IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 for IR1-CR1 March filed
A March filers thread has already been created. I suggest you go to the March Madness thread. happy.gif

Good luck.

Edited by MumtazG38, 06 March 2009 - 01:57 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-06 01:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Complete in 55 days! Thank You For All Your Help!
WOW!! Congratulations!!!:D
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-05 23:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmarch madness
All March Filers should go here. March Filers 2009

You'll already have a group of nice friends to accompany you through your journey once you go to this thread. happy.gif

Good luck!
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-06 04:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmarch madness
Good luck to all the March Filers!!!!:D good.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-06 01:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband is here!
Wow! Your so lucky!! Congratulations and best of luck in your life together! good.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-02 21:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDont want to go to USA
okay first things first, you forget that when the Prophet (S.A.W) canceled that marriage it was not based on the mere fact that the women did not like the face of her husband, in fact this divorce was not even intended for the benefit of the women, it was intended as punishment for her lack of appreciation for the man whom she was married to. It was punishment for not fulfilling her half of the responsibilities in the relationship solely because she thought her husbands looks weren't worthy of her own. Also, you may or may not have read the haddaa'it that also mentions the fact that the same women and women like her (yes it mentions both) were initially doomed to be alone for the rest of their lives because they are shallow and drown themselves in the sin of excessive pride in themselves. A few of these women whom were already married and would deny their husbands of the husbands right to intimacy, were deemed denying themselves and their husbands of the responsibility as a muslim women that Allah has placed upon Eve, for Adam, and Adam for Eve. There are few responsibilities (faraiz) of the married women in Islam......very few. In fact it is a very common mistake when many religious leaders and teachers claim that the women has a responsibility to bare sons/children and cook and clean. The truth is, if you ask any KNOWLEDGEABLE alim you will come to find that actually the only responsibilities on a women towards her husband are 1. To tell her husband before she decides to leave the house for her own safety and so that he does not waste time worrying himself to oblivion, and does not fall into shaq' or doubt of his wife (we all know men do is in their dumbfounded nature). 2. To let her husband perform acts of intimacy with her, also so that he does not feel that he is disliked or not loved by his wife....also to relieve the wife of any blame that a wrongful thinking man would place on his wife. Allah only ADVISES in the Quraa'n through our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) that if the women does have the time and knows what her responsibilities as a human being are, not necessarily as a wife or women....then she may cook and clean house for her that if the man goes to work all day...the women should not sit at home and wait for him to also come home and do the house work also. The same goes if the women is the bread-barer...or must leave the comfort of home for like activities, fulfilling her responsibilities as a equal partner in the relationship.

With this all said, I completely understand why you may want some time to think and wait to see whether it is really that big a problem, or if it may blow away with time. In fact, this is responsible much responsible thinking that an arranged marriage can allow that is. Though, if you are living with your in-laws.....achieving this may prove quite difficult, if not completely impossible. As your in-laws most likely would rather have you be with their son than as their responsibility. Although, if you are still waiting to get rukhsatti than you may have a chance of getting exactly that.

BTW, do you know this.......A muslim women is not ACTUALLY deemed married until the first night of intimacy between her husband and herself. In fact, this is why rukhsati is not preffered in fact it is ma'kruh meaning, advised against. Because after the nikah has been recited, the married couple is required to consummate their love that exact night, or upto 3 days after if and only if the dowry has not reached the brides new home as of then. Once the dowry (this means islamic dowry...not your blowdryers and lipsticks) has reached it's destination though, time's up. Actually, if a husband and wife do not make love 3 nights in a row after their suhaag raat as it is commonly called in Pakistan and India, the marriage automatically becomes void, and if either wants to have intimacy with the other afterwards of that, they would need to perform nikah once the first nikah would become null.

I suggest that you talk to you own family about this matter. You need to tell them what it is that scares you, or worries you about this man. If they believe that you are old enough to become married then they should also believe that islam allows a women of ba'ligh age to make her own decisions before, in/during, and after marriage life. Ba'ligh age being either 18 years of age or when the women physically appears to have become a women(Menstration) and seems to be able to think for herself and make responsible decisions. Tell your family this...tell them your rights and their responsibilities as good muslim parents to give you your rights. Tell them you want to wait and see.......I'm sure if you explain your fears...either they will be able to help ease them or....they might even help you to put a definite pause on this immigration procedure your husband wants to start. Always be truthful, to yourself at first, and then others.

Please truly consider why it is you fear being with him ok. I completely believe that you are a responsible adult and can clearly think much better for your safety then any of us here, but I still would like to advise that you seriously consider thinking about the actual reasons behind what it is that you dislike about this man.

You say, the abuse is okay...that he is repulsive to you but that is ok. Please think about what you consider abuse....and why does he repulse you so much. Did you not get the right to say no to this rishta??? That is your islamic right. If this man has ever laid hands on you....that is against islam in every way!! Not to mention against Pakistani and American laws! You should not be with this man and you need to help your family figure that out. If the abuse has never been physical but it is verbal, then please consider getting your parents to talk to his parents about it.....I'm sure they can come to a nice conclusion if things are handled responsibly and without hostility from both sides.

You know what......I would really like to help you, my cousin, whom I love dearly is going through pretty much the same situation...only now she is pregnant and is very terribly stressed. Her husband beats her and threatens to leaver her and baby.....just awful. I completely feel for you........if you wouldn't mind I would love for you to pm me and talk to me about what the problem is.....maybe I can help. If not, at least I will do my absolute best to assist you in any way I can.happy.gif

I pray for the best for you! Inshallah Allah will have mercy on you. Just do dua'....whenever you really helps. I promise. smile.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-01 05:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Requirement of NVC
Does everyone need to submit originals to NVC? It's just that the thought of sending my originals is making me cringe......would NVC send them back? If so, any idea as to when I would be able to get my original documents mailed back to me? Would I be able to get them back before the interview? What about when POE time comes around???

