Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats Sonshyne!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-12 18:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Good morning all.

Yes, I'm glad we have not been much snow at all this winter. Lowest totals recorded so far... but the forecasters say that's all about to change tomorrow night. Darlene it looks like we'll finally get to see something measurable. Maybe Bert will finally see what a real New England winter is all about.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-12 06:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Welcome finesse-best wishes on your journey.

Sarah my thoughts are with you and your family. If you and your family are not comfortable with the treatment your sister is getting please see the unit supervisor. Don't be afraid to speak up and voice your concerns.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-11 22:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Looking for a calling card plan that is reasonable and logs all calls made?

You get a free 10 minute card to try out service - I just tried and the call was clear and I got through instantly!

.10 to cell and .10 to landine!

I am GOING to Jamaica from March 9-March 18!!! My friend works for the airlines and hooked me up for $168.00!!!! YAY!!

:dance: I get to see Marlon (L)

Congrats :dance: :yes:

:thumbs: Thanks Jonesie.

I'm so jealous Sarah-have a great time.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-11 07:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats Susan!!
Darlene :thumbs:
Congrats Mrs. Mikey ;). I am so happy for you girl (F) (L) (L) .
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-09 19:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Best wishes to Shauna(nannygirl) and Mike on their upcoming wedding!!!
Can't wait to see your pics.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-08 21:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3) are you doing??? :star:

Girl I'm hanging in there. My company just filed for bankruptcy and expects to let everyone go within the next month or so. I'm just glad that I have a little time(I hope) to look for a new job. Out of 1,800 people there are only about 150 or so left. So sad.

Other than that-everyting cris B)

Thanks for asking.

So enough about me-how are you doing? The big day is almost here :dance:
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-07 21:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Ugh I want a new job they are putting me on a music cart in a school with 3 floors. I can't do my African Drumming unit any more or my Xylophones. Ugh!! Where can I teach without a cart maybe we should move out of IL. Just bummed.

What about those roads today in IL? My goodness. Hope everyone made it home safe.

Have a goodnight all.

Sorry Jax, I hope you get your room back soon. I would love to see an African Drumming unit. Overcrowding in schools in very common here in our town. Our local high school has over 3,000 students crammed into one bulding. The results are pretty sad actually.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-07 20:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hey Jilly and Ten. Good to ya :)

Congrats on your NOA1 Sarah.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-04 10:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

:help: Family,
Ok, so now that we finally got a new interview date I am getting paranoid again. :help:
What is this non-impediment of marriage thing. I dont remember seeing that as part of the K-1 package. I thought that I filled out everything there was to fill out. Is there something he should get before going to the interview???Do we need this?? Niether he nor I have ever been married. Thanks

Yes, you do need a No Impediment to Marriage certifciate before the interview. Here's the info:
Here's the information taken from another post:

U.S. Embassy Announces Changes to Immigrant Visa Document Requirements

Beginning December 1, 2005, the Immigrant Visa Unit of the Consular
Section of the United States Embassy will require all Jamaica-resident
applicants for immigrant visas who are aged 18 years of age and older and
are in categories requiring them to be unmarried to obtain a
Certificate of No-Impediment to Marriage. This new requirement will affect
applicants in the IR2, IR3, IR4, F11, F22, and F24 categories who are aged
18 or older. It will also affect all Jamaica-resident children aged 18
and older who will be accompanying an immigrant visa applicant.

Applicants should apply for a Certificate of No-Impediment to Marriage
at any office of the Registrar General's Department or on the Registrar
General's Department website. Applicants may find further information
about this document and the form for requesting it at

Also beginning December 1, 2005, the Immigrant Visa Unit of the
Consular Section of the United States Embassy will require all applicants for
immigrant visas who have served in the military to obtain a copy of
their Military Service Record. Applicants who have served in the Jamaica
Defence Force may obtain a Military Service Record at Up Park Camp,
Kingston 5.

Here's what the certificate looks like:Certificate on No-Impediment to Marriage

K-1 visa applicants do need this certificate.

