Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (mkg265 @ Sep 14 2008, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Back to the topic at hand, (complaining about our back-water husbands)
My husbands mother worked outside the home when he was a child (I know, gasp! but they were so poor she had to work on the communist dairy farm outside of Shkoder). He was basically raised by his sister and when he lived in Italy, he lived with her and her family. I will thank that woman every day of my life. She "broke" him. Yes, she did his laundry, made his lunch and bought much of his clothing for him BUT she made him do his dishes, had him babysit her kids, taught him to iron, gave him grocery shopping responsibilities, and made him clean around the house. He and his sister's husband took turns doing the dishes. Then he went and lived alone where he had to cook for himself, fully food shop, clean, make his 2500 calorie plus lunches, pay rent etc.
When we first started dating (in Italy) he would come over to my apartment for dinner every night. I would faithfully do the dishes (even though I did all the cooking and purchasing). There was a faithful sunday when I told him to do our lunch dishes (like two forks, two plates and a pan) and he said no. I don't think he fully understood that I was a spoiled American Daddy's girl and no man ever said no to me. Long story short (without the cursing and plate throwing bit), I kicked him out and he came back an hour later and did the dishes. I have never had a problem since. We created a system when I moved in with him- the person that does not cook the meal, has to clean up. I cook a little more than him but if I wanted fried meat, yogurt, cucumbers, and potatoes for every meal I wouldn't need to cook.
When we lived together I got into the habit of making the bed (trust me, not my idea). He did have a point for it too- he worked all day and all I did was shop for dinner, read, work on my thesis, and take coffee.
On the other hand, he is a cloths horse. He has 12 pairs of shoes and for a straight man that is ridiculous. He has more underwear than me (mine say fruit of the loom, his say armani and ck). He thinks Polo is the best brand ever. What a cute weirdo.

I'm trying to submit for your viewing pleasure...
Balkan man doing dishes!
But the photo is too large.

yea, i could relate to every single sentence you just wrote. god bless your husband's sister, she taught him well. although i think they tend to believe that everything will change when they get married and that the wife will just naturally take on all of that responsibility (even if he knows perfectly well how to do all of those things). i tried to implement the system that you are talking about (whoever doesnt cook has to clean), but it hasnt work to my liking because he insists on leaving the dishes until 'later' when it is his turn, which i wont stand for...i want them done and i want them done right away so i dont have to see nastiness in my many times i end up cleaning them when its not my turn...he has gotten better though, i must say...if i can bring myself to leave a sinkful of dishes there long enough, he will eventually do them...i just cant usually bring myself to do husband knows how to cook the same things that you mentioned, and i actually laughed when i read it because its 100% true...he ate what you described or pasta every night while living on his own in italy...for this reason i usually do the cooking as well...he never cleans clothes though, which is something i hate to do...i dont know if i will ever get him to do that...about the bed making, i think that is something important to them...i dont get it, i have never made me bed in my life, but he does it, so whatever. it makes no difference to me. oh yea, LOL to the 2500 calorie lunches!! albanians just dont get fat, lets be serious here.

are you still in italy? what city did or do you live in? we also met in italy (florence), while i was studying there =]
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-09-14 20:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (katelyn84 @ Aug 24 2008, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello! I am not currently engaged to an Albanian but need some help with general information on helping him obtain a visitors Visa to the US. It seems like most of you guys posting on this thread are engaged or married, but maybe you can still help!

I met Bled in London back in 2004 when I was studying with my university and we were together for only a few months before I had to return home to the States, but we fell in love... I moved back home and he moved back to Albania and soon after we broke up because the long distance was too hard on both of us. After 4 years apart we have recently gotten back in touch and are hoping to see each other again soon. I will be planning to go to Tirana for a month next summer (unfortunetly with my job I cannot go any sooner) but he was going to try to get a visitors visa to come visit me in December. He seems pretty pessimistic about obtaining one as he says that he knows of no one who's ever gotten approved. However, he does own his own business over there and is building a house for him and his brother, so he thinks that he may be a good canidate for a visitors visa because he has strong financial obligations in Albania. Anyways, enough rambling... does anyone have any advice for us or past history of trying to just obtain a visitors visa if you are Albanian? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

I'm sorry but I really don't know anything about obtaining a visitor's visa. I do know that the chances of receiving one are very slim for Albanians. It is always worth a shot though. =]

Good luck!
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-08-29 16:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (Shpat @ Aug 3 2008, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Babybluesusie, edit the topic you misspelled "KOSOVA", you should know this since your Albanian.

