K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould Fiance Come Visit

I don't know if this goes here or not but oh well someone can move it if its not in the right place.

Here's the thing. Jon was going to come visit me next whenever my interview is at. Well right now I don't even see any signs of that happening until the fall what with our noa2 still missing and everything and its already the middle of June so before work gets busy and he can't take time off til fall, should he come visit me again? Or should we just tough it out til the fall or whenever? I'm really finding it harder to go without seeing him after each visit and I'm broken about not getting to see him til the fall (because in reality USCIS isn't going to speed up our case in 2 months) I can't even concentrate on very much anymore because I miss him so bad. Is it selfish of me to want him to come visit again so soon after his last visit? I'm confused. I'm emotional and I just want him to hold me or be with me. I'm sick at the thought of having to wait til Sept/October to be with him again. Any advice? I am not even sure this post is coherent but I'll post it anyway. Some people go through alot more time than I do between visits but those visits are everything to me, ya know? I think I'm still with him because of these visits. If I didn't have the visits I would fall apart compleltey, you know? So ya thanks for listening. :unsure:

I notice that you last saw your fiance' 25 days ago (says so on your tickertag :)) may I suggest something -- I've been with my fiance' for three large chunks of time over the last year and a half; 2 months in Fall 2004, 3 weeks in Spring 2005 and 1 month (Jan. 2006) and I've noticed that when I first get back from visiting I'm more or less okay (i.e. the first two weeks) because even though we may have made a scene at the airport as I was leaving, we just saw each other, and that's comforting for a while. But I've noticed that almost EXACTLY a month everytime after coming back to the US, I miss him DESPERATELY to the point where I literally cannot think of anything else but how much I miss him. I think a month after I return the reality of how long I have to wait to see him again (and maybe, in a small way, the fear I never will again) hits me. Do you think you may be experiencing something similar -- panic at the realization of how long it may be? I completely sympathize with how you feel right now, but maybe if your fiance' has some financial troubles relating to traveling, it's better if he doesn't visit again right away so he can visit later on when you haven't seen him for a longer while.

This feeling of desperation will somewhat pass, I think, but maybe planning for him to return in a few months would make you feel better, even if he won't be arriving for a little while. Buying the plane ticket and knowing the exact date when we will see each other has always made my fiance' and I feel better, even if the date was months away. It's something concrete to look forward to.

Good luck! I hope you feel better soon! :luv:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-10 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould Fiance Come Visit
By all means, have him attend the interview with you if possible! If there were any way on earth I could get time off from work to be with my fiance' for his interview in July, I'd fly out without a second thought to support him at the consulate! It may even make the interview easier if he can be there with you.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-10 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed answer

plz i have 2 questions that may seem wierd to you but pls just want explination....does the new york state has enything with the uscis or vsc....i mena if the petion goes throught new york state or no ???? and i did hear that some case had been transefered to vermont? plz help me

I'm from New York too -- the correct service center is Vermont. :yes:

Good luck!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-12 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Scheduled! Freaking OUT!
Congrats and GOOD LUCK!!! :D
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-14 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof for ongoing relationship/intention to marry

I am waiting for my Interviewdate, so definitley time for me to get all the pictures and stuff together I want to take with me to the Interview.
We have
*emails (not so many since we always talk on the phone),
*phone bills (but not with his number listed, just says calls to the USA)
*a few cards and letters
*photos, but no new ones since we filed the petition
*basically all the proof of relationship we submitted with the petition including the boarding passes from all our flights, hotel bills,...)

Now I have been reading about another letter of intent from the petitioner (my fiance), do I as beneficiary need to write one too?
What about those letters describing how the relationship started and developed, including the dates when we met, when we got engaged...(well, he proposed to me on the phone because he was deployed and I got my ring 3 months later when I went to the States) that a must, is it helpful or just a nice addition?

For our 2 year dating "anni" I made a photobook with pictures from all our visits and vacations with some nice notes and comments...should I take that too?

