Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I hate to kill the mood so early in the morning but we got some bad news last night. Our beloved pastor in Jamaica died.
To make things even harder on his family (he has 11 children) one of his daughters and her husband gave birth to their first baby only hours after he was gone. So if you could all please say a prayer for their family and the community as well as Andre and myself. It is really hard to go through this 3,000 miles away and as much as we would like to go down for the funeral we don't have the funds nor does Andre have his greencard. Thanks in advance for the prayers...I know they will be powerful (L)


I'm sorry to hear of this bad news Jamie :( My thoughts are with you. It's just amazing though that he had a grandchild born just hours after his death. You know the old saying, for every death there is a new birth...

Jamie and Andre you're in my thoughts as well.

Joanna, everything will be ok. Any woman that has been on her own for a long time; and doing well at it; is bound to have pre-wedding jitters. That independent spirit that we have is something else ;)...
And I'm sure Adrian will find a job soon; especially in your area. Boy that was a close call with the timing of the visa and flight. Please let us know when we gets in tonight.

Have a good night everyone.

Hi negayle-welcome.

It's supposed to read when "he" gets in tonight :P . Too much cold medicine :goofy:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-18 19:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I hate to kill the mood so early in the morning but we got some bad news last night. Our beloved pastor in Jamaica died.
To make things even harder on his family (he has 11 children) one of his daughters and her husband gave birth to their first baby only hours after he was gone. So if you could all please say a prayer for their family and the community as well as Andre and myself. It is really hard to go through this 3,000 miles away and as much as we would like to go down for the funeral we don't have the funds nor does Andre have his greencard. Thanks in advance for the prayers...I know they will be powerful (L)


I'm sorry to hear of this bad news Jamie :( My thoughts are with you. It's just amazing though that he had a grandchild born just hours after his death. You know the old saying, for every death there is a new birth...

Jamie and Andre you're in my thoughts as well.

Joanna, everything will be ok. Any woman that has been on her own for a long time; and doing well at it; is bound to have pre-wedding jitters. That independent spirit that we have is something else ;)...
And I'm sure Adrian will find a job soon; especially in your area. Boy that was a close call with the timing of the visa and flight. Please let us know when we gets in tonight.

Have a good night everyone.

Hi negayle-welcome.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-18 19:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


Well in accepting these two hearts I am humbled! I did not achieve this milestone alone, so I would like to thank everyone who knows me, my AP English teacher, my parents, my husband Henry [he's crying and biting his bottom lip], my boss for not realizing that i am surfing [she's drunk], everyone in the LOST thread and last but not least, my friends in the Yardie Thread!! Thank you! Thank you all!!! [bowing bowing - exiting stage in wrong direction - 7ft model leads me back in the right direction..waving waving...behind curtain]

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks for the laughs today everyone, I sure needed it!! I'm feeling a little under the weather today(cold thingy), so todays posts brightened up my day even though my chest is hurting from laughing so much. Have a good night everyone.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-15 17:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Jill, sorry to hear about your grandniece. My thoughts are with her and your family.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-14 18:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

:P :P Hey ladies....get this....

I purchased a ticket to visit my other home...JAMAICA!!

He aint stopping me from visiting the people and places I love! I think I'm more excited to go down there now more than ever. And this has nothing do with revenge. (Well, maybe a likkle bit) It's more or less to say to myself (again) and to him aint no man gonna stop me from doing what I love!!! I can't wait to lay on that beach and have the sun beat down on my face. It's exactly what I need. :dance: :dance:

Jill, please check your personal messages.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-14 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I have the same thing happening why are you getting married in Jamaica. So will you be here to work next year? And I say yes!!! Why not stay with him they ask? Cause I make a better salary. What if you get denied will you work in JA. Why does a Visa take so long to get they ask??? And why a year??? It must be tough. I tell them Im use to being apart but it maybe differnet know that Im married. The trip in August is the firt time Im allowed to stay at his house instead of renting a JA hotel room. The JA hotel room is not bad its cheap 20 bucks a night and it use to be right under his moms house until she moved to the country last August becaue Mo Bay prices are to high. But Im so excited to stay with him and his friends. There will be 5 of us in one house and one bathroom so that might be a problem. Maybe I should get my own room on the next street. Anyways Im just blabing away tonight. My friends all just left my get togther and I hope this make since I had a lot of wine and Margaritas. LOL Oh Boy!


:lol: you're alright. Hope you had a great time.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-14 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Two weeks from today my daughter, myself, my cousin and 3 daughters will be in JA enjoying an all girl relaxed, fun trip. Can't wait to be on the beach.

