Africa: Sub-SaharanIs this something new in Lagos?
Definitely an inconvenience!! I figured it had something to do with the scams. UGGH but what happens when it's someone visiting there? Oh and the bank was CBN (Central Bank of Nigeria). I called Western Union and requested that a full refund (including the processing charge) be sent to my future brother in law of the original money he sent to FH because no where on their site does it state this. I can't imagine what would have happened if the other brother wasn't there :(. But at least we are aware of this now.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-06 13:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIs this something new in Lagos?
Ladydare I said the same thing! I was livid!

Cinnamon, I'm wondering if that is a way they are trying to reduce the number of scams. But I also wonder if that is in violation of the Western Union terms. What would happen if someone is merely visiting and needs money wired? Or is that something only for Nigerians? That can't be right to do.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-06 09:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIs this something new in Lagos?
FH has made the looooooongggg trip to Lagos from The Gambia by land. So happy he arrived safely despite the bumps he encountered along the way. I tell you it was quite the adventure. Anyway when he arrived to Lagos he needed money Western Unioned to him to continue his trip to his hometown. Well when he went to pick up the money his brother sent to him, he was told that since he doesn't have a bank account he can't get the money. I have never heard of that. Is that something new being done? Thank God he has a brother who lives in Lagos (who he was staying with) and his other brother was able to send another transfer to that brother. I couldn't believe it!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-06 07:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Over

She will not be able to fly back with him unless she intends to remain indefinitely and wait out the AP with him.
When my husband (then fiance) had his K1 interview, he was put on AP that lasted 8 months (there is a 13 year age diff between us - I'm older). One just doesn't know how long the AP will be.

Ahh I see I thought AP is over at the time of the 2nd interview. Got it now!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-06 13:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Over
Uggh!!! What else could you possibly need? This is so nervewrecking! I'm sorry. If you can manage the trip over, I'd definitely go ahead with that. At least you'll be able to see him again and fly back with him. :thumbs:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-06 08:03:00
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-06 08:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCR1 INTERVIEW
Congrats hon!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-06 08:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMedical Questions

cant really speak on Dakar but for Nigeria my husband medical(then fiance) took place in septemeber and his interview was in Novemember. it was a two day thing and if he needed to go back for other shots. He completed most shots in Nigeria but still has the last dose of Hep B....He will take that in March. That doesnt stop them from coming if they dont finish any series of shots they just must have them completed when they arrive which may be more expensive than getting them in there home country. also sometimes the medical facility require the person to have there interview appt letter before they grant them an appt for the physical it just depends on the medical facility and there rules. In Nigeria some needed the letter and some didnt my husband just walked in and did not have an interview letter. He will more than likely need other vaccines such as hep A & B Tdap, varicella. MMR and some others are possible just know that some are a series so plan accordingly if you want to complete them in Dakar and the medical is good for one year.....GOOD LUCK to you

Thank you! :thumbs:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-14 18:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMedical Questions
FH is interviewing in Dakar.

1. How far in advance of the interview should we schedule his medical?

2. Just before he left for Nigeria he went and got a single vaccination shot. They gave him a yellow card which he had to show at each border he crossed. Is that going to suffice or will he need to receive more vaccinations?

3. Can anyone think of anything we may have to consider with regards to the medical? (tips, advice, etc)

Thanks in advance!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-08 15:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNigerian Birth Certificate
FH is in Nigeria now. He just got his BC. I pray it's the long form..aka the correct one. :lol: He did say they told him it is the one he needs for the interview and that it's two pages that they stapled together. It cost him 5000 or 5500 naira. Does that sound about right?
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-14 18:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone from Edo State (Nigeria)?

i am sure u must have had all your questions answered by now but if you need any help let me know both me and my husband are from Edo-state and are both Binis.....

Thanks!!! You have a PM too!! Whooohooo!!! :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-21 08:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone from Edo State (Nigeria)?

Hello Purple Sky,

My husband is from Edo State and he is Benin, he wanted me to tell you that if you need assistance or questions please contct us and we can try to assist you , we are in Pennsylvania. May God bless you and yours.

Yay!!! Praise God!! Love how He answers our prayers. I'm sending you a PM now. Thank both you and your husband for your help. :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-18 11:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone from Edo State (Nigeria)?

have you tried googling different blogs/sites that talk about trads? i'm sure bella naija has covered this topic in some form or fashion...
also, where is the trad going to be? in the states or in 9ja? i'm surprised the women on your fiance's side haven't pitched in to help. if they aren't available to, maybe you can find a seamstress in your area. do you live near a large 9ja community?
i didn't know edo state did trads completely differently from others. i thought they were all fairly similar, with some minor variations depending on what state/town you are from.
good luck! wedding planning is stressful all around.

