Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Thought this was a very interesting topic as this is my main fear/concern :( I'm hoping that once they get their EAD that our fiances/husbands/wifes can find suitable jobs; especially those of us the fiances who have to continue their basic education.

Congrats again Mindy & Roy

Anna :thumbs: way to go- 30# is great.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-03 19:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Mindy and Roy, best wishes on your wedding today! (L) (L)

Michele (F)

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 03 March 2006 - 08:01 AM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-03 08:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Jamie...Good luck tomorrow. :yes:

Michele, how's your honey feeling? Did he go to the doctor?


Thanks for thinking of me Lee. He did go to the hospital and they gave him antibiotics(injection) and muscle relaxants(for uncontrolable shaking) and a few days off work. He's feeling a little better but is very tired. I found out that the reason he doesn't like going to doctors is that he's afraid of shots. He knows that I go to the allergist and get injections every couple of weeks and he asked me if I cried when I got them. :o He has bad allergies too and I'm afraid that when he arrives here he will develop new allergies and have to get injections too. I better research natural remedies :P


Michele, good to know he's feeling better. He is just too cute...wanting to know if you cry when you get shots. Forget the allergy shot...what is he going to do if he has to go through allergy TESTING when he gets here :crying: :help: . Now, that is going to be something! I went through the testing some years ago and if they still do it the same way[b]...OUCH and ITCH! :crying: :crying:


:lol: :yes:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-02 10:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Jamie...Good luck tomorrow. :yes:

Michele, how's your honey feeling? Did he go to the doctor?


Thanks for thinking of me Lee. He did go to the hospital and they gave him antibiotics(injection) and muscle relaxants(for uncontrolable shaking) and a few days off work. He's feeling a little better but is very tired. I found out that the reason he doesn't like going to doctors is that he's afraid of shots. He knows that I go to the allergist and get injections every couple of weeks and he asked me if I cried when I got them. :o He has bad allergies too and I'm afraid that when he arrives here he will develop new allergies and have to get injections too. I better research natural remedies :P

Ms. Parker good to see you back. We have a snow storm coming in today in Connecticut (near New York City). We're expecting 5"-8" of snow. :(
Please keep in touch!

Jamie and Jill good luck on your interviews this week.
Mindy-thinking of you too! Can't wait to see pics.


Dee- try not to stress out too much. Can Dave help you with the paperwork?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-02 05:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Jamie best wishes on your biometrics tomorrow!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-01 21:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good advice Lee :thumbs: We are past the minor fusses and I don't do the whole joking/laughing thing. I learned the lesson a while ago. It was more something in the past and I was just letting y'all know about it as it was one of the biggest struggles we have gone through so far.


Thanks to you and the others for sharing some of your struggles. I think we tend to allow the anticipation of being with our significant others to take priority of our focus and we don't know/realize some of the issues that come with maintaining relationships with those who are coming into a whole new culture, way of thinking, and overall way of living. If they don't have the opportunity to get acclimated to our way of life there will be some bumpy roads until they adjust. It's just a whole other factor that has to be added to the equation when trying to make a realtionship work. As if they (relationships) aren't enough work already. :crying: All we think about is that we love them and want to share our lives with them. So, once again, thanks for sharing and enlightening/helping to prepare me.

I REALLY do appreciate it.


I didn't mean to ask such a "loaded" question. I agree with Lee your sharing indeed has helped me because once again most of my concerns have been adressed. Now I won't take it as a personal affront when he arrives since I already see some of the same "problems" cropping up.

Shemanya and Rhonda have great trips!
Mindy how are your plans going for Friday?

I just found out that my honey is very sick with a high fever and has been refusing to go to the hospital all day.
I told him that he better go and he agreed to let his mom take him. I don't know what it is with these men; he is so hard headed! Please keep us in your thoughts.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-28 19:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
For everyone with their loved ones here, what was the biggest adjustment that they had to make? How were they able to overcome their obstacles? And what was their biggest misconception about America/Americans?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-28 06:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Beautiful pictures Rita- I especially love the one with you and Tashi and your children-priceless. Loooove the dress.

Eric-welcome back and best wishes on your petition. Hopefully you'll be with your wife soon.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-28 05:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Update to add some good news:

Sorry to post only bad news. I do have some good news, so I will update my siggy. Henry got his learner's permit with his SS card, EAD and a utility bill. His road test is scheduled for end of March!!! Also he got a bank account and was added to my medical benefits. Dental giving me grief but I trust we will have that soon.

