Canadato tell or not to tell ?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 9 2008, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (surrender @ Jan 9 2008, 06:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

the father tried to talk to his son. the son admitted he was only marrying the woman for a visa. he said 'it is my only way out of egypt'. the father claims the son is not listening to anyone and is going ahead with his plan.

so my husband will try to talk to this family member and see if that help but i think if the father cannot affect him then nothnig can.

the next step is to tell this man that when or if the woman comes i will tell her the truth of what is going on. im sure he will coach her first to tell her i will lie to her and make these things up wouldnt' you think?

Yes, I think you are right, he will probably tell her you are a liar and just want to sabotage his relationship with her - because you don't agree with it or something equally ridiculous.

'It is my only way out of egypt'. He sounds like a real twit - using someone else for a visa - it shows such a lack of moral character it makes you wonder what else he would do.

Isnt that the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
at this time i dont put anything past this parasite. thats my new word for him unsure.gif
im not sure if i should alert the embassy or canadian people, i would have no idea how to do that and it could just be hearsay if i cant give them proof. i am thinking to just tell HIM that when or if she comes i will tell her the truth if he will not. the rest is up to her.
god i wish she was on this site it would just be easier. blush.gif but also i agree with what someone else said - if it doesnt work with this woman he will probably just try another woman from another country. i think the issue stems from seeing my husband and i married and creating a family and moving back out west and he wants the same for himself. which is ok! but jeesh do it in an honest way - ya know ??

surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-10 02:04:00
Canadato tell or not to tell ?

the father tried to talk to his son. the son admitted he was only marrying the woman for a visa. he said 'it is my only way out of egypt'. the father claims the son is not listening to anyone and is going ahead with his plan.

so my husband will try to talk to this family member and see if that help but i think if the father cannot affect him then nothnig can.

the next step is to tell this man that when or if the woman comes i will tell her the truth of what is going on. im sure he will coach her first to tell her i will lie to her and make these things up wouldnt' you think?

surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-09 08:33:00
Canadato tell or not to tell ?
i am often thinking what this woman (from montreal) is thinking myself. cant she see or perhaps he is whispering the nice things in her ear she wants to hear. i think if it were my mom i would be humuliated. she just seems to be in laa laa land. sad.gif part of me feels its her own fault for believing so easily ohmy.gif she never even met the guy ! laughing.gif but on the other hand i feel she just doesnt understand the culture & if she did she might look at him really much differently.

i cant imagine what he must be telling her but she is buying everything. part of me wants to just send an anonymous email to her but that is so cowardly and the other part of me wants to send an email as myself just telling her what I think and say 'the rest is for your mind'. let her think the rest over and make her best decision. the man involved here may kill me if i did that.

i just wonder with some women what evidence it would take to convince them?
what evidence would it take to convince any of you if you were that woman? sad.gif

surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-08 11:30:00
Canadato tell or not to tell ?
what? how sad.
surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-08 08:20:00
Canadato tell or not to tell ?
Thank you to everyone who replied. I have a lot of thinking to do.
I have over the last few days joined forces with the husband and his sisters to confront
this problem from a family front. My husband told this mans father that there was discussion
of romance and nice words involved and that she wasn't just some nice old woman wanting
to help him out. (those are his words not mine. i know 56 isn't OLD but he wants his family to think she is old as they will compared to him coz in egypt a 56 year old woman and a 32 year old man is laughable. this further expounds on the fact that he is being deceitful while he tells HER he lovse her and tells everyone else she is just old and likes to help him because they met online and she thinks hes a nice guy).
also she has been mailing him packages here every few weeks with gifts for him and his sisters and baby nieces and its just getting weird. I find it difficult to imagine he wants anyone to think she is just a friend when she is clearly so involved with sending these gifts.
like there are OLDER women sitting around just waiting to spend their money and time on a man young enough to be their son and getting nothing in return. blink.gif I think if they both loved each other and it was genuine that would clearly be one thing but that isn't the case here. This man was chatting with other women - in other countries - for quite a while and may still be, just waiting for the one who takes the bait.