Well I am actually not Albanian, but my husband is.

The most common way to spell it in English is with an 'o' at the end. I know that in Albanian it's written 'Kosova', but since I was writing in English, I chose to write it with the 'o'. It changes depending on which language you are speaking. Anyhow, I don't know how to edit the topic title...if anyone knows how, and would like to let me know, I would be happy to appease.
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-08-07 22:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (albkos @ Jul 8 2008, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations on your new house. That is my fear that fiance will not find a job for awhile. You must have alot of patience!!!!!

Yeah tickets are really expensive this year more than usual from what I hear. It is tough going back with all the presents and visiting family and all the people and all the same questions over and over again. I wish I was going though. I miss my fiance so much. I can only get away for 2 weeks at a time and wish I could go for at least a month and visit Albania and go to Durres and check that out.

I read and article online that Club Med plans on opening a resort on the coast. That sounds like it would be nice.

Durres is nice, although I only stayed there for a week.

My advice to any of the couples here is, that if possible, buy property on the coast of Albania as soon as possible. If you look at the surrounding areas, it is fairly obvious what will happen in the next few years. Tourism in Croatia has exploded in the past 10 years, and I think Albania will be the next hot spot. Once we can actually save enough money to do so, we hope to buy a condo there on the beach.
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-07-09 15:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (fation @ Jul 1 2008, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey All --
Have not been on awhile. My fiance will be here in 3 weeks. I am not sure how to bring up this topic but did anyone talk about with SO on how to handle the family and sending money back home to help out the family.

I was wondering how everyone handled this or if it is even a problem. We have talked about it in a round about way but I don't if I am being unreasonable in my thinking. I understand it is a poorer country with little oppoutunities and stuff.. But what is reasonable and unreasonable? Maybe I am a spoiled American girl that is used to bein independant and not having to need help from others but I do have a job and blah blah.

Just wondering how everyone handles or how each couple decided on what to do without sounding like a selfish person.

The only money that my husband sends back to Albania is money that he owes his father. He sent a small amount once to help his cousin, but they are like brothers and it wasn't really a big deal.

As far as sending money to his family on a regular basis, that is pretty much out of the question, because we don't really have the money to spare. His family is also doing well enough, so they really aren't in any urgent need of money or anything. They own a home, and have recently added a second floor to it, which is much more than we can say for ourselves. If the situation was urgent, then I would have no problem helping, it's just not that way though.
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-07-09 15:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (Jenni @ Jun 12 2008, 03:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guys can go play pool or soccer, but girls are not allowed to do these things. Or its not so much not allowed, but its just the unwritten rule, you know? Even though its been hard I think its good in the long run that I've been here to understand and get a taste of Tili's culture.

I know what you mean. When I was in Tirana, we went out to eat around lunchtime, and I asked Gaz where the bathroom was in the restaurant. He said that it's over there, but there are only men here. I was really confused and didn't understand what this had to do with me going to the bathroom. I looked around the restaurant and saw that I was literally the only woman in a restuarant filled with people. I thought that was really strange, and I don't think I have seen anything quite like that in the USA. I also remember going to a pool hall where the same was true. FYI - I marched my happy american @ss into both of those places and used the bathroom. Why shouldn't I be able to??? I just don't get it.
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-06-12 16:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (albkos @ May 30 2008, 11:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did your fiance's speak english before coming here or are they learning now? How is learning english going? Have anyone tried the cd's or ESL classes? What do you recommend? I sometimes slip up and say things in english to my fiance and he will repeat it back to me....I start laughing because of the accent....and him saying a few words in english.....

