PhilippinesLooking for friends here in az


Gresheene will join me once her visa is approved.

Posted Image

She's from Mindanao, Camen, Cotabato, but studied nursing in Davao.


There are a lot of filipino in Gilbert. There is a christian filipino fellowship in Gilbert.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-09-20 17:51:00
PhilippinesLooking for friends here in az

really?sure..where in az?im in tempe....

he is from texas, not az.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-08-18 18:39:00
PhilippinesDocuments and Interview Experience
Just sharing..... Documents Preparation and Interview Experience

Documents preparation: Packet Source:
Items in [bracket] are my personal notes

- 2 COPIES DS-156
[Completely filled up the form. For my flight date, I just put in my proposed schedule.]
- 2 COPIES OF DS-157
[1 copy bought from BDO worth USD 131 paid in Philippines peso. I included a supplement page]
- 1 COPY OF DS-156K
[bottom part, the one with note DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE, i wrote my fiance name and signed prior to submission]
[I acquired online. Got it less than a week. BC has no expiration]
[I applied last October. it is valid for one year from date of issue.]
[not applicable for my case. Did not work outside the Philippines for 6 months or longer]
[not applicable for my case]
[not applicable for my case]
[I included passport stamp entries, photos, hotel/resort reservations, plane tickets (e-tickets or paper copy), boarding pass. To organize my data, I printed out 3-4 photos in a bond paper from a particular trip, stapled together photocopy of our passport entry stamps, used plane tickets, original copy of hotel/resort reservations, original copy of receipts and original copy of boarding pass]
[my fiancée filed last May 2008, I only included phone bills from May’08 to November’08, emails from May’08 to November’08, engagement ring receipt, photos during our engagement dinner with my family. I had no chat logs (my fiancée and I don’t chat)]
[I included my fiance's divorce paper with judge signature]
[I acquired online last september]
[ Submitted Form 1040, Form W-2, Bank Statement, Employment letter with salary data]
[two 2 X 2 colored photographs. Specification: http://travel.state..../info_1287.html]
[My passport and medical results were forwarded by St Luke’s to USEM.]

Interview Experience: Nov 26’08 7:00 am

I arrived 6:00 am and looked for K1/K3 applicants lane. Enter US embassy, asked the security guard for the pavilion for K1 visa applicants. [K1 is a nonimmigrant visa but not a tourist visa. Don’t go to the pavilion for tourist visa applicants.] Pavilion is just one big room that have 1). windows for assigning number, finger printing, pre-screening, payment, & delbros and 2) rooms for oath taking & final screening. Upon entering, a guard advised us to sit down and wait. During the wait, an embassy personnel checked our DS 156, DS 156K, DS157. The Guard called first those people with 6:30 appointment, then with 7:00 am appointment, then… etc…

The guard called those people with 7:00 am schedule, I stood up and we were advise to fall in-line to get our number. I got 7004. Then back to my sit again. After several minutes, I heard my name called for finger printing. I stood up and went to window 33(?). Back to my sit again. After several minutes, my number flashed on the board to go to window 22. I brought all my stuff. Window 22 is for the pre-screening. Pre-screener is a Filipino. She asked several questions and requested several documents:
1. When did we first met?
2. How did we met?
3. When did we started the relationship?
3. Have I been out of the Philippines?
4. What is the longest duration of my travel?
5. What did I do in Japan?
6. What is my longest stay in Japan?
7. What are the reasons for my travels
8. She asked for my old passport.
9. Do I still have a job?
10. She asked for my BC, NBI, CENOMAR
11. She asked for evidence of support (Form 1040, Form W2, Bank Statement)
12. She asked for photos. I submitted photos printed on bond paper and 5R photos
13. She asked if I have money remittances. I said “no”. She was quite insistent about it. I was slightly irritated when I said “NO” again. She stopped asking.
14. She asked for packages. I said I did not brought any packages but i have some birthday cards...

I went back to my seatt and waited patiently. By the way, food and drinks are available inside the pavilion. Price were slightly expensive. To prevent boredom, I ended up talking with another K1 applicant, not a member of VJ.