Any suggestions and experiences of what I should get together besides the obvious, like all the forms and documents,... :unsure:

I would bring the anniversary album if I were you :yes: Most of our evidence for my fiance's interview is what I submitted for him in the original petition, plus some additional postcards and pictures and phone records covering the time since we filed the petition. Otherwise... that's it! I think knowing the answers to the questions the CO asks is in many ways more important than pictures and letters, you could practice from the sample questions in the guides, which is what my fiance' and I will do.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-13 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe Got the Visa!
Congrats! :D
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-10 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 4! Got it!!!!!!
CONGRATS and good luck! :D
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-16 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I fly to Europe for my fiance's interview?

Ok, so my fiance finally got his interview date. It has been a long process and I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly. Would it help his case if I was to show up at the interview with him? Should I bring our 6 month old son? I have been searching for tickets online and it looks like it is going to cost $2,000 !!!!! That is more than double of what I thought it might be, but if it could help his case I would go.

It's not required that you attend the interview. I for one would *LOVE* to be at the consulate with my fiance' for his interview, but it isn't possible for me to take time off from work for even a week and, as you said, it's costly to do so. Unless you really feel strongly like they might not grant him the visa (due to say, not having much evidence of on-going relationship, for instance), then *I* would stay in the US if I were you. That $2000 can come in handy later on, especially since he won't be able to work right away. Instead, you can just write a really great Letter of Intent giving your full complete support to the visa for your fiance'. I plan to rewrite mine and say something like "I wish that I were able to attend the interview myself, but unfortunately, having just started a new job..." etc. -

But again, if you think there's a good chance he will not get the visa, then maybe go for it. Money's just money, and love comes first, right!? :yes:

-- Karen
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-17 00:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Question 18
Don't write all about it in the petition. They don't ask for that information until later on and even then, they just ask what kind of visa and when he was denied. They don't ask any details like why was it denied, etc. My fiance' was denied a tourist visa in Dec. 2004. I didn't mention anything about it in the initial petition (I just didn't think to, honestly). In the packet 3 DS documents, it asks about previous visa applications and we told the truth, filled out the info, etc. but it never asked why he was turned down for it. If it comes up during the interview, he will tell the truth -- lack of solid ties to Italy that would ensure his return after his tourist visit.

If they ask about the previous visa application in greater detail, it'll probably be during the interview. But don't stress out about that weird Romanian/Brazilian stuff it too much because they may not even ask about it.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-17 00:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy visa is here too!!
Congrats! :D
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-17 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing tomorrow!
Good luck at the POE and CONGRATULATIONS! :D
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-19 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsorship and disability

A joint sponsor would be next to impossible for us as he only has one relative who could do it and she is totally against our relationship.

The joint sponsor COULD also be a friend. It doesn't have to be a relative; so if he has any friends that would be willing to be a co-sponsor for you, that's an option too. I'm sorry about his relative being against your relationship -- I love how people love to take stances against other people's personal choices :rolleyes:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-25 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport of Foreign fiancee in 129F package??

I didn't see anything about the foreign finacee's passport/birth-certificate being part of the I-129F package on the Visa journey checklist and so did not send it in with mine---did I miss something???

I have a copy of her passport (photo-page only tho since it is new and there is nothing on any of the other pages) but didn't send it in because I didn't see it on the checklist---is Cass correct? what gives?

John in SC

who has been entirely too serene since mailing his thingy and needs something to worry about.

Did you attach a passport style photo on her G-325a? I think that is all that is needed as far as "passport" for the beneficiary goes at this time.

Oh yeah -- also, if the two of you have ever traveled to be together (i.e. met in a third country) and her Ukrainian passport shows her entrace into that country to meet you, you may want to photocopy the first page of her passport (the one with her picture) and the page with the customs stamp on it. But just never send her actual real passport. :)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-25 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport of Foreign fiancee in 129F package??

