one look at the petition and concluded the consulate was wrong.

They don't require 160 days to review the petition. When they state a timeframe for reviewing a petition they are essentially telling you to leave them alone for that period of time, and if you contact them before that period of time has expired then they're not going to tell you anything more than to continue waiting.

It no longer matters what the issue was with the K1 petition. You've married. Send a withdrawal letter and allow the K1 petition to go away.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-17 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRevoked k-1 reaffirmed but got married
Your petition was never really revoked. The consular officer doesn't have the authority to do that. They can only recommend that the approval of the petition be revoked, but it's up to USCIS to make that decision. I don't know what the actual statistics are, but it's not really that unusual for a petition to be reaffirmed without the petitioner having to respond to a NOIR from USCIS. The adjudicator who received the petition from the consulate probably took a look at the consular officer's accusations, concluded they were BS, and reaffirmed it.

Obviously, you can't pursue the reaffirmed K1 because you've gotten married. You can either ignore it or withdraw it. If you ignore it then the consulate will probably send a packet 3 to the beneficiary. Don't respond to the packet 3 and the petition will eventually expire and be returned to USCIS. A better approach would be for the petitioner to withdraw the petition, explaining that they've married and filed an I-130. A simple letter, signed by the petitioner, is usually sufficient for this. Send the letter to NVC. If the petition ends up being forwarded to the consulate before NVC receives the withdrawal letter then send another letter to the consulate.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-16 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa requiring waiver

He got caught trying to enter the us for the 2 nd time January 2010. That's when they gave him the band. So if his interview appt is January 26th at 7:30 am he is most likely going to be denied? I still didn't understand much? If they approve him for a waiver what will happen then? My lawyer says that he will be sent that same day. Anyways please let me know most likely what they will do with our case. Also is me not being there going to hurt our chances? My baby is 1 1/2 months old and my oldest is almost 2 there is no way in taking them to Juarez. I need my fiancé here already there is no way we can wait passed July. I'm having such a hard time since he's been in Mexico already 9 months.

You'd better study up on the waiver process. If he's only banned from entering then you'll need an I-601 waiver application. If he was deported or subjected to expedited removal then he may also need an I-212 waiver application. The I-601 waiver is to overcome an inadmissibility, like a ban from entering. The I-212 waiver is for permission to enter the US after having been deported or removed.

These waivers are granted to certain relatives of US citizens based on hardship to the US citizen relative. This means that YOU have to prepare the waiver applications and evidence which he will submit to the consulate. This is a lot more than simply signing a piece of paper asking for a waiver, and he isn't going to do this on his own.

Professional help is strongly advised.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-17 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 not on NOA2 I-787

So your fiancee's son didn't need his own appointment? He just tagged along with his mom on her appointment without prior notice to the embassy?

Yes, the boy will have all his own paperwork.

I don't know what the process is in Manila, and I honestly don't remember if my wife's kids both had appointment letters or if they were included on my wife's appointment letter. I know it was one or the other because they needed an appointment letter in order to get the medicals completed and be admitted into the consulate.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-15 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 not on NOA2 I-787
Derivatives are never listed on the I-797. You didn't petition for the derivative. You petitioned for their mother. They are eligible to submit a visa application by virtue of the fact that a petition was approved for their mother. Their eligibility is derived from their mother's petition, which is why they're called derivatives.

Sounds like the call center rep is an idiot who doesn't understand the difference between a primary beneficiary and a derivative.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-15 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help from experts

Can't believe it! I just checked USCIS and it seems that my case is approved!!! :dance:


Just out of curiosity, what were the documents that you thought you'd neglected to include?
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-23 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSetting a Date!!! Are you kidding?
I don't know about the other consulates, but when the CO's at the consulate in Saigon ask about wedding plans they're not looking for receipts or invitations or any other documentary evidence. They're looking for the right words coming out of the beneficiary's mouth. They're looking for the beneficiary to state, without hesitation, where they're getting married, where they're having the reception, how many people are being invited, where they're going for their honeymoon, etc. They're looking for a clear indication that the wedding is something the petitioner and beneficiary have discussed at length, and that it's clear in the beneficiary's head what comes next after they arrive in the US. One thing is clear at that consulate - any documentary evidence you hand them can be used as ammunition against you. If the beneficiary hands them a guest list, for example, then they had better know every name on that list; e.g., "Who is Joe Bloe?" - "He's my fiance's uncle."

