Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Congratulations and best wishes to all the newlyweds today and this week!!

I'm also thinking of the women here holding it down while they are waiting for their husbands/fiances to find suitable jobs. Some of you are working OT or 2 jobs or more and in addition some are taking care of children or other family members. My hats off to you because I know it's not easy.

And I didn't forget about the women whose husbands/fiances are still in Jamaica awaiting visa approvals-my thoughts are with you too today as I know it's not easy to be without the ones we love on this day.

If anyone is feeling lonely today for other reasons that I have not listed; much love.

(L) (L) (L)

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-14 17:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

WE'RE GETTING MARRIED ON FRIDAY AT 9:30! From there, it's to the DMV to get his state ID, and then to change my id and ss card names (if they give me certified copy of license same day). I will post pictures also.

Congratulations Jonesie!!
Ms Quitto-everything will work out-winter weddings (snow and all) can be quite beautiful.
Dee-this is your week too.
Can't wait to see everyone's pics.

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 13 February 2006 - 06:31 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-13 18:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Michelle - 25" of snow. Wow!!!!! Is everything closed in CT today? My friend has a flight to head home tonight and she's going to Bradley.

Anna-hope you're feeling better. Everything is up and running in CT today; including the airport(Bradley), but there are delays because most of the flights were cancelled yesterday. The main roads and the highways are clear so your friend should be ok when she comes in. What town does your friend live in?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-13 13:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hi Ladies,

Congrats to the wedding dates coming up in the next couple of wks. Please post pics soon. It's snowing here too in Chicago but I'm glad I'm in the house.

Well, as for me I took out all 4 of my wisdom teeth yesterday so i've been laying up doing nothing but absorbing the pain. I'm the biggest baby when it comes to the pain, I swear at times I surprise myself esp when I had my daughter. I'm in so much pain it ain't even funny I've been crying all freaking day :crying: My daughter has been real helpful, she made breakfast (scrabble eggs & french toast sticks) for her and my cousin she's 7. Yes I'm sick and I'm still stuck w/other ppl kids. :angry: My daughter got up and cleaned my face plus fed me a yogurt. I just took some Vidakin (sp?) so I know I'm going to be on cloud 9 in a few. :thumbs:

I'll be checking in throughtout the weekend since I'm home until Tuesday. I hope everyone else enjoy the weekend and dress warm.

Oh my gosh :o 20" of snow?!!! You went from 8" to 20" in about 4 hours! That's crazy :o

Well the No'easter/blizzard is in full force here in Connecticut and expected to last throughout the daylight hours. I'm thinking of the the Squittos as they are supposed to fly out to Vegas and pick up their marriage certificate today. The airports are shut down right now here and all flights are expected to be cancelled today; I hear it's the same with NY airports too :( . I hope they are able to keep their original plans since airport cancellations like these often take days to get back on schedule. Keeping you and everyone else in my thoughts.

Michele (F)

Joanna-I have no plans to file right now.

Good luck to the Squitto's! :thumbs: I hope they made their flight, but the info. on the news looked grim. It said all the airports were shut down and flights cancelled :o Let us know how you guys are doing as soon as you can.

Yes, Rhonda at some points during the storm it snowed 3"-4" per hour :o . We ended up with 25". Glad it's finally over :yes:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-13 08:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
ok now we're up to 20" of snow and they just closed West Farms mall!! :P
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-12 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Well good news here in CT- the airport now is opening with a limited number of flights. For all flying today from the east coast, I wish you safe travels.

8" of snow and counting and we still have hours of the storm to go. Can you tell I would rather be in Jamaica today!!

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 12 February 2006 - 06:47 AM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-12 06:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Well the No'easter/blizzard is in full force here in Connecticut and expected to last throughout the daylight hours. I'm thinking of the the Squittos as they are supposed to fly out to Vegas and pick up their marriage certificate today. The airports are shut down right now here and all flights are expected to be cancelled today; I hear it's the same with NY airports too :( . I hope they are able to keep their original plans since airport cancellations like these often take days to get back on schedule. Keeping you and everyone else in my thoughts.

Michele (F)

Joanna-I have no plans to file right now.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-12 06:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Anna-feel better (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-11 19:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Hello everyone..just checking in.

I finally found my dress. I'll send pictures on Wed.

Good bye for now.

I found my special bra at walmart.

It's snowing here as well, it's going to be 60 on Tuesday.

We look forward to seeing pictures of your wedding day. Wow 60 is great for a mid-February wedding. Congratulations!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-11 09:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

It is sooooo dead in here. It's quite sad actually :(

1.5 more hours til I go home for the weekend.

Anyone with weekend plans?

