Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
I want to thank all of you for your well wishes and prayers. Tristan was shot 3 times but no vital organs were hit; thank God. I was able to speak to him briefly and he seems to be doing alright considering.

Kim, he's in Cornwall Regional Hospital in MoBay; I hope the care they have there is good.

I found out this was a case of mistaken identity and frankly I'm afraid for him to go home again. I wish he was here with me now.

Thanks again for your support (L) .

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-26 20:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Please keep us in your thoughts. Tristan was shot today on his way to work. The hospital won't release any information to me and I haven't been able to reach his mom since she called me this morning. I'm devasated and praying that he will be ok. Please, please pray for us.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-26 16:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning all (F)

Jax, hope you're feeling better soon. Me and one of my friends had a mild case of food poisoning from one such buffet a couple of years ago. I haven't been back since :no: . Make sure you replace your fluids and minerals(electrolytes) that were lost.

Take care,

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-26 04:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I'm always curious about newcomer's reactions and misconceptions about their new surroundings. So, for those whose SO's have never been to the US before their visa was issued; what was the biggest misconception they had about the US?

The first thing Michael asked me was where all the police were. For some reason he thought we would have police everywhere here :huh:

Could be all those crime/drama American TV shows and movies. Sadly too, what is shown on the international news usually shows a bad light on American life. Some areas do have all that police presence though.

Julie will your family and friends in the US be going to Jamaica for the wedding? Are you planning a large celebration?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-25 11:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Kelly-glad to hear everyone's adjusting well. I'm always curious about newcomer's reactions and misconceptions about their new surroundings. So, for Craig and Kelly and those whose SO's have never been to the US before their visa was issued; what was the biggest misconception they had about the US?

Kelly do you have a wedding date set yet? Small or large wedding? I know that you mentioned in the past that your family probably will not be receptive to Craig (interracial marriage). Do you think they'll change their minds once you get married?

For everyone else with wedding/reception/ceremony plans in the works, how's it going?
Squito? Jax? Julie?

How are the mommies-to-be doing? Also new mommies Juliana (babyjules), Georgia(popcorn)?

Mindy how did Roy like San Diego?

Best wishes to Ann and Anthony on their upcoming interview next week!!

Dru; no recent touches? :(

For those who have finished with their journeys for the time being, and those who started but for various reasons were not able to get off the ground or complete (like me); please keep in touch and let us know how you're doing :yes: . As for me-things are looking up; for now :whistle: ...will keep you posted.

Anna, how's your weight loss going? I was doing pretty good, then the move caused all this stress and the pounds mysteriously B) piled back on :o It'a a never ending battle :yes:

Have a good weekend everyone!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-24 15:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Welcome Craig!


Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-22 22:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Wow I am so happy Dwain's sister is flying down from NY for the wedding that is so wonderful. He will have all his friends there. One of his sisters and his mom. He has 12 other sibilings but isn't close to any since he lived with his aunt his whole life so I am just glad he got one of his sisters to come. :dance: Does anybody have any good ideas for what to do in MoBay for side trips for my family. 6 people are in their 50's 11 are in their 20's and we have two kids 1 and 11. Just wondering what would be fun.. So far I have and ATV ride and thinking about visiting a great house and not Rose Hall Great House done that 8 upting times. Could anyone :help: ?

Jax, that's wonderful that you and Dwain have so many friends and family witnessing your wedding! I don't have any ideas on what your fam can do in MoBay but my guess is the 20 somethings won't have any problems finding something to do ;) . It would be nice to get everyone together to do some side trips. How long will your guests be in JA?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-20 20:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

We got our AOS intervire on August 16th....... Lord this long list a things to bring.
richie going to get his permit today so lets see how that goes! :help: :help: :help:

Best wishes on your upcoming interview and good luck to Richie today :thumbs:

Rhonda - pregnancy is going great. And yes, we're on a countdown now... it's coming up so soon - but we're ready, everything is set up.

Guess What Everyone - WE GOT THE GREENCARD YESTERDAY!! I can't believe we're really truly done for 2 years. What a nice feeling.

Glad to hear mama and baby are doing fine. (L)
Congratulations on getting the greencard!! :dance: :dance:

Squito's mom. She was denied for her visitor's visa.

Sorry to hear that; what a shame. I'm curious how some with less ties are able to get the visitor's visas? I'm wondering if Robert's (rncarterjm) mom was able to get her visa to attend his wedding. Last time we "spoke" he was supposed to be coming to the US on July 5th.

