Middle East and North AfricaFinally my husband got his visa
Hi everyone just want to share the good news that my husband finally received his visa today. He had his interview in Cairo, Egypt on December 22 and just received his visa today we are so happy. Thank you everyone for all your help you have giving me through all this. I hope and pray that you all get your visas soon. I have a couple questions now if anyone can help me. My husband received his passport back with his visa inside and also a big yellow envelope that says dont open. Does anyone know what is inside this envelope and also what can he expect in the US airport? He is pretty nervous about it all. Any help? Thanks
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-16 22:17:00
Middle East and North Africahave visa now what??

Depending on your husband's age he will need to register for selective service - men 18 through 26 are required to register.

Change of address at POE even though they ask for the address where you will be staying during pre-boarding checks of the flight so he may want to give the new address there as well.

Congratulations on the baby and good luck with the rest of your journey!

Hello can you tell me what is selective service and where will he register for that?
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-21 22:52:00
Middle East and North Africahave visa now what??

Congrats on your hubby's approval Jeni. I have been thinking about you. Also, congrats on your new baby boy. (F)

Your hubby can change the address at his POE.

I hope everything works out just fine for you!

thank you so much I never thought this day would come that my husband finally would get his visa.He will be here Wednesday, March 24 we are very excited.Also congrats to you Aya are you here with your hubby yet? Do you know if there is anything we need to do once he is here as far as any papers we need to fill out or anything? Thanks and take care and welcome to America
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-19 21:45:00
Middle East and North Africahave visa now what??

I'm not too sure about you losing any public assistance that you are on. I believe you can put a change of address at the POE. If I am wrong, I am sure someone will correct me. I know that you guys went the DCF route, did he get a CR1/IR1 visa? If so, then he is good for 2 years if it is a CR1, and also he will beable to work.
I hope you will find the answers you are searching for! Good luck Jeni and Congrats again!

Thank you. So my husband would do a change of address at the point of entry at the US airport? Or is there a form that we fill out once he is here in my home. I thought there was some kind of change of address form we needed to fill out, but Im not sure. Yes he did get a CR1 visa so that is good that he is ok for 2 years before we need to do anything else. Thank you so much
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-18 13:48:00
Middle East and North Africahave visa now what??

just curious - if you’re on public assistance why would you get out and get your own home knowing your husband is arriving soon and knowing he probably will not work immediately? I would imagine that most people would have their ducks in order before considering bringing a spouse.

Its a complicated situation right now as most of my family are against my husband even coming here but my husband and I just had a baby and that is the reason in trying to get my husband here as soon as possible so he can be with his son.
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-18 13:44:00
Middle East and North Africahave visa now what??
Hi Im not sure if I am posting this in the right forum or not but I will give it a try. My husband received his visa and in the mean time he is looking for a plane ticket here. We are both very confused and nervous as to what are the next steps for when he is here in the US. He is my husband so I am assuming he has an immgrant visa and will he still need to apply for adjustment of status and will he also be able to work here in the US? Also when we first began this process of getting his visa and filling out the paperwork for his sponsor (my father is his sponsor and we filed the I-864A I believe it was stating that my husband and I would be living in my father's home but however that has changed and my husband and I will have our own home when he comes here so will that make a difference? because when we did the paperwork we put my fathers address as the place we would be living but now I have my own home. Also I know my husband cannot be on any public assistance while here that is the reason for the sponsor but what if I am on some public assistance is that ok for me to be on the public assistance still or will I lose that because of my husband being here? Can someone please let me know what is the next steps we need to when he gets here please thank you
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-17 23:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!

Happy Wednesday MENA!! (F)

Been a while since I last posted on VJ...but I've got some news to share :)

I just arrived here in the US last Saturday at 4:30 PM.. My 2 flights were long, but it was all worth it in the end! I had a 20-hour layover in London which I enjoyed very much! LOL

POE interview took 30 minutes and the officers were really nice!

Finally met my in-laws and had a nice family dinner on Sunday after two years of IMs and phone calls...I love my in-laws!! (L)

I hope everything is moving along for everyone!

And Happy St. Patrick's Day for those who celebrate it! B-)


Hi Aya congrats on your arrival to the US. My husband will be here March 24 and we are so excited, he can finally meet his new baby our son was born Feb. 10. I was reading your post and see you had a POE interview can you tell me a little bit about that and I will pass the information on to my husband. We both are very nervous and not really sure what to expect or what they will ask him any help???? Thank you so much
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2010-03-20 23:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 QUESTION 8
Im confused about this question also. I will be getting a co-sponsor so what do I and the co-sponsor put here on the I-864? thanks

[?] I am sponsoring the principal immigrant named in Part 2 above
[?] YES [?] No (Applicable only in cases with two joint sponsors)

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-09-28 20:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A
QUOTE (raina4gy @ Oct 23 2009, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jeni....I believe that you sent the correct form and I believe you may have gotten the same CO as me...because the same thing happened with me at Cairo. They sent back my I864W, which I was perfectly correct in filing for my situation, and asked for the I864. But since i was pretty sure about what i did, I resent the I864W with a detailed explanation and also highlighted all the instructions on the regular I864 and I864W that shows CLEARLY why I should NOT file the regular I864. They have not sent it back to me.