Good morning everyone.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-02-03 05:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Thanks to everyone for thinking of me. I made it through today but the losses were substantial. The remaining staff is bare bones and nearly all of the investors that I worked with have pulled out their portfolios. If I make it through the end of the week I'd be surprised. Ce'st la vie.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-31 22:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats Ricardo-and best wishes Susanwill!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-31 22:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Glad things are going well Tamisha.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 21:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well we just found out the the my company will be shutting down and laying off everyone within 60 days. Time to dust off that resume'.

Michelle, I'm sorry to hear the news. That stinks.... temp agencies in this area are you have any idea how they are up there?

Thanks Kelly.-I've actually always wanted to work in the travel industry because of my love for travel, history and culture but wasn't quite sure if I could make a decent living at it. One of my very good friends is an agent and she says that her commisisions have been cut to the bone in recent years(airlines etc). I would love to do something that I really love at this point in my life.

I used to temp years ago; but it doesn't seem as popular here like it used to be. But since I'm the only one in my household I will do whatever I have to do.

Shauna girl....can't wait to see the pics !!!

Me too!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 21:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Congrats to all with upcoming interviews-so many to count in the next couple of months-great news :thumbs:

Shauna-how's the planning coming along?

Darlene-glad to hear thing worked out with S/S- but sorry to hear about Bert's mishap.

Well we just found out the the my company will be shutting down and laying off everyone within 60 days. Time to dust off that resume'.

it's going great my mom and sister are doing it all :wacko: :lol: i am away with the family i work for so i have no time to do it and they wanted to do it so there it is...all i know is that it is a v-day theme.....they are keeping it a surprise which i think is cute...

Wow-a surprise wedding- I like that idea. It takes all the pressure off you-then you can be like some men and just show up ;)
All kidding aside, I'm sure it will turn out nice.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 21:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Sorry to hear that. How long have you been with them? Are they offering any placement services? If you were closer to the MA border where I work always has lots of jobs.
I wish you all the luck in finding something good.

I've been with them since my last layoff nearly four years ago. That's the nature of the business I guess(banking and finance).
They are not offering anything-no severence-no placement services-NOTHING.

I live about 35 miles south of Springfield. Before I moved last summer-my commute was a little over 30 miles one way- so I'm willing to travel if I have to. I'll keep MA is mind when I start looking. Thanks.

Congrats to all with upcoming interviews-so many to count in the next couple of months-great news :thumbs:

Shauna-how's the planning coming along?

Darlene-glad to hear thing worked out with S/S- but sorry to hear about Bert's mishap.

Well we just found out the the my company will be shutting down and laying off everyone within 60 days. Time to dust off that resume'.

Sorry to hear about your job Michelle you are in my prayers (F) !

Rhonda your trip sounds like so much fun I would love to see your pics.

Thanks Jax.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 21:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
There are some first anniversaries coming in the the next few weeks. Any special plans?

Congrats to all with upcoming interviews-so many to count in the next couple of months-great news :thumbs:

Shauna-how's the planning coming along?

Darlene-glad to hear thing worked out with S/S- but sorry to hear about Bert's mishap.

Well we just found out the the my company will be shutting down and laying off everyone within 60 days. Time to dust off that resume'.

Where is that spellcheck? :hehe:
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 20:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats to all with upcoming interviews-so many to count in the next couple of months-great news :thumbs:

Shauna-how's the planning coming along?

Darlene-glad to hear thing worked out with S/S- but sorry to hear about Bert's mishap.

Well we just found out the the my company will be shutting down and laying off everyone within 60 days. Time to dust off that resume'.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 19:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Stephen- lovely photo of you and your wife. Nice to meet you :)
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 18:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Rhonda how was your trip? What was the best part of it? What did you guys do?

