CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

So, I just went for a job interview, which was more like a job questionnaire. They gave me this 5 page booklet of hypothetical scenarios and theoretical questions and asked me to write up detailed responses. It seriously took me almost an hour to complete it! I mean, it would have been easier for someone to ask me these questions and then have me respond verbally, right? Maybe they're testing out my writing and spelling skills? :lol:

So anyways, I do that, talk to the manager for about 5 seconds, get home, sit down on the computer and the phone rings. It's them. They want me to come back in at 1 for a "formal interview" geez! I mean, I'm happy they called me, I guess my responses worked well enough, but wouldn't it have made more sense to do it all at once? It's not like they're next door!

Oh well, if I get the job then I won't have any problems with this at all... :lol:

:lol: I wouldn't be hired if they saw MY writing skills!! EEEkkk I have terrible penmanship! Cool about them calling you back so soon though...hope it all goes well! :)

I got the job!


I've got a brief orientation and walkthrough later today, then it looks like I'll actually be starting tomorrow morning! :o

I'm a little on the fence about some aspects of the position, but it IS a significant job with a high-profile arts organization, so I'm not going to complain. I'm just grateful that I was able to get a job so quickly, and on the arts side of management / administration to boot! :D

That's great!! Sounds like a very interesting job. I'll be happy right now just to ask, "did you want a large coke with that?"

:blink: If I see or hear anyone complain about getting a job, I will freak the eff out. :angry:

You have been warned. :yes: LOL

:rofl: I'm with you! :thumbs:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-06 14:12:00
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it looks like the hubster will be starting day shift next week :dance:

Yay Marilyn!! :dance:

Speaking of jobs, I have another interview tomorrow. I'm still waiting to hear from that other job, but It's definitely good to explore my options right? :)

Hey cool!! Hope it all goes well for you. Maybe it will look more promising than the one you're waiting to hear on. I agree with you, good to explore all your options. I remember once turning down an interview for working at a hotel, ( cleaning rooms, etc) because I had just gotten a job as a waitress. That was silly of me. I ended up NOT liking the job and was stuck doing it for 3 years! ( ummmm it was at the Canadian style of Walmart, that starts with a Z...) :whistle: I may not have liked the hotel room job, but at least I wouldn't have had to put up with some of the customers I had!! :lol:

Edited by TimandJoyce, 05 April 2010 - 05:58 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-05 17:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Ha Ha..

I got a little bored and was playing with that bad translator site and put in "every cloud has a silver lining" and 54 translations later it came up with......" new employees!" :lol: I guess if you think about fits! At least for the employer...

I also had to put in "glass half empty" to get "glass half full!" lol My my this thing is hilarious!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-04 16:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

This website amuses me greatly.

It translates any english phrase you put in and puts it through about 54 languages. It's pretty funny to see what comes out in the end, like this one:

"Hey look a UFO!" ...54 translations later we get: "Frisbee, please?"


:lol: might just have to save this one in my favourites for when I'm bored! I put in.."itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini"...and 54 translations later..."offset stomach" :rofl:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-02 23:24:00
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Sounds like fun Joyce! I want to take Bill fishing so bad, he's never done it, and he actually seems scared of the whole concept... what a big city boy. It would just be totally hilarious :lol:

It was a blast!! Tell him there's nothing like that bite on the end of the line...and pulling in a big fish!! Take him salmon fishing on the west coast...ohhhhh he'll get addicted! Make sure you check when the best time of year is. In August around the waters of the Island, you can catch those big 25-30 or more Spring Salmons!! *slurp*

I would love to go marlin fishing sometime. Probably never happen but wow..what a rush that would be!

My parents just called, it's 25 degrees celcius where they are!
I'm in Southern Cali and it's not even that warm.

Yep...been like that here last few days..although supposed to be a smidgen cooler this weekend.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-02 17:17:00
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What an amazing beautiful couple days! Spring is in the South! For this Canuck here though, feels like the summer temperatures back on the Island! :lol:

Tim took me fishing last night. I'd never done night fishing before, and I caught four bass, the biggest being 2.5 lbs. We where just casting off shore, as we don't have a boat (yet).

