K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married in California

Didnt think this would be a problem but I am having a hard time getting the info I am looking for

1) Marriage License vs Marriage Certificate.... What is the difference?
2) How long does it take get the Certificate\Licence or whatever we need?
3) Do I just go to city hall or what? I am not religious and will not have anything religious

Would appreciate if someone could explain the process. I am much better at taking apart servers and other complicated stuff than understanding these stupid #### rules =)


A marriage license is permission from the state to get married in that state. A marriage certificate is a document certifying that you WERE married in that state.

Go to the county clerk's office for your county. You can get the license, get married by a JP, and get the certificate, all in the same place. Usually takes less than a hour total. They'll even provide witnesses just in case you don't bring any.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-03 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat are reasons to be denied at airport, border entry?
You were denied entry to the US because they suspected you intended to immigrate. The K1 visa specifically allows for the intention to immigrate. Your past denial won't affect your ability to enter with a K1 visa.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-08 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrouble with IRS - Depts = Petition gets denied???

Sorry but I still don't understand. Is that what Gary and Alla said right? Means the chance that our petition is getting approved is very very small because of the money problems?

No, they won't deny the petition because of a tax lien. They might reject the affidavit of support at the consulate as insufficient if the declared income minus the total amount of the tax lien does not clear the minimum required income level.

I had an overpayment with the IRS in 2009 for $3500. I am currently on a payment plan and it hasn't been an issue in this process. I am guessing the only problem would be not having the IRS tax returns when showing ability to support. So, I don't know if they actually do check with the IRS and as far as lexus nexus...because I used to be a bill collector, it is used basically to skip trace a person to find out telephone numbers and addresses of people, and where they hold accounts. LEXUS doesn't show the amount you hold with any company.

IRS tax liens are public records. A LexisNexis risk report includes a public records search. I don't know if the format or content of those reports has changed since LexisNexis bought ChoicePoint, but my ChoicePoint report was very comprehensive - over 20 pages of records. I didn't have any tax liens, and the ChoicePoint report indicated exactly that.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-09 01:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrouble with IRS - Depts = Petition gets denied???

I've never known of the Service to "check" with the IRS.

I think what happens is evidence of these liens turn up on financial documents presented with the I134, alerting the consulate to the situation.

Some consulates routinely run a check on the petitioner through LexisNexis. The reports will contain, among other things, a list of liens against the petitioner, including tax liens. It also contains public records such as business licenses, insurance claims, property rentals, arrest and conviction records, etc.

It used to be possible for individuals to get a free copy of their own report through ChoicePoint, but that has now been absorbed into LexisNexis risk solutions. I was advised by a fairly well known immigration attorney to obtain one of these reports for myself. In his words, "This is likely what the consulate is reading about you. DOS & USCIS use it for data base checks."
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-04 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOF SPONSORS AND FINANCIAL AIDS
This is one of those cases that is known to be an exception to the general prohibition against using joint sponsors for K visas at the consulate in Manila. The way they describe it is that they'll make an exception if the primary sponsor has a sound reason for not having sufficient current income (being a full-time student is a sound reason), and if the primary sponsor has good prospects for improved income in the near future (graduating from college usually greatly improves your prospects for future income). By contrast, they usually won't accept a joint sponsor if the primary sponsor has fixed income and little chance of improving their income in the future (someone on retirement or disability, for example).