Damien won't be joining us because he thought he would have a new job by now and didn't want to take off May and July. And he hates to take off and lose money - an extremely hard worker. He's been at his job for a year now and never been late or missed a day. He received a few phone calls from employers this week so hopefully something will happen very soon. If nothing comes through then he may buy a ticket and stay with brothers.

It's going to feel funny being in JA without him if he can't make it. But he still have the July trip to look forward to :yes:

An all girls trip in Jamaica should be a lot of fun!!

Boy I wish I was a dedicated to my job as Damien is. Having a hard working man dedicated to his job and family... :thumbs:

Enjoy your trip.

Congrats to Henry on his new job!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-14 12:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hello ladies,

I'm at work today :angry: unfortunately. I have worked every Saturday except for Easter weekend for over 2 months now :o It's nasty weather here in Michigan - rainy, cloudy, and kinda cool. There's a huge green blob on the radar over the entire Midwest area so it looks like rain for a few more days :crying:

I finally got caught up on all the chatting you all have done lately :P Some very interesting topics came up. Hopefully we will continue - I miss all the pages and pages that we used to chat :yes: (you veterans will know what I mean)

Hopefully, I won't be on here all alone today. [b] I'm stuck here til midnight tonight[/b] <_< Tomorrow my sister and I (and the hubbies) are going to my mom & dad's to get together for Mother's Day. Hope all you mom's have a good Mother's Day too!

:( Sorry Rhonda, what a terrible work schedule. What time did you have to go in?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-13 18:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to pop in and say hello.

Welcome to all the newcomers and congratulations to all advancing in this process!

For all those still making adjustments, hang in there. Life always presents us with challanges. If it's not one thing it's five :blink:

For all going to Jamica soon, enjoy!!! I just returned last month myself and am missing it already.

Tenika(Bloomfield) and Squitto(Windsor) and Michele(me-Bloomfield) (repping CT) we have to get together one weekend. I'm going to see the Lion King at the Bushnell and have to start packing for a move the next couple of weekends; but if you're in town in June... BTW I just purchased a condo and will be moving back to "hard hittin' " New Britain :P.

Everyone have a great weekend and holiday.

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-12 18:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Jill (ChristineJames) take the high road. Maintain your dignity and self respect. Even if he can't see it; others around you will be observing how you handle the matter. If your children are aware of the situation you can be a good example to them; especially your daughter. Any type of retaliation will probably be lost on someone so callous anyways. The best way to heal is to avoid the pain and anger and move on with you life. Use that anger/energy for something that matters. He doesn't.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-09 17:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
:dance: :dance: Congrats Joanna and Adrian!! :dance: :dance:

Enjoy the rest of your time in JA!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-09 13:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

OK well we are back from the embassy but without a visa :angry: ...They said we are approved pending his medical which was not I asked the lady if we go to the Hospital and check to see if they could deliver it today could we come back today..she said yes and gave us a pink card to allow us to come back in the embassy at 1pm...she said if they dont get it today he can come back any tues or thurs :no: ......
Once we left the embassy we went right to the hospital to find out why his medical was not there and to see if it could be delivered today...the hospital had us wait for a short time and then came out and said that they had just delivered it to the embassy....So we will be going back to the dang embassy in a couple hours :angry:

There was this other couple there that I talked to they where doing to K-1 also and his medical was not there yet either....poor girl she didnt know a lot about the process and thought that he would have his visa today and could fly back with her tomorrow to the US......Little does she know....I did give her my e-mail address and VJ's web site, cause she knows nothing about the rest of the process...

So hopefully we will be checking back in later with an Approval!!!!!


I'm sure everything will be ok. At least you'll be down there for a few more days and you didn't book Adrian's flight for tomorrow. Let us know how things go at when you go back at 1:00.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-09 10:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Best wishes at your interview today Joanna and Adrian!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-09 07:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Jill(christinejames) please check your messages, I sent you a pm.
As the late, great Tupac said "Keep ya head up"! (L)

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-08 20:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

when I was at my interveiw there was some other K1's there and I dont like to judge a book by its cover but this looked odd in the least. The couple sitting in front of me and Rohan was this very old American lady , probably in her 90's or late 80's , she was soo old she could bearly stand up, and this younger Rastah man, around his late 40 or early 50's. He had to practically hold her up to bring her to the window. and they were doing K1. They were sitting there infront of us, and he was stroking her back and neck and coming on to her, and looking loving. I think those kind of things the embassy looks closesly at.


I know there are some of us women that are a lot older than our SO, myself included, but this is a little too much. Then again if it makes her happy and she's not being used; :unsure: then I say more power to them :blink:.