Has it been difficult learning english for them?

it has been pretty difficult for gazi, because he is not the type to sit down and study with a book or something...he went to one free english class here that is provided by our public library...he liked it, but he got a job shortly after that and had to stop going because the schedules were conflicting...his ead stamp will expire soon, and we are moving to a new city, so he will be unemployed for a while (until he gets his ead card), so he will be going to a free english class in our new city...the class is four days a week, 3 hours a day

my sister also purchased him a cd-rom course which is called berlitz...he just got it a few days ago and hasnt tried it out yet...there are lots of albanians and italians here in nyc, so he has been able to communicate with them, but unfortunately, in my opinion, he hasnt really learned all that much english, considering he has been here for over two months...i guess i think that because i tend to pick up languages fairly quickly, and really really enjoy learning them....hes just different in that way

hopefully living in indiana will help because he will have more motivation to learn due to the lack of albanians in that area...we shall see

and oh yea, the accent is very cute luv.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-30 10:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
yea, i think this comes up at least once a day...last night i was falling asleep as we were finishing eating our dinner (i was exhausted from work, planning a wedding and planning a move), and so he actually took our plates into the kitchen and cleared the table ohmy.gif ...i know that he didnt wash any of the plates though, that would be just too much to ask...ill let you know if they are still in the sink when i get home tonight wink.gif

Edited by BabyBlueSusie, 16 May 2008 - 01:02 PM.

BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-16 13:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (Creel @ May 12 2008, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Traditionally it is Thursday through Sunday, but we had to have our Wed - Sat since I had to go home. The first three evenings the groom's family go to his house and party and the bride's family goes to her place (I stayed with his family since I had no one in Albania).

On the last day you wear traditional wedding attire (White dress/Black Suit) and the Groom's family gets together in the morning and parties a little and then they go to the Bride's and pick her up and they all go somewhere together (ie park, hall, etc. I had to hide in the bedroom a few hours since I was suppose to be at my families so I can't tell you what they did)

Then you have a big reception with food and dancing. When the party is over you are married. No actual ceremony takes place. In reality you can just go register as married with the Government without any service at all. We just didn't register, so it wasn't legal.

sounds like a party!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

we should do one of those when we go to albania biggrin.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-12 13:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (Creel @ May 9 2008, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In-laws are no problem. They worship their son and by extension me. Although daughter-n-laws are suppose to take over all the chores since I visit for only a week at a time they wait on me like a queen. I did bring gifts the first time I met them.

We had a big traditional Albanian wedding ceremony before he got his visa. We just didn't register it with the governement so it wasn't legal and didn't mention it when he was interviewed. I don't even know if anyone but his parents knew it wasn't legal. Once we had the interview date scheduled I reserved a church for two different dates (My cousin was the minister so they allowed it). We didn't hire a photograper or DJ so the multiple dates wasn't a problem planning and once he got here we chose the closest date. I think we actually spent more on the 4 day Albanian wedding then our 4 hour American wedding.

wow, 4 day wedding!! thats awesome...what did you guys do??? what is a traditional albanian wedding like? how does it differ from an american one?
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-09 13:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (albkos @ May 7 2008, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah well hopefully they will change with do you guys deal with the inlaws and stuff? I know they are far away but have there been issues or expectations

Susie - I see on your profile you set a wedding date! Congratulations!!!

That is another thing how did you guys decide on wedding plans? either to have one here or there or both?

thanks wink.gif we are both pretty bad at planning, because we are very 'go with the flow' types...but yea, we are thinking about that date, nothing is written in stone though biggrin.gif

we will go out to a mediterranean restaurant here in brooklyn, with some family and friends (very small) and whenever we get to visit albania next (december or spring depending on ap status), we will have a bit of a celebration there as well tongue.gif

my in-laws are wonderful...i love each and every one of them, they are the sweetest, and i have never had any issues with them...they have been very accepting and open from day one...i know that i am very lucky luv.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-07 15:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
i would just like to add how ridiculously women are portrayed in the media over there............the music videos?!?! a typical example :

BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-04 19:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (Creel @ May 4 2008, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lived for over 2 months with my husband in Italy and he worked full time and I was in school so I had time to do more things and even then we had disagreements on who should do what. One day when he came home I had said I was bored and he asked why I didn't iron his clothes if I was bored. I told him I didn't like to iron. His response.... How can you not like to iron, you are a women!!!!!!

