K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC cases transferred to CSC
Since it seems a bunch of VSC cases from Sept. and Oct. were transferred to CSC, does that mean good.gif I should get my hopes up for a quicker approval? Just trying to stay positive.

BTW... I-129F NOA1 11/4/08 and still no status available online or through phone system...
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-17 23:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife just called
I am hoping to see my husband in a few weeks. All this travel is not the best thing for my job (and in this economy, I am just grateful to have one) or finances, but at the end of the day, my marriage is MUCH more important and my husband has been so down lately. However, it will be such a quick trip that I will just be getting there, when we are sad b/c I have to leave again. I tell him to hope for the Spring, but the reality is it probably be more like June or July for approval.

I wish the best for everyone and am glad to have a place to interact with people in the same situation. Until you live this, no one can really understand it. Everyone has well wishes, but no one knows what it is like to have your whole life and dreams on hold for something as petty as geography.

BUT, then, I have to remember the incredible beauty and joy it is in finding that one person in the whole world that is your other half. Many people search all their lives and do not find that one. I am so thankful to God for the gift of my husband and know that this too shall pass and we will be together. heart.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-27 01:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Missing your spouse - weekend party...
Figured I'd join the party. I tried to call my husband, but his brother said I just missed him. He said he went to dinner, but said he would be coming back to their business (where I call). I've been trying like every 10 mintues and no luck.
I really need him today more than ever. I have an ex-boyfriend from three years ago that is still harassing me. I changed my phone number about two months ago and it appears that somehow he has it now. All the "blocked id" calls have started all over again. (and, yes, I have gone to the police and they will do nothing.)
I really need to talk to my hubby!!! Plus, I was planning on visiting in a couple of weeks, but they changed the reward points for the dates, so I don't have enough to go free and the fares are pricey right now.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-31 22:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any Approvals Week 26 Jan'09

Exactly! If you look at my timeline, everyone can see, I am early in the process. My husband and I have been apart since day 1 (05/2006), so, if I just knew when to aim for, I could plan accordingly. That is the infuriating part of this process. The waiting is not.

And, yes, we are customers! We have paid for a service via fees and taxes, and should be treated as such.


I am not contacting the ACLU b/c I have no rights. I am contacting them because of the inequality and disparity in the current system.


We all realize that the system is very flawed. I just want to remain positive and feel like I am at least trying to bring attention to the issue. Waiting is fine, but inequality and misleading is not, whether it is intentional or not. Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I truly believe that the disparity is not intentional. It is just the result of system that needs to rework its SOP's.

As many of us experience when we tell coworkers, friends and family members, the American public is wholly unaware of how spousal/fiance immigration works. In my experience, people seem appauled that this system functions the way it does, so the more public we can make it, the more likely we will see positive change down the line. good.gif

Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-29 01:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any Approvals Week 26 Jan'09
Aruba, thx for the additions. Maybe we should get t-shirts made. If I didn't have a company car, I swear I would have some signage by now devil.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-28 18:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any Approvals Week 26 Jan'09
QUOTE (gaissossi @ Jan 28 2009, 06:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I also agree that as US citizens we should have the right to bring our spouses here in a very timely manner...After all, isn't that our God-given right regardless of whether the person we fell in love with is American or not?

Thanks to those who responded and helped me make sense of what is going on (I'm not sure I use that word as nothing makes sense lol) ...just finished breaking down earlier ...So much pain and helplessness built up inside that I can't help to let loose sometimes. I can't even get my confort hug....I was telling my husband on MSN video chat that I feel like a volcano lately, any little thing is bound to make my tears come out and even when we laugh I always laugh with a certain incomplete feeling inside and end up choking on tears right after. This is the first time in my life where laughter has caused such a weird feeling!! But it sort of helps to talk it out with others in similar situations. Hang in there and good luck to all smile.gif

Volcano is a good decription. The stress of not knowing what will happen tomorrow is horrible, and can drive the best of us to volatility.

Since I sent the I-130, I feel like I have been on one constant rollercoaster. It's like a severe and permanent PMS.