Edited by MumtazG38, 03 March 2009 - 04:22 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-03 04:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRecent I-130 approvals for January!
sorry....I used the forum search feature to search for February 2009 filers and couldn't find the topic.......I should've just looked a few topics right underneath this one. My bad.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-17 14:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRecent I-130 approvals for January!
Has anyone started a topic for February filers yet?
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-17 13:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC I-130 Approval in 35 Calendar days
Wow! Congratulations! I'm a late feb filer.....hopefully some of that luck rubs off on the rest of us feb filers. biggrin.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-12 22:45:00
Im sorry to say but there really isn't any working way to know whether a usps money order has been cashed. I used this method myself last month with my petition.......if you have the reciept you can try the number on the back...but will warn you that the number is just an automated system with NO REPRESENTATIVES or human beings at any end. Plus, the method for checking on status on usps money orders has been out dated for several years, so the automated system won't help you either. Though, there is one thing you can do, but that only works if you feel your money order has not been cashed for over 60 days....if you have the receipt or number then you can go back to he usps office/location and ask them to check on it...whether it has been chashed or not. But again.......that is a whole nother case.

rough estimate noa1.......2-3 weeks. A month the latest.

IR2 is the name for a type of visa. I130 is a form that is filled in order to petition somoene for a visa. Although, I'm sure someone else can explain this to you better.

Good luck. happy.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-15 04:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between Co-Sponsor and Joint Sponsor
I believe they are the same.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-03-16 02:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPre 1864(AOS) packet questions!
Thank you for the reply!

But what I don't understand is what sort of a statement should I write? I mean, what would I say.....just that I have been claimed by my parents as a dependent for the passed 3 taxes and also that i have not had any job just sewing and freelance sometimes if i need the money? Should i mention that I am still a student and plan to start college asap....should i show my college chase bank account to prove that or something?
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-05-31 20:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPre 1864(AOS) packet questions!
I am having a really complicated time w/ the aos packet because i decided to ask my parents to please joint sponsor my husband and finally after 3 months (6 months if u include before i actually began our visa process) they have agreed....but the problem is that my parents haven't filed for 2008 taxes yet and will be getting to that soon....they also say that they will file 2009 taxes next year...i think that is how it is done right?....because how can they file for 2009 when that financial year hasn't even completed yet. They can provide my mothers 6 months pay stubs, my fathers copies of checks and 2008,2007,2006 tax info. I forgot to explain about the employment letters but will ask about them you think that the employment letters are necessary? my mother is an lpn nurse and father is travel agent.......???

In 2007 and 2006 i was claimed as dependant but my parents wont be claiming me in 2008......should i tell them to claim me so that i can show it on the taxes. I am still technically living w/ them...but married since sep. 2008.

What is worrying me the most is that I have never needed to file taxes because i have never had a real job. I graduated, meaning i got my ged in early 2008 and since then still consider myself a student as i plan to start college once i get back to the states. I am freaking out about what sort of financial docs i should send....i basically have none as i have never filed taxes or had a job as mentioned above. Should i just fill out the i864 and have my parents fill out 1 i864a?(they wouldnt have to fill out two would they???) and just send my parents financial docs and not i have none? Any idea as to what I can do??

The questions:

- they will file 2009 taxes next year...i think that is how it is done right?because how can they file for 2009 when that financial year hasn't even completed yet.

- do you think that the employment letters are necessary? my mother is an lpn nurse and father is travel agent.......???

- Should i just fill out the i864 and have my parents fill out 1 i864a?(they wouldnt have to fill out two would they..they do joint taxes and grandma is dependant???) and just send my parents financial docs and not i have none?

- would my not sending any tax papers since i have none cause any problems/rfe's? what about if i sent a written explanation as to why?

What can I do?

Edited by MumtazG38, 31 May 2009 - 06:08 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-05-31 18:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC and Choice of Agent
You should definitely consider mailing your choice of agent form, although....I never opted to do so and my email still got accepted. I kept emailing it basically daily from the beneficiaries email account...makesure you give that email account to an operator at nvc first. Eventually they should get your email. There is no harm in sending them the email multiple times. But still, do consider mailing it out...seeing as it's been 2 weeks and you haven't been accepted. Actually, now that I thinkn over took near 2 weeks for mine to get accepted also....basically 10 days to be exact. Just keep emailing them and wait a few more days and see.

Remember to keep checking the avr AND talk to an operator!

Edited by MumtazG38, 01 June 2009 - 02:23 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-01 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC to Embassy
well the interview date was given on the 9th, but the actual interview is on july thats a month. happy.gif. but still.....I sure hope nvc is as quick with us as well!!!
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-19 18:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
Awwww Ani.... crying.gif . Your making me cry (hormones got nothing to do with it!). Just remember that you're very very close to being together again and I'm sure that in no time you'll soon be puking your favorite chicken all over you're man. Soon honey.....inshallah with gods grace very very soon. You're quite ahead of me with your case....I have still got to wait till possibly july 20th to even maybe send my aos docs in....and w/ how complicated my financial information truly is only god knows how many rfe's and final reviews later might the nvc move along and give us our case complete. Even if all things go as planned......we'll still be lucky to catch a mid or late october interview! I understand how the distance is so daunting.....but hopefully soon the three of you will be reunited...and it'll feel so goooood (cheez..pure cheez lol)!

