Africa: Sub-SaharanNervous...
Hey my dear!

First of all, i am so happy you had the courage to post regarding how you feel! gurl, i have the SAME FEELINGS! i get soo scared, because nana will be here next month and that is sooo soon. i personally have a very demanding life, because i am devoted to teaching, writing, etc. i want to be the best wife possible and make sure that i make time for my marriage because that is NUMBER 1! listen, when nana and i got married, my mom was acting up, because he is african and poor and i am young with my "whole life ahead of me" blah blah blah... so i hear you on that! BUT GUESS WHAT?! we love each other and that is all that matters. some people are just jealous-trust me! nana and i still have NO IDEA what he is going to do when he gets here, but we will figure something out, and so will you and ombeni! i feel like we need to be a support system for each other! it took my family a while to get used to nana...acutally, it took them YEARS!! your family and friends will get used to him. he loves you and you love him. that is all that matters. the nerves are normal. that is all a part of love. if you wasn't nervous, then i would be nervous...hehe.

i know you two will be fine. just keep the patience, faith and strength and know that you are not in this alone. i for one, have all of the same fears you have. but the one thing that matters is love. some people die without experiencing true love. you have it already and it is gonna be good. you are also dealing with issues of interracial dating, which is not easy. just remember why you fell in love with ombeni in the first place. i'm rooting for you guys...

MWAH :thumbs:

"never say you fell in love, say you rose in it". -Toni Morrison
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-08-07 19:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband's Interview Rescheduled for August 22, 2007
just one more day! good luck to you guys... you will be in my prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-08-21 17:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAPPROVED
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-08-10 21:19:00
congrats on your visa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-08-23 23:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Sep 20th....
just relax, pray and believe that everything will be fine. my husband's interview is in 14 days and i am nervous/anxious, and just want them to give him his visa i know how you feel. stay strong and positive!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-08-29 16:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Details at Lagos Consulate on Sept 6, 2007
CONGRATS ON THE INTERVIEW!!!!! Nana's interview is in LESS THAN A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


good luck in life and with your marriage biggrin.gif
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-07 10:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNANA'S INTERVIEW....4 DAYS LEFT...
Hello VJers....How are you all?

I hope well! Well, the time is finally almost upon us, and Nana's interview is on Thursday, September 13th. I am so anxious, nervous, excited and feeling like I just want the day to be here already. For the past month I have been unable to sleep properly, because I keep thinking of Nana's interview. Honestly, I'M A BIT SCARED, and i just want everything to go well. We have more than enough evidence, etc to prove our love over the past 3.5 years....I am just soo impatient at this point. I even began to have nightmares about the strangest things like: what if Nana is suddenly kidnapped? What if they forgot they are going to interview him? Ahhhh....On the same note, I truly believe in the bottom of my heart and soul that things will be fine on Thursday. God and love are both on our side. Please, please please keep us in your prayers this week, and I promise that I will update you all once I have any news.

Peace and Love

"Never say you fell in love, say you rose in it".- Toni Morrison
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-08 23:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHe's here!
yay!! i am soo happy to hear that ombeni is safe and sound good.gif! i was dying to hear how you were doing! i am happy he is beginning to recover. sorry to hear that he had malaria! actually, nana just came down with malaria today's terrible...anyhow, it seems like you guys are coming along nicely. have a great time and a wonderful wedding/marriage

peace and lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-08-23 22:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa Received in Hand
i am sooo happy for you!!! so he is on his way!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS AGAIN!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-13 17:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSleepless in the Midwest????
i know how you feel! trust me, i understand completely. just try to be as calm as possible and keep yourself BUSY! also, i meditated and prayed a lot ( i am not sure of your faith)...that really helped...the day before nana's interview, i heard a song called: "why worry when you can pray" and it made my day...and helped me to calm down....also, work keeps me busy, busy, busy! just take a deep breath, and know that everything is on your side!

peace and love heart.gif
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-14 10:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanQuestion About Packet 3
No he doesn't need a passport to pick up packet 4! however, he will eventually need it when he gets his visa very soon! hehehe. he just needs to have some form of id. i know in ghana they use the national id card....or a driver's license, etc.

hope you guys hear from the consulate soon!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-11 18:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanQuestion About Packet 3
you only have to turn in the ds-230 and the checklist in order to receive the interview date in packet 4. i believe he may have to go in on any wednesday afternoon.