I'm going to call it I.S.:
Immigration Syndrome

incubation period-
Varies but generally begins when one realizes that s/he wants to spend the rest of his/her life with a non-USC

Only if sufferer introduces friends/relatives to other wonderful non-USC's who they might want to spend their lives with too

The complete and total nonsensical way in which USCIS handles petitions, and the inability to receive any accurate information ever.

frustration with USCIS
anger with USCIS
loss/gain of appetite
major financial strain
major emotional strain
feeling like no one understands/ cares about your situation
spontaneous crying at any time of the day or night and for any reason
possible unhealthy levels of banter with your pets (see loneliness)
frequent (or downright excessive) visits to USCIS webpage & VJ

VARIES immensely and can be explained in NO logical way


Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-28 18:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any Approvals Week 26 Jan'09
The more I think about the inequalities in this system, the more I am thinking this is a Civil Rights issue. As USC's, we are supposed to have equal rights. Where is the equality when geography (CSC vs. VSC disparity) and luck of the draw is determinant on the order in which a gov't application is processed?

While we are petitioning for non-USC's, we, USC's, are the ones filing and we have rights to be treated equally and fairly. I understand that this system will never be an exact queue, but disparities of more than 4 or 6 months in processing is not acceptable. If a petition is "complicated", than the applicant should at least be notified that they will be subject to a longer processing time and the reason. Those applications should then be sent to a group of specialized adjucators and not kept in the queue to hold up the rest. That would be reasonable. Instead, we are all left in limbo and castigated for making inquiries.

I am going to contact the ACLU and will keep everyone posted. It's time we make some noise.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-28 17:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any Approvals Week 26 Jan'09
The only answer any of us has is that there is no reason at all to this process and you absolutely cannot rely on any information on the website. I know that doesn't help, but unfortunately no sense can be made out of a senseless process. They sort of go by dates, sort of by country, military gets priority, and the pace of the actual officer where your case lands. Sadly there is no magical matrix that takes into account these moving variables.

As for the Oct/Nov I-130 petitions that are being approved, I am assuming these are the guys that are the stand alone I-130's that were transferred to CSC. We are told that the K3 is the fastest way, but these guys, who knowingly chose the slower route, are coming out ahead. I don't begrudge them, but it is a slap in the face to those of us who thought we were taking the fastest route. Had I not filed the I-129F in conjunction with my I-130, there's about a 99% chance that my case would have gone to CSC and I would be doing the happy dance right now. Instead I am raw from this latest slap in the face.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-28 15:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any Approvals Week 26 Jan'09
QUOTE (esposadetucho @ Jan 26 2009, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got a call from my husband. He was just held up at gun point in a taxi. They took everything. His phone, his ID, his money... I just sent him money last night so he was coming out of the bank to go to the store. he grabbed a taxi and 5 minutes into the ride, they robbed him and let him out of the car.
Thank god they didn't hurt him but he was a mess when he called me. This is the second time this has happened to him in about 2-3 months. last time he was at work.
This is another reason why I want him here with me. COSTA RICA is BULL SH!T.

I NEED MY APPROVAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry to hear about your husband's ordeal. I'm confused though... Did he get into a fake taxi? The red ones are the only ones that are official and the drivers are required to have their i.d. numbers clearly posted. Or was he sharing it with someone and that was who robbed him?
Regardless, it is a bad situation. It is very sad that some pockets of Costa Rica have become unsafe b/c it is such a beautiful country and their economy is so dependent on tourism.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-26 17:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any Approvals Week 26 Jan'09
QUOTE (esposadetucho @ Jan 26 2009, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just called.. waste of my time.
I don't understand how one person tells me one thing and the next person says they don't have any information .

This time I was transferred and I asked to speak to a supervisor. While the supervisor would not talk with me on the phone, I was told that they never have any information on expedited files. Only that if it is expedited it will just move to processing. And friday I was told it is in Processing due to the expedite. So I wish I had some clarification. Did they approve the expedite request and they are processing my file or WHAT?????? They rep did say that if I received a request for evidence, then it is safe to say that someone has been assigned to my file and it is on someones desk. The rep told me if I don't hear anythign in 30 days I can request another expedite. I can't believe he said that. But he did say I can request another one on February 6th. I will be in Costa Rica then.
The rep said I should request the expedite through the congressional office due to their inside contacts.

Also, One last bit of info.... Sonia, you are right. The rep told me not to go by the website. It is not accurate. He said it can take a week to update sometimes if at all.

Now I'm frustrated again. I was in such a good mood this morning. My positive attitude jumped out the freakin' window

I can assure you the website is not always up-to-date. I have an NOA1 of 11/04/08 for the I-129F and the website STILL says it is a nonexistent! Finally, last Friday I was given an email to contact to have the case uploaded. (It was not the first time I called about this either.)

