PhilippinesHow do you say goodbye?

Thanks rheanick! Well for me, I will always have "two" homes. My room in Manila will always be home too, just like my new place with my fiance is also going to be home :) You are lucky that money is not an issue for you, that is not the case for a lot of people. And yes, hopefully by 2015, we can get assigned in China again. My fiance is in foreign service and military so we will try to get assigned somewhere in Asia.

Money would be an issue if you make it an issue. You always need to prepare for emergencies. I have my own legal way to prepare for it. Hubby knows that i wont ask anything from him if my family needs any money. Even though i had no works for the last 2 years and business is not yet profitable, i have to use my brain to have my own money. Legally paying uncle sam for my US taxes. As i mentioned, money is not an issue when it comes to my family. You are an intelligent woman, you will find ways to ease your worries.

And your comment regarding "home", you are highly prone to homesickness. Just be watchful of your emotion. Just my two cents.

BTW, i did not say goodbye coz i know i will see them again. I'm just in the US, just a plane ride away.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-02-02 13:23:00
PhilippinesHow do you say goodbye?

Hi everyone!

First of all, I must warn you all that this might be a sad post.. I am 23 with an approved k1 visa.. My fiance and I have gone through a lot (We met in School, fell in love, got separated by continents, skyped and cried daily, he went back to propose, and we filed k1..) I love my fiance and I know for sure that he is the one for me. I do not regret for a second what we did. But you see, I am very close to my parents. I was the youngest, the only girl and very spoiled (in a good way).. My first time to leave home was last 2009 when I got a scholarship to China and that was really tough for all of us.. and I know that getting engaged so soon was tough on my parents. They were not expecting this, but still they let us be since they knew that our love for each other was real. They supported me and are even coming for the wedding and are paying for most of the expenses. The only reason we filed k1 and not cr1 was for my parents, because I felt that k1 was a better way for us (including me) to have closure. And now I am set to leave on the 21st, and there are times when I just cant imagine leaving them behind to be so far away. When I was in China it didn't matter because I got to go home a lot, or they visited often, but now it will be harder because its no longer a 3-hour plane ride away and my dad is not as healthy as he used to be. Thinking about leaving them really makes me sad and I have frequent talks with my fiance about this. He is very understanding and of course he said we could visit anytime, but I know it won't be the same anymore.

Sometimes I ask why is it that I have to chose between my fiance and my family, why couldn't it have been easier? But I know that it is a part of growing up and this is my choice. I choose to marry the man I love and in doing so, we will start our own family and growing up means letting go. I don't doubt for a second that my fiance will make me happy, he is a very sweet and loving person and I know he will take care of me and I will also do my part to take care of him and love him. Its just hard knowing that I cant be there to take care of my dad or my mom anymore. and I really don't know how to say goodbye to them when the time comes.

I know a lot of you feel the same way as I do, so I want to know how you dealt with it when you left?

I wish you all the best on your journey.
Thank goodness for this site!
God bless you all :)

Love, Steph

You are not alone on your fear. But you have to make the best of your predicament.

First step, accepting the fact that you are marrying an american and you have to leave your parents and sibling to start your own family. And you mentioned that you would be coming back to the Philippines/Asia in 2015. Just do a count down and it would be soon 2015.

For me, the thought that my mother can fly anytime she wants to visit me in the US and I could fly back anytime i want to go back to the philippines makes me worry less about her. Quite thankful with my hubby that instead of working, he encourages me to do my own photography business. Since I am my own boss, i could come and go anytime i want. And when it comes to my mother, money is not an issue. I only mention my mother coz my father died few years ago.

My brother is also in the philippines to take care of my mom.

Also i accepted the fact that after i get married, my home is now with your husband. It sometimes bothered me that some people would say that i want to go back "home". And "home" they mention is their parents and siblings back in the philippines. I wonder how they consider their life with their husband. Are they saying that they are not at "home" with their husband? Just me speaking out loud.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-31 18:34:00
PhilippinesIs middle name suppose to change with marriage?

Well since her name her name was Mary Ramos Vargas and she married John Smith that greencard was applied for in the name of Mary Ramos Smith. That is the US way correct?

But now she went to amend her name in her passport and the Philippine consulate insists her name is Mary Vargas Smith.
I am just wondering if the name in the passport and the name on the greencard not matching 100% can cause some problem?