This is what I found on the instructions for filling out the I864.

How Can My Relatives and DependentsHelp Me Meet the Income Requirements?

You may use the income of your spouse and/or any otherrelatives living in your residence if they are willing to bejointly responsible with you for the intending immigrant(s)you are sponsoring. If you have any unrelated dependentslisted on your income tax return you may include their incomeregardless of where they reside.
How Can My Relatives and DependentsHelp Me Meet the Income Requirements?
Your household size includes yourself and the followingindividuals, no matter where they live: any spouse, anydependent children under the age of 21, any other dependentslisted on your most recent Federal income tax return, allpersons being sponsored in this affidavit of support, and anyimmigrants previously sponsored with a Form I-864 or FormI-864 EZ affidavit of support whom you are still obligated tosupport. If necessary to meet the income requirements to be asponsor, you may include additional relatives (adult children,parents, or siblings) as part of your household size as long asthey have the same principle residence as you and promise touse their income and resources in support of the intendingimmigrant(s).
How Do I Count Household Size?
The income of such household members and dependents canbe used to help you meet the income requirements if they complete and sign Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsorand Household Member, and if they are at least 18 years ofage when they sign the form

Raina4gy, thank you so much, I was beginning to think I was losing my mind. I was very sure that I sent them the right form I-864 for me and then I-864A for my father since he is the joint sponsor/family member/ household member I just couldnt figure out why they sent it back. Anyway I will send them a detailed letter and also I will send prove that I am living with my father and prove that he is my father and hope and pray they dont send it back this time. Thanks again.

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-10-23 23:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A
QUOTE (jazzy20 @ Oct 23 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we had to do those a couple of weeks ago,since ur dad has the income he has to me the sponser, he and you have to file the i864 both of u, he is the sponser he files his income, and even though you have no income u still file it as 0 income,that what i did. if u file ur taxs jointly u and ur dad then you file i864a if u dont, then there is no need to file it.

Thank you so much for your help. I think I am starting to understand LOL but I have another question. Does my father still include myself and my kids as part of his household size if he is just completing the I-864? and do I combine my income with my father's income on my I-864 and do I add my father and my mother in my household size. Or would I be doing everything, father's I-864 and my I-864 individually like I am not even living in his home? Thanks

QUOTE (JeniLovesMarwan @ Oct 22 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi I am hoping someone can help me. I am so confused and I have been getting very different answers to this same question. Can someone tell me the difference between the I-864 and the I-864A. I am living with my mother and father and I am sponsoring my husband but I have no income so my father will be joint-sponsor and I am living with him. So I thought I completed the I-864 and my father would complete the I-864A for contract between household member but when my husband sent these to the embassy the embassy sent back the I-864A stating no they dont need that form they need my father to do I-864 and so now I am confused because I am living with my father so when I did my I-864 I combined mine and my father's income and included all of us in one household me, my 3 kids, mom, dad and sponsoring husband so why doesnt the embassy want the I-864A and If my father does I-864 then he wont include me or my kids as household even though we are living with him. I have been reading much about this and I did see something that says if you are living with a household member that fills out the I-864A that I must also include proof that we have the same principal address and that we are related. I dont believe I sent anything like this I just wrote a letter explaining where i was living and things like that. Do you think this could be the reason they sent back the I-864A cuz they are not knowing that I am living with my father and if so what could I show as proof that we r living in same home and that we are related?? My birth certificate would show him as my father so maybe that would work but how would I show we live in same home. I dont know I am just so confused if anyone can help me please thank you

Thank you so much for your help. I think I am starting to understand LOL but I have another question. Does my father still include myself and my kids as part of his household size if he is just completing the I-864? and do I combine my income with my father's income on my I-864 and do I add my father and my mother in my household size. Or would I be doing everything, father's I-864 and my I-864 individually like I am not even living in his home? Thanks

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-10-23 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A
QUOTE (sachinky @ Oct 23 2009, 04:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok. My husband in MI will file the I-864.

My cousin in MD will file another I864 as joint sponsor. His income is enough to cover his family (him, wife, and daughter and me, the intending immigrant). Now hypothetical question: Say his income wasn't enough, and he was using his wife's income as well. Would that mean the wife would then have to file a I864A?

