Middle East and North AfricaI'm getting homesick! We want to vist home while K1 visa is pending.
So we have an interview for the tourist visa. We're going to chance it and insha'allah it will be well worth it! smile.gif The lady was really nice when we made the interview. Online it says that the average wait for an interview is 15 working days... we got one in 10 days TOTAL! September 3rd. :S We'll see how it goes.

As for booking plane tickets.... you have to be flexible and really do an extensive search online. I play around with dates and get lucky sometimes with random dates. Of course weekday flights will be cheaper than flights on the weekend.

My favorite site so far is because you input your departure date and city and your return information (you know, the standard stuff) and they will search about 12 different sites for you. This time I found a really nice deal on orbitz but in the past I've had good luck with,, and Just play around.... but start out with bookingbuddy first because it will check the main sites (like orbitz, priceline, travelocity, student universe, kayak, vayama, cheapair, cheapoair, cheaptickets, etc.). Google "cheap international airfare" and you're bound to find similar search engines... but I really think the key is being flexible with the dates. It made a world of difference for me... we're talking about 400 dollars difference and a ticket that will cost me HALF of what it cost each time I have traveled to and from Egypt (which has been a few times). Hope this helps and let me know if I can help at all. I get REALLY bored at work on a daily basis... smile.gif
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-08-25 10:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm getting homesick! We want to vist home while K1 visa is pending.
QUOTE (Ihavequestions @ Aug 24 2009, 07:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is rediculousty difficult for an unmarried, not wealthy, Egyptian male to get a tourist visa to the US. His grandma? Probably. His favorite aunt? Probably. His married brother with three wives and eight children and several good businesses a couple of cars and and a lot of guinea in the bank? Probably. His unmarried brother? Probably not. His unmarried sister? Almost impossible. While I as at the Embassy I heard the denials, left and right, always for the same reason: they couldn't prove solid enough ties to assure their return to Egypt. Statistically the folks who don't have a reason - a very, very good reason, to return to Egypt - overstay their visitor's visa and don't return. Actually, entire families do the same thing and the visitor's visa under the guise of a trip to Disney World was just a means to an end. You can try, of course, but if I were you I wouldn't bank on success because of those who have gone before and wrecked it for those with good intentions.

Here's my question to you. You've been in Egypt long enough to fulfill the residency requirement to file DCF. You clearly have plans to marry in your future. Perhaps you could consider marrying here, in Egypt, then filing DCF. There are many advantages to doing it this way: he would not have to adjust status in order to get approval to work upon arrival in the US, the process is, overall, faster, and there is less of an encumberance to convince the Embassy of a bonafide relationship. Of course none of us can predict the future, but it's entirely possible the entire process could be completed within months, maybe even by Christmas (absent extensive and painful AP and if his military service is not an issue). It's just something to think about.

DCF is something I have def. considered and sometimes I wonder whether or not I regret not going that route. The K1 visa has already been filed. The check has been cashed though we haven't received the NOA1 in the mail, yet. My guess is that, despite the fact that voiding the K1 that we just recently filed would result in a loss of 400+ dollars, getting married now and going the DCF route with a K1 pending might complicate the process?

Anyway, the reason we chose NOT to go that route is that I read somewhere that in order to file DCF (and maybe I misunderstood what I read or was misinformed) is that you must have resided with each other for 6 months before you can file (or I guess you could still file without this requirement but it makes it significantly harder). I figured... if we got married, live together for 6 months, then file... by the time the process is complete it would be in a comparable time frame of the K1 visa. Besides, I don't want a ceremony here for numerous reasons (that might make them question whether or not the marriage is legitimate) and his parents aren't thrilled at all with the idea of him moving to the US... so in order to avoid them making things difficult (i.e. not telling them/worrying them until visa is in hand but they do suspect), we decided the K1 route... which also has its advantages in comparison with the DCF route. I guess it was a matter of weighing the pros and cons of each and going for what was best for our situation... which means waiting foreveeeerrr for the dumb visa. Grr.

Military requirements hopefully will not be an issue... since he's the only son.

