Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

As for your partner adjusting to life in the US with you, it seems to be hugely stressful which I can definitely understand....

I grew up eating the same food day in and day out in Jamaica, when I came back to the UK, all of a sudden there was this huge array of strange food. For a while it was nice, kinda like eating out for dinner every day, but very quickly I became sick and tired of the food and just wanted 'normal' stuff...Yes, I did cook some, but obviously it wasn't practical every day.
Again, none of the fruit that I had become used to eating, no mangoes, guineps, ortaniques etc.....Even the milk tasted different, the meat, even KFC, Burger King...

In Jamaica, as you all know, it's very different socially, you have friends/relatives dropping by, hanging out on the corner etc etc...Here, all of a sudden it was just me and the 'strangers' that were were my blood relatives.
The TV shows were different, the transportation system was strange, never seen anything like it in Jamaica. All of a sudden, I wasn't one of the crowd, but someone different from it....Was hugely isloating...Again, in Jamaica you know how everything works, you are familiar with the area, but all of a sudden you ask 'stupid' questions, people are amused by your mistakes or misconceptions, you begin to feel like an idiot.
Then comes the work situation. In Jamaica, I was highly qualified for what I wanted to do, could pick and choose jobs. Here, I was an oddity, someone who they weren't quite sure how to deal with. Went from never being turned down for a job in Jamaica to having many interviews here with no luck.
It begins to eat away at your self-confidence, are you not worth anything anymore??
I can only imagine how it must be for some men in a similar situation.
Ie, their girlfriend/wife coming to see them in Jamaica, they are the ones that know where everything is, how things work, what's safe and what's dangerous, what different types of food they'd like etc etc.
All of sudden, they are transported into a world where they have to rely on their woman, the roles are almost completely reversed....Their very manhood is being challenged financially because they have'nothing' to offer.
IN my experience Jamaican men are very proud, men I have dated wouldn't be caught dead going dutch or letting me pay for anything. But in combination with all these other issues, now they can't even buy their woman a bunch of flowers with their own money.
Again, in my experience, the large majority of men have their own accomodation, even if it's just one room. The typical senario is that the woman moves in with them, again this is often reversed. So they have to deal with the foriegn food, the fact they can't 'contribute', the fact they know nothing about the US and they are living in someone's else's 'domain'.
If the relationship wasn't water-tight to begin with, cracks could most definitely begin to appear....
Conversely, depending on the man, it may be that he worked a low-paid, 'low status' job in Jamaica. In my experience, women in 'higher' social positions do not go out with men in 'lower' ones.
Now, all of sudden, the man has attracted a mate like you, in a decent job, nice standard of living. He's emigrating, his friends and family wish they were in his shoes, he has dreams of a charmed life abroad. He is feeling on top of the world.
You've tried to tell him that life abroad is hard, you work hard for your money etc etc.
But he thinks maybe you're exaggerating, after all he sees how you dress, photos of your house/car, heard you exclaim how cheap eating out/cab fares/hotel prices are there....maybe you're downplaying it to him, you might be wanting to see if he'd love you if you had nothing....
Suddenly, he's in a cold country with nothing familiar around him, those long massages you used to give him are replaced by a quick kiss on the cheek as you run out to work leaving him at home all day.
You used to tell him 3 times a day how much you loved him, now you tell him 3 times a day to remember to take the washing out of the dryer, very often 'woman's work' in Jamaica.
You used to call him twice a day when he was in Jamaica, now you tell him he can't call Jamaica twice a day to talk to his friends and family...He wants to tell you not to worry, he'll pay the bill when it comes, but then remembers he doesn't have a job......
In my experience, the vast majority of Jamaicans I know would think it was wrong to even allow a dog in the house.
Now he sees yours on your bed, on the sofa and you don't take it kindly when he voices his displeasure.....What, you love your dog more than him??
Then you go walking in the mall.
In Jamaica, he was a lifeguard/taxi driver/woodworker etc, Jamaican women turned their noses up and passed him by. Now, he's seeing flirtacious glances, warm smiles by women refusing to notice his wedding ring....Maybe THEY might be more appreciative of him??
During those long days when you're at work and you don't call, his mind is free to wander.....
He finally gets a job.
It's not something he would have wanted in Jamaica, but he'll take anything just to feel like he's contributing something. Then again, he can buy a car like yours, spend $50 a week on phonecards, buy you that bunch of flowers with his OWN money...He is begining to feel like a man again....
Then, you tell him he'll have to give this amount for the house. What??? He's JUST got a few dollars coming in and now you want that too???
During those long months sitting at home, he has given his number to his friends so they can call, then THEY pay the bill right??
The second he gets the job, he's called home to tell people the good news, he's abroad and he's working, he's on the way!
Then, his friends, family start calling. They want a few dollars, lunch money for their kids, new pair of shoes, school fees, money for a passport, money to go to the doctor etc etc....
After all, when HE was in Jamaica they were there for him through good times and bad times right?
Suddenly his wage packet shrinks a little more.
He stops taking calls from them, doesn't talk to them as much. They begin to reproach him 'You're both working and you can't send me $50?' they say....
Then, you've watched how homesick he is, how he pines for the food, the company and you decide to try and make him happy, you'll both go down for a holiday. You'll work overtime, you'll pay his fare you say....
His heart leaps with joy, to see Jamaica, to smell the familar scents, to see his family even for a short time!
Then, he realises he's going to have to buy clothes. He can't go to Jamaica not looking good!
He goes to the mall, he thinks the $300 he has can surely buy enough.....
Then, a nice pair of sneakers alone is $120, that Rocawear t shirt is $30, etc etc.....
All of a sudden he realises how hard life is....And there you are saying/nodding your head like 'I told you so!'...
He's homesick and angry with life, and needs to vent. Who's there? YOU ARE!!
You can't understand why he's being so tetchy, you work hard to make your lives better, you've sacrificed and saved to get you both this far, you've gone against what your friends and family have suggested and followed your heart, you've lain in bed nights dreaming about how you can be togehter and what life will be like, and here HE IS looking at YOU like YOU'RE the enemy???