not sure about contacting the woman at this point - may wait out to see if the family pressure helps although I seriously doubt it. i cannot even look at this man anymore and both my husband and i are pretty upset that he has taken this way in his dealings with a foreigner. he had the opportunity to marry a very nice - his age- woman from romania as she had converted to his own religion (not important everywhere but its a big deal here) but he passed it by because he thought canada had better opportunities than romania. mad.gif So he tells his family NOW that she has an aunt who owns a business and the aunt will try to get him a business visa !! crying.gif

Is there no end to these mens lies ?? meanwhile I have personally seen cards and letters to him where this canadian woman professes her undying love to the woman, how much she misses him and her desires for him - I feel badly for her. Nobody deserves to be treated like that - my opinion - If he wants to leave his country for better opportunities that is his right but he should do it in an honest and right way. lying someone into love to get to their country long enough to get citizenship or whatever and then bail out to travel to a differnet country is SO WRONG. I just feel if it were me i would be so hurt if many people knew or suspected something and never tried to stop him or make him see reason. blush.gif

Edited by surrender, 07 January 2008 - 03:51 AM.

surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-07 03:48:00
Canadato tell or not to tell ?
How long would it take (do you think) if they marry in egypt and then try to immigrate to canada right away?
surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-05 11:10:00
Canadato tell or not to tell ?
Hello everyone and thanks for your replies.
I do have the womans email address and have spoken to her a couple of times. The man in question is a family member and it would be difficult to give proof I suppose other than he is hiding the fact of his feelings from his family and telling everyone she is some nice ELDERLY lady who wants to help him get a visa only - not a real marriage-.
I dont know. i would want to know too so i have a dilemma. unsure.gif

surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-05 09:52:00
Canadato tell or not to tell ?
I know from the horses mouth and from the things I have seen and read that it isn't real, that he doesn't love or care about her and he plans on ditching her as soon as he has the opportunity. she blieves him to really love her and I guess my dilemma is, would i want to know the truth?
would you?

surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-05 07:07:00
Canadato tell or not to tell ?
ok here is the scenario:

i know there is an egyptian man that is using a woman for a visa.
she is 25 years his senior and he has been romancing her and doing anything to get a marriage.
she sent him an invitation for a tourist visa but he was denied from the embassy in cairo. now they are planning to marry in march as she wants to come to egypt to marry him. he will then try to follow her back to canada.

my dilemma is this:
should I say something? i know he doesn't love her and he is simply using her to leave the country, i know this for a fact (i cant say how i know). is there any way to tell the embassy in cairo to expect the filing for a spousal visa or should i ?
also he has made mention that he will go from canada to america and he tells his family she is just an elderly woman who wants to help him get papers to leave and nothing more.
i feel bad about this and wonder what you would do.

surrenderFemaleEgypt2008-01-05 06:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Question please help

You have to send the affidavit that the consulate requires. If they require an I-134 (the overwhelming majority do for a K visa) then that's what you have to send. If they ask for an I-864 (a few consulates do) then that's what you have to send. Which affidavit form you use does not change the fact that the consular officer has discretion, though. It would also be very unusual for a consular officer to apply a higher income standard for an I-134 than they would for an I-864. I was simply saying that they usually don't apply a lower income standard for the I-134, at least not when a K visa is involved.

From your other posts and your PM, it sounds like the benefits are survivor death benefits. Those are benefits paid from someone's Social Security retirement to their surviving family members when the worker dies. It's a form of retirement income, based on the worker's accrued benefits, so it's qualifying income for an affidavit of support.

what u said is what my mother in law told me yesterday! that after he died they paid them that social security income and that it comes for her 3 children! but it's not added on her tax returns! so i guess there's a paper or something proves it.. so we should write the total number and show the tax returns and that paper proving the death benefits right?
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-09 07:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Question please help

No. SSI is a means tested federal benefit, funded by the taxpayers. It is essentially federal welfare. The whole point of having a sponsor is to guarantee the government that the immigrant won't become a public charge in the US, and collect means tested benefits. The sponsor cannot use means tested benefits to provide this guarantee.

i'm not sure yet if it's SSI or SS benefits! i just read benefits is ok to be counted!

is there any way i can send i-846 instead of i-134 or can i send both?
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-08 10:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Question please help

First, the consular officer has discretion. There is no "magic threshold" you have to meet, like there is with the I-864. The consular officer has to be convinced that the applicant won't become a public charge in the US. They use the I-134 only as a convenient screening tool - a place to summarize the sponsor's financial situation.

