Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!

That is sooooooooo stupid...a religious ceremony is not legal. A catch 22 situation and the CBP gets to decide the law!!!!! If she filed a K3 she would have had to provide a legal marriage certificate, but since it was religious only, there is none. And the USA is supposed to be the best country in the world yet they can't figure out the difference between legal and relgious ceremonies?? What happened to separation between religion and state??? GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ LOUISE

In many countries, religious ceremonies are, in fact, treated as de facto legal ceremonies.

The U.S. is not "supposed to be the best country in the world," but as a sovereign nation it does have the power to police its own borders. And the CBP is not, as I mentioned earlier, charged with distinguishing types of wedding ceremonies. If they suspect that a legally binding wedding ceremony, OF ANY TYPE, has taken place, they have the power to deny entry to the K-1 holder. Again, religious ceremonies are legally binding in many countries, which is why Zyggy and others here have often advised K-1 holders to have religious blessings or ceremonies AFTER a legal marriage in the States on the K-1.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-05 09:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!
Amen, DM, and with that, I am retiring for the eve. How about yourself?
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 21:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!

VPL, are you aware that USCIS and DOS employees read this site?

So? Have I said something wrong?
And I already answered why a K-1 is our only option.

If you feel the K-1 was the best option for you, that's your decision. I would think, however, that this very thread demonstrated why it's unwise for you to refer to your sweetie as your husband outside your religious community or your family.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 21:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!

As I stated already, because it was too much of a pain to get the marriage certificate from overseas... we have had a religious ceremony and so he is NOT my fiance he is my HUSBAND. I will NOT be shacking up with a man I'm not married to thank you very much.
I'm not quite sure what you meant by the last part... I'm assuming that is your way to tell me if I don't like it here I can leave? :huh:

VPL, are you aware that USCIS and DOS employees read this site?

No, I think that's DM's way of telling you that the immigration process offers several options to couples who wish to be together, and that couples should choose one that best fits religious and cultural lifestyles, and thus a K-1 is probably not the best visa for persons who would prefer not to live together until they're married.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 21:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!

It just seems that the obvious is being ignored. The religious ceremony was addressed with the I-129F and it was approved. The POE turned him away for something that was already approved. So basically, one said its allowed, one said it isn't. Shouldn't our immigration laws remain consistent?

Similar things have happened to VJers, and it is sad and unfortunate when they happen. You might or might not be familiar with a UKer named Liam who was told at his interview that his criminal convictions in the fairly distant past did not require waivers, but then was denied entry at the PFI because the POE officers felt that he did. GH and her sweetie are fortunate that with a good lawyer and the right paperwork, they might be able to get this straightened out fairly quickly; Liam and his fiancee had to wait a few more months. Point being, the officers at the POE ALWAYS have the final say. Maybe that's a good thing and maybe it's not, but it is the way it is and it certainly is highly unlikely to change. We may as well live with that.

To GH, again, I do apologize for not making it clear that I DO NOT believe you and your sweetie did anything morally or legally wrong. You did what you believed to be right in your particular set of circumstances and I don't wish to judge you for that, nor would I ever. I am unfamiliar with much of Muslim custom and I am sure you are not. I simply don't wish to see the good names of others dragged through the mud due to the truly unfortunate circumstance in which you and your sweetie find yourselves.

But again, I am certain that neither you nor your sweetie meant anything wrong or misleading in what you did. And I do apologize, again, for not making that clear.

Believe me when I say that I don't like to see anyone suffer and I hope you and your sweetie can be reunited happily soon.

Edited by pax, 02 June 2006 - 09:13 PM.

paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 21:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!
Aisha, to suggest that what I and others have posted is unhelpful is missing the entire point. What happened to your fiance is very sad. And I did post that I hope the situation can be resolved quickly. I have tried to spend my time on VJ offering people support and kindness, but to stand by as other people post incorrect and misleading information is no help to anyone.

I can't and won't recant what I said. Again, to do so would lead people to believe that what your fiance said was not a problem, and it was the fault of some small-minded POE officers. From what you've told us, it was not. I doubt he would have been treated much differently at any POE, or moreover at a POE for any other country.

I didn't mean to insinuate that you did anything illegal, and I apologize if my post sounded that way. To say that it was his responsibility to comply with American law means that it would have been more helpful to him to have fully understood the terms of the visa, and to realize that if he said he was coming here to join his WIFE, he would run the risk of being denied entry. It's not the first time this has happened on VJ.

Had my English-speaking, white, Christian fiance said the same thing at his POE, he certainly would have been turned back. And with good reason, too.

