K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am sad to say....
I took the advice given to me and I called the service center today. I explained the situation and they told me to make a copy of the RFE notice and write a letter requesting an extension and Fed Ex to Vermont.
So I did, I felt better just knowing that in this difficult situation I can at least attempt to do something to try and give us more time. There are no guarantees that they will give us the extension but at least I can say I tried.
So I made my copies, wrote the letter and Fed Ex'd it tonight. It will be delivered Friday AM.
Thank you all for your support, concern and advice.
My brain is all scrambled about this and I love him and I know he loves me.
All of this is my fears coming to the surface that I may lose him. Also, we are both at two extremes on how we live our lives. He is veeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy laid back and I am veeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy task oriented and #######. I will go to Greece and talk about this. Because this is the one thing about his character that gets under my skin. I want us to discuss how we can find the middle ground, meet half way. I will learn to loosen up but I need him to meet me half way.
I will keep you posted on what happens.
All of your positive thoughts are needed.
Thank you everyone!!!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-12 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am sad to say....

I hope when you see him you can talk this out & figure out why he/his mom hasn't sent it. Also, in your timeline, it says he was refused a travel visa, but you don't say why - should that be of concern to you as well?

Hope it works out for you.

Yes, he was denied his travel visa. According to section 214(B) under travel visas, they felt he didn't have strong enough economic ties to Greece to insure that he would come back to Greece. That he would come here and stay. He also told them that he was coming here to visit his Girlfriend (me at the time before engagement) and that raised a red flag. He lives in an apartment in Athens but the apartment is owned under his fathers name. I had contacted the Athens Embassy when this happened and they explained why they denied him. SUCKS!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-11 19:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am sad to say....
:angry: Today is Tuesday and our dead line for our first RFE is July 17th. I am leaving for Greece this Saturday and I STILL haven't received my fiance's final divorce decree. He swears his mother mailed them to me in June, probably mid June regular mail. It should have been here by now. So I will leave strict instructions for my sister if it happens to come on Saturday when I leave. But I doubt it. So now I had to request all new documents and bring them with me to Greece and have him sign everything and start all over.
The good thing is I have copies of all the papers we did this time so filling them out will be easy.
I am so frustrated and so pissed off with my fiance for dropping the ball on this.
Many thoughts have been running through my head:
Is he really divorced?
Did his mother not send them?
Is this a sign from God that I shouldn't be with him?
Is he lying about even getting the papers?
We have fought about this last week when I knew it was my breaking point as I was screaming in my cell phone at him that he f*&^#$ this up.
So I have prayed a lot about this and have come to realization that me, the ####### retentive person that I am, has no control over this situation. How many more times can I ram my head into the wall to try and fix something that I can't. He F*&#A$ this up and that is that.
SO I told him today, well now that our case is going to close we have to do everything all over again and wait another 5 months. He tells me he has another idea and will discuss it with me when I get there. Yeah, sure buddy! What are you going to do? Try to get through Canada? Try to get through Mexico, GOOD LUCK!!!!
So, expect to see me around here a lot longer than need be.
Please make sure you don't wind up like us do to the other one not be organized and a team player.
:crying: :angry:
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-11 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCanceling our k1 visa
I am so sorry to hear this. But I too am going through similar patterns with my fiance. Our Visa process is reaching its deadline and I still am waiting for his final divorce decree that hasn't gotten here yet. I told him April 28th we needed this.
I am aware of the red flags that are popping up and I will be seeing him this weekend in Greece. We have A LOT TO discuss when I see him.
I am sending you hugs for the strength you need and the difficult decision you had to make.
Bless you and I hope you will be back to yourself real soon!!!!
It hurts, I know!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-11 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's our update

Good lucky Bunny, it's good to hear you've got some alternate routes planned now :)

Aren't you supposed to be in Greece?

I had to cancel, we had a family emergency last week. So I released my days at work :crying:
Waiting to reschedule and get a new ticket. :crying: :crying: :crying:

Glad it worked out...

can u pass down the translator in NY..i'm going to need them (mine charged $40 a sheet)

Thanks :-)

$40 a sheet is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will send you an email of the list of people I have with their contact info.
How is Greece with you baby???????????
I am sooooooooooooooooo jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-19 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's our update
For those of you that know my story, I never got the papers I needed for the first RFE.
The deadline was yesterday and last week I sent a letter to the Vermont office asking for an extension (advice from several members here). I haven't heard anything from them (I know, it's only Tuesday). However I did get "touched" today but the message has remained the same from the IMBRA RFE that they received. So, now I am waiting to find out if we were granted an extension or rejected.

