United KingdomYES!! at last... i have interview date :)
Yay! So exciting! The medical should be fine... my husband went for his a few weeks back and said it was no big deal. Do you have all of your jabs? You'll need the flu shot (for sure) and MMR (maybe?)... Cheaper to get it on the NHS and Boots or ASDA for the flu shot.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-02 18:03:00
United KingdomSo just how early to get to the Embassy?...

I would go for an hour before, it can't hurt.

Yeah. That's what we decided to do-- just get there for 9am.

I am looking forward to reading your review! Best of luck on Friday!!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-16 05:41:00
United KingdomSo just how early to get to the Embassy?...

They had a checklist which they went through and ticked off. It was all there already as they had everything that had been sent to NVC, although I did have another set of originals of my civil documents and a set of photocopies of everything. In fact I had two folders with me - one full of evidence and the other full of documents and I didn't open either of them!

Thanks again Cathy!! :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-15 14:17:00
United KingdomSo just how early to get to the Embassy?...

My interview was at 8.30. I was staying in a hotel too and I was awake at the crack of dawn (nervous/excited) so I joined the queue at 7am - I was third in line. They opened the doors at 7.30 and we were allowed into the waiting area. They started calling the numbers (mostly I and N) at 8am. There were a lot more N numbers than I and they went up much more frequently. I was the second I number and was called about 8.10 for the document check. That was the longest part but I was back in my seat in the waiting area by 8.30. I was called up again just before 9am and that part took no more than a few minutes. I paid the courier and was out by 9am. there was no visa queue outside at that point but there were a lot of people inside.

Good luck.

PS I checked out of my room and left my bag with the hotel - no problem.
PPS they told me my visa would take 7-10 days to reach me - it took 2!

That's great! Thanks very much for this :)

One more question you may be able to answer: When you go up to give them all your paper work will they specifically ask you for everything they need? I mean I am coming with a bunch of documents-- most of which are just-in-casers. For example we've been married over 3 years and I've been living in the UK the entire time (on appropriate, valid visas) I'm bringing pictures, bank statements, council tax forms with both our names on it ect. I just feel like I'd rather have too much than too little.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-12 05:49:00
United KingdomSo just how early to get to the Embassy?...
Hah. Well, I'm not a morning person and it's been getting pretty nippy out as of late, so we may opt for that 9:30 arrival after all. Thanks for clearing things up for me!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-08 18:25:00
United KingdomSo just how early to get to the Embassy?...
Alright, husband's interview is in 2 weeks time. We're staying over the night before so we're just going to leave all our stuff in the hotel room, only bringing "the folder" and our room key.

His appointment is for 10am. How early should we get there? I know in either my letter or the London Embassy instructions says something about only being 30 minutes early. I guess what I'm trying to ask is: is there any benefit to getting there even earlier? Would you suggest it? Is it first come first serve? Because we need to be out of the room by 2pm.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-08 15:13:00
United KingdomBringing UK Wii to US.
Yeah, he might just sell it then.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-20 09:45:00
United KingdomBringing UK Wii to US.
Thanks again :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-14 18:14:00
United KingdomBringing UK Wii to US.

You can do it -- I did -- but it is a pain since the Wii is not HDMI. The power supply is fine, but we needed a maze of wires to get it to work on our US television.

Thanks for your response :) Do you remember which adaptors you had to buy to get it to work?
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-13 10:46:00
United KingdomBringing UK Wii to US.
Alright, my husband has a Wii console that he would like to bring to the US. He understands that the games are region locked but aside from that would the console be compatible with modern US televisions? Also, would a standard US power adaptor work with the UK console?

Thanks very much in advance for any advice anyone can give :)

Edited by Mrs GH, 13 November 2011 - 10:13 AM.

Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-13 10:12:00
United KingdomIs someone coming to the US from the UK very soon?

We found McVitie's Digestives at Big Lots for less than half the UK price!!

