K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this “Administrative Review” ?
I am not sure if that would fall under review or processing. I think it would be review though. We were temporarily in administrative processing (1.5 weeks). If all they are going to do is call the other embassy and ask a couple questions it shouldn't take that long. Keep strong and know you were not denied. So have no worries and God willing you will be will your love soon :thumbs:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 22:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 denial

I want to go to the interview as did that work??? did both of you go into the interview? or did they make you wait outside???

I was allowed to go inside. The only time I was asked to leave his side is when they performed the actual interview. Every consulate is different. You should check others post for your consulate and see if they were allowed inside. Good luck! :thumbs:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-23 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 denial

The next day, the Philippine embassy called and told her to report to window xxx with her passport???

Now that I reread this, it does sound like they are going to issue her a visa. They wouldn't have had her return and submit it. I didn't catch that part. Im off in LaLa land today :whistle:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-23 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 denial

I don't understand why these things aren't settled well in advance in the NOA2 stage at the US NVC...Then it would be so much easier to rectify without delay...Or is that just too logical?

I too have thought that they should straighten out the financials right out of the gate. It makes more sense. If someone is unable to support their beneficiary, why go through all the hassle of forwarding the petition to NVC and then the Embassy? Though if they did it this way obviously the petitioner should be able to prove at the time of the interview that they have maintained their financial situation.
I used a cosponsor and I even went to my fiances interview, had we been denied because of sponsorship issues I would have felt probably the same as you :ranting:

Edited by I+H, 23 August 2011 - 09:09 PM.

I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-23 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 denial

Denied for "212g4" that is "you are likely to become a public charge." Then returned the passport...The next day, the Philippine embassy called and told her to report to window xxx with her passport??? I had well over 2.5 times the proven income by the 125% regulation. And even more assets from home equities? I am at a loss as to what is going on?

Public charge???? I am at a loss as well. This is going to make for an interesting topic. Have you tried calling DOS maybe? That would be my first thought.
I hope someone comes along that would know how you should proceed. I am sorry you have to deal with this and wish you the best of luck
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-23 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnough Evidence?

Because he wants to send it, that's why.

And because a package that has some relationship evidence is not a bad thing. The petition goes on to the consulate and is reviewed by the CO before the interview. I don't see what the OP is sending as "overly heavy" on evidence.

I agree! I don't see the big deal. I didn't send that much, but if it helps the OP sleep better at night waiting for that NOA2, then let him!
I figure it this way, I paid over $300 to send this petition, I amgoing to send as much as I want! :jest:
I have to say we did over do it at the interview though, our paperwork cumulatively weighted 11.5 pounds :whistle:

Edited by I+H, 24 August 2011 - 07:25 PM.

I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 19:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NoA2 questions/Financial questions

My fiancee and I have recently gotten NoA2. It has left to U.S Consulate in Ukraine on August 18th. We are currently gathering the needed documents. But i have a few questions. We have done a lot of reading (a little too much i think) and it seems that along with I-134 form I have to send copies of the original I-129f Petition? Proof of relationship? G-325a? Is this true?

Also my main question is, last year on my w-2 forms i made a little over 21k. This past year i did not do so well (i was in her country for 3 months, I had 2 jobs but got paid under the table for 1) When I send I-134 form what should i attach? Recent pay stubs? Letters from employers? What about my tax returns from last year? Do I need I-134 notarized?
Does it sound like I need a co-financial signer? Should we have a co-financer anyway even if we are not sure? Also what does this person need to?

The I-129f is good to bring to the interview. For proof of relationship, chat logs, phone records, boarding passes, pictures, emails etc.
I am not certain on what you need to make to clear the 125% above the poverty line requirement since I don't know the size of your family, but may need a co signer. Even if you don't maybe get one for good measure.
As for the I-134, you need one for yourself and your cosponsor if you end up with one. For both you and your potential cosponsor, get 3 years of tax transcripts from the IRS. With everything else like paystubs, bank statements I tried to go back 6 months. That I don't know if that was, necessary but I wanted to be over prepared.
So recap, both you and cosigner need same stuff
Bank statements
3 years of tax transcipts
and one more thing, letter of employment. Just a letter from your employer stating you work there, you are not a temporary employee, the date you were hired and your salary.
Best of luck to you. Hope I could help.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPart b-question 15 , 1-129

sooo this might be a dumb question...

but "your fiance address abroad"
does that mean is current Mexico Address, or where he'll be living in the US

No question is a dumb question. USCIS wants you to list his current address in those fields.
Good luck :thumbs:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKinda worried

Here I am after the NOA2, finally getting my stuff together to get it sent off. I'm not a rich guy and I got a steady job working for over 10 years. I make over 50K a year and got a few thousand in savings. I went through a rough patch last year and finally getting over it. I sent my fiancee lot of money in the last three years since we known each other. Not including the three times I flown to see her in Cebu, hotels, spending money and etc. My mom & dad who are both retired had rough time financially last year and I did my best to help them out. Not to mention my brother, who gotten divorced and had to move in with me for a while to get back on his feet. After reading rccup posting gotten me kinda worried about the whole thing and worry that the CO at the embassy would deny us. I would appreciate any advice or comments would be great help...