Then my number was called for oath taking. Very short oath taking… all I said was “I swear”

Another long wait… Finally, my number was called for the final interview. I entered the room. The consul asked few questions:

1. Do we (fiance and I) have children before?
2. Have we (fiance and I) been married before?
3. When did my fiance divorced his first wife?
4. Have I worked in the USA?

After the 2nd question, the consul verified my file for my CENOMAR. Unfortunately, she could not find my CENOMAR. She asked if I submitted, I said yes. She looked for the 2nd time. Still, no cenomar. I told her that I submitted CENOMAR and it’s a yellow paper. She looked for the third time and finally found it. After she saw the CENOMAR, we were both relieved and she immediately informed me that I am approved. She gave me a pink slip. During the interview, I felt like that I’m just talking to my American friend and not to a Consul.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2008-11-29 10:47:00
PhilippinesWell, JOY for JOY

Ok, maybe she just needs to go to the cfo office and get the sticker for her passport. I will find out more when I can call over there. This sounds like something that can be handled the day of her flight.

You have to call the CFO office ahead of time. You have to tell them that she would be needing a CFO stamp few hours before her flight. You have ot make sure that someone is there to stamp her passport, else, she wont be flying out.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-10-20 17:27:00
Philippinescalling it quits

I had a talk with her earlier and one of the first things I told her is that her daddy needs to step off our relationship and she stood up and went outside for a walk.. right now as we speak she is completely ignoring me like I don't exist. If she keeps this up I think a chair flying across the room will get her to mind me.

If you think that your relationship is going nowhere, buy a ticket, bring her to the airport and make sure she boarded the plane back to the Philippines.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-10-24 19:03:00

I need help. My fiance is totally different from when she was over there. I cant kiss her, barely touch her. She pushes me away. She has been here a month now, but she seems to be addicted to the cell phone and internet talking to some friends back home. She has told me that if we dont work out she would hide. They call it "T-N-T" If i should not marry her and I take her to the airport and she goes in to hiding will it count against me with the US govenment if I should ever find someone else? I know I am not perfect and I hope she comes around but I need to feel loved and just not giving all the love. I want to just cut off the cell and internet and just make it where she has to deal with me but that will cause more problems. I am so patient but I can only take so much. I dont want to be held liable if she skips out on her visa. Please help me!!! I do love her but I feel she dont love me.

If you are not happy. Dont marry her. Buy a ticket and bring her to the airport. Then report to USCIS the status of your relationship. If she goes T-N-T, then it would be her mistake. She has to face those consequences not you.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-05 09:57:00
PhilippinesImmunization at SLEC

They had me give them a urine sample which they said was for a pregnancy test. I remember this because I asked them why I would need a pregnancy test when I was currently menstruating at that time. The employee said that they've had experiences in the past when women lied about menstruating in order to get out of having the pregnancy test (though I have no idea what an immigrant applicant has to gain by lying about being pregnant).

I also asked about the urine test. Someone for SLEC told me that its not for pregnancy test, its more on testing a more contagious disease.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-05 11:34:00
PhilippinesImmunization at SLEC

I've done all the medical requirements at SLEC except pregnancy test. Can SLEC give me shots eventhough I have my monthly period? thank you!

There is no pregnancy test in SLEC. Answer to your question, yes.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-05 09:59:00
PhilippinesPossible problem w/ Phil Immigrations during flight..Help!

Hi everyone.. I am bound to fly to be with my fiance on April 27.

I am however worried that an existing liability with the DOST (where I have a scholarship contract I have to fulfill i.e., reimburse the scholarship amount because I wasn't able to finish my graduate thesis) will cause a problem for me at the Phil immigration.

What are the probable reasons that this happens in the immigration?