Sure is different from salmon fishing. I actually lost quite a few, because I'm still getting used to setting the hook. But I'm getting there :)

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-02 11:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Sir Finnegan Walter O'Malley...sounds purrrrrrfect!

Wow Huggles...does sound strange, but I'm kinda like you...I'd be tempted too, to see if it's real or not. I guess they're not taking Friday off then? :lol:

I've been too busy lately, getting ready to do an Adult Easter Drama this Sunday, and we're taking a quickie trip to Florida in a couple weeks, but when I get back, I think I'll take the English/math assessment for the police dispatcher job. I think it would be fun, and different. I'm still thinking about training for a medical transcriber too, and be able to work at home. I have to admit, it's kinda nice to be able to look at some different options for work. *Truth be told..I really don't want to work retail* But I'll take it if it's the only thing hiring right now!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-31 22:16:00
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Yep..I'd say he's a "Sir" too...What a sweetheart...

Go with Finn/Fynn; Finnegan. He does look like that.

I'm like a couple of people here...bad at naming pets!! Always had to get someone else to name them! LOL..
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-31 08:31:00
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Oh man, the bread from yesterday tasted SO bad. So, so, so bad and I am not that fussy an eater.

Ahh...but bad is bad..whether you're a fussy eater or not!! :lol: You should have seen the first time I tried to make bread..I didn't realize how hot the liquid, ( can't remember if I used milk or should the yeast didn't activate, and the bread didn't rise. Course, I didn't know that at the time. I just thought it was supposed to be dense like that...:blush: Wow...gave me and my late problems...:blush: :blush:

The sink installation is finally complete! Thank god as I was about to go to my in-law's house too hehe.

That is so exciting Darkchilde. I can't wait till we start renovating here. Tim's house is sad, sad, sad...:lol:

Hi all, just stopping in to say HELLO. Because I just know you've all missed me.. :P

Going to Baltimore tomorrow to bring my mom to the aquarium.. I could stand and stare at jellyfish all day long.

My moms having a real good time though, she loved D.C. and couldn't believe that you could just walk into the museums. So ya... good times.

Sounds like a wonderful time. I was so happy to spoil my son and his fiancee when they came down here for the wedding last fall. Had to take them to Myrtle Beach, and one of those fantastic dinner shows where you eat your entire meal with your hands only! I really liked D.C too, when we went there on our honeymoon. We have to go back. Too many museums to see!!

in other news I am actually feeling better now then I was earlier... my nose is still stuffy but I haven't had any nausea today which is good...

That's good Marilyn. Glad you're almost over it. I hate being sick..
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-30 08:26:00
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Hope you hear from them Huggles. If not..then there's just something better for you to come. :) I feel like I keep getting the run around with BBW too, but you never know. Maybe they'll call. I under the impression I need a follow up interview as well. As for the rest of the town here? Posted Image Retail is hard to get into...

On the positive side today!! Tim just went fishing with a friend of ours..meaning I have the afternoon to myself!! hmmm and I'm on VJ instead of doing some of the major projects I need to do around here. Can you see my priorities? :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-29 12:38:00
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Well the sink is 98% complete. Hubby and FIL found out that the original pipe from the old sink won't work with the new sink... all after already going to the hardware store. So hubby is going to finish the installation today. It sucks not having a sink at all, but it is very pretty and almost there!

Ugh...I hate that when that I lived in an older home back in BC...( built right after the 2nd WW.) I was afraid of doing some reno's as I knew I'd probably open up a can of worms, and it would cost a whole lot more than I planned. Which is sad, cause that bathroom needed to be blown up, and rebuilt! :lol:

I keep wondering what the new owner is doing to it though...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-29 08:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I am sure there were a lot of swearing from them :D

Finally was able to use the washroom too *CHEER*.


New power supply installed, computer working yay!

Great!! Glad it's it up and running for you, and wasn't something major.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-28 21:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre kind of work does your husband do again? :huh:

:lol: good question!!


