K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCancelling visa application
The OP has her answer regarding how to "cancel" the visa application.

I think what the others are saying in a roundabout way is to make sure that they (OP & fiance) have considered what waiting will do to their finances versus getting it over with now. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the costs of everything and think giving up for the time being is going to save us. What may seem like saving money right now may not be saving in the long run. The questions that came up for me reading this were:

1- Were these financial obstacles thought about before paying the filing fee for the petition? If so, how were they thought to be overcome at that time and why has it changed?

2- Has the OP considered that maintaining the international relationship over a few years may very likely cost more plus the added cost of filing for her fiance (or spouse if they decide to get married)?

3- Is there no way that the fiance can do odd jobs and save the money in preparation for his life here?

4- Does the OP's university have "marriage housing"?

5- Since the OP's parents would want them out after about two weeks would they be willing to co-sign for an apartment (even a studio apartment) for them?

I know for me, these questions came up because I was in a similar position. I'm in school right now and I was only do odd jobs/trying to get my home daycare business up and running when I realized that 1- I didn't make enough self employed to get my fiance here without a co-sponsor, 2- we had no savings at all, 3- I loved him too much to continue to be away from him 4- I did the math and it would cost MORE to continue this relationship until I got out of school and was working steadily in my field. So what I ended up doing was getting two part time jobs around my school schedule then miraculously, a good full time job came up. They were even willing to work around my school schedule. FH is doing odd jobs and saving the money from those jobs. When he gets ready to come over here, he'll sell many of his things and send all the money over here through Western Union so he'll be able to have his own money even if it's just a little because of the exchange rate. We've talked about this and decided that we are committed to putting in this hard work from the beginning of our lives together. (I'm by no means saying that you guys haven't thought about this...I'm just telling you what my FH and I have said).

I totally understand what you're going through. I would just hate to see you give up because things look cloudy for the moment. If you've considered the above questions and they just don't work for you, well then you gave it your best shot. I just pray that you've thought everything through. This is certainly NOT the end of the road, it's just the beginning but it also doesn't ALWAYS make the most sense to start over completely. This is a very difficult decision. I wish the two of you the best of luck. (L)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-09-26 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched ..... Where?
Geesh! Well at least you got your answer hon. As far as asking questions ask away. Many will answer so don't worry. FWIW I've often found that searching for specific info takes MORE than 5 minutes especially because our wonderful little home here picks up just about every post that has the word(s) you queried. It even searches profiles :lol:

Go ahead ask away! :D
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-07 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHit a major snag... it may be over
Hi Lori. I don't have much in the way of advice because everyone else has given you some good options. I just wanted to give you a big hug of support. I recently had to return to working for someone else after periods of being unemployed and trying to start my own business that didn't work out. I have to say though a lot of the stress I was feeling with having to find a cosponsor has been alleviated since starting this new job. I figure it's only a couple years that I'll have to sacrifice while we get on our feet as a family. That thought has made it a little easier to bear. Plus my honey will be here soon. :)

Good luck to you. I know you'll work it out. This is not the end. :D
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-11 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt's possible I made a mistake... is it too late to fix?
Try not to stress yourself too much honey. What I have found especially where our beloved Nigerians are concerned is that everything is subjective. It all depends on how that particular CO is feeling at that time. Seriously. So your best bet is not to stress. Just put your energy into preparing your case to say this relationship is real, we are only engaged, we are getting married in the US, etc. I would even get a signed statement from those in attendance saying it was only a party and not a marriage ceremony. You will have enough stress with waiting don't add to it. :) you included the pictures. It's done. Now it's time to prepare for the interview while you wait for approval of the petition. We're here for you. :D
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-13 02:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with the waiting game

Aw thanks for reading! Yeah, my fiancé and I are really interested in documenting this process. Writing about it is sort of therapeutic for us, especially since we have been slacking on our creativity lately. This acts as a release as well as a motivator to write more regularly. I am the posts tagged The American and he's posts tagged The Englishman. At least something good is coming out of this crazy waiting game.

