Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Okay, everyone I have finally gotten everything back and am ready to begin this process. I just have one question to find out whether this will be a problem. I have changed my name on all of my documents to my first name, maiden name and last name. When I sent the paperwork to have my passport changed, it was sent back with my first name, middle name, and married name. Will this be a problem since all of my other id's and documents use my maiden name as my middle but the passport uses my real middle name. I am planning on mailing everything first thing Monday a.m.

Aside from your passport, are the other "documents" that you're talking about legal documents or are they forms or other non-legal items? If there are any legal changes to your name send in copies of those documents/passports with your application; here in Connecticut we have to have legal name changes(marriage, divorce if you change your name back to your maiden name, or legal name changes) recorded in the town we live in. For my application I would be sending a copy of my passport, my divorce decree, and my legal name change after my divorce. Of course since you're married you would have to send your CMC too. Hopefully they will "get it" but you never know.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-18 11:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

...just bustin butt trying to save....I am hoping we will have at least $5,000 saved before Adrian returns to JA for his interview :yes: .. I am so bad at saving but lately I guess since we have a goal I am doing pretty good at saving. Plus since Adrian might be getting a promotion on the ship, that will help out.

Good plan Joanna :thumbs:. You're fortunate that you are able to work that much OT and that you get paid for it. I have some money saved up but with the cost of living here and taxes I wonder how long it will last if he doesn't get a job right away :unsure:. I've been thinking about getting a second job since his :wacko: work schedule won't allow him to look for a second job(if there were any jobs available in the first place). You already know...this process will drain you financially and emotionally :( .
Looks like I'm on a "smilie" kick today :P
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-18 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good morning guys, hope everyone is doing ok. I got package 4 recently and i have my interview schedule for 3rd of April, so i tried to make an appointment for the medical but the doctor's office keep putting me on hold when i call so i plan to go directly to the doctor's office monday morningand make the appointment.

Good for you Robert. Where do you have to do your medical? Make sure you get your appointment in plenty enough time before the interview. Only a couple more weeks to go!! Will you be coming "home" right after your visa is issued or will you wait a little while?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-18 11:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I pray that none of you will go through what Damien and I are going through - USCIS ordering a background check when you're so close to being finished :ranting: USCIS will see our pretty brown faces again next week. This is draining.....

Keep your chin up and do what you have to do!! I really have to do some research beyond K-1 filing; but I have to ask why would they start doing background checks so late in the 'game' so to speak?
After I complete my taxes I really have to study up and :guides: :yes:

Keeping you in my thoughts...
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-17 19:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

This is just a mini vent, but all the talk of centralizing got me thinking. why do people filing through dallas get the opportunity to adjust their status and receive a greencard within 90 days. that's lets me know that it can be done, so why not just make it that simple and quick for EVERYBODY :angry:

i thought the k-1 was bad, aos is sooooooooo much worse

i wish we got married in JA :blush:

I probably should be more 'up' on this but why would it have been easier to get married and filed a K-3? And how is it that Dallas filers can do what others can't?

...better start reading up on this.

Congratulations Eric! - I can't imagine how excited you must be after such a long wait.

What's everyones plans for the weekend? I'm finally going to buckle down and do my taxes. :crying: Everyone else have a great weekend!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-17 19:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congratulation Tenika! :dance:

VCS seems to be the fastest service center. Robert's (rncarterjm) fiance filed a K-1 for him in December and he has his interview on April 3; so it only took about 3 1/2 months. Fortunately for me VSC is my service center too. All of the centers should be on par with this one as far as timelines go :yes:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-17 13:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hi Minfay,

Saw your e-mail -- Jamaica is anything but Fantasy Island. There are ladies and gentlemen with real needs, real desires and genuine interests of the heart. It's a two-way street-life and love, crossing a broken yellow line can be either good or bad. It depends on how long you have been with the person and know the person. You can live with a person 50 years and still never get to know that person. In six months you can know the person better than in that 50 years what they will or will not do, morally speaking. As you said, once you are happy nothing else matters. Time is a virtue.


Ann -- maybe I didn't really clarify (enough) what I was saying. You are right, there are people there with real needs, I am not disputing that.

The point I was trying to make is -- before and during this process there are not many people who have the $$$$$ to be able to travel to Jamaica every other weekend to be with their significant other to be able to spend real quality time with them. And many people do not have the luxury to be able to "live" with their significant others in their homes and be a true part of their "real" lives -- they have to stay in hotels (and such).

