Middle East and North AfricaThursday!
Amal, you go girl!!! kicking.gif good.gif star_smile.gif luv.gif biggrin.gif rose.gif tongue.gif

I know it's hard when you first start and you're doing so great and I'm so happy for you and so proud of you for sticking to it, even though it's tough!!!

May Allah keep you steadfast and make this easy for you ameen!! biggrin.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-23 11:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday!
Happy Thursday!! kicking.gif

Maureen, that totally made me laugh. laughing.gif What does your son keep the pits for? Does he do something with them or just wants a nice collection of them? lol

Supposed to 100 here for the next million or so years. lol
Too hot and humid to go traipsing around trying to furnish our apartment, but we have to do it anyways. And, yay that we have an apartment to furnish, so I'll stop whining. biggrin.gif

Hope everyone has a great day!!
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-23 06:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Happy Wednesday everyone star_smile.gif

Hubby and I took a scary minibus ride to Ramses square tonight and then looked around in the area at bathroom/kitchen faucet fixtures. Then, we took another mini bus to Attaba area and holy cow I think I saw every shoe that's for sale in Cairo! blink.gif lol, we weren't looking at the shoes, but had to pass by them all to get to where we wanted. Busy BUSY night of walking and I'm worn out for sure!!

Only two more days til the weekend. Yippeee!! biggrin.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-22 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Anniversary a1angied !
Happy Anniversary!!! biggrin.gif kicking.gif

Wishing you and your hubby a lifetime full of happy years together. luv.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-24 06:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Maggie!
Happy happy birthday!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

So you're 29 now right? biggrin.gif luv.gif

Hope you have a wonderful day and a wonderful year ahead til the next!
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-24 06:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello Saturday!
Happy Saturday everyone star_smile.gif

Welcome to the two new ladies luv.gif

Nagi, what's the word with the insurance company? I hope it went well the other day.

I feel like I'm jammed inside someone's sweaty armpit. It's 2 a.m. here in Cairo and the humidity inside the house is just disgusting as heck. dead.gif
If we sit out on the balcony, at least there is sometimes a breeze, but I'm not going to sleep on the balcony. lol
I can't wait til we move and have a/c. ClockWatch2.gif

Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Two whole days of whoopieeeee!!! kicking.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-25 18:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday, Sandrila
Haaaaaaaaaappy birthdaaaaaaay!! kicking.gif

I hope you will find a nice way to spend the day, and God willing this next year will be easier for you than the last! luv.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-24 06:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Olivia are you going back to the States soon? I had thought maybe you were going to stay til Winter?? It seems like you just barely got here!!!!!

Jackie, that isn't your closet is it??? blink.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-27 17:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
QUOTE (LunaticFringe @ Jul 27 2009, 09:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... It was 43 in Cairo today.
Good thing I don't know the Celsius scale...I don't even want to know what that is in

Are you living out in 6th October? I'm in Cairo but according to my temps it was only 100 today? Humidity always makes it worse but I'm sure that if it was 109 here and me not having a/c, I'd be a puddle by now. laughing.gif
Supposed to be hotter tomorrow! blink.gif
As I mentioned a night or two ago, I feel like I'm stuck in someone's sweaty armpit, minus the smell. tongue.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-27 17:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot a religious Man
Tammy, so sorry for your loss.

I know there are things to say when a Muslim dies, but as to a non-Muslim, I don't think so.

I searched around and found this site. I can't vouch for it as I've never been there before now, but it does seem to answer your question, rightly or wrongly.

non muslim death/funerals
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-26 05:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust thought I'd share...
Congratulations!! kicking.gif You now have two beautiful baby daughters. May God keep them and the rest of your family well. smile.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-21 02:53:00
Middle East and North Africahot in egypt?
Actually, the last couple of days have been fairly cool compared to how hot it's been lately. Still in the 90's, but every little drop helps. biggrin.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-31 01:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere's Wednesday??!
The user probably did some kind of search about divorce papers.

I couldn't answer the question that was asked because we were planning on filing K-3 and never actually ended up filing at all. I just knew I needed my papers authenticated in order to be able to marry in Egypt. Turns out they didn't even look at the authentication when we finally went and got officially married.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-01 11:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Friday MENA!!!!!!
Good evening MENA and happy Friday! star_smile.gif

Not much going on here. Supposed to be picking out paint colors tomorrow morning insha'Allah.
They installed the a/c's at our place, so after three days of painting, starting tomorrow, we should be okay to move in, though we won't have the house exactly fully furnished yet. At least we should have a mattress and be able to sleep in a/c. luv.gif

Amysaid, have you tried fast food for your daughter? I normally wouldn't advise it as I think it's horrible to feed kids stuff that unhealthy, but if she's used to it or likes it, you can get delivery from everywhere here. And like someone mentioned, perhaps the heat is killing her appetite as well. I know I don't eat as much when it's really hot. I know you know this, but just make sure she's getting plenty of water. I always have a hard time getting my son to drink water and they don't understand how important it is, especially when it's hotter than normal outside.
I brought a large supply of Hello Kitty pens and pencils when I moved here. If she likes Hello Kitty, perhaps I can part with a few for her biggrin.gif Let me know.