I really just wonder if anyone has had any success with getting a B1 with a K1 (or K3/ any immigrant visa) petition pending. In my head, I am so sure that our case is so legitimate, etc., etc., that there should be no problems... but I'm sure everyone with a legitimate case thinks the same thing and comes out unhappy with the result. I think he wants to apply for the visa regardless... I think... so we'll see what happens but I really hope it doesn't end up in waste of $131 or the loss of a really great deal on airfare (nonrefundable so we're not booking until we know about the visa).

hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-08-25 03:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm getting homesick! We want to vist home while K1 visa is pending.
Hi all,

I've been in Egypt over a year now and I'm ready to pack up and leave. We were hoping to get this process completed by December so we could be home by Christmas but one thing lead to another and we just filed. We haven't even received the NOA1 yet (though our online back account does show that the personal check was cashed on Friday so I am assuming the NOA1 is to come soon?). My guess is the visa won't be issued to approximately May.

Anyway, I found a SUPER cheap flight home for a week. December 23rd to December 29th... so cheap I can actually afford it on my crappy Egyptian salary! I want him to visit with me... so he can get a taste of the US and also so he can meet the rest of my family. How possible do you think it is to get a B2 visa while a K1 visa is still pending? Does anyone have experience with this?

I know the most important thing is to show that the intent to return and that the trip is temporary. I know that a pending K1 visa will cast some doubt on this. What proof should we include? A vacation request from his job showing the dates of his vacation? A written document from his work showing that he is employed by the company? Bank statement showing sufficient funds? Information from my work also showing my dates to return (since we're travelling together)?

I guess we're going to call for an interview appointment ASAP (yay for things being complicated by Ramadan and shortened work hours) but I do not want to buy my ticket without him (since we want to travel together) and I'm not 100%sure I will travel if he is unable to go. Will look into refundable tickets on this deal in the meantime...

hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-08-24 03:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaI HAVE TO SHARE MY GOOD NEWS
Hiiii everyone! Thanks for the comments! smile.gif smile.gif

Yes, the VO did know he had a K1 pending. They asked this on the B2 application plus he asked to see a copy of our NOA1. I really thought this would hurt our chances... but it didn't. He also asked the usual questions but he did ask where we intended on getting married (the US). Not sure how that factored into the situation.

Regarding the POE... we'll have a copy of both of our vacation requests (from the same company since we work together, for the exact same dates), as well as our round trip tickets (we are traveling together so at least I'll be there with him to hopefully help through any complications that may arise). We'll also take copies of both our K1 and B2 applications - to be safe, our work IDs (showing we're both employed in Egypt), and depending on my situation at the time, my lease which could possibly be through June 2010. I'll also keep with us a detailed itinerary of our trip. Do you guys think this will suffice? Any other suggestions? I can't believe some of the stories that have been told. It's horrible!!!!
hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-09-04 18:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaI HAVE TO SHARE MY GOOD NEWS
I have been lurking around the forums of VJ for a couple of months. Ocassionally I post but I don't frequent the boards as much as I would like (just so busy!). Anyway, for those of you who have read any of my posts then you know my story.

Egyptian American.

Am working in Egypt and have been here over a year (this time anyway... I'm not a newbie to Egypt).

At my current job I met the most amazing man everrrrr.

We filed for K1 visa in mid August. 7 days later we received our NOA1. Now we're waiting...

Am getting stressed by the day to day task of living (and especially working) in Egypt. I want to go home, but I don't want to leave him.

So we took a risk...

He applied for a B2 (tourist) visa to go home with me in December for a visit home for the holidays (hopefully this will be able to hold me over until he gets the fiance visa). He arrived bright and early this morning at the US embassy, very prepared and equipped with the most organized documentation anyone could take for a tourist visa (courtesy of moi).

I received a call from him at 10:35am...

The odds were not in our favor (young Egyptian male -29- with no strong or established ties to Egypt, other than what comes with living here, engaged to an American, etc., etc.). I was prepared for the worst. The advice I recevied from this board and another board, as well as information readily available on the internet, prepared me for the worst.

As the VO said, "it's a difficult situation." And a unique situation at that...

but he was approved for the visa!!!!

He has to undergo a brief background check (should take a week), but I'm confident that this will be easy... so I think it's safe to say that it's off to America we go!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Sorry, I really had to bask in my happiness today. I found this public forum (while I'm confined to my desk at work) the best way to really shout at the top of my lungs my utter happiness. Plus, because I wasn't able to find many people in a situation similar to mine, this at least documents for others with a similar case, that it is possible!

hayatiFemaleEgypt2009-09-03 04:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoing back to visit egypt after nearly 5 yrs
I hope you have a great time on your trip! star_smile.gif

I wouldn't bother shipping anything ahead. For one thing, it's expensive, and for another, you can get what you need here in Egypt.

