IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I think they are clearing all feb 3rd transfer files. 3rd feb transfer filers can expect their noa2 anytime soon. They wont start approving the 6th feb and 10th feb transfers without finishing 3rd feb transfer files. May be i m wrong. 


I was transferred on the 5th and got approval on the 11th

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-13 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

My husband and I filed 8/7/13, and we received a notice that we have been transferred to the California office dated 2/5/14. Are these posts saying people are getting approved within days of being transferred?


I got text saying my petition was transferred on the 5th of Feb.  On Feb 10th I got the hard copy saying my petition was sent to CSC.  Check my case status tonight and it says my petition was approved on Feb 11th

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-12 21:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Can someone update the August spread sheet to show my NOA2 for Feb. 11?   

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-12 21:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


You didn't get a email/text to update you about the approval?


Haven't checked my email and didn't receive any text.  I just checked my case status on uscis and there it was.....



tried to paste it here for u but it won't let me.  anyways was approved Feb 11th



I am so so jealous both you and aditya got approvals and we were transferred the same.....fingers crossed that means mine is coming soon!!


fingers crossed for you......I hope every one gets approves like we did.  thanks everyone for the congrats.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-12 20:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Omg.. im approved 




Thank you lord jesus christ !!!

I had no idea with a case as complicated as mine.

I actually can't believe it !





omgggggggggggggggg.......I had not checked my status since yesterday and this is first chance I had today to get on VJ.  I read your post and immediately checked mine and I got APPROVED TOO.


WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO........approval one day after receiving my hard copy of my transfer to CSC.  I can't believe this. omg!!!!!

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-12 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Congratulations everyone who got transferred today.........hope we all get approvals quickly.  I finally got to tell my husband tonight the good news that we were transferred to CSC.  I think its a little hard for him to understand the process when I get excited and I start saying words like transferred and approvals.  I have to remind him its a 3 step process.......He keeps asking and how long at this step before we know?  

Come on August, whaddaya say?
All the transfers comin' today!
August transfers whaddaya know?
Bring approvals - go! Go! GO!

Getting better, I think- if I do say so myself!


hahaha......much better!!!!!

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-10 21:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Just check my mail..........we got transferred to CSC!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so happy!!!!!    Hope everyone has a happy day with lots of transfers and approvals.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-10 11:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers



Did any of you find out if y'all went to CSC ?


Avi_NM,  smoddydana,   godfadda6,  Chia&Sean,  prernanurag,  NNCap,  Suzu,   te83,   Rebecca621,  kssette &  Kat&Abhi  ?




no hard copy yet for me..........hoping it comes in the mail tomorrow.  ooops today!

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-10 03:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

We just got our Hard Copy ,and it is indeed CSC dancin5hr.gif


dang.....didn't get my hard copy.  we were transferred on the same day.  guess the mail has further to come to get to me

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-08 17:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

ok guys and girls......I got 2 questions,


first off I have received a total of 5 text from uscis.....2 on 2/3 stating I was transferred on that date, 1 on 2/5 stating I was transferred on that date, and 2 on 2/6 just stating I was transferred with no date mentioned.


emails total 3 following each day of text stating the same info.


what does all this mean really?  Is it significant or just someone hitting the repeat key?


2nd question:  I have already filed my 2013 federal and state tax returns as single.  I did so based on the information I read when I tried to change my w-4's after getting married.  The w-4 would not allow me to mark married as it states if married to a nonresident alien mark single.   Now I have read several post saying I need to file married filing separately with an ITIN that I have to apply for with a w-7.   Do I need to do this now?  Will it in any way affect my petition or visa for my husband?  Or is this something I can amend at a later date?


btw.....congrats everyone with transfers and approvals and hoping those not transferred yet will get theirs soon!!!

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-07 12:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


It should read....


"The I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN was transferred somewhere and is probably going to be processed at a USCIS office. You will be perhaps notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. We will also tell you we will take action in 60 days, however please ignore this as it is #######. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283. Oh, and thanks for your cash, we spent it on new chairs with a recline function to help us sleep during the day when we should be adjudicating your petitions.


That was great!  You had me laughing out loud.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-05 10:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

The first text/email is generated when the petition is scanned out

the 2nd when it leaves NBC and the 3rd one when it is received and scanned at the receiving service center


So if that is the case, then my petition is actually there today at whichever Service Center is going to process it.  Correct?   Just want to make sure I am clear on this.   So the 60 days begin today.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-05 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


the transferred started on the 3rd.

You will get another text/email when it will be received at destination (CSC, TSC or NSC). The 60-day clock starts ticking then.


Good luck


Thanks for the quick response........the 2 different dates had me wondering if I had gotten transferred at all or if there had been an error somewhere..  This whole process can drive a person crazy.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-05 09:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

what is going on?  On 2/3 I receive 2 text and an email saying my I-130 was transferred.  I just now received another text saying my status was updated and to check "my case status" at uscis.  When I checked it, it says my I-130 was transferred on 2/5 to my local office. 


did this happen to anyone else?   so when was it transferred?  the 3rd or the 5th.....this is BS!!!