Preparing for a blizzard :angry: Fortunately it's scheduled to come in over the weekend and not during rush hour or work hours.

Best wishes to all with upcoming weddings next week; we know that planning a wedding in 90 days is hectic to say the least. (L) (L)

Can't wait to see pictures of all of the "puppies". I'm hoping that my next move will allow me to get a puppy. I had a Rottie who's gone now and I still miss the big baby.

Everyone have a good weekend.

Michele (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-10 18:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Well here is a topic I could use everyone's thoughts about. It is a little personal so if you don't want to reply that is fine. I was not raised in a church at all, and became a Christian 2 years ago. So there are some things that I get mixed messages about. One is sex. :blush: Is it really a big deal to wait until your wedding night? Or is it just something the older ladies in the church make a big deal of? I do realize there is a need to wait for love, but if you know you are committed to your man does the wedding ring need to be there? I would really appreciate your thoughts and experiences if you are comfortable sharing. This is something I need to figure out before I see Peter again, because I want to know my mind before we face temptation :whistle: again.

If you're a Christian, the Bible is to be used as your guide and it will answer your questions. The scriptures in this area are quite clear and I'd be more than happy to provide you with some. Once you study, you'll be able to decide what you as a Christian should do in this situation. Send me a PM if you'd like me to send them to you.

All the best,


Yes, the Bible has clear-cut answers on pre-marital sex and I'm sure that the older church ladies were quick to point them out to you(smile). Don't discount their experiences because they are older; they are usually wiser too. Having said that; even the most Bible trained consciences can go out the window in the heat of the moment. Some suggestions to resist temptation: As silly as it may sound to an adult-find a chaperon if possible; "date" only in public places; keep your physical contact "light"; if you drink, drink in moderation; pray and meditate on the consequences and how it will effect your relationship with God. I'm not going to judge anyones beliefs/devotion and parameters of what's allowed and accepted in their individual places of worship. However, some churchs/places of worship strictly enforce the Bible's teachings- with consequences; and some don't. Another consideration is that some will not allow you to marry inside the church if you engage in pre-marital sex. An informal poll among me and my friends/co-workers that are religious is that of those who waited to have sex after marriage is only one regretted waiting(she married an older man that did not have her "energy level" and was disappointed); the rest felt it was the right desicison for them. Of those who didn't wait-about 60% regretted it; 30% didn't care one way or the other and 10% thought that was the best decision for them. Of those who regretted not waiting- the majority cited the effect on their reltionship with God as the main reason for their regret. Also don't allow any man to talk you or coax you into a situation that you're not comfortable with. If you want to wait until marriage and he loves you as much as he should; then he will wait. One last thing; if for some reason (and I'm not saying it will happen, and I hope it doesn't) the relationship ends and you do it; how will you feel?

Best wishes,

In regards to my poll; I should also point out that I live in the Northeast(Connecticut-near New York). Sometimes it's noted that religious values are higher in certain areas, suchas the south-although personally-I don't necessarily agree with it.

Joanna-I see it took about 90 days- I hope the rest is smooth sailing for you!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-04 10:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Well here is a topic I could use everyone's thoughts about. It is a little personal so if you don't want to reply that is fine. I was not raised in a church at all, and became a Christian 2 years ago. So there are some things that I get mixed messages about. One is sex. :blush: Is it really a big deal to wait until your wedding night? Or is it just something the older ladies in the church make a big deal of? I do realize there is a need to wait for love, but if you know you are committed to your man does the wedding ring need to be there? I would really appreciate your thoughts and experiences if you are comfortable sharing. This is something I need to figure out before I see Peter again, because I want to know my mind before we face temptation :whistle: again.

If you're a Christian, the Bible is to be used as your guide and it will answer your questions. The scriptures in this area are quite clear and I'd be more than happy to provide you with some. Once you study, you'll be able to decide what you as a Christian should do in this situation. Send me a PM if you'd like me to send them to you.