FH doesn't have a lot of women in his family. And mom is deceased. :( I've contacted his younger sister to help but she said she doesn't know much. Said they don't concern themselves really until it's their turn. She sounded very sad that she can't be a big help. We have to do the trad here cuz it has to be the first ceremony. There's a nice sized Naija community here but when I tell them FH is Bini from Edo State they say oh it's different. The skeleton of the trad is pretty much the same but the "meat" is what's different from what I've been told. I can't even depend on my cousin who's married to FH's older brother cuz they didn't even do a trad. But I guess I'll just piece together what I can from the different resources I find online and go from there. :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-12 20:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone from Edo State (Nigeria)?

I am not from Edo state ( or Nigeria ) but I do know how to bead if I can help.

Oooh thanks I'll definitely keep that in mind because that beaded blouse sure looks like a time snatcher. Lol
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-10 20:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone from Edo State (Nigeria)?
I really need help with a few things for our traditional ceremony. I have a friend who was helping but it turns out since she's Igbo and not from Edo State her trad ceremony is a little different. FH is Bini but doesn't know much about trad wedding planning cuz he said all he's done is go and party. :lol: His mom passed away years ago and there really isn't anyone on his side that can help with specifics. I managed to find a blog from an Esan (neighboring tribe) woman who lives here in America. It has helped a little but I'm still fuzzy on a few things like how to make the Ivie blouse, crown and handbag. I can manage the earrings, necklaces and bracelets on my own. I also would like to know what's specifically said and done at the ceremony. Anyone from Edo State that can help or know of some resources?

Edited by PurpleSky, 10 October 2010 - 05:37 PM.

PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-10 17:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe Day
Praise God!!! Congratulations again! It's very fitting that he is arriving on the day of love for God IS love. Yay!!! I'm so happy for the two of you! :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-02-14 02:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe Day
Congrats! :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-02-03 08:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe Day
Awesome!!!! Congrats!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-26 07:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSo confused...
Thank you all for your slaps to reality. :) I will take off the training wheels. :lol:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-01 07:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSo confused...
FH's interview is tomorrow in Dakar. We've begun to look at flights to get him here. I wanted to spend a little extra and have him fly nonstop from DKR to JFK on South African Airlines (which is the cheapest nonstop we've been able to find). His elder brother (the one married to my cousin) said he will pay for the ticket to get him here and because he's paying for the ticket of course he wants to go with what's cheapest. The least expensive flight we've found is a connecting flight Dakar-Morocco-JFK on Royal Air Maroc. It's actually $400 cheaper than the nonstop so both my FH and FBIL/CIL say this is the route they want to go. I feel like they are only looking at the price and not the full picture.

My worries:

*FH doesn't have a full education, which presents some challenges with reading comprehension although he speaks perfect English.
*I've read quite a few reviews for RAM which weren't good at all in terms of lost baggage, the airline not communicating with the passengers, late flights, missed flights, hours/days delayed departures, etc.
*I'm not positive that he would be ok should one of the above problems present itself and even with finding his way to the correct departure gate since the arriving gate to Morocco is in a different terminal.
*I don't really have the extra money to put with what my FBIL/CIL would pay, but I will find it somehow to ensure that FH is fairly safe.

My biggest feeling on this is he (FH) has had to endure a lot already with this process and his travels haven't been easy (from Gambia to Dakar to Nigeria. Once in Nigeria from Lagos to Benin City, back to Lagos. Then from Lagos to Dakar to Gambia back to Dakar where he is now for his interview) and it's all occurred within a span of 2 months. I wanted him to be able to get on the plane and relax and not have to worry about anything until he actually arrives at JFK. Both FH and FBIL/CIL say that he is a man and I'm babying him to which I say, it's not my intent. I just want him to be safe and have less travel stress.

My aunt and my mother feel the same way as I do. They want him (FH) to take the nonstop flight even though I will have to basically "rob peter to pay paul" to have that accomplished.

I would really like to know what you all think about this. Thanks in advance :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-02-28 12:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanApproved?
I don't have any answers just wanted to say Congrats!!! :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-02 13:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPicked Up Visas today.
OMG!!! Congratulations! This is awesome!! :dance: :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-15 18:37:00

I would love the e-mail address!! Thanks so much! I feel like I have so many questions, thanks for being so helpful!! I'm glad the packet can get sent to me because I am definitely the organized one in the relationship!!! When you DHLed the packet, you just put his name and then the closest Post Office to him (I've only used standard mail, never DHL)? And how long did it take to get to him? When in Dakar did he stay at a hotel? Any suggestions on hotels? Did you make an advanced medical appointment? How long did the medical stuff take (a day? or a few days?)? Did you pay the entire fee at the embassy? On the US consulate page for Dakar it says something about paying part of it at Ecobank and part of it at the embassy, can you just pay for the whole thing at the embassy? I know you have to get things officially translated, so that includes police certificates and birth certificates, right?