Ooooh we started a blog too! Mostly to keep in contact with each other and to give our family and friends some entertaining reads. We hardly do any writing though. LOL Just posting pictures and YouTube videos and the like. It's a lot of fun.

Other things I've been doing to pass the time are rearranging the house, making hair jewelry and websites for ppl, going to school (just about to start my last term for Massage Therapy), working and planning our wedding. I've also been doing a lot of imagining what our lives will be like when he gets here. This waiting thing is VERY aggravating but I just look forward to having this first hurdle be over with. I miss him so much and even though we have skype he doesn't have a camera so he can see me but I can't see him. Even writing this I'm thinking about him and missing him even more. ARRRRGGGHHHH Calgon take me away. LOL
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-08-31 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupport with only recent employment
A W-2 is the yearly statement of wages, taxes and tips etc that a person receives from an employer. It's received from any employer a person has had during a given year. Most people use this to file their income tax.

Edited to correct typo

Edited by PurpleSky, 17 October 2010 - 07:15 AM.

PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-17 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow long are papers valid
It would be better for you to do the paperwork over because you want to make sure you have the current version I-129F, the current instructions with the mailing address of the TX lockbox plus you will both need to have current letters of intent and Bio forms.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-17 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThink this would help?
Thanks Jim. My current employment is definitely over the guidelines. Just thought this could possibly put a couple sprinkles on the sundae so to speak. :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-19 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThink this would help?
I graduate in Dec from a massage therapy program. So I've been considering having a letter from my school stating potential income of licensed massage therapists in my state to include with the financial paperwork I'll be giving my fiancé for his interview. Think this is a good idea? From the consulate reviews looks like Senegal likes to see good finances from the Petitioner. I've just started a job a couple weeks ago making a pretty good salary so we're covered there. I just thought perhaps this letter could possibly help.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-18 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo you have to use it right away?
My personal opinion is that something this important shouldn't be left up to another's discretion. What I mean is who's to say that the officer won't just activate the visa despite your fiance's attempt and explanation otherwise? Heck, the officer may even think that your FH doesn't want to marry you any longer and is trying to enter the US under false pretenses. Under most other circumstances when people get approved K1 Visas they absolutely want to get married right away (or at least in the 90day timeframe) thereby having the visa activated. With all these things going on I just would be so fearful of something going wrong and you having to see your honey denied re-entry (because the "re-entry" officer may see your honey's entrance stamp from before the honeymoon even though the K1 hadn't been activated and determine that the stamp itself "activated" the 90 day requirement and because ya'll went to the DR the K1 is no longer valid since it's a single entry). If he is denied entry you would have to start all over with a spousal visa. I would really hate to "see" that happen. This is already a costly process and I'm sure you don't have money to just give away.

Having said there no way that the following scenario will work?

Talk with your vendors for the "wedding" and see if you can push the date back until you return from DR
Prior to that have him hurriedly pack a few belongings and have them shipped to you while putting the rest in storage for a few months (until AOS is approved)
Then he leaves from Canada & meets you in DR for your "honeymoon"
Return to the States together (thereby activating the K1)
Have the wedding
Live happily ever after
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-08-29 00:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPresent with fiancee at K-1 interview?
Not required but definitely encouraged. :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-20 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 denied---please help
Just a quick thought...if the reason for the tourist visa denial was something that presented itself again with the K1 visa denial, whatever that is would need to be rectified.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-20 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 denied---please help
What was the reason they gave for denial? We can't really help with specifics without knowing that. Whatever reason they gave, you have to prove they're wrong and/or overcome whatever obstacle it was.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-20 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCannot get some vaccines due to allergy
I was just looking up vaccination info and it said there would have to be a signed statement from your Dr stating this. I don't remember exactly which site because I got to it from the embassy website.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-24 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs Christmas still a possibility?
Thank you all for your advice. Sorry I didn't get back to y'all sooner than this. Between class and work well....LOL I actually sent an email to the Dakar embassy asking them something similar and it sounds positive but one never knows. Still waiting on my NOA2 though. :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-11-01 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs Christmas still a possibility?
Still waiting on NOA2...semi patiently :D. While I'm waiting I'm doing quite a few things with getting the house ready for him, getting info on registering him for classes, making connections, etc in anticipation of his arrival. Let's say we get the NOA2 in the next couple weeks as the timeline is estimating, would we possibly get an interview date at the end of Nov/beginning of Dec with enough time for him to possibly be here for Christmas?
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-26 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to close my petition

Amyydukk, I'm sorry this is happening to you. It can't be easy. As usual, Nik & Heather's advice is perfect. As she has said, don't do anything hasty.