What I'm trying to do right now is get clearance from DOST. The problem could have been solved if I can issue post-dated checks for DOST to clear me. But, I dont have a checking account and it seems the banks are stricter nowadays in issuing checking accounts so its almost impossible to get one right away. Another option is to ask my fiance to issue checks for me but I dont know how he can from US with only 3 days left in the regular working days.. <img src="http://www.visajourn...IR#>/wacko.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":wacko:" border="0" alt="wacko.gif" />

I know my case is not common, but I was just wondering if there is anyone here familiar with immigration rules and procedures at the Phil airport on cases like this...

Thanks.. I hope someone here can help. please please.. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/helpsmilie.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":help:" border="0" alt="helpsmilie.gif" />

I have several friends who are DOST scholars.
2 friends both scholars in UP engineering masteral program had to pay before they could fly out to other countries to continue with their PhD scholarship. They are both PhD graduates now.

They are able to fly out after they submitted post dated check to DOST and got clearance from them.

DOST does not care where you get the money. You just need fund to pay them.

Use your brain. (I could not help saying this last line. Most of my scholar friends here this from me. Scholars have brain, that's why they are scholar. USE IT. )
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-11 13:38:00
PhilippinesCan I be banned from the Philippines?

With everything being said, i know she could not keep you from traveling to the philippines. but as far as petitioning another woman from the philippines , that could be done very easy. even if her mom did not work for the nbi, all she would need to do is file a phony claim with the embassy saying that you abused or pimped her out. then if you ever tryed to file another petition for another woman, you would be flagged. that is the part i would be worried about if you intend to look for another wife in philippines.

good luck

This would be interesting to know if the mother would be able to implement this bann. The training in CFO question city shows an american guy who petitioned several women and one of the women even became his sex slave. The issue is quite well known, unfortunately, he was never banned and was even able to petition other filipinas. He had series of filipina wives. Well, he did it one at a time.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-15 15:33:00
PhilippinesCan I be banned from the Philippines?

my wife and i are having problems with each other and i've been thinking about divorcing her. we were never married in the philippines and she hasn't reported or submitted any sort of documents to the philippines stating that were married in the US. i do like filipina women overall in general, but feel like i married the wrong one, feeling like i cannot be happy for life with this woman. i have never been abusive towards her.

if i was to divorce her, she claims that she could put a ban on me from entering the philippines. is this true? i also feel like i should have unrestricted travel in that country since i have not commited any crime and have not had any bad relationships like this one.

can she put a ban on me from entering the philippines or be able to somehow keep another filipina woman from leaving the country to be my wife?

She is just scaring you. Just divorce her.

If you fell in love with another filipina and you dont want to go to the philippines, just meet her in another country to abide with the requirements of meeting in person. Filipinos are not required to get any visa in visiting other southeast asian countries.

Edited by rheanick, 15 November 2010 - 01:41 PM.

rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-15 13:40:00
PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice

I have gotten her TFC and GMA via DirectTV. I have found all of the ingredients to make her familiar Filipino food. I have given her several introductions to Filipinas, including one that lives only 6 blocks away. I have gotten the invite to the PhilAm christmas party. I get her out of the house as much as possible, and a Filipina friend of mine, and now also for her, gets together with her for dinner several days a week.

Some factors that have not helped matters, are my work schedule being temporarily changed to evenings right after she arrived here, and the fact she does not know how to drive. I cannot transport her since I am at work, so she has evenings to herself. Also, for the first month she was here, we stayed at my mother's home, as my home was being remodeled for her with ceramic and marble floors and partial wall tiles, new baseboards and crown moulding, and a few other investments.

I will see if she wants to discuss today any more. I am not beyond forgiving, but I would need some assurance that she will sever ties with this former boyfriend

Ateneo De Davao is in Mindanao. I personally knows people who graduated from Ateneo De Davao and they are decent people. One is also married to an american and holding to her marriage thru thick and thin, for better or worst.

It seems that you are a good guy. In your relationship, it is only unfortunate that she is still in love with her former boyfriend. YOu both need space to sort each others emotion. She has to sort out her feelings towards her former boyfriend. And you have to deal with your feeling of someone cheating on you.

Right love, wrong couple. Sorry. Hope everything works out for the best, for both of you.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-17 13:01:00
Philippineseducate me, please!