He's working at Kohls, he got the job through an old boss at Target that's working at that Kohls, 9 dollars an hour!

That's great Rhianne. I don't know what Kohls is...:blush: Don't have one in town, so I never really looked in Columbia or anything. Sounds like I'm missing something good!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-25 22:15:00
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Just wanted to drop in today and say hello to everyone! Ive been quite busy and have not had time to go on VJ. Hope all is well with everyone. Well today is another day of cleaning so I am off to do the chores :)

Ugh, I know all about chores!! I better go and do mine. We're going to Charlotte in the morning to have lunch with some good friends! so looking forward to it. I need to get laundry done...( why does it feel like I'm always doing that...there's only two of us!! :lol: ) and the rest of the house cleaned.

Hope everyone has a great day!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-25 09:18:00
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I just want to profess my love of chocolate covered pretzels. That is all. :blush:

that is a very good confession..can you pass me one? :P
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-24 17:57:00
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So....I'm doing something I haven't done in YEARS and that's going to a suntanning booths... :huh: We're going to Florida for a few days next month and I wanted a little more "colour" so I wouldn't*cough, cough*...non tanned...:blush:

Today was my second time there...and I think I got a reaction to those lights!!! :o I'm pinkish...and itchy... :crying: Guess tomorrows session will be a shorter time limit!

Oh the price we pay for beauty.. :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-24 16:58:00
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I would like to start something when it comes time for my husband and I to retire, we'd like to open a restaurant eventually. But who knows what our future will bring us.

I've always wanted to own a restaurant. Just a little cafe actually, for breakfast and lunch, and afternoon coffee. Sandwiches; soups, salads, desserts...that sort of thing. Like a 6:00 am to 4:00 pm....*dreams* probably won't ever happen I know....But those type back in my hometown did very good!

so it is official.. the hubster got day shift!! :dance:

someone from HR called him this morning to ask if he wanted to accept the position and he said, yes of course!

it still might be a few weeks before he starts though..

in other news I finally got an appointment with another surgeon but the soonest he can see me is April 6th.. the lady did ask me if I was in pain and I told the truth that I wasn't in pain.. I don't feel great but I am not in pain...

That's great about your husbands job! Sure hope you're better soon too.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-24 14:09:00
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Well his parents own a business up in Denver and they decided to expand by opening a new branch down here in Southern CO. Right now he's the only employee (which is grand fun for him...) But I also get to help out quite a bit, ya know, for no pay and little appreciation from the inlaws? It's not such a fantastic situation I assure you :lol: They say that when business reaches a certain level (they have this numeric value in their head that may or may not be reached anytime soon) they want to hire me on to help. I'm really not holding my breath or sitting around waiting for that to happen, that's for sure.

Speaking of which, off to my job that doesn't pay anything I go :P

Well, at least it's something for you to do. I may just see about volunteering somewhere till I get something. Course..little to busy for that too! :lol: Two places I wouldn't mind would be the SPCA, and a woman's shelter. Like a transition house.

Wrong thread! Going to the vent!

:lol: don't know why but that struck me as funny.... sorry for your frustrations though...*picked up on that when you said.."vent" thread*.. *giggles* I'm not so blonde after all!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-24 10:10:00
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:lol: I've been saying that to myself for a while. I've been so busy with helping my husband start his new business venture, and then moving and settling into our new house, I've been thinking that squeezing in a job is going to be hard! But, then again, maybe a job will be a good excuse not to have to be super woman and help everyone with everything all the time, right? When you're a working woman Tim may have to step it up a little! ;)

Wow, did I miss that post? What new business venture? Is it something you can do with him, or no? I've discussed with Tim a business I think would be fun! But we need to check out all the rules about starting your own business, buying the things you it may not get off the ground just yet.. :lol:

Sitting here at the Ottawa airport---on my 3rd XL timmies!! 1 in Mtl, and 2 here!! flights delayed for 30 min~~ Hmmmmm #4, nope,lol

mmmmmm Funny how I drank very little Timmies even though it was within walking distance of my house. And now... I'm craving it!! I can't wait for October!! Whoooo hoooo Double I come!!! Oh yeah..and my son's wedding too...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 21:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Well I would think how it is supposed to work is that you would just click multiquote on both posts and reply - but hey, that doesn't work haha.