But in the long run, I think if you are destined to be together, you will weather the storm....

You certainly hit the nail on the head. That's the same experience of one of my male Jamaican and one of my male Senegalese friends. Neither one of them are with the woman that petetioned them now.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-31 06:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

If I where to live in JA I would get one of these townhouses or apartments http://www.cbjamaica.../pinehurst.html My second house when I am older maybe instead of a quarter century crisis a half of century crisis

I'll take the Glenabby :thumbs: . A girl can dream can't she ;)
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-30 19:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats to all the recent approvals!!! :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-27 18:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-27 06:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Best wishes to Sonshyne on her interview today!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-20 06:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats to Jax on getting your interview date!! :dance: :dance:

Hey Jamie :)
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-19 19:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Where is everyone today? I am just looking out the window shaking my head at all the flipping snow.

Welcome MyDesitnyAwaits...Love the board name.

Well, things are going very good. Bert has not started working yet because of the weather but I think he will be starting next weekend and then it will be non stop.
He is anxious to do so but he has been busy painting for me.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday...

What type of work will Bert do? Will he be working outside?
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-18 15:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi everyone, I was supposed to leave for New York today but as u know thats not possible now. i am so disappointed. the airline says i have to check at 12 tonite. i really hope the flight doesn't get cancelled. I have been waiting so long for this day and now i have to wait even longer.

Jodie a lot of flights have been cancelled in NY because of the bad weather we are having. Unfortunately cancellations usually due to weather sometimes take a while to clear up. Hopefully you will be home soon, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-16 18:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

thanks for answering my birth paper question. it's looking like my fiance will have to revisit that same horrid place where he got the no impediment form. anybody know how much this costs?

i heard about the horrid weather on the east coast. my friend had plans to see baby cham in concert but it's looking like that probably won't happen.

have a great weekend!

Is your friend from CT? I heard on the radio that he was going to be in CT tonight (or tomorrow)?

Darlene how are you making out in MA?
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-16 17:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='nannygirl82' date='Mar 16 2007, 07:15 AM' post='780850']
good morning.....aaahh winter is back... :angry: i was getting used to the warm weather...

michelle how are you doing today???/quote]

Now that I made finally made it home in this snow and sleet, I'm doing ok. Thank God. I hope everyone else on the East Coast made it home ok.

Thanks for asking Shauna :star: .

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 16 March 2007 - 04:36 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-16 16:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Welcome MyDestinyAwaits!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-15 18:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
For those whose families/friends/loved ones are not supportive of their relationships- a word of advice that my mother used to say to me: "you can't please everyone, so why worry trying".

