CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I CANNOT believe I am POEing tomorrow.

Posted Image Hooray!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-25 19:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

50 Douche points have been awarded to Shane, putting him in the lead for today's honor :lol:

You know...I was wondering who that was. Given the fact a lot of the "talented members who come up with screen names"are on these boards ..:lol: "shane" could have been anyone...

However, after backreading a little more....*snickers* I found out!

Totally off topic.

I am so craving for bbq eel and white rice.


ummmm I think I could go for the white...ooops..I should say...brown...rice part....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-25 16:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Posted Image

I like that!! Zellers has some real good ones about a summer ago or so, and I kick myself for not picking one up! :angry: I wanted something with Canada and the olympic logo too. I hope there will be something around when I go back in October...If not, then I'll search online and see if there is anything somewhere. Probably left things a little too late...:lol: ( not unusual for me to do..)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-25 13:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good luck girl! Dont wear yourself out doing so.

I remember the first time I moved to our house -- this was back in Nov. Hubby had bought it in the summer... and cleaned it once... :angry: So the night I came into my beautiful home, IT WAS HORRIBLE. Worse part, my entire family was flying in the next night because we were getting married 2 days later. So I spent the ENTIRE day before I got married cleaning... scrubbing each and every inch of the house. I told my husband that if the house ever reached such filthy conditions again, we are getting divorced :P

I can relate to that! Tim has been living here for years, and would have someone come in to do basic cleaning, ( he's disabled so there are lots of things he can't do) Also, as part of our wedding gift, several family members and friends chipped in to do some renovations, and give us a new bedroom. I love it, it turned out so nice. However, what they did is turn two small bedrooms into one, and took everything out of the two, and put it all in the back bedroom.....and then left it!! What a mess!! And I won't even mention the upstairs, and what it was like!

It's very overwhelming. I haven't decided if I want to ask someone to help me organize, or just go at it slowly. Tim won't let me just "give away" things we don't need. He says, "save it for a yard sale" :angry: I can't stand those!! In my opinion....waste of time!! You hardly ever sell everything, and make little $$$ as it is. I'd sooner take it to a thrift store and be gone with it!!

Oh well....I'll get there yet...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-25 11:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Hope you get the job Joyce!

Hope you get an interview J&K!

I'm back to the job boards ever since last week when I got screwed over by a potential employer.... I already had a job lines up to start march 1.... Grrrr...... Hope to get some phone calls soon! The universe has got something GOOD for me soon! Right?

Anyways, my T4 showed up..... And not to the address it was
supposed to! I gave them my US address!! Now my parents are going to express mail it so I can get US taxes done before hubby leaves.

Thanks. Found out it's just part of the phase of hiring. I spoke with someone today, and she said if I don't hear back within a couple days, to call on Monday and ask when my next interview is. So I guess I can still consider myself still in the running.

I also got word today that the police station might be looking for dispatchers. Tim doesn't seemed thrilled, because of the possibility of graveyard shifts, but I think a job like that would really be interesting.

Hope something comes your way soon...

Called the HR person back and I have an interview on Friday at 9am :)

They want you to fill out information for Background check and such, and...get this. AN ESSAY to one of the questions :lol:

I feel like I'm back in University :lol:

Wow, strange. But best of luck! I'm sure you'll do great! :thumbs:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-24 18:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
wow Huggles. Sounds like home buying where you live is sure different than when I sold mine back home in BC. I HAD to have a lawyer. No getting away with that. But I think it was only about $500, so that's not too bad.

Still waiting to hear if I get that job at Bath and Body works. Weird thing is...the manager that interviewed me and another girl last Thursday, quit the next day!!! :o Very strange....I'm sure they know what they're doing, but still, I wonder if it means I'll have another interview. ( sure hope not ) I really want this job...the hours and flexibility will be perfect! ( not to mention the discount!) :lol:

I'll probably go by later today, and inquire.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-24 09:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Posted Image

Posted Image What in the world????

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-22 22:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Whoooo hoooo I got my State license today!! :dance: Didn't have any problems, and walked out of the office with it in my hand. It only cost $12.50!! :o Back in BC it would have been $75 :huh:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-22 21:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Offer accepted!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

How exciting!! Congratulations!!