i hope you get a very very near date!!!!

peace and blessings
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-10 22:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAPPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello everyone!

i am writing with good news! as of 30 minutes ago, Nana and I have been APPROVED! i am sooooooooo happy and excited and i feel wonderful. i couldn't sleep the entire night and my heart was beating out of my chest! i had to share with you guys immediately, as everyone on this forum has been so helpful and honest with their own stories. Thanks so much!

so nana got there bright and early, around 6:30am. He waited (not too long according to him). they took his documents, affadavit of support, etc, and told him to wait. afterwards, they eventually called him in for the interview! he said the man who interviewed him asked him a few questions like:

where did you meet your wife?

how is your love life? (nana said that one made him blush!) haha.

after those questions, nana said the interviewer explained to him that there was a lot of fraud involved in many of these cases. nana said he didn't understand at that point why the interviewer was giving him this information. anyway, nana remained calm and the interviewer then said: "however, it is obvious that you and your wife are genuinely in love and that is beautiful! enjoy brooklyn!"

nana was sooooo happy and overjoyed! he was practically in tears when he called me. so he has to pick up his visa next friday the 21st, and he should be here by the next day or the day after! we are looking for tickets now!!! YAY!!!! i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and happy that we have made it past this is an amazing journey...thanks to you all for your endless support and advice!

peace and love
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-13 05:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFiance On Flight to New York
im SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU! i cannot wait to be able to say the same thing in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

have fun and remember that you made it through the hardest part!!!!!!!!!!!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-14 22:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview day!!!!
hey again.

so sorry to hear about admin processing. i didn't realize that happened when i initially read the thread! try to do as much calling as you can and keep the faith! i wish you the best of luck!

i hope everything goes well.

much love
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-20 11:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview day!!!!
everything will be fine....why worry, when you can pray? praying for you and that everything will be okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SMILE AND KEEP BUSY! it helps!!!!

much love
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-20 11:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWe got it!!!!
that is WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! congrats!!! yeah they didn't ask nana much questions at his interview either.....YAY FOR LOVE!!!

Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-18 17:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVISA IN HAND!!!
NANA PICKED UP HIS VISA FEW HOURS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOOO HAPPY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF. to be honest, i was worried because ghana has a history of telling people that the visa is not ready due to "broken machines" etc. well not this time! ahhhh, it feels so good! anyhow, we are trying to figure out what day he will come, which should be the weekend or monday....i mean, why wait any longer????? innocent.gif
interestingly enough, on the bus to accra (nana lives in kumasi which is 5 hours away), the bus broke down, and nana ended up taking a taxi for 3 hours!!!! it was crazy but he made it and he has his visa!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! i will let you all know when he arrives.

thankssssssss to everyone for the continuous support and kind words.
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-21 10:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOne month anniversary
I am so thankful for this post! Of course we all love our partners tremendously, but it is important to acknowledge that love is a battle, a beautiful one. as nana's arrival date approaches, I find myself excited, anxious, and also NERVOUS! he is an African man with a lot of PRIDE and he really likes to be the caretaker. Thus, I know it will not be easy for him to have to adjust to a new country as well as a new culture. I myself, am very strong-minded and naturally a tough ###! haha. so I'm already prepping myself to be as understanding and as considerate as possible. I moved into a larger apartment a few months ago, so that Nana and I would have a lot of space and the opportunity to have some "individual" space whenever needed. Even when decorating the apt, I tried to leave some things undecorated, so that he can have a say when he arrives. I don't want him to feel bombarded by everything being "me, me me!" so yeah, I get scared too. I am sooo happy to have this forum and I think it is important to have these threads! Let us never fail to keep up discussion!

I will definitely keep you all updated with adjustment, etc.

PEACE AND LOVE!!! heart.gif
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-16 20:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDone!!!!
yesss! i hope he picks up his visa soon :-)
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-29 15:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDisappearing from VJ...
i am soo happy for you guys!!!!!! i am happy she is adjusting....i cannot wait until NANA IS HERE IN SEPTEMBER!!! i am also on facebook and would love to see pics....i will send a friend request :-)

Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-06-13 19:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNANA IS HERE....
Hello everyone!

