K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo Excited!! Visa Issued!!!


JSC n GOMFemaleJamaica2013-09-11 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa Issued 7 days after interview!!!!
Congrats we are still waiting
JSC n GOMFemaleJamaica2013-09-16 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsfiled my i129f

We sent our K-1 application on the 15th of July from New Zealand. The package was delivered to USCIS in Texas on the 18th, and we received email notification of acceptance on the 23rd smile.png

Edited by GiuseppeG, 24 July 2013 - 10:25 PM.

GiuseppeGMaleNew Zealand2013-07-24 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 after 64 days!!!!!
Congrats guys :D
GiuseppeGMaleNew Zealand2013-10-16 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy fiance is in the usa and I want to join here there

I am an Australian citizen in love with an American girl.

Weve been involved on the internet my girl and I now for over 18 months and we love each other very much.

We virtually live on skype and Viber. We talk on Skype when we wake up and when we go to bed and talk on the phone every second we are free. Ive met her mum on Skype and some of her friends and her children. We have lived each others lives through this medium. 

We finally went the next step and met and found we love each other even more.

I went for a visit to the USA and met her and we where inseparable for the 5 weeks I was there. We are smitten with each other.  I asked her to marry me in front of her mum and her auntie and of course she said yes, so we got engaged.

I had to go back to Australia due to work commitments. We are both devastated we had to part. Its only been a week since I left and we are really feeling sad and lonely without each other.

My Divorce will be complete soon and we plan to do the K-1 Fiance visa thing so I can move over there and be with her. 

I am really scared about not being able to be with her as a lot of comments on the internet seem to suggest its a hard and drawn out process.


My old boss from the Casino here lives in Las Vegas and we caught up with him and he went through the same process but hes the American and his wife is Australian, He said it took roughly 6 months but that was before 9/11. 

He's giving me as much advice as he can on this, something I greatly appreciate.


I have some points that need clarification if anyone has anything factual they can add.


1/ Im told that if you marry a US citizen under a travel visa (or visa waiver program) you have the right to stay until they figure out if you married for love or citizenship. Is that the case, has anyone done that and lived to tell the tale??


2/ Under the fiancé visa they say about the us citizen being able to support the immigrant (me). Why cant I just have enough money in the bank to support myself and her (she does work but doesn't earn that much). Although I did read on USCIS I may prove I can support myself (I think). 


3/ Do I have any better chance due to the fact that weve already met and courted and got engaged. 


4/ If we get married can I apply for a work visa straight away?? I am keen to work and we are really excited about starting a new life together.


If anyone has any constructive or anecdotal comments please let me know. Im desperate to know how our chances are , its bad enough being in love and being this far apart its even worse waiting and hoping and praying we can be together forever.  



1) If you attempt to enter the United States with the intent to marry and file for adjustment of status, you're committing immigration fraud. Yes this is a long and drawn out process, but we are all surviving through it too. As the poster above me said, they wouldn't be trying to figure out if you married for love or citizenship in this instance, they would be asking you to prove nonimmigrant intent, which would be very, very, very hard to do. And by the sounds of it, a lie. Rule number one: don't lie at any point in this process.


2) Your USC partner must make 125% of the poverty guideline for their household size in order to file an affidavit of support for you. Your money in the bank is irrelevant here and doesn't count toward this. Alternatively, if your partner doesn't make enough, you may use a co-sponsor (another US citizen who does meet the 125% of poverty guideline requirement).


3) Having met in the last 2 years is a requirement for even filing the I-129F and beginning the process toward a K-1 visa. No, you don't have a better chance as you only meet the requirements that everyone has to.


4) There's a few different things you could be asking here and I'm not sure which you mean. Have a read up on CR-1 and K-1 visas, which are the two options for foreigners with a USC partner. Neither of these is a "work visa" per se, but they are avenues to permanent residency in the United States. With permanent residency comes the right to work. If you enter the US on a K-1, after you have married, you can concurrently apply for work authorization when you file your adjustment of status. Like everything in this process, it's not fast, and you definitely wouldn't be working until at least a couple of months after stepping of the plane.


My best piece of advice for your first step to take: forget everything you've been told, as it seems you have been privy to a fair bit of misinformation, and start afresh by reading the guides on this site (see up top) which will explain fully how the fiance and spousal visa process works, step by step. This site is a wonderful resource, and the people are helpful and supportive. But, it's a confusing process at the best of times, and to survive it you alone also need to know exactly how it works, what to expect, what you can and can't, should and shouldn't do - so before you even begin asking these questions, read up and learn as much as you can - why don't you and your fiance read through the K-1 guides and research the forums here together? People will be able to help you much better here if you know the questions to ask. The search bar at the top right is a wealth of information. There are a lot of acronyms and confusing words and terms, but this site should really easily help you figure those out.