Hello everyone! thanks for the advice, and let me clarify,the money is not the problem or the source of my fears, it was the loss of trust the guy must have felt when he sees someone he totally trusts attempting to send money behind his back, i have sent thousands to my fiancee and never asked what she use it for, and i have xoom records which i sent in as evidence to prove it. So basically i just had a concern since she never brought it up to me. I am willing to do what is necessary to have a happy healthy relationship, she is an equal partner in this and i do feel whats mine is hers too. I encourage her to tell me all her hopes, dreams , and expectations, because i am here to help make them all come true, it is a true love we have no matter where she is from and i know our love will last a lifetime! thanks again, and keep it coming, there is no such thing as learning too much.

US embassy manila employees sort of accepted the fact that filipinas normally gets support from USC even before married. In fact, they even find it strange or unbelievable if a filipina does not get any monetary support. Pardon to other filipinas but that is straight from the mouth of USEM interviewers (those filipinos who initially examine the applicant papers).

But giving thousands of dollars to your fiancee, i would say, expect to continue giving money to her family even after you got married.

BTW, i never brought out the financial aspect in our relationship since i have no plans of asking my USC hubby then fiance to support my family. Even when we were dating, I never asked for any monthly support. Right now, even though I dont have a job, I have enough savings to support my family back in the philippines.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-10-28 00:45:00
Philippinesi'm into stock investment, can i make my mother in the philippines to be my beneficiary?

After reading the instructions more i noted one more thing. You would need a letter/document from the brokerage/investment company showing they are requesting the ITIN is needed for your mom for tax reporting purporses. The letter needs to show her name as being on the account or to be added to the account. Hope this helps.


Your replies are great help for me. My mother has the documents listed in W-7. Its nice to know that i could include her as my beneficiary. Again, thanks.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-30 17:28:00
Philippinesi'm into stock investment, can i make my mother in the philippines to be my beneficiary?
I'm into stock investment right now and wondering the possible ways to make my mother in the philippines as an additional beneficiary. I talked with the investment company and it requires ITIN from my mother before i could add her up.

My questions is: what are the possible legal ways for me to get my mother an ITIN?
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-30 11:28:00
Philippines13 month pay for foreigner......

i am a foreigner (american) and i've been working at my job here in the philippines since march, and i have a 13a visa......... am i entitled to 13 month pay? i'm even paying taxes...... thank you for any help you can give. ^^

You need to verify with your company HR.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-11-30 17:58:00
Philippinesappointment confirmation email
Same experience. i just brought the first confirmation letter. Did not bother with the second one.

QUOTE (davra @ Jan 16 2009, 10:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ganun ba tlga yun,ppdadlhan ka ng email confirmation for interview pg malapit na interview mo?kc sakin pndlhan ako email last dec 15,tpos medical ko last jan 13-14,2009 kya lng may suspicious sa CXR ko,kay blik ako this 26-28 of this month sa st.lukes..Ang tanong ko lang po ay bkit may email akong natanggap today from
Anybody here na may experience na ganito?

rheanickFemalePhilippines2009-01-16 11:49:00
PhilippinesFine Filipino Food - Free Kindle book

Hey Guys :)

I'm not Filipino but I was looking up more free books for me to download and came across this one: It's currently free. Didn't know if any of you had Kindles or the Amazon kindle app so this book might be good for you.

Hopefully some of you like it :)

Thanks. i downloaded the kindle edition for my iPad.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-12-06 11:04:00
PhilippinesIs it wise to teach a 41 year old Filipina to drive?

Random 'cause I'm not from PI but my husband makes me drive WORSE when he's in the car. I can feel him judging me. I've been driving since I was 16 so 11 years with no issues that were my fault (a few rear-enders here and there).