Chin up honey....don't stress yourself out. Remember the baby can feel everything you're'd better be extra careful. wub.gif

Edited by MumtazG38, 03 July 2009 - 05:17 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-07-03 05:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
QUOTE (Chris and Ani @ Jun 24 2009, 07:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Jun 19 2009, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Reposted - Deleted

Where are all the moms-to be? unsure.gif

Well, don't know about all the other ladies....but I've been busy for the passed 1 and a half weeks to keep myself from vomiting all the damn time!!!! I have managed to keep myself from vomiting because I fear once I start I won't be able to stop it, but the nausea is driving me insane. I can't stand it at all. I can't eat anything...I mean ANYTHING!!! I'm a foodie....I need yummy foods.......and all week long my husband has been bringing home all of my favorite foods, he even took a bus 3 hours away from here to Lahore city to get me my favorite knockwurst from Papaya Dog(an AWESOME hot dog restaurant)......(see why I married this man!! biggrin.gif). The sad thing is I can't eat it because I can't manage to smell anything food bread, no meats nothing. Everything is making me feel sick. I have only eaten half a slice of bread since yesterday.....and I think some crackers........but I'm absolutely miserable.

Needless to say, week 7 and all of week 8 so far has been miserable! I'm so miserable....I really want to eat that knockwurst........but I think I'll vomit my intestines out!

So I location for the passed few weeks has been.....the sink, or my bed with a bucket on my nightstand! Just incase.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-24 09:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
Reposted - Deleted

Edited by MumtazG38, 19 June 2009 - 01:15 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-19 13:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
QUOTE (caybee @ Jun 18 2009, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats to all the VJ moms to be, and good luck to the TTCers!

There is also an active forum here in Off Topic. It's mostly expectant moms and new moms with a few TTCers also. All are welcome -- it's always great to see some new faces! smile.gif

Oh, MumtazG38, I didn't have a bit of morning sickness either. I did lose my appetite completely for a while but never felt sick. I guess the little guy will pay me back for the lack of suffering when he's a teenager. blush.gif

Best wishes to all!

Well, I really can't say that I've lost my appetite as a symptom...because that is so not true! I'm always craving something like lazagna or steak or......all of the good stuff basically......but for some reason yesterday I felt really unwell, not nauseous or anything, but I just didn't feel like myself. Very low energy and very moody....and really weak and irritated, by just about everything including myself...actually mainly myself. And both yesterday and today, all day I was and am absolutely starving to the point that I can feel the hunger in my chest and throat now.....but I REALLY DON'T WANT TO eat anything at all. Husband just went to the gym and promised, well more like persuaded, to bring back some russet potatoes, cheddar cheese and cream so I could make myself mashed potatoes n gravy....which I've been craving for a long while....but I really don't want to eat anything. Even though the mashed taters will only take like 10 minutes in my magic bullet! Still I am hungry....but I really don't want to eat clue why that is....but it's annoying Mostly because....I'm always up for food!!!!!
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-19 08:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
QUOTE (cornbread @ Jun 18 2009, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

All of the symptoms you didn't have.....I had them for you. lol Yes you are SOOOOOOOO lucky to not have had it that bad. I thought I was going to die. No joke. But now I'm 20 weeks and although I am still sick it is not so bad. Second trimester you feel better than the first, so you should still be ok.

YIKES! I geuss then I should say thank you......and sorry. blush.gif .

Can you really feel the baby kick and move? How does that feel......I can't wait to experience my first few kidney shots!!! That's one of the biggest things I'm really excited about in my pregnancy!! biggrin.gif. As strange as wanting to be punched or kicked in the belly may seems like creating such a beautiful bond between mother and child....knowing that he's actually interacting with himself...and me!!! biggrin.gif

Can't wait till I reach my second and third trimester!!!!!!!

Edited by MumtazG38, 19 June 2009 - 07:50 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-19 07:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
Ani, you should definitely check out the link above for If you enjoy baby-gaga's week by week reports you're MOST CERTAINLY going to enjoy seeing exactly how you're baby looks each week from the above site. Very detailed images and they also have a slide show of weeks 1-40 detailing all of the changes, blastocyst to embryo to fetus to full blown baby! Definitely go check it out! smile.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-18 07:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ Jun 17 2009, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not with you - yet. But just wanted to share, IT'S FABULOUS!!!

OOPS in my excitement to share I failed to look at all the links you posted headbonk.gif

No worries Whidbey, if you come across anymore useful sites please do let us know on here! happy.gif

pssst...I'm dead sure your going to be with us very soon girly! Very very soon indeed! Case complete and all...I'm sooo jealous!!!!! biggrin.gif

Edited by MumtazG38, 18 June 2009 - 07:46 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-18 07:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
QUOTE (Chris and Ani @ Jun 17 2009, 06:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MumtazG38 @ Jun 18 2009, 02:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all you Preggo and TTC ladies here at VisaJourney? No need to feel forgotten anymore, now we all have a place to belong in this exciting, yet sometimes quite daunting immigration experience! Husbands and partners welcome. Let's all share and compare...