There is no easy way to do this. There's the long way, and then the longer way. It's a ####### process to go through, but it is what it is. Countless people have gone through it before you, are going through it with you, or will go through it in the months and years to come. And if you're in a genuine relationship with a USC, then it will likely work out well for you. It's true that the waiting seems forever, until you get what you are waiting for. And the crux of it is that if you can endure this process, the things you will gain fair outweigh the pain of waiting. Best of luck!

GiuseppeGMaleNew Zealand2013-10-30 05:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe first Gay K-1 Fiance Visa Progress with DOMA repeal on the Horizon (Tim & Keno)

Actually article 3 is the issue at hand that prohibits federal recognition of my state's right to marry. Windsor v. United States is the case will cause Article 3 to be ruled unconstitutional.

Don't worry I'm all too aware of this, hence the fourth sentence of my post "The only current bar to allowing same-sex couples federal recognition and benefits is §3 of DOMA..."

GiuseppeGMaleNew Zealand2013-01-07 23:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe first Gay K-1 Fiance Visa Progress with DOMA repeal on the Horizon (Tim & Keno)
Congratulations Tim & Keno. We're in the same boat as you, waiting (terribly impatiently) to file for a K-1 visa as soon as DOMA is struck down.

I have all the faith in the world that this will be our year.
GiuseppeGMaleNew Zealand2013-01-07 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe first Gay K-1 Fiance Visa Progress with DOMA repeal on the Horizon (Tim & Keno)

OK, but K-1s are for fiancees. Also a marriage between a man/woman in New York MUST be recognized it Texas under the "full faith and credit" clause of the why not a same sex marriage? DOMA? Maybe.

I am just saying, as with many legal issues before this, a Supreme Court ruling becomes a precedent for other rulings. One cannot reasonably expect that the SCOTUS is going to strike down DOMA and at the same time force all other states to comply and order the issuance of K-1 visas to same sex couples, AND ... it simply is not within the scope of the case at hand.

The ruling this year will be a cornerstone and it may be years before there are other rulings. Just as the ruling in 1955 did not immediately end all segregation and discrimnation against blacks and it took another 10 years and more federal legislation to accomplish, based on that ruling.

Te Obama administration has been pro-Gay rights so Obama may issue an executive order to USCIS to issue same sex K-1s and CR-1s based on a ruling striking down DOMA and could do it the same day. But maybe not.

Keep in mind any petition filed before it is clearly established that same sex K-1s are to be issued will likely be denied and need to be re-filed

I don't believe this to be correct. The states do not issue any visas (including K-1). USCIS is an arm of the DHS, which itself is a department of the federal government. The only current bar to allowing same-sex couples federal recognition and benefits is §3 of DOMA which currently states that marriage as defined federally is limited to one man and one woman. Once DOMA is struck down, same-sex spouses or fiancés will be recognised in the same way opposite-sex spouses and fiancés are right now, allowing them to receive the same federal benefits including immigration. No legislation actually needs to be passed to allow the federal recognition of same-sex relationships. Presumably, as long as the petitioner is resident of a state that performs federally recognised same-sex marriages, they will be treated equally for immigration.

The hazy area is §2 of DOMA which allows states without marriage equality to not recognise same-sex marriages performed in states with marriage equality. I'm not sure if this will limit immigration rights only to marriage equality states, but it will be interesting to see. Of course there is also the slim chance that SCOTUS could issue a nationwide ruling on the Prop 8 case, which would bring marriage equality to every state.
GiuseppeGMaleNew Zealand2013-01-07 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy life has changed Forever..........

Beautiful, thank you for sharing. . . 

tila_vidaFemaleCuba2013-07-08 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2013 Filers

Another VJer posted this. . . .VSC has bed bugs :-(

tila_vidaFemaleCuba2013-06-16 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2013 Filers

Dymo, there have been VSC approvals for march petitioners too. . . even an April VSC petitioner that I know of (non-expedited). At times, it seems there is no chronological system to the process :-)  


Congrats to those who received approvals!!! It makes me so happy to see!!



tila_vidaFemaleCuba2013-06-13 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2013 Filers

Thanks Panda :)


This site is such a gift- I don't know what I would do with out all the info and company it provides!

tila_vidaFemaleCuba2013-04-30 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2013 Filers

Hi all, I filed in the first week of April, so I know I don't count as a March filer, but there was no April line. . . :)

I also got my NOA-1 and check cashed, so now its the looooooong wait!