I don't know what it is. one of my other immigrant friends agreed that he drives worse when his wife is in the car. My hubby is good with cars. The smallest thing he freaks out. Like the truck he got for me from his dad, the steering wheel doesn't adjust higher or lower and I think it sits too low because I knock it with my right leg as I get out, enough to lock the wheel so when you try and start the car you need to shake the wheel to get the key to turn (its not the end of the world, happens sometimes in other cars). Somehow this is "my fault". The check engine light came on today while I was driving (apparently not while he was), this is also my fault.. never mind the trucks done over 200K miles.

I had a friend visit back in June or something and I drove her around in his Camaro (aussie licence was still valid) and I never felt self-conscious. Felt completely normal. I think I should wear my BP monitor when i drive to see whether it's worse when I'm with him as opposed to alone.

Ugh. I'm currently on a learners permit while I practice in the snow before my test (doesn't know in Aus where I live). i can't wait till i pass then I will NEVER drive with Tony in the car. He can drive us around (unless he's unconscious and I'm taking him to hospital).

To Vanessa:

Regarding NOT driving your husband when he is sane and sober, you are not alone in that department. I also told my hubby that i will never drive him around unless he is drunk or uncouncious. And if he would insist on me driving, he has to prepare the divorce paper and i would sign it after our ride. :bonk:

And on the wheels getting stuck. It happened to me several times. It is definitely not your fault. It kind of scary especially if it happened at night and there are only few cars left in the parking lot. I got feed up with it that i told my hubby that i want a new car. :blush: B-)

On learning how to drive, just get a friend to teach you around. And watch out for those ambulance and fire trucks. You need to know how to response to them. One time, i just have to stop in the middle of the intersection to let them pass.

To OP,

Pardon for hijacking your thread. Do you have other stories about driving, yours are really funny.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-12-09 12:37:00
PhilippinesIs it wise to teach a 41 year old Filipina to drive?
Your previous marriage may be crazy but your car story made me laugh tonight. :rofl:
BTW, you could teach your next wife how to drive. My hubby's ex-fiancee was really bad with driving. So he was quite worried about me. It took me several months to prove to him that i'm a good driver. Now, he does not get worried if i do long drive on my own.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-12-08 23:54:00
PhilippinesTourist Visa for Parents
less than a month. quite fast.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-12-13 16:55:00
PhilippinesMarried Filipinos who send money to family back in Philippines
QUOTE (Richard90027 @ Nov 19 2009, 05:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rheanick @ Nov 17 2009, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jsnearline @ Nov 18 2009, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does the issue of sending money home (or how much you send) cause tension between you and your spouse? If so, how have you tried to resolve it?

What rules do you and your spouse follow regarding remittances (e.g. money only comes from Filipino spouse's pay)?

How do you determine the amount of money you send back to family in Philippines?

How do you distinguish legitimate needs vs. "nice to have"s?

How do you handle emergencies (real and imagined) that come up?

Have you ever cut any family members off financially? If so, why and for how long?

No tension. Its my own money not from my hubby (USC).

You have done well at becoming an American Women. Glad my wife is not!

This is my attitude way back even before i got married. I have enough money to take care of my family.

No generalization needed in this thread. And I'm glad you are not my husband!
rheanickFemalePhilippines2009-11-18 16:37:00
PhilippinesMarried Filipinos who send money to family back in Philippines
QUOTE (jsnearline @ Nov 18 2009, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does the issue of sending money home (or how much you send) cause tension between you and your spouse? If so, how have you tried to resolve it?

What rules do you and your spouse follow regarding remittances (e.g. money only comes from Filipino spouse's pay)?

How do you determine the amount of money you send back to family in Philippines?

How do you distinguish legitimate needs vs. "nice to have"s?

How do you handle emergencies (real and imagined) that come up?

Have you ever cut any family members off financially? If so, why and for how long?

No tension. Its my own money not from my hubby (USC).
rheanickFemalePhilippines2009-11-18 02:16:00
PhilippinesWho are the Filipinas here that received money before getting married to their foreign fiance and sending money when they got here in US?
This poll is interesting. So far, the result explains the "i could not believe" reaction of the filipino screener during my interview when i told her that i dont have any remittances to show. Also the additional comment from her that remittances from the USC is common for both fiancee and spousal visa.