Hey Lucky February Filer mom-to-be,

Here we are again smile.gif Yeah, I signed up a long time ago too at their website, and I'm even downloading every single day of the info about my baby on my PC in an excel file, so I can always look at it later and say: Hey, my baby started forming hands # days ago, etc., etc.
And their e-mails have helpful info, as well smile.gif

Mumtaz, how do you feel? I feel noxious all the time, and almost can not eat anything sad.gif

To be honest, I am thankful to say I have not experienced any nausea in the slightest even. Although the symptoms I DO have are just about driving me crazy!!! You say you can barely eat anything, and my problem is I can barely stop myself from scarfing down just about every thing that is edible. I am constantly craving foods like, spaghetti, pasta, mac n cheese, pizza, and mashed potatoes and baked sweet potatoes and MEAT!!! I WANT BEEF! HOT DOGS, MEATLOAF....MEAT JUST MEAT!!!AAHHHHH! LOL.

Other than that my symptoms are worse than I ever imagined, although a few of them I anticipated because my mother and sister both experienced them in all of their pregnancies. I just never imagined they would be this bad! Forget breast tenderness!!! My breasts are about to murder me in one great big shot! THOSE MONSTERETTE'S ARE growing at the speed of friggin light!!! They were big enough already, double d's.....and now I can't find a fitting bra for the life of me. Not only that, I can't lie down on my sides and definitely not on my belly because the girls hurt too much!

Added to that, I'm always fatigued, extremely tired and always sleepy!!! What the heck happened to my energy was pretty bad in the first place but now that I'm pregnant.....I sleep 14-18 hours a day, not including naps!!!! THAT IS INSANE, even now that I think about it in the reality of things. YIKES!

AND THE CRAMPS! I keep getting cramps, like the period ones but only about 10 times worse.....the kind that make a girl keel over if she's standing! I get them at random times, but mostly when I'm sleeping at night...or early morning. Sometimes it feels like I'm getting them because of moving too fast or moving after a long period of having not moved.

So I guess I'm thankful that I don't feel any hint of nausea like 80%-85% of "unfortunate" (that includes you Ani lol) pregnant women, including all of the women in my family. I'm truly lucky for that......but if the first trimester is going to be like this........I am terrified to even think about the 2nd and 3rd!!!!!
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-18 07:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLucky Pregnant or TTC VJ'ers
Get your Fetal Development forums ticker here(with images):

They also have a very accurate Due-date calculator which uses the first day of your LMP date (Last Menstrual Period) and includes the average days in your cycle in their calculation. Most online due-date calculator's I have used do not include this minor yet very important calculation.

You should definitely sign-up and opt to receive weekly updates on how far along your pregnancy is. The reports detail all of the changes your baby is going through each week and also tell you when you should expect to experience any symptoms and what they are/will be and other very useful information about your pregnancy. The information they provide is highly accurate and completely scientific, with a hint of very refreshing sarcastic humor just to give their reports a very interesting kick!

This site has plenty of fun and interesting resources for pregnant women, and even their sympathetic partners, like their vibrant forums and hilarious cartoons. They have hundreds of articles on ttc, pregnancy and after pregnancy care and parenting. Do check out this site. It will certainly be worth your while.

Check out this highly informative Pregnancy Calendar which is both fun and educational for both you and yours:

This calendar is very informative and also let's you know how far your pregnancy is gestation-wise. Very precise, as the calendar provides day-to-day information on your baby and you.

I suggest signing up with so you can take advantage of their exciting and up-to-date Bulletin Boards, educational and interesting articles on pregnancy, their baby name database, basal body temp. charting tool, fetal development resources, and educational and informative pregnancy common phrases and words glossary for the first-timers and learners. They also provide a very handy printable Prenatal Record chart to keep all of your prenatal information in one place!

Want to see how your little baby looks? Check out this site for 3d computerized images showing how your baby should look at even the earliest stages of pregnancy!!!

Fetal Development Week by Week. Very detailed and informative, with detailed colored images!
Having twins? Go to the twins Fetal Development Index at

Will add more as they come...

Hey all you Preggo and TTC ladies here at VisaJourney? No need to feel forgotten anymore, now we all have a place to belong in this exciting, yet sometimes quite daunting immigration experience! Husbands and partners welcome. Let's all share and compare...
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-17 18:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI am 20, got married to NON-u.s citizen/resident, not in school, freelance CAN I FILE?
QUOTE (malka e alia @ Jul 18 2009, 11:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi, i saw you havent posted anything as of right now, i have sort of a similar situation, is your husband in usa now?
so how do u change your marital status if you are married in a foreign country, i mean my husband is not with me yet, i havent changed my marital status, i got married in dec 2008, but since he was not with me last year or not even this year (as of right now), i filed myself as a single, can anyone help me?

ummm...I really don't know what to make of your situation right now since the two of you haven't been together(same country - lived together) for so long...and apparently you're filing as single....

All I can say is that no my husband and I both are not currently in the U.S but I have filed for him already and if you check my signature or my time line you can see how far along we've gotten already. I don't think it's necessary to change your marital status or name as of yet.....I haven't done that. But since I don't do taxes (not required) I don't really know whether it would be best to put married filing seperately even......seeing as your husband doesnt have a ITIN or SSN.....that would be quite difficult.

As long as you have proof of your marriage you can file a petition for your husband...and since it's been over 2 years that you've been married like you say you can file for IR1. Proof of marriage would be a nikah nama, meaning a marriage certificate. So think about that first.

Edited by MumtazG38, 24 July 2009 - 09:23 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-07-24 09:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI am 20, got married to NON-u.s citizen/resident, not in school, freelance CAN I FILE?
So if the irs does tell me that I don't need to file a tax return what would I provide as proof that the irs said I am not required....I read somewhere that you have to provide a letter or something proving that. Also...will that be enough for my I864 along with my bank statement (even if I just opened my bank accnt last month and have not made many transactions, only 6-8 actually) and with my joint sponsor and her tax info and bank statements and employment letters and whatnot???