- Get a document from the philippine consulate "one and the same person" or just fly to the philippines, bring all supporting documents (marriage certificate, birth certificate, drivers license).
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-02-02 13:30:00
PhilippinesWestern Union Receipts

I was wondering if anyone here who went for the K-1 Visa had any negative issues with sending in Western Union receipts?

and again, thank you everyone for your responses. All of the input is very helpful.

My experience is more of the Filipino screener questioning me of not having any receipts or packages from my fiancee.

This is my personal opinion, the filipino screeners expect all of the filipina fiancee get money from american fiancee. And its very unusual for them to encounter a filipina not asking money from USC.

My fiancee, now hubby, could afford to send me money but its a personal choice not to get support from him.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-02-13 20:00:00

Hello gals and guys:

I have a question about prenuptial. I love my fiancee but I also read many stories not so good. I know things can go either way.
But at the same time, I am considering many things. She is coming from PI, leaving her friends, family, job, and everything she owns.
She told me she has a lot in PI and like.

My propose is this: write a prenuptial with the following conditions:
If our marriage goes wrong and she will fight me in court for the little I have, I can propose to build a small house for her in her lot (value between 1 to 1.5m php and deposit 1m php in the bank so that she can get by or a build business). Of course I will be happy if we divorce and all she wants is her ticket back to PI.

I am know this might sound rude but I feel I need some kind of protection. I hear people losing their house and things like that. I really can not afford to lose my house or my retirement. I will be screwed for life.

I like to hear your reaction. :help:

If you want to do pre-nuptial. There is nothing wrong with it. Its your own preference. Just go ahead and do it.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-02-14 03:05:00
PhilippinesAsiana Airlines



What you think of Asiana Airlines?

Trying to book my ticket now from LAX to MNL.

Lemme know.


Flew business class before, its a so-so airline. Just OK. but its customer service is better than Hawaiian airlines.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-24 01:05:00
PhilippinesHowdy everyone

Howdy everyone, I just wanted to stop by and say howdy. I just started writing with a woman from your neck of the woods and so I thought I would come meet some new friends. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

Hope you find the right woman. Dont rush. Get to know her well. :)
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-02-24 14:09:00
PhilippinesMarriage Fraud, Divorce and a life on hold . . .

According to Jane, this was a 'set' marriage If I understand the term correctly. In order to be in Japan, she married a Japanese citizen and paid him 50,000 Y per/month (~400.00 US?) for this 'privilege'. She stated she did this so she could help get her sister out of possible run-in with Japanese immigration. I won't go into details, but it seemed on the face of it to be credible. She also sent a good bit of it home as well. She stated that her father had just passed away; this mess and 4 1/2 years of chemical engineering education up on smoke - she had one more semester to complete her studies. She has a number of siblings that are foreign countries that are work as engineers in a variety of specialties. She also stated that except for her sister and mother, the rest of the family and friends are clueless. She is suspected of being lesbian, and even some of her posted Facebook images has references to that in a joking sort of way. I remember on where she is dressed up as a bridesmaid with the caption "Brides Maid Forever?". These of course, could be fabricated for appearance sake for an interested guy . . . . It would be a rather elaborate ruse . . .but possible. The marriage fraud was not perpetrated in the manner of classic 'honey pot' faux marriage. If she is truthful, then I think that both her sister and her and the Japanese 'husband' got the better end of this deal. Her impulsive responsive of 'sure I'll help sis' lead to another couple of missteps (non-illegal) that have really turned her life upside down.

The Poodle Guy

The story seems FISHY....

either is just telling you stuff, magnifying them to get your sympahty, or she is just plain stupid. Her series of unlikely events that got her stuck makes me think she is a woman who has her brain in her foot. Im a chemical engineer myself and i find it insulting that a a woman with chemical engineering background could be this stupid. Chemical engineers are trained to be analytical.

Another observation, the marriage with a japanese is not a kind of thing that only she or her mom would know about, she got married in the philippines. For sure, the who community and her friends knows about it. Her reasoning that she is in limbo right now, the arranged marriage should be out of equation. The japanese guy divorced her which is something discussed and planned right from the very start, and its the only exit plan between the two of them. I would say she has a clean break from the "mess" she entered.

And her dad passing away and her 4.5 years of chemical engineering up on smoke. You are kidding me. Her siblings are working as engineers abroad. They could help and support her.