Ok, I think those are my major questions. hahaha. I really do appreciate your help, I hate that I can't be there with him throughout this whole process. It feels like everyday I'm worrying about more and more instead of less and less :blink:. But it'll all be worth it eventually!!!

No problem at all hon! I've gotten so much help from everyone else here, I'm happy to be able to pay it forward. :)

When I mailed the package by DHL, I put his name and a PO BOX (you can use your friend's) and put on the box and on the slip "HOLD FOR PICK UP" in bold black marker. They told me it would take 5-7 biz days, but it actually got there in 3!!! I couldn't believe it!

While in Dakar he stayed at a hotel for a couple nights. I'll have to ask the name of it. The first time (when he did his medical) he stayed at one closer to the airport. The second time (when he did his interview) he stayed at one closer to the embassy.

We used the 2nd Dr on the list, and didn't have to make an appointment but the Dr did say to be sure to come at least 5 business days before the interview. FH said once he got there the Dr was very nice and gave him very good and clear directions and instructions on what to do. He said the Dr even said a couple things to calm him about the interview. The medical took two days because FH had to return to the lab the following day to pick up his results and bring them back to the Dr. I have heard of others paying a little extra and getting their results on the same day but it wasn't that pressing for us.

As far as the fee, I saw the same thing on the Consulate page and I emailed them to clarify it. The reply email said to just pay the fee at the Consular Cashier.

Yep, you have to get those things translated. You're all set there! :)

I was the same way with worrying about everything. I had to keep repeating to myself "God is in control". LOL I know my honey was getting tired of me asking him everything a million and one times. He was so patient with me though. :lol:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-10 19:57:00
They emailed me packet 3 but the forms they attached were outdated. :lol: I just went to the DOS website and got the updated forms from there. Once I called the NVC and they told me our case was sent to the embassy I sent all the paperwork and documentation to my fiancé by DHL. It's a little on the expensive side but it's worth it cuz FH doesn't have a street address either so they held it at their office and he picked it up from there. I can forward the email to you if you'd like so you can get started on everything. Just let me know. :) Also feel free to ask any other questions you have while everything is still fresh in my mind. :lol:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-10 07:31:00
Welcome knw! Your fiancé can interview in English. It doesn't have to be French. Also the doctors both have offices not far from the embassy. We used the 2nd doctor on the list. I believe Dr Rahmi is his name. He was awesome and gave my fiancé very clear directions on what he was doing and what needed to be done. If you absolutely can't make it be sure he has everything! My fiance's interview was last week (March 1) and he was placed on AP. Because there's no way to know how long the AP will last, we decided that he would go back to The Gambia rather than spend additional money on a hotel. All in all the process itself is fairly easy. It's the waiting that gives the big headache. :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-08 07:36:00
Me! FH is also Nigerian but he's been living in The Gambia for the past 4 years. Hey maybe they know each other. :) We're still in the beginning stage waiting for our NOA2. My plan is also to fly in for his interview then return home together. Not sure how it will work out though since he has to go back to Nigeria for the new passport just before. We're waiting until we get the NOA2 so that the police certificate can be obtained at the same time and not expire.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-08-27 05:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow Do I Answer This Question At The POE?
I was going to say the 2nd date as well. That's the one that counts to them :)

Have a safe journey hon! God bless!!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-20 03:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI was hoping this wouldn't happen...
Thank you all!!! I sure can't wait to see him. I don't know what we're going to do first...well actually I do. He wants pizza. HA!!!!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-04-14 17:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI was hoping this wouldn't happen...
Looks like it wasn't so bad. :) FH was notified today that his AP was completed yesterday and that he needs to come to the Embassy with his passport. Apparently they were trying to contact him since yesterday but were calling the number he had when he was actually in Dakar. The person told him they remembered him telling them that he had a Gambia number (since his cell phone only works inside Gambia) and called that number today. He said the person was very excited to finally reach him and deliver the news.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-04-13 21:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI was hoping this wouldn't happen...
Yep I call every week on my day off! :) it's become quite the routine. :lol:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-25 14:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI was hoping this wouldn't happen...

awww, sorry to hear that! hope the AP process is quick for you guys.