Again, what they're looking for is an indicator of visa fraud - a couple who have not made any concrete plans beyond getting the visa. A beneficiary who knows those plans by heart is more convincing than a few receipts.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-24 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSetting a Date!!! Are you kidding?
Ironically, there are some consulates that actually do expect a K1 to have made concrete wedding plans, even though they strongly advise you not to make any plans. The consulate in Saigon is one of them. More than a few K1 visa applicants have been denied there because they could not give the consular officer details about their wedding plans. Answers like "We're getting married at the court house" aren't sufficient for them. They want the name of a specific venue where the wedding will take place, or more specifically where the wedding reception will take place, and they actually look the place up on the internet to confirm that it exists and that it's an appropriate venue for a wedding reception.

My presumption is that their thinking is this is a subject a sincere couple would have discussed at length, along with detailed plans. A couple who didn't have any concrete plans beyond obtaining the visa probably were not genuine, and were thinking of the visa itself as being the ultimate objective rather than a relationship after getting the visa.

Anyway, this isn't a subject I've heard of being an issue at most low stress consulates, including most consulates in Europe. But, for anyone reading this who is going through one of the more difficult consulates, including those in Southeast Asia, your fiancee should have an answer to the question "What are your wedding plans?", and the answer should be detailed.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-22 23:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo-Sponsor Question

I'm self employed and had an income of $21,000 on line #22 after deductions. I listed my mother as a dependent. Since I will need an income for a household of 3, I'm a bit confused: My mother receives $1,000 in ssi benefits. Could I use my mother as a co-sponsor? I had listed her as a dependent because I would assist with buying her meds, but not through some health program, she no longer needs me to buy them for her. Thanks in advance. Eric

If you listed your mother as a dependent on your tax return then the consulate will consider her in determining your household size. You need total income of $22,862. You're nearly $2000 short. Your mother's income is from a means tested public benefit, so it doesn't count towards the household income. Even if it did count, there's no way to declare it on an I-134.

You need nearly $6000 in verifiable assets, or a joint sponsor.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-26 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfusion about parts of the process plus a previous filing! >.<

Turns out I was wrong. The previous visa I seen was her sisters, not hers. Phew!

Yeah even though its cheaper to meet somewhere else I plan on going there instead so theres no paperwork to deal wtih really. That harderst part is I am on SSI Disability and don't have alot after rent. So I have to save ALOT of money since my mother has to come with me to help me. UNless of course I can get my mother to fly for free as my assitant. I've seen disabled people do that before.

So, your fiancee has NEVER applied for a fiancee (or spousal) visa before?

You'll have an issue with your income. It doesn't qualify for consideration because it comes from a means tested public benefit. If SSI is your only source of income then the consulate will consider your income to be zero. You need qualifying income of at least $18,912 per year, presuming your household will consist only of you and your fiancee. At most consulates this could be overcome by providing a joint sponsor who has qualifying income for their own household size (plus the intending immigrant). However, the consulate in Manila is notorious for refusing to accept joint sponsors for K visas. They have this discretion. The seem to make exceptions and allow a joint sponsor if the primary sponsor has a very good reason for previous low income, has very good prospects for much improved income in the future, and the joint sponsor is a close family member of the petitioner or the beneficiary. Someone who might meet these narrow criteria is a student who recently graduated (low income because they were a student, future income prospects are good because they recently graduated). Diametrically opposed is someone on SSI disability (low income because they don't work and don't qualify for earned benefits, bleak prospects for improved future earnings).

Your attorney is correct only as far as getting a petition approved. When a petition is denied it's usually because of a lack of the proper documents, or the documents weren't filled out properly. The situation is different at the consulate. A lot of people are denied for failing to meet the "public charge" requirements. Many more are denied for failing to prove a bondafide relationship.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-26 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa dilemma, no pic of us together

There seems to be quite a divide on opinions on this matter. When we met, we were not too serious at first. The relationship became serious later on as we got to know each other better. Had I been thinking of marriage at the time, I would have looked into what might have been required. Actually, now that I think about it, I have a copy of my work travel expenses also. One of which should be the plane ticket. As far as the ex-gf is concerned, yes you are correct, extreme behavior to say the least. She came into my home without my permission and destroyed it. I would actually like to go back there as I have not yet met her family. I searched again on orbitz and I now see airfare for under $2k. As I don't want to risk it being denied, I think I will do my best to get time off of work and go back there. Once she is here and we marry, are there substantial expenses involved in the future? It is my understanding that she will need to file for permanent residency.

thank you all again and wishing you all happiness in your relationships,

If you can only make one trip then make it at the same time as her interview. It will help if you can attend the interview with her. Try to arrive a week or two early (if possible) and get some photos together. In the meantime, spend as much time as possible filling her in on every detail of your life. She should be able to answer any question they throw at her - where do you work, what do you do, how much do you earn, who are your friends, what are your family member's names, where do they live, what is your home or apartment like, what kind of car do you drive, what are your hobbies, etc. etc.