Personal opinion, she has an anlytical mind and she is out to get you. If you want to fall for her. Its up to you. But make sure that you are smarter than her or else, she could get whatever she wants from you and if you dont protect yourself, then you could be out with nothing.

The mere fact that you are asking her in this forum... means she got you. I guess, her tactics are effective with you.. :whistle:
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-02-28 10:31:00
PhilippinesHow much money a foreigner can bring?

Hello guys, I need your help. I have a friend who needs to know how much money she could bring here in PI. She is thinking that she could bring money more than 10,000 USD. Does she need to declare that kind amount of money? What is the process? She is a bit worried.

Thanks in advanced.

Please share anyone who experienced the same way especially to those foreigners.

She has to declare it in her immigration paper. And not sure after that.

I wont suggest for your friend to bring that amount of money unless there is an emergency in the Philippines. Is she a filipina or a foreigner. Airport personnel are sometimes hesitant to ask money from foreigners. Hubby(USC) never experienced it. He was in and out alot in the philippines before.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-08 10:43:00
Philippinesfiancee visa

Hello everyone. Im new to this site and I really need someone who can help me with informations about my case. Im in a relationship with a US citizen who is based in Guam, we are together for 18 months already and so far, so good. We do have plans for the future but before we decide of getting deeper in our relationship, there is one big question I want to know. If there is a possibility that we can get married in Guam or in the US when in fact im a separated woman here in the Philippines? Im separated for almost 7 years now. I raised this question cause for me this is different from other filipina who applies a fiancee visa. They are single and I dont think they are going to have problems but mine I feel is different.

Please help me enlighten my mind about this issue.

Thank you so much,


Where did you get married? If in the PHilippines, then you have to file for annulment.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-11 18:41:00
PhilippinesMy beautiful wife is very irresponsible
QUOTE (Jasman0717 @ Nov 18 2009, 01:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rheanick @ Nov 17 2009, 12:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[my 2 cents:

- use liquid sopa instead of bar soap - She can use a bottle of that in one shower
- do "light check" everynight before you both go to sleep... assign the task to her. she is not allowed to go to bed without ensuring that all lights are off - This morning while I was taking a shower she turned the closet light on because she was afraid of the dark wacko.gif
- give her a small plate. Though she would fill her plate full, she would be able to consume them. Anything I would do she would just take back to the kitchen and get a bigger plate
- tell her to find a job or limit her allowance. laughing.gif When she had a job she spent all her earnings on cheap jewelry and shoes (Charles knows about the shoes)
- dont spoil her. She is like the cat in Shrek, hard to resist that look tongue.gif

You are spoiling her. whistling.gif yes.gif

rheanickFemalePhilippines2009-11-18 03:40:00
PhilippinesMy beautiful wife is very irresponsible
QUOTE (Jasman0717 @ Nov 17 2009, 07:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My sweet little Claudeth is a wonderful, giving woman but is also the most irresponsible person I have ever met in my life. I never seen anyone melt a bar of soap before but she does it. She can plug up the shower drain quickly and just loves to take 30 or 45 minute showers twice a day. She leaves the lights on constantly and the refrigator open all the time. She will fill her plate full of food and eat about 1/4 of it and the rest goes in the trash.

I am totally at my wits end. I have been dealing with this for 4 1/2 years but have made no progress in teaching her conservation. I love her very much and would never dream of getting rid of her but have been thinking of sending her to the Philippines for a visit.

Has anyone else had this problem? I have heard comments off and on but nothing consistant with what my little consumer does.

my 2 cents:

- use liquid sopa instead of bar soap
- do "light check" everynight before you both go to sleep... assign the task to her. she is not allowed to go to bed without ensuring that all lights are off
- give her a small plate. Though she would fill her plate full, she would be able to consume them.
- tell her to find a job or limit her allowance.
- dont spoil her.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2009-11-17 03:38:00
Philippinestip for chest x-ray...

:rofl: a picture is worth a thousand links :rofl: look at the picture
you can't see the ribs behind the pneumonia :rofl:

The main concern that your photo is not a good evidence, if you compare them there are discrepancies on the bone structure

1. looking at the spine, the spine of the top photo with the seems too straight as compared to the spine of the bottom photo. In the bottom photo, the owner seems to have scoliosis.
2. If you would look at the curvature of the rib cage, top side of both photo, the top photo is wider as compared to the bottom photo.