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-05 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Do not worry guys.

Please Check USCIS case status website for updates.

I just checked some numbers and they transfers cases from 5th August to 9th August.

they up to MSC1391650501



Its higher than number is MSC13916506XX

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-03 20:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


it seems like they have "somebody" entering all the transfer data at once.

We've seen the same pattern in April, May, June and July threads.


it is usualy 6 or 7 pm before you see any transfers.

Just hold tight!!!


Looks like you were right about the time table.................just never dreamed I would be one of those that got transferred today.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-03 19:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

just got a text about 30 minutes ago..........we got transferred today too!!!! pd is august 9th

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-02-03 19:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

My PD date is Aug 9th so I too will be hitting the 6 month mark.........MSC139165XXXX.   If one more person ask me why or when my husband will get here I think I will go insane!!!   Come on transfers!!!   Some days it is really hard to have a positive outlook.  I feel like my life is stuck on hold.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-31 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

My stomach has been in knots since I woke up this morning.  I have checked my case status 4 times already.   The numbers are getting close to mine and I am trying to be patient but it is so hard to do.  Between waiting on this uscis and waiting on attorneys to call me back for a "gift of deed" for my husband, I think I am going to lose my mind, lol.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-23 13:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


Its not in any particular order


Mostly because it doesnt have to be in any order biggrin.png

Im aug 09 and mine is msc139163XXXX




I am aug 9 too and mine is msc139165XXXX

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-23 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

check back tonight, seems a lot of notifications get sent out late


took your advice and tried again........nope, still no transfer and my number is very close.  Maybe tomorrow

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-22 22:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers dropped...and I call back and they tell me THEY STOPPED TRANSFERS TO TIER 2 FOR THE DAY......ive so had it ..I wanna scream cry and whatever else I can do that isn't helping regardless!  Call back tomorrow starting at 8am...well GUESS WHAT BUDDY...I WORK!!!!!!  omg I don't even know what to do anymore!


Try to calm down will get your bp up.   Maybe tomorrow or by Monday.  I didn't get a transfer yet either.  I don't know how you have managed to handle all this so far but stay strong.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-22 16:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I checked my case status as soon as I started reading the post about the possibility of some August filers getting transferred.........mad.gif not yet.  my numbers are 139165.   Please let it be soon!!!!!

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-22 16:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Please feel free to let the USCIS know how you feel about them and their processing dates:




I did.....commented and voted both.  Went to the site about an hour or so ago.  It showed it rank 45 and only 3 comments below.  something about it being moved to off topic or something like that

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-21 18:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

 For instance, all of the documents that we send to the USCIS are copies, and apparently they're scanned into a computer for processing in the USCIS. Why can't they send the file electronically to the NVC, especially given that we'll be submitting the originals at that stage.  (Or do you think the USCIS is still on a 14.4 modem? ) Why waste time waiting for them to physically ship the files? (And then saying it could be 6-8 weeks?!? I want to know whom they're using to ship those files, because that is a shitty timeline and I never want to use them for anything I ship out.) 


are you kidding me? be honest I I haven't looked into the NVC step yet because I didn't see the point until I got my petition transferred.  Then I thought I would start preparing for NVC.   But what you just told me is BS!.....why can't they just send them electronically?  I am not crazy about submitting my originals to begin with and gov't offices are well known for saying they did not receive something or it must have been lost.  6-8 weeks?  yeah right, what a load of #######.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-21 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I hear that.



USCIS should be ashamed of how long they made you wait after all the years you and your husband have been married.  After the long wait you went through just to get transferred the decent thing they could do is process the rest of the steps as quickly as possible.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-21 17:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I WOULD LIKE TO ACTUALLY LIVE WITH MY HUSBAND LIKE A NORMAL MARRIED COUPLE SOMETIME BEFORE I DIE!!!!!!!!.......................this is insanity.   Sorry folks, I just felt the need to express myself.  I knew the chances of any real progress on the part of USCIS was slim but I am ever optimistic and was hoping for a better update.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-21 17:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


**I'm sure you already knew that living in Norfolk, sorry!goofy.gif **


Guess I should have read the rest of the post before I replied......I'm sorry too, haha

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-21 11:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


They are getting snow storms on the east coast. Schools are closed all the way down to Virginia so maybe it's possible we won't get the update today.