I got VSC too- the SC your paperwork is sent to has to do with which state you live in. . . 




tila_vidaFemaleCuba2013-04-29 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 visa Withdrawn against my will
I am posting this, so that should anybody experience this level of incompetence of USCIS, do not despair, it can be fixed.
After USCIS messed up big time on not mailing my RFE letter to me, and a month was wasted on them just getting the letter to me (they wouldn't tell me what the RFE was, so I couldn't even prepare the paperwork while waiting for them to figure out how to mail a letter), I had hoped that it would be smooth sailing after that.
I gathered the requested RFE paperwork and mailed it to USCIS within 3 days for receiving the request. And then I waited...and waited...our application is now outside of processing times. I called to put in a service request in that regard. They apologized that it is taking so long and asked me to be patient.
On Oct 21 I got an update of a decision!! I was so excited. I went online to check the status and it read: "As per your request, your application has been withdrawn. If you are ever interested in pursuing a visa in the future you must file a new and pay the fees again." I could not believe it. It did not seem possible. Of course I have not ever requested a withdrawal. I called USCIS crying, telling them to check my file, listen to recorded phone calls- I did not ever request withdrawal of my application! They told me the only thing I could do was write a letter to USCIS.
How incompetent is this system?? I did write a letter but it yielded nothing.
So I went to my congresswoman. She agreed to help me right away, I signed a privacy waver in order for her to advocate on my behalf, and with in a week our case was reopened and approved!!

tila_vidaFemaleCuba2013-11-04 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED! Vermont
AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-07-24 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 file transfer

Thank you all so much for your responses.. :) I received the hard copy in the mail today and it says it was sent to Texas.. It was exciting..I wonder how exciting it will be when we get our NOA2...SiGH...


AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-08-12 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 file transfer
Hello fellow vj-ers,

I got an email yesterday stating that my i-129f case was transfered to my "local USCIS office". My NOA1 date is June 24 at the vermont service center. It doesnt saying it was transfered to the TSC. Does it mean the same thing? Or was my file sent to a diff place? Thank you all in advance and best of luck to us all :)

AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-08-09 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAlien registration number has changed??

Hello :)


That is very common. After USCIS accepts the case, an A number is assigned to the Alien Fiance(e). My fiance was assigned a number 4 days after my NOA1. Best of luck with your journey. Welcome aboard :)

AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-09-02 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 Approved :)

DS 160 is for all nonimmigrant categories except K applications)



The documents that you will receive in package 3 are the followings:


Packet 3 Contains: Specifying the documents needed and actions that must be taken by the beneficiary and the petitioner prior to issuance of a visa.

Packet 3.5 for K1 Visas (for Afghans) Requests These Documents:
Cover Letter
Passport Photos 2"x2" (2 in addition to the ones attached to DS-156s)
Copy of National ID Translation
DS-156 (2 copies, EVAF, w/ original passport photo attached)
DS-157 (1 copy)
DS-156K (1 copy)
DS-230 part I & II (1 copy)
Parental Information Form
I-134 Affidavit of Support w/ Supporting Financial Docs from Petitioner> optional .
Dont need to fill all forms for k1 just fill out DS- 160 online and need to email the comformation to the embassy .
**Note: Police Cert for Afghans is NOT required unless they lived in another country after age 16 for more than 6 months.

Includes These for Benefit of Applicant:
Medical contact information
Vaccination requirements
Picture requirements
All forms included with exception of DS-156 which must be completed and printed offline. Web address given in packet.



AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-08-12 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTSC transfers, from August.
Hello :)

I was transferred 8/8 to Tsc. NOA1 dated june 24. No word yet :((

AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-09-04 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!!!!!!
Congratzzz... I hope ours comes soon too :)
AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-09-26 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved after 6.5 months!!
Many many congratz... And best of luck with the next part... Insha'Allah :)
AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-10-01 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!!!!!
Omggggg... We got approved on October 3rd... Still shocked but am sooooo happy...its been a tough wait but all worth it...

For all my fellow vj-ers, waiting for their NoA2, just hang ib there. I know its easier said than done but its all worth it!!

AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-10-03 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPost NOA2

Call NVC and when they say they have received the case and have sent it to Islamabad ..get the case number from them...then e mail Islamabad embassy asking them for packet 3.5 with the case number and they will send u packet 3.5 via e mail...they do not send a hard copy. They just send it by e mail but what I noticed is that when I e mailed them...they sent me the packet 3.5 right away whereas without e-mailing they take their time and send it to you in the order they receive their cases...