So I got new documents to fill out and will talk to my fiance tonight to tell him to run off another set of copies of his divorce documents and have them sent to me via COURIER!!!! So if anything happens to them we can track them. I will have them translated here since I have a list of Greek translators in New York.

Lesson learned:

1. Anything that needs to be sent in the mail for this process should be trackable. Fedex, Airborne, UPS, registerd, etc.

2. If you see that you haven't received anything in a timely fashion, check on it and get the ball rolling again.

3. Let your SO know that this is TOP PRIORITY, nothing else should come in the way during this process.

4. Thankful for this site and all the members with great advice, sympathy, concern and good jokes!!!!

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-18 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSpecial Moment
I really yelled that just now, let's do it again.... Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
I am sooooooooooooo happy for the two of you! That has been some roller coaster ride you two have been on, enjoy the ride going down hill now, that is the fun part.
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-17 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa

They keep TOUCHING me but the message stays the same from receiving my IMBRA RFE. It doesn't change. They received my extension request last Friday morning. I haven't heard a peep from them. So I don't know what is going on. I keep waiting to see if they say on the TOUCH "REJECTED" or "CLOSED", but nothing, UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, let's not lose hope here, right? They've been touching you, so maybe you'll get a nice surprise.

That would be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been praying for a MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-20 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa

Looks like we will have to apply again on the K-1 Visa. Our deadline for our RFE, not the IMBRA one, was this past Monday. Hopefully I will be seeing my fiance soon and we can talk about what we want to do. If we want to do the K-1 one again, or if we want to get married in Greece and then do the K-3. Not sure yet.
I am still getting Touches on the website, but I haven't heard from Vermont if they rejected our case yet.

But I would love to see other posts for those that have done it twice and got approval.


Aw, I thought you had asked for an extension... It didn't come through then?

They keep TOUCHING me but the message stays the same from receiving my IMBRA RFE. It doesn't change. They received my extension request last Friday morning. I haven't heard a peep from them. So I don't know what is going on. I keep waiting to see if they say on the TOUCH "REJECTED" or "CLOSED", but nothing, UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-20 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa
Looks like we will have to apply again on the K-1 Visa. Our deadline for our RFE, not the IMBRA one, was this past Monday. Hopefully I will be seeing my fiance soon and we can talk about what we want to do. If we want to do the K-1 one again, or if we want to get married in Greece and then do the K-3. Not sure yet.
I am still getting Touches on the website, but I haven't heard from Vermont if they rejected our case yet.

But I would love to see other posts for those that have done it twice and got approval.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-20 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCALLING KAREN_L !!!!
Your BABY is coming in 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited for the two of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What have you done to prepare for his arrival?
What time does he fly in?????????

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-22 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFlying today to see my baby!!!
It's been a loooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg 6 months since I have seen my baby. Today is actually 6 months from when Andreas proposed. I am leaving JFk and will be in Mykonos tomorrow at noon. I have been dreaming of this day for soooooooooooooooooo lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg.

I will only be there for 8 days, so I am going to make sure that not one minute is wasted.

My daily choice will be.......... do I lay out at the pool or go down to the beach which is 20 feet away. Pool? Beach? Pool? Beach?

I hope to see lot's of approvals when I get back on the site!!!

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-07-29 06:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust got back from Greece

I had a wonderful week with my baby in Mykonos. He is working soooo hard.
We got a change to talk about everything (missing our deadline for the K-1 application, being away from each other too long, stress, etc.)
So we both agreed to forget the K-1 and get married in Athens. Once he leaves Mykonos in September he will get everything ready for us to apply for the marriage license.
Wish us luck this time around. Hopefully everything will go more smoothily for us this time.


Will you do K3 then or move there?

We are going to do the K3 instead. We just want to be married and when I am there I will grab all the papers we need and come back and start the process. I would love to live there but we agreed to give it a shot here first. If he doesn't like it, then we will move to Greece.
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-08-09 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust got back from Greece
I had a wonderful week with my baby in Mykonos. He is working soooo hard.
We got a change to talk about everything (missing our deadline for the K-1 application, being away from each other too long, stress, etc.)
So we both agreed to forget the K-1 and get married in Athens. Once he leaves Mykonos in September he will get everything ready for us to apply for the marriage license.
Wish us luck this time around. Hopefully everything will go more smoothily for us this time.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-08-08 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you keep up??

Ohh welcome back. I was thinking about you toher day as i was watching your PM in my message folder. So whats your plan? Keep sticking to K-1 or what? did your hubby get the final div decree? did you bring it with you? if so then send it asap. i am sure once you send it out you would be approved.