I didn't see anything about the foreign finacee's passport/birth-certificate being part of the I-129F package on the Visa journey checklist and so did not send it in with mine---did I miss something???

I have a copy of her passport (photo-page only tho since it is new and there is nothing on any of the other pages) but didn't send it in because I didn't see it on the checklist---is Cass correct? what gives?

John in SC

who has been entirely too serene since mailing his thingy and needs something to worry about.

There's no need for you to include your fiancee's passport and birth certificate in the petition. The consulate will need the passport later in order to issue the visa and they will ask to see the birth certificate for the interview. But during the initial filing stage, if you say your fiancee is from the Ukraine, USCIS believes you. During the first stage, it's more important that YOU prove your US citizen status. Just follow the instructions on the I-129F, include what they ask for, and you'll be fine! :thumbs:

Edited by Karen_L, 24 June 2006 - 10:27 PM.

Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-24 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to Package the Package

Thanks, Lookslike hwat I have will suffice, just have to finish up the cover letter tonight to documents all the contents. Payato

Put the petition in one of those durable cardboard envelopes that won't bend easily! Just arrange the documents in a way that makes sense -- coverletter, letters of intent, I-129F, supplement to qu. 18, the G bio docs, etc. Arrange your evidence of having met in a similar way -- travel itineraries in chronological order, pictures labled and dated and arranger in order, etc.

Also, I held the various parts of my petition together using few paper clips because the ACCO clips are too big imo :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-24 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPASSPORT/VISA LOST/STOLEN
OMG! That is an absoluate nightmare! BUT... the US gov't is aware that passports get stolen (though, granted, we don't know for sure that it was) and it seems really cruel of them to make you, the crime victim, suffer for what happened. The best bet is to report the missing passport ASAP to British authorities and call the US embassy at like 9AM Monday morning, or maybe even go there in person if you could, and tell them everything. Just try not to panic (I know that must seem SO hard right now) and look through every single bag, drawer, cabinet and cubbyhole in your house. Rummage through your garbage too.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-24 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease i need some advice im in uk and bf is in usa we want to be together please!!!

Has nobody asked her how old her boyfriend is? Alarms were going off in my head when I read her post.

I was wondering about his age as well. Stace: how old IS your boyfriend?

But nevermind how young you are and let's put aside how incredibly dangerous it is for young, underaged girls to travel alone to foreign countries to meet strange men they've only been in contact with for a handful of weeks ... even if you were much older, I would still think preparing to marry a man you've never actually met face-to-face, who you've only "known" for a tiny bit, is a bad idea. Also, as someone else said: you're 17-years-old; what's the rush to get married? I'm 22 and people ask me that all the time (and I have some good answers ;) ) and for once, I get to ask it! lol

Also - I've heard people here on VJ give similar advice to older people as well who come and ask about a K-1 for a fiance' they haven't yet met in the flesh. So believe me, it's not just your age that's the problem.

I wish you all the best though. If you decide to make the journey here and you're permitted entrance, I really hope you stay safe and that your boyfriend IS a good person who treats you well. (F)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-27 22:19:00
Dont worry! Nothing like that has ever resulted in a denied petition! Worst case scenario, you'll get a note asking for more/missing documents/evidence (RFE). Just have the additional copies ready in case you receive a RFE so you can mail it back to them right away.

-- Karen
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-27 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust one word:-))
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-27 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you do about a meeting with no proof?

Question about 'proof of meeting' for the 1-129F:

The boy and I have been together since March of 2004, and between the two of us we probably have about 10 visits, all told. We're probably getting engaged in August and then starting the process in September.

We don't, however, have primary evidence for half of those trips -- an engagement wasn't immediately on our minds, so the primary evidence I have starts in July of 2005 (passport stamps) and March of this year (no entry stamp (don't ask -- Edmonton airport at midnight with 500 other people), but an exit stamp, plus boarding passes receipts.), plus my upcoming visit in August (where we'll document everything, of course).