What I do is go to the first post I want to reply to, copy it, go to the next one and hit reply and paste that first quote in there as well.

:bonk: What a good idea!! *whooops..that "bonk" is for me!! *....


Edit: seemed to work just fine for me. Hit multiquote on both posts, then hit reply on the bottom of the thread.

:bonk: OMG OMG OMG I'm such a blonde. No, really, I am. Tim shakes his head at me all the time. Guess it just makes life interesting...

That sucks Raven and Joyce! Applying for jobs is nothing but a pain. I've applied for several the past two weeks or so, and I keep getting e-mails from people asking me to confirm that I'm still interested in the position. I mean, if I apply for your job today, and then you e-mail me tomorrow asking me if I'm still interested, there's about a 98.9% chance I'm still going to be available. And then I get the generic, "a decision will be made in the coming weeks" Well thank you very much, I'll just sit here for a month hoping you'll call me... or not. Geez. It's not really a matter of life or death, I'd just like to get out there and start doing something.

In other news, we're expecting 5-8 inches of snow tonight and into tomorrow. And I thought it was spring...

Our yard is a complete disaster and I want to start planning some landscaping but It's really hard when you don't know if the nice weather is here to stay, or if you're going to get hammered with snow again. The backyard is all dirt and has about 30 years of leaves lingering about, and the front yard isn't much better. Apparently whoever lived here before didn't care at all... or maybe nobody who has lived here cared at all.

Thanks Huggles..nice to have support. I feel awful cause I'm collecting EI, and I haven't found a job yet!! Oh well, I'm sure something will come around soon. Something I found out today though..the Curves I go to hired someone!! :angry: Helllloooooo!! She knows I'm looking, and it's what I did back home!! Whatever..I'll survive.

Hope you stay warm tonight. We've had some great weather here, then it will rain and be cold. Guess that's part of the South. This backyard needs a major helping hand too. I'm going to see how much it will cost to hire landscapers and just get it over with. Tim's house needs lots of work too!! *maybe I'm to busy for a job??* :lol:

Edited by TimandJoyce, 23 March 2010 - 03:39 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 15:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Life has kept me away for a while but I'm back on VJ briefly!..and wow, new look! I know, I know...old news. Anyways, an update on this opportunity and a vent! How long does it take for them to hire the manager? Geez, it's been five months since they first posted the position! I applied back in November, had the first interview with the hiring manager in January, had what I thought was the inevitable job offer from the HR manager (but it turned out to be...second INTERVIEW!) a couple of weeks ago and now I've got a noticeable 4.5-months-pregnant baby bump! SMH, I think I'm ready let this opportunity go and withdraw my application.

Wow...sounds like me, and I only applied at Bath and Body works!! I had my first interview in the middle of Feb....and have gotten a complete run around since. No one seems to know what's going on. I'm guessing I'm to have a follow up interview, but haven't heard yet...and all this for a job that might only be 8 hours a week to start! :blink:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 12:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Can anyone give me a brief lesson on the multiquote thing? I tried to quote flames and MrsCat but failed...

Wish I could help you, but I can never seem to work this mutiquote/reply thing properly... I've given up trying!! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 12:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
awwwww what an adorable kitty... Makes me miss my babies all the more though :( I'm afraid to ask my son if he still has them, or if they ran away!

You'll do fine in the interview Bern!! Looking forward to that review.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-22 22:14:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good morning all.

Well bright and sunny here in Calgary today! Not sure what we are going to do this weekend, besides attempt to change the deadbolts again (they don't line up right in the front) - my Husband is setting up another computer downstairs, for some reason :hehe:

Oh and hot cross buns are available! woot!