All the best,


Yes, the Bible has clear-cut answers on pre-marital sex and I'm sure that the older church ladies were quick to point them out to you(smile). Don't discount their experiences because they are older; they are usually wiser too. Having said that; even the most Bible trained consciences can go out the window in the heat of the moment. Some suggestions to resist temptation: As silly as it may sound to an adult-find a chaperon if possible; "date" only in public places; keep your physical contact "light"; if you drink, drink in moderation; pray and meditate on the consequences and how it will effect your relationship with God. I'm not going to judge anyones beliefs/devotion and parameters of what's allowed and accepted in their individual places of worship. However, some churchs/places of worship strictly enforce the Bible's teachings- with consequences; and some don't. Another consideration is that some will not allow you to marry inside the church if you engage in pre-marital sex. An informal poll among me and my friends/co-workers that are religious is that of those who waited to have sex after marriage is only one regretted waiting(she married an older man that did not have her "energy level" and was disappointed); the rest felt it was the right desicison for them. Of those who didn't wait-about 60% regretted it; 30% didn't care one way or the other and 10% thought that was the best decision for them. Of those who regretted not waiting- the majority cited the effect on their reltionship with God as the main reason for their regret. Also don't allow any man to talk you or coax you into a situation that you're not comfortable with. If you want to wait until marriage and he loves you as much as he should; then he will wait. One last thing; if for some reason (and I'm not saying it will happen, and I hope it doesn't) the relationship ends and you do it; how will you feel?

Best wishes,
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-04 10:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

WE GOT NOA2!!!! :dance: :dance:

WWWWAAAHHHOOO :dance: :D :dance: :D

I am so excieted...Adrian and I had bets...he said we will get it by the end of the week and I said we would get it sometime next week...I guess he won :lol:

:thumbs: :dance: CONGRATS!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-04 09:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Oh yea guess what??? I have lost 20 lbs so far. Hip hip horray!!

CONGRATULATIONS ANNA!! What an accomplishment :thumbs:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-04 06:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

I am here! I agree we need something to chat about...I am literally falling asleep here at work. No big weekend plans...just watching the big game on sunday.

Hey Rhonda how crazy is detroit? I hear its amazing how many people are there.

Well here is a topic I could use everyone's thoughts about. It is a little personal so if you don't want to reply that is fine. I was not raised in a church at all, and became a Christian 2 years ago. So there are some things that I get mixed messages about. One is sex. :blush: Is it really a big deal to wait until your wedding night? Or is it just something the older ladies in the church make a big deal of? I do realize there is a need to wait for love, but if you know you are committed to your man does the wedding ring need to be there? I would really appreciate your thoughts and experiences if you are comfortable sharing. This is something I need to figure out before I see Peter again, because I want to know my mind before we face temptation :whistle: again.

This is really not something that anyone can answer for you. If you allow someone to influence you in a way that's not right for you; based on their own experiences or beliefs then it can have adverse effects and consequences. If you're not sure, wait. But whatever you decide let your conscience be your guide.

Have a good weekend everybody. What's everyones favorite superbowl recipes? Wings? Dips? Other ideas?

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 03 February 2006 - 06:33 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-02-03 18:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Oh my what a day :blink: I just got a call from Andre at work and the first words out of his mouth are “Promise not to get mad” well you know it can’t be good after that. Andre went driving alone :angry: First thought is he got in an accident or a ticket but praise God he didn’t. He found 2 puppies in the middle of the road. He picked them up and saw a farmer out in a nearby field so he went over to ask if they were his. Well the farmer went on for quite a bit to Andre about how people don’t have any hearts these days and how wicked society is…people come out to this area and dump unwanted litters. How sad is that! Well Andre picked up 2 of them and brought them home. He called my mom first and she told him that she would send my sis (Becky) over to help him bring them to an animal shelter. But then I get the call from Andre…he relays the whole story and throughout the whole convo he is telling me how sweet, adorable, wonderful, cute and cuddly these puppies are. Finally he gets to the end of the convo and says that he is going to tell Becky that she can’t have them and wants to know if I am ok with that. We just have to keep them he says :luv: Well I agreed that we would make a decision when I got home. So he was all excited to tell my sis that she can’t take them…that we might keep them. So I quick asked my boss (my landlord) if it would be ok to have dogs and he said yes…and my other boss overheard me and said that he has a kennel and dog house that he isn’t using…so we can have that! :dance: Can you believe this?!?! So anyways I am headed home in a half hour…this is crazy! Andre and my sis brought them over to my mom’s house (she has dog food and stuff) and she says they look like German Sheperds :yes: I will keep you guys posted!

Good practice ;)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-01-30 20:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Coming from JA, does it matter, if it is sent express mail, won't it still take the same amount of time? He did get two cert. certificates.

By the way, I post a few of our wedding pics on yahoo. :luv:

Welcome Neill!!

There are Fed-Ex offices throughout the island; if you check their website it will give you the exact sites; also I've heard that DHL ships from there also. Those options shouldn't take any longer than it does to ship from here. Also there is registered mail at the post offices; that is more secure and I received a mailing in about 10 days.

Dru-OMG your pictures are so beautiful. You two make such a lovely couple. I have to say we have the most beautiful brides and grooms (to be too) from this forum. I hope that one day soon I will make a lovely bride too.