From everything I have read, you can get better medicine for intestinal trouble here than you can in the states. I've read this from many many people visiting or living in Egypt. If you want, you can bring something but I wouldn't ship ahead of time.
As to the water, just drink bottled water. I have yet to have had a problem. Try Nestle or SiwA brand and it should be okay.
Just be careful about eating or drinking in restaurants, make sure if you order bottled water that it comes to you still sealed, not opened.
If you're eating veggies or fruits, peel them or cook them or wash them with lemon or vinegar.
They do have toilet paper here, just maybe not the brands you are used to, but it works just as well. TP is TP yeah? lol

When we visited the pyramids last time, they looked at my passport and they charged my hubby something like 2 pounds to visit, and I think they charged like 50 pounds for me. That's pounds, not dollars, so it wasn't *that* expensive.

You still have a lot of time before the trip, I would just keep checking on prices. Many times you can get a much better price a lot closer to your travel date. And I would advise trying a travel agent as well. I used one for both of my trips here and the pricing was good and I didn't have to worry about buying online and what if something went wrong and all that.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-26 04:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling all who've traveled to Cairo, Egypt!!!
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Apr 13 2009, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does that apply; showing the contract and buying visa; if the husband is american and wife is egyptian?

I would think it would work just the same way, as long as one of the spouses was Egyptian.
You never know with the way things work here though. laughing.gif
Worth trying at least.

As to the conflicting information regarding the residency stamp..... wacko.gif
lol, we'll see what happens when we go down.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-13 12:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling all who've traveled to Cairo, Egypt!!!
Well, thanks for the explanation. Since I didn't get the stamp at the airport, we have to go and get it anyways, or get.... something. lol
We're hoping to go this week since my 30 days will be up pretty soon and we don't want to go over.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-12 05:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling all who've traveled to Cairo, Egypt!!!
I was under the impression (from previous reading), that even as the wife of an Egyptian, your visa is only good for 3 or 5 years at a time (can't remember which), and that you have to renew it after that time period is up??
What you are saying is that you got a PERMANENT residence stamp in your passport?? That doesn't sound right...
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-12 04:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling all who've traveled to Cairo, Egypt!!!
when was the last time you went to Egypt. Which part did you fly into? Which visa did you get tourist visa or entry visa?

Has anyone had to apply ahead for an Egyptian visa? If so which Egyptian embassy did you have to apply to?

What was the turn over time on mailing your passport in and receiving it back? Did you have to pay a fee for your visa if you were a spouse?

I flew in a few weeks ago to Cairo. Got the visa at the airport for $15 like everyone else. That is the easiest way to do it, as opposed to getting it before you go.

The first time I came here I got a visa before I went to Egypt but you have to pay to mail it to the Egyptian Embassy, and since it's your passport, you should pay for insurance and all that too, so it's more expensive to get it beforehand. Also, you never know how long it will take, it should only be a week or two but what if there's a problem or your passport gets lost in the mail?
Just get it when you land at the airport in Egypt.

I didn't have my marriage papers with me, hubby had kept them, so when I came this time I didn't have them to show. Paying the 15 bucks isn't that big of a deal.

We're going soon to get the residency visa. Not sure you can get anything but the 30 day visa at the airport.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-12 04:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaAfter getting an email from the embassy...
Mabrookulations!!! Wonderful news Jackie, I am so happy for you! kicking.gif star_smile.gif luv.gif biggrin.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
I hope you'll be able to convince him to stay a bit longer than two weeks!
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-29 02:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaCaturday in MENA
Thanks, you too! Hope you can find something interesting to get up to. biggrin.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-02 06:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCaturday in MENA
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ May 2 2009, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It was one of those dreams, Melly, where it seemed so real. I hate when that happens. What's the weather like there?

It would be great if those kind of dreams could at least have something fun in them, like a free shopping spree or something. laughing.gif

The weather is very cloudy and gray so far today, no sign of sun at all. Should be around 82 by the forecast, not too bad.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-02 06:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaCaturday in MENA
Dreams can be so strange sometimes!
The reason I don't take naps in late afternoon or early evening is because I always have strange ones or wake up so disoriented.