After she arrives in the US and you get married then she'll need to apply for her green card. The process is called adjustment of status. It's going to cost $1070. There is a guide (see the Guides link at the top of the page) explaining what documents you'll need. There is also an "Adjustment of Status from Family Based Visas" forum here for advice.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-26 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa dilemma, no pic of us together

thank you for all of your input. To be more specific, we are at the stage where she is to contact the US Embassy to make an appointment. It all seems so stupid now, but I just don't have a picture of us together. I took quite a few of her. To make matters more complex, my jealous ex-gf destroyed my passport. So a stamped passport is not available. Although I have my credit card statement that shows I bought the ticket there, I do not have the boarding pass or any other documentation of the plane ticket itself. I have sent her money via xoom about 10x over this period of time. As international phone calls are very expensive, we do not use phones. We speak every night using Skype. I am wondering, is it reasonable to see if the visa gets approved? Or, if it is not approved, will things be more complicated to get approved later? May I ask what RFE stands for? I am starting to think that it may be best for me to go back again.

thanks again.

Never mind then. My comments were aimed at satisfying the two year meeting requirement in order to get the petition approved, which you've already managed to do. Consulates rarely send a petition back to USCIS for failing to meet this requirement unless it's obvious that USCIS made a mistake. I'm surprised that USCIS approved the petition without a single photo of you two together, but I seriously doubt the consulate will question that decision now.

Don't withdraw the petition now. Load your fiancee up with as much relationship evidence as you can muster, have her attend the interview, and hope for the best.

RFE means "Request For Evidence". These comes from USCIS at the petition stage. You're already beyond that. If the consulate wants more evidence they'll issue a 221(g) notice at the interview specifically stating what sort of the evidence they want.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-26 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa dilemma, no pic of us together
It's quite likely it will be a problem. Lots of people have gotten RFE's for photos. It's like the key piece of primary evidence seems to be a boarding pass or entry stamp in your passport, and the key piece of secondary evidence seems to be a photo of the petitioner and beneficiary together. One of each of these is enough to get approved. It seems like you have some evidence to prove you were both in the same city at the same time, but no evidence you were actually physically together during that time.

I never had that problem in Vietnam. Every time I put down my camera someone else would snatch it up and start snapping photos. I've got literally thousands of them. :blush:
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-25 23:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 for people in the US military

I am trying to help our son and his fiancee with the K1 process. He is with the US Army and as we all know, a soldier doesn't just get to say "bye bye, i'm leaving to go to Thailand to visit a lady i am in a relationship with"... (they met in 2004 in Thailand and have been friends since that time. About 9 mo ago, the relationship became a romantic tone.)
In the process of applying for the K1 visa, a couple must show they have met in person during the past 2 years. Since our son has been in the US Army since May 2008 and deployed since July 2011, there has been no opportunity to visit her in Thailand.
The question: does anyone know of a way to get a waiver for that "rule" about a personal meeting within 2 years of applying?
Has anyone in the military done a K1 who can help us out?

There are two grounds for getting a waiver.

The first is if there is a strong cultural or religious prohibition against the bride and groom meeting before the wedding. This is very rarely approved as there are only a handful of cultures in the world that have this prohibition, and none of those cultures are in Thailand.

The second is if it would pose an extreme hardship on the US citizen to meet the requirement. This is approved more often than the cultural prohibition waiver, but it's still rarely approved. Basically, you have to prove that it's physically impossible for the US citizen to travel to meet his/her fiancee EVER, and that you've exhausted all possibilities for the foreign fiancee to travel to the US or a third country to meet the US citizen petitioner. An example of a scenario that might work is a petitioner who lives in an iron lung, and a beneficiary who has been denied a tourist visa 10 times.

The view of USCIS is going to be that your son is not incapable of traveling to Thailand to visit his fiancee because he's done it before, and if he's not in a position to be able to do it again then he's not ready to get married. A K1 visa requires that they marry in the United States within 90 days of her arrival. How is he going to meet that requirement if he's deployed?