One thing that I did notice is about this new site is that if you make several posts consecutively; it will be combined on one post. Probably until someone else posts.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-01-30 06:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Dru-a lot of us have been having trouble receiving mail from Jamaica- I've been waiting for something mailed over 2 months ago. I assume that I will not receive that mailing. If you only have one certified copy of your marriage certificate, and if you want to receive it faster perhaps you want to consider express mail for speed and safety.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-01-29 19:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
Welcome home Neil!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-01-29 15:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Below you will find the link to the original Yardies, at home and a farrin' thread which have been archived and can be viewed at any time. It is now a closed threads. Please contine to post in this thread.

Thanks aussiewench-we know there was a major breakdown and we appreciate the efforts of all to restore and preserve as much as possible. I know it wasn't easy!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-01-28 08:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to VJ
Welcome Mindy(mangogirl)!

There is a JA/US group on yahoo where you will see pics of a lot of couples on VJ. If you ask in the yardie thread someone may tell you how to sign up. I do know that the moderater is currently on her honeymoon though.

You can also add your timeline to your signature. I see that you have already added something there so you know how to get to that feature.

Congrats on getting your NOA1 and best wishes on the rest of your journey.

Michele (F)

Edited by Jamaica to CT, 19 July 2006 - 04:20 AM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-07-19 04:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaIn deep touble
Sorry Shar,
I don't recall reading anywhere that you would need a certified copy of a previous marriage certificate; only the certified divorce certificate. Please let us know if it was required. I think that if you don't have a copy of a form that they require at the time of the interview they will issue you a slip to return with the form later and they will issue the visa(if it's been approved) pending receipt of what is missing. Hopefully they won't need your fiance's prior marriage certificate.

If he has a copy perhaps he can send it express mail today. If I recall correctly you're the beneficary in JA right? I know that in the US express mail will be delivered on most holidays.

Best wishes on Tuesday! I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-08-03 04:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaATTN: Interviews at Consulate in Kingston
Belly's girl see this post from kimlbs:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-08-03 18:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaThank
Best wishes today!! (F)
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-08-08 04:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaican Embassy Interview questions
Hi Trinilad,
Please post this again in the "yardies" thread pinned at the top of the page. Most US/JA members post there are a regular basis.
Best wishes on your visa journey.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-08-13 08:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaUS Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica
Aloha Katie,
Please post this question in the "yardies at home and afarrin' thread pinned at the top of this section. We have a few members that have recently had their intererview and would love to help you along the way. It's so nice to see another US/JA couple.

I have to say that Hawaii is one of my favorite places and certainly one of the most beautiful :yes: (so many memories B) )

Welome and aloha!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-08-13 05:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew Kids On The Block
Welcome Jayandmars,

Best wishes on your journey.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-08-14 08:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica meets North Carolina
bumping up for Ebony.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-01 20:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica meets North Carolina

Oh yea, another question about the Visa process. They said they courier the visa to you after you get it. The Jamaican postal service is AWFUL (dramatic understatement). So can someone explain this process and how long it takes?


Thank goodness it's not delivered by the JA postal service! (I sent two articles of mail from Dec 2005 and Jan 2006 that has never arrived. :bonk: ) The visa is delivered by a courier service called Airpak and from what I've heard it only takes around 2-3 days after the visa is issued to be delivered. Where does your fiance live?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-07-30 15:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJamaica meets North Carolina
Hi Tali,
Welcome to VJ.
Congrats on your upcoming interview!
I'm going to ask someone in the yardies thread pinned at the top of this forum to help you answer some of the questions that you've asked as some have recently received their visas from Kingston. Try PM'ing kimlbs and luvtravlin and Tenika; a few recent approvees.

As far as airports that give out temporary work permits(EAD's) only JFK issues them. And it's only good until his K-1 expires (90 days). If your POE is Miami, he will not receive one and you will have to wait until after you get married to file for you Employment Authorization Document(EAD); usually along with your AOS.

I think that 8 days after the visa has been approved is adequate to book your travel to the US. A couple of people had problems with the medical report getting to the embassy by the time of the interview and had to wait a few days once that arrived if they were approved. But I don't think any of them had to wait as long as eight days.

I think that all had concerns about our fiances adjusting once they got here. But most of us; like you, have to work and are concerned about leaving their fiances alone. From listening to others experiences I think home sickness and the inability and or freedom to get around like they used to was quite a problem. If you live in an area with good public transportation and things to do; he'll probably be ok. Do you have a WI community where you live? One of the things the girls have done to keep their men busy is enroll them in classes that they may need or want. Some purchased bicycles so that their fiance's have a little more mobility.
Almost everytime I talk to my fiance on the phone he asks " it true in America that...?" Some of the things that he has heard are so funny. Imagine when they see them for themselves. Your fiance will be fine.