More than likely that will not happen to you. And I am pretty sure in rccup's case, they realized after then fact that they had made a mistake and that is why they asked her to return with her passport. I hope he updates us!
But I have to say you shouldn't worry. You are already in this and what is going to happen is going to happen. I put nothing past this process, anything can happen. Just know that what is right should and will prevail. It looks like you make enough unless you have like 10 kids :) so you shouldn't worry.
Best of luck to you!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat time does the US Embassy in Manila open for applicants?

I'm a little confused, our appointment time says 06:45 on September 15, 2011 (doesn't specify whether it's PM or AM so I'm assuming they're using a 24 hour clock). However, on the Manila US Embassy's website, it says there that the Embassy doesn't open until 8:00am and closes at 8:00pm.

I got this from the Embassy Info tab:

The Visa Information and Appointment Service is now accessible from Monday to Friday only, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., except on Philippine and U.S. holidays.

Hope this helps. Good luck! :thumbs:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-23 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresskype chat and call logs?

For proof of ongoing relationship for a K-1 visa, what would be a safe minimum of skype chat and call logs? the only way I know how to print that stuff out is by selecting months worth of chats and call logs and copy/pasting them, but 3 months worth is over 500 pages!! it's how we do 90% of our communicating, neither one of us do snail mail. other proofs of ongoing relationship are yahoo emails and usage details from my cell phone bill. thats pretty much all we got. I read that western union recpt's are bad because it makes me look like I am "buying" my fiance? that's what I read in some posts here anyways. Any advice is much appreciated :-)

Before we went to our interview I weighted all of our paperwork, it was 11.5 pounds. Outrageous I know. That was all forms, documents and nearly 700 pages of chat and phone logs. I go with the better safe than attitude. I wanted to have a piece of paper for any question they might ask. I would rather them look at us like we are crazy over prepared people rather then people that just do the bare minumum. You get one shot.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-23 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance on disability will this be a problem (i'm petitioner)

I know they do look at health/mental health issues and whether you would have to support someone based on health issues or have more expenses because of health issues.

I was wondering that. The health/mental health issue may raise some additional questions.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance on disability will this be a problem (i'm petitioner)

Me and my fiance recently recieved packet 3 and are getting paperwork together so i've been doing research on the financial documents and I came across this
"Not having adequate income will not usually be a problem if you have a co-sponsor, according to experiences
posted on the newsgroup, as long as the co-sponsor has adequate income/assets.
Be aware that the co-sponsor must have enough income/assets for both your fiance, any fiance children that will
be immigrating, and his/her own household. However, that IF the US fiance has been on welfare or other
government benefits for a lifetime or has no plans to work actively, the consulate can still deny the visa based on
the likelihood that the foreign fiance will become a public charge. Just having a co-sponsor may not be sufficient.
An actual case has been documented wherein a fiance visa was denied because the petitioning fiance was on
government benefits and would not be working, even though the US fiance had two co-sponsors."

my fiance has been on welfare in australia for 4 yrs recently got switched to disability due to a anxiety problem, he has worked in the past for 5yrs his work history and info is showing on his biographic data sheet and he plans to get a job when he arrives in the states will this be a problem for us? I am also a full time student about to get out of school so I am currently unemployed but I have my mom and stepdad to co sponsor they make over the income requirement so I hope eveything goes ok will any of this be a problem any advice is greatly appreciated.