Thank you so much for answering my question!
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-24 20:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI am 20, got married to NON-u.s citizen/resident, not in school, freelance CAN I FILE?
Getting a job sounds great everyone....but do you really think that I haven't tried keeping one already...I mean if I am willing to go to peoples houses, work, events and what not to do their hair and makeup don't you think I would be willing to get any job a bit more decent....a bit more stable? The problem is that I father has ruined every chance of keeping a job I've had since I was 14 years old and does not want any daughter of his to work (a man's job) the only exception would be to sew, cook or become a beautician...a woman's job. Every time I have begun working at mcdonalds, department or grocery stores, the mall and even a friends father's office as secretary my father has kicked me out of the house. At the time, I have no other place to friend willing to take me in for a long enough time to get my own, anything. So far, I have been making the money I need in order to file and send mail and buy a ticket to Pakistan and every other need of mine's is by freelancing....the only thing my father cannot argue with, although he hates the fact that I have to leave the house, and my chores to do it.

He wants me out of the house soon because he cannot stand looking at me since I got married to who I wanted, rather than an arranged marriage like he said he would make me. He had told my mother to tell me last month that I had a very limited amount of time to get my things and leave the house.....and he said I should be grateful he is giving me the time that he is with how I have disgraced him. Since I have no other place to go I bought myself a ticket to Pakistan (with my husbands assistance) and will be staying with him if I have any other choice.

My parents will not joint sponsor my husband, the only reason they kept me as a dependent is it would be so disgraceful to tell the guy that does their taxes that I got married.Apparently, people would ask questions. Although, I do have a friend who is more than willing to become our joint sponsor and provide all of her tax information for the purpose...I can only hope it is enough

So, I do not have many...if at all any options whatsoever. The options I do have left are fairly bad. But I am trying to make lemonade with what I DO have....and this is why I am trying to get as much info about taxes for myself...and what I can do about them in my very strange....and unique situation.

There must be something I can do about the tax and financial info the NVC requires......I cannot be the ONLY person who is in such a bad place in life...........everyone does their taxes regardless how awful their life is at that what is so different about my situation? I am just praying there is some hope for me so that I can finally be with my husband here.....he has a very online business and gets pretty good money.......I am just thankful he is willing to leave his family and come stay here in the U.S with me and help finance my college and living.....he is giving up a lot just so I can complete my education...something my father hates him for more than anything.

Please....don't tell me there is nothing I can do, I've heard that too many times already and if I hear it one more time, I'm going to completely break down. crying.gif ranting33va.gif

Edited by MumtazG38, 24 February 2009 - 07:07 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-24 19:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI am 20, got married to NON-u.s citizen/resident, not in school, freelance CAN I FILE?
I am 20, got married to NON-u.s citizen/resident, am currently not in school and do freelance makeup for income (very little to none income) and my parents still claimed me as dependent in their last taxes (I did not know they had done so). I want to know if I can file.

I have filed a petition with the USCIS for a CR-1 immigrant visa w/ 2 yr conditional greencard apon arrival for my Pakistani husband. I will need to show either 1040's, 1099's or W2's (no clue what these are) or tax transcripts of at least most recent tax year.

I have no job per say, only free lance when I need cash. I quit high school in late 2007 and got my GED mid 2008. I plan on going to college to finish my prerequisites (chem,science,organic bios, physics, maths) in 2010, once this visa process is taken care of...whether he comes here or not. My parents have claimed me as a dependent this year already and I wanted to know whether I can file and get some sort of tax documentation so that I can show it for the visa process for the affidavit of support form.

I will not be filing as married because my husband is not here and does not have an ssn. Also, I believe if I file as married it will get my parents in trouble for filing for me as a dependent, even though they just recently found out I had gotten married, a month after they filed.

What are 1040's, 1099's and W2's and who do they apply to. Can/should I file for them... and how? What taxes should I file for????

Can I use any free tax helping software or something? Can anyone recommend any? How's turbo tax? Would it work for someone who has never had a paycheck type job?
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-02-23 15:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurese-mailing DS-3032 sux!
I opted to simply email my ds3032 everyday until they would get it. 9 days waiting they got it. Had no problem with emailing it whatsoever. Ofcourse before-hand I remembered to give them mine and my husbands email addresses though. That is definitely a must.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-07-03 05:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEAD - How does it look....what is it? Did we get it?
oh okay. Well.....we didn't get asked to apply for anything....were we supposed to request it? Does that mean my husband won't be able to work without it? We've already got plenty of job opportunities lined up for my husband...only waiting for the ssc to arrive so he can get his drivers license and start work.
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-12-06 15:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEAD - How does it look....what is it? Did we get it?
I was just trying to update my timeline when I got to the POE section and realized I hadn't remembered whether we had gotten our EAD or not. Actually, I'm not sure I even know what that is....the guy at the POE did take my husbands passport but I don't think I looked to see if there was anything new on it afterwards like a stamp, stiker or card. Can anyone tell me what am I looking for on my husbands passport that would be the EAD?

What happens if we don't have the EAD.....what is the EAD actually supposed to be and why do we need it?
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-12-06 15:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes anyone have a tax exclusion format/letter according to plublication 17?
In late feb I remember posting in one of my first ever threads that since I was a student and hadn't worked the passed 3 tax years and am a dependent in my parents taxes could I write a letter or something to the nvc with my aos packet that would explain everything so that they would be okay with my not sending any tax papers since i had none...and I got a reply from another user here, "trinket" to be exact and they had a format pertaining to the exact thing I was in need of...I downloaded it immediately.....but have long lost it, along with my laptops hard drive! I asked trinket whether they still had that format/letter and unfortunately since they have been done with immigration for 6 months now....they didn't.