Assuming that the distance of the body from the x-ray plate differs, the spinal cord and rib cage curvature should not have a big difference at all.

I'm no doctor, I'm just trained to analyze picture to prove or disprove a point. :P
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-08 22:09:00
Philippinestip for chest x-ray...

Did your wife drink milk on the day of her medical too? I heard from someone that you should not drink one so the result won't be whitish? Idk.

I drank sterilized milk before i arrived at SLEC. Got now problem at all. Passed the x-ray test.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-05 20:47:00
PhilippinesTraveler's Checks


I have been to the Philippines 3 times already but never needed to bring large amounts of cash so never bothered with traveler's checks. If I ran out of funds I used my ATM and all was good.

This time, I am going there to bring my fiancée back to the USA with me and we will have need of a larger amount of cash. I don't want to carry more than 1000 USD with me for obvious reasons. I wouldn't do that if I were traveling to Boise, Idaho either.

Has anyone used American Express Traveler's Cheques or something else? I want to protect my money as well as have it accessible when I need it. I will be in 3 different provinces and do not want to carry the cash to any of them. ATM's are out due to high transaction fees with low maximum withdrawal limits.

Can I just cash a travelers cheque into pesos at a BPI, BDO or China Bank branch for any reasonable amount? (Not more than 2000 USD maximum)

Thanks in advance!

Traveller's check would be hard to exchange in the Philippines. Its better to break down your 2000 dollars to 20s of 100 dollars. It would be easier to find money changer with dollars. And you would have a higher rate if you exchange in 100s.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-09 21:57:00
PhilippinesMen Your Thoughts On Filipina

Ok it was so nice to read many of your replies to this topic and I thank all of you. I am happy to say that Kim has been a joy to my world. Though we started out on rocky the more we made time for one another to chat the closer we became. She is a great woman not because she is pinay but because she has a heart and truly cares about her family. friends, and me. When I went to meet her for the first time she was so shy and kept asking me if I liked her or if she was too small for me being that she is 5 feet and I am 6 ft 2 brawney guy. I laughed and joked with her but reassured her she was fine. I love her freckled face, chinky eyes, and that gorgeous hair of hers. I could sit and play with her hair all day long. Her eyes are like brown stained glass so deep, clear and full of passion. I love the fact that she is so clean, my goodnes this girl takes 3 showers a day sometimes more. Yes and that broken english is to die for. I like when we go out together people mistake her for Korean or Japanese but she speaks her native tongue the look on their face is priceless. Kim has a unique look for a pinay and I think that what makes her so special to me. She never asked for anything from me but my heart and she was so eager to learn about my culture on her own and that warms my heart. I dont know how she will adjust to life here in America especially the south but I do know I will be there holding her hand through the good and bad times.

Thom -

The broken english is so cute while she is in the Philippines but she has to learn to communicate in straight english to make her life a lot easier here in the US.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-12 08:59:00
PhilippinesWife as Joint Owner of Credit card account

Thank you for the quick response.

As a matter of fact, his account which is also mine now has been with him since he has qualified for one.
So does that mean, It won't take long for me to have a good credit?

You would piggyback with his credit history. If he has a good credit, it would also show in your credit history. Hubby added me up in his credit card as a joint card holder. After several months, i received several mails asking me to apply for a credit card. Just to try it, i filled up an application from American Express. Got approved and given a credit limit of 6500. Though i'm not using my AMEX credit card right now.
One thing i noticed in the US, if you have history with financial houses (i.e. banks or investment firms) or those companies affiliated with financial houses, its a lot easy to get approved in applying for credit cards or even borrowing money.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-21 00:15:00
Philippinesone it enough proof?

Let me go out on a ledge here, Not most but all of the times it depends on the CO......... :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

You are right! Its so weird that your future is dependent on one person. :no:
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-25 12:04:00
Philippinesone it enough proof?

yes i totally agree :thumbs: maybe that's the reason why it takes so long to approve the petition because they wanted to know how patient we are in this journey and how we gather more evidence as of ongoing relationship:)

yes it might be right also that it depends on CO.

Got encouraged with my friend's case in her K-1 processing, I only sent one photo for evidence for my removal of condition early this march. So far so good, done with biometrics and no RFE yet.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-24 20:03:00
Philippinesone it enough proof?