Just getting a joint sponsor is easy and I understand that. I would complete the I-864 with my income and household information and my joint sponsor would complete their own I-864 with just their income and household information. What confuses me is when the joint sponsor is a family member and household member. I thought in this case which I am living with my mother and father that I would complete the I-864 and combine mine and my household members income (joint sponsor) and our househould since i am living with my joint sponsor and he is my father and then my father would complete the I-864A.

That is what I did but the Embassy sent back the I-864A and said that dont need that form they need the I-864 from my father but why would I do that if I am a family member and household member to my father who is the joint sponsor? And if I did do that it would mess up my I-864 that I already did because I combined our income and household members on my I-864 and if my father did a I-864 it would look like we were not living together and therefore should not combine incomes. Maybe the embassy is confused and doesnt realize that I am living with my father who is my joint sponsor. I did write a letter explaining this but I didnt include any evidence that he is my father or that we have the same address I didnt know I would need this until after I sent everything in. Can anyone help me with what I need to do? Should I have my father, my joint sponsor, my family member disregard the I-864A and do I-864 and me complete another I-864 and not combine our income or our household (even though we are living together)or should I just send another letter with proof that he is my father and I am living in his home? Any help would be great thanks.

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-10-23 07:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A
QUOTE (christeen @ Oct 23 2009, 12:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YOU have to file an 864 by yourself, even if you do not have enough to cover him/her... You file an 864 and your father files the 864A

Thank you so much that is what I was thinking and that is what I did I filled out the I-864 and my father filled out the I-864A because I am living with him in his home but for some reason the embassy sent back the I-864A and said they dont need that form they need my father to fill out the I-864 NOT the I-864A and that is where my confusion is. I dont know why they sent this form back because I am living with my father therefore he should fill out the I-864A. Everything I have been reading says the sponsor fills out the I-864 and if you live with family member and u will use their income for joint sponsor they will fill out the I-864A so again I dont know why embassy sent this form back saying it was the wrong form. It also says when you do live with a family member that you must show proof that you are related to them and also show proof that you do live with them in their home. I did write a letter explaining that I lived with my parents but I didnt include any evidence that I am related to them or proof that I am living with them (I didnt read this until after i sent it) so I am wondering since I didnt send this if the embassy is confused and doesnt really know if I am living with a household member or not. However I included my kids, husband, me, my mom and dad as household size of 7 on my I-864 and also included my fathers income and combined it with mine. they didnt say anything about my I-864 just said that the I-864A for my father was wrong and we need to send in I-864 for him. So confused
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-10-22 23:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A
QUOTE (*Len* @ Oct 22 2009, 11:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (christeen @ Oct 22 2009, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You were correct in filing the 864A... However, you need to provide a cover letter explaining this (they might have gotten confused) and yes, you have to provide proof that he is related (birth certificate showing him as your father and a copy of your drivers licence or other ID with the same address and proof of your fathers citizenship/Legal permanent residence status etc...)

no0pb.gif She has to file one I-864 and dad another one. She is the primary sponsor; dad is the joint sponsor. It is right there in the guides and in the form instructions crying.gif

but it doesnt say in the guides or forms if the joint sponsor is a family member. It says in the instructons for I-864A that it is a contract between sponsor and family member. I am the sponsor my father is the family member so I dont know why the embassy sent back the I-864A. It also says the I-864A is only used when the sponsor (ME) does not meet the income requirements. it doesnt say when the joint sponsor does not meet the income requirements then get family member.
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-10-22 23:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A
QUOTE (christeen @ Oct 22 2009, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You were correct in filing the 864A... However, you need to provide a cover letter explaining this (they might have gotten confused) and yes, you have to provide proof that he is related (birth certificate showing him as your father and a copy of your drivers licence or other ID with the same address and proof of your fathers citizenship/Legal permanent residence status etc...)

See different answers, however this makes much more sense to me. So I need to write a letter explaining to the embassy that me and my kids are living with my parents or should my father write this letter? and then i will need to send a copy of my birth certificate to proof him as my father. and a copy of my drivers license with my father's address on it? and also a copy of my father's birth certifcate? Is this all that i need to send with my father's I-864A? Thanks so much

JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-10-22 22:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 or I-864A
Hi I am hoping someone can help me. I am so confused and I have been getting very different answers to this same question. Can someone tell me the difference between the I-864 and the I-864A. I am living with my mother and father and I am sponsoring my husband but I have no income so my father will be joint-sponsor and I am living with him. So I thought I completed the I-864 and my father would complete the I-864A for contract between household member but when my husband sent these to the embassy the embassy sent back the I-864A stating no they dont need that form they need my father to do I-864 and so now I am confused because I am living with my father so when I did my I-864 I combined mine and my father's income and included all of us in one household me, my 3 kids, mom, dad and sponsoring husband so why doesnt the embassy want the I-864A and If my father does I-864 then he wont include me or my kids as household even though we are living with him. I have been reading much about this and I did see something that says if you are living with a household member that fills out the I-864A that I must also include proof that we have the same principal address and that we are related. I dont believe I sent anything like this I just wrote a letter explaining where i was living and things like that. Do you think this could be the reason they sent back the I-864A cuz they are not knowing that I am living with my father and if so what could I show as proof that we r living in same home and that we are related?? My birth certificate would show him as my father so maybe that would work but how would I show we live in same home. I dont know I am just so confused if anyone can help me please thank you
JeniLovesMarwanFemaleEgypt2009-10-22 22:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Egypt Peeps!