I live in Virginia........the snow turned out to be nothing.   But of course, I live 3 and half hours from DC and it could be different there.  Still they were only predicting about 6 inches and the roads are kept cleared.  Our snow has already stopped and melted.  I kind of doubt DC is shut down.  Our worst storms are the ones that come up from Texas.  Just another excuse for them to delay an update the way I see it


I live in Virginia........the snow turned out to be nothing.   But of course, I live 3 and half hours from DC and it could be different there.  Still they were only predicting about 6 inches and the roads are kept cleared.  Our snow has already stopped and melted.  I kind of doubt DC is shut down.  Our worst storms are the ones that come up from Texas.  Just another excuse for them to delay an update the way I see it


oops....correction.   I live about 2 and half hours from DC.  almost 3 hours. lol.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-21 11:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Ugggggggggggggghhhhhhh!!!!  Isn't USCIS suppose to update their processing dates monthly?  or did I misunderstand that?  Here we are Jan. 21st 2014 and I just checked the site.  Still saying Feb. 13, 2013 was last petition processed.  8 months since I last saw my husband and 6 months since I filed my I-130 petition.  This is BS!  I know other couples have waited longer but no one.....NO ONE should have to wait so long to get their petition processed. 

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-21 10:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


Wow really? When did they say that? about 4-5 months ago i130 in 1 year was probably true..... (not sure about the islamic part), i would be suprised if it took that long now as June/July filers are getting approved.


I talk to the attorney July 2013.  The same month I sent off my I-130 and decided not to get an attorney for help.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-16 09:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

My lawyer told me 9 months, which is just sooooo poor!!


Before I sent my I-130 petition off to USCIS,  my sister-in-law gave me an attorney's number to call and talk to that she recommended.   He told me the reality is at least 1 year and if your spouse is from an Islamic country be prepared to wait for 2 years.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-16 09:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Does anyone else have a number MSC139173..... it seems that are on MSC139159.....


MSC139165 is mine

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-14 19:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Let me conform it,, MSC1391570500 to 684.. PD is 27th July( Saturday).. All cases  transfers today..

check it out and get ready for transfers in this week.


Are these MSC numbers only applied to I-130 petitions or are they applied to other types of applications?  Because according to my MSC number that would mean there are approximately about 80,000 more cases ahead of me and my PD or Receipt date is August 9th.  Not holding my breath on getting a transfer in the next week or two.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-14 03:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Everyday I log on to VJ to read updates and comments just looking for some glimmer of hope to hold on to but I swear sometimes I feel more depressed.  My husband and I hear stories of friends of friends or family that went through the same process and it was done quickly.  Then I have to explain to my husband why I think our petition is taking so long and explain those other people who went through the process quickly before didn't have these same problems.  He thinks a phone call to USCIS and a polite conversation will just clear things up. lol.  God bless my husband.  He has all the patience and I have none.  Its been 5 months since my 1st notice of action.  If I have to wait 9 months for the 2nd NOA I think I will lose my mind.  Insha allah, let the August transfers begin soon!!!

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-13 11:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

GGGGGGGGrrrrrrr......just got off the phone with Alisha @ USCIS.  Every time I would ask a question she would give me the same apology and response.  I finally become so frustrated I told her that I knew she was saying what she had been instructed to say but that I was well aware that my I-130 was not being processed or reviewed. I said to her that I believe my petition was sitting in the NBC untouched with the rest of the I-130's that have backlogged and only the ones being transferred were getting processed.  She tried to tell me that Feb. 13, 2013 was the last petition processed and that she was sorry because she knew it was frustrating.  And when I said the national goal for processing and approving I-130's is SUPPOSE to be 5 months, she tried to tell me that is not true.  ranting33va.gif

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-07 11:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

added to what?   august spread sheet?   I can't be transfer yet, ughhhhhhhhh

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-06 20:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Hey everyone - are all your status on USCIS site still stuck in "initial review"?  My priority date is August 16th and I have not heard anything moving yet.  At what month should we contact our senators and congressmen on the matter to have them inquire on the status of our cases.  





My NOA1 or PD (or whatever the right term is) is August 9th.   My status is also INITIAL REVIEW.   I decided I would wait the 5 months out before I started making calls and writing letters.  I swear if not for the health issues of some of my family members I would go live with my husband and apply with the consulate there.  Unfortunately, I don't have that option.

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-05 16:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

My problem with this, is that there are no repercussions for them when they don't meet their goals. They just don't meet them, and go merrily on their way, not meeting them. There needs to be some kind of accountability on their part. With no repercussions for them, there is also no incentive for them to do their job in a timely manner. 


I completely agree with you on this Kaylara.  Most jobs expect a quota to be met.  When you don't meet it you may lose your job.  They should be held accountable.  And worst yet, is the stress being put on the people who applied.......emotionally and financially.  We are just numbers on the files they look at.  No faces means out of sight, out of mind.  Looking at your timeline I can't even imagine why they have not processed your case quickly.  You have been married for years. 

kssetteFemaleMorocco2014-01-01 18:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Hello all august filers.......I actually filed around the last week of July but my lst noa says my receipt date is August 9th.  I am fairly new to VJ and was happy to find this thread. I like having a group of members with a common timeline to follow along with so I can try to judge my own wait time.  I wish everyone a speedy process to getting their love ones approved.   

kssetteFemaleMorocco2013-12-22 19:47:00