Thanks for all the love and prayers; you guys are the best!! (L)

Henry :thumbs: the rest will come soon.

Eizabeth...praying that your mom's suffering is lessened by your loving care (F)

Hello Everyone,

Glad things turned out great for Rita and Tashi and cannot wait to see some pics.

Well I just got back from Ft lauderdale, My parents went with me to meet Adrian, he got us passes to come on the ship, so my parents had lunch on the ship while he took me down to show me his cabin and some of the other places on the ship. He was a little embarassed to show my parents his cabin (it is very very small for 3 men to live in) so we just met up with them after they ate and then we went and drove around Ft lauderdale for a little bit. We got to ft lauderdale about 12 but we could not get on the ship till 1 so time was short since he had to be back to work at anyway things where good, my dad said Adrian was a very quiet person and Adrian said that my dad was very quiet also...the only negative I heard from my parents is they said Adrian needed to wear pants that fit him (he wears them a bit big to try and make himself look not so skinny) and tuck in his shirt :lol: :no: :lol: ...but I thought he looked parents are just old fashion.

Until Later, Joanna


This is great! If the only thing your parents complained about was how his clothes fit, everything is going to be just fine. :yes: :yes:



i am so frustrated right now. we are trying to get Henry's daughters tourist visa and the interview was this morning. after all the spending and organizing with the didn't go well. get this...

when i filed k1 it asks about any children. i put henry's daughter and checked the box "coming at a later date" becuase uscis advised me that i should do this in case we are ever going to file for her gc in the future.

we didn't even think about that in regards to the tourist visa...however kingston did. they told the mother that the daughters name was still in the system and that we have to clear that before they can approve the tourist visa. of course not only does the mother think we were planning on stealing the daughter...but i have no idea how to clear that out of our original application almost a year ago.

needless to say. before I begin to try and deal with kingston, i am on hold right now with uscis to see if they have any inside tips for me. they better, i've paid them enough money$!$!

d :star:

:( ...Dara, never a dull moment with this crazy immigration process. I'm sure everything will work out.

Dru-it must be a relief for you to get that assignment behind you. Hang in there.

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 27 February 2006 - 08:25 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-27 20:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hey, where is everybody this morning??? It's quiet in here.

:reading: :D
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-27 11:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I found this site: weddings on a whim and it seems that they can put together a nice ceremony on the beaches of Florida on short notice.

Have a good Sunday everyone.


Thanks for the link. It's good to know what types of services are out there when planning a wedding. What type of ceremony do you think you'd have?


We're not really sure yet; but the beach ceremony is a strong option.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-26 15:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hello Ladies.

Sorry i have been gone for so long! How is everyone doing? Imssed you all so much, and wow it looks so different in here!!!!

Congrats to Tahs and Rita, hope you are enjoying the weekend to the fulliest!!!!

Well just and update Karl and I are getting married on April 22,2006!
We are having the wedding and reception at a local hall, with about 80 or so people ... He is adjusting slowly, this cold weather is a definet shocker to the system !! He too does not get the whole RULEs around here, things are not as laid back as they are or can be in Jamiaca.. I guess it will be absorbed over time!

Well ladies i am going to catch up on the last 36 pages, i will talk to u all soon


Congratulations on setting your wedding date! I'm sure that he'll adjust well over time. Sometimes we have to just give them gentle reminders :bonk: ;) Good to see you Suzy.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-26 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

We are having a party Saturday night (to celebrate Rita & Tashi's wedding :lol: ) and will get married at the courthouse next Friday. We will probably go out for lunch with some of my friends (who will be attending the ceremony) afterwards -- I have to go back to work that afternoon :blink: . I would really like to have a "bash" in the summer but that remains to be seen. We're not planning anything else. I am sure that when we are able to go back to Jamaica his family will have some sort of "get together" for us.....[/color]

Mindy are you really going back to work after the ceremony? :o I know I wouldn't even be able to concentrate on my work. I found this site: weddings on a whim and it seems that they can put together a nice ceremony on the beaches of Florida on short notice. It would be nice if his family will have a get together for us too once we were able to go back to Jamaica; but I'm not holding my breath. His mother does not like me at all <_< . I would hope she would do something for him though.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-26 08:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hi Georgie, Richie and baby Jay!

"Oh and by the way anyone was wondering Javon and I have decided to wait (indefinitely) b4 filing. It's seems the thing he has to do first is much more difficult then we original thought."