My fiancee is in Cario and waiting for her K1 interview shedule date for the last 2 weeks. I don't undestand why it takes over 2 weeks to schedule the interview. But as to keeping your passport after the interview, I heard that it is a good sign and also the CO intention to issue you a visa. Good luck!


We waited two and a half months to hear about the interview!!! We submitted the application on Dec. 15th but then left to the US from Dec. 22-Jan. 6th (we wrote to them in advance to request that the interview be scheduled after we returned). They called his cell while we were in the States. He missed the call because of the time difference so he was sleeping. From then on the embassy was such a huge pain in the butt... and we didn't hear any news from them until the end of February regarding his interview. Annoyiiiiiiiiiiing.
hayatiFemaleEgypt2010-04-20 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Egypt Peeps!
Thanks for all the responses everyone!

I'm not sure why things are taking so long, especially since he was just issued a B2 last fall and went through the security check very quickly.

We got a call from the embassy Sunday. Apparently the paperwork was completed on the 14th but they wanted one more document to finalize things - a document from Mogamma basically outlining all travel since 1995. This is so strange to me because they have both passports that he has ever had and thus have his travel history... Lame. Especially because it will take at least two weeks to get the document. I'm assuming they are requesting this because his very first passport was not issued until 2005 and he just recently renewed the passport (as in weeks before the interview) to help facilitate the issuing of the K1 visa (per the consulate's recommendation) as it was due to expire in August. However they have his old passport and the new one so... I think they're just being difficult to torture me.

And no, I didn't actually attend the interview - even though I do live in Egypt. :) He didn't want to me miss work (I would have been happy to!)... but moreover, he said I would make him nervous. :) I really wanted to go since it's hard being an observer to most of this (besides the fact I did all of the forms/applications, etc.).

Insha'allah we'll get it sooon!

Good luck to those of you still waiting!
hayatiFemaleEgypt2010-04-20 09:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Egypt Peeps!
PS - Does it help or make a difference at all that they actually kept his passport? It's not like the interview ended with a "hanshoof" type attitude... the CO told him he was approved, they kept the passport, and told him he would receive the visa + passport within 3 weeks. Grrrr. They're driving me nuts - I just cannot get over it!
hayatiFemaleEgypt2010-04-15 04:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Egypt Peeps!
Hello Everyone!

Just wondering how long administrative processing took for those of you who have dealt/are dealing with the US Embassy in Cairo.

We filed our K1 petition in August. Everything went pretty smoothly and very quickly. My <3 finally had his interview on March 11th - he was approved and told that he would receive the visa within 3 weeks. It's been over a month! We contacted the embassy; we're in administrative processing. Not so surprised. Just kinda wondering why it's taking so long though!? We want to buy out tickets and I am ready to get back to Amrika!!! He received a B2 (tourist) visa in December (he went home with me for the holidays). He went through administrative processing then also (I kind of get the feeling that everyone does in the Middle East?!), but it didn't take quite as long.

How long did you wait for the visa to finally arrive???????????
hayatiFemaleEgypt2010-04-15 03:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
Ooh, ooh! This is a fun post! kicking.gif

Girl Names:

Amirah (but this is also his sister's name)

Boy Names:

Kasim (variatins: Kasem, Kassem, Qassem - Egyptians pronounce "aasim") but probably won't be our choice since the kid's name would be Kasim Kasim.... blink.gif

and not really sure what else I like.... need to read through for other suggestions from ya'll!
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-11-11 05:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me! I have no idea where to starttt!!! (Egyptian/US relationship)
Thanks everyone for all of the helpful replies/PMs/tips/words of encouragment, etc. I think I have a better idea, or at least am somewhat more confident, to get started with this entire process (especially with the DCF advice... I hadn't read about that!). Shooo.... wacko.gif so much work and so much time! Anyway, thanks again for everything and I will def. be seeing some of you around on the MENA boards. good.gif
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-06-08 01:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me! I have no idea where to starttt!!! (Egyptian/US relationship)
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ Jun 6 2009, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hayati @ Jun 6 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I actually have read all the guides on this website, and everything on the State Department's website, and numerous other websites as well. I guess my post really lacks structure and my frustration is probably evident because there is a lot of information and it is overwhelming. Plus, not only was I researching fiance visas, but also spouse visas (because we thought it might be easier to get married first, but now I'm seeing that it's about the same), work visas, and student visas (for him to get his master's in project management/architectural engineering). So it's all one big mess in my head and flowing together etc.

