K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAddress in the United States where your fiance(e) intends to live.

My recommendation:


Put your current address and if you move send the USCIS a letter informing them of the change along with your change of address. Things change and the USCIS understands this.


You could also enclose a letter in the application explaining that you may move in the future but that your intended will be moving with you, and all the details you can provide, so if you do move or things changed it's noted in the initial file.

Edited by d3adc0d3, 18 July 2013 - 09:17 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-18 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it worth hiring a service provider to do my application for me?

I used a paperwork service.


I work 50-60 hours a week, I'm a "single" mom, and I just don't have time to scour the websites to make sure I did it right.


The peace of mind, and the ease of using their online forms to fill everything out properly. having someone go over my forms & make sure everything was in proper order...

this was very much worth the $400 I spent in my humble opinion.


It's entirely up to you, how much time you have, how confident you feel, your budget, and how complicated or straightforward your case is. :)

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-18 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill a previous fine in the US cause any problems?

Fines would be a civil offense at best, and since this was a campus police it doesn't sound like it was brought up with the state/city authorities or you would've had to go to court to pay it and possibly have a hearing.


Campus rules are often not upheld in court, and they're looking more for issues like assault with a weapon, sexual assault, etc. Bigger stuff. This is minor and a college kid being... well a college kid.

Edited by d3adc0d3, 18 July 2013 - 11:47 AM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-18 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance and petitioner have a child together

If the child has one parent that is a US Citizen, and the two parents are not yet married, aside from needing all the necessary documents and evidence for the K1, you can file for a Consular Report of a Birth Abroad (CRBA)
Here's a quote from the page:

If you are a U.S. citizen and the parent of a child born out of the United States, you will need to document your child?s U.S. citizenship with a Consular Report of Birth Abroad. 

This document is used in the United States like a certified copy of a birth certificate, and it is acceptable evidence of citizenship for obtaining a passport and entering school. Although the application forms and final documents are the same everywhere, our embassies and consulates have different procedures to get them. If you haven?t done so already, check your local post website to learn the local rules. Our Embassies and Consulates will need you to make an appointment for this service.


d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLima, Peru Embassy fees for K1 AFTER Feb. 1, 2013

Visa fee is currently $240. This is universal and not embassy/country based -- it's determined by the US government. The K1 is a non-immigrant visa, so you won't have to pay the additional fee as others stated. Just the $240 for the visa.


Do keep in mind though that there are medical fees, sometimes fees to acquire paperwork, like birth certificates and police records, as well as cost of shipping the petitions birth/divorce/etc certificates as well as anything else that needs to get mailed to them. This is more paperwork fees that would cost you to get anyways though. smile.png

Edited by d3adc0d3, 26 July 2013 - 10:49 AM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-26 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLima, Peru Embassy fees for K1 AFTER Feb. 1, 2013

I'll let you all know soon! I'm still wavering on attending. I'd love to be there, but the plane ticket... As for the visa, I think he'll be fine without me there, but at the same time, I'd hate for him not to get the visa and kick myself for the next 70 years for not going. And I know he's nervous, so I think it would be a huge comfort for him and a good experience for us to share. This will also be his first trip to the U.S., as well as his first flight (plus connections in Miami, so that won't be fun alone). But the cost... we're both just starting up financially, so the cost is a big deal. We'll see. I asked the embassy in an email and they said it's not required (and didn't even seem like it would make much difference). What about you?


It can help a lot when applying for a visa to be present, some countries and consulates "unofficially require" the petitioner to be present. I would recommend looking up the reviews for your consulate.


Also, in my personal opinion to save yourself the emotional stress and being able to be present and a support for your future husband while going through a very life changing step, I would say it's well worth the money. If you can scrape together the finances to attend, I would say do it. :)

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-26 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLima, Peru Embassy fees for K1 AFTER Feb. 1, 2013

I had also read somewhere there is no fee due at the embassy interview for processing. I would be interested in knowing your experience with the interview process and actual timing of receipt of visa documents. Are you attending the interview with your fiance? Good luck to you!