Sometime I kinda wish we could sell Tim's house and find one together to make it "ours" but this one is rather nice, in some ways, just not insulated very well, and gets COLD in the winter in here!!! We had heaters galore working in Dec, and Jan. Other than that, it's pretty nice. I'm hoping to get to painting soon, and start making "themes" in the rooms.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-22 20:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

That's a big thing in Colorado too. The SSN needs to match the name you want your license in. When we applied for our marriage license they gave me this booklet on "changing the name on your ID" and on the first page in big bold letters it said, "Go to the SSN office first, not the DMV!" :lol: I guess its nice they spell it out to you.

Good news Joyce! Hopefully getting your license will be easy! I was pretty happy when I was finally able to get my CO state license. I only had an Ontario G2 but they gave me a full license without even a written test.

I hope so too! The lady at the DMV said I had all the right info, except the card wasn't changed to my married name yet. And the fellow I talked with at the beginning of January, when I went in to go change it, said he had to "manually" do something too, maybe that's why it took so long to finally get it? :unsure:

From what she said at DMV, it's just a quick change over. I'm so glad, I don't like tests!! LOL
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-21 08:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

So you actually have to bring your SSN card with you when applying for the DL once it's changed to your married name?

Just double check where you live. Here in SC yes, you need the SSN. I was also allowed to drive on my DL for the first 90 days after crossing the border too. I'm sure that's standard in most States.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-21 08:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Wow the OT thread was on page 3! :o

So... yeah. I have nothing interesting to say to revive it...

:lol: I know the feeling!

Yesterday we went to Columbia (about an hours drive) to get my DL, but they couldn't do it because my SSN was still in my other name! Grrrr I was so wanting to be able to drive! We had gone to the office to change it back in early January, when I got my EAD, and the guy says it should be about 2 weeks...uh huh...So then we were planning on going to the office Monday to see what's up with it...

Guess what shows up today in the mail??? :blink:

Well....back to Columbia Monday then...The good news though? I had all the right documents, and it's a quick transfer, ( no test or anything ) because my BC DL is still current, and I'll be able to walk out of the office with it that day. Yeah!!! Freedom is right around the corner for me!!! Finally!!! :lol:

Edited by TimandJoyce, 20 February 2010 - 06:49 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-20 18:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Thank you!! I'm not too worried about it..but it still made me go, ''What on earth! I swear I locked this.'' I live in a pretty decent part of Calgary and if all else I have a angry German shepherd that doesn't take kindly to strangers. :lol:

I hear ya!! My dog was part pit bull, and she had a good bark when someone came to the door. *Course all she'd have done is licked someone to death, but I wasn't going to tell them that!*

I'll know sometime next week if I have a job at Bath and Body works!! Oh boy what a store!! It's not on the west coast yet, so I never heard of it. And the hours are just what I wanted...

*crossing fingers, toes, and eyes* really hope she calls with good news! Posted Image

Happy Birthday Bern!

Has anyone heard of the sybaris spa resort ? David really wants to go their for our "short" honeymoon. From what i'm reading and seeing it looks very nice but oh boy the prices just for a 2day getaway! And when i look at the website i start giggling like a ittle girl and my face goes completely red from blushing LOL.

hmmmmm sounds like fun!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-18 18:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

So today I woke up a year older, with a stomach cramp and apparently my front door was unlocked all night. o_o

Happy Birthday!! I used to do that...wake up and find the door unlocked!! Worse was when I DID lock the door, and left the keys in the lock anyway!!! How's that for security?.... :blush:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-18 12:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

lol. Not sure why I use those !!!!!! all the time,lol Think it has just become a habit. I dont use them when writing school papers, not on other forums, just here,lol

Too funny!! I use them a lot too!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-17 12:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Loved owning my home back in Canada. My late husband and I bought it, and ten years later after he died the insurance company paid off the mortgage! It's a nice feeling to be able to do what you want! Knock out walls, replace old windows..etc.

The down side of owning a home? You have no landlord to call when the plumbing goes, or the fridge breaks! :huh:

I really didn't consider it debt though. I mean, you have to live somewhere, and why pay off someone else's house!

Tim also owns his house. I'm so happy :D We're hoping to replace the kitchen floor and counter tops...and I get to paint, paint, paint!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-17 12:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I am home with my husband finally (POE was Feb 11)

Yay! ZansGirl!! You're home!! I trust everything went smoothly. If there was a thread, I kinda missed it, sorry. :blush:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-16 13:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good morning everyone. I have so much to do in the next few days! We're flying out at 6 a.m. Thursday for 10 days in San Diego and area! Looking forward to it that's for sure...

Enjoy your day today!

How exciting!! Have a great trip!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-16 09:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I started working out again today. 25 minutes on Wii Fit Plus = a tired Mal.