"I think those kind of things the embassy looks closesly at." :yes: :yes: :yes:
Hi Dru- good to see you again. Hope you're feeling better :luv: .

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 08 May 2006 - 07:50 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-08 19:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hey Everyone!!!

It's been awhile since I've been on here. I hope that all is well.

I'm excited that I got a letter today and Dice's interview is on June 20th. I can't believe it is so soon. We're praying for a speedy process and it is definitely moving. However, I'm wondering if we'll get approval for the AP and EAD before the interview or if they're going to wait until the interview so that we'll be approved for everything at one time?

Has anyone had this type of situation happen to them?

Anyhow I wish everyone well and I'll be popping in occasionally!!

Congratulations Saundra and Dice!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-08 19:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hi Ladies…

I want to say that all of you had made my journey a very pleasant, humorous and peaceful one. However, I just want to say that God was surely watching over me when Kirk got his denial last April. As hard as it has been to understand why, I now know the reason. Kirk was not 100% honest with me and was in at least 1 additional relationship. I have always been speculating but it has now been confirmed. It is very disturbing how twisted his mind is and how he is able to manipulate my mind in to believing that I am wrong. I am hurt, sad, and angry. But I know I will be okay. I always am. I wish you all the best. I consider many of you good friends of mind. I just needed to get this off my chest and tell people who would understand being in a LDR with a Jamaican. Most of my friends here would have a “I told ya so” attitude. Thanks ladies. I love you all. (F)

(((Jill))) I am sorry that you were manipulated the way you were. You are a wonderful person and you deserve only the best. I am glad that you are doing ok with the situation and that you feel comfortable with us all to share. My heart goes out to you and if you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask. Things happen that we don't have control over and you will never get an "I told ya so" from us. We are all human. I hope you will stay around. You are a great part of our wonderful family. I pray God will keep you through this hard time. Remember to lean on Him.
Much Love (L)

Jill I am truly sorry and Jamie echos my feelings as well. I wish you and your family the best and please keep in touch.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-08 11:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

Was anyone's SO able to successfully get a visitor's visa? Jill I know from your signature that Lake was able to get one. Was it difficult for him to prove his ties to his homeland? I know he's not Jamaican but I would assume that it would not have been easy for him?

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-08 07:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Best wishes to Joanna and Adrian on their interview tomorrow!!

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-08 06:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Damien finally received his green card :dance: :dance: It's about time.

:dance: :dance: Congrats!! :dance: :dance:

Everyone have a great Sunday! We are having such a beautiful day in Connecticut today.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-07 06:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Oh yea, I have lost a total of 40 lbs....only 30 more toward my goal by my b-day 8/28, Woohoo!! :dance:

:thumbs: Congratulations Anna!! What an accomplishment :yes:


As you can see in my siggy, we received an RFE over the weekend. It says that we did not provide enough evidence to prove that we meet the 125% poverty requirement. Whatever!! I refuse to stress about it. I think Satan is trying to set up roadblocks for us. Eff him. I make WELL over the povery requirement, truss mi!! I sent pay stubs, tax transcripts and my complete return for 2004. I had not yet filed 2005 when we submitted our AOS. I'm going to photocopy my entire 2005 return and send it in again, with all the info I already sent. That and the fact that i'm making significantly more at this new job than I made before should make it very difficult for those f!ckers to tell me that I don't meet the requirement...kiss teet

I'm off to pick up Squito from his GED class. He started today!! :dance:

Sorry to hear; hopefully they will get their act together soon :(
Is Squito enjoying his class?


OUR Biometrics Appointment is NEXT WEEK!!!! :unsure: May 12.

Congrats on the bio appointment!!
I really hope everything works out for David's daughter too; what a shame things are going the way they are with his daughter's mother :(

Hi Lee ;)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-05 17:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Congratulations to Morris And Danika on being Approved!!! :star:

:yes: Congratulations Morris and Danika!!

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-05 17:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


My name is Kim and I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. My fiancee lives in Jamaica nd we filed for the K-1 visa in February 2006. I am in the waiting process at this point!!!! I have been really stressed because it seems like the NOA2 is taking FOREVER.

Sounds like most of you are pros at this and you already went through my pain. I could sure use some support and words of wisdom from any...ALL of you!!!!!!


Welcome to the family Kim!!


Wow Kim, that's great that you are able to visit Jamaica so often. I'm jealous!! I just returned last week myself. Where is your fiance from?

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-03 21:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


My name is Kim and I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. My fiancee lives in Jamaica nd we filed for the K-1 visa in February 2006. I am in the waiting process at this point!!!! I have been really stressed because it seems like the NOA2 is taking FOREVER.