This entirely depends on the embassy/consulate. Some require you to pay there, some require you to pay before the interview. Best bet is to look up the reviews and facts via your embassy/consulate portal, you can do so by clicking the country flag below your avatar icon in each post.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-26 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment and Income verification.

The letter you can request from HR the owner of the company doesn't have to sign it, just the HR rep. smile.png Accompanied with some pay stubs, and a tax return with an enrollment record in school will likely suffice just fine. They care more about if you can afford NOW. And with the enrollment record from the school your graduated, it'll explain why your tax return the year before was so low.

Edited by d3adc0d3, 26 July 2013 - 09:21 AM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-26 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWritting on the back of photos?

I used a fine point sharpie. :)

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-29 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello! I'm freaking out :)

I sent the following as "evidence" that we met:

  1. Passport Stamps from my one and only visit to Argentina
  2. Return Boarding pass from that visit to Argentina
  3. Photos:
    • Of him and I together with timestamps within the dates indicated on my passport stamps
    • Of him and I together in front of Cafe Martinez accompanied by a receipt from Cafe Martinez within dates indicated on my passport stamps.
    • Of him, myself and his father in front of the federal building.
    • Of his mother and myself hugging tearfully at the airport on my return flight to the US.
  4. Receipt from Cafe Martinez where we ate lunch nearly every other day (indicated in sub-item for #3), as well as other random receipts for items purchased within dates indicated on my passport stamps.

I didn't bother with all that other stuff, they'll want that when I have the interview as proof of ongoing relationship.

Edited by d3adc0d3, 17 July 2013 - 04:15 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-17 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

This is the packet I am putting together for the RFE response . I do not want to include too much , but enough to help us at the interview . Now that this will all be in the file and a greater chance for the CO to see it  . This is what I have so far . The G325A is for a correction of the beneficiary address I got wrong in the I-129F . I changed it so I figured I would  include it to avoid another RFE .


RFE yellow copy on top

Cover Letter for packet

Brief letter explaining the reason for updated I-129F

Letter of acknowledgement about the baby

Updated I-129F with baby listed

Updated G325A address correction for beneficiary

Letter to fiancee (talking about forgiving and about the baby dated 05/07/2013 )

Engagement Ring purchase 06/25/2013 which has my name and address on it


And of course the Letter of intent petitioner signed on a soft magazine in black ballpoint pen smile.png


Was thinking to include pictures of all the baby clothes and things I got , but I will make a small sample for the interview instead



Thanks everyone for the help I feel so much better since this RFE . I really feel it did happen for this very reason .


One question can I overnight this ?  I will be using USPS which does deliver to PO boxes .


I think a copy of the receipt for the baby clothes will work better. :) But that all sounds great! They may need a copy of the baby's birth certificate, I'd check that or you might end up with a second RFE or worse. :c

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-27 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

That is correct julitathomas0810.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-25 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

I do believe it was originally stated here to fill out an I-129F with the RFE

Whatever form asks to list all children, send in an updated form with explanation letter....along with any RFE documentation you have to send.

I mentioned the same several times as well as followed up with advice from the very reliable JayKay in the beginning of the post. 
The legalities of custody I also mentioned in the beginning of the post:

If I remember correctly the K1 will cover the stepchildren if they're put on the petition, due to a recent change on how the K1 operates. I am not 100% sure though and you'll need to check.
As for the laws regarding taking the infant from the country a quote from a legal source:
By law and jurisprudence, the mother of an illegitimate child has sole parental authority and is entitled to keep the child in her company.  This rule continues to apply even when the father of the child acknowledges filiation (paternity), although the court may order the father to provide support as a result of the acknowledgment, but not custody.

So Harpa had posted something which was already proven with sources cited, and this was already addressed in the beginning of the post.

I want to say, that I understand the desire to defend your position especially if you feel that it's right, but people are coming here for guidance and support during a very trying and confusing process. Gods know we've all been freaking out at one point, or unsure of how to handle a certain circumstance. It's crucial to these people's success that you clearly and concisely answer their questions, and if you want to throw an opinion in the mix, please keep it cordial, neutral and state thus. The K1 forum is not titled "legal debates", nor is it anyone's personal punching bag. There are other forums which encourage debates, and ranting -- please make use of those.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-25 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F


Good grief with all the extra banter in this thread about your simple question.  Let's stick to the immigration advice the OP actually sought.