Glad yours was just a dream Nagi and not real!!! biggrin.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-02 06:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaCaturday in MENA
Morning (or late night) Nagi. smile.gif

Happy Caturday y'all. Hope you can make it a good and relaxing one!

All is well here in Cairo. Though the air is looking a bit... thick today. Not sure if it's fog (do they get fog here????) or dust. Maybe smog.
Went to Carrefour yesterday. Sakes alive that store is huge!

Hubby is off at work and I am trying to occupy my day. I could probably do better than watching Starsky and Hutch re-runs. laughing.gif

Jackie, you still dancing??? biggrin.gif kicking.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-02 03:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday it is
QUOTE (Nawal @ May 3 2009, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Melly 2 @ May 3 2009, 02:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning ladies. Happy Sunday all. Woohoo for the weekend!! kicking.gif

Another overcast day here in Cairo, though it's bright so I suppose there is some sun coming through the clouds. And much warmer than yesterday. With some humidity as well. Gross! lol

I got the Rosetta Stone learning program for Arabic, has anyone else here used it? I'm a little nervous to try it, but hopefully it will be okay. And it's not like being in a class where I only have so long (as long as the class is) to learn.

Is the Rosetta in Egyptian Arabic? I'm using the Pimselur (sp?) right now.

No, it's not Egyptian Arabic. I wish it was, that would be great. I also have a copy of the Pimselur one, but I didn't like it so well, though I have to admit I didn't give it a huge chance.
Between the two programs, I guess I have a decent shot at learning, as long as I apply myself.

How are you finding the Pimselur?
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-03 06:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday it is
Good morning ladies. Happy Sunday all. Woohoo for the weekend!! kicking.gif

Another overcast day here in Cairo, though it's bright so I suppose there is some sun coming through the clouds. And much warmer than yesterday. With some humidity as well. Gross! lol

I got the Rosetta Stone learning program for Arabic, has anyone else here used it? I'm a little nervous to try it, but hopefully it will be okay. And it's not like being in a class where I only have so long (as long as the class is) to learn.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-03 04:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlready MONDAY!!
QUOTE (sara535 @ May 4 2009, 09:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
monday, monday.

fa la, fa la la la

video for monday, monday

Man, hearing this song just totally chilled me out. The video is pretty funny to see as well. biggrin.gif

I think the sand has finally died down some, alhamdulillah.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-04 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlready MONDAY!!
Well, it is yellow out and also windy, so perhaps so. lol

Here's a pic I just took.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-04 07:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlready MONDAY!!
Good morning ladies.
Hope everyone is ready for back to work today!

Thanks to everyone for the replies about Rosetta Stone/Pimselur.

It was about 100 degrees yesterday in Cairo and we're currently in the middle of a dust storm. YUCK!
The heat is livable but the dust creeps me out in a big way. And the windows in this apartment are the opposite of airtight. lol
Oh well.

Hopefully everyone else will have a cool and dust free day! laughing.gif

*edited for clarity.

Edited by Melly 2, 04 May 2009 - 02:36 AM.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-04 02:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSpouses going home to visit and coming home different
I haven't dealt with this issue and don't have any advice, just wanted to say I'm sorry you're going through this and I hope that things will get back to "normal" soon for you, or that you find something that works for both of you. rose.gif You can get through this, and remember God is there for you even when it seems like no one else is. star_smile.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-28 09:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt to Quarantine Tourist for H1N1 virus if WHO raises level to level 6
Hi Olivia. From everything I have read, it seems to be leveling out and slowing down. Insha'Allah it will be okay and you will make your flight just fine.
And even if your ticket is non-refundable, if the country isn't letting people in, I would think that the airline would make an exception and would rebook you. Maybe you can call them and ask them about that?

You've been through so much to get to this spot and you're a real trooper! Chin up and keep positive. You'll be re-united with hubby soon. rose.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-04 02:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY!!
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ May 8 2009, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to worry about my mom bringing her white glove inspection into my home. She always finds a smudge somewhere and points it out to me and gives me housecleaning Mothers...gotta love'em smile.gif

Mine too! But she hasn't been here for years, which in part is because I discourage her from driving all this way with one good eye, so it works criticism. We are talking about a woman who scrubs the baseboards with a toothbrush.