Still, none of that means that I don't want to see a happy resolution for you. Of course I do--and as quickly as possible at that. But let it be a lesson to anyone else in a similar situation.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 13:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!

A government employee needs to understand they are dealing with people who don't have a full grasp of immigration issues ...

Wha? If he is coming to this country, it seems to me that it is indeed HIS responsibility to be in FULL compliance with American law and policy.

A few moments taken to clarify would be so helpful to all incoming immigrants. If he isnsited he was married, then i would agree it was his error. But it sounds like the POE officer just didn't care to take the time. This is what I find upsetting.

Again, how much time are they supposed to take? From what we know, Goldenheart's fiance said he was here to join his WIFE. Not "girlfriend," not "fiancee," not "wife-to-be." Are they supposed to say, "Well, are you sure she's your wife?"
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 12:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!
I would suggest you read Zyggy's post again.

It is not, in fact, the job of POE officers to be experts in international relations and world religions. They are to protect the borders of this country and ensure that everyone they admit into the country is respecting the laws that govern their type of admission. If Goldenheart's fiance mentioned a wife, what else were they supposed to think?

None of this means that this isn't a heartbreaking situation for Goldenheart, and I personally hope they can sort things out quickly and happily. But the POE officers did their job. A K-1 visa is for an unmarried person. Goldenheart's fiance presented himself as married.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 10:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaudi Women Rise in Defense of the Veil
When you say that you "reverted" to Islam, do you mean that you were raised Muslim or had been Muslim at some point, left the faith, and then returned? Or do you mean that you converted?
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-07 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Wow, okay, that's kind of harsh.

Meauxna is a longtime post-er here who has been very helpful to many, many people. I believe that she and her British husband are just beginning the naturalization process, meaning that she has gone much farther than most people on VisaJourney.

It is generally considered poor "netiquette" to post the same thing in a number of forums. I understand what Kiya was trying to do and I sympathize with her situation. But VJ does occasionally suffer from poor organizational useability, and cross-posting doesn't help the matter.

I say this as someone who *does* agree that the subject deserves a pinned thread, but I think Meauxna made a valid point and I don't think it's cool for people who *don't* know about her or why she's here to attack her for what she said.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 13:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I think that was for a separate forum, rather than just a pinned thread.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 13:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Probably all that Meauxna was saying was that she wondered if you had PMd Captain Ewok asking him to pin it. We've asked to have certain threads pinned in the past and it's not been a problem.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 13:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
A pin in the Waivers forum would probably be very helpful. :thumbs:

I'm also interested to know who Maura Harty is.
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 11:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce
I'm sorry to hear this, Digi. I can't imagine how hard it's going to be for you and your wife, but you both sound like classy, sensible individuals, and I hope for the best for you both.

paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
The interview:

We arrived at the Tirana Consulate at about 8:30 am on the day of our interview (March 12th), roughly half an hour early for the 9 am appointment. The entrance to the consulate is quite strange, and is located in an alleyway. You will most likely have to ask one of the guards where to go for your interview, because it is a very obscure location. They had everyone (about 10 people or so) wait outside until 9 am, when they started calling people's names. They called the names one by one and the people proceeded through security (no cell phones, belts, cameras, etc). They would not let any US Citizens in at that time, they are only permitted between 2-4 pm Monday-Thursday. Adriano went inside while I waited (quite nervously!!), with his brother outside. There is a little caffe right outside the entrance to the consulate, where you can sit and wait for those who are interviewing inside.

Meanwhile, this is what Adriano told me was happening inside....

I don't have exact details, obviously, because I wasn't inside with him, but I will try to remember everything that he told me. He told me he went through security and then had to wait inside. They called him up and the officer laughed because she saw huge stack of papers that he had with him, and she saw all of the phone cards (probably about 200) that I had piled up in there as well. She knew immediately what they were and she laughed with him about them. I think this is when they had him do an eye scan, took his fingerprints and made him sign the paper that states everything he is saying is truthful. He also had to pay the $131 visa fee. They then told him to come back at 1 pm with a 5x5 cm passport photo. He came out of the consulate at about 9:45 am.