Hey.. Thank you so much for the info. I called nvc today but no case number yet though. Maybe next week, insha'Allah.. I'm guessing now packet 3 consists of ds 160 because all other forms have been replaced by it starting October 7th. Just another question, does NVC make appointments for Islamabad or does islamabad do that directly?
Thanks once again..I really appreciate it :)

AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-10-10 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPost NOA2

Hello my fellow VJ-ers :)


We recently got approved. I am waiting for the NOA2 hardcopy. Just a quick question, after the NVC receives our case, will there be another notice from them? Like a hard copy letter sent to my home address? or any other packets?


Thanks in advance and best of luck to all on our journey :)





AA_4everFemalePakistan2013-10-07 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F - June 2013 K1 Filers

got one right here and my i129f has been approved baby yea 




On September 10, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)




Jerron305Not TellingDominican Republic2013-09-11 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2013 Filer of K1 case transfer from VSC to TSC

keep the hope alive im a june filer and i got my approval email last night , super excited right now 




On September 10, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)


Jerron305Not TellingDominican Republic2013-09-11 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshello everybody i am new here please i really need your help Post Decision Activity
yeahhh less then 3 weeks. I am surprised with such speed for approval. Maybe Haiti are special?! ))) Congratulations!
adisabeba33MaleBelarus2013-08-05 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsneed HELP understanding my visa status
Thank you guys...I will be calling dhl in Kingston right now to see if I get any luck...thanks again for everything
smooche&hubbzFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsneed HELP understanding my visa status
Thanks @gowon & @jeanna @pibkrlion and everyone..same to you guys and I have everyone in my prayers because I know this is a frustrating process....
smooche&hubbzFemaleJamaica2013-11-15 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsneed HELP understanding my visa status
Thank you for that information.i appreciate u taking the time to let me know that , thanks alot.don't you think either way I would need the waybill number because that is what identifies my how would they be able to tell me if its picked up already?
smooche&hubbzFemaleJamaica2013-11-15 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC : IN TRANSIT ?!!!!
This means that your case has been forwarded to the embassy. Once received, the embassy will send packet 3 to your fiance(e) with an interview date.
vs4jamekMaleUzbekistan2013-09-25 06:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved by NVC and status "Ready" on CEAS.STATE.GOV now what???
Hello VJ members!

On Aug 19, my 129F was approved and sent to NVC. Then I received my new case number from NVC starts with three letters. On I entered my new case number given to me by NVC. It says the following:

"Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at: http://travel.state..../info_3731.html"

I am stuck now. I mean I dont know what steps should be taken now.. I have not received any letters beyond my case approval letter from the USCIS (I-797, notice of action).

Should I be expecting a letter from NVC regarding the interview date? Who should schedule an interview for my fiance? What should I do now??? Please help

vs4jamekMaleUzbekistan2013-09-04 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved in less than 1 month
Thats amazing!! Good luck
destinedlove11Not TellingGuyana2013-11-07 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved in less than 1 month
Thats amazing!! Good luck
destinedlove11Not TellingGuyana2013-11-07 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA AT HAND BUT GOT A QUESTION
Congrats, good luck!!
destinedlove11Not TellingGuyana2013-11-08 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa delivered and now all systems go!
Congrats and all the best! :-)
destinedlove11Not TellingGuyana2013-11-14 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview today - Approved!!!!

Yay!!! My fiance had his interview today in Jamaica at 8:30am this morning and was approved.  I haven't received the full details as yet but the only questions they asked was how we met, they asked him general information about my daughter and what I do for a living.  They took all the required documents and none of the support to prove on-going relationship (i.e., phone records, pictures etc).  They did also take the DHL screen print.  He was out of there at 11:30am and they told him he should have his visa within 3 weeks (hopefully this is true!!)


Overall, it sounded like it was a smooth process with nothing un-expected but he was adequately prepared for anything.


Now let the AP waiting games begin!  Once I get further info I will also post a review.


God is an awesome, on-time God!!!! 

So happy for you!! Congrats!  Glad to hear things went smoothly! 

tfslNot TellingJamaica2013-08-28 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa Issued 7 days after interview!!!!

We're super excited as we wait on the DHL tracking number........

Feeling very blessed and grateful! Currently in nesting mode as I get the house all prepared for his arrival. God is Gooooodd!!!!

Congrats!! such a blessing!

tfslNot TellingJamaica2013-09-16 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2013 Fillers

I filed mine on Oct 12th then I received a text Oct 15th saying the package was recived and that i will receive the hard copy in the mail.  Hard copy (NOA1) came on Oct 24th.  Moving right  along!


Edited by lolo83421, 28 October 2013 - 12:08 AM.

lolo83421FemaleNigeria2013-10-28 00:06:00