Case by case basis as my first K1 petition was denied and the reason was she only had a couple photos of us and the CO wanted to see pics of us and her family.

In my friend's case, that one photo must be enough to convince the CO that its sufficient.

Though most of the times, it depends on the CO. :-)
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-24 17:32:00
Philippinesone it enough proof?

i assume that's your wife that you're talking about,,that's so sweet:)

This is Rhea in the RheaNick. I met my USC hubby thru work. Hubby spoiled me alot. He is very responsible and romantic.

On my initial post, I'm talking about my filipina friend who met her american husband online. They only met for one day and the next thing i know they are processing their K1. She had no problem at all even though she only showed one photo during her interview. Initially, I'm worried about her, meeting someone online and deciding to marry him. Now, I'm happy that they found each other.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-23 12:42:00
Philippinesone it enough proof?

hi everyone!! just wanted to know if one meeting of you and your fiance is enough proof or evidence? my fiance just visited me last month for 11 days. but he's not sure if he can visit me again before my interview because of his work..

You are good. I know someone who only met once. She is processing her 10 year greencard right now. She is fortunate to meet a very nice and responsible guy.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-23 09:59:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

While some people in here have offered some good advice, what many are forgetting is that I love my wife. After reading many of the responses, I get the impression that many of you view bringing a wife over from the Philippines is more a business arrangement than an act of love between the man & woman. If I didn't love my wife and simply viewed it as a business arrangement, I would have had her sent back to the Philippines well over a year ago.

Do many of the women in here view it as business arrangement or an act of love?

How about the men? Do they view it as a business arrangement or an act of love?

Geezzz... She is better off without you. I dont know what is your financial status but for a mere 1000 dollars,you want to get your share out of it.

With your attitude. She would have a better life if you just sent her packing back to the Philippines. If you think you are helping her... think again.

Get a mirror and look hard at yourself. And see who you really are. :bonk:
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-24 11:41:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

I am tossing between handling this one of two ways. She's working part time, making some $1200 to $1500 net per month. When she deposits her money, she puts about half in her checking account and takes about half of it cash back. So I'm beginning to think she didn't borrow the money in question, but took it out of this cash reserve accumulated from her "cash back" when she made deposits.

So I'm thinking about doing one of two things, as she isn't paying a reasonable amount towards our household bills.
1) Set up another account with her bank and as soon as she makes a deposit, immediately transfer it under my control.
2) Tell her she needs to contribute X dollars per months to the household bills (including auto insurance) and if she doesn't, then simply take her off the insurance policy & take away the keys.
Any thoughts?

You really have to sit down with her and make her face the fact regarding your financial status. She has to accept the fact that she did not marry a rich guy. And she has to keep her butt moving if she wants to have luxurious life.

It is unfortunate that you married a woman who thinks you have a money pit she could withdraw from. And it is unfortunate that she married a guy who is not rich enough for her.

If you want to keep your marriage, she has to work on it too. If she is not willing to help you, she is not worth it. You both deserve someone else.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-10 12:10:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

why do you say that? I wonder...

One, Gilles is tight with money right now as he admitted in his earlier post. Second, its a relative, not an immediate family. The relative could be his wife's cousin's cousin's counsin's cousin's in law. I'm not trying to be funny here. In the philippines, anyone could be a relative. Third, i read before that his wife has an attitude and this could be a way to get some money from him to send to her family.

Gilles could correct me if i'm wrong.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-10-28 01:38:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

My wife has asked me to send money to her family in the Philippines for medical expenses. She says one relative was a patient in the hospital. When my wife's relative was due to get released from the hospital, her family couldn't pay the bill, so the hospital wouldn't allow her to leave. My wife says that's normal in the Philippines - they keep you imprisoned in the hospital until you pay the medical bill. It doesn't make sense to me. If that were true, people who were out of money would flock to the hospital all the time and then live at the hospital. That would clog up the hospitals and those who needed medical care wouldn't be able to get any. Can anyone shed any light on this?