I am actually going two routes at the same time. Since we have an extension for the K-1 I can get the papers in September that I need for the RFE and bring them back with me to submit to Vermont. The papers are my fiances final divorce decrees. If by chance, I get my certified copy of my birth certificate in time and have them translated into Greek in time for September, we are going to try and get married in a civil ceremony in Greece. If that happens, then I will withdraw the K-1 and go on the I-130 application. But I have a feeling it is better to just continue with the K-1 since we are already in the "system" and we have time now to get the RFE submitted.

All I know is I want him here, start our life together and get out of this HELL of being separated.

Thank you for thinking of me. I was going crazy when my computer at home crashed and I couldn't check on all the VJ members and see how everyone was doing. THis is like my second family :)
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-08-27 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you keep up??

Welcome back!!

Have you been able to generate the evidence for the April RFE?
My fiance has the the paperwork we need. Unfortunately my fiance is in Mykonos working for the summer months and they paperwork is at his home in Athens. I will be going to Athens to be with him in late September so I can get the papers when I am there and bring them back with me to send to the Vermont office.

When you send the evidence back, send it USPS Express. On both sides of the document envelope, write:

ATTN:RFE In red marker.

This seems to draw attention to your case immediately. Worked for me in 3 days!! Go for it.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-08-26 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you keep up??
Hello everybody! It has been a while since I have been on here. #1 Congrats to KarenL since is HITCHED!!!!
#2 Had a wonderful week in Mykonos with my baby. We reconnected, sorted things out and are back on the same page with things. We discussed getting married in Greece and that is an all other playing field of papers, papers and more papers. I started requesting my required documents: Certified copy of birth and divorce papers, requests need to be notarized and checks written out for the fees. Only one doc has come back so far.
I don't know if I am going to have everything ready and translated before I go to Greece at the end of September, auuuggghhh!!!!
Then on Weds. on got a letter in the mail from Immigration!!! Guess what it said???
They gave us an extension on our K-1 application for the RFE they requested back in April!!! 3 MONTHS EXTENSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now I am thinking we should just keep going with the K-1 since we are 1/2 there. When I go to Athens in September I can grab the rest of the papers they need and bring them back with me and send it off to Vermont.
And to put icing on the cake of all of this, if you are keeping up, my wedding dress came in yesterday. It is ready for my fitting. When I came back engaged back in January that was the only thing I did for the wedding plans was get the dress. And now it is here!!!! So off I go at 2PM to put on this beautiful dress for a wedding I have no idea when it will be and where it will be.

This has been one heck of a journey folks, so far I have lost a friend due to this, gained support from family and other friends and been tested and tested on trust, communication and love with my fiance. I will never forget this journey as long as I live. I really think I am going to write a book!!!

Bye for now!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-08-26 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally NAO2!!!!!

That was QUICK and Painless!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to the both of you!! Please keep us/me posted and let me know how the Athens Embassy process goes!!!

How was your trip to Greece? Where did you go? When did you come back??
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-08-27 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSorry, just venting
It's OK to Vent. No apologies needed. It just seems unfair that all the service centers are not at the same pace and depending on where you live in the US you get screwed with the service center that handles that state zone.

We filed in March and due to our own faults we are still in the running, going on 6 months HALF A YEAR PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am happy for all the approvals, because when we get an approval you better bless your lucky stars I will be posting it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here's to you and your time line, that you get the approval quick with no snags and you too will be approved soon!

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-08-30 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother March NOA2 Approval
I got chills reading your post. Thank you for getting on your knees and praying for the first time. And thank you for thinking of all us with your up coming prayers. I learn the most when my times are the most difficult and I always remember the anonymous poem "Foot Prints".
To quote the most profound part: "But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me. The Lord replied, my precious, precious child. I love you and I would never leave you during your times of trial and suffering. When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Congratulations to you and your loved one. May many more blessings come your way.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-01 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I have any friends here??
Me too, I am a long time friend, ha! We sent ours in the end of March.
Hit with RFE's gallore. Thank God they granted us an extension on the first RFE. We have 3 more months to get it in. I went 6 months not seeing my baby and it was killing us. I finally visited in late July and will be going back in 3 weeks. The wait has been torture, the process, the time lines, the approvals, the USCIS web site postings, etc., etc. But I keep looking at the bigger picture and thinking that all of this is happening for a reason. Our lives are unfolding as it should and the outcome will be our blessing. If you are stuck with Lemons, start making your lemonade, and a little shot of something alcoholic doesn't hurt either :P
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-01 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am going crazy
I am in the same boat. We got our NOA1 in March through the Vermont office. We got hit with an RFE (not the IMBRA) right away. My fiance didn't get the papers to me and we missed our deadline. I had to request for an extension and they granted us an additional 3 months. He left Athens and went to Mykonos to work for 4 months. Now he is finally leaving the F*&^%$# island tomorrow and get back to Athens to mail me the documents. This has been a very stressful summer. Hopefully I can get everything in before October.
Different circumstances but still in the WAITING BOAT and I have HAD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know the frustration, BELIEVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-07 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 More weeks and I am off to Athens
I am leaving NY to Athens September 23. I will be staying for 2 weeks with my baby. He has finally left Mykonos and is back home in Athens. He has the last of the papers that Vermont office wants for our first RFE. I told my baby not to mail them, just hold onto to them with your LIFE and I will bring them back with me (safely). I am praying that once I get these sent to Vermont that we will be approved shortly.