Once in America he did nothing around the house even though before he came he agreed to be the "wife" until he got a job. Once we got married it was an immediate change. I was told I could no longer talk to any male friends, even those that had been invited to the wedding!!! He doesn't do anything and gives me the cold shoulder or the no talking treatment if I don't do it.

Maybe you will be lucky and see no changes in him, but I can tell you that in my experience a wife is suppose to act different then a girlfriend or fiancee.

I would come home at lunch from my job and if I didn't fix his lunch he would be angry. We have evolved now to where he does his own lunch and I do dinner. He will put dishes in the dishwasher and start it and he mows the lawn.

oh yes, women enjoy ironing clothes, its what they do fun laughing.gif

yea, i had the same experience where he agreed to do the house work when he first arrived here because he wouldnt be able to work...of course that didnt happen, maybe he cooked dinner twice and made the bed in the morning, that was the extent of it lol i have guy friends and he seems okay with them as long as he knows them and what not...hes jealous, but he just needs to deal with it...i have certain friends that i will not lose, because they are like brothers to me...i hope he doesnt change about this once we are married...lord only knows............

glad to see youve at least had some improvement though tongue.gif we gotta live with what we got, right? wink.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-04 19:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (Creel @ May 1 2008, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dito to everything, but it is really poverty driven. My husband now has a lot of clothes and complains he needs more. He has gotten over spending a lot of money on everything and bargin shops for everything. We have 3 cars all choosen by him (We haven't been able to sell the SUV he insisted we buy when he got here a little over a year ago).

i guess this will come with time lol

QUOTE (Creel @ May 1 2008, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mine is hot headed and yet can turn around and be the sweetest man you ever met. Childhood family and friends mean everything and he laughs when I call someone I've met a few months a friend. A girlfriend and I coined a new phrase of tier one, two, and three friends since for him a friend is only someone you've known your whole life.

hot headed is definitely a good description laughing.gif but in all seriousness, he really is the sweetest boy i have ever met...i feel like the role his mother played in his life has really shaped how he treats me...he tells me how she taught him to treat a woman and not be superficial, etc etc he is also really affectionate, much more so than the american men i have encountered in the past

QUOTE (Creel @ May 1 2008, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He praises Albania constantly and we have bought several t-shirts for him to proudly wear around the States praising his country. We drove around with the Albanian flag proudly displayed on our convertable the day Kosovo declared its independents. But asked if he wants to live there he quietly says no.

They are hard to put up with sometimes, but easy to love.

yes.gif to both of these
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-02 14:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (albkos @ May 1 2008, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUestion - What is this expectation of waiting on hand and foot? How are they communicating this? I don't get it? Am I being naive? I can't see my fiance expecting this. He says he has never asked his mother to wait on him or get him anything. He feels bad bothering her. I know how old school guys are but when both people work it is different than in Albania / Kosova. Most of the females do not work outside of the home, so the roles are different. But it is not an Albanian thing, I have friends married to American men who expect the same!!!!

i felt the same way before he came here...when i would visit him in italy he would always cook wonderful meals (usually the two of us together, but he knows how to cook well on his own too), he always ironed his clothes, made the bed in the morning (who does this??? lol)...i thought that it would be so easy when he came here, that we would share all of the household duties, etc...wrong-o...he will cook for himself when he is alone, but if i am home, it is expected that i am to cook dinner...even if we both have worked all day, it is not really a question, it is just expected, like it is my job or something....he will never clean the dishes either, unless, he is cooking just for himself (when im not home)...if we are there together, it is expected that i will do it...this has resulted in much arguing, and he always says 'oh just leave them and i will do them tomorrow'....i will not accept this, because i hate leaving a sink full of dishes, so i end up doing them ALL THE TIME....grrr he has the utmost respect for his mother and also doesnt ask her for anything from her, but the fact is that she does everything anyway, so he doesnt have to ask! i couldnt help but feel a little sad for her when we were eating dinner at her house and she was not even able to sit down and eat for more than 5 minutes because she is waiting on everyone hand and foot...she is a perfect albanian mommy, and that is what most albanian guys expect from their wives creel said, we can work and all that, but the household is still the woman's domain in their eyes...generalizing of course, but that is my experience
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-02 14:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (awaterlily @ May 1 2008, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A lot of Turks have one or more of these ethnic backgrounds...should include Turkey on this thread.
My Turkish born MIL is Bosnian/Macedonian.