If you have extra money, give a certain amount that you are comforatble with but dont pay the whole amount. NEVER NEVER PAY THE WHOLE AMOUNT.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-10-28 00:36:00

ok so this is really what ever question but i will ask it anyways, on my passport my address is not the same with the address i put on our papers on I-129F its address on my mums place where she used to live but my papers and everything is address to where i grow up and live ( if u asked why i address it to my mum address its bcoz she forced me to use it and somehow it piss me off and makes me kinda mad at her when she acts and think she knows better even i told her if i am going to process my papers it might cause problems with me and my fiancee but she never listened and also that address is where she also signed me on my voters papers so its kinda bad for her to make me put wrong information coz i never really live where she use to its just that she hates our barangay so much coz its so useless and wont help people and she wants me to be regestered in a good place where people help ya with papers like barangay clearance n blah ) so anyways in philippine passport it wont show ur address but i think they will do some verification and i am affraid it might cause some problems, please advise what should i do if it will have some problems and if does what should i do ,should i change address and stuff?thanks

I dont think it would be a problem. People move alot.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-28 21:40:00
PhilippinesK-1 Petition - PI - beneficiary previously married...[edited title]

hey guys...i too am getting ready to send in my petition but got stuck on one last thing...maybe someone can help answer this...

my fiance was previously married to a us citizen...they are now divorced and she has remarried...problem is the philippines does not recognize divorce...what should i do?

For better response, you need to supply additional information:

Filipinaflygirl: are you the USC in the petition or are you the USC petitioner (just to clarify)
Is your fiance (filipino) first married done in the US or Philippines
Who filed for divorce, your filipino fiance or the USC ex-wife
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-29 18:49:00
PhilippinesK-1 Petitioner Not Employed but with Sufficient Assets

I'm not sure a sabbatical year is considered "unemployed." In academia, if your truly on sabbatical as a tenured professor, you still receive your salary. At least that's how it works at the University I work for.

The OP mentioned sabbatical by choice. The OP will correct me if i'm wrong but my interpretation is: "I want a break from this job and I'm resigning".

Sabbatical is normally with pay depending on the company regulation. In my previous work, US employees are allowed a 2-month sabbatical with pay.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-29 13:09:00
PhilippinesK-1 Petitioner Not Employed but with Sufficient Assets

My US citizen fiance's K-1 petition is currently under initial review by the USCIS. I am concerned that he is currently unemployed (by choice as this is his sabbatical year) but he had a great earnings history ($100K+ p.a.) as well as future earning potential. He has assets that are just above 5x the poverty line for a household of 2. I have enough assets to combine with his and I understand that my current income will not be considered since I won't continue to have it until after we are married or I obtain my PR because my current job is in Manila and I have to give it up to move to the US. I also have a strong earning potential of $70K+ as I have worked in the US in the recent five years. My guy does not want to get a co-sponsor and is confident that we will be approved. I'm honestly not and would rather be sure. Given this situation and if I put this together to the consular officer, would I stand a chance?

Has there been an instance that your petitioner solely relied on assets and was approved?

Thank you.

You have to bring in all his assets during the interview: savings, investment, house if fully paid... etc. and his tax transcript. If he is unemployed this year, then he still has his 2010 tax showing his 100K+ income. That will help in getting your approval.

BTW, the CO might ask you if you worked in the US? Just tell them the truth. I was asked this question when i was interviewed before due to my work history. I just told the CO my job arrangement and had no problem with the approval.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-29 10:00:00

I was a bit confused about this EAD, I have already my green card and my SS. Do I still need to apply for EAD for me to be able to get a job here in US?

You dont need EAD since you already have your GC.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-03-30 15:01:00
PhilippinesDoes Filipino Teacher require approval to immigrate to US

okay, from what it looks like, she has to pay 1,620 pesos for travel tax and another 750 pesos for airport fee.
Any other surprises?

if you used your credit card to buy her ticket, she might be asked for a photocopy of your credit card. You could email her front and back copies but tell her not to show the back side. Photocopy size should be 1:1 with your credit card.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-03 22:35:00
PhilippinesDoes Filipino Teacher require approval to immigrate to US

Make sure that she has all release paper signed up from school. It was a whole day activity with me, going from one office to another. It sucks but that's the way to do it. And bring those release paper during her CFO seminar and airport just in case someone questioned her.

And yes, there is an additional tax fee in the airport, i paid 1600 pesos before. But as a balikbayan, i only had to pay 200 pesos last year.

Forgot to mention that this release paper is nothing to worry about. Most of people resigning always have papers to sign.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-02 16:53:00
PhilippinesDoes Filipino Teacher require approval to immigrate to US

April 4th is the end of the school year for her. She will resign effective April 8th.