Second, think about this logically. Why would the consular officer issue a visa to someone whose sponsor barely meets 100% of the poverty guidelines when they know full well that they won't be qualified to be the sole sponsor for an I-864 when it comes time to adjust status? Why send someone to the US as an intending immigrant if they know they won't be able to adjust status? The consular officer is going to want some reassurance that the applicant is going to have a sponsor who can submit a sufficient I-864 at the time they need to adjust status. The policies that some consulates have regarding things like the I-134 and co-sponsors make this abundantly clear. You should presume they will expect a sponsor who can submit a sufficient I-864, which means 125% of the poverty guidelines.

The information posted on the Department of State's travel website is generally applicable to people sponsoring someone for a non-immigrant visa. The K1 is a non-immigrant visa with immigrant intent, so the standards they apply are different.

What kind of Social Security does your fiance's mother collect? There are three basic kinds; Social Security Retirement, Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The retirement and SSDI are qualifying income which can be included on the I-134. The SSI is not.

SSI but if we can prove that she makes extra money of it by submitting it along with the tax returns can it work?
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-08 07:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Question please help

As the Adjustment of Status is the next step for a K visa holder the Embassy/Consulate will often use the 125% requirement for the I-134 that supports a K visa petition.

Best info will come from a recent K1 going through Cairo.

If the mother is getting Social Security she includes her benfits statement to prove what she is getting.

thank you so much! the mother can only meet the 125% by adding the social security benefit! and the latest person went through it she said they met requirement that's a little over 14000 i kept trying to get more details but u know how people dont like talking about these things so i took it she meant the 100% but i can never be too sure!
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-07 17:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Question please help

Yes i know you gave it to me :rofl:

i am just keeping the topic alive so someone else would kick in with another openion :D

i dont think anyone is gonna help :unsure::S i couldnt find anything on it all over the web :bonk:
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-07 16:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Question please help

only a 100 % of the poverty guidelines according to the following :

Proof of Financial Support and Affidavit of Support Forms

During the visa interview, applicants will be required to present evidence to the Consular Officer that they will not become a public charge in the U.S. You may present evidence that you are able to financially support yourself or that your U.S. citizen fiancé(e) is able to provide support. The Consular Officer may request that a Form I-134, Affidavit of Support be submitted by the U.S. citizen fiancé(e).
The U.S. citizen fiancé(e) will need to submit Form I-864 to USCIS with the application for adjustment of status to that of legal permanent resident following the marriage.

Do the Same Income Requirements Apply to Form I-134 as Apply to Form I-864?
No. The 125 percent of the federal poverty guideline minimum income requirement, the most recent year's tax return, and other requirements only apply when Form I-864 is needed. Applicants presenting Form I-134 will need to show that their U.S. sponsor's income is 100 percent of the federal poverty guideline.


lol i gave u that link :P !! i guess i'm still paranoid on meeting the 125% and show it to the consulate as i dont want him to think i'll apply for any sort of public charge activity.. so i wanted to know how to prove the little extra income his mom makes (social security benefits) to meet the 125%
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-07 07:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Question please help
my fiance doesnt meet the 125% for I-134 (as we're not sure if it really takes only 100) his mom doesnt either depending on the household number but the thing is she does with the social security benefits!! my question is.. should we write the total of what she makes along with the benefits? and how do we prove it?
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-07 06:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNVC how do we get a case #

I couldnt find any when I was looking for one but that was a while ago. Calling is faster, the USC or the beneficiary can call DOS and ask. They will ask you a few questions to make sure you are who you say and then you can ask them about case number or where your case is currently at.

if i didnt get a case number is it ok? i mean it's all depressing my fiance's phone doesnt have a long distance calls! we dunno if we can call department of states and i'm too afraid now my case will be lost i do get worried too much!

can i ask the embassy for the case number? i mean will it be written on the packet they send? (the embassy is on vacation next week)
any alternatives on getting the case number?
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-10 07:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNVC how do we get a case #

You filed a K-1 the NVC doesnt process your petition. It gets sent to NVC then sent to your embassy. AKA - K-1 does not get an NVC case number. You get your Embassy case number.