My baby arrived last week and it has been WONDERFUL! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i went to the airport, my heart was beating soooo fast and seeing him come through the doors at JFK was a MIRACLE! he is adjusting well, and has even fallen in love with my cat, Kente! i was hoping he would like her, because nana is not used to cats being in the house....cultural differences...haha! We have been doing well...just shopping for things for him to stay WARM and I have been cooking him lots of caribbean food...(i am of trinidadian descent)...anyhow, things are great, and i am so thankful to god! he is now getting adjusted to the time difference, etc. We are going to apply for the EAD next week! nana keeps saying: " i need a job, now!" well, that is all for now...keep us in your prayers.. as i am keeping you all in mine!

P.S. this has been a hard week at work for me, because all i keep envisioning is seeing nana once work is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heart.gif
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-10-11 10:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow long to package 3 -- ZeeNusah
honestly, i think the K-3 is ok, because from start to finish it took nana and i 9 months, which i think is pretty good....i havent seen anything else from ghana that has been faster than that....even the k-1 processs. you might get a NOA2 faster, but it is the interview date that matters....
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-28 11:07:00
i would like to add that is a GREAT SITE and you have great reception when you call, which can sometimes be really difficult when calling places like nigeria, ghana, etc. they keep a clear record of your calls too which is easily accesible. also, the rates are great and of course for a land line it is super cheap (7cents a min to ghana)....cell phone is 16 cents per minute.....
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-09-25 15:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUPDATE AFTER ARRIVAL...
I am soo happy for you! congrats on the baby! i am very excited for you two. our anniversary is also coming up on the 20th of november! wow, a year flies by so quickly! it is so nice to have another k-3 person in this forum, because there are few! we just sent out the ead application last yeah, nana is also adjusting well, but of course, he is a man and wants to take care of will happen soon :-) i am soo excited about the baby! that is sooooo soon!!!!!

take care and i will keep you in my prayers and pleaes keep us in yours...
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-10-31 11:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfter Interview how long for Visa in Accra?
ours took exactly one week...
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-11-01 11:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
i am really happy for you innocent.gif

Radical LoverFemaleGhana2008-01-26 19:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJourney Is over.....
i am sooo happy for you! i must say that you have managed to remain calm and cool during such a stressful time! your patience and persistance is a true testament of your love.

stay strong and may the Creator continue to bless you both!!!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2008-02-06 14:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHE Got IT!!!!!
that is AMAZING news! you had faith, persistance, and perserverance.....the main ingredients for love...ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2008-03-15 21:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanZEENUSAH - Support and Love
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2008-03-15 21:16:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
Hey Everyone!

I know it has been a long time! I have been catching up with Nana laughing.gif anyhow, things have been good, and Nana is still adjusting. It has been about 5 months since he arrived and we are really enjoying each other. It's still a cultural adjustment for Nana in soooo many ways, but he is coming along well. It has been rough for him because he wasn't authorized to work since we took the k-3 route. FINALLY TODAY, we got the Employment authorization card in the mail today! whew! So my husband can officially get a job! The hunt is officially on! He is very traditional and had a very hard time not being able to work, and sometimes he would get so sad because of it, but today he seems like a new man! I wanted to share the good news. I have been off an on every now and then and I see that there have been a lot of approvals lately! I hope there will continue to be many more!

Anyhow, keep us in your prayers, especially now that the job hunt is on with this dwindling economy blink.gif

PEACE AND LOVE heart.gif

p.s. here is a new pic of us yes.gif

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Radical LoverFemaleGhana2008-03-15 21:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSecond Interview 6/2/08
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2008-06-16 16:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAOS- Finally!
thanks everyone. i am happy to know that the AOS process is smoother...YAY! i will keep you all updated.
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2008-12-11 07:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAOS- Finally!
Hello everyone! I know it has been a long time. I have been well and Nana and I are great. So many blessings. We just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary on November 20th. So now we are about to start the AOS process, since it has been 2 years that we have been married. Ålso, Nana's visa will expire in a year. I waited until our anniversary so that Nana could get a 10-year greencard. How is the AOS process? Any advice? I cannot wait until we don't have to worry about this any further!