So, clearly, we have enough primary evidence of meeting, and we have loads of secondary evidence with pictures and things. I can probably even dig up secondary itineraries & credit card bills for those flights. Not worried about that.

But my question is what to do about the meetings where we have no primary or secondary evidence (our first one and a few of his trips here.) or just limited secondary evidence. I don't want to leave out the meetings because they're pretty important to give the sense of the nature of our relationship. But will it be confusing to mention that say, I flew there in 2004 but as I a) entered with my birth certificate and driver's license and B) didn't save my boarding pass and c) we took pictures of the scenery in Banff and Jasper, not of us together, I am including neither primary nor secondary evidence for this trip?

Did anyone else have a similar situation?

So long as you can prove you met within the last 2 years, you should be fine for the initial petition. When responding to number 18 of the I-129F, you can even write something like "During these initial visits, neither of us believed we would some day wish to marry, and so we did not hold onto evidence of these trips" or something. It's not a HUGE deal since you DO have evidence of having made some trips to meet. Don't worry and good luck! :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-28 13:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPre-Mail Jitters!!

The end result was one of the greatest pieces of art I've put together yet!!

LOL! I felt the same way about my petition too.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-30 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview
LOL! What would the wedding annoucement say? "We're getting married at some point, we hope" written in 2 different languages and mailed around 2 different countries?

Seriously, it's not required to have done that. If your fiancee is asked about that during the interview, I'd say it's best to tell the truth and explain that since the visa was so up in the air, how could you announce anything? The announcement wouldn't contain any information that you couldn't just say over the phone (i.e. "Hey grandma, I'm getting married!").

Don't worry about it! Just make sure you have lots of evidence of an on-going relationship and documentation of all the time you've spent together :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-01 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally, we got the visa!!!!!
Congratulations!! :D (F)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-30 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre service centers helpful?
It depends on who you get. Generally, I think it's a good idea, if you have a question that MUST be answered by a USCIS employee, to call 3 different times and ask. I filed before I knew about VJ and I wasn't 100% sure about when they would need the Affadavit of Support. I called once, the woman told me I' d have to send it with the petition. I called again, a different woman told me we'd only need it for his interview. Called a third time and a third woman confirmed what the second had said.

3 times, baby, 3 times :yes:

Of course, since you've stumbled upon VJ, you may not have to call at all!

Edited by Karen_L, 02 July 2006 - 09:03 PM.

Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-02 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 question...
Don't go nuts worrying about the presentation! Just make sure you've got everything they need and arrange it in some way that makes sense. It might be helpful to write out a little index of all the documents included and then arrange everything according to the list.
good luck! :luv:

- Karen
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-02 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!
Congrats! :luv: good luck with the next steps!
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-01 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of meeting Idea
I used a photo of us together on Halloween, 2004. The date isn't written anywhere, BUT I am wearing an enormous witch's hat :D
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-02 20:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with speeding up K1 Visa.
Hi! I'm so sorry for your dad! (F) Good luck getting through this difficult time (L)

In regard to your question, though they rarely expedite cases on the USCIS end (i.e. giving a faster approval), it probably is possible to get a quicker interview date if you provide medical evidence of your dad's illness. I *think* the Naples consulate may have bumped up my fiance's interview date because I explained that my fiance' wouldn't have anywhere to live in Italy after mid-July. So, they gave him a date in early July (this Tuesday, in fact). I wasn't expecting them to be willing/able to do anything to help, but like magic we got a before-mid-July date.

Again, I'm very sorry for your dad's illness! Good luck with everything. I know it must be so hard to be losing your dad AND have to be so far away from your fiancee as well. (F)

Edited by Karen_L, 08 July 2006 - 08:28 PM.

Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-08 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSo, it seems that at of now...
:D :dance: :D :dance: :D WE GOT THE VISA!!!!! :D :dance: :D :dance: :D

My fiance' just called me and told me that everyone in the Naples consulate is VERY nice and that the interview was VERY easy -- they asked him how we met, when we met, when was the last time we saw each other. Then they looked at our affadavit of support, his police records, and our photos and... THAT'S IT! He told me that of all the papers I sent to him, they took like 20% of them back into the office, for the rest they joked "we don't have room back here for all those documents!" lol They also didn't look at any of our phone bills, e-mails, etc., just the photos and declared that was enough!