So we went to get the passport photo and did some other things as well. We returned at about 12:30 pm, and were the first ones there. Again, it was the same deal as that morning, we waited outside until 1 pm and they started to call the names again. Adriano went inside and this is when he had his actual visa interview. He said that the consular officer was a very nice American woman who spoke some Albanian. There was also an Albanian woman there with her in case the American needed some help with translation. She spoke to him in Albanian. I don't know the order of the questions, but this is a general idea of what the interview was like:
CO: Where did you meet Susie?
Adriano: Florence, Italy.
CO: Where, in the street?
A: No, in a bar.
CO: Was it a bar, a pub, a caffe, etc?
A: It was a pub.
CO: Do you remember the name of the pub?
A: Nova Bar.
CO: When did you meet?
A: 2006
CO: Does Susie speak Albanian?
A: Only a little.
CO: Do you speak English?
A: I only speak a little too.
CO: Well, then how do you communicate?
A: We speak to eachother in Italian.
CO: (now speaking in broken Italian) OK, then you don't mind if we speak in Italian, do you?
A: No, not at all.
CO: Did Susie study Italian in the United States?
A: Yes.
CO: And did she study in Italy as well?
A: Yes.
CO: What does she study?
A: Psychology.
CO: How many times has she come to visit you?
A: Three times in Italy, and she is here in Albania now.
CO: She's in Albania now?
A: Yes, she is waiting for me outside. I have her passport and plane tickets here if you want to see them.
CO: No, that's OK.
CO: Did you ever travel with Susie?
A: Yes, we took a trip to Naples.
CO: What did you visit when you were in Naples?
A: We went everywhere, to the city center, Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii.
CO: Do you have pictures from Naples?
A: Yes. (hands her a small photo album) The first picture is the best pizza in Naples.
CO: Wow! What a pizza! (calls over two other consular officers to look at the ridiculous pizza, it really is quite a pizza! lol) What do you call this pizza?
A: It's called 'Pizza Otto (8) Gusti', each piece has something different on top.
CO: OK. Where does Susie live?
A: Brooklyn, New York.
CO: Does she live alone or with family?
A: She lives with her mother and her brother.
CO: What plans do you have for your wedding? Do you want to have a party?
A: We want to get married right away and then plan a party, with family, for a few months later.
CO: Well, Adriano all of your documents seem to be in order, but you are missing certificates from the District Court and Attorney.

She then issued him a 221(g) for missing certificates from District Court and Attorney. The sheet of paper said to come back Monday-Thursday at 1 pm, once we obtain the documents, get the notarized and translated into English.

We went right away to the Gjkaten, which was just about to close at 3:30. We were able to get that certificate right away and we got the other one (from the Prokuriria) the next morning (they open at 8 am). We got them both translated and notarized, and then returned to the Consulate at 1 pm that day (the day after the original interview). This time we waited for all the names to be called, and then anyone who was back for the second time was allowed to go in. He went inside and came out less than 30 minutes later. He told me that he had spoken to the same woman that had given him his interview the day before. She took the documents and told him to come back the next day (Friday) at 11:30 am to pick up his passport, and she also told him 'buona fortuna!' (good luck). smile.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-03-17 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
thanks for all of the congratulations!!!

good luck to everyone who still has their interview coming!!!!!

im going to write my embassy review now, ill post it here when im done smile.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-03-17 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
we got approved!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif i got back from albania last nite, what a wonderful trip it was...i met the whole family and got to see his country for the first time!!! oh, and the best part of course, adriano got his visa on friday!!!! he will be here on the 25th, i cannot wait!!! i will post more later, about the process and the questions and what not
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-03-17 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
QUOTE (mox @ Mar 7 2008, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Mar 7 2008, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Quiet day. Maybe everyone is making their move to Jeraly's other thread. nice.

Quiet day over there too. smile.gif

this has nothing to do with your comment, but your signature is hillarious!!!!!!!!!

haha im off to albania tomorrow, probably wont be on here til i get back (st patty's day)...wish us luck!! im nervous and excited as hell!!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-03-07 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Mar 6 2008, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babybluesusie @ Mar 6 2008, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
these are the longest days of my life!!! i havent seen adriano in 9 months and i will see him this sunday, i absolutely cannot wait!!! we will also be moving in a few months (end of august)...ill be going back to school (notre dame woot woot), so we will be moving to indiana...a farrr cry from brooklyn, but im also excited to decorate our new apartment together biggrin.gif im hoping he will get here around april first, provided everything goes well with the interview of course!!

Ohh that is soooo cool! I know you have been so long without seeing each other - you must be sooo excited biggrin.gif

yayyyy sooo excited!!!
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-03-06 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
QUOTE (Arrta @ Mar 5 2008, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babybluesusie @ Mar 5 2008, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yayyyyyyyyy congratulations!!!!!!!!!

when will she be coming here??? any ideas?

im getting so nervous / anxious for our interview!!!!