Hang in there Anna. :luv:

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 26 February 2006 - 07:59 AM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-26 07:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Joanna, will you still be seeing Adrian tomorrow? Are your parents going with you to meet him? Nervous? Excited?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-25 11:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Best wishes to Rita & Tashi (L) Today is your day (F)

(F) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-25 08:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Jamie, hang in there. My thoughts are with you :yes:

Everyone have a good weekend-especially Rita and Tashi and family!

Dru-where are you? :luv:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-24 18:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Best wishes to Rita and Tashi on their upcoming wedding!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-24 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


To answer your question, YES Tony took ESL classes. He completed the first class and then started on the 2nd one, but then he started working full time and he was getting home too late to go to class so he stopped going :( We would both like to see him continue taking classes because they really seemed to help him. Hopefully sometime in the near future. He only went to school in Jamaica though 8th grade so his reading/writing skills need a lot of help!!

Was it diffucult for him to get a job without a high school diploma?


To answer your question, YES Tony took ESL classes. He completed the first class and then started on the 2nd one, but then he started working full time and he was getting home too late to go to class so he stopped going :( We would both like to see him continue taking classes because they really seemed to help him. Hopefully sometime in the near future. He only went to school in Jamaica though 8th grade so his reading/writing skills need a lot of help!!

Was it diffucult for him to get a job without a high school diploma?

I need to go back to school to learn how to spell difficult :lol:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-24 13:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Oh I forgot to add-yes he would take ESL classes also.
I also wanted to clarify that I don't think that manual labor jobs are menial. Here in CT some make more as a laborer than some white collar workers. They garner more respect than we do. Someone very close to me made over $106,000 as truck driver for one of the major manufacturers here. A friend got a job at a local construction company after being incarcerated and started at $30.00 per hour (working on a country club golf course) with no prior experience. One of my friends quit her job to clean houses. She works for doctors and lawyers-puts in about 25 hours per week and easily makes more than I do. Another friend is a nanny and she also makes a lot more than I do. That's why the competition is so fierce here. Of course not all jobs pay that much-but some do- and the cost of living here is also one of the highest in the nation. Now though we're losing a lot of those manufacturing jobs to overseas workers in Mexico and China. As a side note-our company just opened up a call center in, of all places Jamaica, and asked for volunteers to train them. Too bad I'm not in customer service :lol:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-24 05:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Ok, everyone
Question for you all.
I know this was discussed a bit in the old forum but I cant seem to find it. Did any of you feel the need or sign your hubby up for ESL classes. I never figured my hubby would need it, as he COMES from an English speaking country, but the accent is so difficult to understand and the vocabulary/words used vary so much from here, that I am just wondering if he just needs reading classes, or if he should actually take some of the ESL classes.
We did GED orientation today, and even tho he is insistant he needs to get a job ASAP, I feel getting a GED is just as important, here in the states anyhow. Well, come to find out, before he takes GED classes, they want him to take some basic reading and vocubulary understanding classes, but they are ONLY offered during the day, unlike the GED classes, which you have quite a choice from. So anyway, just not sure what to do. I should have signed him up sooner but I didnt becuz I had at first thought he was going to visit Guyana in November, then December, etc, but that AP came so much later than most peoples. And I didnt want him to "start" and then interrupt the classes. Turns out he woulda had ample time but how did I know that. Anyhow...whats your all opinion, you have this prob with any of your men, etc?
Lake only finished the equivalent of about the 10th grade in Guyana, (even tho he has some sort of agricultural degree, dont ask me how THAT works) and of course he is rusty on math and reading. He DOES read alot, but sometimes I have NO idea what words he comprehends and what he doesnt becuz he ACTS like he understands it all. I just told him TONITE, that he needs to ask questions when he doesnt understand a word, because thats how you LEARN, and nothing to be ashamed of becuz our country and his country uses a lot of different words for speaking, and I sure dont understand everything HE says, but I will ask what does THAT mean? Well, he just doesnt, I guess he figures he will appear ignorant. So...any of you experience or experiencing this?
Thanks all, you are great!

My fiance too is a "school leaver" and has about the same education level as Lake. I asked him to look into going back to school at home in Jamaica while we were waiting to file but his work schedule varies from day to day and he absolutely has to work so he will have to wait until he gets here to get his GED. In Connecticut it almost seems as if have to have a college degree to do even the most menial jobs- and the competiton is fierce for manual labor jobs since CT has the highest per capita income in the nation. He knows that he has to go back to school and quite frankly he doesn't understand why, which comes as a surprise to me because I know in Jamaica that they highly value education. When he get's here I'm hoping that he can attend school and work part-time at the same time. I do know that they offer night classes here. What we'll probably do is enroll him in classes as soon as he gets here.