Call DOS.

is there ANYWAY we can send them an email instead? a long distance acsess code is requried on my fiance's phone and he doesnt know it :S
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-09 19:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNVC how do we get a case #

It's been so long but I believe you can call DOS and confirm if the Embassy in Egypt received your case. They will also provide you with a case number. DOS number 202-663-1225.

I cant call the embassy as i'm not a native and ryan cant cuz it costs a hell of a lot!! so is there any other way we can contact them? i mean can we email them? and what do we say?? like in the subject and such?
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-09 19:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNVC how do we get a case #
it's been 10 days now that the USCIS send us the NOA2 (was approved 28th of october, hard copy received november 1st) and we didnt hear anything from NVC, on the USCIS website it says initial review and people say the i-129F is not on the phone number!

how do we get a NVC case number and how do we know they received it and proceeding?

*this whole thing is very depressing :( please help*
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-11-09 18:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionco-sponsor filing directly to embassy question
how do i get the embassy to know that my co-sponsor will send them a separate package from mine? do i write a note in the i-134 cover letter?

i sent them an email and they said he can send it directly via DHL but how do i let them know that when i send my package?
Jasmine.SFemaleEgypt2010-12-13 21:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expedite at NVC procedure (split topic)

could you please tell me how can i expedite my case ? what are the procedure please?

Cali&CairoFemaleEgypt2014-05-13 14:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionunder 125% and no cosponser, what do i do?
my fiancee started her job this month so she dosent have pay stubs now she have a retirment account ( 5000 ) in a life insurance company but its liquid she can take the money anytime she have something calle ira ( 10000) and she own her house which worth like 250000 and she own land 16000 and she own another house 50000 and she rent that house for 4500 yearly after expenses and her 73 years old military retired uncle is going to sponsor us he have income from govnment and have 2 bank accounts each have ( 500000 ) and he have cds, 2 retirment accounts , and 2 real estate . my question is even if my fiancee didnt tell about her job or send pay stubs should be fine do the embassy will accept this affidavit of support under this conditions ? another question plz if im a student here in cairo university should that be a problem in my application do they give the visa to students ?

ty guys for ur help and im sorry for asking alot of questions but i really love her so much need her so much and i want this visa to work out
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-06 19:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionunder 125% and no cosponser, what do i do?
we have a co sponsor a 73 years old military retired uncle with big bank account ( 500000) 2 houses and cds and 2 retirments accounts so should we be ok now with her real state 2 houses and retirment ( 5000 ) and ira ( 10000 ) even if she dosent have a job or pay stubs i was just wondering maybe we dont need to wait for her pay stub now and we can apply with this co sponsor i need advice guys i need to be with her i miss her so much
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-05 18:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionunder 125% and no cosponser, what do i do?
my fiancee income is 12300 and she started her job this month so she dosent have py stubs now but by the time of my interview she will have couple of paystubs and she a retirment account in a life insurance company but its liquid she can take the money anytime its 5400 and she own her house which worth like 250000 and she own land 16000 and she own another house 50000 and she rent that house for 4500 yearly after expenses so do u think guys we need cosponsor i really need help and if any one can chat with me about it i would appreciate that and if i need a co sponsor should her 73 years old uncle do it he is retired but have a good bank account he was in military so what yall guys think we should do
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-04 18:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout affidavit of support and package for the embassy
my fiancee started her job this month so she dosent have pay stubs now she have a retirment account ( 5000 ) in a life insurance company but its liquid she can take the money anytime she have something calle ira ( 10000) and she own her house which worth like 250000 and she own land 16000 and she own another house 50000 and she rent that house for 4500 yearly after expenses and her 73 years old military retired uncle is going to cosponsor us he have income from govnment and have 2 bank accounts each have ( 500000 ) and he have cds, 2 retirment accounts , and 2 real estate . my question is even if my fiancee didnt tell about her job or send pay stubs should we be fine do the embassy will accept this affidavit of support under this conditions ? another question plz if im a student here in cairo university should that be a problem in my application do they give the visa to students ?
and can i transfer my credits to any university there do any one have an idea about that ?