Thanks for asking. It was awesome!! :blush: We went on a catamaran cruise and snorkeled with giant sea turtles. We rented a little, bitty car and drove around the whole island. We went to a wild life reserve and saw lots of monkeys and other animals - the animals were NOT caged there so you could go right up to them as long as they didn't get scared and run away :D We did a LOT of relaxing and laying around by the pool and on the beach and swimming in the ocean. It was very nice but very expensive there! The best part was that it was hot and sunny - the total opposite of Michigan weather :dead:

How did Tony compare it to Jamaica? Barbados is absolutely beautiful.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 18:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats on your interview date Eric :thumbs:
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 18:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I may be considered by the Jamaican government a Jamaican citizen, but I am the USC and sound like it. Unless I am singing Karaoke, (They call me either Sean Paul, or Eric Paul in Kingston and Mobay. I got the best reaction from the crowd a couple weeks ago in Mobay singing Tony Mattahorn's Dutty Wine)

One a dem... :)

B) :D
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-30 18:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Dee- I'm so sorry.
Please check your PM.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-27 15:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Overworked and underpaid...glad to hear about the increase but chances are the taxes will go up as well...

Minimum wage increase
published: Wednesday | January 24, 2007

Edmond Campbell, Senior News Coordinator

Jamaicans now earning the National Minimum Wage will see a 14 per cent increase in their take-home pay effective next Monday.

Cabinet has approved an increase in the minimum wage which has moved from $70 per hour to $80 per hour, or from $2,800 per 40- hour work week to $3,200 for the similar period.

Industrial security guards will receive a 13.52 per cent increase in their pay, moving from $103.50 per hour to $117.50 per hour, or from $4,140 per 40-hour work week to $4,700 for the same period.

Allowances for industrial security guards have also been adjusted as follows:

Laundry allowances from $20

- $22 per hour

Firearm allowance from $21

- $25 per hour

Dog handler's allowance $15

- $17 per hour (40-hour work week)

This announcement was made in Parliament yesterday by Minister of Labour and Social Security Derrick Kellier.

Opposition Spokesman on Labour, Ruddy Spencer, said while the Jamaica Labour Party supported any measure which would provide increased benefit to minimum-wage earners, the increase provided by Government was "negligible". He said with the increase, the workers' spending power when compared with their earnings last year had declined in real terms.

"The worker with this increase is in a worse position. I am not excited about the increase," Mr. Spencer lamented.

:angry: that's less than $ 50.00 USD per 40 hour work week; and yet they pay the same or more for many retail items. :wacko:
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-25 04:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats Darlene and Bert!!

Best wishes Eric!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-22 15:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats lovelyjodie!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-22 09:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Jax... :D I know you must be sooo happy da Bears won :thumbs:
Now go Pats!!

Hi Michele

That was like the best game ever!!! Yes my family and I are so happy. My uncle scored 2 Superbowl tickets with his season tickets. My uncles son and my dad are going. He is so happy!! Then he asked my brothers if they wanted to go if he found tickets. Those are going to be major bucks because my dad's ticket alone cost 600 smacks. Dad said once in a lifetime and he is going. They just need to find airfare and a hotel. He told me Jax you don't want to go right? I said yes I do. He said you can't you need 2 personal days from work to attend the interview in Jamaica. I said okay but I can't afford that. He said well the interview and trip is on me. I said come again.... This is like the best day ever. Waiting for hubby to get off work to tell him the fantastic news!!!! Woooooooooooooopie!!

Superbowl here we come Miami!!!!!

Pats lost :(
But hey Jax, what great news for you!! What a great family you have.

Good morning.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-22 05:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Jax... :D I know you must be sooo happy da Bears won :thumbs:
Now go Pats!!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-21 19:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well I got my interview date on friday!! it's March 13th!!!.... I tried a million times and the calls would never get through to the immigration assistance.. So after i got into the Immigrant visa section I just pressed 0.... and then I was able to speak to someone.. I'm so happy i finally have a date.. I can stop calling and being angry over ignored emails...

good luck to everyone and just hold on...
even now my journey is still not over but soon

Congrats!! Texasbound's interview is also on March 13th.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-20 20:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Mindy-hope you had a great day! ;)
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-20 19:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

hello everyone!!!!

well mike and i set a date... for the 9th of February....i am excited...and wanted to make sure everything was going to work out...

Yeah Shauna!! :dance: :dance: Congrats!! Glad to hear Mike is adjusting well.

Hello family.

Tanya - Best wishes on your wedding day (F) and Happy Birthday.