Rhonda-how are you girl? How are things at work?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-24 04:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Thanks girls for your input on my question about the engagement ring. I have what's been called exquisite taste in jewelry and my ex husband gladly indulged in my habit as a jewelryholic :blush: I don't have a lot of jewelry but what I do have is nice. Therefore like Lee I have 2 engagement rings, an anniversary ring and other "marital" type jewelry sitting in my safe deposit box doing nothing. I will probably do like Mindy and get a nice CZ or just wear a nice band(and QVC does indeed have some nice ones) as I personally would rather put the money to other uses like a really nice honeymoon. A lot of stars now use CZ's on the red carpet instead of their real jewels if they are not borrowed from the big name jewelers. Anywho my next question is a little controversial but I'd like your input.

Say you have a nice collection of jewelry given to you by en ex that is just being stored, you don't have any children or female relatives to pass them down to, your fiancé cannot afford to give you the engagement ring that you want so would you:
a. use your old engagement ring if your fiancé/husband doesn't mind? (another ex- fiance suggested this but I strongly objected to this option; one reason why he's an ex)
b. sell some of the collection to get your ring or go on your honeymoon etc.?
c. forget about it and let your ex's rings continue to collect dust?
d. sell the collection and doing something else charitable with it?
e. other


Anna, nice to see you back and glad to hear you're feeling better :yes:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-23 18:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Well I waited for the gas company to come and connect service at the new place from 6:45 am until 8:00 pm and they never showed up :ranting: . Of course cust. service's hours are Mon-Fri so I couldn't put in a complaint; the only number I could call was the emergency line; which I did :blush: -but after being on hold for ten minutes without even speaking to a live person, I just hung up. What a waste of a day :angry:


More importantly...

Tenika and Rohan I hope you had a beautiful wedding day!! (L) (L)

Jax-congratulations on getting the big stuff done for the wedding; that must be such a relief. It was also nice to hear that everything went smoothly for you.
It took Tristan 4 months to get his passport; but he applied in the summer-which I understand takes longer.

Shauna I sure hope everyone's cases will start moving along soon and you get your new interview date. It would be really nice if you could get it when you're visiting JA. I wonder how long it will take to resolve everything? (IMBRA)

Have a great Sunday everyone.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-17 20:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Trying to keep cool here because its been real hot in the 90's. I hope it cools down Monday when I go back to teach. Finishing my last shopping items for the wedding on Saturday. Thats all folks.

Michelle congratulations on your new home. How long will it now take to unpack?

Everyone have a great weekend!


It's supposed to get real hot here this weekend too.
Will you be all set for the wedding after this weekend? When you you go to JA for your wedding?

Thanks Jax. Unpacking... :whistle: ; I still have to start :blush: . I only packed a few boxes; but now I have to really get cracking :hehe: . The moving van will be here in a couple of weeks for the furniture and big items. I can take the smaller boxes and clothes myself.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-16 21:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

If you guys havent signed my guestbook yet at my Bed Bath and Beyond website (under-Tenika Ross), please do
Its so empty :( . ANYWAY

Later Yall (L)

Done :)

Squito's mom has an appointment at the embassy on Tuesday morning to get her visitor's visa! I hope she gets it so that she can attend the wedding next month :dance: :dance: Please keep her in your prayers

That would be great if she can attend. How long would she stay if she get's the visa?

We are hitting Reggae Fest and Rhythm and Ribs(blues and Jazz) fest here in KC ;)

Sounds like fun :thumbs:

What's everyone doing this weekend? I have to work Saturday :angry: :crying:

I'm waiting for the gas company to connect service. Their service day tomorrow is from 7:00am to 8:00 pm :wacko: :wacko: . I'm sure that I'll be the last call of the day :angry:

Oh BTW I had a successful closing today on my condo :dance: :dance:

Everyone have a great weekend!!

Michele (F)

California here we come.......

Literally and figuratively.......just go the e:mail.....our case has been transferred to California :dance: :dance:

We leave for San Diego in the morning. Will check in if I get a chance. Everyone have a great weekend and a wonderful week!!

:dance: :dance: CONGRATULATIONS!! :dance: :dance: Great news and what a great start to your vacation.
I just love San Diego-my brother lives there. I hope to visit myself in the fall .
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-16 18:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Tenika and Rohan best wishes tomorrow!! (L) (L)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-16 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Mindy I hope you can get everything resolved without starting over from scratch.
Ann- funerals are indeed depressing; take care.
Jill-it seems that there is a lot of assistance out there but I guess you just have to know where to ask/look for it. Every little bit helps. Let us know what you find out.
Kim have a great trip.