Since you received an RFE, you have the great opportunity to add the child to your I-129F now. Yes, send a revised I-129F with your RFE response explaining the date the child was born and the need to add her now.


She can file for a K-2 for the child when she applies for the K-1. The K-2 is not free. A K-2 must pay the same visa processing fee as a K-1, so you will need double the visa fees when the time comes. The child will also need a medical and whatever else Manila may require. She will need to prove sole custody or the baby's father will have to provide permission for her to move to the US with the child.


happy.png Thank you!

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

I would recommend sending in the page 3 filled out again in the I-129F with a cover letter explaining the child was just born along with any supporting documents, such as a Birth Certificate, any Custody papers that may be necessary (you may need to contact an immigration lawyer for legal advice on that one), and whatever was asked in the RFE.


I-129F application form



d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

I corrected myself, thank you -- I think that's because it has to do with I-130s, because I never seen them asked for K1's. I'm on a K1 journey not a CR1 journey

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

The OP already filed for a K1 visa, at this point they can either resend in the paperwork that contains the list of the children with a letter explaining the child was born, along with a birth certificate and whatnot, or they can attempt to file now for a K2 (not sure how the timing would work out on that one), or bring the child to the interview to (hopefully) get a K2 issued from the embassy.


If I am not mistaken, all children are included by default with the K1, as long as their listed. So if the OP adds them to the page that lists the children, if the Adjudicator accepts it all would be well. A letter explaining along with proof of the child's birth may be sufficient.

Edited by d3adc0d3, 24 July 2013 - 07:52 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

I need to add a K2 from a pregnancy while the I129F was filed . Right now with our case we have an RFE on July 16th . The baby was born on July 23rd . Since we have an RFE will this be a chance to add the baby ? If so how would I do this ? At this point I did not receive the letter . However I believe it is for outdated G325A forms I used . It was the only thing I could find fault while looking at my I129F copy . Born in the Philippines baby girl smile.png


I don't, at any point, see them asking for advice in this post on what is a red flag, they were simply asking on how to handle the paperwork and filing for the future stepchild who was born in the middle of the process.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

A visa cannot be issued to a child until after it is born, nor can it be put on the K1 Petition, as it's not legally a person yet and there are no supporting documents.


According to this topic:



You bring the infant to the K1 interview and the embassy will issue a K2 at no additional cost. 


Now I'm not sure how accurate that is, but that does seem fairly logical.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

I'm not a USCIS adjudicator, but I doubt an illegitimate child would cause a red flag. As long as he's willing and able to support both of them, that's all the US really cares about.


Red flags are usually a combination of things, large age gap, large sums of money being transferred to the USC's bank account, criminal history, etc.


As for the child leaving the country, I am not am immigration attorney. But it was stated also in that source, which I linked, this:


In one case (Briones vs. Miguel, GR 156343, Oct. 18, 2004), the Supreme Court upheld the illegitimate child?s mother?s custody even when the mother was working in Japan and eventually brought the child out of the country to live with her there.


Edited by d3adc0d3, 24 July 2013 - 07:17 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

The woman could also be a victim of rape, or a sexually abusive relationship. She could've had a one night stand ages ago, or it could be from a previous relationship.


If I remember correctly the K1 will cover the stepchildren if they're put on the petition, due to a recent change on how the K1 operates. I am not 100% sure though and you'll need to check


As for the laws regarding taking the infant from the country a quote from a legal source:


By law and jurisprudence, the mother of an illegitimate child has sole parental authority and is entitled to keep the child in her company.  This rule continues to apply even when the father of the child acknowledges filiation (paternity), although the court may order the father to provide support as a result of the acknowledgment, but not custody.




Edited by d3adc0d3, 24 July 2013 - 06:55 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F


In a case such as this, a psychological exam of the petitioner may be warranted. It may also raise a red flag as to the validity of the relationship.


We are not here to judge and you do not know the circumstances surrounding it.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F


Whatever form asks to list all children, send in an updated form with explanation letter....along with any RFE documentation you have to send.