Have him finish his deployment. When he returns to the US and can take some leave then he should make a trip to Thailand, have some fun and take a lot of pictures. He can file the petition when he gets back.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-26 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-Fiance Visa
Something I forgot to mention...

They don't generally ask sexual questions unless they are already deeply suspicious. If they get an inconsistent answer to a question about sex then they might cite the inconsistent answer as one of the reasons for denying the visa, but you can rest assured that it wasn't the lack of detailed info about the sexual relationship that caused the denial. Something else set them off. You can sometimes figure out what that something was by thinking about how the interview progressed. Was there a moment when the demeanor of the consular officer changed? What was the evidence or question that triggered it? Did the interview start out with an adversarial tone from the consular officer? In that case, something in the evidence submitted before the interview or in the petition package might have set them off, or something they discovered during their routine checks.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-27 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-Fiance Visa


They cannot deny a fiancee visa because the petitioner and beneficiary have not had sex. They CAN deny a fiancee visa if the beneficiary is lying to them.

There are two occasions where they would ask sex related questions. The first is if they plan to interview the petitioner and beneficiary separately. Two people who were not in a sincere relationship might find it uncomfortable to discuss sex when they aren't actually intimate with each other, so it's a subject that a sham couple might not have rehearsed. The odds of catching them giving different answers to sex related questions in a Stokes interview is pretty high. If they are interviewing only the beneficiary then they might ask sex related questions just to see how the beneficiary answers. A beneficiary who is not committed to the relationship (i.e., a scammer) might view sex as something they had to put up with in order to get the visa, but it wouldn't be something they'd want to remember in detail. Someone who hesitates with answers or gives conflicting answers after being asked the same question might be lying.

If you say you don't have sex because you're religious and want to wait until you're married then that had better be consistent with the other evidence. That answer won't fly if you say you met in a singles bar, and you shared the same hotel room every time you visited.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-27 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee pregnant

This is where they say what to do if fiancee is pregnant:
So all they want is something like this and notarized?
Is the wording on red text ok? and can it also be like the Fiancé Letter of Intent?

====================================== 0 ======================================

Fiancé Letter of Intent

9999 Somewhere Ave
SomeCity, VA 00000

United States Consulate, Ukraine
Yuria Kotsubynskoho St., 10
Kyiv 01901


Dear Sir or Madam:
I, Happy2(fiance), do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry, (fiancee name), I am aware that my fiance, (fiancee name), is pregnant and carrying our fraternal twins a boy and a girl. It is still our mutual intent and desire to be married., and intend to do so within 90 days of her arrival into the US using the K-1 visa.

Sincerely Yours,


====================================== 0 ======================================

How does this look?
Thanks for the advise

This looks fine. It should meet their requirements.

How far into the pregnancy is she? If she's too close to delivery then the consulate may want her to wait until the kids are born before they'll issue the visa, in which case you'd have to file a CRBA for each child. This eliminates the possibility of the kids being born in the US and getting automatic US citizenship only to have the petitioner discover they're not his kids. The CRBA forces the petitioner to declare paternity.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-24 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee Visa-expedited use?/

Is that cost correct?

JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-27 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresillegally in europe and now trying K-1
Wait a second.

Department of State generally requires that the applicant interview in their home country, or that they be a resident (e.g., not a visitor) of the country where they are being interviewed. Under what terms were you admitted to the country you're currently living in? If you were admitted as a visitor or if you crossed illegally into the country then the consulate might refuse to interview you, and send your case back to your home country. They won't hold your illegal status against you in determining if you get a visa, but they might refuse to interview you because you're not in your home country and you're not a resident of the country you're in.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-01 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE for proof of entry into Nigeria.

When you are dual-national, you have pledged your allegiance to TWO countries, and this is entirely permissible by US law.

No, not really. The United States does not prohibit dual nationality, but it does not recognize your citizenship in another country, nor does it permit a US citizen to have allegiance to any other country. Read the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-01 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE for proof of entry into Nigeria.

Thanks, so far am trying to think like em but I can't figure out a way to pull up the information logged in the chip on my passport as an extra evidence. Any ideas? :D

The chip in the passport is an RFID chip. It contains your basic biographic information, but it doesn't contain your travel history. That's logged into the computer that scans the chip.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-30 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresINTERVIEW TOMORROW!
I'll throw a few stupid questions of my own out there. :blush:

The US has no embassy or consulate in Iran, and doesn't conduct visa interviews anywhere in Iran, so Iranian visa applicants have to go to another country. Most either go to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, or they go to Ankara, Turkey. Which country is your fiancee interviewing in?