I had sent her to the embassy with March 29th as the date of trave in case they asked. Which was originally the plan. But now I'm moving into a new apartment on April 1st so I want to get some things moved in before she gets here. The living room and bedroom will need to be furnished once she gets here and she can help pick out the items, and the matress, something she has never done before. New plan is mid April depending on when she gets the Visa and the CFO Seminar (Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar at the Commission on Filipinos Overseas) she has to take.

It is a requirement of the Philippine gov't that she participate in this seminar before being authorized to leave the contry for immigration. One of the things that worries me is that one of the key points of this seminar involves spousal abuse in the US. I hope she doesn't get the wrong idea from this seminar. I know I'll never do it, but I hate the fact that apparently the issue is big enough in the States that a foreign country has to tell you about it before you immigrate.


how exciting that you get to furnish the new apartment together!! smile.gif

im sure she will understand about the spousal abuse thing...just a precautionary measure kinda thing, ya know?

good luck to you guys!!

these are the longest days of my life!!! i havent seen adriano in 9 months and i will see him this sunday, i absolutely cannot wait!!! we will also be moving in a few months (end of august)...ill be going back to school (notre dame woot woot), so we will be moving to indiana...a farrr cry from brooklyn, but im also excited to decorate our new apartment together biggrin.gif im hoping he will get here around april first, provided everything goes well with the interview of course!!
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-03-06 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS! (2)
QUOTE (Arrta @ Mar 5 2008, 06:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Mar 4 2008, 10:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow! we must really be a large group. July filers rule!! laughing.gif

Actually, we are small we just talk more than the rest of the groups......
I'm more of the silent type in this thread. On that note...


Charry got me real worried, I had not heard from her all night and she was supposed to call. So I called her.
She answers and says to call back in 10 mins, she was getting off a ship and it was realy noisy.
Course with the quality of the phone system in Phil it took me longer to get back to her, the call would not go through.

Finally, once I got her on the phone again, I got the good news.
She says the process was easy, I had prepared all her documents for her and mailed them to her so I knew there would not be a problem with paperwork.
I was more worried about the CO, the questions, and if our evidence was enough.
But she says he only asked 3 questions and then approved her.
When did we meet? How old was I? And how old was she?

Now we just need her to get the passport back so she can goto her CFO Seminar in Cebu.

The major hurdle has been leaped. it is smooth sailing from here.


yayyyyyyyyy congratulations!!!!!!!!!

when will she be coming here??? any ideas?

im getting so nervous / anxious for our interview!!!!
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-03-05 11:42:00
Middle East and North Africavanilla bean posts...
yea i'm curious myself... did vanillabean get herself banned?
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-05-02 18:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!! DS-230 question
Thanks for all the input
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-02-07 22:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!! DS-230 question
Hey all,

My hubby is filling out the DS-230 and we aren't sure how to respond to Q23 - list of educational institutions. Are they asking for ALL schools he attended or only college-level and above since they are asking about degrees? On the other hand they mention diplomas so we are confused. If it is college-level and above then do we leave it blank on my stepson's form?

Quick responses would really be appreciated.

Thanks all!!!
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-02-05 20:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long do we wait now?
Thanks Amanda and Aussie... I just discovered the forum here discussing the Embassy and posted my question over as well. They seem to have a lot of answers more specifically geared to each Embassy's workings...
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-02-15 13:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long do we wait now?
i wouldn't be so quick to say you gave me wrong info aussie... but i think i may e-mail the embassy to see if i can get a better answer.. i called NVC again and was told that the London embassy does their own scheduling ... again anyone out there filing or filed their CR1 through London if you can give me any info i would really appreciate it...
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-02-15 11:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long do we wait now?


The NVC sets the interviews for the CR-1 not the embassy as with the other visas. It then depends obviously on the embassy scheduling as to when an interview is available. London is not too bad but I really dont know timeframes regarding that embassy. Have a look at the link below. It will give you at least an idea.

UK CR-1 Timelines

Now I'm confused.. during one of my calls to the NVC I asked about who schedules the interviews because I had seen somewhere in this forum that yes, the NVC did that. But the two people I spoke to (I called twice about different questions) both said the the Embassy in London does the scheduling after they receive the file. Should I be calling the NVC again to find out?

And thanks for the link Aussie.. I have seen those before but to be honest they don't help me much because they only talk about timeframes between NOA(s) to the interview and not, say, payment of IV bill, returning of Affidavit of Support, things like that.