All of the above info about sponsorship pertain to the petitioner. I don't think they care about what he makes. They are just worried about you supporting him.
Best of luck!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport
First of all I want to thank everyone for their input and well wishes. I was a mess! Even when we got to the airport I was waiting and waiting and he didn't even come out of the arrival gate, they sent him another way, so he snuck up behind us :lol:
So if anyone has this issue in the future this may be the case. The women he initially spoke to had it all wrong. What they were concerned about was the fact that he has only bought a one way ticket. When he went to check in for his flight from Hong Kong to the US they pulled him aside and made him sign a form saying that he was financially liable for his return home if he was for some reason unable to enter the US. Also, his visa in the UAE was cancelled, so he would have to go to Pakistan and the airline assumed that because he was born in the UAE that he had no ties to Pakistan and therefore he would be stuck there with nothing and no one. Why they care I am not sure, but it was nice. He did arrive safely and all is well.
And again, everyone here has been wonderful and we truely could not have accomplished this without the help of everyone here! We wish everyone the best of luck and happy futures with one another.

Edited by I+H, 29 August 2011 - 09:39 PM.

I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-29 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport

why travel from Dubai to Hongkong then to the USA? just curios.

I wanted him to take a direct flight, but on such short notice it was tooooo much!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-29 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport
Just a quick update if anyone is interested. He called me, but was not 100% sure if he was good to get on the plan or not. Said he would call me back if no problems and I never got a call, so I think we are good.
I want to thank everyone for there comments and helping me to deal with the insanity
I worry to much sometimes :blush:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-25 02:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport

All airlines will attempt to clear a passenger through to their final destination when they issue their boarding passes. Otherwise, the airline is stuck with carrying the passenger back to their point of departure. It sounds like the airline employee in Dubai had trouble clearing him for the last leg of his journey from Hong Kong to the US. If it's a "name hit" then they can usually sort that out at the airport by contacting TSA in the US. There are more than 80,000 names on the TSA "no fly list", and many many people who share the same names as people on the list. Those people manage to travel, albeit with some delays because they get a "name hit" every time they travel to or from the US.

TSA has details about the people on the "no fly list" beyond simply their names. They have photos, height, weight, body proportions, dimensions of their facial characteristics (distance between their eyes, nose, and mouth, for example), color details about their hair, eyes, and skin. In many cases they even have statistics on how they walk. In most cases, they can confirm or eliminate someone with a computer analysis of their picture.

A friend of mine was held up at San Francisco International because of a TSA "name hit". He was right in front of me at the baggage check line. He got to the gate about 15 minutes after I did. He said they just took his picture and he waited until they told him he was cleared.

Don't worry about it. There's a good chance it won't be a problem at all. If it does cause a problem then it shouldn't be more than a little delay while they confirm his identity.

Thank you Jim! Makes me feel much better. I don't know anything about this type of stuff and I just want my hubby safe here with me. I really appreciate your detailed post.

Edited by I+H, 24 August 2011 - 11:47 PM.

I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport
I cant stop worrying! :crying: :unsure: :crying: :unsure: :crying:
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport

"Why would they send him back to Dubai?" It sounds by your post that this happened in Dubai, so that is moot. The American TSA is different and it might be a flag or the like. The good news is he will have a layover in Hong Kong where he can perhaps sort things out. If he has any issues, he can call you and you folks can coordinate things and contact the US Embassy in Hong Kong, Dubai or whomever you need to call. As his sponsor, he will need you so try and keep your head on straight as this sounds like a DHS (TSA) issue and might be a glitch, common name that was flagged or the like. Say the Serenity Prayer and do your best to help him.

I am not concerned with an issue with the US. He has been approved and we went through AP. He has been thoroughly checked over I am sure. Does Hong Kong have a say though? I am under the impression that international terminals are neutral ground. He can be there no matter what nationality he is, am I right? He has the visa on him obviously, Im thinking that maybe the lady at the counter didn't understand that.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport

If the fiance was flagged he would have been denied boarding in his departure country. If the fiance was flagged he would not have cleared AP. He should have no problems boarding and also should not have any issues at the POE.

USCIS at the POE has access to the same databases that the Cosulate had when his visa was approved... With a valid K-1 visa glued into his passport he will be allowed to board and will clear immigration and customs here in the USA.

Thank you for the response. Everything you say is what I have been thinking. He doesn't have a way to contact me when he lands there so I have know way to know for sure if he made his flight. I have to drive 3 hours to go pick him up and of course I would be devastated if I got there and he wasn't.
The other poster is kinda freakin me out though!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport
Help anyone? Pleaseeeeee!!!!!!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport
I didn't really know where to post this, but I need help just the same.
My fiance was boarding his flight from Dubai to Hong Kong. The woman that checked him in told him she was unsure as to whether or not he would be able to board his flight from Hong Kong to the US. She said something about "common name" and that was about all I could get out of my guy. He was in a rush to catch his flight. I assume she was refering to the "no fly" list. I know for a fact he is not on the "no fly" list. So does he have anything to worry about? He's on his way now, but I'm worried. So do I have anything to worry about. The woman was even trying to contact someone in Hong Kong for whatever reason, but was unable to because of the time difference.
To try and calm myself I have gathered these facts in my mind:

They wouldn't allow him to fly to Hong Kong at all if he is not even allowed in their international terminal. He is not going to try and leave the airport or anything.