I was hoping.....desperately that maybe someone else may still have a format/letter like that that I could use to send to nvc to explain why I dont/didnt need to file taxes for 2006-2008 that corresponds to the publication 17 for those years?

Any chance anyone might still have a remnant of that sort of format or letter so that I could at least have a head start in writing one myself?

The only issue is that I just dont know what to include in the format/letter......or how to even start writing it.....this is why I need someone from VJ to please help me to figure out what to put in, and how to write the letter to nvc about my reasons for tax exclusion.

I would be really really grateful to anyone who can help me out!!!!!!
Thank you! happy.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-06-01 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen and where do we pay the visa fee?
QUOTE (mikeymissesher @ Jan 22 2009, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
when and where do we pay the visa fee? do we pay it at the time of the interview?

Here's some advice I just gave someone who asked a similar question to yours....hope this helps:

QUOTE (miss_jane @ Jan 22 2009, 09:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello VJ family!!!

I already have my schedule for my interview and i want to pay now for my visa fee. Does anyone here has an idea about how much is the exact cost for visa fee? Need quick response guys....

If you already have your interview scheduled, that means you/your petitioner has already paid your IV fee bill($400.00 - $130.00 U.S $$), am I right. If so, I believe there are no more visa fees left.

Edited by MumtazG38, 22 January 2009 - 09:49 PM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-01-22 21:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
We had our interview Yesterday the green slip and they took my husbands passport and the interviewer said that if in a month and a half they didn't call us about the visa that we should call them to inquire about it. Our interviewer was an a$$, no doubt about it. He seemed to have a HUGE stick shoved up his butt...the moment he saw me approach the window he immediately asked if I was the petitioner and after I said yes he didn't wait two blinks and told me to sit down. I was ready to give him a nice little talking to....but then I saw my husbands face and he looked desperate to keep my mouth shut today...just pure pathetically for the first time in ever I took note and sat down at a seat close enough that I could hear part of what was going on. Anyways, the guy didn't ask for ANYTHING he just had Haseeb say the outh, then Haseeb explained that we had photo albums...he kept insisting that we show him pictures of the actual functions....and his dumb a$$ wasn't seeming to understand the fact that we HAD NONE! It was a simple iftar party where we read the nika. Haseeb showed him the photo session and he just stared blankly and kept asking us to show them photos of the functions. Not many questions were asked after that....and then he tried to hand Haseeb his passport back and Haseeb avoided picking it up, so the guy took it and handed Haseeb the green slip with another white paper and said that he was "ehel" for visa, meaning he was going to be getting the visa but would have to wait for AP.

So.....yes, I'm upset....but what to do. It just seems to me that these interview people see that the beneficiary is a male...and there are just no two ways about it...Simply AP! But no problem I guess, I came home and talked to the travel agent again and he said that it's not like the airline will look at me and ask for proof of how far along I am, I can leave Pakistan whenever I feel I guess I'll wait till late November or early December before I leave's not like I have much choice really as I can't see myself trying to have the baby all alone in the states.....we'll have to arrange for someone to care for me for the last month or two. Till then, we have 3 more months till I'll be leaving....INSHALLAH AP is over much much MUCH sooner than that!!!! I'll be praying ofcourse. Husband and I will both be reading Surat Muzammil 41 times each day for the next three days starting tonight!!! My mother in-law has already been doing so every morning since day 1 for us, now we can read together.

Sigh....add us onto the AP spreadsheet Faisal....sad.gif

Any chance that since they took my husbands passport they may be a bit quicker about stamping that thing with a visa? I can only hope so really....but I believe they took Omar's passport also and it still took pretty long for him didn't it? How long was your AP Omar? Anyone have any guess's at approx how long it should take for us?
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-10-17 06:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (waiting4approval @ Oct 14 2009, 08:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mumtaz.. you are ALL set.. good luck with the interview!

We had all the pictures and what not but the CO didn;t even bother to look at anything.. it's good to have but honestly they wont need it to establish the sincerity of relationship.. you have been living with him in Pakistan so that's an added bonus as well. GOOD LUCK (yep in caps, the big one :-) rose.gif

I really hope and pray you come out of the interview with no AP at all!!

INSHALLAH!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet sweet gudh shakar aapke muhn mein darling!!!! luv.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-10-14 08:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Interview is in 2 more days and just wanted to make a last run through with the docs we will be taking with us to interview to make sure I've got everything...would love your suggestions guys. happy.gif

1. Interview Cover letter
2. Medical Exam results(unopened) plus the x-ray and everything else they gave us in the HUGE envelope.
3. Copy of Beneficiaries birth certificate (they have the original)
4. Copy of Beneficiaries Birth Cert. card from the UAE Ministry of Health (they have the original)
5. Attested/Notarized Affidavits as proof of relationship (2 total). Both copies and originals. Don't plan on using them really, but just in case... and since we have em, I'm bringing them.
6. English translated copy of Nika Nama
7. Urdu copy of nika nama
8. Original nika nama, (husbands one).
9. 2 copies of beneficiaries passport
10. 2 passport size photos of beneficiary
11. 2 signed G325A's by beneficiary. (they have the original one)
12. 2 signed G325A's by petitioner. (just in case)
13. NOA1 hardcopy
14. NOA2 hardcopy
15. Petitioners birth cert. copy
16. Petitioners original birth cert.
17. Petitioners passport copies.
18. Copy of I130 petition, signed.