Then they took his passport and told him to come back at 4PM to pick it up and they wished him good luck and... That's It!! So, he doesn't have it in-hand yet, so I don't want to celebrate TOTALLY, but HE DID GET THE VISA! :D
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-11 05:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I even start
Don't be overwhelmed! It'll be okay and you'll figure it all out. Once you actually start, everything seems much clearer than when you just read the process on Anyway, it comes down to you deciding where and when you want to get married. If you decide to marry in Egypt, then you will have to do the K-3, which usually takes longer than the K-1 to actually get the visa, but once your fiance' gets it and is in the US, things are simpler and easier for you. If you decide to marry in the US, you will need to do the K-1, which usually takes much less time than the K-3, BUT you have to do more once he gets here to assure he can stay.

Also, you might want to check out the Middle East/North Africa section since the process for people from those regions can sometimes have a longer wait due to security checks, which is something you may also run into.

Anyway, good luck! Choose wisely! :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-10 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgetting married while K-1 is being processed?
You have to be unmarried in order to get the K-1, and even if you're married to the person who filed the petition for you, it would still make you ineligible for the K-1.

You CAN, however, have a non-legal, purely traditional religious/cultural wedding, provided such a ceremony would not count as a LEGAL marriage in your home country. If you do do this in your home country, I would avoid talking about it to the consular officer, but such things have often been misinterpretted as the couple already being legally married. Proceed with caution, but you CAN have a non-legal ceremony abroad so long as you aren't legally married under foreign law when you apply for the K-1.

Good luck! :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-12 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am sad to say....

I hope when you see him you can talk this out & figure out why he/his mom hasn't sent it. Also, in your timeline, it says he was refused a travel visa, but you don't say why - should that be of concern to you as well?

Hope it works out for you.

My fiance' was denied a travel visa as well for the same reason as bunnygr's -- no strong enough economic ties in Italy/Albania to show he would have returned after his visit. Most people are denied a travel visa, esp. young men, so I wouldn't consider that denial a "red flag" or a reason to be concerned. Also, as far the visa is concerned, a denial of one visa (esp. a B1) isn't counted against you for the K-1 -- my fiance' won his visa yesterday (:D) and no one asked about the B1 denial at all. :thumbs: When you're denied, they DO stamp your passport with this SAD SAD SAD "US VISA DENIED: XX/XX/XXX" stamp though lol.
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-12 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am sad to say....
Hi Bunnygr!! *hugs* I'm sorry to hear about this! (F) You have every right to be really pissed off right now, but don't accuse him of still being legally married/never getting the papers, etc. just yet. Go to Greece and see how things are when you get there -- tell him that you don't think the papers his mother sent will arrive, so you want to go down to the city registrar (or wherever one goes) and get the divorce decree again so you can bring it with you when you go back to NY. See how he reacts and if he's willing to do this (which he'll have to to get the visa anyway, so why not do it when you're there and can bring them back yourself?). If he's REALLY resistant or if he keeps procrastinating on it, then you can ask him whether or not he's really divorced or whatever you suspect.

But if he's just been lazy thus far, tell him you're angry (as you should be!) but try and forgive him if you can and enjoy your time with him.

Good luck! *HUG again* PM me if you want to talk :)

- Karen
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-12 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa help....!!!

Thank you all of you for your replies.Right now I have renewed my passport.The old one which had my previous visas and stamps expired.How would they find out that I overstayed for so long?

They will ask you if you've ever over-stayed a visa in the Packet 3 documents and it is a REALLY bad idea to lie on those forms, so you will have to be honest. Lying will eventually catch up with you and it will create more problems down the road.