Turia, I hope you are okay dear. rose.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-07-31 11:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have a quick question about packages to Cairo
I have mailed 5 packages or so here to Cairo when I was in the States, and my mom just sent me a package as well.
The only time I ever had any trouble with something not getting to my hubby was when I tried mailing the magic jack.
However, the post office would always leave a notice at the door saying to go down to the post office to pick up your package, and he was always assessed a import tax on what I sent. How they figure out what to charge I have no idea, but it is never cheap by Egyptian standards. Plus you already paid an arm and a leg to mail the package if it weighed more than a couple pounds.

I never sent anything DHL or FedEx or any other way except through the US Postal Service.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-01 17:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!
Yahoo is telling me that it's 95 degrees. But it also frequently tells me that it's raining in the morning. blink.gif Humidity was up over 80% last night. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but it was the worst night since I've been here. Even out on the balcony with a slight breeze, it was like breathing soup. wacko.gif Of course, this was like 2 in the morning. The humidity is slightly better during the daytime when the sun keeps it slightly more at bay.

I know many of the other women have higher temps. But they also have a/c. laughing.gif tongue.gif
Though I know there's another woman here who just has fans like me. Can't remember who it is though.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-02 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!
Good evening MENA and happy Sunday!

Hot here. What a shock. laughing.gif

Is it just me, or did they move the "top" button that's at the bottom of every post that takes you back to the top of the page?
I just went to click on it and got the "spam" button instead. Weird. tongue.gif

Hope everyone has a great day.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-02 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaAhh! It's Monday!
Happy... Monday MENA! Had to think for a minute what day it was. Which is pretty bad considering that I clicked on the MONDAY thread. laughing.gif

Had a long day in the heat and walking around and checking on the progress of the painting at our new place.

Nagi, I hope you are recovering well and quickly and feeling no pain. rose.gif

Donna, hope it goes well at the dentist. Eeek! Never had a root canal before but I hear they are painful!

Speaking of loud neighbors.... the people upstairs here were fighting so loud the other night. I have never heard a woman scream like this in real life, only in movies. blink.gif I can't imagine being as upset as she sounded unless she was either being beaten, raped, or her hubby was cheating on her. I mean seriously, it was hard to believe. And it went on for hours. And they were banging stuff around hard on their floors. I was sure the ceiling was going to cave in. ohmy.gif I felt bad for the woman but didn't feel like I could do anything about it. Apparently they used to fight all the time but haven't lately.

Any news from Tamara? I can't remember when they were supposed to make it to Texas. Hope they are having fun. biggrin.gif

Hope everyone else is well and easing slowly into the new week. star_smile.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-03 13:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Tuesday in MENA
QUOTE (Betsy El Sum @ Aug 4 2009, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think Erma Bombeck said it best "the grass is ALWAYS greener over the septic tank" devil.gif

That totally made me laugh. biggrin.gif

But yeah. I've been so homesick the last few days but guess what? This is my home now, not the States. headbonk.gif lol
Everything seems so easy in the States and it's SO CLEAN there. *sigh* laughing.gif
And man do I miss so many foods.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-04 14:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Tuesday in MENA
QUOTE (Amanda_Raad @ Aug 4 2009, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Try and try as I may, I can't seem to shake the urge to move outside of the US. Seems like since I had the little "taste" of living in another country for a few weeks I can't get it out of my head. Please pray for me as I am struggling these days with exactly where I need to be and what I need to do. Now that I have my hubby with me, I feel like the rest of my life isn't where it should be. blink.gif

I think a lot of women in this situation probably dream or fantasize about moving to their SO's country.
The thing is, many people have only visited that country for a couple of weeks, and going somewhere on vacation and living somewhere are two very different things.
In the States, you are at work and miss your hubby, but if you lived in his country, it would be him out working and what would you be doing, sitting at home? You would still be away from him during the daytime hours. He can't sit around with you like when you are on vacation. And chances are, that unless either of you is fairly wealthy, you won't be living with the same standard that you did while on vacation.
You will also be missing MANY conveniences that you have in the States, and even if you like roughing it, it gets old after a while.
There are certainly great things about living in a different culture and experiencing it, but remember that saying, "the grass is always greener on the other side"? whistling.gif
It seems that you are in a honeymoon phase and don't want it to end, but real life is what we all get to deal with, perfect or not. rose.gif

Hope you are feeling better about things soon.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-04 08:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Tuesday in MENA
Ihavequestions, let us know when you get the full story. I don't think anyone walks out of Cairo with visa in hand, but I'm not clear from what you said if he was totally denied or it's an RFE or just on AP or what.
And yeah... the blame game. God forbid an Egyptian male was ever responsible for anything that has gone wrong. rolleyes.gif laughing.gif

ya hayat alby ? I am sorry to hear about your cousin. rose.gif

Hope everyone else has a wonderful Tuesday! star_smile.gif

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-04 05:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thursday
Bridget, I think Tasha is talking about her hubby not wanting to come back, not immigration not letting him back in.
I could be reading it wrong but that was my take on it.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-06 15:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thursday
Olivia, glad you made it home safe. Sorry we never got to meet up while you were here.
Hope the rest of the process goes quickly for you both.
Talking about the visa - you just mean for a visitor visa right? You were saying residency visa in your post, which is different than a one month tourist visa.
We got a 3 months stamp, actually she put it down for 4 months, but I have to go in the next month or so to get the 2+ year residency visa.

ak3, I meant to tell you congrats on the speeches kicking.gif
Must feel nice to have that all over and done with.