Make sure that she has all release paper signed up from school. It was a whole day activity with me, going from one office to another. It sucks but that's the way to do it. And bring those release paper during her CFO seminar and airport just in case someone questioned her.

And yes, there is an additional tax fee in the airport, i paid 1600 pesos before. But as a balikbayan, i only had to pay 200 pesos last year.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-02 13:29:00
PhilippinesDoes Filipino Teacher require approval to immigrate to US

My wife is resigning from her teaching position in the Philippines to come to the USA to live with me. Does she require approval from the government after she resigns from her teaching position in order to leave the Philippines to immigrate to the USA?
Is there an additional tax charged to Filipinos who immigrate to another country at the airport beyond the 750 peso international flight tax?

Can someone help on these subjects?

Worked in state university before. Teachers are normally required to finish the whole school year (June - March). The best time to fly out or resign from work should be during vacation time (April - May, or before the end of school year so the admin wont give her any school load at all. I resigned from my teaching job before a school year started. The next job required me to fly in and out of the philippines. I had no problem at all.

If she is resigning in the middle of school year, she would need a permit to get out of the country.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-02 09:29:00
PhilippinesWife & Daughter forced to pay 'TIEZA' @ MNL airport

I respectfully disagree.
The Philippines charges a tax for everything under the sun. Although it is unfair for travellers to pay that fee, it is NOT their proper dues.

Each country has its own law. If the government requires people to pay tax then they have to pay tax. The main reason the PHilippines is a poor country are due to both people not paying taxes and those corrupting taxes.

Its called traveller's tax, and travellers are required to pay them. :angry:

The last time i paid tax in the Philippines, its enough to cover monthly salaries of several filipino workers. I paid them coz i want to help the Philippines. If people wants to help the Philippines to improve, it starts with individual.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-11 21:05:00
PhilippinesWife & Daughter forced to pay 'TIEZA' @ MNL airport

Just an addition: My stepdaughter (IR-2) and mother-in-law (tourist) arrived from the Philippines yesterday. Neither of them paid a travel tax when leaving NAIA. They only paid P750 (terminal fee). Both are Philippine citizens. Tickets were booked online.

Hope this helps. :thumbs:

If it is booked online and travel tax had been included then you dont have to pay anything except terminal fee.

Buying ticket varies, there are some online sight that already included travel tax when you buy a ticket and some dont. If they bought ticket online and travel tax is not included in their fare, the airline personnel is not doing their job in monitoring tickets. This is not a normal case and unfair to the rest of travellers paying their proper dues.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-11 15:37:00
PhilippinesWife & Daughter forced to pay 'TIEZA' @ MNL airport

Travel tax shall be levied on (a) all citizens of the Philippines; (b) permanent resident aliens; and © non-immigrant aliens who have stayed in the Philippines for more than one (1) year, who are leaving the country.

A philippine citizen with a US Green Card may avail the tax by visiting the PTA office and paying a processing fee.

Most all people have to pay the terminal fee.

You dont really need to go to PTA. The person processing your travel tax would ask you if you are a balikbayan. They are the one who will give it to the PTA. Everything is done in one area. YOou just have to wait for it.

That was my experience last May 2010.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-09 10:49:00
PhilippinesUS Embassy in Manila DNA

Just to update everyone:

Yesterday we mailed the I-130 Petition for Gabby's big brother, Carlo!

Here's to hoping that we have a normal USCIS Petition process on this case.

This is a stupid question, mainly not really knowing the system...

This is what i know, the DNA is asked to confirm that the USC is the father of the philippines-born baby.

With your case, the kid is acknowledge as Anna's child in the petition. So, where would a DNA testing be needed when Anna already acknowledge that she is the mother of the child under petition. Being repetitive here. And Anna is not a USC.

There is an important missing link in the process... maybe because im not aware of it. :bonk:
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-08 13:52:00
PhilippinesNarita layover and Hawaii as POE

Hello Everyone,

In a week I will be traveling to the US, alone... I am not at all nervous coz i am already used to flying... what concerns me most is the following:

1) I have an 8 hour layover at Narita airport... any suggestions what to do? I do not have plan to leave the airport although I know I can, and I actually have friends who lives nearby... but I just do not want to bother them...

2) How is Hawaii as POE? I will appreciate first hand detailed experience.


If you are flying business class, you could stay, eat, and sleep in your airline lodge.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-04-11 09:50:00