I'm not quite as bad as using a toothbrush, but.... living here in Cairo certainly pushes one that direction. The dirt and dust drive me bonkers and everyone living here seems to be at peace with it. lol

Happy Friday everyone!!!!!! kicking.gif
We're at the in-laws and mom is making a big pot of some kind of something or other today because some of hubby's cousins and an aunt are coming. It smells soooo yummy!

Hope everyone has a fantabulous Friday and enjoys their weekend.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-08 06:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaSATURDAY !!!
It seems I've happened upon the silly section in here today. laughing.gif
I guess lack of sleep can do that to ya. biggrin.gif

Happy Saturday to y'all. Hope everyone is doing well.
Sorry to read about your poison ivy/oak Tasha. I used to get it so badly. I hope it will go for you soon.

So what is everyone doing for mothers day (tomorrow)?
I guess nothing special here. My son is with his dad and step mom in the states so I guess I'll give him a call.
Anyone have any special mother's day memories they'd care to share? rose.gif

Edited by Melly 2, 09 May 2009 - 08:14 AM.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-09 08:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Monday
QUOTE (anitacastillo @ May 11 2009, 08:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Melly 2 @ May 11 2009, 01:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hellooooo ladies! star_smile.gif

Happy Monday to you all, if such a thing exists. lol

I had a horrible night sleeping last night, and I think a mosquito bit me just inside my mouth and I'm pretty sure I'll be dead in a day or so, but we'll see. blink.gif laughing.gif

Hope everyone will have a better start to their day than I did. biggrin.gif

Out of curiosity - is sleeping under mosquito nets common in Egypt? Or anywhere in MENA?

Have a great day all!!!!

I have no idea about the nets, but I have my sights set on us buying one now. I don't know that hubby will like it, but I can't sleep with mosquitoes buzzing around and I certainly don't want any more bites in or around my mouth! If it was up to him, he would just spray raid, but I can't stand things like that. We have some other device that you plug in and it makes a smell, and it's supposed to get rid of them, but obviously it wasn't working last night. lol
My impression on mosquito nets is that they're maybe used more down in southern Africa? No real idea though.

Olivia, I will get in touch re shopping! Are you staying in Cairo for the first bit, or when will you head to Hurghada?
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-11 15:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Monday
Hellooooo ladies! star_smile.gif

Happy Monday to you all, if such a thing exists. lol

I had a horrible night sleeping last night, and I think a mosquito bit me just inside my mouth and I'm pretty sure I'll be dead in a day or so, but we'll see. blink.gif laughing.gif

Hope everyone will have a better start to their day than I did. biggrin.gif

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-11 03:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday - 1 week!!!
Happy Tuesday everyone.

I managed to live with the mosquito bite, so I guess it wasn't fatal after all. laughing.gif Three more of the suckers got me last night, but at least not in the mouth. lol

Olivia I am so excited for you. I really hope all goes well for you two and that you'll have an easy adjustment here.
I sometimes wish we could live at the sea, how great for you! I'm sure you'll love it.

Hope everyone else is well.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-12 02:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaTUESDAY in MENA
Nagi, could it be the coffee that's keeping you up?? whistling.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-12 02:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaVaccinations
I would say you should definitely have Hep A and B shots.
My doctor never recommended, nor did I get, any other shots.
I think the cholera, yellow fever and typhoid stuff is more for south Africa?
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-13 11:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaPut me a list with the really necessary things we need in our place.
lol, I'm sure I'd scream. I remember something similar in the hotel I was at in Jamaica. Lovely hotel but it was so humid there. Blech.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-14 05:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaPut me a list with the really necessary things we need in our place.
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ May 14 2009, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Far2Long @ Apr 15 2009, 01:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kenza @ Apr 14 2009, 10:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
uuughhh that gave me the shivers...the ants in Morocco are 10x the size as here in the states...the mosquitos are annoying and the cockroaches love the summer time! and they fly! quick story...I went to brush my teeth and As I picked up my toothbrush, a cockroach ran out...that was the last time I left my stuff in the bathroom. Every night I made my husband inspect the room for bugs lol.


I think I remember Waleed saying he hates cockroaches. I guess I will have to keep a look out too.