19. Copies of visa and stamped entry pages on my passport proving how many times I've come to visit my husband before and after our wedding.
20. Copies of Boarding Passes.
21. Copies of actual tickets and baggage stubs.
22. Receipts of birthday gifts and other misc gifts sent to beneficiary before the wedding. Proof of relationship.
23. Copies of emails sent and received before marriage.
24. Prints of VOIP call logs for over a year before wedding.
25. Copies of Yahoo messenger chat logs of over a year and a half before the wedding.
26. Copies of T-Mobile call logs after the wedding.
27. Original Tickets and Boarding Passes both before and after the wedding.
28. Signed copy of my Tax exemption letter which the NVC accepted.
29. Several Photo albums of myself and hubby and hubbies friends and family together enjoying casual time together...and parties and whatnot.
30. Wedding Photos.
31. New Police Certificate.

Anything else I should consider bringing guys? All suggestions welcome. happy.gif

Edited by MumtazG38, 14 October 2009 - 08:01 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-10-14 07:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
I received a call from the ISL embassy saying I could come and pick up my new passport any time(renewal)....that's great timing as interview is 1 week from today and after the interview we can pick up the new passport same day and not have to make the long a$$ trip to Islamabad again!!!!!!!! (IA) Worked out great....just like I planned.

1 week till interview guys(Oct 16th)! Please pray for us everyone....Inshallah we get visa in hand, or soon after at most because I have to leave Paki before week 30 in my pregnancy because PIA (and all other airlines I talked to) have policies for pregnant travel after 30 weeks, and it will be 24 weeks on interview day...seeing as AP is taking 2 months or longer....I really don't have enough time left biologically to be looking at AP as an ok thing anymore. My parents came to Pakistan from the states 1 week ago and plan on staying till January I have no other family to stay with or depend on in the is due on Feb 4 (inshallah khariat se) I have to go to the U.S for delivery because otherwise my baby will miss out on citizenship, good medical care and attention, and not to mention cheap I have health insurance for him and myself. But I have no place to stay and no one to care for...unless inshallah my husband gets his visa same day...and we can leave and then atleast I won't have to go through the last months of my pregnancy alone(which gets more and more impossible as due date gets nearer). Please do dua for us guys....we are running out of options!

I plan on telling all of these facts to the interviewer and am praying that we get a kind and sympathetic interviewer inshallah....someone who will take our situation into consideration before making any decisions about AP and whatnot!! Inshallah allah hears my prayers!!!

Edited by MumtazG38, 09 October 2009 - 12:48 AM.

MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-10-09 00:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
You are about to read a VERY VERY long post/review of ISL embassy for passport renewal. Please feel free to completely ignore this post if need be, I won't mind. smile.gif

Okay, just came back from our very first trip to ISL embassy yesterday (had to get my passport renewed) and the very first thing I'm doing since I got back, fell asleep at 2:00pm and finally awoke today at 7:30am is typing out this here tiny review...yeah, I was EXHAUSTED! More than 10 hour lousy road trip! lol. Not to mention how difficult it is to sit stationary in a car for very long hours at a time when you're belly is protruding out enough to knock the dashboard every time you try to re-adjust your sitting position for comfort!

Right,'s how it went:
We arrived at the embassy at 7:20am and proceeded to the DSS section, which was to the right side of parking. The line was so long there that people had to make their own pretend line all the way down the sidewalk, and some on the road even. But thankfully it was moving along nicely enough that we didn't get the chance to feel too miserable. Finally after waiting in the heat and sun light for quite some time we got through the first of security. There were seperate cubicles for the men and women as always with ISL embassy. The line for the men was somewhat longer than the one for the women, so I went all felt up by this strange, was asked if I had my cell phone, said no...showed her my folder and passport and was allowed to move along in the line. I assume the same happened with my husband as he got out about a minute after me. Then got in line for the U.S section....which b.t.w was mainly the ONLY line there was....every place else was near to empty...and the U.S line that we got into was protruding all the way outside of the actual building right down to where the security booth's were. So we waited what felt like absolutely forever...well more like an hour and a get to the rep up front. Even though, since the line was so long they told us to split into two lines and we went with the people in the new line which was under the UK section....not that doing so made it so we could get through faster...the people that were behind us prior to this in the U.S line got through much before us still. lol, imagine my fury.

Anyways, once we finally got our turn the rep asked us for our Passports, husband only brought his ID card, which was sufficient. Then he asked us for what purpose we were at the embassy today and I told him for renewal of my U.S passport. He asked why Haseeb was with me and I simply said because he's my husband...the man looked at me for a second and then wrote us some receipts/tickets for the Shuttle service and took 400.00rs from us and told us to get in line to get security checked once more before they would let us into the waiting section for the Shuttle service. After we got in line, we noticed that there was practically no line for the females and that if I wanted I could have just walked right up to the security booth and entered the waiting section long before my husband had gotten through, but since the line for gents was so long I decided to wait it out for some time with him so I wouldn't get bored. So that took another 15-20 minutes and finally we sat down in the back row of seats (the only row left WITH empty seats) and proceeded to wait for the about 10 minutes a bus did arrive but since we were seated in the last row and the bus's are 73 seaters (I believe) we didn't even get a chance to get up close to see if we could get on there were so many people in line, and 15 minutes after that same thing happened. Then we decided to immediately run up to the very first row where there were a few seats available and waited another 15 minutes for another bus to arrive. Once it did we rushed to the line, gave the guy our tickets and sat in the bus relieved. Afterwards, the bus stopped at each embassy...first the Saudi Arabia embassy 2 people got off, secondly the Korean embassy 2-3 people got off, then the Dubai embassy no one got off, then the China embassy 8-9 people got off, then the Bulgarian embassy, no one got off (please don't mind if I got the order a bit mixed up, I'm doing this from simple recollection) then I believe finally we heard the conductor say American Embassy, so we got off there in front of the embassy and had to get in line immediately to get our passports checked and what not. At that moment we noticed there were loads of people sitting at the benches at the bus stop just waiting, I assumed those were the people who weren't allowed to go in with the USC...I believe I was correct.