Beat me to it!

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

Then you would need to read this:



I believe your fiance would need to file for a CRBA


A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain statutory requirements are met. The child?s parents should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) to document that the child is a U.S. citizen. If the U.S. embassy or consulate determines that the child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, a consular officer will approve the CRBA application and the Department of State will issue a CRBA, also called a Form FS-240, in the child?s name.


If your child is granted citizenship at birth you won't need to file anything else.


Good luck. smile.png

Edited by d3adc0d3, 24 July 2013 - 02:01 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice on I129F

Was the child born in the US?

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-24 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline dates accuracy?

It depends on what is going on.


There's not a lot of data on Texas, so the timeline for them will vary rather widely.


California will be pretty accurate, but any disaster or sudden influx of petitions can cause delays.


My case was one of the transfers to Texas and I would check my timeline estimates every day and it was constantly changing.


The timelines take the estimated processing times from the USCIS website, the data from people's timelines filing the same petitions to the same service center, and calculate an average.

If for any reason people are not updating their timelines regularly, or the USCIS website is massively out of date, or any other extenuating circumstances it will not be accurate.


But for a general idea, just check it once a week and see if it changes drastically, but don't make ANY plans or purchase tickets until you have your visa in hand.


I personally would recommend a courthouse wedding to appease the 90 day visa requirement, and then plan your BIG wedding after. No one has to know it's not the legal ceremony, and there is less stress on you without that time crunch. smile.png

Edited by d3adc0d3, 22 August 2013 - 11:27 AM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-08-22 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiver for not meeting. What is required?

USCIS is very strict about the basic requirements.


  1. The Petitioner is a US Citizen
  2. The Petitioner and beneficiary intend to marry within 90 days of the beneficiary entering the US
  3. Both the Petitioner and beneficiary are free and able to marry and any previous marriages must have been legally terminated by divorce, death, or annulment.
  4. You met each other, in person, at least once within 2 years of filing your petition.

Getting a waiver is nearly impossible.

If possible meet somewhere affordable and accessible as was suggested at a neutral location, with a chaperone.

Or have the foreign beneficiary take a short trip to the US (you can check for flight bargain deals), if your fiance or family can help pay for the trip, that will make a difference. 


Good Luck. :)

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2013-07-10 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do we have to get married by?

They are all correct, it is within 90 days of you or your fiance(e) from stepping foot on US soil via the K1 visa.


Your entry date into the US should be no later than the expiry date on your visa. If it expires May 8th, you'll want to be sure you land on May 8th... They do not fool around with visa expiration dates. You will very likely be shipped right back if you go past it even by a couple hours.


As a side note, I would recommend giving yourself at least 10 days wiggle room. In case there's a paperwork mixup. Going down to the wire is never good. :)

Edited by d3adc0d3, 06 May 2014 - 08:35 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-05-06 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcess after fiancee arrival to US

You have to be legally married.


This means you have to have an officiate, perform a wedding ceremony and sign the wedding license. My fiance and I are doing a courthouse wedding to appease immigration and then proceeding to do our "real" wedding and ceremony in July of 2015, we will celebrate our anniversary on that July, rather than the date on the license.


After you are married you need to file for an Adjustment of Status (AOS), this is to provide your fiance (or husband at the time) with a greencard. The AOS will require a second interview. The process typically takes about a year, and the fee is around $1050.00 -- it may have changed, so you'll want to double check. I would recommend using a paperwork service if you're super worried... i used RapidVisa, and they're wonderful, and relatively inexpensive.


It is recommended that you file for advance parole (AP) and a worker's permit (I don't recall the official name) along with your AOS, to allow him to work and if necessary leave the country. If he leaves the country without an AP his application for a greencard will be considered abandoned and he will not be allowed to re-enter the country.


If he works without a worker's permit he will be in violation of the immigration laws and can be deported for it.

Edited by d3adc0d3, 20 August 2014 - 04:34 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-20 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHaving a child... Red flag?

It should not be a red flag, and if you intend to immigrate the child as well, you will both want to list them, and file for a K2 at the same time.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-20 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrookie mistake - how bad is it?

