Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHomestretch
Mailed our packet yesterday.

So got in under 'old' fee. :dance:

Sent to CSC. Hopefully they fly this time of year. ;)

Wish us luck! :yes:

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-07-27 23:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould the ME/NA board be shut down?
keep it open.
ban only blatant violators of the tos.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-01 13:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING
peace be upon all of you.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-01 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslamic banking

I did not vote, as this issue does not apply to me.
I would like to share this article with you guys. It talks about this issue and a solution some ppl are utilizing.
SFGate article on Riba (no registration required)

I found it quite interesting. As always though, not everything is perfect.


That was interesting.... confusing but interesting. Thanks!

You are welcome! :D

What part confuses you? The theological part of the fiancial part?

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-03 16:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslamic banking
I did not vote, as this issue does not apply to me.
I would like to share this article with you guys. It talks about this issue and a solution some ppl are utilizing.
SFGate article on Riba (no registration required)

I found it quite interesting. As always though, not everything is perfect.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-02 18:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappppppy Tuesday!

I have decided that there is nothing "happy" about Tuesday . . . so maybe I'll go do some training stuff for work now that I am "benching" . . . :P

You're benching? How much can you bench? Me - 250.

you weigh 250!!! :o


All a bunch of jokesters around here! :lol: :lol: :lol:

hey i've seen that tennis pic of hers, i know where a majority of that weight is :whistle:

hey, quit knocking her around about her weight.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-12-05 18:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Christmas traditons
cool thread folks! :thumbs:

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-12-05 17:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

I think I'll give up looking for a job and start breeding. Maybe Charles and I can have 11 kids and then I'll start my own business: a soccer team :devil: :lol:

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Way to go Charles! :thumbs:


ps, you will need to sell that camaro and get a van bus. :D

i got a pickup and a flatbed trailer that holds 7,000 pounds :D

excellent. now all you need is to mark off the back yard for a regulation soccer (futbol) pitch. :D

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-11 16:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

I think I'll give up looking for a job and start breeding. Maybe Charles and I can have 11 kids and then I'll start my own business: a soccer team :devil: :lol:

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Way to go Charles! :thumbs:


ps, you will need to sell that camaro and get a van bus. :D

Edited by AnaAndDaniel, 11 April 2007 - 01:33 PM.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-11 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
If you can't fly, run.
If you can't run, walk.
If you can't walk, crawl.
But by all means keep on moving!

(ummm i think it was mlk, but not positive). (need to google it in a bit)

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-10 18:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Ana & Daniel, I love Sacramento! such a nice city! my sister-in-law lives there and does not want to move anywhere else. The climate in Sacramento is very similar to ours here in Modesto. No pool for me today though, it was way too cloudy and a bit windy, hehe.

Bacio, belos!

yes, Sacramento is very nice and the climate is identical to Modesto. Maybe a tad cooler due to the delta breeze.

I was born and raised here and I see no reason to leave. :D But Istill love travelling and visitng other places. I hope to one day vist Brasil. :D :dance: :dance:

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-06 12:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Falando nisto, essa thread é a maior de todas, sendo que a jamaicana foi fechada recentemente...

:dance: :dance:


Edited by AnaAndDaniel, 05 April 2007 - 03:26 PM.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-05 15:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
No, we do not live in SF. WE live just north of you. In a suburb of Sacramento.
Si, el clima es precioso! :D

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-05 12:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
seals hang out at the beaches. i ish they'dadopt me. :P

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-05 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

That Nyquil is disgusting!!! yuck! I feel like throwing up. eeeeek
Posted Image

i've better results with the alka seltzer medicine. of course, depeds what you got. good for colds.

that nyquil stuff is too strong for me.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-05 10:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Bom diaaaaaaa :)
Aqui tem dia que venta pra caramba tambem...e ja ja ta chegando a temporada de furacao..mas sei la...ano passado era pra ter sido o primeiro ano yet e nao deu nada...hahahah No ano anterior foi horrivel... :(

Buenos dias! No huracanes en California! :dance:



Mas tem terremotos...

si. but not like every year. i do not recall the last one around here. one in SF was like 86 i think.

plus, no houses for seals around here either. :lol:

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-05 10:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Bom diaaaaaaa :)
Aqui tem dia que venta pra caramba tambem...e ja ja ta chegando a temporada de furacao..mas sei la...ano passado era pra ter sido o primeiro ano yet e nao deu nada...hahahah No ano anterior foi horrivel...:(

Buenos dias! No huracanes en California! :dance:


AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-05 09:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Ainda bem que seu plano cobre pre-natal e parto, Alix...porque outro dia estava conversando com minha cabeleireira que e brasileira e esta gravida, e ela me disse que vai ter que pagar 3800 dolares SO pelo parto !!!!! um absurdo...