Sounds like most of you are pros at this and you already went through my pain. I could sure use some support and words of wisdom from any...ALL of you!!!!!!


Welcome to the family Kim!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-03 21:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Welcome back, Michele (Jamaica to CT)!!!

Jonesie, beautiful pics. You two (or should I say 'three') really look good together. All the best.


Thanks Lee. I had a nice trip although I wish I could have spent a little more time there.

Jonesie very nice pics. Thanks for sharing.

I just wanted to add that everyone that I met with in Jamaica on this trip has recently experienced or witnessed the violence that has become so prevelant there; and I was dismayed at how it has affected my friends. My thoughts are with all tonight and every night. It's just so sad.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-01 20:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Joanna have a great trip and best wishes on your upcoming interview!!
It was a long time coming but it seems like the time gave you the opportunity to get everything done exactly as you wanted. Enjoy!

Welcome Shauna and welcome home Rohan!
Hope Andre had a great first day at work.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-05-01 18:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hey Michele...

All ready for your trip to Jamaica on Tuesday (I think, right?)? Have lots and lots of fun! :yes: :yes: ;) ;) Talk with you soon.


Yes, I am sooo ready!! I just have a few things to do tonight but my mind is already in vacation mode :yes: .

Have a great week everyone!

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-24 04:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
I am at work tonight like always...but I have had a decent weekend...last night while I was working my supervisor came up to me and was talking about me going to Jamaica and she was telling me that I should leave earlier then May 7th, that I had the vacation time and she would approve it for me to be off...that got me thinking!! so today I called Air jamaica and changed my flight, I will now be leaving on May 3rd and still returning on May 18th...Adrian is so excieted that I am coming early. :dance: :dance:


Congrats!! How exciting. Have a great trip and successful interview!!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-23 18:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I haven't seen Tony for more than 5 minutes since Monday

Sorry Rhonda :(
Do you live close enough to your each others respective work sites so that perhaps you can get together for your lunch or dinner breaks at work? Sort of like a once a week picnic?

Everyone enjoy your Sunday!

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-23 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congrats Tenika and Rohan!! :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-20 17:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good evening everyone,

Lots of good news on the board...congratulations to all!

Safe travels and happy reunions to Dru(woogietail) and Kelly(luvtravelin) as they travel to JA. I'll be joining them next week too.

Kelly I'll pm you to let you know where I'll be staying in MoBay. Dru- I know you're in Negril; so I know we won't be able to see each other.

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-19 18:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hello everyone,
I'm just popping in to say it's so encouraging to see so much good news happening here.
Congrats on Damien's and sbj1221's AOS approval(that was a long time coming :yes: )
Also best wishes on all the upcoming biometric appointments
Safe travels to all going to JA in the near future
Also congrats to all of the other approvals/NOA's along the way-every step forward is good.
For everyone still struggling with the immigration process; family adjustments, or financial struggles due to this exhausting process-please hang in there.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-15 17:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congrats to Henry and Leo on their new jobs!!
Also congrats to those with upcoming AOS interviews.
Best wishes to all who want to add to their families-babies are indeed a blessing.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-10 17:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Last night my daughter had baby boy, now that it looks like my experience with Immigration is just about over (please, please), I need to get my daughter moving on her's her husband is from Brazil, on some kind of work visa.

Congrats Eric and daughter and best wishes tomorrow to you and Nickeisha!

Also best wishes to Tenika and Rohan on their upcoming interview April 13th!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-06 18:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Who is going to Jamaica ? Where is everyone staying ? and what dates will those that are heading to JA be going ?


I'll be in Mobay April 25th-28th.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-05 04:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congrats Joanna- May 9th will be here before you know it :yes:
Eric your time is just about here and I'm thinking of you and your wife.
Mrs. Squitto-hopefully everything will be resolved today.
Tenika have a great trip and a successful interview!
Dee and Dave- hopefully everything will work out with his daughter (L)
Anna-good to see you and congratulations to everyone on their weightloss :thumbs: .
Lee- you already know :star:
Good evening everyone.

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-04 18:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Robert, I am so happy for you!! Congrats!! :dance: :dance:

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-04 10:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congrats to:
Andre for passing his driving test
Dru for getting her NOA1
Desperatewife for sending out her I130
Joanna for selecting a beautiful wedding site

Best wishes going out to:
Eric and Robert with interviews next week and
Tenika's interview later in the month

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-01 16:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Joanna-will you be calling or e-mailing the embassy next week for your interview date?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-01 16:12:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA2 from CSC
Joanna, so truly happy for you!

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-05 11:24:00