His financial aid will not be considered as qualifying income for an affidavit of support, so there's no point in him listing it. They may ask at the interview how he pays for his college tuition. Just be honest.
JimVaPhuongMaleVietnam2011-11-06 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 interview
Plenty of people have been approved and the petitioner was not at the interview. In past years at the Kingston Embassy it was almost a requirement that the petitioner go, however some did not go and still the visa was approved... In 2010 they changed the rules and now they will not allow the petitioner in the embassy, so if you go you have to wait outside. I think it can help if something is missing, as they have US Citizen hours where the petitioner can go and ask questions or submit additional evidence as was the case with Erica... the main thing is the amount of evidence of ongoing relationship and the beneficiaries ability to answer the interviewers questions confidently and honestly.
JAPrincessFemaleJamaica2011-10-19 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo be or NOT be at the K-1 Visa Interview
You don't have to go, but you can go and personally, I would go, I did go :)
Some think that being at the interview helps, I personally do. I think it helps to establish the on going relationship and shows that this is so important to you that you chose to be there. Having a husband from a MENA country, I honestly think that my presence at his interview made a huge difference.
The choice is yours, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Best of luck! :thumbs:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-10-27 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Oh boy!! We are all in the same boat!!

It sure seems that way. Any updates on the AP?
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-09 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Thank you so much! If he gets out of AP in the next month I will feel like I've won the lotto! Yes, it's a bummer that name hits can cause AP. My fiance's middle name is Mohammad so it's scary to think how long it will take them to process our case :( Khan is also quite common, like you said many names are common from Pakistan.

Wow we're doin' great with names!!!! Mohammad, Khan! I have a Hussain! :D
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-06 21:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

It is so refreshing to see posts that are truly trying to help someone with good information and not trying to cause more pain for the person posting the topic. It makes me believe in human kindness again.

This is a very stressful process because we think we have no control. Remember that we do have control over our own stress and in keeping the faith. I noticed I started losing faith and getting more stressed after the 4th month, and I completely lost it after the 5th month date. But then I realized something. I was letting my own fears control me. My husband and I have decided to stay calm and positive, and we are putting all our energy into getting him to America no matter how long it takes.

We are doing so much better now. Everyday that passes is one more day closer to him coming to America.

Hang in there. Do not even think of AP. Take it one step at a time. You can get through anything if you stay in control.

I completely agree with you, but I am sure you know just as all of us do that it is easier said than done. But people like yourself and others here make it easier for us all. Having a place where we can vent and talk to people dealing with the same things we are is really helpful. I have noticed since I have started going through this process that no one in my family or in my circle of friends (with the exception of 1) knows how this feels and the standard, "I know how it feels" or "It'll be ok" just doesn't cut it, because a lot of people really do not know how we feel. But people here do. And for that I am grateful.

My fears have started to control me. I am misreble all the time. I thought once we got the NOA2 it was smooth sailing from there, but I was wrong, it feels worse and with the interview coming up and with my new found knowledge of the dreaded AP, my happiness has turned into pure dread. I have to say though reading others posts and getting feedback from others has made this somewhat bearable.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-06 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Edited by I+H, 05 May 2011 - 08:46 AM.

I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-05 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

hi I+H, try to relax. ok?

from what I understand in your thread, AP in Pakistan is no different from the usual K1 visa processing in the Phils. pls don't just rely on the number of successful females from the Philippines that are able to get approved. do review the timeline as well. for example, the average wait for an NOA1 is about 6-8mos. that just NOA1 alone. one has to wait for another month or so before NOA2 arrives. if there's no RFE, good. otherwise, that would constitute another period of waiting. and so on and so forth. so from USCIS to US Embassy in Pakistan, what was your waiting time???

also consider, the size of the embassy in Pakistan and its diplomatic relations. even if the staff is efficient, how much cooperation is it getting from Pakistani government as far as security screening is concerned? with the ongoing terrorist threat, only heaven knows what's going on out there.

by the way, I used to work for an embassy in the Philippines. I was told that my boss who used to handle Administration, also had to handle Consular section in Pakistan coz nobody wants to get posted there! do u have any idea how difficult it is to work in a non-English speaking environment?! goodness gracious... you probably need to do body language.

hey, your already waiting for your visa interview in 2mos time. that's great! some Filipina women don't even know what's going. you know what these Filipinas did to lower down their tension??? they COMMUNICATED and compared notes. to those who did their homework right, bravo! to those who didn't even check their notes, sorry.