If they need more evidence then they'll send you a Request for Evidence (RFE), it will slow down the procedure some, but if you respond promptly and send EVERYTHING they asked for (read it VERY careful and follow their instructions), it should be fine.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-20 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbank letter?

I never provided a letter from my bank. I provided:

  1. last 4 paystubs
  2. last 3 years' tax returns
  3. letter of employment
  4. freelance contracts
  5. offer for employment which was even higher pay.

Edited by d3adc0d3, 26 August 2014 - 12:21 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-26 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDCP what does it mean?


thanks , thanks a million of thanks i hope that maybe it is because my fiance made bankruptcy  , i dont remember when

i hope that be that and no nothing about deparment child protection or Deputy Chief Police.


Bankruptcy would put him on that. I would have him call and inquire, you can always call too. Best to get the details.


Typically the US Immigration cares mostly about Fraud, Violent Offenses, Sexual Violence, etc.

Misdemeanors (as we know them) or bankruptcy would likely be overlooked. Ultimately, it depends on the CO, and the embassy's rules though.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-27 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDCP what does it mean?

DCP Departamento de Crédito Público
aka Department of Public Credit

Likely a defaulted loan or Credit Fraud.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-26 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to attach pictures to I-129F packet

I printed my pictures at walgreens, and using a permenant marker, I wrote on the back, the names of everyone in the picture, their relation to myself or my fiance, the date and the place. Then I placed them in a labelled ziplock bag and used a clip to affix it to the documents.

Pictures are necessary to prove that you met, however in lower fraud countries, like the UK they're less stringent about it. I would send the pictures anyways so you don't get an RFE and delay an already long process,

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-27 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne Way Ticket, or Round Trip Ticket?

I have searched a lot for this and I can't seem to find a direct answer. Is it okay to purchase a Round Trip ticket instead of a one way ticket? I have noticed when researching it is so much more cheaper to do Round Trip, but am concerned this might raise questions at POE. Will this cause problems for my fiance if I buy a round trip for her? Any official links that you know of? Any help would be wonderful.


Yes you can, just don't tell the booking agent. :P


Also, if you've a Frequent Flier account, you can buy miles for a one-way ticket. I did that for my fiance, and the ticket was about $500 cheaper, one way, and business class (via miles) versus the $500 more for coach (via cash).

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-28 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressilly newbie question?

Providing she has an active visitor visa, and can enter the country, you can start gathering the paperwork to file once you meet the requirements.


I wouldn't file until you have enough evidence see the guide:

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-27 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressilly newbie question?

Yes you can, just make sure you take pictures together of you in the US (best if they're time stamped on the camera), you hold onto her boarding pass for entering the country, copies of her stamped passport, and get as much evidence of your time together. We took pictures of us in front of restaurants and saved the receipts, a copy of the vacation rental with his name on it (hotel's would work too), etc.

Edited by d3adc0d3, 27 August 2014 - 12:52 PM.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-27 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge requirment for K-1 visa (Girlfriends 17 at the moment)

It states that you must BOTH be free and able to marry in accordance to the state laws, and the laws of the beneficiary's country, AT THE TIME OF THE PETITION. Check with the local laws of your state, or the state you intend to be married in, and with the Juarez consulate as Harpa mentioned.


It's not long until she's 18, so to be honest, it's better to just wait those 4 months, than to go through the year long (or more) process only to be denied for that reason, and have to refile and wait another year or more. This is a very long process, and I totally understand you want to be with your fiance... but I would just wait it out a few months longer, just to make sure that you don't have any roadblocks.

As a side note, the USCIS information line, often gives out MISinformation, don't rely on them, either get a lawyer, or ask in a visa forum. You can also check out paperwork services, such as RapidVisa, which is cheaper than a lawyer, and you fill out online forms which populate all the paperwork with that information for you. As long as you fill out the online forms with accurate information you'll have no issues. I used rapidvisa and my petition was approved. I paid around $400 for the RapidVisa service versus the $1500+ for an immigration attorney.

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-08-29 17:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice clearance certificate

I would say since it's provided by the government office itself, then you're fine. :) Good luck!

d3adc0d3Not TellingArgentina2014-09-02 11:57:00