That was the point that I was trying to get to. Jamaica is a place that I go on vacation. It just happens to also be the place where I met the love of my life -- who, by the way, only made $40.00 a week US and lived in a 10 x 10 room with no indoor plumbing. Yeah, we stayed at the Hilton everytime I went to visit -- to him, that was Fantasy Island. To me, it was too.

Real life happens when they land at that airport in the States and it all becomes way too real. I went to wash my truck the other day -- Roy had never been in an automatic car wash before. He had never been on an escalator before. He never had spinach dip, mint chocolate ice cream, cheese popcorn, pop tarts or fish sticks before. Did I know any of this before he got here -- no. Does it matter -- no. BUT, if we had the opportunity to not be
"stuck" on that island I think his transition here would be much easier.

That being said, I think I know Roy better than any other man I was ever in a realtionship with. Being forced to spend quality time with him when I visited was priceless to me. Talking on the phone -- I listened to every word he said......I never took anything for granted -- and neither did he.

Now I will really shut up. Sorry!!


Never be afraid of this tomorrow of having he/she near
There are trials, errors in any formula to have the proper doses of love
To find the one who cares God knows if tomorrow he/she will be Dear
We started friends now my heart always wants you near
At times we are all afraid, what really made us afraid
Was it something we saw or something that was said?
Imagine no heaven, even with John Lennon dead--that was a lot he said
Online visa journey you ladies/gents do so much--still so much to be done

Tears, fears, distraught is just the start to obtain the love of your heart
Love is always compared to a rose--to me so delicate a touch could harm it
So strong--nothing can hurt it
I talk this truth--my heart has been to and from seeking happiness
Found hurt and pain--at times refused to go on and then I remember Solomon
He knew what love really is--love nor -knowledge nor wisdom is in the grave
No one sees the heart but God
Madness is in the heart of love
For the living know that they will die but the dead know not anything
For in life there is hope--for a living dog is better than a dead lion
Live joyfully with the person of your life for the time is short
Tomorrow, the last time we checked was not promised to us
Yet optimistically we all made plans
Be not afraid of tomorrow
Live life and be happy

by Anthony Henry
March 16, 2006

To All VJers:

So eloquently put :luv:

:cry: I agree-everyone's input is invaluable and helpful for those who are comptemplating whether or not they can even do this. It's probably theraputic for those who are going through or have gone through the 'process' to share their experiences. If it wasn't for my VJ fam I know for a fact that I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. I appreciate Anthony's point of view :yes:, very nicely put. Eric it's good to hear your experience too; it just goes to show that transitioning from two very different cultures is a huge adjustment for anyone. My SO and I are discussing some of these points as they apply to us now and with your help we won't be going into this blindly. BTW I'm also 'schooling' him on life in the US. Our first subject is economics- lesson #1 was on federal income taxes and then we went on to credit card- qualifying, use and abuse :blink: . He seems to understand the concept; let's see how he applies it in real life :whistle:

Everyone have a great Friday and weekend!

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-17 08:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hello everyone else, I am going to do my bridal registry today at Bed Bath and Beyond, I dont need too much but there are a few things we could use, my friend is throwing me a bridal shower at the end of April, she wants to have it before Adrian gets here so I dont have to leave him alone, while I go have a party.

So will chat later, Joanna

I love Bed, Bath, & Beyond! We registered at Kohl's (which I don't think you have in FL) and Target. Tony went to the Bridal Shower with me and helped me open the gifts :blush: Everyone wanted to meet him anyways. We had the shower 1 month after he got here and the wedding 1 month after the shower. NONE of it was planned until after he arrived in the U.S.!!! :o My mom is GOOD! :D We were just going to get married by a judge or something but my parents wanted me to have a "real" wedding with a shower and everything. It was small (about 30 people) but really nice.

No one could've said it better than you and Ann. I definitely couldn't.