There's always going to be one or two who will disagree with your choices regardless. For those dealing with outright prejuduice it's disappointing and discouraging when someone you love displays those qualities. Hopefully in time they will see that their views are not justified; but sadly- don't count on it.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-14 20:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats to Trinilad and Darlene. Congrats to all recently received their visas. Safe travels and best wishes to those scheduled and rescheduled to interview in the coming days and month.

Best wishes also to the Squitto's and Darah and Henry with their recent/upcoming relocations.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-14 19:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Know yourself and you will make good choices. Follow your heart.

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-03-14 17:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hey all,
How are things with each and everyone of you?
Well as for ma I am at work but I am happy cause mom and i finally made a decision on where we will have the wedding. It will be at the Doubletree Castle Hotel, we are going to put a deposit down on Wed. and they said if something happens and we need to change the date we can :thumbs:
Here is the link to the hotel if any one wants to see:


Hope everyone is having a great weekend


:thumbs: Very nice. You will have a beautiful wedding there.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-04-01 14:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Best wishes to the VJ guys on their upcoming interviews:

Robert (rncarterjm) on 4/3/06
Eric and Nickeisha (eric_drewry) on 4/7/06

Michele (F)

Dont forget Tenika and Rohan on 4/13/06

I couldn't forget Tenika and Rohan :no: . I was looking ahead to the first week of April and as their date came closer( Tenika and Rohan) I was going to send out my wishes to them too.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-30 19:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Best wishes to the VJ guys on their upcoming interviews:

Robert (rncarterjm) on 4/3/06
Eric and Nickeisha (eric_drewry) on 4/7/06

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-30 19:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hello Everyone! Hope Everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Rohan- finally got descent treatment at the hospital. They xrayed his hand and said his hand was broken and some bone shattered. Now this part I dont get...They asked him if he want surgery or a cast :huh: . What person would ask for a cast, but I thought you couldnt fix shattered bone without surgery. Anyway I guess he will wait till he is up here to get some descent medical care for that hand.

I have the same question as Somone, I may have overlooked but I didnt see an answer. How much is that fee the you have to pay to the professional carrier to get your visa. Will they allow you to pick the visa up?

My husband had his interview today and he said the fee was 400 or 500ja. They will allow you to pick up the visa in Kingston but i am not sure on the cost. He jhad the courier service deliver the visa to MOBAY

Congratulations Simone and hubby on getting their visa today!!! :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-28 18:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Jill(ChristineJames) how was your trip to JA?

We had a great time. My mom and sis were outta control. I want to go back by myself (in June) so that I don't have to keep an eye on them all the time. You know when rookies go down there how it can be.

The weather was perfect. And Kirk was too. :whistle: ;) :P :devil: :dancing: :secret:

:D :thumbs: Glad you all had a great time. I'm sure it won't be mom and sis's last time either.

Now more tell :whistle: :whistle:

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 27 March 2006 - 11:37 AM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-27 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Jill(ChristineJames) how was your trip to JA?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-27 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good Morning,
Happy to hear all the great news going on here...Leo also has two interviews this week.One is today,and the other is tomorrow :dance: :dance: :dance:

Good luck to Leo!!
Also good luck to the guys on their job seaches.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-27 10:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good evening VJ family,

Good new! Anthony got his driver's license. He has been driving everywhere since he got it. His license expires on April 11, 2006. He will need an EAD or green card to get a license for a longer period. I don't see why they wouldn't give him the amount of time his NOA for the AOS stated the processing time for the application (180 days). That makes more sense but then I don't make the laws.

Congratulations to Anthony! I know he must be thrilled.
I have to say it though, to give him a license that expires in a few weeks does not make any sense to me
:no:. I agree with your reasoning and timing Ann.
But still I am happy for him and I know it must be a relief for you too.
I have a long commute to work and don't like driving much more than I have to. Chauffeuring is not my idea of fun.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-26 20:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Is there a Caribbean grocery store near you? Damien buy his red snapper and king fish from the Caribbean grocery store. The first time he asked for red snapper, we went to the wharf and he didn't see anything he liked. That was my biggest fear before his arrival - what if Damien didn't like American food. I can't cook Jamaican food (or any kind really) but everything worked out. Sometimes I wonder if he eat my cooking because he's too lazy (or spoiled) to cook his own :unsure:

Yes, there are plenty of Caribbean grocery stores near me. CT(Hartford area) supposedly has the 3rd largest Jamaican population in the US, and we have a very large Puerto Rican population too. Also there is a mix of a lot of other Caribbean people, so I don't know why I'm so worried. I'm sure he won't starve. King fish seems to be his favorite so I'm sure the markets here must carry what he wants.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-26 18:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Good luck on finding fresh seafood and produce. Is there a seafood wharf somewhere around? We have one near my job and the prices are reasonable.