Why would they send him back to Dubai? I can't come up with an answer.

And if his visa was approved the government obviously did their homework on him and they would just let him on the plane to the US and let the US deal with him.

I just need some reassuring words or the experiece of someone else coming from a MENA country that had a layover in another country.
Thank you all so much!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-08-24 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 Questions

Question 34 is: "Names and Relationships of Persons Traveling With You"

-Is this referring to other applicants (i.e. children) or if I accompany my fiancee to the interview would I put myself?

Question 39 is: "Was this Application Prepared by Another Person on Your Behalf?"

-Is this intended for attorneys or interpreters or would I put myself again if I helped her fill it out?

Question 34 to the best of my knowledge is refering to children or others involved with the petition.

As for question 39, I had a problem with this myself, because I helped to fill out the form, but I looked it up here and someone had made they comment that they more than likely would not count the help of your fiance because they assume you would help them sign the form. So I cannot give you a straight answer. I can say though that if you want to sign it you can, it shouldn't hurt anything.
Good luck!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-09-02 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé Letter of Intent Service Center Address

Hi everyone! I'm looking for the Nebraska Service Center Address to complete the Fiance Letter of Intent for the I-129F application. I've been looking for this address on google and haven't been able to find it. Thank you in advance! :)

For our cover letter and all other letters we put the Lewisville TX address and had no problems.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-09-05 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce

Do i need to send in a certified copy of my divorce or just a copy of the decree of divorce?

Just send a copy of your certified divorce decree. I only sent copies of mine and it was never an issue.
Good luck!
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-09-05 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressending i129 f

Getting ready to send I129 F
I have the G325-a filled out for her and me minds is signed, hers is not, I have copys of my airline tickets also copy of are tickets to phuket plus are hotel receipt, a copy of my birth cert., are letters of intent to marry, copy of reciept for engament ring, copy of receipt of flowers I sent, and phone records and 16 pictures am i missing anything?

You got to have her sign that G325A and send it to you. Also, passport copy? Passport stamps showing you visited? Letter of intent for both of you?
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-09-05 20:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceipt # on NOA1 & USCIS website

Give it a few days...sometimes it takes a while for you to be able to do so.

Have you been entering the receipt number without the dashes?

I have been entering the receipt number with no dashes.

Hi, this happened to me and it wasnt until my husband bitched about it to his congressman that it finally got put on, but that was months later. Dont worry, your case will be in the system regardless.

In what cases do you contact your congressman? If case goes past 5 months? Before 5 months? About the website? Anything?
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-01-09 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceipt # on NOA1 & USCIS website
I got my NOA1 receipt number 2 weeks ago and couldn't add the case to my USCIS account. I waited for the hard copy and still couldn't. I called USCIS and they said basically there was nothing they could do about it and hopefully it would show up later, but that my case IS in their system (whew). Has anyone ever experiences this? How long did it take before the case was able to be added to your personal account? It just says its an invalid number when I try to enter it.
I+HFemaleUnited Arab Emirates2011-01-09 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do

So you did not provide evidence of meeting within the last two years?

Yes I went there twice before we filed for the I-129. Once in March and once in June, I didn't visit more because I wasn't employed and I was in school. Tickets from California to Jamaica are not cheap. They should not use that as a stipulation. But, now that I am working I can go more often.
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-07-01 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do
Just got off the phone with DOS and Anna told me that all she see in the notes was it has been returned on the June 23rd because they don't believe in our relationship. She told me that thoes are the exact words they put in the system. :blink:

My question to her was why don't they believe? She said I have no idea... :wow:

I'm confused and I SO WISH I could get a stright forward answer... All I can do now is wait for USCIS... YAY!!!! :wacko:
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-07-01 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do

I just wanted to offer my support and hope that things go well for you. Stay strong and know that all of your strength is in the Lord. Continue to lean on HIM.

Thank you!!! Please keep me in your prayers. I would be a total reck if I didn't believe.
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-07-01 13:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do
@Atpeace We went over the papers, he told me every question they asked him and his answers all of which were right. the only thing I think is because in 2009 I never went to visit due to school and being unemployed, and I haven't gone there this year yet so that's all I can think of as lack of evidence other then that I don't have the slightest clue my fiance even said that he felt he was going to get approved he said the interviewer wasn't rude or anything.
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-07-01 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do
Ok I will go there and not get married this is so frustrating I will keep you all informed on the progress and thank everyone for your help. :)
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-07-01 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do
ok I will...