Have fun registering - it's like shopping without spending any money :lol: Let us know when you're registered so I can go on-line and see what you want ;)

Well I am back from registering at Bed Bath and Beyond, I only registered for about 20 things and the most expensive thing was only $34.99 :lol: :lol: , I dont really need to much as I have been established in my apartment for years now. The main thing I was going to register for was bath towels, but they had some nice ones for 40% off so I just went ahead and bought them :yes: ....and Rhonda yes we have a Kohl's here in Florida but there is not one near me, my parents have one near them. But I know what you mean I keep telling my parents we will just go to the court house and get married, but they are not having it, they said I have to have a wedding, so it will be about 50-60 people....Me and my parents have an appointment next friday to go check out one of the Doubletree Hotels here....we will have the ceremoney and reception at the same place, and more then likely it will be at a hotel, it is just easier for out of town guests.
So, we are doing the full blown wedding thing also, I already know the florist, DJ and photographer I am going to use, I just need to find a place to have the wedding and a bakery for the cake....Mom also says that I have to have a traditional wedding cake and a grooms cake (who does grooms cakes anymore?? :blush: )...but the grooms cake will be a Jamaican black fruit cake from one of the caribbean bakeries we have here...
anyway enough about wedding #######...hope everyone has a great weekend, I of course will be at work :yes:

Until later, Joanna

Jamie -- I agree with everthing that Ann said....she has very valid points.

Why do people break up? I think it's because the process is soooo stressful and it really does take it's toll. I really don't think people change their minds so fast -- I think it's an ongoing process. Not many of us had the "luxury" of being able to spend LOTS of quality time with or fiancees. You think you know them. You hope you know them. But you just really don't know until you are living together.

Why do people wait? Probably two reasons. One, you know you are having problems and hope that when you get through the process everything will be "perfect" -- OR -- You (the USC) was totally being used and now that the "process" is done the "real" person (that you thought you loved and went through all this bullshit for) comes out. That would be the person who was using you for the GC.

Regarding the LDR -- I have said it before and I will say it again. Jamaica is Fantasy Island. Nothing that happens there is what happens in real life. When you bring them into "your" life everything becomes real. It's not a fantasy anymore. This is when you really need to be strong. Going through the whole K-1 process (up until the interview is over) is a piece of cake compared to what happens when they get to America. I think that goes for anyone coming from any country in which "them" obtaining a Tourist Visa is impossible thus making a visit to you impossible.

I don't know about you but I did all the work for this. And I am still doing all the work for this. Sometimes (and I will admit it), I get home and I am bitter that I was working all day and he was sitting around watching TV. I am tired when I get home and he wants to talk because he has been home alone all day. Talking to him on the phone was much less stressful and (at times) much more fun that what "real life" has become.

NOW DON'T GET ME WRONG -- I don't regret anything. I am happier than a pig in ###### that he is finally here, we are married and getting on with our lives. But, no relationship is easy and I just think that on a whole the LDR's are tested much more than any other relationship.

Sorry, I'm done now. See what you did, Jamie!! :lol:

I tried to reply to this before but it went into space somewhere, anyway I don't think anybody could have answered this better than you(Mindy) and Ann. You hit on all the right points.

:yes: Excellent points both.
Jamie says the weekend is here; let's see if that flies at work tomorrow :lol:

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 16 March 2006 - 06:48 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-16 18:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Looks like a few of us will be in Jamaica within the next few weeks-from what I can recount:

Jill (ChrisineJames) [are you packed yet?]
Kelly? (luvtravelin)
Michele (Jamaica to CT)
Dru (woogietail)
Eric (eric_drewey)
Jax (BelwinMills)
anybody else?

...adding Tenika to the list

Where's everyone staying? I'll be in Mobay. I think a couple of you will be in Negril the same week I'm in JA.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-16 07:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congratulations to David and good luck to Andre on their driving tests.

Kelly and Jill(ChristineJames)...hoping that everything works out for the best ;)

Joanna and Eric- wishing you the best for May interview dates

Looks like a few of us will be in Jamaica within the next few weeks-from what I can recount:

Jill (ChrisineJames) [are you packed yet?]
Kelly (luvtravelin)
Michele (Jamaica to CT)
Dru (woogietail)
Eric (eric_drewey)
Jax (BelwinMills)
anybody else?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-15 21:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hey Kelly,

Are you going to JA in April, what date do you know yet?

Hey Dru,

I don't know if I'm definitely going or not. Soccer was the issue, but now it alllll depends on Craig. Our case "expires" on April 15th....and if he stays true to his word, he's working on the stuff that HE needs to get done to help finish up this part of it.

There is a travel agent trip to Negril on April 24th for 3's $199.00 includes everything --hotel, airfare and all meals. I just need to work on who would watch my son.