Obrigada a todas pelos parabens :D


AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-04-03 16:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Quanto às provas de escolaridade, eu tenho tudo aqui (em português) mas nunca me pediram nada. Acho que só pedem no caso de vc estar trabalhando como professora ou área de saúde, onde vc realmente precisa mostrar que tem o conhecimento.

:yes: :thumbs:

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-28 12:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Gente... perguntinha.. eu tava dando uma olhada em uns jobs ontem... ai eu vi que eles pedem High school e talz.. como voces vao fazer ? Voces tem o diploma brasileiro aqui ? Esta la no Brasil ? What ?

Liz, (and everyone else),
usually, the prospective employer never asks for a copy of the diploma. Usually it is just a question and you answer yes. Most ppl will be able to tell if you are somewaht educated. :P

But it is good to have a translated copy of your diploma just in case. My wife Ana brought here diplomas, applied for a job, got hired, was asked her educational level (Masters), never asked to prove it.

Good luck!


Edited by AnaAndDaniel, 28 March 2007 - 10:39 AM.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-28 10:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas


AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-23 16:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
yup. most of the USA is not mass transit friendly. there some sities and regions within certain cities where it works out. but for the most part you really need a set of wheels to get around.

I used to work like 3 miles from home. I tried riding my bike once. :no: traffic is just to scary for me.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-23 14:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

??? and what the heck is I love ammo ? :lol: :P

Bom.. o meu curriculo eu pedi para uma amiga minha que e tradutora, traduzir para o ingles.. entao eu tenho isso ja.. e tudo em uma pagina so... agora eu ouvi falar que aqui eles usam uma carta de apresentacao... nao sei se e verdade.. vou ter que dar uma zoiada na net

A cover letter is standard. and the recommendation for resumes for MOST jobs is to be kept to 1 page. Of course fancier jobs require more and they usually note that by asking for CV.

The reason for the 1 page limit is that 1st line of screening needs to sort through a lot of resumes. Therefore they needto be short and to the point. No flaws either!

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-23 12:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

hey rey long time no see. how's married life treating you?

Charles, how is the portuguese coming along? i know spanish so I can sorta read along. :D

I seee that we are working on our resumes. :D

Good job folks and good luck! :yes: :D

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-23 11:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
:energetic: :dance: :dance: :energetic:


Edited by AnaAndDaniel, 22 March 2007 - 02:17 PM.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-22 14:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Devo concordar Laura, os argentinos sabem fazer carne. Mas a gente ainda é melhor hehe.

:yes: :thumbs:

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-22 12:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Amigon !! :D

you went to a Churrascaria and had the Brazilian BBQ !! yummmm :) good to know that you enjoyed :D


:dance: :dance:

all we needed was the brazilian national team playing on the tv. :dance: :dance:


Edited by AnaAndDaniel, 21 March 2007 - 02:58 PM.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-21 14:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Ana and I spent the weekend in Vegas! :dance:
One of the restaurants we tried was a brazilian one, Pampas in the Aladin casino. :thumbs:

Love how they serve all kinds of meat! :thumbs: and they had this salad bar where they had stuff i had not tried before. :thumbs:

take care,
AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2007-03-21 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas

Gente !!! Ontem pegamos a nossa licenca ... estaremos casando sexta-feira YAY :dance:

yay congrats!! Queremos ver fotos.
Beijos!! (F)

si! queremos ver fotos! :yes:

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-08 12:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas is the Portuguese club going ? :lol: Seems you guys have given up on the idea :P

oh we just had elections, marc got re-elected as president :P

Charles, you guys practicing protuguese?


i already know all the important phrases
i'm sorry
yes dear
may i get that for you?

right thinking man you are! :yes:

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-08 10:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas is the Portuguese club going ? :lol: Seems you guys have given up on the idea :P

oh we just had elections, marc got re-elected as president :P

Charles, you guys practicing protuguese?