There are seafood markets around-no wharf that I'm aware of. The kind of fish that he likes to eat are not the kind you can get around here or not the same name anyway. I was amused that some of animals and birds that are the same ones that we have here are called different names in Jamaica. I saw some birds in JA that I would call 'crows' and my friend told me the name they called them in JA; something similar to the sound the birds make. So maybe we do have the same kind of fish but they may call it a different name there.
Joanna's suggestion to 'seal and freeze' what you find on sale is good. Fish in supermarkets here can be very expensive. I don't like fish or cook either for that matter :o. He does like to cook though.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I don't know how he will adjust to the cooking here, especially my mom's. She does that old fashioned southern style soul food cooking especially on Sundays.

mmm...mmm :thumbs:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-26 14:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Joanna -- Push for what you want. It is your wedding. I think people like different things.....some weddings get so boring because they are all alike.....

Yea I know what you mean, I do not want a boring white wedding, like I said before I want a bunch of color!! I think mom is ok with the color choice...but we do have to and dad are paying for it :whistle:

Joanna why don't you have two smaller cakes made instead of one; one that's more traditional and the one that you want?

Oh yeah I forget Adrian ate a Taco Bell in Hawaii once, I had to tell him over the phone what to order, chicken taco and some spanish rice, he liked it,

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-26 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Good Sunday morning everyone (F) .
Joanna let us know if you get any good ideas from the bridal show.
Has anyone had to deal with picky eaters? Mine likes fresh seafood and produce. Fresh seafood here is not readily available and at the store costs like an arm and a leg. What are some of your men's favorite non-West Indian foods? I know he does eat Chinese and KFC occasionally.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-26 08:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Jax-have a great trip on Monday to Jamaica!!

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-25 15:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

:lol: :lol: Definitely not a Jr.!! Michael's real name is Lesbert - no way :lol: We're thinking about Elias right now, but open to other names - we'll see how many times we change our minds before he's born.

I have to agree, not going with "Jr" is a good choice :P . Elias is very nice.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-24 20:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

The results are in: IT'S A BOY!!! :dance: :dance:

:dance: :dance: CONGRATULATIONS!! :thumbs:

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-24 19:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I am so upset and mad :angry: My boss just told me today that starting this Monday, I have to go to afternoon shift :ranting: I HATE afternoons. I will never see Tony or any of my family or friends for that matter. I have had enough of this damn job. The lady that is on 2nd shift now is coming back to days because she has "issues" with her babysitter and her kids. That's not my problem! How come I get punished? Life sucks :angry:

Sorry Rhonda :( . I feel for her but I agree that you shouldn't have to pay for her problems. It's always something.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-24 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Glad I could give you a giggle Rhonda :D

Happy Friday Everyone. I'm trying to kill time before the ultrasound. Michael just got back from his interview. Sounds like it went well, they are going to call Tuesday or Wednesday with the final decision - I need more fingers to cross :yes:

Best wishes to Michael on Tuesday and you too today Julie-hopefully you'll see a little :whistle:. But either way-it's ok :yes:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-24 12:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Ok guys I need help, I just got addicted to this web site...I cannot stay off it :lol: ...I have already bought Adrian a watch and now I have been watching the site for a titanium wedding band that my brother wants...I check the site like every 5 mins....I thought I was addicted to VJ but now I have two addictions :whistle: :lol: ... I have to watch myself or else I will spend our savings :bonk: ...I am weak when it comes to jewelry, it is bad enough that I own and small jewelry business, I want to buy everything in my catalogs :whistle:

Ok well I am just here bored at work, I have 15 mins left and I am outta here, I am off tomorrow :thumbs:

So until later, Joanna

Joanna what are you trying to do to us shopaholics girl? :P We don't need to add to our addictions especially when this process can certainly drain your finances. Nice stuff though :blush: . Joanna have a good day off and everyone have a great Friday!

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-24 07:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

That's correct. Every district office operates differently so it's better to make an appointment with your local office than calling USICS - in most cases.

We had an InfoPass appointment this morning to check on Damien's case. A little bit of good news, Damien's file was returned to USCIS from FBI (or whoever does the security clearance) yesterday so now we just have to wait for his approval. Wish us luck.