my Filipina best friend is a teacher in the Philippines. she was denied K1 the first time due to lack of proof of relationship. we weren't aware of back then. both my friend and her beau are religious, hence they don't have 'sweet' posed pictures. too bad she can't tell the Consul that they had a PhP 500,000.00 mock wedding.

lastly, I wish to inform you that I am a Filipina too and the first time my fiance applied for K1 visa in 2007 - USCIS informed my fiance that our paperwork was LOST. as simple as that! my fiance filed again in 2009. same thing, our paperwork got lost. but this time, we were prepared and re-sent EVERYTHING to USCIS faster than a speeding bullet. I arrived in US soil in Sep 2010.

so if you're still nerve-racked after reading this, you probably need to see a doctor and request for some medication that would make you feel relaxed. kudos! :)

Thank you for the info I apreciate it. My fiances interview is actually in the united arab emirates hence the reference to philipino women. Many of the cases at the embassy are either from MENA countries or the Philippines which I am sure is do to the high expatriate population in the UAE and I was only pointing out that Philipino women are fortunate enough to be approved with no problems in the UAE while others being prominately from MENA countries are being stuck into AP. I know it could of came off as offensive but it was not intended that way. I appreciate all of your advice and I have begun to consider mediction! Lol :wacko:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-05 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Just seems to be a weird comparison as both countries cannot be compared. And yes, I have been to Dubai, I visited my cousin who is a flight attendant for Emirates. Dubai is beautiful. :)
Well anyway, goodluck on your interview!

No they cannot be compared. Those from MENA countries definatly have a disadvantage at the consulate. Dubai is beautiful. Lucky for your cousin too! I heard emirates is a great company to work for.
Thank you for the well wishes and congratulations on your recent wedding!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-04 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan
It is an observation and appears to be a fact. It seems that the majority of recent approvals have been philipino females. Those coming from MENA countries are being held up in AP. Have you ever been to the Emirates?
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-04 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Well then have faith in him and your love for each other. You are imagining the worst, I know it, I have run across it way too many times, But the worst happening is usually pretty rare, Why you're so convinced you'll be in AP is beyond me. But you have no choice, what will be will be, and you will get thru whatever happens. (F)

I'm just worried that's all. Thanks for your help. We have worked so hard and I just do not want to see it all go down the drain. And I know no matter what he and I will make it, even if we have to move there. Shouldn't have posted a new thread, I'll probably get some downer answers now that you made me feel better. :wacko:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-02 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

I did look, before I replied. Many of them are 200 days or less, thats a little bit more than 6 months, some are at 3 months. There's 1 or 2 that may have taken 11 months. I don't see them having any right to judge you on whether you were married before. These people have to follow the US Department Of State rules. The AP happens if they are suscpicious of your relationship, as in is he or both of you just collaborating to get him in the US. Or if his name somehow comes up in some criminal database or something.

But since that, I think, is probably not the case you should be fine.

I started my own thread on this topic. I'm going nuts!!!! 200 days or less from NOA1? Not bad.... I want so bad for this to go right. I knew nothing about this AP at interview stuff. I thought you would get APd at NVC and no where else. Dumb me!
The only thing that has kept my head above water is that no CO in their right mind would deny us, you can tell we are in love, it is hard to miss. When we are together it is like nothing else. I'm sure you know how that feels.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-02 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

You shouldn't worry like that. So far you have received your NOA2 in 3 months, according to you signature! I looked over the UAE timelines actually they are not too bad. What possible reason do you think you have for being put on AP? Your fiance being born in Pakistan poses no issue and your being five years older is not a reason for AP either. USCIS saw no issue with your relationship as they approved you so quickly.

Stressing yourself out over this will not do you and good! Take the 2 months to search this site for interview questions and go thru them with your fiance. This is the time when you need to brief him on all of this so that you two can get through the process with flying colors. Good luck!