I'd like to get one of those. Don't know too much about it, but my sister did bowling. She didn't know there was that many muscles in her butt!! :lol:

I had the best V-Day!! Tim took me for a great steak lunch, and then gave me a certificate for a two hour spa!!! I've never had one of those before.... I can't wait!! :luv:

Edited by TimandJoyce, 14 February 2010 - 10:07 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-14 22:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Yea we figure the money we would save from the other place, we could use to update the kitchen in the other.

The place with the nice kitchen, all new floors and paint is aesthetically pleasing, BUT it needs new windows, has a dated hot water tank, dated washer/dryer and a dated air conditioner.

This other place is so much cheaper, is bigger, but just needs some paint and a new kitchen.

I'm already thinking... tuscan... I can see it now. :D

hmmmm I'm no decorator...guess I'll have to google that one later! :lol:

I have no desire to sort through my laundry and go to the laundromat :P I long for the day when I get my own washer and dryer

I can appreciate that. My late husband and I lived in a place with no laundry facilities for 5 years. Ever Tuesday, we did laundry out! ugh!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-14 17:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Geeze, I just had to read like 5 pages.
You guys are Off Topic maniacs.

:lol: I've noticed that too. Can you imagine everyone around a table!!?? :blink: Oh that would be fun!!!

I had to read lots too, so I'll try to remember what I read..

Mrs. Cat...welcome back to Edmonton!!!

Cool about Rogers, Lgg!! They are nice. I can't remember totally what happened a few years ago, but the man I talked to was super nice, and I didn't have to pay for the phone I no longer had, and reminded him we got a bonus for having it charged to the CC, and we saved $$$$.

:( about a death already. Geeeeezzzzz

Oh Oh....brain has stopped working..can't remember if anything else was going on since I last read.... :unsure: Sorry if I missed any news...

However...guess what????

It's snowing in South Carolina!!! We probably won't get quite as much as DC and all.... :lol: but it sure feels like home! Supposed to snow all night, and flurries in the morning, but more than likely it will disappear soon. :( It's so pretty....

Edited by TimandJoyce, 12 February 2010 - 07:04 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-12 19:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Ugh. Horror movies. Some I'm ok with, some I'm not. Jaws of course scared me!! But then I was only about 11 or 12 when that came out. I was 18 when I saw Poltergeist and had to sleep with the lights on all night!! My boyfriend took me to see that, and I spent most of the movie with my face in his shoulder! :lol: I was way too afraid to watch Carrie after my sister told me about it...:blush: (I have watched it now though) When you think of how computer graphics and special effects have changed over the years...those ones were actual done pretty good considering...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-12 11:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Possibly the one in Feb. 2001.

Feb. 2001 and it was south of Seattle between Tacoma and Olympia - Nisqaully Earthquake. I know, my aunt was in it.


Ahhh Thanks Mal! I couldn't quite remember the year, but I knew we bought the house in '98 and it wasn't long after that. Hope your aunt was alright.

My cousin was in a high rise during that awful one in CA in '89. She said the whole building was swaying back and forth, but it had been built to withstand quakes. I think it was '89, could have been '88. Was only 15 seconds long I believe.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-11 20:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Sorry about another post right away, ran out of time for my edit... :blush:

Rhianne!! You're an organizer now!! How cool is that?? Congrats! :)

Edited by TimandJoyce, 11 February 2010 - 05:01 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-11 17:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

No, I havn't yet actually. I've been here alot too before living here, so I'm surprised I havn't.

I've only felt one earthquake and that was...hmmmmm when there was the one in Washington (or Oregon) a few years ago. Can't remember the year. Sometime in the late 90's I think. Came right up the Straight of Georgia. But it wasn't enough for me to realize what it was till I read it in the paper. Victoria would have felt it a lot stronger.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-11 16:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good morning! Well, we were invited out to supper Friday evening by two other couples, and I had to confirm with Gene that this date and time was good. He scrunched up his face and said, no it wasn't good. Hmmpft! Thought, what's bugging him? Phoned the lady back, but there was no other date prior to us leaving on vacation that was good, so we bowed out. Later I asked Gene what wasn't good about Friday, and he claimed that he had to work and didn't want to go out that night for supper after working all day. :blink: Okay! Hmmpft! So later, he gave me a Valentine's Day card, and said, well, you'll have to have this early now...two tickets to the Blues vs Leafs game tomorrow night! So that's why supper wasn't a good idea! He knew of course that we couldn't go to supper given the game, he just didn't know how he was going to let me know why without giving me my gift early. :lol: No matter, I was tickled pink and forgot about the supper soon after. The Leafs are only here once this year, so this is truly a treat!