Come and say hello in the yardies forum pinned at the top of the page is this section. You'll get a lot of support and some comic relief along the way.


Edited by Jamaica to CT, 29 July 2006 - 03:29 PM.

Jamaica to CTFemale02006-07-29 15:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWe made it!
bumping up for Ebony.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-01 20:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWe made it!
Congratulations Tanya and Ali :dance: :dance: . Thanks for posting the details of your interview.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-08-21 18:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaso how the heck are there so many yardies here?

I was on the phone with my assemblywoman's office in D.C. this morning, talking with the immigration"expert, a nice girl, who said if anyone's thinking of filing, file NOW--things are only going to get worse. (Some encouragement, huh?)

They are not closing the door on us....yet. :D

:unsure: whatever do you mean?
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-02 14:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaso how the heck are there so many yardies here?

I meant, how did so mnay west indians get into the US? It seems like such a nightmare just for this k1 or k3 visa. Things must have changed significant after 9/11.

Some of the members met on another site for geared towards Jamaicans and were invited here. I just "googled" my way here to VJ and found my way to the yardies thread. It's a great source of info isn't it? I for one am so grateful for finding it as I have not only learned so much about the imimigration process but also about the culture.

Most of the West Indians that I know got here the same way as they always have in the past either a fiance/spousal based visa or through family based immigration-one family member sponsoring another and then they sponsor other members and so on. I know a few that have come here to work seasonally in CT they come here to pick apples and I recently found out that they also have a few tobacco farms that they also work in, some find wives here and eventually come here permanently. Of course there are some that had visitors visas and have overstayed but I know a couple who have, since 9/11, worked with attorneys to legalize their living here. One Bajan I know spent several thousands of dollars doing it; but he finally got his green card.

One of my good friends at work got here through his father; here's how it went: His dad worked here on the waiter program; married an American; adjusted status; filed for my friend-my friend later filed for his daughter-then his mother-his mom filed for another one of her sons and so on.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-02 05:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaso how the heck are there so many yardies here?
Some of the members met on another site for geared towards Jamaicans and were invited here. I just "googled" my way here to VJ and found my way to the yardies thread. It's a great source of info isn't it? I for one am so grateful for finding it as I have not only learned so much about the imimigration process but also about the culture.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-01 21:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNessitcha & Charlitcho
Congratulations!! :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-02 14:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaquestion for people who've just done it

OK--George went to Kingston yesterday and picked up Packet 3, and also stopped to try to get his police clearnce, but didn't realize he needed $2,000J, so has to go back Monday. He'll complete the DS230 over the weekend so he can drop it off on Monday also. Am I correct that the does not need to pay anything to hand over the DS230? That after he pays for the medical (which I think is $95 US in MoBay), he onlyhas left to pay for the visa itself ($100US) an the fingerprints ($$35US?) He's already taken care of the no impediment to marriage thing. What am i missing?


Ann what is the no impediment document? Can I find this on the web? Is there a document number?

Hi Texas Bound,
Here's the information taken from another post:

U.S. Embassy Announces Changes to Immigrant Visa Document Requirements

Beginning December 1, 2005, the Immigrant Visa Unit of the Consular
Section of the United States Embassy will require all Jamaica-resident
applicants for immigrant visas who are aged 18 years of age and older and
are in categories requiring them to be unmarried to obtain a
Certificate of No-Impediment to Marriage. This new requirement will affect
applicants in the IR2, IR3, IR4, F11, F22, and F24 categories who are aged
18 or older. It will also affect all Jamaica-resident children aged 18
and older who will be accompanying an immigrant visa applicant.

Applicants should apply for a Certificate of No-Impediment to Marriage
at any office of the Registrar General's Department or on the Registrar
General's Department website. Applicants may find further information
about this document and the form for requesting it at

Also beginning December 1, 2005, the Immigrant Visa Unit of the
Consular Section of the United States Embassy will require all applicants for
immigrant visas who have served in the military to obtain a copy of
their Military Service Record. Applicants who have served in the Jamaica
Defence Force may obtain a Military Service Record at Up Park Camp,
Kingston 5.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-05 16:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYeah! Kingston has the file!
Congratulations! You're on your way!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-09-27 16:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBest wishes on your interview
Best wishes to the Savanphil's on their interview tomorrow!!! I can't wait to hear the good news.


:oops: double post.
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-12 18:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBest wishes on your interview Savanphil
:thumbs: Congratulations :dance: :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02006-10-13 16:24:00