The visa is printed on a secure form sticker, and physically secured to a page inside the passport. Consulates use a special printer to print these visa stickers, and most consulates have a queue at least a few days long for printing new visas.

Now, this is where I'm completely uninformed...

Let's assume they approve her visa on the day of the interview. She'll have to turn over her passport in order to get the visa, and she won't get it back until the visa has been printed and placed in her passport. Will she need that passport in order to return to Iran? If not, will she need that passport in order to get back into the country where the consulate is located so that she can pick up her passport and visa? In other words, will she effectively be stuck in Abu Dhabi or Ankara while she's waiting to get her passport back?
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-01 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtension For Interview?
The consulate only has the authority to extend the validity of the petition approval up to one year. After that, they are required to consider the petition to have been abandoned. I honestly don't know if this is a matter of law (in which case you can't get an extension) or a matter of policy (in which case you might be able to plead for an exception).

You can contact the consulate by email, but don't expect a quick response, and be prepared in case they say no.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-29 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few fiance K1 visa questions that're bugging me

1. When she mails out her checklist signed and dated, does she just simply mail the checklist by itself to the consulate, or does she need to include the affidavit of support and such? I'm under the impression that she only sends out hte checklist and holds on to everything until the interview.

The process at this stage varies from one consulate to another, but most consulates don't take the affidavit of support until the day of the interview. The consulate my wife went through only wanted a signed DS-2001 and a DS-230 with part 1 filled out. Everything else was supposed to be brought to the interview. Did she get any instructions from the consulate?

2. I probably don't make enough to support her, I receive social security benefits as well as disability but I live in a shared home with other relatives that would gladly come in as a joint sponser. How would I do this?? Would a family member also need an affidavit of support form?

Many thanks.

Your joint sponsor would also fill out an affidavit of support, include a copy of their latest tax return or a transcript of that return from the IRS, and include some document proving they are a US citizen or permanent resident. Their income must be sufficient for their own household size, which includes your fiancee.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-02 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof

Approved, Passport in hand I will be with my girl soooooooooooon:D


Thanks to everyone here.

Congrats!! :thumbs:
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-06-24 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore proof

You can add him to all bank accounts as paid on death he doesn't need a social security number for that

I don't think that's the point. Almost all of the evidence you mentioned in your first response was evidence that a married couple would be expected to have, but NOT evidence that an engaged couple would be expected to have. A consular officer might be highly suspicious of an engaged couple who provided evidence of financial co-mingling, or beneficiary of bank or brokerage accounts or life insurance. People simply do not do these things before they marry, and in some cases it's impossible to do them before you marry. It's not because of a lack of a Social Security number. It's because they don't yet have a family relationship.

Your circumstances were different because you applied for a spousal visa.

For the OP's case, I agree with pushbrk. It wasn't the quantity of evidence that was their problem, but the quality of their evidence. One thing is certain, and that is that the CO did not sit and read those 1000's of chat transcripts. They probably selected a few, read them, and found them lacking in any strong indication of a couple with an emotional attachment to each other. In my opinion, it's better to cherry pick the evidence you give to the consular officer. Don't give them transcripts of conversations that were mundane or might be typical of two friends or acquaintances rather than two people in love, and definitely don't give them transcripts of conversations where you're discussing potential answers to visa interview questions. If you initially give them only the very best stuff then anything they select at random is more likely to make a good impression. If you overwhelm them with paper then you may be burying your best evidence in the haystack.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-03-25 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWife's online DS-260 EXPIRED

On the top right corner of the Form DS-230 part 1 that I have, it says:

Expires: 02/29/2012
Estimated Burden: 1 Hour

Then I recently downloaded a new one and it says:

Expires: 06/30/12
Estimated Burden: 1 Hour

I don't think they update the expiration dates for their forms that often. They are quite busy.

If I remember right my attorney told me the expiration date on the form doesn't matter.

But my fiancee will not be submitting the form online, she will send it in using snail mail. Maybe it is a different situation with online form submissions.


A handful of consulates use the CEAC online electronic form. This form must be filled out online and submitted electronically. They aren't printed out and sent to the consulate. The consulate in Montreal is one of the consulates that use the CEAC form.