Enjoy your day!

Awwww Carla, how sweet! I love those little surprises like that. Have a great time!!

I just got hired to teach last Monday and Ive basically only worked 3 days bec of all the snow that came... school is closed until next Monday! How is that for a bright new semester?

Cool about your new job!! Hope you can get to work now! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-11 16:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I was standing in line at the Walmart checkout yesterday when I let a couple go ahead of me because she only had one item. Her husband proceeded to tell me that it was her birthday two days ago so he got her some shoelaces because she had mentioned the ones she had were broken. Then she piped in and said "Yeah. My husband's pretty cheap. He took me to the Dollar Store and told me to pick out the nicest card I could find. Then he told me he meant every word it said and that I could put it back now." OMG. :lol:

:lol: Too funny!! My late husband and I did that once for Valentines!! We were in the store, I said "read this" and he said "read this" and then we put the cards back!! That really wasn't our usual norm, but we didn't do the V-day thing up big. I really want to for Tim, but I don't have the state DL yet, and my GC won't be here till well after. I'll just tell him to wait in the van, and I'll find a card... :blush: Next year however.....*giggles*

So my husband came home with some beautiful roses the other night. :luv: Then we had a great big fight. :blush: Stupid moving. :angry:

awww I'm sure he understands. I find my emotions get the best of me sometimes, because I'm here and away from my family, so I don't treat Tim very nice. He totally understands, and we always make up for it... :blush:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-11 09:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Thats scary Joyce! Glad everyone made it out okay!

Look what arrived from the in laws for us!

Posted Image

Chocolate Cakelets!!!!! Mmmmmmmmm! So much for my diet!!! LoL!

They came from

Yum!!! I could get into that!!

Their house is pretty messed up right now, but I'm glad they're ok. I guess the fireman had to take my sister in law out of the house, cause she was trying to cover stuff! They did loose a lot, especially in the attic, and we'll soon find out about the other things. They've lived there for years! It's really hard on them. I've never known too many that have been affected by fire. I can only imagine what they must be going through.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-10 23:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
*Whew* what a day!! Tim's sister and brother in law's house caught fire this morning. It was in the attic, over the living room, and by the chimney. My brother in law said as soon as he saw all that smoke, he called 911. Good thing, as the house can be fixed, it will take a while. I'm just glad they're ok, and it happened when they were awake, and not asleep.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-10 17:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good morning everyone! * yawn* puppy usually doesn't wake me up this early! 6:30 am he was scratching at the bed! Usually he's good for another hour!

Update on the job situation.... I am set up to start march 1st at a place for youth. Got 2 phone calla yesterday for 2 other jobs I applied for, 1 a denial they chose someone else and 1 an offer for a position working with adults. So I have a few phone calla to make... To accept the one offered yesterday and decline the other i am set up to start. Needed a day to think about pros and cons because of pay, commute and different type of hours..

I should be in trainig as early as next Tuesday! Now just have to rush to get all the preemployment tests done... Yay.... Another drug test....

Cool minnew! Exciting that you'll be working soon

I still haven't got too much. Tim's been sick so hard to get out and drop of applications and such. That will change soon when I get my GC though! :dance: I'll be able to get me DL finally.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-10 10:34:00
CanadaWho is on FaceBook???

Yeah...I kinda draw the line at Facebook games. I mean, I was fine with the whole Superpoke thing that was popular a couple of years ago, but since then, no Farmville, no Mafia Wars, no Pirates or Vampires or Werewolves or Zombies or Mothmen or Fairies and Unicorns for me, thank you very much.

I hear ya!! I don't farm, or cafe, or zoo.....takes too much time.

I do fight.. :lol: But only usually to select friends back home.

And I will play scrabble or lexulous!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-16 09:07:00
CanadaWho is on FaceBook???
I'll have to track you all down later!! We're going to have company tonight, but I'll join!!

I did join another one a while back...but I'm really not much of a chatter in FB groups. Perhaps with people I kinda know will be different... :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-15 18:16:00
CanadaZansGirl and the Consulate
Wonderful ZansGirl!!! I love the review! Makes me wish I had gone to Montreal!! Oh well, someday we'll tour it.