QUOTE (BabyBlueSusie @ May 1 2008, 01:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The various quirks of loving a man/woman from the Balkans.

Talk amongst yourselves.


consider it added!!! join in the fun!!! tongue.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-02 14:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (jannaxhitti @ May 1 2008, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HAHA... I must laugh about the 3 shirts and 2 jeans thing...

When Mexhit "moved" here, he had ONE bag... and it included 2 pairs of pants and just a few shirts. And his only pair of shoes were the ones he was wearing. I am very low-maintenance, but he made me feel like I had a lot of stuff!

It still makes me sad to think that he was still here just a short time ago...

Thanks for starting the thread, Suz... I'll try to add what I can.

I'm low maintenance as well, but next to him I just feel like a materialistic American!! If you really think about it though, my 10 pairs of jeans cost 20 bucks each, and his 1 pair cost 200, so we're pretty much even laughing.gif
BabyBlueSusieFemaleAlbania2008-05-01 16:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'

Guys I really need your help with this.......

I submitted the I-131 along with the AOS & EAD. I accidently checked off the wrong box
[x] I am a permanent or conditional resident of the United States and I am applying for a reentry permit.
I was sopposed to check
[x] I am applying for an advance parole document to allow me to return to the united states after temporary foriegn travel

Now i need help. Can I just resent it to the lockbox with copies of the NOA1s for the AOS & EAD that i recieved?
The letter that came back states that it was a "Rejection Notice"....
I still dont understand how i made such stupid mistake my husband is going to kill me when he gets home.
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-03-20 18:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
ohhhh i miss you guys soooooo much. with these two kids (jayden & richie) and trying to move to another state it has been hard. hope all is well
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-03-13 08:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
hey guys i am still alive.... just saying hi!
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-02-25 17:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin'
hey guys just saying hi....... miss u all so much. here feeding jay and typing at the same time.
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-02-08 20:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hey guys i know its been a million years since i have been on.

Hey Popcorn :star: It's good to see you.

Who's anniversary is next????

DECEMBER 11 will be 2 years for me and Tony (L) :dance:

DEC. 11 will make 1 year for me and richie
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-09-28 14:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hey guys i know its been a million years since i have been on. I can only hope that all is well with everyone. We are here still waiting on Richie to hear something from immigration since we went for his interview in aug. I guess the name check is still pending. Just popped in to say hi...................
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-09-27 09:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hey guys just popped in for a really quick second. Jay is 10 months now and tearing everything down and i am so happy that he is because these past few weeks have certainly been a trial. me, richie and jay spent the weekend from peditrician to one hospital to the next. please pray for my family because i am truly being tested right now.
lovew you guys and miss you all so much!
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-08-23 11:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I can honestly say that it does not pay to stay away from this place..... I have so much reading and catching up to do i feel like i was out from school. i can only pray that everyone is okay.
i wanted to come on and post our AOS interview.
we got to the Garden City location at around 12:35pm and was called at around 1:25 (our appointment was for 1) we met wit the great guy who joked about how sure he was than jay was richie's but they may have to do a paternity test on me because jay looks exactly like his dad and not a bit like me. he asked me what was richies parents names but i forgot what his mothers name was so richie told him about the fact that he mother died since he was 9. then some other little questions were asked like where i worked and what i did and why richie went to jamaica the other day. the guy said everything was fine but the FBI name check is still pending but that should come through in about 1-4 months if all goes well within the world. All in all things are good so far.

Congrats on the wedding, kimlbs!
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-08-18 11:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
hey guys, here in jamaica getting ready to bury my grandmother.... wow this all feels so surreal. i keep looking around and remembering all these little things we used to do together. do let anytime be missed that you could be spending with the ones you love.... i missed the woman who i grew up with until i started college by one day and its killing me inside.
thnak u all for your kind and enouraging words.