As for the CR embassy, you are right that they USC's are generally treated very well. However, my husband, who has applied for two visas (travel and student), was treated pretty awful both times. When he applied for his student visa, the agent actually told him he had no need to take English classes b/c his American wife sh/could teach him. (P.S. These were not fluff classes to get him here faster- He applied to and was accepted to the UConn American English Language Institute for a full time course of study.)
Taking those experiences into account, I can assure you I will not send him on the K3 interview alone, and would not suggest it for you either.

Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-26 16:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any APPROVALS week of FEB 17, 2009
Isn't it about that time to start the weekend party strand? I have a hot weekend with the cats planned. Tonight we'll eat take out and watch Soap Opera network and HGTV. Then tomorrow, we'll do laundry.

And to think last weekend I was with my husband in Costa Rica enjoying Valentine's Day. Sniffle.

I'm trying to keep my chin up b/c we have seen some marginal improvement at VSC in the last couple of months. My fingers are crossed and I'm clicking my heels that maybe they'll be down to six months when they get to Oct./Nov. petitions.

Also, I'm really hoping that everyone who is due gets an approval next week!
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-02-20 16:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any APPROVALS week of FEB 17, 2009
OMG! Just saw a CSC app from Nov. approved. Happy for them, but ####### for us VSC suckers???? ohmy.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-02-20 00:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Weekend Party
Hi everyone! Just thought I'd check in for the first time today. It's been a thrilling day of running errands in the rain. I have a raging headache too, but got to talk to Diego on the phone, so I can't complain too much. Business was good today and his crabby brother was slightly more tolerable than usual, so he was in a good mood. Tomorrow he is going to San Jose to work on getting some docs certified. It may be a while before we get our apporval, but we want to have all the CR1 stuff ready and will hopefully flip things from a K3 to CR1.

Lisa, Jen is right. There are lizards to spare in Costa Rica. Outside of my husband's cafe there is one that comes and begs like a dog. If one drop of smoothie or a piece of lettuce hits the ground, he's all over it. I think they even have a name for him by now.

Jen, Tell Tucho no matter what, go to a private dentist. The free public ones will not do any repairs, but just pull the tooth. There is good medicine in Costa, just not the free kind. When Diego broke his wrist (yes, one day before our wedding, he fell from 2 stories stringing lights at my request- still feel guilty on that one), we took him to the Clinica Biblica and the treatment was excellent. BUT this a private hospital. The whole deal (x-ray, consult with ortho surgeon, cast and meds) came to about $200. On the other hand, we just had a friend who went to have her tubes tied at the public clinic and they cut her from hip bone to hip bone. Diego said it was horrifying.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-02-22 18:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Weekend Party
Lisa, Saw a scorpion up close and personal last week in Costa Rica. Thought you would appreciate. I'll upload the pics to FB.

BTW- just got up at 11:30 and ate cake for breakfast.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-02-21 12:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 weekend party
Jen, We have white stuff in CT too. I really hope this is the last of it, since it's March!

I really shouldn't bumble around VJ. I just found a couple (Tico beneficiary and all) whose I-130 date was a few weeks after mine that got approved at the end of January (under 90 days!). I'm really happy for them, but #######? That's what we get for filing for the I-129F!!!! I don't know whether to cry or be angry. I feel like I was led to believe one thing and the truth is the exact opposite.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-03-01 12:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 weekend party
Just thought I'd check into the fiesta for today. I was supposed to help out at a food drive this morning, but woke up a migraine paired with a full on head cold. Lucky me! I finally ran some errands and went to a low key benefit dinner tonight. Now I'm chatting with the hubby, so gotta go.

Hope everyone is doing well! yes.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-02-28 22:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 weekend party
Just wanted to check in to the party. I'm on antibiotics, so punch for me too.

Funny that furniture came up- I was just looking longingly at sofas today. However I live in fear that my darlingly kitties will shred a new sofa just like they've done with the one I have now. I put in some IKEA bookshelves a few months ago and it was quite the task by myself. My mom was screaming at me over the phone. She was certain she'd hear on the news that a CT woman died under the weight an IKEA bookshelf. I probably should have waited for Diego on that one, but I can't help that I want everything to already be nice when he gets here. I might be kind of crazy, but it keeps me busy anyway! goofy.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-02-27 23:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMistake on the G325A I need your help (urgent)
I inadvertently put my step daughter's birthday one day off on the I-130. When I called USCIS, I was told to send a letter stating the typo and asking that it be corrected. I would suggest doing the same.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-03-15 23:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWeekend Party
Jen, I'm signed in now. I was chatting with the hubby but he went to get a drink. His new place doesn't have a fridge. Oh, and the air mattress is totally flat. My poor baby! You can always call too.