I emailed them 5 days ago and I haven’t gotten a response. I hope to get something tomorrow if not I will send it again.
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-06-30 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do

Here is the latest post just this week. http://www.visajourn...316994-k3-visa/

Ok thank you for the advice I will look into and and have him go back to the embassy and ask them for a reason for denial.
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-06-30 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do

I am not trying to take over the post here, but what you said really scares me about my application. Mine was sent back from the NVC to be reviewed. I got the standard 120 days review, but that turns into 180 days. After contacting my local US Rep. office, they found out that it was sent back due to a box not being checked about being arrested etc. etc.. This was my fault and USCIS for not catching it and sending a RFE. Keep in mind, both of us have never been arrested and have clean records. The Rest of the application is good and front loaded with lots of evidence. Now the days, weeks, and months are going by and nothing is coming out of USCIS VSC. AFter talking to a few people that I meet on here, that the "Review" can turn into a black hole. Like you said some people have to refile the application. I am really worried that I may have to do that, but I am wasting a lot of time waiting for a RFE to ammend the application. Should I cancel the currenct application and refile or just wait. If I wait for the 180 days, I will be at the 11 month mark. By the way, I actually talked to a Tier 2 officer. I asked when they expected to look at my case, He told me that USCIS does not have to do anything and it could take years. Lets just say, I wont ever ever call the so called customer support number again. lol.

This is exactly what I DON’T want to go through. Why wait so long for a response to tell you to re-file that is ridiculous.

I spoke to a tier 2 officer also I asked him if my petition arrived early and was reviewed before 120days would I be notified and he told me that he knows for sure it will take 120 days. So I should just wait. When I told him the expiration date all he said was sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-06-30 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do

Knowing why your fiancé denied the visa is the best thing to do now. Contact your Senators or Representatives and they can easily find the reason. That is what I did. The embassy told me that they sent the petition to the USCIS in a week time after they denied the visa, but it took seven weeks to get to NVC and another 3 weeks to USCIS. When I called the USCIS, they told me the review could take up to 120 days. Finally, after 10 days of the validation date surpassed, I got a text message to inform ma about the status update. When I checked the online status, it talks about undelivered mail and if I don’t contact the USCIS in 120 days, the mail will be destroyed. I called them and send me the same letter again. It says that the validation date for the petition is expired and USCIS will not review it. They told me to file another one and I filed it last March and approved June 17.

It is better to know why the visa denied, so that you can fix the problem for the next one. And also it is good to have the letter from the USCIS. Let them tell you what to do next. There are a lot of things that they can tell you. Request for more evidence, or they might give you a chance to appeal. My fiancée interviewed on Sep 7, the petition expired on Nov 20 and finally USCIS closed the case on Jan 21, 2011. It took me almost 5 months. I wish you good luck on this very exhausting journey. It is not fun, you tighten your belt.


Even though you petition was expired they still approved you the second time around.

I contacted my congressman and he told me that he can't just make a call and get answers to everything. He was a big help to me but not as big as I would have liked. I guess I should contact the senator now. My petition will expire 7/28 so I would like to be notified of something before then.
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-06-30 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do
We were told the denial was due to lack of evidence. We should know a more in depth reason by next week.
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-06-30 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't know what to do

My fiancé’s visa was recently refused which I have found out is the same as denied but a nicer way to put it. Now it's being sent back to USCIS.

I called USCIS, it will take 120 days to process. If they feel the evidence is substantial they will send it back to the embassy. In 120 days my petition will be expired so they will probably just send me something telling me that it expired and to file again.

I’m going to Jamaica in August and I plan on getting married to my fiancé would that be ok or do I have to wait until USCIS sends me some type of notice about the I-129f that I filed previously.

I also wanted to know if there is a cutoff date for filing the I-130?
KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-06-30 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise you have a 4 year old daughter!!!
She doesn't want to withdraw because he has a kid. What she's asking is if it's better to withdraw then get denied at the interview for not putting the child on the previous paperwork. The child was a surprise to both of them.

I don't think it matters, I would just say get the DNA test like everyone has suggested and then if the child is his add her to it with proof that the DNA test was recent and you were both unaware.

Edited by KaynPhil, 21 July 2011 - 04:49 PM.

KaynPhilFemaleJamaica2011-07-21 16:46:00