Everyone have a good evening.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-12 19:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I've got more news:

Receipt Number: MSC0616514428

Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

On June 8, 2006, we transferred your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status to an office in CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER for processing. Our office in CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER will send you a written decision as soon as processing is complete. You should receive a notice informing you that your case has been transferred to a local office.

****Fingers crossed, hoping for approval w/o interview**** :yes: :luv: :yes:

Happy Friday, this has been a great week for the Yardie fam!!! :luv: :P :D (F) (L)

:thumbs: CONGRATS!! Great news! :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-09 08:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Michelle you can do it with the packing nice and slow a few items at a time. I was in the same spot as you last year packing and moving its rough. I understand. I moved to a condo to. It sounds very nice. How many levels is it? Does it have an open floor plan, front porch, deck? The best part of condos is I never have to mow my lawn again :star: How much do you have packed? I am truly amazed by your shoe collection.

The condo has three living levels; it also has a fireplace, which is nice for the winters that we have here. It does not have a front porch, but it does have a deck. The first 2 levels are open. I am so happy that I don't have to mow, shovel snow, landscape etc. When I was married before we had a large home and yard and after my husband left it was too much for me to manage and I had to rely on workers to help with the yard work, ugh.

Well, most of my shoes are packed and my kitchen is pretty much packed up. I still actually have a lot of boxes that I never unpacked since my last move 1 1/2 ago :blush: . I have toooo much stuff.
When I moved the last time my nephew accidently threw out a box of my dress shoes and designer bags :bonk: :crying: , so that drastically reduced my collection.

Our AP was approved today :dance: :dance:

CONGRATULATIONS!! :dance: :dance: Happy travels! and me both :lol: Him too. :hehe: I feel Like a big girl now :lol: :lol:...... Seriously cooking feels like a chore for me, I really don't like to do it. I think perperation is the key. I try to do everything at once. A nice meal takes time and planning :unsure: Something I don't do. He makes it seem so easy...he enjoys doing it. Not I :wacko:

Dee, I'm proud of you too. I so dislike cooking. I used to be an adequate cook at one time but when my mom was terminally ill I did not have to time to cook at all for about a 1 1/2 years, after she passed I got so used to not cooking that I never started back again. My ex-husband didn't mind as long as we didn't eat fast food. I really do want to start back again though. Maybe once I get in my new place I can start slowly; like on the weekends.

Kim and Shauna have a great time on your upcoming trip to JA. I know Shamanya and the Squittos are going next month too. Anyone else?

Have a good morning everyone.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-09 04:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

hey ladies quick qustion.
where do u get the applications to start the process?

msthickness-do you plan on filing soon?

[size=4]wow I just got back from having alterations done on my wedding dress. The alterations cost just as much as my dress. That's so crazy.. I am floored by this... It was painful to stand up in my shoes for an hour to getting my alterations done. I thought mabye I shouldn't of got such high heels (4 1/4 tall hmmm)... But then again I should be moving around and not staying still..[size=4]

Re the heels...if you are outdoors remember they can sink in the earth. My bridesmaid chose our shoes - 3 1/4 inch - very nice but we.....sank a bit. :yes:

Good point. It's been raining heavily here in CT like forever (don't remember the last sunny day we've had) and the ground is saturated with water.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-08 18:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

[size=4]wow I just got back from having alterations done on my wedding dress. The alterations cost just as much as my dress. That's so crazy.. I am floored by this... It was painful to stand up in my shoes for an hour to getting my alterations done. I thought mabye I shouldn't of got such high heels (4 1/4 tall hmmm)... But then again I should be moving around and not staying still..[size=4]

Do you have a picture of your dress that we can see?

Whoopie.... I just found out three of my friends are going to be immgration officers in JA!! They start tranning in July for 13 weeks in Kingston. Maybe I will get one of them for my interview when it comes up next year that would be so cool. I wonder where they will be working though... :P

Wow; all three going to the same place?? It's good to have friends in high places :D

Jax, what else do you have to do to finalise your plans?

Next week, we are going to San Diego for a few days to see my, there is really no that we know the card is actually coming.

Enjoy San Diego; it's one of my favorite cities :yes: . My brother lives there and I hope to visit him this fall.

http://www.davidsbri...lcollection.jsp this is the site my dress is on.. just hold the curser over the first girl on the top with blond hair.. she has a blue sash across her waist. Thats my dress. and the brides maids all have a different seprate outfit in that color.