I really appreciate your kind reply. I went over Abu Dhabi's consulate reviews and it just doesn't seem that good. If you have time could you take a look? Maybe you will see it with different eyes than I do. I just see it all bad. I have zero hope of him coming back with me after the interview. I just can't get my mind out of this funk!
I have to say though your words helped me a bit! I appreciate it. But what do you think about our previous marriages and my kids? Problem or no?
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-02 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Yes, it would be highly unfair to make someone wait years in AP. I guess I was trying to point out that you have no control over it, so don't let it wreck your life. Stay strong, regardless of the amount of time it takes. Like someon pointed out, it's just a bump in the road in the whole scheme of life... albeit a big bump if it is years. But it's something you can't control.

Honestly, I think that is what is getting to me the most is that I don't have any control. What I do know is that realistically I know we have nothing to worry about. Our relationship is very real and as soon as a CO sees us together they would know too. I just had it in my mind that I was going to return to the UAE for the interview, we would be approved and within 2 weeks my love would be returning home with me. And since I have discovered all this info, now we are talking about back up plan, which include just moving there with him.
We just want to be together just like everyone else.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-01 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Whoa... consider the worst. If you get AP is it really that big of a deal. In the end you will be with your significant other. It's only time. No use losing sleep over it.... take that attitude and life will be much easier.

I'v heard that AP can last for months and years though!!!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-01 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

My point is there is no mandatory AP after the interview....
So what I think normal is, is that AP should only get triggered when there is reasonable doubt.

I went a did some research of my own. The consulate in Abu Dhabi has varied results. I'm a bit worried. It seems that others from middle eastern counries are put on AP, but females from the Philipines go right on through :blink:

I am so scared!!! I have been obsessing over this all day! My fiance is a Pakistani National, but he was born and raised in the Emirates. He has never spent more than 2 months in Pakistan. Also, we both have previous marriages, I have kids, and I am older than him (only by 5 years). OMG! I am so convinced we will get AP.

Can anyone calm me down? I need sleep and we still have over 2 months until our interview! :(
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-01 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Alright I have checked several (approved visa) VJ Pakistan timelines, especially the most recent 11.

Good news for the folks applying, no need to worry at least 4 or 5 got their Visa within a 3 days of the interview and the average looked like it was 200 days or less from NOA1. The others got their Visa within a month or 2 after interview. I flew thru the others and there were a couple that waited nearly 2 years.

But looking at it I would say for recent petitions anyway, it doesn't look like mandatory APs, more like what you would expect out of any embassy.Well I guess I couldn't leave this one alone cause the Cyprus embassy is just south of Turkey and if there was even a possibility of something like a mandatory AP it would annoy the heck out of me! :lol:

Which point are we talking madatory APs? Before the interview or at the interview. Your comment "more like what you would expect out of an embassy", what do you mean?
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-01 07:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Thanks. I sent it to the lockbox facility in Lewisville, TX but since I live in California it will probably be sent to CA one, if I'm not mistaken. I did include proof of having met (ticket itineraries, passport stamps, etc) as well. I'm happy to hear that it is not completely determined that he/we will end up in AP. Thank you!

Great! Glad to see your case is probably going to be at CSC. I live in Cali too! Don't stress about AP. No need. This process is stressful enough. I know it is easier said than done, but just try to take it as it comes. And Inshallah it will just be a smooth ride for you.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-05-01 02:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan
Congratulations on your engagement. What service center is your case going through? If it is VSC it could take quite a while. CSC is moving a bit faster.
As far as administrative processing goes, I am under the impression that sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. Look at others experiences that have filed in Pakistan and see if they encountered administrative processing. I would think unless they are skeptical about something that was included on you application you should be fine.