I guess for starters, I really haven't really read/found anything that clarifies my question in bold (of the previous post). For the fiance visa, the petitioner must be in the US to file. Is there anyway to somehow navigate around this? i.e., if I were to fill my forms out while in Egypt, give them to my father who is visiting next week, would he be able to send them/file them for me?

You can file your paperwork from any place on earth that can delivery mail to a US address. USCIS does not care where the mail orginate from.

Aaaah, great! Thanks RoxcieJoe... that helps so much - at least with getting things started! You have no idea how grateful I am right now! THANKS!
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-06-06 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me! I have no idea where to starttt!!! (Egyptian/US relationship)
I actually have read all the guides on this website, and everything on the State Department's website, and numerous other websites as well. I guess my post really lacks structure and my frustration is probably evident because there is a lot of information and it is overwhelming. Plus, not only was I researching fiance visas, but also spouse visas (because we thought it might be easier to get married first, but now I'm seeing that it's about the same), work visas, and student visas (for him to get his master's in project management/architectural engineering). So it's all one big mess in my head and flowing together etc.

I guess for starters, I really haven't really read/found anything that clarifies my question in bold (of the previous post). For the fiance visa, the petitioner must be in the US to file. Is there anyway to somehow navigate around this? i.e., if I were to fill my forms out while in Egypt, give them to my father who is visiting next week, would he be able to send them/file them for me?
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-06-06 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me! I have no idea where to starttt!!! (Egyptian/US relationship)
Dear All,

I'm an Egyptian American currently residing and working in Cairo. Almost a year ago I was blessed with meeting the most wonderful man in the world at work. Though dating isn't really culturally accepted in Egypt (and I understand this, I'm part Egyptian!), I was born and raised in America and the only possible way I can feel comfortable enough developing a relationship with a man is through dating... so he gave into me.

I would like to move back to the US in December 09. I'm going to law school in Fall 2010 and would like to move back by Christmas this year so I can work a bit and save before law school begins. I cannot stand the thought of leaving him and want to do anything and everything in my will and ability to prevent being apart.

Our relationship progressed pretty fast... very early in the relationship we both knew that we were meant to spend the rest of our lives together (despite my lifelong plan to NOT get married until after law school, haha, I guess we can't really plan those things out). I'm sure working together is one reason our bond developed so quickly... and then also he has been my rock through so much drama. We compliment each other perfectly and I'm incredibly excited about spending the rest of my life with him. His parents like me. My parents love him

But we're not engaged.

Why? I didn't want to get engaged (afraid of what people at home might think for moving things so quickly). I also didn't want to be the girl who moved abroad and came back with a fiance, ya know? His parents know all about me and insist that if we get married we must live in Egypt. He's afraid to tell them otherwise because he's afraid that they will object to him moving to the US with me and make the transition difficult. But... when it comes down to it, I believe getting engaged is the only way to start the visa process for him to go the US with me? (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG? I believe a work visa might be excruciatingly difficult since he must be sponsored by an employer?). It's okay though. Deep down we both have wanted to move to the next step and get engaged anyway.... which this is one thing he and my Dad will discuss when my Dad comes to visit next week. (Dad is the Egyptian).

As I'm sure you all know... I want this process to be quick... and I don't want to be away from him the projected 6-9 months for the visa process (projected timeline on this website.... 6-9 months). I read that the petitioner must file in the US. Is it possible for me to fill the papers out here, mail them to the US and then have someone mail them into the place? This way I can be in Egypt with him in the meantime???

I'm just so confused as to this entire process. It seems so difficult and with so many complicated steps. It's so frustrating you know. My heart literally breaks at the thought of being away from him - especially for so long, and I haven't the financial resources to go to the US, file, and come back, ya know? It literally tears me up at night worrying about these things. I'm such a drama queen, haha.

Additionally, I believe there's a financial support affidavit that must be submitted? Currently I am working in Egypt (and heck, not making a lot!). Of course, when I move back to the US I will look for a job, and hopefully find one, but that might take time ya know, and then in law school I won't be able to work. So how do I bypass this? Can my parents sponsor him?

SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! ANY TIPS/ADVICE for the quickest/best way to go about this would be greatly appreciated. If there's another way to bypass the fiance visa (because let's be honest, it's going to take me more than 90 days to plan my dream wedding.... for real? 90 days!!!!), for him to come to the US with me, that'd be great too. I'm not so much concerned about the engagement aspect.... we're doing that for sure... it's more then 90 days that makes me hesitant... but I'll do anything for him so if that's what it comes down to... then that it is!

hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-06-06 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Fee - paying at time of interview and not with I-129F petition?
QUOTE (msu17 @ Aug 2 2009, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since it sounds like you are living in teh same country as your fiance, could you not just DCF and save yourself time and $$? If I'm wrong, ignore me, but DCF usually is done in a few months at most AND you have a greencard.