Ms. Suitto, I am so sorry!!! That is really just how Kingston goes with the tourist visas!! No rhyme! No reason! Henry's best man came with similar evidence as your MIL. He's a minister with four churches and a teaching job. He too is a homeowner and has a fiance and a wedding for which invites went out and a hotel in Mobay booked for the reception. And they did not look at the letters from the job or the bank statements, did not look at the contract with the hotel (He would loose some serious loot if he did not come back) and they denied him. Now get this: another friend of his brother's goes to the embassy with NOTHING but an invite letter and some 500JD in the bank. Guess what? He got the visa. And guess what? Right now he is in Georgia and married a nurse within 2 months of his arrival. :angry: :angry: :angry:

:wacko: that doesn't make any sense!!

Well, we just got back from Atlanta and we had a succesful interview. :thumbs:
The appointment was at 12 p.m. and the security officer didn't let us in until about 11:30. So we got to the room at 11:40. There were a lot of other people in the room before us and a lot came in after us. I saw several lawyers come in, so then I started to wonder if everyone brought lawyers. We decided not to ask our lawyer to go with us b/c I felt like I did most of the work anyway.

We were thinking that we were going to be in there a long time based on all the other people ahead of us. However, at 12 p.m. exactly the door opened and a lady called our name. We couldn't believe it. The lady we had was very nice. She asked for our EAD, AP, I-94, and our IDs. Then she asked the following questions:

When did we meet?
Have you ever been to the U.S. prior to now?
Have you committed a crime?
Do you plan to have multiple wives?
Do you work?
When did we get married?

That's really about it. She didn't ask for any evidence such as pictures, bills, insurance, etc... She didn't ask for anything that was listed on that interview letter announcement.

From the time she called our name, we were out of the building within 15 minutes!! Oh, she did give Dice a stamp in his passport automatically so he can travel now without the greencard. She said that we should get that within 2 weeks. So now I'm about to see if I can get a reasonable flight for him since the funeral is on Saturday.

Can you imagine if I would have had my lawyer come for that? We probably would have paid at least $300 for him. So we made the right decision.

Thanks for all of your kind thoughts and prayers!!!


Congratulations Saundra and Dice :dance: :dance:
Hi Dru :luv:


Edited by Jamaica to CT, 20 June 2006 - 05:02 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-20 17:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I hope there is room for a few more Yardies on the CSC express!!! :yes: We got our NOA1 today - so we are on our way! :thumbs:

:yes: :thumbs:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-18 04:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP in chennai for CR1/IR
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-11 17:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP in chennai for CR1/IR
No they gave his back to him :(
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-03 10:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP in chennai for CR1/IR
From everything I've been told/researched, when they hold your passport it's good because when they mail it back or have you come pick it up, it will have the visa in it. They hold it so they can just simply affix the visa without having to wait for you to come back with it. Speeds up the process a bit.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-03 03:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Told To Come Back For Visa After Consulate Admitting To Mistake
Praise God!! :dance: and congrats to you!!!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-19 00:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG!!! AP Over, Visa issued and sent
Congrats :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-22 09:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Review/AP How are You Coping
I heard from the embassy a couple days ago. They basically said don't worry this is a mandatory procedure now and since it involves getting information from other international agencies the time in AP depends on how fast the other agencies get the info back to them. One other thing is that the embassy is conducting the additional review so I believe it's a good thing (meaning our case didn't have to go back to Washington).
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-10 07:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Process for Nigerian Fiance

What does it mean, to be in Administrative Processing?

Basically that additional security and background checks are being done on the beneficiary.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-21 23:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Process for Nigerian Fiance
We sure can wait together. :thumbs: This process certainly takes a toll on a person. This was the day that we were going to have our civil/traditional ceremony so I've been a little bummed all day. He is frustrated but holding strong. We've had to make quite a few changes in this process and feel like our lives are on hold. I feel like you... Sometimes I think one of the reasons AP exists is to weed out the fakes. This is putting a lot of pressure on us but we'll make it. :)
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-20 20:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Process for Nigerian Fiance
There's really no way to tell how long it will be. My fiancé is Nigerian as well although he lives in The Gambia. Unfortunately we are waiting in AP too albeit not as long as you have been. I make a weekly phone call to DOS asking for an update. I've heard of others who've spent 8mths or more in AP before finally being denied. I am praying it won't be that long but there's really no way to know. :(
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-20 19:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP completed!!!
Thank you all!!!! :dance: He leaves Gambia tomorrow. And hopefully they'll give him the visa on Tuesday then he'll be on his way to me. Yay!!!
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-04-16 18:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP completed!!!
FH called today to tell me that someone from the Embassy called him to tell him to come with his passport. Apparently his AP was completed yesterday and they'd been trying to contact him since yesterday. They were calling the number he had while he was in Dakar (as his mobile phone for Gambia didn't work outside of Gambia). They kept trying, then finally remembered that he'd also given them the number to his Gambia cell phone. When they called, of course he answered. He said the person that called was very excited to finally reach him and was happy to tell him the good news!