And i felt insulted that time and i was really irritated with her remarks. I was thinking, why would i ask support from my american fiance when i could afford to support myself. :angry:

Now i understand that there is basis for her remark.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-12-14 17:45:00
Philippinespictorial help please

I know some you you must have taken bunches of photos of the paperwork sent in (the packaging of it) and of the files your fiancee took to her interview!! I would love to see some of those photos just to get over my nervousness in how to present them. Would appreciate any photos that would let me get an insight into how you did this. Thanks for your help

i bought a plastic envelope that has several partition on it and can be expands. Arranged the required documents in order as listed in the usem packet. brought several pictures, put them in a zip bag. pictures are with labels indicating date and place.

I know some you you must have taken bunches of photos of the paperwork sent in (the packaging of it) and of the files your fiancee took to her interview!! I would love to see some of those photos just to get over my nervousness in how to present them. Would appreciate any photos that would let me get an insight into how you did this. Thanks for your help

i bought a plastic envelope that has several partition on it and can be expands. Arranged the required documents in order as listed in the usem packet. brought several pictures, put them in a zip bag. pictures are with labels indicating date and place.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-12-21 15:46:00
PhilippinesCalling all PINAY ( who just arrive this YEAR here in USA)

kararating ko lng din last week,23...hindi naman me homesick pero nakakamiss ang food s pinas...grabe.,,,sobra,,lol...minsan nga want ko makakita ng pinoy retsaurant tlgang kakainin ko lahat mga fav. ko..hahaha...boring me minsan kasi maaga work ni charlie then dating n cya 3pm...,i feel scared really...kming dalwa lng kasi dito haus nya,evry fri and sat dito mga bata....kya un..haysss..masaya pg week happy with charlie now,atles ala ng stress s kanya,hmm..masaya din naman me dito ksi dmi pinay n andito,kya un my nakakausap aq s phone...we will gathered up next time all pinays here....s wakas my kalahi n ako yah..GODBLESS

If you want to eat filipino food.. there is a Barrio Fiesta of Manila. If you have a GPS, just plug it in and it will search for it. You could buy filipino stuff from Lee Lee's.

Good thing you have filipino group there in Tempe.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-03-05 22:32:00
PhilippinesCalling all PINAY ( who just arrive this YEAR here in USA)
Im here in AZ. I'm starting my own photography business here.
I have a great husband. Lots of new friends both Filipino and American. Awesome in-laws.
I have filipino friends visiting me here in AZ.
Life is good. God is good.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2009-12-17 04:22:00
PhilippinesMet a rude fellow Pinay

I am a Filipina living in Washington state. I have been here for more than a year but I only have one Filipina friend, My husband ntroduced me to her and she and her husband were very good people. I once attended a party for another Filipino here. My husband personaly knew her and they seem fine. At her house, she was always asking my husband about his ex-wife who happened to be her "bestfriend". I was so ridiculed and I felt I am not welcome to their house and party. From that point on, I never go to any Filipino get together. She was so rude and uneducated, they are also some kind of "socialite" and they are trying to outdo each other by having fancy clothes and gadgets.
I am just sad that there are Filipinos like that, treating their fellow kababayan like ######.

It is expected that filipina would be rude to you. She is the bestfriend of your hubby's ex-wife. A kind of attitude that majority of women would do irregardless of nationality; stick with their friends and be nasty to the other woman. No brainer here.

Reality check... please analyze your scenario before posting bad comments. Your generalization is kind of unfair towards your fellow filipinas. :bonk:
rheanickFemalePhilippines2010-12-27 12:59:00
Philippinesphone cards
If your cost is $200 every month , why dont you invite your mom to the US. B1/B2 visa could stay 6 months here. If you sum up your phone bill for 6 months, you already have a round trip ticket for your mom with pocket money. good.gif

QUOTE (andyjona @ Mar 1 2009, 06:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Have anyone here used phone cards on calling someone in the Philippines?