Would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do DCF. From what I've read it is quicker which and he does get the greencard... all ideal... HOWEVER we would have to get married in Egypt which isn't out of the question but the problem comes with the fact that we must live together for 6 months (as I understand it) in order to qualify for DCF. Well, so even though I've been residing in Egypt for over a year we must get married, live together for 6 months, and then apply for DCF... so I guess all in all it would probably take about the same time as a K1 visa, right? That's the problem with that. But yeah, it would be so much easier and faster since we're both already here... if we could get over the living together part.

Such a pain in the butt.... grrr.
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-08-03 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Fee - paying at time of interview and not with I-129F petition?
Well I'm so glad I asked! I thought I had read somewhere that without the filing fee the petition wouldn't be processed. However, the instructions for the I-129F clearly states that if the US resident is living abroad and filing from abroad with no access to US accounts (as is my situation) that we should contact the consulate for instruction as to how to proceed. So that's what I did... and I clearly stated this was the filing fee for the I-129 fiance visa petition and pointed out the exact part of the instructions that indicated that we should contact the consulate (copied and pasted the wording verbatim), and that was their advice... pay at the time of the interview. So then I followed up with them and asked if this would cause any problems with the filing of the petition and their response was, pretty much, I don't know ask them.

A lot of help they were...
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-08-02 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling Fee - paying at time of interview and not with I-129F petition?
Dear All,

We are in the process of completing our I-129F form... gathering necessary documents, checking it over and over and over again to ensure there are no mistakes, etc. before we ship our package from Cairo, Egypt to Vermont.

The instruction of the I-129F states that we must pay the filing fee from a US bank account. I am currently living and working in Egypt, have been for over a year, and my paycheck is directly deposited into an Egyptian bank account. My US accounts have no funds, etc. The instructions said to contact the Consulate if the form was being filed from overseas (aka, we're not in the US and we're mailing the form to Vermont from Egypt...) for more information on the filing fee. I emailed the Consular and they told me that the filing fee could be paid at the time of the interview in Egypt.

Has anyone done this before??? I'm nervous! Paying the filing fee at the Consular at the time of the interview would be great (and I would feel much safer than mailing the payment from Egypt... it might never make it!), but will USCIS still process the application like normal or will they set it aside without payment??? I would HAAAAAAATEEEEEE to send in the package and wait and wait and wait to only find out that the process will be delayed because of no payment! It just seems strange that they would process the file like normal without payment?


I don't think I have seen this in the guides....?
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-07-30 03:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew G-325A
Where can I find the old form? I looked on the USCIS website for the old form (due to problems with the new) and could not find it...? Unless I looked in the wrong place or something? I attached a supplemental sheet to this form as I did for the I-129F. I don't know if that's allowed or not but there was no way I could neatly or ledgibly fit in the full name and address of all my employers from the last five years...

hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-08-04 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat address do i put
From what I've read I gather the following regarding the DFC route:

-I do qualify for the residency part. I think 6 months is minimum. I have a lot of proof from my lease to rent receipts to pay stubs and plane tickets, etc., etc.

-We do have to get married first. I believe before you can file you must live together for 6 months first and show proof of that. We aren't living together and I do not plan on being here long enough to live together for six months and then file.

-I think pictures from a wedding ceremony etc. help validate the marriage. If we were to marry here it would be on papers only. It would absolutely break my parents heart to miss that ceremony, especially my father who is Egyptian and so therefore the Egyptian ceremony would be that much more meaningful for him. I'm afraid that they will find this sketchy and cause us problems. And we do have issues with his parents... they know he wants to marry me and they don't necessarily refuse but they insist that if we get married we must live in Egypt. That won't happen, I have law school etc. to do in the States and we've made up our mind. He told them once and his poor mother wasn't the least bit excited about the prospect of him leaving... cried for days, yelled, blood sugar rose, etc. so he's pretty much not bringing up again until it's almost a done deal. I hate that we have to go about it this way but they're traditional and old and there's no other way. My family has given full support... though it might be a different story if I tell them I want to live in Egypt forever. Haha. Nah, they would still support us but Mom would be heartbroken.

Anyway, I went off on a tangent but basically I don't think DCF can be an option for us... unfortunately. sad.gif
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-08-05 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat address do i put
So, I'm filing the I-129F for the fiance visa. My fiance is from Egypt and I have been living here over a year. As the case with K1 visas I am unable to file from abroad and must send it to USCIS. Okay, no problems there. I filled out the forms and used my permanent address in Kentucky for address. My parents reside there and can check my mail on my behalf. I don't know how long I will be in Egypt and mail here isn't typically reliable so that is why I chose the KY address over Egypt. However, recently I read somewhere that if filing from abroad I should my abroad address.