Yes, we call them marshmallow cookies here.

Posted Image

Marshmellow cookies aren't the same!! It's like a fluffy cream in Tunnocks. I saw a box of 6 in William Sonoma for $9.00 yikes!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-15 12:48:00
United KingdomIs someone coming to the US from the UK very soon?
I'm shocked no one misses Tunnock's teacakes??
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-09 16:48:00
United KingdomIs someone coming to the US from the UK very soon?
Does anyone know if you can get Lorne sausage back in the US at all? It would be nice to be able to make my lovey some of his mom's Stovies when we get back.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-08 14:37:00
United KingdomCan he still visit? Visa pending
Aw man! I really hope he gets over there pronto!!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-21 14:25:00
United KingdomLeaving for London tomorrow!!
APPROVED!!! Just got back home and we're super tired. So I'm gonna write a big fat review tomorrow! I took a really tight timeline of how things went down :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-23 16:54:00
United KingdomLeaving for London tomorrow!!
We are leaving to go down south tomorrow, even though our interview is Wednesday morning. Soooo I will be in VJ "blackout" for a couple of days. I will report back ASAP :)

I can not believe how quick it's got here!!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-21 16:25:00
United KingdomInterview stress
I'm sure you will be fine. Make sure you take some magazines or something to occupy yourself. I just posted a super long review, it might help. I know before we went I enjoyed reading the really detailed ones.

Interview-wise use your intuition. The guy we had basically touched upon all the things that I had thought he might. i.e. I'm moving back to the US from the UK -- Well, why? That type of thing. From all the info you send they're getting a rough idea of "your story", the interview is to confirm this or fill in the blanks. That's the way I see it.

My mantra for the past week was "Keep it together, keep it together..." haha
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-24 09:41:00
United KingdomWhat happens if your late?
I'm sure he'll be fine. GOOD LUCK.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-26 09:02:00
United KingdomRequest a change of date for interview
Good luck to everyone!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-28 05:09:00
United KingdomAre you creative?

Hi, all!

In the next couple of months, I'll be mailing a package to each of my bridesmaids to ask them to be in my wedding. I've got a cool box to use, but now I'm trying to decide what to put in it. I already ordered these ( and I'm wanting to add some more items to the box. I'd also like to add some little make-up or candy to put in the airmail package listed above.

Any ideas of some fun United Kingdom items that aren't too cheesy? I'm obviously going with the "airmail" theme...


I think these are cute!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-30 14:27:00
United KingdomUK/United Kingdom/England
I put "N/A" in state/county and "UK" United Kingdom.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-01 06:57:00
United KingdomWhat steps do you and your fiance/e take to manage the distance?

I don't get it - I thought AOS after K1 could happen together in same country...

No, no, no!! I was just acknowledging that Robert & Karen had started the 2nd step :)

Did you think I meant we had stared AOS?

Edited by Mrs GH, 01 December 2011 - 07:19 AM.

Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-01 07:19:00
United KingdomWhat steps do you and your fiance/e take to manage the distance?

Skype, Google phone (2 cent a minute phone calls to the UK form a cell phone), emails, letters, and looking at the moon at the same time together.

AOS Journey begun then! :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-30 06:18:00
United KingdomBread Pudding Recipes from the Old Country

Bread pudding is a good call for Xmas, but I am doing mince pies. Christmas is, after all, just one big excuse to eat mince pies.Posted Image

Just got the luxury mince pies from Marks & Spencer, they are deeelish!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-02 08:03:00
United KingdomA bit closer...
Excellent news!! Great start to 2012! and then the rest of your lives :) :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-02 07:53:00
United KingdomWe have our Interview!!
Fabulous! Good luck :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-24 07:42:00
United KingdomApproved!
Congratulations! I'm happy you will get to spend Christmas with him, that's what it's all about!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-06 08:26:00
United KingdomJust about to start it really this easy?
Yeah, just follow the directions and you should be good. But it's not over until it's over right? Nich-Nick is a great guiding hand through the (UK) process.