Edited by popcorn1012, 26 July 2006 - 05:22 PM.

popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-07-26 17:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
please keep my family in your prayes as my grandmother passed away last friday night. I was at work with my bags packed ready to come to jamaica to come see her. i grew up with her so this is really hard but just please pray for my family
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-07-23 17:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
WELCOME Mindy (Mango)!
Well since we have two mindys i hope u wont mind me calling you mango. even though i dont eat mangoes much since i gave birth(go figure- and my 9month old is in jamaica now eating mangoes out of season.
if i can be of any help just drop me a line.....

popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-07-20 02:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

The other two threads were soooo popular they actually slowed the board down! Here is part 3, enjoy!

Previous thread location: http://www.visajourn...hp?showtopic=41

We did it again :unsure:
Welcome to our new home

popcorn1012MaleJamaica2006-07-20 02:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Jonesie @ Sep 10 2007, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Empress @ Sep 10 2007, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After all the talks, warnings and pre testing the child I happened to be married to failed the ganja test and of course is banned for three years. The situation from 7 years ago did come up but was irrelavent due to his positive test results. My husband doesn't expect me to sacrifice any more time with his dum a$$ and I've pretty much decided that he's not worth it and I should move on. If I wasn't worth it to him I don't see how he should be worth it to me especially after all this time of being separated.

Not sure yet if I'll file for divorce, but I'm definitely moving on. If three years goes by and I haven't found someone else I want to be married to then I will support him when he returns to the embassy but I can't see myself being in a relationship with someone so immature and selfish. I'll file for divorce then. For now I'm just focusing on me and my goals until I'm ready to start dating again maybe sometime next year.

I figured if I could be another example to deter a stubborn spouse I should do it. Unfortunately for me no matter how many stories I shared with him he could not take heed but rather learn the hard way.

Congratulations on all the new approvals and good luck for all the interviews coming up. I'm pulling for all of you.

Empress my prayers go out to you. Everything happens for a reason and I pray that no matter what decision you are called to make (whether you wait things out with him or you move on) you find the happiness you deserve.

My dear my prayers go out for you....... just pray that God will show you what direction to go!
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2007-09-10 15:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Jonesie @ Sep 10 2007, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 10 2007, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Sep 10 2007, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 10 2007, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
mi woulden vex cuz him knoa sey him blaze an im nuh tell yuh a ting...juss let yuh gwaan fret and pray dat him likkle confessian tuh 7 year ago ting nuh stop oonu progress. BC...Mi knoa yuh vex tuh raass...why him neva chat wan next yaardie fe knoa ah nuh joke ting? CHA!!!!!! mad.gif mad.gif

Qwestian fe hennybady...whaa mek dem nuh deny visa agen afta tree year time cuz dem knoa sey dem did ban fe drug use before? If dem ban sum fe eva using ganja...ow yuh fe knoa yuh eva get tru when de ban did lift? Dem require completian of some AA class are sumting?

Yea..u an u patios bwoy..ehehee..yeah mi hear dem affi test every 3 mths fi 9ths..dem ban u fi 3yrs cause dem seh it tek dat long fi "rehab"

Ah whaa? Ie nuh sell off? kikikiki blush.gif ohmy.gif tongue_ss.gif laughing.gif

Laaawwwdddd LMAO! Yuh sell awf like beef an cheese patty wid bax juice an chips yuh hear? laughing.gif
et me get back to writing this paper before the instructor fail mi rass sad.gif)


can you have the baby on the 10th - thats my birthday!
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2007-09-10 15:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Have not been on the site in ages but just wanted to say hi to everyone and hope that the fast proceesing fairy will pick up your application!
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2007-09-10 15:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Hi, I was just passing through and wanted to say hello. I am one of the founding ppl on this forum and really have not been on for a very long time. Wish you all the very best and speedy processing!
popcorn1012MaleJamaica2008-08-03 08:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies - How did you meet your SO?
Well, I went to jamaica in February to visit my family. My cousin came to the airport with a taxi driver who as our eyes made four, we automatically connected. It was love at first sight. We hung out a lot and spoke about life and our expectations. It turned out that we both wanted the samethings. Before leaving to come back to America I called him up and said, I'm taking you back to America with me. He was speechless. We are still going strong and just waiting for this torteous process to be over with so we can see each other everyday and live like husband and wife. :)
FB14FemaleJamaica2011-06-28 21:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDoes a short term relationship effect k1 visa approval?
Hello Vjers,