Any input on this issue? I have the petition and ready to send... was going to go to DHL tomorrow and do this but now I'm worrying about the address! I could just be paranoid... wanting everything to go with the least amount of hassle possible so...

hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-08-05 13:59:00
Middle East and North Africalife in the usa
we can not say if or not you are rushing things.. that all depends on your husband and if he feels overwhelmed.. yes.. here in egypt there are some interviews.. but most positions are filled by who you know rather than a formal interview and a resume/c.v. so it may be different for him...and i can imagine cause him to feel a little discouraged as this is a different process than he is used to... Absolutely he needs to build his social network..and most likely will feel more comfortable with some native arab speakers... If you have not yet.. find the nearest mosque/ well as any arab food places, anything to help him feel a little more at home in this foreign place... I can't speak for the masjid where you are, but I know mine...and I look forward to taking my husband I know that the guys will take him under their wing and help help with something to do while you are at him adjust..and possibly help him to find a suitable job..
I am not speaking from experience, my own living in Egypt, the worst feeling is isolation and lonelyness...and everyone will say your spouse should be enough..i disagree..they are never enough..which is why we have friends and are in a foreign place because you want to be with the one you love, but when life feels hard and not normal, you begin to dream of just being normal...and you don't want to say anything to your spouse to make them feel bad so you keep these feelings inside..I am not one to keep it inside so I spoke out..and I got a job and meet other Americans here and they have helped me find things to help me feel normal in this foreign place... and as said before.. Independence.... doing something on your own.. gives you a feeling of ownership in the foreign place...the 1st time I took the metro alone here...was sooooooooooooo exciting.. the 1st time I took the micro bus alone...even better.. my husband was he didn't want me to..scared of the "what if" but being able to be me.. and do things on my own..was comforting.. so i would imagine.. if he drove in cairo...being able to get his DL and drive with be an incredible step for him to begin to feel normal and not stuck.... Inshallah this will help you.. May Allah bless your husband in this new journey!
queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2012-02-18 08:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaRFE for MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE?!

It is required to send the certificate and the translation. Both should have been sent with the packet. The translation is required to be completed at a specific place & registered at the foreign ministry. Inshallah you completed all of those steps... if so & the lady helping didn't send the arabic certificate with the translation then they are asking for the certificate. 

queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2013-10-28 11:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust beginning..any advice & assistance appreciated
Thanks..then I will have her send them today. and I guess I should keep the envelope to show where she sends it to me here to verify my address in Egypt since I am not on the lease here.

"So make sure you flag your paperwork as NO DCF available" How do I flag my paperwork like this?

I alone will not qualify with assets.. that I am sure of.. but with a co-sponsor should have no problem.

My concerns are should I use a company to prepare the paperwork?
When completing the paperwork do I list the current employment I have... since I do not have a permit to work in Eygpt? I guess I would have to since I would need to list it on my taxes.... hummmmmm... any advice???
queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2012-02-16 11:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust beginning..any advice & assistance appreciated
I did file for 2010.. I need to file for 2011... I do have U.S. assets, checking and savings..just not u.s. income thus the need for a grandmother's home is my permanent residence and where i receive my mail..I am just not sure I will be able to file 2011 taxes by the deadline.. I may have to file an extention this year..which this is the 1st time to do that..or i will have my grandmother send what i have there to me here and try to file online..I have the copies of the past 3 years, as i ordered those from the IRS when I was considering the K-1...
queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2012-02-15 18:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust beginning..any advice & assistance appreciated
Yes I am the USC.. born in the U.S.
queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2012-02-15 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust beginning..any advice & assistance appreciated
I am just beginning the process.. getting the documents needed to file the I-130 petition. Before I begin I want to seek the experience of other.. what they would have done if they knew then what they know now.. The forms seem pretty easy and the documentation seems like it should be fairly easy to put together. However I have seen many sites that offer to do the work for a fee...with guaranteed results...Do you recommend I do it myself.. or hire assistance?