Concerning how many pages you sent, you needed to show proof that you two have met in the past 2 years and some proof of an ongoing relationship. I did not include much proof of the on going relationship. I believe they are more concerned with that at interview time. But I have seen posts that people have sent a few hundred pages, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I wish you both the best!!!!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-04-29 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOH MY GOSH............
Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-11-02 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed to how long it takes to get Green card
Once you have gotten married, you will file for your adjustment of status, along with that you will send an I-765 which will allow you to work once approved. The I-765s are being approved in about 2-3 months. AOS is taking a little longer, looks like 3-5 months. An interview is not always done but usually is for the green card.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-11-08 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa lawyer or preparer
With the help of VJ you should be able to do it yourself. I would be willing to help you if you need it. Just PM me.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-11-08 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance(e) interview failed

How was your case resolved? My fiance failed her interview on October 19, 2011 and the whole package is being sent back to the USCIS here in the states. The CO claimed we had not known each other long enough (3 years!) and objected to seeing Western Union receipts. My fiance was also a little nervous. They claimed our relationship to be a SHAM. I dont know at this point if we can refile after the application expires or if we will be banned. Any thoughts?

Get married in Cambodia,file CR-1.
SupastarsaMMaleCambodia2011-10-25 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid you use a lawyer

Just a quick question to the group. Did you use a lawyer and would you again ?

I did use one. He way overcharged me ( in hindsight). All he did was review our application to see if we made any errors. Looking back at the K-1 process it is so simple and straight forward, knowing what I know no I would do it myself. I don't plan to use a lawyer for AOS.

never use a lawyer, its just a waste of money.. if your case is not complicated then you can do it on your own, visa journey serves more than a lawyer 'coz most of the member here shares information based on their experience..
kapay&kulitMale02011-10-16 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance backed out from interview

My ex fiancee did not show up for her interview on september, and did not even explain her reason for not showing up. To the point of not even answering my calls. When i did talk to her, she said she's not ready to get married. And later found out from her cousin that she cheated on me with another guy. I'm devastated right now after all the time, money, and sacrifices i went through for her. What should i do now? I have no intentions of getting back with her, but i'm concerned of a future fiancee visa petition if i do finally find the right woman in my life.. Need help! Advice! Thank you!


This kind of ###### pisses me off beyond words.

I cannot believe that she would wait till the DAY OF INTERVIEW to not show. I won't rant and say even half of what i'm thinking, but you are going to be fine. And this excursion of hers is going to crash and burn, watch.
JosephandKataMaleColombia2011-11-03 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit help!!

You would complete and affidavit of support regardless of income. Your father would also complete a form. Both of you supply the needed supporting documentation. See the form instructions for what is required.

Another question: Have you met this woman face to face yet? That is a requirement for filing a visa petition.

Thanks for your input. I have not met her yet, but I'm going to see her for 3 weeks in December/January. I just want to understand everything about the K-1 visa now. Hopefully I can start all the paperwork in about a year's time.

Also, do copies of the tax returns count?
Jason & MashaMaleRussia2011-10-20 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit help!!
Ok so for my parents to cosponsor... my mom has a a lot of money in her bank account, but she does not make an income. So I'm assuming I can't use her? If I use my Dad, what do I need from him? I just have him fill out a I-134 and show his tax returns, is that it???

Thank you again!!

Edited by FromCali, 20 October 2011 - 04:14 PM.

Jason & MashaMaleRussia2011-10-20 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit help!!

Do they give you a 1099? The government wants to be sure you can give support to your future wife. I am not sure even if you if you provide a verification of employement from them for only a month of work that it will suffice. You might need a co-sponsor. They would need to meet the 125% poverty limit for the dependents they support and also your wife and provide tax returns and employment verification the same as you would

OH BTW, I am sorry to hear about the dog bite.I know, they can be very painful and sometimes require a lot of surgery

Yeah 1099. I know i've only been working here about a month, but can I say I've been working for a year and pay the extra tax? When you say the poverty line, is that for the entire U.S. or the state in which I live in? So if I meet the 125% I should be ok? or would I need more than 1 year of tax return history. (It probably won't be until next summer/spring until I start the paper work) Also, I've read something about having medical insurance? How does that work?

The dog bite wasn't too bad, he got me in my behind. I actually didn't even feel it when it happened haha

Edited by FromCali, 18 October 2011 - 08:36 PM.