From reading different postings, I'm curious to know as to whether or not the time frame of a couple's relationship will effect one's k1 visa. Also, how recent should the petitioner's visit be to their fiances country? I think it's really unfair that our relationships are being judged by consulate officers who could be denying real lovers from being together. It's very frustrating and nerve wrecking to know that there's a possibility that you just might not be able to be with your loved one.
FB14FemaleJamaica2011-07-26 21:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPreparing for Interview what documents should he have?
Ok guys,

we are preparing for his interview on Nov 1st. I need a checklist of what will be needed. I have his d156,156k,and 157 forms. His medical, certificate of non impediment, police record, and what else? I know he will need pics and proof of an ongoing relationship. Should I send copies or orginials of the NOA1&2? Also, I have the Affidavit of support, employment letter, paystubs.. Is my bank statement that I receive monthly good enough? I have recent tax forms. Copy of my Birthcertificate? Please let me know. Thanks :)
FB14FemaleJamaica2011-09-28 15:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South America**REPORTING CIVIL SURGEONS!!! PLEASE READ**
Gordito and MeFemaleDominican Republic2010-02-24 17:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South America**REPORTING CIVIL SURGEONS!!! PLEASE READ**
After Reading form after form, posting after posting about the lack of regulation on Civil Surgeons in the United States I asked myself, how is it the the civil surgeons in other countries are regulated, have to follow a price chart for vaccination and medicals and have to fill out vaccination supplement forms while all the postings I have read that the civil surgeons in the states make their own rules and force people who have paid quite enough to unite with our loved ones pay even more redicoulously inflated prices cause they know we need the services. I started doing research.

If you want to file a complaint, you need to contact the Office of the Inspector General at the Department of Justice. USCIS are not powerless to stop this sort of practice, they can withdraw authorization for any doctor who is a USCIS authorized Civil Surgeon. If enough people start doing this, these civil surgeons will start thinking twice before taking advantage of people who only want to be close to their families.

Office of the Inspector General
US Department of Justice
Investigations Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Room 4706
Washington, DC 20530

Fax: (202)-616-9898
phone: 1-800-869-4499
Gordito and MeFemaleDominican Republic2010-02-24 16:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMy Wife Daughter to Follow on K2
My opinion is that you should have sent the AOS package for your wifes daughter and the I-130 for her daughter inside the same package as one piece. You have to get permission just the same with her for bringing a family member from abroad, so your wife's I-129f is enough to bring her in but the i-130 is what actually gives her consent from USCIS to reside in the United States legally and eventually get her greencard as well. Because you did the AOS package for your wife seperately, you will have to pay full price for your stepchild as well, as you did not submit her AOS together from what I gather in your timeline. If you bring her in as a K2 visa you will have to pay the fees for the visa for the child and then the AOS and the I-130 when she comes into the states seperately as opposed to just the AOS and I-130 now so she can enter as a greencard holder, with all this being said it all depends on what you guys plans are. When I went to my k3/k4 visa interview at the consulate in Dominican Republic, they asked to see the letter of consent to travel out of the country for my step son. Now, just to keep you informed, a letter saying that you and your wife can travel with her daughter may not be enough if she is coming in on a k2 visa or a actual residency. Your wife may have to get sole custody of her daughter from a court as my husband had to do with his son prior to being allowed to travel on K visas or on GC. Customs did not clear my husband to take the child out of the country when he tried to show them a consent of travel until I pulled out that court order and they took a photocopy of it. Fortunately I made my husband get sole custody before booking his and his sons flights to the US. I would recommend you get both to be safe and you take it to the visa interview if you are going that route, lest you run the risk of being denied because you dont have the consent to remove the child from the country with the intent to reside perminently in the US.
Gordito and MeFemaleDominican Republic2011-05-28 21:20:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
James&Christy were approved. See the K-1 forum. :)
paxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-09 14:48:00