Here is the basic information for our situation..
We met online as friends 9/2010..and then in person when I came to Egypt 12/2010 to stay with friends for vacation. (I stayed with a friend's family so there are no hotel receipts. My divorce was final 2/2011 I came back to Egypt 3/2010 to meet his family and were were engaged. We considered doing a K-1 visa at that time, but rather I move to Cairo. 8/2010 I moved to Cairo and we married here. I am living in Cairo. I am teaching English for KG1 & KG2.. but I just found out that I am really working illegally as really I need a work permit that my employer should get..which I am sure they won't..from what I have read it is a HUGE process.. Dec 2011 my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away.. I went back to the U.S. during Dec & Jan.. My grandmother came back with me in Jan to see Cairo and meet my husband and his family. Being back in the U.S. really made me homesick and with the death of my mother.. I really want to be in the U.S. to take care of my grandmother, so my husband has agreed that we could go to the U.S. I have been reading and doing research for the CR-1 visa which is the most applicable. However I have some concerns.. I read that I must be a U.S. resident to complete, yet it states you can file if living abroad.. so I am assuming that means you claim residency in the U.S. and are just temporaraly living outside the U.S. I would like to continue living here and file and then go together to the U.S. Yet I believe it may be best for me to go back to the U.S. work and file from the U.S. I will have a joint sponsor who's income and assets combined with my assets will qualify... my concern is my current I do not have a work permit I do not see the benefit of asking for an Employment Letter... Living here in Egypt.. we use we do not have joint banking.. he rented the flat before I we do not have a joint-lease...He does own land that we are building on, however that is in his name..not joint.. I really want to stay here and continue to work at least until the end of the school year.. I am looking for advice about what I should do.. What I will need.. etc... Thanks in advance
queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2012-02-15 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa few ?'s about applying for my egyptian husband
Your packet should have the required forms and the proof of a bona fide marriage - photos, e-mails, phone records, proof of combined assets..rental agreements for where you lived together.. anything to prove a REAL relationship and cohabitation as marriaged couple G-Rated of course! You need to send all that you can think of and copy when you send the application. So if you plan on sending it soon.. you need to compile all of that now.. You have a complicated situation as you do not plan to reside in Egypt or the U.S. which will only complicate things for you and your husband. The application does ask for the address of where you intend to reside with your husband - you will need to decide what address you want to use for the form etc... as well as your current address (which seems like it will change and you will need to file a change of address)... quite complicated...
MY OPINION - which doesn't matter for much... either move back to the U.S. or stay in Egypt.. makes things less complicated for you guys... that is unless he has a great job offer in Asia to make the extra work worth the hassle.. I do not know your financial info (obviously if you have not been working and are not working now just backpacking across the world..we can assume that you are financially stable or at least you were) At this stage you do not have to provide financial information... but at every stage you need to consider what will be needed at the next stage.. You need to be sure that you are prepared with the financial documents you will need to be able to complete the Affadavit of Support.. showing that you or you and your co-sponsors can support your husband.. If you do decide to move to Asia, think about the next steps of this process and if you have the needed documents and how you will get what is needed to complete the next steps... You mom/dad may be supportive of this and willing to help.. get documents.. forward the mail to you.. please just think about all of that before you decide... This process is long, alot of paperwork.. etc.. and you do not want anything to delay the process such as waiting on documents to be sent for here to there, and your application put on hold with change of address.. etc...

Regarding the red flags - YES you want to address ANY of the major concerns... if there is a HUGE age difference.. that will be a red flag.. but that is not really something you can explain to them.. other than to provide more proof of a REAL relationship...a child together.. photos with his family.. letters from his family.. photos with your family.. letters from your family...
If there is a religous difference... - you can address this within your story and info about how you met and came to decide to get married.. how that religion was discussed and how it is a non issue, and that you have discussed how you will raise your children in a mixed religious home.. his family accepts you.. your family accepts him...
queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2012-11-24 22:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChanging CR1 to k3
Here is the link to the guidelines.. this is the income you or your co-sponsor needs to qualify.... FYI... I have read where people meet these guidelines and still have been told they need a co-sponsor... Complete the I-864 with any other assets you may have to see if you need a co-sponsor.... And as per the above information... it may be best for you to go back to the U.S. as it may be easier to find a co-sponsor and a qualifying job.
queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2013-01-05 09:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTranslating Documents...So confused!!! HELP!!!

ANY ARABIC documents MUST be translated into ENGLISH.... the visa application is for the U.S. the official language of the U.S. is ENGLISH....


Translation Requirements

All documents not written in English, or in the official language of the country in which application for a visa is being made, must be accompanied by certified translations and submitted to the NVC. The translation must include a statement signed by the translator stating that the:

  • Translation is accurate, and
  • Translator is competent to translate.

Info taken from.... http://travel.state..../info_3195.html

queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2013-06-30 11:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE - which airport is best?

My husband has his visa.. We would like to schedule his flight. Would like to hear for those who have been through this. How long was spent at POE and which airport was best.  I know we have to plan for a good amount of time for the layover, I just want to know how much time for the layover.. I want to plan for enough but not for him to be waiting in the airport too long either.. All advise and suggestions is greatly appr?eciated.  We are looking at JFK, Newark, DC, Houston, and Denver.. 

queenofthenileFemaleEgypt2014-03-23 18:58:00