Thanks so much and I hope everyone is doing well.
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2008-12-09 14:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMy husband got his 10-year green card!
hey everyone!

i haven't been here in so long, but i always think about how everyone is doing!

good news: my husband got his 10-year green card in the mail yesterday! The interview was last week on July 15th 2009. It was fine, although the woman who interviewed us asked for more pics! we looked at her like honey we have been together for 5 years now. please! lol. anyhow the interview lasted about 10 minutes and then we were told to wait outside. about 10 minutes later, she told my husband, welcome to the united states.

i am so happy there will be NO MORE PAPER! this has been a long journey but one well worth it. we are doing well and really enjoying being married. i cannot believe that nana has been here for almost 2 years now and that november will be our 3rd wedding anniversary! madness.

i hope everyone is well good.gif
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2009-07-26 11:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican Husbands/ Cooking?
thanks so much for your help everyone.

boaz, i normally get home first, but i leave way before he does. so i have fallen into the routine of doing most of the cooking. he can cook, but is never satisfied with his own food and always says he doesnt expect me to be an expert on cooking african dishes, but his actions prove otherwise. sigh. we had a mini chat in which i said we need to compromise more on helping each other cook. i told him that we cannot let cooking tear us apart, he said that cooking is a huge part of marriage in ghanaian culture. we have been together for 5 years, he knows that i cook caribbean food because i am caribbean. i think he is homesick and frustrated.

tdf1942, yes i think we can overcome cooking and will remind him of how long it took for us to finally be together under one roof! good point.

dina-rich, yes we have goat here and i do make it often. my husband loves goat! lol

i am attempting to make some jollof rice again today. i have made it well once. wish me luck! thankfully, we don't have kids yet, so still learning about each other, etc.

Edited by Radical Lover, 10 January 2010 - 11:59 AM.

Radical LoverFemaleGhana2010-01-10 11:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican Husbands/ Cooking?
hello everyone. it has been a while for me. i have a question for you guys. for those of you who are married, does your husband expect you to cook everyday? this is presenting itself as a problem in my marriage. we have been together for 5 years, married for 3. i am a teacher and i work at least 10 hours a day. my husband works too, on average 6-8 hours a day. he cooks sometimes but not all the time. we are getting into huge arguments now because if i don't cook african meals, he gets angry and ignores me. i don't know how to cook many african meals at all. i am american with a caribbean background so i make mostly caribbean food and occasionally african food. my husband told me that he is unhappy because he wants to eat african food every day. i feel this is an unrealistic expectation. any thoughts? i'm at the point where i don't know what to do...

Edited by Radical Lover, 09 January 2010 - 04:56 PM.

Radical LoverFemaleGhana2010-01-09 16:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 question

Radical Lover, Akwaaba to VJ! I am glad that you are filing through Vermont because from what I have seen they do move very quickly! As many others have already advised you, you should pursue both. I hope that by the time your hubby's K-3 petition is done being processed at the NVC and sent to the US Embassy in Ghana, you do not have to go thru the long wait that rest us have had...If haven't already checked it out and would like to read about others going thru the Ghana embassy use the search button up above and read all the old posts or you can always PM anyone of us who have had to deal with this embassy. Good luck and lovely picture of you and your hubby!

thanks for the kind words sista! i actually read about you and your hubby and i said to myself: "yay, another person with a ghanaian in their life! hehe." thanks for the kind words and good luck to you as well my dear. patience is a virtue!!!
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-01-29 20:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 question

I'm pretty sure all you need to do is just wait for the I-129 to get approved and transferred on to the NVC. You're at the VSC and they're quick so you're lucky. (I'm jealous) :P

You should fill out your timeline though. It will help you and others estimate their timelines. :)

thanks so much! you were great help! and yes, the VSC is really quick and for that i am very grateful! this site is excellent and we will all have our loved ones soo close to us soon :-)

p.s. i finally added a timeline...i hope everyone can see it as of now :-)
Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-01-29 20:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 question
hello. i am new to this site. i have been enjoying following everyone's stories, journies, etc. i have a quick question. i am the us citizen and my husand is from ghana (in west africa). we are going the k-3 route and i was wondering, if the I-130 is approved before the I-129F, what comes next? Do i just continue to wait for the I-129f to be approved, because I don't think I want to go the CR-1 route. or, do i have to send out some other form once the I-130 is approved? i'm getting a bit confused and I would appreciate any support, because many people on this site have helped me tremendously!!!

thanks so much!

I married the love of my life- 11/20/06
I-130 mailed on 12/14/06
NOA 1 received 12/23/06

I-129F mailed on 1/6/07
NOA 1 received on 1/16/07
Case transferred to Vermont Service Center on 1/29/07

waiting..... (LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL!)

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Radical LoverFemaleGhana2007-01-29 20:15:00