I'm soooo flippin busy with the travel business and soccer and the part-time temp job has offered me a permanent part-time with VERY flexible (come and go) hours....that I just don't have enough time in the day to get everything done.

I haven't replied on this new site yet...I hope I did it right?!

Kelly, I'll be in Jamaica the same time as you will. I hope you can go!

I am having a helluva time researching financial aid programs for which Squito would be eligible. I think once he receives his GC he would be eligible for some aid, but given the ridiculous wait in NYC for interviews it could take up to 4 years for him to get his GC. I want to move :crying:

:idea: Since you spend so much time in CT anyways; why not come back home? If you can afford to live in the "gold coast" area you can still work in NYC and you're closer to your fam.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-15 21:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Does anyone know why they can't get student loans? I mean they have to pay it back; it's not free. Does anyone know at what stage(visa) they would be able to apply for student loans? This girl I used to work with came from the Ukraine on a K-1 visa and received a degree before citizenship from our local state university. According to her account she received grants and financial aid :o . I wish I knew how to contact her now to find out how she did it. Dee had a good point about tuition reimbursement, I think you would have to go to an accredited school though.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-15 15:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I was quite surprised and pleased when I checked Air Jamaica for flights from Mobay to Kingston. When I was living in Jamaica and Air Jamaica Express was in operations it was about $160 for a round trip ticket. I just booked Nickiesha a round trip ticket for $122. You'd be lucky to get a taxi for that these days.

The good thing is her flight to the US won't be her first flight.

How long of a flight is it from Mobay to Kingston?
That is a good price.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-14 20:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I just got my travel plans, 3/21-3/29, got to love it when you get paid to go visit your other half. :)

:thumbs: Enjoy!

Jus checking in. We had our 1st out-of-state soccer tournament in Virginia this weekend and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Our team didn't do so bad, considering we have 5 new players on our team. My son played in 6 games because our coach needed him as a guest player for our other team and we are both exhausted running around all part of Virginia all weekend. I took a nap when I got home and here it is
1 am and I can't sleep !

Congrat to everyone on their continuing cases, marriages, pregnancies, etc and to those that are in need of thoughts are with you.

Rhonda that stinks that you guys got sick. I can't remember which hotel you stayed in, but I know it's was one that I've never sold to any clients before. What makes people sick in the Dominican Republic and Mexico is the water. You cannot even brush your teeth with it. Bottled water for everything !! The beaches are beautiful and the food was outstanding where we've stayed. Yes it's a spanish speaking country and there are some hotels that "cater" to the spanish speaking, not Americans. Punta Cana is the most requested destination that I sell, then Las Vegas.

I'm hoping and praying to head to Jamaica next month....just depends on our darn soccer schedule because we may be playing in yet another tournament. We have tournaments in Richmond Virginia and Manassas the next 2 weekends.

Have a great week everyone !

Kelly :D

Kelly- Thanks for the info; I'm thinking of going to Punta Cana soon. Hope you can make it to Jamaica next month- I'm going at the end of the month myself.

JA to CT - we need to link up honey, I'm in CT like every weekend. my big wedding is in Hartford this July (F)

:yes: The next couple of weekends I'll be busy; but I'll pm you my number, maybe we could meet after I get back from my trip next month. What's your favorite Jamaican restaurant in the area?
Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-13 21:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Has anyone heard from Myisha (Ricardoswife) lately? She hasn't checked in in ages. I hope everything is all right with her pregnancy.

I sent a pm to her a couple of weeks ago and she replied on March 2. She said that the family is fine; the boys turned 1 on February 9th, and the pregnancy is going well. She also said the boys have been keeping her very busy and she hoped everyone was doing well.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-13 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I'm trying to get him to enroll in the advanced GED class. He took the pre-test and they told him he could take the test but he wants to brush up on algebra before he takes nursing classes.

Wow that's great! :thumbs: Best wishes Anthony!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 19:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I flew Anthony in to JFK and got the stamp. He got a job as a car salesperson and it lasped. We got married two months after he arrived. We have filed for AOS and EAD and are waiting. It helped us because Anthony has two children in Jamaica to support. I wish they had a law that could extend the temporary work authorization to last until the EAD is processed but then I'm not making the laws governing immigration but it sure makes sense to help marriages and families to reunite sooner.

Yeah, you'd think...I thought that I read somewhere that you could extend it but I can't find it in anything "legal" that says that an interim one can be issued. It's ridiculous to have to quit a decent job because they can't extend the temporary EAD. Those laws just don't make any sense :wacko:

Hello Everyone!