Alex, look over the saved form carefully and make sure that every field that isn't marked "optional" has been filled out, or the "Does not apply" box has been checked. If you can't find any errors then try filling out a new form from scratch. I don't see anything on the DoS website that indicates that saved forms expire, but it's possible.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-05 01:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmuch older woman/younger man

I am 27 years older than my husband. He lives in Jamaica and I have been there 5 times in the past year and a half. I have stayed as long as a month the last time I was there. We filed the I 130 on Oct. 29th 2010. He had his interview May 13th 2011. His Visa wasn't denied, instead he was told the paperwork was being sent back to USCIS. He was told that I would be contacted to see if I wished to continue. I was contacted on June 29th 2011 and informed that USCIS had received the paperwork back from the State Dept. with a request to review it. I was told to allow 120 days from June 29th for a response from them. 120 days came and I contacted them to see if I could get information about the case. I was informed then to allow another 30 days to obtain the information. Last Friday was 150 days from June 29th. I called USCIS and the officer I spoke with explained it was only 120 days for this process. She said she would request an update be done for the case. Today I received an emial from USCIS stating the time frame for this process is 180 days and that I would receive something from them by December 29. Does anyone have similiar problems like this? Do you know what to expect them to do from here? Please let me know...

I think you misunderstand what happened. His visa WAS denied. That's why they sent the petition back to USCIS. They were recommending that the approval of the petition be revoked, probably because they suspected the relationship was a sham. They do not return petitions to USCIS without denying the visa. USCIS says they were "asked to review" the returned petition, but what they were asked to do was to revoke the approval of the petition. They're accusing your husband of fraud.

You'll eventually get a notice of their decision. If they decide that they disagree with the consular officer then they'll reaffirm the approval of the petition, and it will be sent back to the consulate for another interview. If they decide that the consular officer is probably right then they'll send you a Notice Of Intent to Revoke (NOIR), and give you a very limited window of time to respond. Depending on the strength of the evidence you respond with, they'll either reaffirm the approval or revoke it. If they revoke the approval then your husband will likely be considered guilty of material misrepresentation.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-30 02:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisa cancellation
The petitioner can get a waiver of the filing limitation. They just have to include a letter asking for the waiver when they send the second I-129F. Most of these waivers are approved unless the petitioner has been convicted of an IMBRA related crime. There are VJ members who have filed a second I-129F within two years of a previous I-129F being approved, and their waiver requests were approved.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-05 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about cancelled K1 visas...
If a petitioner has had an I-129F petition approved within the past two years, or if they've submitted two or more I-129F petitions at any time in the past, then they are subject to the IMBRA filing limitations and a waiver will be required to submit another I-129F petition. They don't have to wait two years. They just need to include a letter requesting a waiver of the IMBRA filing limitations. Waivers are usually granted unless someone has been convicted of an IMBRA related crime.

Read section 2 on page 2 of the I-129F instructions.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-06 00:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCitizenship

Hi, I have the same question! Please let me know what happened with your husband. I was just sent an RFE for proof of citizenship - I sent in a copy of my passport but it seems it wasn't enough. Was I supposed to send in a Report of Birth Abroad (don't have one). You were in my exact situation - please help! Thanks.

You're replying to a post that's more than two years old.

Did you submit a copy of every page of your passport? Was your passport issued with a validity of at least five years?
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-06 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCitizenship
QUOTE (Patrick808 @ Dec 29 2009, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, you should check "Parents"

Agreed. US military bases abroad are not considered US territory. Being born on a US military base abroad is no different from being born outside the base, as far as citizenship is concerned. The only minor difference is that the base personnel will usually handle filing the registration of the birth with the local US Embassy.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2009-12-29 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis this 5 months wasted?????

Three...not saying its true, but it sounds possible.....Nothing was sent at all.........:blink:........hope not....good luck!

I was thinking precisely the same thing. :whistle:
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-06 01:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresINCOME

Hi everyone. I filed a K1 for my fiancee, just want to ask if I will have a problem regarding the support. I am self employed and just a few dollars above the minimum income requirment "line 22" on my recent income tax. my 2 previous income tax " 2009 and 2010" was way below the poverty line. what I want to know is if that will be an issue. BTW I have 3k dollars bank savings will that help? Another thing, do i need to send my 2009 and 2010 ITR, or the 2011 will suffice? Thank you very much.

It's up the consulate in Manila. Usually, if you qualify based on your most recent tax return, and you can provide evidence that your income this year will also be enough to qualify, then they'll accept it. The savings will help if you can demonstrate you've had it for a while. They usually want to see bank statements going back six months or more. They want to make sure someone didn't give you a temporary loan to help you qualify.

The consulate requires the most recent tax return. They have the option of requesting additional tax returns. It's up to them.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2012-07-06 21:45:00