Anyone else addicted to Farkle on facebook? laughing.gif
It's my new thing I guess. biggrin.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-06 14:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thursday
QUOTE (jessNgeorges @ Aug 6 2009, 04:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Blah. Is it time for him to go back to work yet?? thats right its just the beginning of our weekend.

lol, what's up Jess? Hope everything is okay. star_smile.gif

Happy Thursday everyone.
I made lemon squares this morning, with the lemons I got from Kuwait! kicking.gif They taste so nice in the middle of a long hot summer. luv.gif

Hope everyone will have a wonderful day.
Nagi, how are you feeling after your surgery? And any news on the insurance? You probably posted all that and I missed it, sorry.

Only one more day and then it's the weekend! Yahoo!
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-06 09:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY!!!
Hey Bridget!
We have talked about going back but I want hubby to come and so we gotta figure out the visa thing and also save up enough money. He wants to go for like 3 weeks, which is great but... renting a car and hotels at some points, etc. Not cheap.
And since we're spending so much money getting into our apartment right now I guess it will be a while.
I could spend the money to go back myself, but since I'm not working and bringing in money, I'm not that eager to spend what little I have saved.
Insha'Allah I will get back before a year has passed from my having moved here (March 19th!).

Also, it's not my MIL. It is a female though. whistling.gif laughing.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-07 07:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY!!!
Hello MENA and happy Friday!! kicking.gif

It's illegal to try to sell your in-laws for cash right? I mean... isn't there some clause somewhere that states that it's okay to sell someone if they're related to you by marriage only? laughing.gif wacko.gif

My cousin sent me an email that had this at the end: (sorry, it's a little saucy!)

One saggy ####### said to the other saggy #######:

"If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're

Took me a minute to figure that one out. lol

Hope everyone enjoys their day. star_smile.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-07 06:59:00
Middle East and North Africathis is the end...
That was very touching! crying.gif
Thanks for sharing your time here with us, and for the help and guidance that you give to many.
And congrats to you both on finishing this phase of your journey together.
Best wishes for your future! star_smile.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-06 09:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
I'm awake but it's 1:30 p.m. here. tongue.gif

Have a great Monday everyone!

Nawal, hope your babies get better soon. rose.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-10 05:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in hand!
How exciting!! Mabrook! kicking.gif

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-08-10 11:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
It's very windy and overcast this morning. I can't tell if it's going to rain or what. I hope it's not sand...

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-11 04:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
The cam somehow looks better than real life. lol
From where I am (about 15 minutes away from the pyramids), the sky is a bit cloudy and gray.
Little chilly this morning as well, but it should warm up later on.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-04-09 03:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
Will he make better money than in the states? Will you work? My I'm nosy. lol laughing.gif
Oh well, off to bed. Have a good night!
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 02:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
lol, parents are uh, strange sometimes. biggrin.gif
I don't want to waste the money with storage, it's way too expensive here, and to be honest, it feels nice to get rid of stuff that you accumulate over so many years. It's a bit scary to have "nothing" so to speak, but liberating too.
Would you move someplace you've never been before? Or you'd want to go check it out first? Would you be okay just staying in Egypt?
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 02:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
There are no immediate plants to come back. I'm selling my stuff and heading on out. kicking.gif lol, all of a sudden the theme song to the Beverly Hillbillies came into my head.
We may move to another country at some point, but not necessarily back to the US. Maybe Kuwait or someplace else. Who knows what the future will bring.
So for all intents and purposes, it is permanent. With trips back to the states to visit family and friends insha'Allah. luv.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 01:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
Ah, sounds like a good plan then. I hope everything works like you'd like it to. smile.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 01:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
Ah, alright.
Well, we're still looking for places, not sure where we'll settle yet.
Exciting! star_smile.gif

He'll be out for good in May? Why not just go visit and come back?

Alex was nice but honestly I liked Cairo better. Perhaps because I only saw the "touristy" area of Alex.
Though I do love being near the water.
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 01:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
Your hubby lives in Alex right?

*normally, when he's not in the service..

Edited by Melly 2, 02 February 2009 - 01:22 AM.

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 01:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
Well, it's not just like that at the pyramids. lol
I remember when flying out of Cairo, and after the plane lifted off and got up in the air a bit, when you look down it's just a brown haze that covers everything.

Hope to be moving in the next couple of months insha'Allah.
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 00:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
It was really foggy just an hour ago. It seems to be lifting but the air looks so blech. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing moving there with that horrible air. headbonk.gif

Melly 2FemaleEgypt2009-02-02 00:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaPyramid Webcam
Seems to be working now. smile.gif
Melly 2FemaleEgypt2008-12-20 23:27:00