ty guys for ur help and im sorry for asking alot of questions but i really love her so much need her so much and i want this visa to work out
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-06 19:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout affidavit of support and package for the embassy
hey gys ty all for replying and for the advice but it seems i was asking about the affidavit of support and all i asked is it a problem to still be student in university ( cairo unviersity - faculty of commerece ) but all i got is think about ur future ur study is most important look Mr richard im sure that u are thinking about bringing ur fiancee and its the most important thing for you so u have this right cause u are old or rich or having a good job or cause u finished the school and i dont ? thats not right well for me she isnt my fiancee she is my wife u got it man ? and u dont have any idea about what im going to do when i go there i will study and work and i will take care of my family i have been like this here i can work daily for 20 hours and sometimes more ya i can handle any pressure im used to this since i was 17 so plzzz no more talking about priorities and responsiblities and if u have advice about our financial situation plz give advice if not i appreciate u coming by and reading my topic

tyall again for ur help i appreciate . wish yall the best of luck
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-06 17:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout affidavit of support and package for the embassy
we have a cosponsor now her uncle he is 73 military retired income from government and big account in the bank like 500000 should that can he be our cosponsor are we fine now even if she dosent have a job with her real estate and his and his savings in the bank ?>
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-05 18:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout affidavit of support and package for the embassy
its 5000 thats what my fiancee found out so her uncle will only go aheadd and fill a I134 form sign it and notarize it and give proof and if a bank account should it be enough he is retired
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-04 17:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout affidavit of support and package for the embassy
its more like 4300 after expenses plus the salary plus the retirment 5000 does this do it if not if not what a co sponsor shhould do only fill I134 and sign notaraize it and then send documents about bank account and this stuff and if he is retired he can help if he have good bank account
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-04 17:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout affidavit of support and package for the embassy
i know that but on uscis website it say that not the same 125 % required for all forms its only required for the I864 and for the I134 all u need is 100 % which is 14000 i want also to know if the rent income should work they will take it or not so should we both pass with 12000 yearly and almost 5000 yearly rent income and retirment liquid account 5000 should we be ok or not something else she have land in louisiana should she ell them about it can this help and she stopped working last june till march 2008 and she got a job starting from april do u think guys we need co sponsor or we should be fine and if so what he need to do only form I134 plus documents like bank account statement and thats all

i need help plzzzz guys
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-04 15:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout affidavit of support and package for the embassy
no replys at all ? where is the admins i need help plzzzzz guys im so confused i dont want to lose this visa because of mistakes from us i n eed to be with her soooo bad

help is soooo appreciated
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-04 15:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAbout affidavit of support and package for the embassy
hello all

ty for ur help its a great forum that helped me and my fiancee in preparing our k1 package andit was approved in march and the file is here now in cairo embassy first of all about the afffidavit of support my fiancee was visiting egypt last month she just got back home and she will have a job next week her yearly income will be 12000 and she have a liquid retirment acccount with 15000 she can take money from this account with no penalties itsl like banck account and she have another housse she rent it for 5500 yearly and she own her house and a land in louisiana i need advise should this be enough to prove she can support me and if so how we can do it and if we are going to get a co sponsor what all we have to do and what is the documents needed from us and from the co sponsor specially he is retired but i think he have a good bank account i really need help about this im so confused and so worried that the visa will be refused because of this she is from alabama and we are only 2 for the house hold she dosent support any one and she dosent have childrens and is there any tips for preparing my package to send it to the embassy like specific docs i need to send and how much time it will take the embassy to schedule me an interview appointment last thing im student in university is that a problem
if i can take talk to any one online who can help me in this i would appreciate that

ty so much for all of ur help its really a great forum and all the ppl here are great

ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-04-03 13:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed help or advice all appreciated
hello how are yall ?