I'm so excited...hopefully he'll be here within the next week or so! :dance:
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-04-13 21:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Good luck and God's blessings to you!!

We are still waiting. It's going to be a month next week. But the hard part for me is that I really want to go see him since I haven't seen him in almost a year. We don't want to waste the money doing that when he could get out of AP any day. I think I could bear more if there was an actual end date. Oh well I waited 6months for the petition to be approved so guess I can wait for this too.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-25 06:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
I'm still waiting too. It's almost a month.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-22 17:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
No we haven't heard anything yet. I'm just continuing with getting the house prepared for him. I bought a bed for us a couple weeks ago and planned on putting it up by today but I just haven't had the energy to do it. I was so excited to get it at the time now I'm just like blah. Maybe I'll put it up when we hear something or they tell him to bring his passport.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-04 21:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
I'm added too! My fiance's interview was just March 1 and we're on AP. The good news is only the AP box was checked. So all the docs were accepted. I just hope and pray it's not so long that something expires and we have to get it done again.
PurpleSkyFemaleGambia2011-03-03 04:08:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout Week of June 22
Whoa CnT, you were busy this weekend! I am soooo jealous of the hot weather. It has been chilly and raining since Diego got here. Tomorrow we leave really early to go down to PA, and then fly down to Miami on Wed. morning. We're helping a friend move from Miami to Baltimore, so we'll be doing that fun drive over the weekend.

kicking.gif BTW- happy dance b/c I finally got back my tax refund today. I am soooo glad I realized I could file 'married filing jointly' thanks to VJ.

Anyone heard from Steve or Jen?
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-06-22 14:58:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout Week of June 29
Is there a way to avoid Removing of Conditions? I think I remember CnT saying something a/b waiting until your two year anniversary to file for AOS or something like that?

BTW- how is everyone? Lisa, glad to hear that Daddy Daycare is working out well. CnT, take a break from decorating! Jen, good to chat with you last night. Que, I too am SICK of the crappy weather! Seren, buy the most comfortable car. If possible, take one home overnight b/c you can't tell on the seats until you've been in them for a few hours.

As for us, Diego and I helped my friend move from Miami to Baltimore over the weekend. It was a crazy amount of driving (we drove her Jetta the whole way from Miami to Baltimore). I got a horrible cold, so I'm still miserable. Luckily D is taking good care of me and putting up with my copious amounts of coughing and snot.

D is going to start FREE ESL classes tomorrow. They're three days a week for 2 1/2 hours until the end of the month. I think it will be good for both of us!
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-07-01 12:35:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - week of JULY 13th
Jen, that stinks!!!! I hope you are feeling better!

Whoa, Lisa, I didn't realize y'all were that close to 2 years! D and I celebrate in May, so I'm thinking we'll do AOS next April.

CnT, so glad it wasn't your house! A gets extra gold stars this week!

RooDee, I suggest hitting Niagara in Sept. There are less tourists, the weather is still nice and the hotel rates are cheap. And, yes, you must stay on the Canadian side! I stayed in a Fallsview room for under $100/nt. It even had a window in the bathroom, so you could soak in the jacuzzi tub and see the Falls (free Breakfast and Happy Hour too).

Seren, glad to hear your interview is soon. I know you're ready!

Que, don't work too much! haha, like any of us have a choice these days!

As for us, Diego is enjoying his free ESL classes. We've been biking a lot. He is in love with Coldstone and his waisteline is expanding from all the new food he's trying (luckily, he was really skinny to begin with!!!). Is this happening to anyone else's spouse? tongue.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-07-14 21:22:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout Week of July 20
Hi everyone! Sorry it's been soooo long. CnT, please send some of the warmth up here! I'm really getting tired of the rain and 60's. D is really enjoying his free ESL classes. Tomorrow will be his last day, so I'm planning on sending him in with muffins for his classmates.