Great news! :thumbs: you've waited a long time for this-hopefully it won't be too much longer to a successful completion :yes: .

YAY Mindy! :dance: :dance: Congrats on getting those papers out of your hands.


Hello all from Sunny JA. We went to the embassy this morning, and picked up the appointment packet. Got a Medical appontment for the 31st. Of course the packet mentions payment for the Immigrant Visa which was already made to the NVC as well as the Affidavit of support that was also submitted to the NVC. I guess it will all work out.

Best wishes on your upcoming interview. What a blessing to be able to visit your wife at your companies expense :D . Hopefully you'll be able to attend the interview and fly home with your wife. How was her first plane trip?

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-22 18:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
My condolences go out to Tony and Rhonda. (F)

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-22 10:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congratulations to Adrian on his promotion! Joanne looks like you have some exciting days ahead. Are you planning a big wedding?

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-22 05:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congratulations to Lake on his new job!

Sorry Mrs. Squitto- Hopefully everything will be straightened out soon.

Tenika-my fiance was recently ill and had to go to the hospital and what he told me about that place scared me.
Our health care system isn't perfect(affordable) but I'll take it any day over any 3rd world countries health care system :yes:

Everyone have a good evening.


Hi Julie :luv: . I see you down there.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-21 18:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I am old enough to realize tho, even with AMERICAN men, you need to tell them what you want and need from them, so suck it up and let them know. Men are just idiots when it comes to women, no matter where they are from.
but really, I think as long as you communicate, it will work itself out. :lol:

:whistle: :yes:
I have met only met one man in my life (just friends) who was in tune with my needs; of course he was already taken (sighing). The rest needed some encouragement, but were fast learners :bonk:

Doing great, thanks for asking (L) I'm half way there :dance: I've been lucky enough to escape most morning sickness - and I've finally gained my energy back. That first trimester is harsh :yes: ....we are so excited because we find out the sex (hopefully) on the 24th!

BTW Julie how's the pregnancy going? Feeling ok?


How exciting!! Do you and Michael have any preferences as to the sex of the baby?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-19 07:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I am sooooo bad also about shopping. Since I've not been working, I have been QVCing and HSNing it up like there's no tomorrow. Not to many stores here, nearest mall is 1 1/2 hours away. My retirement is no where near what I was making so now I'm getting scared about having spent so much. Just went today to furniture store and bought bedroom set. Hopefully, this has cured me, because I had to transfer money from my car savings. After I got home, I had a big wake up call. :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

1 1/2 hours to the nearest mall :o . I relocated about 1 1/2 years ago and I want to move again because it takes about 15-20 minutes to get to nearest malls/shopping areas, whereas where I lived before the mall was only about 5 minutes away; and I could hit 3 Walmart's and 2 Target's within a 10 mile radius :lol: and they were on my way home from work to boot!! When people come to my house and if I open my closets I say: "My name is Michele, and I am a shopaholic". They get the idea.

YAY!!! :dance: :dance: We got an approval email for our EAD today. Says we were approved on 3/16 - Michael is soooo excited :dance: :dance:

:dance: :dance: Congratulations! BTW Julie how's the pregnancy going? Feeling ok?

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-18 20:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I am usually a shopaholic but since I have been working so much it has kept me out of the stores :yes: :whistle:

Me too :blush: . I've really tried hard not to shop as much lately but I will buy a couple new outfits for my trip to Jamaica. My addictions are: shoes 80+ pairs in my closet at any one time and I usally donate or give away about 20 pairs a year, and handbags, and clothes and jewelry and... I spoil myself rotten :P .
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-18 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Okay, everyone I have finally gotten everything back and am ready to begin this process. I just have one question to find out whether this will be a problem. I have changed my name on all of my documents to my first name, maiden name and last name. When I sent the paperwork to have my passport changed, it was sent back with my first name, middle name, and married name. Will this be a problem since all of my other id's and documents use my maiden name as my middle but the passport uses my real middle name. I am planning on mailing everything first thing Monday a.m.

Aside from your passport, are the other "documents" that you're talking about legal documents or are they forms or other non-legal items? If there are any legal changes to your name send in copies of those documents/passports with your application; here in Connecticut we have to have legal name changes(marriage, divorce if you change your name back to your maiden name, or legal name changes) recorded in the town we live in. For my application I would be sending a copy of my passport, my divorce decree, and my legal name change after my divorce. Of course since you're married you would have to send your CMC too. Hopefully they will "get it" but you never know.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-03-18 11:29:00