Olivia...super huge humongous freaking flying cockroaches! When you see one you will ####### your pants at how big some of these monsters are.

I've heard several people mention the ginormous flying cockroaches here but I'm wondering if they're more in the countryside than in the city? I know there are regular crawling roaches in the city, just didn't know the ginormous flying ones were here?
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-14 05:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaPut me a list with the really necessary things we need in our place.
Last time I was here I gained weight from my mother in law's cooking. She makes the yummiest food but it's not exactly figure friendly. This time I expect that I will gain some weight as well, but since I am living here now and we have our own place, we won't eat at the parents in law's house as often as when I was just visiting.

I thought they had a VS here? In City Stars maybe? I don't remember where I read it but it seems like I did.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-03-20 18:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thursday everyone!
QUOTE (~Flower~ @ May 14 2009, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope one of them isn't crapping my pants coz I saw the huge flying cockroaches! unsure.gif

laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif

That totally made me laugh!! rofl.gif

I hope you won't run into any of those nasty buggers.

I have to say, I'm happy you aren't having your celebration in one of those wedding halls. There's one below our apartment, and while it was novel at first, if I never have to hear one of those women making that annoying trilling noise again, I will be more than happy! lol
There's been two of them at it tonight, but no wedding. Like they're making the noise just for the heck of it? headbonk.gif

Anyways, you can start a blog like a lot of us do over here. I'm sure you'll have plenty of experiences to talk about. And not just the huge roaches. lol biggrin.gif

Happy Thursday everyone!

Tasha, hope your boys are feeling better soon.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-14 12:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday in MENA
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Apr 30 2009, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, I can't sleep. No rain here, it's as dry as a popcorn fart.

laughing.gif What exactly is a popcorn fart? Made me laugh anyways, thanks.

Hope everyone is well. Sounds like we all could use a weekend!

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-30 06:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!
Hey JeanneVictoria. Come back and visit! When was the last time you were here? smile.gif

HabibAlby - yeah, for sure it's too crowded here. lol
But I love it. luv.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-16 06:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!
Hello everyone, happy Friday!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Sounds like everybody is doing well. I guess Olivia is gone by now, but wishing her well and a safe trip here to Egypt!

Hubby and I went walking downtown today and I am beat!! wacko.gif
It was nice to get out and walking though, and I always enjoy walking over the Nile.
I took a very short video if anyone wants to see
I think I will be too exhausted to move tomorrow, though we may go downtown again as we need to get to the mogamma building to get my Visa renewed. Ooops. blush.gif

I hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend!! Lots of sunshine for those that wish it, and cooler temps for those who are already over heated!
I think we're heading for 100 or so the next few days here in Cairo!
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-15 13:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Saturday
Hey Bridget, thanks for the link. I found this page the other day, pest repellent herb gardens , and was thinking of getting lemongrass and catnip. I will add your plant to the list!
About your allergies, I actually had something similar happen. It got to where I was basically allergic to every food. You might check and see if there's something else going on that's making you allergic or causing this. Maybe your immune system has been compromised somehow - I guess that could be a contributor. I was blessed to find a lady who could treat my allergies, alhamdulillah!!!!, but she is not a traditional doctor. I hope you can get it figured out soon. As an adult, you shouldn't be getting so many allergies to things you've been okay with your whole life.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-16 11:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Saturday
Hey Nagi. star_smile.gif
I just found a list of plants the other day that are natural mosquito repellers, so I'm hoping to plant some! Also, hubby agreed we could get a net for the bed. lol
The funny thing (funny?? blink.gif ) is that I seem to get them mostly on my hands, so it's hard to avoid touching them because of course, your hands are active for everything. lol

I see we added Charles to the overnight club, at least temporarily.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-16 06:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Saturday
Happy caturday everyone. kicking.gif

I can't imagine having scorpions in my house!! Eeeep!! blink.gif ohmy.gif
I'm having a hard enough time with little mosquitoes. lol

I hope everyone has a wonderful relaxing day today. star_smile.gif

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-16 05:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday in MENA
Happy Sunday everyone. star_smile.gif

It's hot here. tongue_ss.gif

Nagi, I bet you're pleased as punch that hubby is coming home today. I hope things go smoothly for him at the airport.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-05-17 05:56:00