Darlene - Best wishes on your wedding day (L)

Rhonda - Have a wonderful trip.

Nannnygirl - Congrats on your wedding date.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Ditto...congrats to all :thumbs:

YOU GUYS!!! MARCH 13TH IS OUR INTERVIEW DATE!! I got through after the phone ringing for 13 minutes. Yall hang in there they will eventually patch you through. I was hoping for Feb, but will take what I can get. Good luck.

Wow, great news today all around! Congrats.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-19 14:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Good morning!
Congrats Jax and to all whose cases are progressing; hopefully Kingston will pick up the pace :thumbs:
Rhonda have a great time, enjoy.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-19 05:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Ten good to see you, did you move to CT yet?
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-15 18:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats smileypage :dance: :dance:

Anna you're on your way girl :thumbs:
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-15 18:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)


How is everything going with you? Are u planning any trips in the near future?

Take Care :)

Hi Jax,
Over the last couple of months it's been kind of rough but I'm hanging in there. There have been major layoffs where I work and I believe that there's another round coming so I dont' have any trips planned in the near future. Once I see some stability in my job situation I'm sure I'll be going somewhere though.

Thanks for asking.

Glad to hear that your case should be back on track soon. Before you know it Duane will be here.


Kim good to hear from you and glad to hear things are going well with your family. Hopefully Duane's son can be found soon.
I'm sure they will catch up with her sooner or later.

Good morning!

Looks like winter will finally arrive to New England in the next few days.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-14 07:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Another question!!

As you can tell I am having THOUGHTS running through my head :idea:

Is there anyone on this board who is American and moved to Jamaica to be with there SO? I'm contemplating it - I thought about filing bankruptcy and running away from this place I call MY COUNTRY - Why are they so strict? Some people can walk across the boarder but the man I love can't get here before jumping over hurdles.

Sorry, not trying to offend anyone, just venting!

Yes, I have twice, several years ago. Depending on the area you live in there might be quite an adjustment. I was in Negril both times and was quite bored the adjustment of not having American things ie, movieplex, 24 hour services, washer & dryers, friends, book stores, malls, was not too bad.

I am newly married to a wonderful man that I met in Jamaica.We are very much in love and passionate about being together. This feels like forever!
I think about moving there often. My husband lives in the country, its nice and easy and slow. I have a 21 month old son who I think would have a lot of fun there. But what do I do for money?? We have been married two months and my phone bills was 2x the rent! its crazy! I miss him like crazy though so when your ready let me know!

Welcome Mrs. Forrester!! Congrats on your wedding- and what a lovely couple you too make :thumbs:

Side note to Dee--for a minute there I thought... B) ;)
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-13 09:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Welcome home Bert!!! Darlene I forgot-where in Mass. are you from?

Best wishes on your move Darah and Henry. Will you stay in the hospitality business?

Rhonda- I am so jealous. Barbados is beautiful.

Denise-that's a tough one; especially with young children involved. I have no advise but my thoughts are with you.

Everyone have a great weekend.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-12 18:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I don't know how true it is as I have nothing on paper yet, but per a friend who is a congress woman in california, Our security clearance has been cleared and we should recieve our green card and thirty 30 days, in the mean time we can go to the immigration office to recieve a stamp. :unsure: The web sites says our case is still pending. :huh: I cannot celebrate till I have something in writing but of course D is beyond happy.

Great news Dee!!! If you go down to the immigration office I'm sure they will have something in their system to confirm that. I know you have been waiting forever congrats again!!!!

Thanks you all. We are going on Thursday.

It's been forever and a day. I hope you get it soon :thumbs:
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-09 18:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well I am not sure where things stand right now but we are still undecided...well he still his undecided. Hurts because we are already married but heah you live and learn from your mistakes right :yes:

Hey Marsha =--= good to see you back. You do live and learn and everything happens for a reason. Try to stay strong in your convictions and it will work itself out (F)

:thumbs: Welcome back Marsha!
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-09 18:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Good morning,

Welcome back Eric and best wishes.
Jamaica to CTFemale02007-01-09 05:06:00