We went to visit with my family in PA last weekend. We biked Saturday and Sunday and even made a trip to Hershey Park. D really enjoyed it. I have work in Puerto Rico next week and am planning on taking D with me. At least one of us can enjoy the hotel!

No word on D's EAD, BUT it's not 3 months until 9/1. I'm going to contact the same lady in the Congressman's office and ask her to check it in the beginning of August. I have a friend who works with FedEx which means an "in" for D, but they want people who can start in mid-August. With his school schedule, the short evening shift would work out well.

As for driving, we haven't gotten anything done on that front yet! He has to take an 8-hour class and I've been slack on getting him registered (plus it will eat into our weekend plans!).

Hope everyone is doing well! star_smile.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-07-22 14:30:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
I think the idea to set up a chat is great! Just let me know when.

Sarita & Jen - so sorry I wasn't able to meet up when I was in your cities. Not sure when I'll get back out to Cali, but for sure will be in Philly again in a few months. P.S. Sarita - you did call the right number- it was my sister's line up until recently and I forgot to change the voicemail.

Hope everyone else is doing well! Diego and I are recovering from a long weekend. We were hoping that he could go down to Costa Rica for about 5 days, since he has vacation, but it's impossible due to the ridiculous CR laws regarding child support. Even though the deposit he made before we left has not been touched, he still has to go through a ridiculous process to get authorization to leave again if he enters CR. It is beyond frustrating.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-11-18 01:02:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't checked in for a while. I'm glad to see that things are moving along well for everyone! luv.gif

As for us, today is Diego's last day of work. We decided that he needed to put full-time focus on his English studies. I know he's sad to not be working, but we have to look at the big picture. I don't know any more information on my company's buyout, but this fiscal year (started 10/1) is looking decent so far. Plus they changed our commission plans for the better, so no complaints for now!

We just bought Diego his first suit last weekend. It was an entertaining endeavor, since he is so used to wearing warm weather casual. We also went to the Big E, which is a huge fair for the all the New England states. Each state has its own exhibition building and lots of food. It was awesome except that during the parade I got hit with mardi gras beads right in the face. It seems so ridiculous, but I swear it felt like someone punched my right eye. Luckily, I didn't get a black eye. haha.

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. Any exciting weekend plans? good.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-10-08 10:35:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
Just checking in - sorry it's been sooo long! Congrats Seren! Any news CnT?

As for us, life is busy right now. Diego is in school from 9 - 3 and then working from 6 - 10 during the week. He got his license last week. I'm still working on getting my mom's old car registered, so he can drive it. For now we're sharing my company car (nice benefit that spouses are permitted to drive the company car). It's the last month of the fiscal year for my company so I'm doing my best to work miracles. haha. Can't remember if I told y'all that my company is being bought out. Nothing will happen for another 4 - 8 months, so I'm not freaking out yet. It could be a good excuse to move back to the South.

Hope everyone is doing well! star_smile.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-09-16 22:28:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
Hi Everyone!

Yeah for Y!!! Today is D's first day of real work too. I have to go pick him up soon. We did get the needed letter and will got the DMV tomorrow (they're not open on Monday- grrr).

Hope everyone had a nice weekend! Anyone do anything exciting? star_smile.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-08-31 18:50:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
Hi everyone! Happy birthday to Jen, Wendy & Y!

Wow, it's been a while. Things are moving along pretty well. D received his SS card pretty quickly. He got a job and will start on Monday. He also starts school on Monday. It will be a major change to go from 24/7 to only a few hours a day together. crying.gif

We had one major problem last week: We went to take his written test for a CT driver's license and they wouldn't let him. Someone with his name and dob pulled up in the national registry as having a traffic issue in Illinois. We of course explained there was NO way it could be him, showed them the papers, but nothing. We were told we had to get the state of Illinois to send a letter stating that the individual on the list is not my husband.

When I called the IL DMV, I was told that the number listed was an assigned case number, not a DL number. It was explained that the person was most likely an illegal with no DL and no SSN who committed a traffic violation. Oh, and, BTW it was in February of 1999 - over TEN years ago!!!!!!!!!!! They asked me to fax a ton of info, which I did, and am hoping that when we get home from Puerto Rico, the needed letter will be in my mailbox.