Jason & MashaMaleRussia2011-10-18 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit help!!

Then please accept my apologies. The way you wrote that seemed like you were trying to say, you were paid under the table.

That's alright. My parent's don't take taxes out of my paycheck. I'm kind of a "independent contractor" if you will, so I will have to report my own earnings.
Jason & MashaMaleRussia2011-10-18 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit help!!

You are evading paying your legal taxes and you want advice from good law abiding taxpayers??? Pay your taxes and even also file amended taxes for past years and then tell the truth when you file for the K-!. Dom't you think, that having $30,000 in saving will look suspicious when you have not filed with the IRS?

Well to be fair, I've had this money since I was a child (settlement from a dog bite) And I have only been working here for about 1 month, so I have not evaded any taxes. If I have not made any money in the past years, but can I say that I did and pay taxes so that I have a history? That's kind of the opposite of tax evasion right? haha. That's not illegal is it?

Edited by FromCali, 18 October 2011 - 08:01 PM.

Jason & MashaMaleRussia2011-10-18 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit help!!

First, I just want to say that I am new to this website as well as the whole visa process, so if I sound ignorant I apologize in ahead of time. Anyways... This past summer I feel in love with a Russian girl that I met on the internet (no she's not a scam!). We want to marry and I'm just now looking in to a K-1 visa. The only problem I foresee is Form I-134 Affidavit of Support. Now, I am 21 years old and so is she (I know we are young!). I work for my parents real estate development company. I make very good money, but the only problem is I may or may not be "paid under the table" (I don't want to admit to this or not on this website!). I can file taxes for the year 2011, but I think they look at 3 years of history, is this true? Also, I don't know if this means anything or not, but I have $30,000 in my savings account. So my question is, is there anything I can do without having a co-sponsor? My other question is--if I do need a co-sponsor, what do I need from them/what info must they provide? and do they have to be interviewed?

Thank you! I would really appreciate any advice or input!
Jason & MashaMaleRussia2011-10-18 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Co-Sponsor
Ok when you say +$20,000 being sufficient, is that without having a co-sponsor?

Thank You!
Jason & MashaMaleRussia2011-10-24 01:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Co-Sponsor

So this past week I started reading about the K-1 Visa. Hopefully I can start the paperwork sometime in early 2012. The only problem I will have is the I-134 form. I recently quit school and started working for my parents business in August. I have never filed a tax return, so the year 2011 will be my first year filing taxes. I estimate that I will be able to report $20,000 - $30,000 of taxable income for the tax year of 2011. I've been reading online and it seems that everyone is saying that this will not be enough... so I will need a co-sponsor.

Now my question is, what exactly will I need from my co-sponsor? My dad will be co-sponsoring. He has this stamp of his signature that he uses to sign everything. will this be a problem? Also, are copies of his tax returns ok?
Jason & MashaMaleRussia2011-10-21 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGet married before the fiancee visa apporved

Not even a non-civil ceremony. The complexity of marriage law in this country is crazy. Some states don't even require a license to consider a marriage valid! Just wait!
I am cancelling my church ceremony in Europe do avoid the complications.
mmstompinMaleAlbania2011-10-24 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill terrorist activity expedite processing?
Thanks to all! Not quite what I hoped to hear, but in fact it is the clear-eyed truthfulness of this group that I value.
BikesnjazMalePhilippines2011-11-08 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill terrorist activity expedite processing?
Hello, everyone. First, thank you all for the help that you provide on this site. I think it is quite helpful and it is very much appreciated.

My fiancée is in Mindanao in the Philippines, and there are both Muslim insurgents and Communist insurgents active there. In the past few weeks, there have been three bombings in her city, one fairly close to her own neighborhood.

Do you think this might influence USCIS to process our K-1 application more swiftly? If yes, what would be my next step(s)?

It has already been just over five months since USCIS received it (Texas Processing Center).

Thanks very much!
BikesnjazMalePhilippines2011-11-08 20:38:00