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-07 17:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPunto de Ahorro
o si realmente esta apretado la cosa, a comer top ramen.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2008-07-17 01:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPunto de Ahorro
1) cortamos servicio de larga distancia telefonica de at&t. ahora usamos uno nombrado airespring. no cobran mensualidad.
2) siempre limitamos uso de crdito a lo que podemos pagar completamente al fin de mes. la taza de interes que cobran es un pecado. (referiendo a credit cards)
3) Dinero extra se usa para hacer pago extra contra prestamos grandes (por ejemplo, de carro)
4) encontramos un mercado (Fodd Maxx) donde compramos comida y cosas para la casa mas barato. hay tiendas mas 'nice' y cercanas, pero vale la pena ir un poc mas lejos para ahorrar en lo que compramos para dos semanas.
5) somo miembros de costco. ademas de los ahorros regulares de la compras ahi.. la gasolina tambien es mas barata. ademas, conseguimos la tarjet de credit de ahi (es american express) y con eso nos dan un descuento de 5% en compra de gasolina. kicking.gif ah, y el 2% de todas las compras en la tienda. kicking.gif
6) tenemos presupuesto anual (y obvio por mes). eso nos ayuda controlar los gastos. sabemos que queremos ahorrar para X. y con eso en mente, nos ayuda no comprar otras cositas por ahi.

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2008-07-13 08:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaporque los hombres son mentirosos??
QUOTE (panamania79 @ Mar 30 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (volcanic @ Nov 12 2006, 01:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Estoy casada y tengo un bebe.Encontre a mi esposo por internet. tengo un bebe nacio 27 septiembre.2006 pero ahora me siento triste. Los dias aqui en USA son tristes y no se el ingles. no tengo trabajo y estoy encerrada en mi casa. mi esposo es mentiroso y egoista/ no tengo internet en casa. pienso que buscar personas en internet para casarse es un ERROR. cada dia no tengo amor por mi esposo. yo creo que voy a DIVORCIO. pero mi esposo dice que va quitar mi hijo. que puedo hacer???

Dale una patada en el culo,llevate tu hijo, y dejalo,fin de historia !

hahah this is a 2.5 yr old thread! hahaha but thanks for the memories.


AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2009-03-31 04:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaporque los hombres son mentirosos??

Yes, um, 85%?? I heard (from Rey) that Romanian is the language closest to Portuguese in grammatical structure. And Spanish might share some vocab, but it doesn't sound anything like Portuguese... I went to Argentina last month and I was like "what??" all the time.

eta: *and so was Rey

it may sound different but sure reads a lot like spanish. i do ok reading the brasilian threads. :D

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-13 16:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaporque los hombres son mentirosos??

Gallego is so not a dialect of Spanish. It's clearly a dialect of Portuguese.

and i thought it was a wine maker :crying:

bro charles... me too! :crying:


that or the guy that painted the mona lisa. but not sister LisaD. B)
AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-11-13 15:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaI'm having a baby with another woman..filing K1
you need to decide what you really want. what is really important for you. then weigh in what is important to your fiance, the other woman, and the baby.
After that, then you can try to figure out the legal ramifications.

good luck either way.


AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2009-06-12 00:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil's kitchen
:D comida! :D

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2006-10-27 14:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (TävôLuDô @ Sep 8 2009, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HAL 9000 @ Sep 8 2009, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TävôLuDô @ Sep 8 2009, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
que trancita por sus venas?

Caballero... hoy es mi cumple... y no hay alcohol en mis venas... como diría la canción de los Cádillacs...

Hay algo mal en este cuadro jejeje.

es tu cumple?!?! naaaa!

Felicidades guey!! si es cierto el pinche cara de libro no me dijo!


epa! sapo verde tu juuu!

ya teneis 21? wink.gif


AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2009-09-08 15:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (NArocks @ Aug 28 2009, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lo que paso con el fue un postador estaba hablando de peirdia de trabajo pero supestemente de un amigo y el aaaa jjj dijo que muy bueno pa que es amigo

tiene que usar el translator
Debe ser un perdedor y yo expresé la esperanza que él pierde su seguro de enfermedad y se muere.

epa! blink.gif unsure.gif

AnaAndDanielMaleMexico2009-08-29 10:00:00