One slight correction: AOS doesn't give you a 10 year GC it gives you a 2 year GC, you then have to Remove Conditions (I-751) to get the 10 year GC.

Edited by Mrs GH, 07 December 2011 - 10:48 AM.

Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-07 10:45:00
United KingdomWell, my interview is tomorrow

I'm not drinking a drop before the interview - my bladder's the size of a pea as it is! But afterwards... oh man, afterwards. :rofl:

I will say the bathrooms there are very clean, so have no fear!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-01 16:26:00
United KingdomWell, my interview is tomorrow

a quick pint could help but dont want to drink too much and look like this... :wacko: lol

Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-01 15:50:00
United KingdomWell, my interview is tomorrow

What did you get the RFE for? All the cool kids get RFEs - a bit like those who passed their driving tests on the second attempt B-)

Take a magazine or two, it's just a lot of waiting. You'll be good!! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow :) :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-01 15:00:00
United KingdomInterview Tomorrow!! anything else?
Oh and good luck tomorrow!!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-11 14:08:00
United KingdomInterview Tomorrow!! anything else?
Looks good to me. Having too much wasn't an issue since they ask you for the specific documents they need. I took a huge folder and they asked me for a tiny fraction of what I had brought.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-11 11:11:00
United KingdomRenewed intent to marry??
Just a couple days away now Qwerty!!
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-29 06:16:00
United KingdomI am not a happy camper....

So glad you got it - I was thinking about you today. It must have been a good day as my new shoes arrived from eBay too! Haha!


Thanks! It was a huge relief. New shoes are just as good of an arrival! Are you all set for your interview TOMORROW Mrs? :) :) I can't wait to hear (er, see) how it went! x
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-12-01 07:32:00
United KingdomI am not a happy camper....

This sounds awful....surely the Embassy ought to be using a decent courier service with secuirty form pick up to delivery. I'm frankly a little bit perturbed to read this, given how much the porcess costs us to GET the visa in time And money. Fingers crossed they'll actually deliver tomorrow. I'm sure they will if you've chased it up.

Yep, it came this morning around 9:30. DX seems like it's pretty good at being the middle-man though. There were a couple stickers on the parcel that indicated they contacted the "other" company that was delivering it right away.

Long story short, it's here. Now onto booking an excess baggage company. How are you getting on anyway? You and the kiddos all set for Friday?? :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-30 16:16:00
United KingdomI am not a happy camper....

Yay! Congrats!! What a mess though!!! Not cool!

Thanks! I just feel very relived that we've got everything safe and sound :)
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-30 07:24:00
United KingdomI am not a happy camper....
The parcel came this morning. It's all good.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-30 04:52:00
United KingdomI am not a happy camper....

well thats kinda disturbing to think that your visa, passport, and who knows what other personal info is in that package could be delivered by... well just about anybody lol

Hah. Yeah, I'll sleep easy tonight..
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-29 14:41:00
United KingdomI am not a happy camper....

These subcontractor types always makes me nervous. I had a passport sent to me in NZ, meant to be a signed for packet. Didn't arrived although it showed delivered when they checked it out.

It was delivered. The driver left in on the porch across the street, and down a few houses. Not sure how street number 15 could be mistaken for 29 but there you are. No one signed for it either. The Courier company told me to 'go over and get it' myself.' And even though it was dark by this time, and they had a big nasty looking dog, that is what I did. My packet was still lying on the porch, just out of reach of said chained up pit bull.

I raised holy old of course. In the end the driver admitted to not being able to read. They sacked him. The Canadian Consulate at Wellington changed courier companies. And I got to fly home on time.

Whoa! That's a horror story! Yeah, like I said, if this doesn't get here tomorrow by 1pm I'm going on a crusade of sorts.
Mrs GHFemaleScotland2011-11-29 13:51:00