My next comments aren't just for you, but for anyone else reading your thread.

I remember all too clearly those days of being apart from my spouse. Those thousands of miles; those time zone differences; those lonely nights. I remember processing for the visa and the heady excitement of every step. Long distance international relationships coupled with the "challenge" of "government interference" is truly the stuff of romance.

I've been in this marriage many years now. It's the best thing that ever happened to me. I always hope it's that way for everyone on these boards. So many times I've read the expression I once used myself - "if we can make it through this, we can make it through anything". The truth of the matter however, is something entirely different. It's not those long lonely nights and international uniqueness of these relationships that destines them to last. Quite simply, what makes these marriages work is the same thing that makes any "domestic" relationship work. It's the quality of character of the people involved and their devotion to each other.

I hope and pray for each of you here at Vj, that your relationships are true, long lasting and fulfilling. I hope you as individual couples are looking at what is the same about each other, and not captivated by what is different. I hope there is no ocean too broad that you would not cross to be together. I hope there is never a clash too broad to separate you once you are united.

And I hope there is healing, for those with the courage to put behind them a lovely memory of a love not known to many.


BEAUTIFUL response!!!!!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-11-01 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to close my petition
Amy...I'm happy you decided to leave it open for now. I am praying for clarity and closure for you if this is not who God has for you. If it is who He has for you, I'm praying for both of you to step out into your blessings and not be afraid. You know where we are...we miss you already. (L)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-11-01 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs entering U.S. and sent back to country(not deported) considered being in the U.S.?

what does IMO mean?

IMO= In My Opinion

Question: what would be wrong with saying yes even if he didn't actually come in when they will see his prints in the system, they'll think he was lying?
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-11-01 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Application UK to USA
Have you checked with your lawyer. Sometimes they hold on to info. I would also register with the USCIS once you get your receipt number. I don't think you will be here by December :( but not long after that if it's any consolation.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-11-01 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthis can't be happening!!!!
Just wanted to show support. If it's any consolation FH was told that he can show his resident permit if we haven't received his replacement passport by interview time. He can't get the visa without it but he can still go through with the interview. We were happy to hear that. I'm still wishing he didn't have to go back to Nigeria just for his passport though. :( were you able to get around that?
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-11-05 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTOUCHED AGAIN 11/17/10!!


:dance: Congratulations!!!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-11-17 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am in need for some wise advice.
I would wait until visa is in hand. You could stall the process a little more (to avoid the extreme temperature months) by letting there be a little bit of a lag before returning your paperwork and again when scheduling your interview. Also just a thought as I don't know how things work there but here if you had to give 3 months notice that means ATLEAST 3 months prior rather than having to be out in 3 months. For instance I have to give my landlord 30 days notice but I could actually tell her TODAY that I'm moving out April 30 and not incur a penalty or have to move out next month.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-11-28 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures221 g EVIDENCE OF CURRENT INCOME
Yay!!! Congrats! :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-01-10 05:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo most K-1 visa applications have a tourist visa?
My fiancé didn't either. In fact he's from a country where it's very difficult to get one so I had to go to him. I was given a 5yr multi-use visitor's visa for Gambia which is a good thing because now I can go back anytime.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-05 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGOT NOA2! Any TIPS to speed up what comes now?