I am LIVID about this situation. Since when is it guilty until you prove yourself innocent? And if DHS let him in just a few months ago, shouldn't that indicate to the idiots at the CT DMV, that my Diego is not their traffic criminal???? There is something about this that just really, really bothers me. What do y'all think? I am angry enough that if the letter is not there when I get home, I am thinking about talking to a lawyer.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-08-27 17:31:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
What kind of car are you thinking of? I should be due for a new company car in the next couple of months. Luckily we get a choice, but they're all Dogdes. I think it will be a Journey this time.

Let's all keep our fingers crossed for Seren tomorrow. (although I'm sure everything will go well for her!) star_smile.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-08-12 21:12:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
Seren- try not to stress. Everything will work out fine!!!

CnT- fantastic news on the driving adventure. We had a nightmare with D's 8-hour class. I am reporting the teacher to the CT DMV.

UPDATE: good.gif

D's work authorization card came in the mail on Monday. It has his picture and a little box that says "fingerprint not available". I suppose if we had filed for AOS at the same time, his fingerprint would be in the box. We went to the SSA Monday afternoon and he now has a letter that says his card will come in the mail within two weeks.

Last night, I was crusiing the net and came upon an ad for a Pizza Maker at the place that is a block from my house. The pay was quite a bit better than I would have thought, so D and I went today to apply. The manager had him stretch dough and he was pleased (D has a lot of experience, plus all the guys speak Spanish). He said he had to talk with the GM and would call him within the next couple of days. We're keeping our fingers crossed!!! While he's in school full-time for English, it's an optimal (and ridiculously convenient) position.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-08-11 23:16:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
BTW- Just got a text from Esposa. She is in Costa Rica now. I might call her tonight to chat for a bit.

Edited by Married2aTico, 06 August 2009 - 12:28 PM.

Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-08-06 12:28:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Aug 6 2009, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
woohooo kicking.gif when was his biometrics, or did he have to have one? Im thinking that they are kind of random with that requirement OR they ask for it when you do EAD WITH AOS. just curious..
As soon as you get the hardcopy, yep! you can go get the SS # biggrin.gif

I noticed that EAD's arent taking the full 3 months lately. Our original received date at VSC was 6/5, so if the ombudsman can get them to use that date we should get ours soon too hopefully yaay

No request for Biometrics, so my guess is it is only in conjunction with AOS... Hopefully you get the priority date and yours comes through soon. Maybe early next week?

QUOTE (CnT4ever @ Aug 6 2009, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our NOA1 is June 4th. I hope it's here soon!
I am sooooooo nervous for hubby to drive. I worry for him because the drivers here are lunatics!
By the way, did you find out about your hubby's work authorization from an email? or how?
I just checked our online account. Nothing yet.

PS- When are we gonna plan our reunion?
PPS- I miss Steven sad.gif
PPPS- Seren, let us know how the interview went!
PPPPS- Jen, I miss you! Check in!

CnT- should be any day now! We received notification through email later in the evening yesterday- same as I-129F and I-130. We were both jumping for joy this morning when I saw it. Now we're off to an info. session at FedEx. It's close to school and pays decent, so we'll see.

QUOTE (Serendipity_ @ Aug 6 2009, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Greeting from Toronto star_smile.gif
Completed my medicals yesterday. Off to Montreal on Wednesday for the interview.
I can't wait to be over and done with...

Seren- so happy that your wait is almost over! Best of luck and enjoy the time with your family and friends.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-08-06 12:23:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK3 Family Hangout - Summer 2009
Whoa Candid! I'm soooo glad you're ok. We're still working on getting Diego his license and I am so nervous for him. Our roads are scary!

A little nugget of good news: Diego just received his work authorization! kicking.gif Our NOA1 was 6/1 and NOA2 was 8/5 - just over two months! Hopefully that means the rest of you won't be waiting much longer either. Now, I guess we just have to wait for the hard copy and go get a SSN?
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-08-06 08:55:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI need help please
Sorry to hear about your situation.

Note that you are not required to submit evidence of an ongoing relationship when filing the I-130. It is not even "required" for the interview, but is highly suggested. Since the goal is to get your wife home as soon as possible, simplify things and submit only the required documents so the ball gets rolling. You can get the other stuff together during the wait. Also, keep in mind that the interview for the spousal visa will be in Brazil.
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2010-03-30 23:54:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont weather :(
QUOTE (DavChels @ Jan 28 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>




Wonder if this has anything to do with no work being done up there crying.gif

St. Albans is even further North and also right along the Champlain. Also happens to be pretty close to some great skiing. Maybe that's the real answer...
Just trying to inject some humor into this madness. devil.gif
Married2aTicoFemaleCosta Rica2009-01-29 01:39:00