I am enjoying a quiet afternoon with my husband. We went to a party last night but I was driving so we came home early. It was like a Jamaican party really. The music, dancing and food was delicious. The weather is beautiful--like a spring day with the birds chirping and sweet breeze.

Anthony will be registering for class tomorrow and I will be finalyzing my car purchase on Monday or Tuesday.

Sounds like you had a great weekend Ann. Congratulations on the new car. What class in Anthony taking?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 16:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
congrats to Joanna for making platinum-membership has it's privileges :P
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 11:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Just to give you guys a little update:Leo passed his poker class.He should recieve his certificate tomorrow.
He also got his permit a few weeks ago.He is doing very well with the driving.
On another note his daughter has been very sick,which has been stressful for us.Please keep us in your prayers.

Congratulations to Leo on his accomplishments. Keeping your daughter in my thoughts...
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 11:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
[quote name='jkb919' post='72328' date='Mar 12 2006, 10:45 AM']So Michele, how are things with your other half? I see you are going for a visit soon...are you going to file when you get back? or are ya'll going to wait a while longer? Good luck with everything


This trip will help determine whether or not I'll file. It's either do or don't time. It will be a "business trip" of sorts although I'll definititely fit in some fun too. I'm really looking forward to going. I'm shopping and packing already B)


[quote name='jkb919' post='72333' date='Mar 12 2006, 10:50 AM']I got 7 more post and I think I will go platinum!!!!! goiong to make more posts now :lol:[/quote]

Go girl, go! :lol:

[quote name='jkb919' post='72333' date='Mar 12 2006, 10:50 AM']I still cannot figure this posting thing out...I knew how to do it in the old format but now it does not turn out right......can someone help me....How do you reply to just a "portion" of a post??? I delete the part I am not replying to and it does not show in a white box??? am I making any since, do ya'll understand what I am trying to say here??? :help:[/quote]

I just delete the part that I don't want and make sure that the rest is in "quotes" [quote]-front and end. Usually works...
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 11:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good Morning.....I just wanted to say hello to you guys,and see whats good.Congrats to the newlyweds and all the expectant mommies :dance:

Hi Tennille and Leo, good morning.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 10:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

For those whose POE was JFK where a temp EAD was issued, was it effectual? Were you or your SO able to get a job during that 90 days time frame? More importantly after it expired in 90 days were you able to extend or get another interim EAD until the permanent one came in?


Good question Michele, I was kinda wondering the same thing...I am going to fly Adrian up to JFK and then back down to Orlando, just to get the temp work permit. I figured a lot of the theme parks here hire seasonal employees so maybe he could get a job on the temp permit as a seasonal employee for the summer and then get something else when he gets the perm. work permit.
I know a most people say that it is not worth it to get the temp stamp since it is only valid for 90 days, but if Adrian can get a job as a seasonal employee for a couple months that would be great...It would be worth it.
I think there are only a couple of people on the Yardie thread that went through JFK....but to any of those that did, Is there any way I could see (maybe scan) what the temp. stamp looks like?? I am not sure if I will just fly right back to Orlando or fly with Adrian up to JFK and I want him to know what the stamp looks like so he can make sure he gets it, if he flies up there by himself. I am not worried about him going through immigration at the airport by himself, since working on the ship he has had to go through several times on his C-1 (crewmember) he has experience with immigration at the airports.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!


I posted this question on the K-1 forum too. One poster got their EAD in less than 60 days, so it worked out well for them. They did get married shortly after entering though so for someone who waits toward the end of the 90 days I'm wondering if there would be a lapse? I thought I remembered reading that the regional offices, we have one in Hartford, will issue temporary interim EAD's until the permanent one came??? Even so; as you said temporary working for a couple of months is better than not working at all. Since I live in CT; JFK is not really that much of an inconvenience to me.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 09:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
For those whose POE was JFK where a temp EAD was issued, was it effectual? Were you or your SO able to get a job during that 90 days time frame? More importantly after it expired in 90 days were you able to extend or get another interim EAD until the permanent one came in?

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 08:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


Today was a great day!!! :dance: :dance: In the mailbox was Andre's work authorization card and our appointment letter for our AOS interview on April 27th! Just a month and a half away...all in all it has only taken about 4 months for this whole AOS much faster than I originally thought. The craziest part is that our interview is on the 27th...everything happens on the 27th...we started dating, we got married, its andre's birthday and so much else is on the 27th...its got to be a good sign :yes: Well I thought I would share the good news with you all. Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Catch back up with everyone on Monday!!!