I need some suggestions on what phone card to used and see if it's cheaper to do so than using our landline. I'm calling my Mom in the Philippines from US every other day for 30 minutes each time. We are paying over $200 every month on the landline which includes other services but most of it is from my long distance calling. I am trying hard to save a bit from a bill but still be able to talk to my Mom regularly, so I wanted to try the option of using phone cards instead if it's worth it.

Hope anyone can help. Thanks! smile.gif

rheanickFemalePhilippines2009-03-02 17:58:00
PhilippinesProblems with CENOMAR in the Philippines

One last question. How important is the suffix on the CENOMAR and/or marriage contract? My fiancee found out that on both documents this person or her fake husband put his first name middle initial and last name but no Jr. There is same name with Sr and there is the same name with Jr but no name without the suffix. When the NSO did a search for the name without the suffix it came out blank. Does this mean we still pursue an annulment? or is there something easier and quicker we can do to throw out this marriage contract?
Thank you all for your help.

The only thing for both of you to do is to file for annullment. Even though your fiancee's husband is married to another person prior to their marriage and papers were submitted to NSO, your fiancee is legally married to him. She needs to file to void her marriage. Her main defense is his previous marriage.

She married a good-for-nothing person. She should legally get rid of her previous marriage to stop further damage on her life.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-04 01:28:00
PhilippinesProblems with CENOMAR in the Philippines

Hi guys, thank you for your responses. Is a update and more clear information. I didn't really understood what CENOMAR is but after speaking to my fiancee now I understand it better. My fiancee went to get her CENOMAR and on there it said that she was married, dated Aug 2004. But the CENOMAR was registered Nov. 30 2010, 6 years after she was suppose to be married. She never got her Certificate of Marriage. After 9 months and breaking up with her fake husband she went to NSO(I think) to check to see if she was registered as married and the lady said no, there is no record. So she went to see a lawyer he said that she should go back to the NSO and get an CENOMAR on the husband and the Certificate of Marriage and bring it back to his office. Also note when she got married her family took pictures at the City Hall where she got married and show those pictures to the employees there the lawyer who married them and the employees said that guy is no lawyer in this City Hall.
I think what is happening is that this guy is trying to get back at her because she broke up with him, and he said he would get revenge and make sure she would not have a happy life. Is it possible this guy got the original papers and filed them just before Nov. 30, 2010? Could this happened to a guy who is still married? Any answers OR supported would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!

This could happen. YOur fiancee should get all necessary data, her and her husband's certificate of marriage. If she would be able to get the certificate of marriage of her husband's first marriage, then her annulment would be easy. SHe would just file for application in NSO. SHe should get it immediately. There is a minimum fee for annulment. Godsgift would be able to give you an idea.

Your fiancee wont be a scam if 1) she offered to pay for the annulment (if she could afford it) or ask for the minimum amount of money to pay her annulment fee 2). There would be no big delay on her annulment case.

But if she makes excuses and say if will take years to process her annulment paper and ask for large amount of money from you... better run now while you still can.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-03 19:54:00
PhilippinesMy marriage still has not been reported waiting for the nvc to forward my stuff to the philippines

what the last two posts said.

I dont read all replies. See a question of the OP, then give an answer.

And dont you think, 2 or more the same replies confirmed with OP the right direction for his inquiries.

Nothing wrong with redundancy if it is the right answer and helps the OP, right? :P
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-07 12:44:00
PhilippinesMy marriage still has not been reported waiting for the nvc to forward my stuff to the philippines

I currently have 2 certified copies i recently received from hk and my wife has the original..i sent a certified in with the i-130. Im talking about my marriage being reported so it is on record in the phil, its not about me not having the copy or anything its about the phil needing the country u got married in to "REPORT" ur marriage to the NSO- NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE they validate it or watever, then ur on record in the phil,as being married in another country..

the validated marriage form she wud receive wud allow her to go to the cfo wich wud in turn allow her to immediately after apply for that much needed new passport with my last name on it

Advise your wife to file it personally in NSO.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-07 10:08:00
PhilippinesPhilippines' NBI while in Dubai

She tried calling and no one picked up. She will keep on trying.