You've pretty much received answers to everything already except for the question of the fee. The fee they are talking about is a separate fee from the petition. The actual visa fee is $350. :)

Good luck!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-20 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 kids, no father
I don't believe so. With the combination of them not being listed plus I'm assuming no child support orders she should be fine. I would get a notorized statement just in case stating that she's the sole provider and that she doesn't know their whereabouts (only if that's the case). I also think y'all should prepare for the small instance that they may want a signed statement from the fathers. They have a way of finding people on their own.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-20 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdhl couldnt reach address
Yep definitely have them hold for pickup at your local DHL office. That's what we did and it worked perfectly!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-28 06:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f while unemployed
Since G&A answered your questions already I'll just give you my own personal info:

I filed my K1 while being unemployed, reason being I wanted to get the process started because I knew it would be a bit of a wait. While waiting, I continued to search for a job because I really didn't want to use a co-sponsor. I made sure co-sponsors were accepted where FH would be interviewing just in case though. I also sent an email to the consulate where he'll be interviewing asking questions regarding my unemployment income, my student status and how that all would affect our process. They gave me some good information stating that it wouldn't be a problem as long as I met the income guidelines for my family size (me , FH and my child). I printed that email out to be included in the packet I send FH to bring to his interview.

My suggestion for you is if you've met the requirements for filing the K1 then go ahead and get it started while you're unemployed especially seeing that your UI is currently enough to have at max 4 ppl in your household. I suggest that you start it now because of the 2yr requirement of the K1 just so you won't run into any issues or have to rush to get a visit in. Plus given your stepson's age, as you said, time is of the essence. The good part about all this is by the time you even get to interview stage you may very well have a job by then so your UI won't even be an issue since they consider current income. FWIW, I just started a new job last week and I have to say, I'm very happy I went ahead and got the ball rolling because likely, I'll be in my current position a few months before FH's interview since we haven't even gotten our NOA2 yet. :)

Good luck!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-04 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1 Notification received...

As I called my mom stressing out she reminded me, a watched pot never boils.

OMG my grandma used to say the same thing along with "a closed mouth don't get fed" :lol:

Sorry to get off topic..

Edited by PurpleSky, 20 October 2010 - 04:18 AM.

PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-20 04:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1 Notification received...

I know! I've been thinking about it and I'm quite excited now to be quite honest!! SO glad we called USCIS :) Thank you for being so excited with me!! :dance:
Well thanks to you my sig is working - be prepared for more help when i change it :) lol

:lol: you got it!! Just ask when you're ready.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-18 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1 Notification received...
Yay Kirsty!!! First your sig is working then you guys get info on your case! This is a great day for you!!! :dance: :dance: :lol:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-18 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1 Notification received...
If it makes you feel any better most of us that didn't fill out the email notification form were waiting quite a while for our NOA1's. Once we received it we went and filled out our timelines. The good thing about your situation is your fiance sent it with confirmation so at least you guys know it got there safely. It's just a matter of going through the process. :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2010-10-17 07:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-30 Petition- Evidence of marriage.
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Nov 8 2009, 11:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, they are not a must. They are optional as is anything listed in the instructions following the words, "in addition to the required....".

Evidence of marriage is a marriage certificate. Evidence of a bona fide ongoing relationship could be many things. Affidavits from friends and relatives are usually lame and useless particularly for newlyweds who have not yet lived in the same country together.

Just to clarify:

Are you asking about evidence for the I-130 petition or the interview?

Evidence is not a requirement for the packet. Aside from your certified marriage certificate, you do not have to submit anything. I submitted no additional evidence and my petitions (I-130 and I-129F) were approved with no RFE. Remember that your petition/s only get you an interview, not an approval for legal entry into the USA.

As for the interview - yes, bring evidence. Plane tickets are not accepted as travel evidence, since there is no guarentee you were actually on the plane. Travel is evidenced solely through passport stamps. Wedding pictures are good (especially those that include friends and family) and photos that show the progression of the relationship over time. For my interview, my husband and I took a very little book we titled "The History of Us...So far". In it, we put pictures from the night we met all the way through until the present time. We put labels on all of the pics, so the Officer would not need to ask tons of questions (i.e. when, where, who is in the pic). We put the book together on and I picked it up in an hour at the local store. Very easy. In addition, of course, you will wnt to take tax docs (and employment/salary verification and w2's) to prove financial eligibility. Generally, you will be asked for very little unless fraud is suspected.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-11-08 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage Certificate or Marriage License difference?
woohoo bribey. I am sorry it took us four months to realize that was what was needed to get things done. We would have coughed up the dough much earlier! haha.