im sooo sorry for not writing for along time i was sooo busy in the last 2 weeks guys

i got my visa thursday 24th of july and i arrived to usa last thursday 31st of july

ya i made it im here now and im sooo happy to be with my love

what im supposed to do now i know we need to go and marry in the justice of peace but then what i mean the next steps

can u help me in this ?

thank yall for all the help and support i appreciate it and i wish yall a great life with ur soul mates
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-08-05 08:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed help or advice all appreciated
The movement certificate is a piece of paper that states the countries you have visited outside of Egypt. In our case Ahmed has never traveled outside of Egypt. The Embassy just requested this about a month after the interview. Ahmed said you can get it here: Eltahrir compound or aka mogam3 eltahrir. I know its close to the museum and the Embassy there in Cairo. I don't think you need to apply for it now but would be good to know where the place is located-only cause i think its only valid for a certain amount of time and they might not ask for this from Gamal. The Embassy doesn't ask for this certificate from everyone, only some. I don't know why or how they pick. If we can help with anymore questions please let us know and good luck on the interview! Thank you to all who have sent replies and advise, you have been more than helpful. The more i read the more i realize-we are both still learning.

I hope we all can be united with our loved ones soon!

Kim and Ahmed
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-06-30 19:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed help or advice all appreciated
hello all the embassy called me this morning asking me for the movement certificate i told them im working on it nd they sent me another email ( Dear Sir: Thank you for your e-mail message. Please be informed that as a result of the administrative processing, your will need to submit to us movement certificate by the DHL. The officer will review that document and we will advice you of the next step later. Regards,Consular staffni )

so i guess there is more steps after that certificate and for everyone who had thier interview or fixing to have it start the movement certificate procedure ( u can get it at Eltahrir compound --- mogam3 eltahrir )

anyone know or have any idea about the next steps
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-06-30 13:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed help or advice all appreciated
Hello all finally the embassy answered me today

imagine guys what they told me in the email ( Dear Sir,

Thank you for your e-mail message.

Please note that you need to provide us with a movement certificate (SHAHADET TAHAROKAT) via DHL courier service to enable us to process your visa application. ) that was the message funny ha ?

anyways they never askedd for this when i sent the 3rd package to the embassy its been more than one month and they never asked for it except today and except i sent them like 2 or 3 emails and the answer just arrived today

the biggest thing that piss me of and make me hate the embassy is i found out that this certificate will take 15 days to be issued if its required by foreign embassy

so why counsler didnt tell me about it in my interview why they didnt tell me about it last week or 2 weeks ago dosent make sense i guess they are just using this to buy more time thats not fair at all
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-06-29 07:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed help or advice all appreciated
hello my fiancee called dos and we found out that we are on scurity check or should i say im on security check

is that normall or it means something is wrong ? should we worry or contact her congrassman i just want to know if its common prcedure

ty for ur help
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-06-28 16:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed help or advice all appreciated
Hello how is everyone . i wish every one the best of luck to be with the one who they love

i applied for k1 my interview was 29th of may in cairo,egypt the interview was good the counsler was nice and i was approved he tol me it will take 2 to 3 weeks to recive my passport with the visa .

today its ben 1 month since my interview and i didnt hear anything from them i called them twice everytime they say there is no time frame and the process take time and if u ask how long no answer

im getting worried and its taking long time more than i though about specially it shouldnt take all this long took less time to schedule the interview and to be approved

so if any one know what to do now or have info that can help or can advice i would appreciate we both are waiting and will wait no matter how long it takes it just hard and getting harder everyday

i appeciate all the help and i appreciate all the effort ppl do here its been a great help thru the whole process

wish yall a great day
ahmedkimMaleEgypt2008-06-26 17:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy Cairo Administrative Processing

It might be best to call them, they take so long to answer emails. It does sound like you were approved Calling will get a faster answer and you don't have to feel so anxious.

I've been calling them for 2 hours and they are not picking up. But they have replied to my email, and this is what they said "Please note that your case is in the final processing stage and will be issued shortly.

Consular Section
U.S. Embassy, Cairo".
It still doesn't answer my question about "please send your passport", but I guess this was a good answer anyway. :D

Edited by Keemo, 13 December 2012 - 06:42 AM.

KeemoMaleEgypt2012-12-13 06:41:00