I don't use such unkind words...with her or any one.

That is why she is pushing you like a dirty rug.

This kind of research is very specific to her case. You had been to Dubai. You would know that she has all resources (filipino friends, phone and internet).

If i would reword my last sentence... "Tell her to move her lazy bones." My first sentence or this one. You choice.

VJ members had warned you about her and you never listen. You are not yet married to her and she is treating you like an "under de saya". If you want to know the meaning of "under de saya", ask her.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-11 18:59:00
PhilippinesPhilippines' NBI while in Dubai

Hello All,

My fiancee is in Dubai and and she need to get a new Phil's NBI. She tells me the are 3 consulates in Dubai. Which one she needs to go?

1. In diera
2. In Al qusis
3. In Abudhabi


Tell your fiancee to ask the filipinas in dubai or call each agency. Data wise, there are so many filipinas in dubai to get the information than VJ members who worked in dubai.

Tell her to move her butt. :angry:
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-11 15:48:00
PhilippinesAnyone experiencing this?

Since before New Year's, it has been nearly impossible for my calls to go through to my fiancee in Cebu. A few times the calls went to completely random people. I have tried all hours, and at first the calls would go through in the afternoon (Ph time) but the past few weeks none of my calls will go through at any hour.

Is anyone else experiencing this? What is up with the Ph phone system? Any help would be appreciated.

Btw, Anyone wishing to contribute OT drivel in this thread, keep you smart @$$ comments to yourself, please.


I did skype with my 5 year old niece 2 days ago. It was crappy. I had to end the call and re-dial.
But my call to my mother is quite good, everything is fine. My mom is in luzon area, not cebu.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-18 11:03:00
PhilippinesPinay / American get house stolen in Texas by HOA

Update on Michael and Mae. They got their house back. They are moving to Virginia in a couple of weeks, he is going back active military so he can retire from the military. We live in the same city, I met Michael and his wife at a Thanksgiving party, and we have became fast friends.

We spent Christmas at their house, and they spent New Years Eves at ours, they are good people and I will miss them..........

Someone has to train Mae about daily living in the US. Her husband or a friend should guide her how to survive the US life. If Mae would continue with her present attitude, she is more of a burden to her husband.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-01-19 14:03:00
PhilippinesWhich city and state are you?
Hi Ryan, Riza,

Looking forward to be in Arizona as soon as I can. Would touch base with you guys, once i get my approval.... My fiance starting to get worried with the long wait. sad.gif

QUOTE (RyaNRiza @ Sep 28 2008, 02:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rheanick @ Sep 24 2008, 03:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please add me. My fiance is from Pheonix, Arizona.

Hi rhea, I am in Mesa now. Maybe we could meet when you're here. smile.gif Good luck on your visa journey!

rheanickFemalePhilippines2008-09-28 22:36:00
PhilippinesWhich city and state are you?
Please add me. My fiance is from Pheonix, Arizona.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2008-09-24 03:33:00
PhilippinesHow do you say goodbye?

Thanks rheanick! Well for me, I will always have "two" homes. My room in Manila will always be home too, just like my new place with my fiance is also going to be home :) You are lucky that money is not an issue for you, that is not the case for a lot of people. And yes, hopefully by 2015, we can get assigned in China again. My fiance is in foreign service and military so we will try to get assigned somewhere in Asia.

Money would be an issue if you make it an issue. You always need to prepare for emergencies. I have my own legal way to prepare for it. Hubby knows that i wont ask anything from him if my family needs any money. Even though i had no works for the last 2 years and business is not yet profitable, i have to use my brain to have my own money. Legally paying uncle sam for my US taxes. As i mentioned, money is not an issue when it comes to my family. You are an intelligent woman, you will find ways to ease your worries.

And your comment regarding "home", you are highly prone to homesickness. Just be watchful of your emotion. Just my two cents.

BTW, i did not say goodbye coz i know i will see them again. I'm just in the US, just a plane ride away.
rheanickFemalePhilippines2011-02-02 13:23:00