Que, I surprised my husband over Xmas. I contacted his sister and flew down the day before he was coming to his Mom's for the Holiday. He walked in really tired and I was there. I was so happy to see him I cried like a baby. I had kept the secret for over 2 months. It was crazy! Good luck.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-03-15 21:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWeekend Party
QUOTE (SteveColo @ Mar 15 2009, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hit and run everybody ...

I just put in 2 12 hours days with little sleep and I'm exhausted ... plus my afternoon did not finish on a good note ...

Wish you all luck for the upcoming week good.gif

Hey Steve,

Hang in there! The $ is worth it. Since I'm bilingual, from time to time I do promo work on the weekends. It is mindless handouts at the grocery store, but I'm on my feet for hours. BUT those stints have paid for a couple of tix to Costa, so I'm not complaining.

Plus, better to pass the weekends working these days instead of waiting for VSC/NVC to open on Monday!

I, on the other hand, spent the weekend shopping. Now I need to go through it all and determine what I'm keeping... I can't fit my clothes in the walk-in closet now!
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-03-15 20:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWeekend Party
Hi all,

Sorry I'm so late to the party! I got back really late Friday night and have spent yesterday and today getting up late and shopping Friends & Family weekend at Gap, Banana and Old Navy. Goo, my credit card... I know as soon as the hubby is here, I won't have time to shop, so that will solve that issue!

Yes, it is crazy how this process makes you look forward to Mondays. Saturday and Sunday have just become days when VSC/NVC aren't working on petitions. ClockWatch2.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-03-15 17:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 versus K1 - on a time crunch
WELL - you guys were right. Rushing this was a bad idea. My entire package got sent back to me this afternoon stating the I-129 I submitted, although correct, was the wrong revision. :help: Can you believe that? So now I have four options as I see it - ALL of which are difficult:

1. Proceed with regular wedding dates in December, and apply for K3 at that point. Wait for her for up to a year with this option.

2. Fanagle some vacation time and a trip to India now - get married with a small ceremony. Apply for K1 immediately afterwards. This option unlikely because much-needed family members, much-needed time, and much-needed funds will not be present.

3. Postpone the whole wedding to July '07, thereby applying again for K1. Probably most feasble.

4. Proceed with K1 right away - and lie to the authorities when they ask us after December "are you married". Highly unlikely option in a post 9/11 world.

djveedNot TellingIndia2006-08-02 16:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 versus K1 - on a time crunch
That sounds pretty reasonable actually. A small wedding ceremony in India relatively soon. Can we withdraw applications at any point for any reason? Let's say - hypothetically - I already applied for the fiance visa K1. And let's say I fanagle a way to have a legal marriage in August. Can I withdraw that application and apply for K3 spouse visa?
djveedNot TellingIndia2006-07-24 10:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 versus K1 - on a time crunch
Well it seems that it's just too risky to go with the K1 when we only have five months. Looks like I'm gonna have to get married soon then! The K3 process is very similar, correct? When already married - the K3 is the fastest option ?

djveedNot TellingIndia2006-07-19 08:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 versus K1 - on a time crunch
Here's the scoop-

I'm engaged to a girl in India. She's fantastic. We have a wedding date set for December 28, 2006, about five months away. I have not applied for anything yet - is it wise to apply for a fiance visa at this stage, five months ahead? Or is this cutting it too close? On the flipside - I could get married legally this week, enabling applying for K3 spouse visa. This way no matter when our wedding celebration is planned, the spouse visa is still legit and legal. Or - does the forum think it's fine to apply for the K1 now because it most likely will be wrapped up before the wedding?

Thanks guys! Kinda new here. :help:
djveedNot TellingIndia2006-07-18 09:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi-130 new form confusion
The site entry page:

site entry page

Here it says Prior Versions are Acceptable. So - if the top of my form says Expires 01/31/07 - I should still be okay to send out, right??

djveedNot TellingIndia2007-02-04 22:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa before K3
So what I'm gathering is this -

1 - It will definitely not hurt ANY process to apply for a tourist Visa at any stage of the I-130, K3, CR-1, or any visa at all. Might as well try.