Congrats on your approval!!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-05 16:40:00
CanadaCanalien Houses
we've made some choices together, usually go shopping together to get ideas. He knows ( and expected) that I'd want to change up his house..:lol: although I don't have to do to much. We picked out our bed and bedding, and couple other items. I take my ideas to him and usually he agrees. I need to find a new coffee table, and if I see one I like, we'll go together to look.

Electronics? I put n/a as we don't have too much, although he's getting a new computer. We have a friend that is able to get us a really good deal on one. I'd also like to get a new c.d. player, but that's in the future somewhere.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-05 12:15:00
CanadaMy POE Experience
Congratulations on a successful POE and am glad to see your wife and step daughter where with you. Her very own I-94. You'll want to treasure that! :lol:

Welcome to America.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-09 23:17:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package

Yep, already in progress. I have to get an H1N1 shot this afternoon but I should be good after that. I'm going to get it transcribed and sent with the AOS package just so that they have it on-hand and can't hold up the application with an RFE.

Whooo hooooo!! That's great!! Now that I think of it, it's probably smarter to transcribe it for the reason you said. Quite a few got RFE'd for it anyway. I took a chance, and it paid off as now I'm approved. But I'm sure for ROC I'll need updates with shots anyway.

Hope you have a very speedy AOS!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-09 18:13:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package

Should I be *sending in* the medical results (i.e. with the I-485 package) or should I keep them with me in case they want to see them at the interview (should I get one)?

Medical results? or the vaccination sheet? The results should be with the packet you gave to the CBP, at the POE.

Send a copy of the vaccinations. Did you get it transcribed? If not, just go a head and send it any, so that you can get this outta your hair! They may or may not RFE you for it. So far, I haven't been, and now the case is at CSC.

Check around for civil surgeons to do transcribing and that they understand you don't need a full medical. You should be paying around $30-$50 for it. If you did get an RFE you'll know where to go, and it won't take long, or hold your case up much.

It has to be a USCIS approved Dr, of course.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-09 12:20:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package

Hi Canadian folks,

I'm preparing my adjustment of status forms, and this is what I have so far for things we're going to include (mostly excerpted from my cover letter):

- Cover letter
- Payment in the amount of $1010.00.
- I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
- G-325A, Biographical Information for Spoom you have four copies of this, right? unless I'm wrong, I think that's what you need
- I-693, Vaccination Record (Note: Full medical is not required as this package is being filed within one year of a K-1 immigration medical examination having been performed abroad, per I-693 USCIS instructions, Section III, question 2, and the K-1 examination did not reveal any Class A medical conditions.)
- I-864, Affidavit of Support
- Copies of ScooterMac's federal tax returns for the past three years
- Letters from ScooterMac's employers verifying yearly salary and ongoing employment
- I-765, Application for Employment Authorization
- I-131, Application for Travel Document (Advance Parole)
- Copy of Spoom's Canadian Passport, including K-1 visa and I-94 I also included the copies of the back of the I-94
- Copy of Notice of Approval for K-1 petition (NOA2)
- Certified copy of marriage certificate
- Two passport-style photographs of Spoom
- Photographs of wedding ceremony and reception
- Letter from Pastor verifying ceremony and relationship
- Copies of cards and letters received from wedding guests
- G-1135, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance not sure what that is? Did I need one? :lol:

Do I have everything, or are there more things I should be including to make my package more complete? Also, do I need copies of all pages of my passport, or just the biographical page and the pages with the visa / I-94?

I didn't send any proof of wedding or anything like that. If your called to an interview, then you would need it.

Like others have said, I made separate files for AOS; AP; and EAD. I also included copies of my visa, I-94 and marriage license, (certified) with each packet, and pic's for each. My AP and EAD look as if they were the ones I had sent in. So it is possible things have changed in that short time. Oh yeah. copy of long form BC. and I can't remember if I sent in any proof of Tim's but I probably did.

Edited by TimandJoyce, 07 February 2010 - 04:46 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-07 16:44:00
CanadaAdditional docs...
wow! Amazing about the documents you didn't know you needed. Glad they helped you out at the consulate about all that. Sounds as if it shouldn't take too long to get everything together, and you'll get that visa mailed out to you!! Hooray!!!

Great review, and congratulations!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-09 23:22:00
CanadaInterview question
welcome to VJ! Glad you're here and that you're asking questions. This whole process can be stressful, and frustrating!! To be sure. However, you'll get lots of support here. The average time for a K-1 is about 6 months. Some can be much quicker, and some longer. Read the guides at the top to know the difference between that and CR-1 and ask us anything.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-10 18:02:00