Will keep you both in my prayers. Hope this is a step forward. Keep your chin up kiddo and let God do his work. :thumbs:

Thank you both! :thumbs:

God is good and He always has our best in mind because He knows just how he's planned our lives. This little setback has caused us to have to switch a few things around but overall, I know it will be ok. :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-21 17:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaIs there a "Too Soon" for getting the employment letter?

seeing your timeline, I think is too soon to get the letter, you do not know how long take you get your NOA2.

I recommend wait until have the NOA2 and he can start with his immunizations, I think that is better if his vaccines are recent to the appointment medical

Agreed on the employment letter. Optimally you will want this within 30 days of the date of the interview. Remember the purpose is to show current employment. Recent pay stubs are also helpful to prove employment and wages.

It does not matter when the vaccines are done. If you PM me with your personal email, I can send you the list I received in May 2009. I don't think the vaccine requirements have changed since then, but you can always call the Embassy and ask them to email you a current list.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2010-04-05 22:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow strict is the Costa Rican Embassy?

Thank you so much, it really helps to know that you have been there at that embassy. I know the different embassies vary in what they might think is acceptable so that's why I posted to the regional forum. Thanks also for the thoughts on the numbers.

Dad is planning on completing that joint sponsor form (I forget the number right now, maybe something about 325a??). Do you think he needs to have anything else filled out/notarized, etc before I leave? I would hate to have the interview and realize I needed something else.

I am not 100% sure, but I think the joint sponsor form may need to be notarized.

Thanks for this, I hadn't thought about it, but my mom is working on a photo book with pictures of us together so I can take it with me. This will include (among other photos) the newspaper announcement of our engagement, the church bulletin where he preached which announced our engagement, about 2 dozen photos of him and I together while he was here, photos of events with all my family who met him over the holidays, etc.

Do you think that type of evidence, along with transcripts of our Skype conversations, emails we've sent and letters I've mailed him thru the postal mail will be enough to convince them if I am there in person at the interview, also? If not, what else can we use? I guess my mom could write him a letter, too, they have a really good relationship and she does that anyway with emailing him.

We do have a ring, it is not a big flashy engagement ring as we're missionaries & just don't have the desire to buy a diamond ring. Plus I'm sorry to say I lost the receipt before I realized I needed to keep it. But I wear it all the time, that is my engagement ring. Just don't have a receipt.

Any other tips on proving our relationship is valid?

Not sure how far your mom has gotten on the album and regardless it will be meaningful to you, but a suggestion is to make an album through one of the online sites. A smaller size is good b/c you will need to hand all you evidence under the glass. I made an 8x8 of pictures taken over time with FAMILY and FRIENDS - pretty cheap and not too labor intensive. Be sure to put captions: what, when, who in picture - this makes it all very easy for the lovely lady at the Embassy.

If the agent does not suspect fraud, she will probably ask for very little actually. She may want to see both passports, as this is the only way to truly verify trips. She may ask some questions to either one of you about the other's family just to make sure you really do know each other!

Another suggestion - do you know who will marry you yet? Might be helpful to take a letter from that person. No worries if not! The ring is not important.

One of the most key things is being able to prove that you can communicate. It appears your fiance speaks English, so you should be fine there.

YES, definitely I will be there!!!! :dance: Did you have any options as far as your appointment date? Meaning, did they set your appointment date REALLY SOON after they received your packet? I'm wondering how much time I'll have to get a ticket and arrive there, as there are not a lot of flights from my area to San Jose. Have to be sure to plan ahead as much as we can. I'd hoped to fly Frontier but their seasonal flights to San Jose ends in August so since I don't know when we will have the interview, obviously it's too soon to buy the ticket.

Any flight or airline recommendations?

Thanks sooo much for all the help you have both given me, I'm feeling a little better now.

In San Jose, your fiance (or you, which is my suggestion) will call to set your own appointment. Generally the earliest would be within two weeks of picking up the packet, but you can push it out a bit more. They are pretty accomodating.

Make sure they have a good phone number for him b/c that is how they will advise him to come and get the packet. When they call, they will set a time for him to come pick it up. Everything that needs to be done can easily be done within two weeks or less.

Where are you flying from? I am within range of NYC, so I can fly direct with Continental and Taca. Will you be bringing your fiance back with you?

TRY NOT TO STRESS!!! It will all work out and, after all this waiting for the 3-5 minute interview you will likely have, you will laugh about it one day!
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2010-04-27 20:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow strict is the Costa Rican Embassy?
While finances were not an issue for me (been on my own working for a while), I tend to feel that the straight numbers should not be an issue for you. I would not turn down a career opportunity (internship) because you are worried about numbers. The Embassy is reasonable and will understand that you are a student, so obviously the majority of the income will not be yours. If anything, they may want to speak with your father via phone just to confirm he understands his commitment. Having parental sponsors is very common!