:thumbs: Congratulations Andre and Jamie!!! :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-12 07:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Ok let's try this again-
Here's a link for the reciprocity schedule for the Jamaican embassy. On the bottom of the report it shows where to apply for birth certificates and police records and other requirements. Keep in mind that this embassy seems to change it's requirements often and this is just a guide to get you started. Please find out directly from the embassy what their current requirements are and follow all of the embassy's requirements that you receive in your packets. Here's the link:Jamaican Reciprocity Schedule or directly at:
Also please note that the link above does not have information on the certificate of no impediment to marriage (not sure if this is the legal name of the certificate) that is now required. Here's information that Tracy8296 posted on this new requirement: http://www.visajourn...p?showtopic=842

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-11 14:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
For those starting or in the midst of the visa process:
Here's a link for the reciprocity schedule for the Jamaican embassy. On the bottom of the report it shows where to apply for birth certificates and police records and other requirements. Keep in mind that this embassy seems to change it's requirements often and this is just a guide to get you started. Please find out directly from the embassy what their current requirements are and follow all of the embassy's requirements that you receive in your packets. Here's the link:Jamaican Recoprocity Schedule

Also please note that the link above does not have information on the certificate of no impediment to marriage (not sure if this is the legal name of the certificate) that is now required. Here's information that Tracy8296 posted on this new requirement: http://www.visajourn...p?showtopic=842

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-11 08:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'


I am at work bright and early this morning...I hope everyone has a good weekend..

Adrians DS230 form was delivered to the Embassy via fedex at 5:20pm yesterday, so hopefully Monday they will start to process our case and begin to assign an interview date. Still crossing my fingers for an early May interview.

until later, Joanna

Good Saturday morning,
:thumbs: - an early May interview would be great!
I'm curious since Adrian's working on a cruise ship will he be able to just quit to take care of his business like his medical and police report? Don't they have work contract's? How does that work if he has to leave before his contract is up?

Have a good weekend.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-11 08:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
In my first marriage I was married to a well-educated successful man; I had a beautiful home, was gifted lavishly and traveled extensively. My fiance is uneducated, poor and doesn't have a pot to...(well you know).
My family and friends know that I get offers from men now who have a lot more to offer me. I know that when my fiance comes here that it will be a struggle;whereas I am living comfortably now. My family and friends think I'm choosing "beneath me". What I do know is that I have never felt as much love from a man as this. To me, I am rich.

Everyone have a good weekend.

Michele (F)

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 10 March 2006 - 08:39 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-10 20:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I know we've talked about this before....BUT....

does anyone have families that are just not going to accept your relationship?

My family is giving me hell right now. totally disrespecting my situation. they are confused about my future with him. How will he be able to contribute? what type of work does he do? his education, or lack thereof? it's awful. we've been fighting for days. i'm supposed to have a big chat with my parents this weekend and work on somethings...

anyone feel me?

That's hard Doodle, I feel for you. I know my family has the same concerns, but they are not vocal about it at all. Getting there is hard - but someday they are bound to see how happy you both are. The rest doesn't matter.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-10 20:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I know we've talked about this before....BUT....

does anyone have families that are just not going to accept your relationship?

My family is giving me hell right now. totally disrespecting my situation. they are confused about my future with him. How will he be able to contribute? what type of work does he do? his education, or lack thereof? it's awful. we've been fighting for days. i'm supposed to have a big chat with my parents this weekend and work on somethings...

anyone feel me?

:yes: and he's not even here yet...
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-10 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hi everyone. It looks like things are going great for most everyone. Sorry I haven't been on lately. I have been focusing on loosing weight before my trip on March 27th. Trying to get back to the weight I was when last I saw Dwain which has been 2 yrs and 7 month but who is counting. I'm almost there with a weight loss so far of 23 pounds. I would love to get back to the weight when we first started dating 6 years ago so another 35 to go. Michele we are still planning on getting married in August. We are going to find a villa to have it at when I'm down in March. It is going to be on August 5th. Hopefully I will be on here a little more frequent. To keep in touch with everyone. Once the school season widens down I know for sure I will be on every day. Everybody have a great week and take care. :)

Good to see you again Jax ;) . Congratulations on the weight loss! :thumbs: Have a great trip and reunion and try to have some fun amidst the wedding planning. Keep in touch.
Everyone have a great Thursday.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-09 05:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good Morning!!!