2 - Highly unlikely you'll be accepted for obvious reasons.

Is this a good summary? Are there ANY success stories of accepted tourist visas while processing is waiting?

djveedNot TellingIndia2007-02-04 21:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnoa1

Congratulations on your NOA1. I'm still waiting for my I-130 NOA1. I think I wanna cry. :(

Any luck on NOA1 mononoke? If the check cashed this is good news. Plus I hear you can look at the back of the check for your case number, and then just throw that into the USCIS website for updated status.
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-03-05 02:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnoa1
So it seems some of us here are on the EXACT same track. I got married Dec 24th and received my K-3 NOA1 on 26th February.

What are we thinking for NOA2? I've seen most of them for K-3 hit at two months, but a little less. So I'm praying for early April, expecting late April.

QUESTION - :unsure: - What exactly do we do now? The guide isn't all that clear. I know I start to gather supporting documents like 384 or whatever. But what does SHE do while waiting in India?

djveedNot TellingIndia2007-02-28 01:20:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow long does it take from the vermont service center actullay recieveing the application
The average time elapsed for the 10 people who sent out their application around the same time as me is 10 business days to receiving the NOA1.
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-03 23:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F AND I-130 APPROVED
Oh man there's a whole new vocabulary involved! I was just getting my Ks AND Is down - now we're involved with PACKETS!

So start getting ready to send stuff to India, right? Since these both were approved today - which do I follow K-3 or I-130?
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-05 14:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F (K-3) Moved to VSC

You sent your I-129f petition to Chicago and MSC is no longer processing these petitons anymore. All K-3 are being transferred to CSC or VSC based on your address. In your case it was sent to VSC for processing. Good luck!

So is this good or bad for the time length?
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-03-05 16:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F (K-3) Moved to VSC
Hi all. I received this email from USCIS.

"On March 2, 2007, we transferred this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) to our VERMONT SERVICE CENTER location for processing and sent you a notice explaining this action."

It went on explaining legal jargon. This was for the K-3, after applying for the I-130. What does this mean??
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-03-05 02:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures1 year I-130 stay still in VSC ... not approved yet
If it's taking so long that it's outside of normal processing time - you can contact your state congressman. Once it falls outside of normal timings, they step in and they usually are helpful. Same thing goes for the Senator to a lesser extent than the Congressman.
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-15 13:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 I-130 Approved Same Day?

Congrats and I received approval of both the same day as well and am pursuing K3 which is the fastest way

Congrats Khurram!!
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-19 11:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 I-130 Approved Same Day?
You guys have been great. Thanks for all your support. This whole process is easier with

Okay so we've been approved! :dance: Our package will be sent to Chennai in India within a few days, God-willing. I'm going forward with the K-3. But I'm really confused.
  • Chennai will receive the package and then send out Packet 3? Is this right? What is packet 4??
  • On this page (http://www.visajourn...amp;cty=Chennai), the contents of Packet 4 are listed but nothing on Packet 3. Where can I get the contents and form for packet 3, as everyone is suggesting to start before Chennai actually sends it out?
  • Do I send my wife my I-134 or I-864?
Thanks again people. You guys are great.
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-15 12:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 I-130 Approved Same Day?
Well the CR-1 is longer than the K3. So - the choice is quite simple.

Loneliness isn't an option. :-)
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-05 15:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 I-130 Approved Same Day?

1) You have been approved. You can choose the K-3 which is quicker, or stay with CR-1. The CR-1 will require you to wait a little longer.
2) You wait for Packet 3, and the Approval Notice. Prepare your I-134 Form, and gather police certificates.
3) Depends how quickly the Embassy can schedule an interviewl

Okay great! Let's celebrate! So packet 3, check out the website for packet 3 download, prepare I-134 form, and pray? Am I missing anything at all?
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-05 14:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 I-130 Approved Same Day?


djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-05 14:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 I-130 Approved Same Day?
Hi! I haven't received anything yet, but I've been getting emails. These both came in within two hours of each other. The first says

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)
Current Status: Approval notice sent.

The second says:

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

Now does that mean I have NOA2s for BOTH of these? Whaat? I don't get it.

#1 What does this mean?
#2 What do I do now (which docs etc)?
#3 How much time left before US entry approximately???

Should I be celebrating?
djveedNot TellingIndia2007-04-05 14:31:00