I did something the other day and don't know why I didn't think of doing this before. I wrote out everything about the K-1 process, about the RFE's, what they mean, what Immigration requires, about the dead line, the request for an extension, and how we were granted more time. I also explained what the next stages are what he needs to know once he gets the check list from the Embassy, about the medical, the police record, the documents he needs to bring with him, to take pictures of us with him to the interview, my letters to him, his phone bills, etc. The type of questions they will ask him about us. All to prepare him.
Then I sent this to my Greek teacher and asked him to translate in Greek for me. Once this is translated I will email it to his sister and she will give it to him to read.
Our biggest hurdle has been the communication barrier and now FINALLY I have gotten around it. Now he will know why I have been so stressed these last 4 months.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-10 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt finaly Happend - NOA2
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Happy to see someone from Vermont status in March approved!!!
Pray for us that we will be soon as well!!!

God Bless you both!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-17 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEveryone talks about it, but what is it?

You can compute the poverty line by using this table:

Excellent!! Thank you!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-18 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEveryone talks about it, but what is it?
I see many posts talking about it, but what is the calculation? Compared to what? The world?
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-18 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate
Yes, that is what I did. I made the front copy and a copy of the back and wrote in black ink, "Back is Blank"
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-18 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 more days before I see my baby
I need all of your prayers on this trip. I am praying that the remaining RFE papers that are needed are in good order when I get to Athens. I am bringing the original RFE notices so I can mail everything via courier from Athens. Hopefully there will be some touches on our case by the time I get back to New York.
Please, please, pllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee pray that we get approved. We have been in K-1 HELL since end of March.
I WANT OUT of this limbo!!!
I have so many documents to bring with me, even everything he needs after the NOA2 so he will just have to do his part once he gets the Packet 3 from the embassy.

Wishing everyone here well and many more approvals for everyone while I am away for 2 weeks.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-09-21 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I the only Marcher left?
I am a Marcher as well. But it isn't USCIS fault, it's ours. It is taking FOREVER to get my fiance's final divorce decree. Vermont center wants 2, one from the Greek Orthodox Church and one from the courts, plus translations.
I am here in Greece now with him and the b.s. to get these forms makes me go insane. I thought this week would have everything but Athens has been on strike with the teachers and the government and demonstrations have been blocking the city hall and making it difficult for my fiance to get there.
Today everything is done, yipppeee!
I am leaving tomorrow and he will be picking up the papers on Monday and over nighting everything to me via courier. So I am praying once I send these papers for this RFE we will be approved soon.

It sounds like you are going to get an approval soon. My gut feeling when reading your post.

Everything placed in Gods hands is sure to be blessed.

Keep us posted!!!!

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-06 06:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's our update
Hello everybody! I just got back from 2 weeks in Greece. Flew in last night. Jet lagging a little, but I got enough rest. God I hate airplane food, yuck!!!!

The first thing I want to say is that Heathrow Airport is a MESS!!!!! I flew from JFK to Heathrow on Sunday the 24th. The security lines were ENORMOUS!!!! And I had such little time to catch my connecting flight to Athens. I asked at least 5 British Airways workers to help me get to my connecting flight and was flat out refused with the answer "Oh well, you will miss your flight". So I took matters into my own hands and ran into the line that was for first class ticket holders, then I pushed may way through cutting in front of everyone in line. I got many dirty looks and a few "Hey miss". Then I threw my bag and shoes through the security belt and asked the guard where my gate was. As he was looking it up, I was through security. He tells me the gate. I grab my one bag and shoes and RAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never ran so fast in my adult life. I went down an escalator, down a long hall and got to the gate that had closed doors. I almost fainted and threw my boarding pass and passport at them and through gasping breath yelled ATHENS!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
God blessed me that day. They looked at me, got on their radios and told them to open the doors and hold on for one more customer. I GOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, so I was rude for the first time in my life and damn it, it felt good!!! Hahahaha!!