Wanted to share the good news...Praise God! :dance: :dance: :dance:


The following is the latest information on your case status


Current Status:

On March 7, 2006, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card.
Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status
results listed above, or if you have not received a decision or advice from
USCIS within the projected processing time frame*, please contact the National
Customer Service Center.

National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283.

*The projected processing time frame can be found on the receipt notice that you
received from the USCIS.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

I am so excited and Andre is jumping off the walls...It's so great to get good news :yes: :yes:

:dance: :dance: congratulations Jamie and Andre!

Welcome home Rhonda- how was your trip? How did you like the DR? I'm considering a trip there later this
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-08 11:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Our trip was wonderful. Damien was so happy to see his family and friends. We spent quality time together - it felt like we fell in love all over again. We had dinner with my mother, aunt and Damien's father and brothers - it was very nice. He was a little emotional at the airport. He made out of JA with no problems with the AP but they made him wait 45 minutes in Fort Lauderdale so we missed our flight to DC - after waiting in line for almost an hour because part of the airport was closed so 6 international flights landed at the same time. US Airways booked us on the next flight with no problems. I miss JA already.

Awww. What a great trip you and Damien had. I know what you mean about missing Jamaica; even without any familial connections I feel like it's my second home. It has a vibe like no other place I've been to in this world. You're going back again this summer right?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-08 05:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

We shall see, I am the Corporate Jamaican lol... Actually my Mom is from Jamaica and I have Dual Citizenship. Depending on how the startup goes, it's hard to say how long I could be there.
I could be leaving as early as next week.

Worst thing that can happen is it will be a free trip to see the wife. Can't complain....

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-07 19:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hey Everyone!!!! Since I have nothing to talk about with regards to my visa or a relationship with a Jamaican......I do have something to say.......I'LL BE IN JA IN 11 DAYS!!!!!!! Boy or boy....I can't wait. Can you tell I'm excited???? :P

:yes: ...we can tell you're very excited.
Go ahead, rub it in Jill :P . I think that Kelly's next, then me. I'm going next month!!!
Welcome back Shemanya-how was your trip?


(Dont sleep on the white rum it's the magic cure :lol: )

Uh-OH......The magic cure for what????

I want to know too.

After 45 minutes of a ringing phone, and most people in my office questioning what was going on what I found was, Nickiesha does not have an interview date yet, and they have schedulede April. I was told that I should check with the information desk at the embassy when I arrive as they may be able to do something. (Like someone is really going to cancel)

Hopefully something will happen for you soon Eric, we're all pulling for you. It would be great if you could get a date while you're there. If not can you get an extension for your job to stay a little longer, or delay your arrival. Just a thought...

Hi Denise
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-07 19:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Hang in there Joanna; don't let discouragement get you down. You know how the Jamaican embassy works from everyone's past experiences and eventually things will start happening for you.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-07 05:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Welcome Tenika.

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-06 19:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congrats Jill and Lake! :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-05 18:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Nice wedding night......I got really sick. Think I even had a fever.....Roy took our bottle of Double Proof Rum and rubbed in on my body -- then poured it on my head. I know, I know.......too much information...... :whistle:

Well, it did make me feel better. Word of caution -- if this ever happens to you -- close you eyes as he is pouring the rum on your head -- doesn't feel to good when it gets in your eyes.
:crying: :P

Jamie -- How did the Biometrics go??

I cringe sometimes when I listen to my fiances "folk" medicine remedies; however I note that I can have the same symptoms and with modern med's it takes me days to recover and with his home remedies he's up on his feet in a few hours :huh: :blink:. I still have my bottle of rum from the first time I went to Jamaica-it's so dang strong I can't drink it no matter how much I try to dilute it. Now I know what to do with it next time I get sick :P. Glad you're feeling better Mindy.
Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon!

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 04 March 2006 - 04:21 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-04 16:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Thought this was a very interesting topic as this is my main fear/concern :( I'm hoping that once they get their EAD that our fiances/husbands/wifes can find suitable jobs; especially those of us the fiances who have to continue their basic education.

Congrats again Mindy & Roy

Anna :thumbs: way to go- 30# is great.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-03 19:00:00