From experience (we were the last interview of the day and overheard almost every single one before ours), focus on proving the validity of your relationship over finances. You had a short courtship and are still completing your studies. None of these are bad things!!! Just be aware that the interviewer may question you about them. Both of you will be there, right? That is KEY in San Jose.

Edited by Married2aTico, 22 April 2010 - 10:31 AM.

Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2010-04-22 10:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Reports & Apostiles- Urgent help needed
I also sort of doubt this will be a big deal. Make sure you have it translated of course, like all the other documents. Unless they suspect his stay in Honduras, I doubt they will even look at that report more than a glance. After all, he was there as a student, right? Based on our previous convos, I think it's very obvious that neither of you are into illicit activities!

Keep in mind too that if they want to approve a case that has some missing pieces, they may just ask you to come back with what they want.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2010-06-08 19:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Jun 7 2008, 06:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow Family,

You guys have me tearing up over here! Thank you ALL so much for your well wishes! I don't feel nervous or anxious about my wedding this feels 'just right'! laughing.gif I am truly blessed to have such good friends that would take the time to wish us the best! Again you humble us!

Ken's good...we picked up the rings last night and he tried it on and kept complaining that it felt funny and it was tight! I just looked at him and he said well 'it 's just something me a guh haffi get used to!" I was like yeah DYAM RIGHT!!!!
laughing.gif laughing.gif

I am surprised how well things are coming along...consdering the procrastinator in me waited until LAST WEEK to find a oufit and a place for the reception...etc! laughing.gif The theme (I don't even think weddings have themes...but ours does...laughing.gif) is 'Forever Young'.

I found a quote in the Bible that read...'A heart that loves is Forever Young'...and I'm running with it! The colors are grey/silver, lavender and white. I am driving EVERYONE crazy looking for lavender ish! laughing.gif My youngest son, Gavin brought a home a lavender BASEBALL yesterday and was like we can use it in the wedding??? blink.gif laughing.gif

Everyone is excited...I am just bless-ed ...My boys love Ken, he loves father adores Ken..thinks he's the best thing since sliced hardo bread! wacko.gif Ken keeps practicing the speech he is going to make on behalf of himself and his new wife...over and over and OVER again!!! wacko.gif laughing.gif ...He hates public speaking!...But he'll be fine!

SO again, that I have a good man, family, and friends like you make me truly fortunate. I will post pics by Monday...Promise! I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Yardie & Jawi it so good hearing from you guys...I missed you! Thank you all again and ya'll are the best!!!

Good luck to Nbesaw today is her wedding!

Many blessings and much love, Gill

Jamaica to CTFemale02008-06-07 05:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (clairern @ Jun 7 2008, 06:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gill, I am so happy for you. You are truly blessed. I can hear the excitement but calmness in your writing and I hope and pray that you both have a blessed day. rose.gif good.gif

Goodluck also to Nbesaw on her nuptial today. We love you both. heart.gif kicking.gif

Best wishes to Nbesaw today and Gill and Ken tomorrow! heart.gif rose.gif heart.gif rose.gif
Jamaica to CTFemale02008-06-07 05:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Best wishes to Gill and Ken on their upcoming wedding!! rose.gif rose.gif

Jamaica to CTFemale02008-06-06 05:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Together @ Jun 3 2008, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Everyone,
It's been awhile since I've been on this forum. There are so many new people on the board since I was last on. I wish you all the best in your processes. We're currently in the process of removing conditions. I put an update on the other thread started by Jonesie for removing conditions. I hope to be on this site more often. It has truly helped us in our process.


Saundra luv.gif welcome back girl!

Michele rose.gif
Jamaica to CTFemale02008-06-04 06:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 19 2008, 09:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Tre.....

Does Marcel still work at HI? If not, who knows someone that works at Holiday Inn Sunspree in Mo Bay?

I heard rumor all employees got letters stating their services are no longer needed. Andre's mom said she heard they were picketing in front of the hotel in protest and blocking all guests from entering and exiting. She said they called in the police.

Only problem I have with that story is if they fired all the employees, how did they have guests at all? I am thinking maybe they got letters stating WHEN their services would no longer be needed and it coincides with what I heard before.

Anyhow, I need some confirmation and we can't get a hold of Richard. Anyone know anything?

Holiday Inn sends 60 workers on Permanent Holiday

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 19 May 2008 - 09:27 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02008-05-19 21:27:00