I spent a wonderful week in the mountains in a little village near Sparta with my honey. We had the family house to ourselves and it was so quiet and relaxing. After a week of bliss we drove back to Athens for the remaining week. I love his family so much. I am so blessed that Andreas comes from such a good family. They are always happy and very laid back. Gotta love the Greeks for that!!

Now for the Visa process saga. I brought with me all the documents in an accordian folder for him once we get approved for his interview at the embassy. We went through all the documents together. I explained what each document was and what it was called. He wrote on the post it tabs in Greek for himself so when he is asked for them he will know what each one is.
I instructed him to take with him all the pics he has of us, letters and phone bills.
The bad news is I didn't bring back the Final Divorce Decree. It was still at the Metropolis waiting for his ex wife to sign. She was on vacation for a week and forgot to sign it. So Friday morning she signed it and the papers will all be ready for him to pick up on Monday or Tuesday this week. I instructed my fiance to over night them DHL as soon as he has them.
Now, don't think I didn't have a ###### fit when I found out the papers weren't ready. I WAS PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe that they weren't ready. And I was pissed when I was there that the teachers of Greece were all on strike and fighting with the government and having huge demonstrations in front of the Metropolis with police baracades not allowing us in to the Metropolis the beginning of the week. So I had to finally take a deep breath and surrender to the fact that ALL OF THIS IS OUT OF MY CONTROL!!!
I couldn't control the strike and I couldn't control the fact that his ex wife hadn't signed the papers in time.

So there we are, still waiting for the papers but the good news is we have extended time to get it in to Vermont. Our new dead line is November 12th.

I need all your prayers and support that we will get these papers in on time and can finally say "WE ARE APPROVED"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-08 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFINALLY SENT!!!
I think you will be OK. I didn't send any photos of us but I did print out our engagement announcement that is posted on This had one pic of us together, our stories about us, how we met and how my fiance proposed and all my family and friends that posted their well wishes on the guest page.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-20 19:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJinky speaks!
Thank you for posting. We have all heard such wonderful things about you. Steve is definitely IN LOVE!!!!
Congrats on your approval and God Speed to your reunion.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-20 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHe Got the PAPERS for the RFE
I am still in shock that this will start rolling again. I was able to sleep like a baby and woke up so HAPPY!!!! It has been so long, 6 months of waiting. I guess God is tired of hearing my whining about the K-1 (and I am sure all my friends and family are too) that a bone was thrown my way. And I am LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-22 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHe Got the PAPERS for the RFE
:dance: The teachers strike wasn't going on on Friday so he got to City Hall and gathered the rest of his divorce papers. He is sending them on Monday via courier to me.

Thank you GOD!!!!!!

I have been biting my nails the last two weeks watching November 12th looming towards us. That is our deadline for this RFE that we got hit with in April of this year.

I need all of your prayers that no more obstacles get in our way and they get here safely to me so I can send them to Vermont.

Praying for an Approval in November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-21 22:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree vs Certificate
The Notaries did the right thing. I am a Notary and what we are stating is that you are the person that is presenting the documents with ID and we state that it is a true document.

If you are looking for a "Certified" copy you need to contact the County Clerks office that signed your final divorce decree. You call them or right a letter, find out what the fee is (mine was $5) and they will send you a "Certified Copy" and it states that it is a Certified Copy of the original divorce document.

I know it's confusing but I got this information when I spoke with a lawyer a couple of months ago and they explained this.

I am doing the same for my Birth Certificate.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-25 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree vs Certificate
For the K1 application I submitted the copy of my final divorce decree, and they didn't give me an RFE. But they did give me an RFE for my fiance's final divorce decrees. In the waiting period I still went to the County Clerks office and requested a certified copy of mine. I gave this to my fiance for his future interview in case they ask for it.

We will see................
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-25 19:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!!!!!! on 210th day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Happy to see someone from MARCH made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:dance: :dance: :dance:
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-26 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho is left from March
We are. But it's our fault. Delays in providing paperwork for the 1st RFE back in April.
Next week I will be mailing them in and PRAYING for an approval in November.

BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-28 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are approved!
THis is AWESOME!!!! THis Saturday is POUNDING with APPROVALS!!!

Way to gooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007 is going to be such a beautiful New Year for everyone!!! (L)
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-28 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWere through.....
So sorry to hear this :(
BunnyqrNot TellingGreece2006-10-26 20:33:00