Once our turn came in like 2-3 minutes the security guy asked what my purpose was I told him I needed to renew my passport, then he looked at my passport and then said that my husband would have to wait outside at the bus stop unless I go inside to room 1 and request for him to be let in and then if he was given the green light he would let him in. So I walked across the road and got in another very short line for another security check. The one for ladies was inside a room/office so that's where I went. Got checked by a security wand, got my passport looked at once more and then was told to stay within the blue line. So I walked all the way down the blue line...which was COMPLETELY empty..not a sole but me. Although I will mention that at that time there was barely anyone in any of the other lines either. There were 3 colored lines which needed to be walked down to get to be allowed to go into the waiting areas. One yellow, I believe that was the non-immigrant line, one was red the Immigrant line and the last one blue, citizen services line. So once I got to the end of the blue line I waited until the security card told me to proceed to the security section inside the embassy which had a manual lock on the door which was opened by security personal from the inside who could see everyone on the outside. Once I entered that area I was told to give them my folder and passport to be scanned through the huge machine(like at an airport for luggage) and told to walk through the detector. After that they handed me my stuff and asked me why I was there, I told them to renew my passport...they told me to go inside and fill out the green slip and deposit that. So I opened the door, saw the waiting room and saw where they had all of the colored slips. At that time they only had two types of slips there, one being the green slips...and another, I really can't remember which color to be honest. But there were only two types. So I filled out my green slip...and afterwards not knowing what to do I asked a security guard where was I supposed to go to deposit this slip and he said enter through the door all the way down the waiting room...and then if room 1's door is open I would enter it and deposit my slip and then find a seat outside that room and wait till they called my name. So that is what I did. Then a few minutes after that they called my name and I went to room 1, closed the door behind me and saw a older pakistani man with a bald spot and a blonde american women (somewhat on the larger side...) behind him looking over his shoulder. Once I got there the man asked me what I was there for and I told him to renew my passport. He asked me if I had filled out a DS-11 or DS-82 form and I said yes, a DS-11...then he asked me to hand him that with my passport. So I did, after that he said that I would need to first go to desk 5 and pay the fee and then come back. So I took the receipt he gave me for the fee and went to desk 5 and gave that to him. The guy calculated the total on a computer and then handed me two receipts after I paid him. I went back to room 1....had to wait a few minutes because the door was closed and someone was in there with them. Then proceeded inside the room, this time the man was not sitting there but the blonde lady was...she was EXTREMELY nice...I liked her She I gave her the receipts and then she asked whether I was going back to new york(where I was born) I said actually yes I was, but this time I plan to leave with my husband. She smiled and said well that's great. Then she asked me to sign the form ds-11 so I did. Then she handed me back 1 receipt and told me that I should be able to come back and pickup my passport in two weeks (interview is in 2 weeks and 3 days anyways) and that when the passport will be ready they would call me and that I need not call them...even though she handed me a contact number either way just in case I needed to.

After that she boded me good luck with everything and I left through the exit door and back to my husband. We waited for the bus to arrive which took about 15-20 minutes and then got on and were taken back to the DSS area where all of the reps and separate sections were for U.S and India and the rest, then we exited and entered the parking lot and left the embassy.

My questions:
Anyone experienced with interview at ISL embassy....if you could PLEASE tell me the differences between what I had to do with the passport renewal and what we will be doing at the interview I would be very grateful. I just want to get as full of an impact of the interview to better prepare myself.

With the waiting rooms....where would I be waiting with my husband...would it be inside the same room all the way at the end of the first waiting room where the green slips were or would we be waiting at the outer waiting room where the green slips were right outside of the security office?

With the early should we get at the DSS area if our interview appointment will be at 8:00am on Oct 16th? This time around we got there at 7:20 and it took us over 2 hours at the DSS just to get on the bus and reach the embassy. Plus Another 10-15 minutes to actually get inside the embassy into the waiting rooms.??

Where should we be going after the security office (w/ the big scan machine and detector). And will we need to fill out any slips...which ones?

Will the security guy let me go with my husband? The guy at the bus stop wouldn't even let my husband cross the road with I'm just wondering whether they'll have an issue with me saying I'm there to attend the interview with my husband? Will they let me go? Once inside, where will husband and I get out interview....would that be room 1 with the door? Will I be allowed inside with him? How would we hand them all of our evidence like our photo albums....the windows only have so much room underneath them to hand things to the reps.....I really don't think a large wedding or family album will fit there...not nearly!!!

Thanks for the help...and reading through all of the above mumbo
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-09-28 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
QUOTE (FEISAL @ Sep 18 2009, 01:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
MumtazG38 - I hope u do not get AP - The way you follow up on things I believe AP would be very difficult for U.

Haha, there is no denying that! blush.gif Just pray for me brother. star_smile.gif
MumtazG38FemalePakistan2009-09-18 07:10:00