I do appreciate all the help though and think you are so on top of everything Aussie... have you become Queen of this forum? :)
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-02-15 09:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long do we wait now?

they got to do their stupid checks so just be cool and patient

who has to do checks? i dont know what you mean
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-02-14 15:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long do we wait now?
Hi all... So for some reason (I'm guessing its because its Valentine's Day) I had this urge to call the NVC to check on the status of our case. Imagine my unbelievable surprise to hear that lovely lady (I like her today LOL) tell me that both my husband's case and my stepson's case have been completed.

Am I correct in assuming that their files are now on the way to the embassy? If yes can anyone who has been through this in London help me with some timelines? I do realize they will be "guestimates" based on your own experiences....

1. How long from the time NVC completes their case until the Embassy in London receives it?

2. How long until my husband receives a letter from the Embassy with further instructions?

3. Does that letter include interview and medical appointment dates?

Basically, as I am sure you all know, I just want to know exactly where we stand right now? I would love to have a better idea of how much longer until my family is finally whole again.

Happy Valentine's Day to all.. with much much love going out to all of you who, like us, are separated from our loved ones on this day. May next year find us in the arms of the ones we love!!

Edited by crashandcari, 14 February 2006 - 03:41 PM.

crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-02-14 15:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEuro's anniversary

OH WOW thank you very very much................ :blush: :luv:
You people are just the coolest, :thumbs: :yes:

OMG I just realized it was your anniversary... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY guys!! May you spend the rest of your lives in each others arms....

Love, Crash and Cari (L)
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-03-20 22:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSSN: Will it come in mail with GC
This is going to sound strange but is this true of Brooklyn (and Las Vegas)? For those of you living in these two cities you will know what I'm talking about but for the rest of you: Brooklyn, New York and Las Vegas, Nevada are the ONLY two cities in the USA where you must go IN PERSON to apply for a new SSN and/or apply for a new card. Trust me I went thru this to get my new card after the wedding.. So my question is because we are in Brooklyn will Crash and Crash Jr still get their SSN in the mail OR will we have to go down to the Processing Center (ugh)??

crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-04-03 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical on Monday
:bonk: duh on the passports... i know they need those lol.. since they've moved a few times over the past ten years immunization records are proving hard for Crash to get.. he said (poor baby) that they will just have to get whatever shots they have to get.. lol

thanks dixie_peach and everyone else for the good thoughts...

crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-04-04 12:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical on Monday
Hey guys... So Crash and Jr. have their medicals on Monday.... Anything they need to bring with them besides the form sent in Package 4, their passport photos and money? I feel like I'm missing something...

Thanks... Cari
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-04-04 10:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
oh lorelle.. i am soooooo happy for you... havent been around for a few days and how exciting it was to see your news right away... :dance:
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-04-28 15:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresany words of wisdom for us?

Thanks guys, we'll be thinking of you on Tuesday! Good luck!

thanks :D
crashandcariNot TellingEngland2006-04-30 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsA P P R O V E D N O A 2

For the last two weeks, as the VSC was getting closer to our NOA1 date, I have been jumping every time my phone buzzed hoping that it was a message from them. The result was that I was literally disappointed 100 times a day. I was driving myself crazy and making myself even more depressed. So the last few days I've stopped jumping when my phone buzzed and instead checking it every few hours. So less than 30 minutes ago. I'm sitting at my desk working and my phone buzzes that I have a new email, then 6 seconds later it goes, "DROID" which means I have a new text message. It took 10 seconds to register and then I JUMPED for my phone. YEP! I got the email and text message within seconds of each other!!!!!

I am still dumbstruck. I haven't told Karen yet. I am going to keep this a secret for now and tell her on Skype tonight when we talk so I can see her face! I will have to come up with a creative way to tell her. I'll give you details tomorrow!

Let the creative juices
Obc333FemaleJamaica2012-01-06 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINALLY!!!
Congrats :thumbs:
Obc333FemaleJamaica2012-02-22 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPRVEDDDD VISAA APPROVEDD!!! :D
Congrats :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Obc333FemaleJamaica2012-04-05 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2

I got an email this morning that we've been approved :dance: . It was approved yesterday (10th April)
I'm so relieved that we didn't get an RFE , we had submitted our forms before we found this site.

Good Luck for those that are still waiting , I'm sure yours will be coming soon.

CONGRATS :dance: :dance: :dance:
Obc333FemaleJamaica2012-04-11 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approved!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))

I am so Happy right now I can't stop smiling. Everything feels different now. The hard work has paid off. For those going through this process try to keep the end in your sights because it will come. Never give up :) Details of the interview will be posted as soon as I can. Thank you everyone at Visa Journey :)

Obc333FemaleJamaica2012-04-09 20:31:00