Well I paid half of the catering the other day, just paid the villa off, and all outfits are done except one groosmen. Waiting to hear back from the wedding corridantor about the price for flowers, cultery, chairs, tables, birthday cake, minster, and paper work.

I think I am planning a trip for the younger folks to go ATV riding in the Rosehall area and the older folks to tour Rosehall plantation. I told my mom and dad I wont be going to plantation house I have done that like 8 times.

So everything is going smoothly so far. One bridesmaid zilla who wants me to change her plane ticket to a different date. Told her she have to call the travel agent herself. Then she invited 2 of her friends oh well the more the better.

I just wish one of my bros could be there but he is enjoying Indonesia. He is doing reilf work there for a week before he attends school.

Michelle, your moving this weekend?? right are you exited about your new place?? What is your new place like?


I don't know where are 3 guys will work since they are just starting training. They said they are still coming to my wedding. They will just say they have a funeral to attend instead :lol: I love those guys some of my best buddies.. that have to be sharing a dorm room with 3 Jamaicans kind of crazy! so that means there was 6 of us in one room tight quarters I say for 2 weeks. Try waking them up and getting them to class on time OUCH! and they all have internet addictions :lol:

Wow that is a very nice dress. I like the blue sash too; the color is perfect for an island wedding(the color of the sea).
Bridemaid zilla-what nerve :o
Have your friends been to JA before?

My closing is next Friday, but I won't be moving until the first week of July. I'm slowly chipping away at my packing and cleaning. I'm going to try to finish by the middle of next week. I'm buying a 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath condo with a garage. I'll get excited once I get packed up and moved. The stress of this move is driving me :wacko: .

Dru have a good time this weekend. Let us know how the jazz is in 'them thar hills' :P .

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 08 June 2006 - 06:29 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-08 18:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

[size=4]wow I just got back from having alterations done on my wedding dress. The alterations cost just as much as my dress. That's so crazy.. I am floored by this... It was painful to stand up in my shoes for an hour to getting my alterations done. I thought mabye I shouldn't of got such high heels (4 1/4 tall hmmm)... But then again I should be moving around and not staying still..[size=4]

Do you have a picture of your dress that we can see?

Whoopie.... I just found out three of my friends are going to be immgration officers in JA!! They start tranning in July for 13 weeks in Kingston. Maybe I will get one of them for my interview when it comes up next year that would be so cool. I wonder where they will be working though... :P

Wow; all three going to the same place?? It's good to have friends in high places :D

Jax, what else do you have to do to finalise your plans?

Next week, we are going to San Diego for a few days to see my, there is really no that we know the card is actually coming.

Enjoy San Diego; it's one of my favorite cities :yes: . My brother lives there and I hope to visit him this fall.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-08 17:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congrats Julie and Michael!! :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-08 17:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Seven e:mails sitting in my box this morning....

EAD is approved!! :dance: :dance:

CONGRATS!!!! :dance: :dance: Now put that man to work :P
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-08 08:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I called my mothers boyfriend "BOZO" for years. And no, it wasn't a term of endearment...:lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :no: :lol: :lol:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-07 19:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I'm taking Friday off as a vacation day so I'll have a 3 day weekend :dance:

Now that is something to celebrate. Don't get too spoiled :D

Dru(woogietail), good to see ya ;)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-07 18:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good luck Julie and Michael!!! :thumbs:

My sweetheart has the flu today...... :( He is in bed with body aches, fever and a BADDDD headache!! :( It been raining in Jamaica for 5 days straight.........

Why can't I be there now to help him.....he is trying to be tough but I can hear it in his voice...he needs some TLC...... :cry: :cry:

Yes, best wishes Julie and Michael!
Kim, hope your fiance feels better soon. I know how it feels to be so far away when someone you love is not feeling well :(

packing to move to my new apartment this weekend....getting my new furniture on friday...i am excited...

Me too; my closing is next Friday and I am still packing...and packing...and packing :wacko:

and don't ask why.....but I'm trying to find a link between multiple orgasms and chronic fatigue :hehe: :huh:

:lol: :lol:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-07 18:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congrats on the baby boy Juliana(babyjules)!!

Your family is in my thoughts Ann.

Thanks for the hair tips Jonesie.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-05 18:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
I just saw the line up for Sumfest :thumbs: and I am sick to my stomach that I won't be there. :crying:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-05 07:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good morning (F)

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-06-05 04:25:00