BTW- VTCR, feel free to PM me with any specific questions you have. My husband and I have been through it all and have friends that have too.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-11-08 13:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage Certificate or Marriage License difference?
I totally feel your pain because my husband and I went through the same exact situation.

You do need the offical certificate in order to file the I-130. Once it is issued by the Registry, your lawyer or spouse can pick up a copy. You will need to get it certified, translated by an approved tranlator and have the translation certified. Your lawyer will probably be able to do this for a fee or you can do the legwork (a bunch of rounds in Chepe).

My husband and I were going crazy waiting for our marriage certificate (almost four months!). In the end, a friend of ours who knew people in the Registry told us if we bribed them through him, we would get the cert. right away. Obviously I was annoyed about having to bribe gov't officials to do their job, but, less than three days after the bribe, (I think it was about $50) our cert. was issued. I am 100% convinced we would have waited another month or two or longer otherwise. Maybe you can ask your lawyer if he has any contacts at the Registry? We have various friends that have waited over six months for their marriage certs. Another thought is to try the Consulate of Costa Rica in NYC. They may be able to send a communication on your behalf. Good luck!
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-11-08 13:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on form DS-230
First, be sure to include copies of every page of ALL passports you have ever had. Make high quality color copies. Then list what you can remember. If you can't read dates, you can probably just list a month and year. Also, if you have any frequent flyer accounts or maybe even in email, you may be able to track down some more information. Good luck!
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2010-03-27 16:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStartinf to File I-130
A few responeses for you...

*What do I need for when I go hand in the I-130 at the embassy?

If you are in Costa Rica, go to the Embassy and get their literature on Direct Consular Filing. That will have the list. Among needed things will be certified, translated copies of marriages certs, divorce certs, birth certs, criminal record and a medical exam. The Embassy can fill you in on all the details. Also, remember to note the difference between required and suggested materials.

*What should I expect that day?

I believe DCF (Direct Consular Filing) cases are treated the same as other I-130 and I-129F interviews. Plan on getting there early and staying late. Take a snack and a sweater for your wife. The A/C is frigid inside. There is no privacy at all. You will be interviewed at a cashier window through glass.

*Can I move to USA and start working once we have the I-130 in?

*Do I have to come back for any additional interviews at the Costa Rican embassy?

Only if the application needs further processing. If she is approved at the interview, she can pick her visa within a few days and you will both be free to leave CR.

*Once the I-130 is approved will my US job's paycheck stubs be enough, making $500+ a week, or will I need a sponsor since I haven't worked in the USA for the last 2 years and haven't filed taxes?

Refer to the I-864 for poverty guidelines. Also, as part of the I-864 you generally submit the current year's tax transcript...not sure what you will need to do to proof eligibilty. If you have someone willing to sponsor, that may be your best bet. Just remember to make sure that person is aware it is a 10-year commitment.

*Will my previous divorce be an issue along with the fact that my ex-wife attempted to apply for this visa as well (and was denied)?

ABSOLUTELY! Plan on being asked about and explaining everything. Be frank and show any and all concrete evidence you have. Be honest. Make sure you take an ABUNDANCE of evidence to proove this marriage is not fraudulent: Pictures documenting the relationship over time. Pictures with relatives and friends. Affidavits from friends. Proof of cohabitation. Any intermingling of assets - joint accounts, etc.

*How much time am I looking at before I can expect my wife to join me in New Jersey?

I am sure I will have more questions but that is it for now, any additional info and guidance would be hugely appreciated.

Edited by Married2aTico, 30 March 2010 - 11:15 PM.

Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2010-03-30 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT vs CALIFORNIA
If you look historically, they flip-flop on who is the slug. Unfortnately for us VSCers, we are on the wrong side of the fence for now.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-04-14 23:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 fiance official name
I went through this process for the K3. You must use all the names because they are ALL his legal names. Also be sure to use all four on everything, even when he gets here. Some people here will automatically hyphenate the two last names, but I don't think that matters much. Good luck!
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-10-08 10:41:00