Good luck! :thumbs:

- Karen
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-25 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresengaged first of K1 first??

Hello everyone,

I have just located this site and think it is very informative....however, I am going to visit my significant other in about a month and would like to know if I should get engaged to her first OR go ahead and fill out the K1??? Also, can anyone supply me with some basic steps to the K1?

I have read the basic outline, but want to know if anyone have any tips or advice on doing so....Thank you so much and I am very grateful for finding this forum.

If she gets the K-1 visa, she has to agree to marry you within 90 days of her entry into the US, so you should ask her to be your wife before you start filling out paperwork. :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-15 23:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtension for K1???
No, you can't extend the period beyond 90 days, unfortunately. Get married asap if you want to stay in the US and adjust status! :thumbs: If you're hesitating out of some reservations about the marriage, you and your fiance' should sit down and discuss what you want to do right away and talk about whatever issues you're having. If your waiting because you want to throw a big wedding celebration and need time to plan, I would suggest marrying legally to fulfill the visa requirements and be able to stay, and then plan the hugh party/traditional service afterward.

Good luck! :)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-14 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 I129f Waiting for 9 months

Edited by Karen_L, 24 June 2006 - 10:54 PM.

Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-24 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 I129f Waiting for 9 months

I filed my I129F over 9 months ago and have not recieved anything but the letter they send you when you do an inquiry . It shows outside processing time and says they are reviewing my case . I have an immigration attorney but he seems to be at a lost also. He supposedly contacted a Senator to help out but no word as yet. Since I cannot contact them directley except for the customer service reps that take down the information. I am starting to loose hope. I filed in Vermont back in September 2005 . All the paperwork was in order . My fiancee is from Albania and we are heartbroken . Does anyone know of this taking as long as my case and could give me a glimmer of hope with some information? Also can someone explain to me what an NOA1 exactly is and when you should normally recieve it. I assume it is the first letter of acceptance . :(

My fiance' is also from Albania. I don't think his citizenship is why this is taking so long for you and I don't think he is going through special security checks either just for the reason (though, of course, I could be mistaken).

If I were you, I'd go over that lawyer's head and call the USCIS myself and ask them directly what on earth is happening with your petition. Meantime, I think you should also contact your congressperson directly. I don't know if you're from NY state, BUT NY congressman Eliot L. Engel is a chairman of the Albanian Issues Caucus so maybe you can even try and contact his office.

-- Karen

Edited by Karen_L, 24 June 2006 - 10:44 PM.

Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-06-24 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical
Good luck! Be strong! :D :thumbs:
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-17 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCALLING KAREN_L !!!!
LOL! :lol: I didn't even see this until Alex+R pm to tell me! Thank you so much! Yes, omg, I am SOOOOOOO excited/nervous! 5 days! I've been on the forum so much because I've been trying so hard to organize my apartment and I have to come and procrastinate here while I think and plan about this mess! So far, I cleaned out half of my closet. That will be all his. I also emptied out two dresser drawers AND I got one of those 3 foot tall plastic things with drawers (kind of like a plastic dresser) that can go on the bottom of the closet as additional storage space. Tonight I'm going to tackle reorganizing and cleaning out my bathroom and kitchen. My mother purchased four miniature American flags today, which we intend to be carrying when we get him at the airport lol. It's cheesy, but it will definitely make him laugh and feel welcomed.

My fiance' is having our wedding rings crafted in Albania at the gold artisan's shop (no, not a jewelry store, the gold ARTISAN lol) and he told me he's going to have them inscribed and when he told me that I think the reality of the fact that we're fiiiinally getting married set in! (Funny how jewelry does that, huh? lol) :D

Speaking of fiance's, Bridgett, are you back from Greece yet??? Did you and Andreas tear up the joint!? :D I bet you had SO MUCH FUN!

Thank you all so much for the warm wishes! I will probably post 6,000x's before this Thursday, but I will also post his POE experience at JFK :)
Karen_LFemaleAlbania2006-07-22 21:14:00