Posted Image

Those look like the beniets we had in New Orleans.....YUMMY!!!!!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-20 21:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Sorry to hear about the gal stones Marylin :(

So, my mom's in town... YAY! Except she brought her friend with her and her friend is SUPER selfish. Last night her friend said "we're going to Olive Garden tomorrow night" and I said "Oh, who's we?" and she said "Oh just me and your mom"... Then last night when they were leaving I asked my mom when she wanted to go shopping today (she wants to buy me a new outfit) and my mom said "in the morning" and her friend said "Well, we want to go for a swim first!!!". You know what? Screw you mom's friend. You can go swimming anytime at pools, I don't get to see my mom very often. If she really wants to go for a swim she can go and my mom and I can go shopping.

So basically my mom's here this weekend, but it looks like I'm not going to get to see her much.

awww sorry Peachy! That must be so frustrating. Stand your ground. Tell your mom you want to visit HER and not so much her friend. Maybe you and Varba can..."crash" their dinner date? Hee hee...."Oh! I forgot you were coming here! Well, we may as well join you!".... :devil:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-20 08:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Sorry to hear about that Marilyn. I hope you're better soon. (F)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-20 07:37:00
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Soooo....I leave for Canada tomorrow.

Everyone wish me luck. I still feel like I'm constantly fighting the urge to throw up.

Oh, and everyone needs to google Chase No Face. I saw this kitty for the first time last night through his blog and I just want to love him to pieces. Makes me appreciate my Kitty Poo with a Face, even if she is a little bitchy.

((((hugs)))) I know all about having to leave...soon you'll be there for good!! :) have a safe trip back
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-19 09:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good morning folks! Flames, I hope your father's procedure is successful and that he heals quickly. Safe travels to you.

Looking at another glorious day here in Saint Louis. Lousy weather this weekend predicted though. Back to the rain. I'm just going to focus on today though. After swimming this morning, an early lunch with Gene on a sunny patio!

Gene's Dr. said his ears aren't infected, however there may be some damage due to his previous cold/infection and the stmospheric pressure during an aerial tram and the flight. If things don't clear up with a decongestant by Monday, he's to see an EN&T Dr. on Tuesday. His GP says Gene may have to have tubes in his ears.

Again...I'm only going to focus on today...

Have a great weekend everyone!

Posted Image

Thanks for that coffee!! Whooooo a Timmies!! I'm going to make it a double double! I can't WAIT for October when I go back for my son's wedding...going to get one of those for sure!

I hope all works out for Gene... ((hugs))

Edited by TimandJoyce, 19 March 2010 - 09:03 AM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-19 09:02:00
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LOL!!! I missed the part that it's required by law but someone at work pointed it out. Seriously, he wasn't being goofy about not filling it out, he just doesnt want to... but now he has to LOL!

We got ours in the mail yesterday too. I haven't looked at it yet..( I'll do it tomorrow ) but I heard it was very easy.

I can't remember what the census was like in Canada. Are those required by law too? I thought they were...

My mom worked for Stats Can and when I was 17...ahem..a long time census was coming around. One of her jobs was to find homes so that the forms could get to those places. We had so much fun together, going down these long roads, only to find that they were a drive way! One of my favourite things to do, is to take roads, and just drive it. See where it comes out at. Now a days, with GPS's .... too hard to get lost! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-17 10:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

The one in the profile :P

ohhhhhh OK... *now's she's afraid to look at her own* :unsure:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-16 22:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

This reputation thing is just silly IMO. I'm thinking it is not going to work as planned!

yeah..I'm thinking it may need some work.. :unsure:

I can see the point behind it, but it will get abused that's for sure. Good thing you can't do more than so many "hits" a day...

Ha Ha...I see that multiple posts are still impossible for me to figure out! It's gotta be the blonde in me...

Edited by TimandJoyce, 16 March 2010 - 09:46 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-16 21:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

And anyone know what's up with this reputation thing in the profiles?
Mine's -1.

Are you talking about the one in the forum posts? Or your actual profile page? The ones here, ( in the forum ) just say "0" to my eyes...Course, then again...I'm real tired tonight... :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-16 21:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good morning everyone. I see that the changes to VJ aren't a dream, and everything is still "different" :blink: The only thing that remains the same, is COFFEE. Mmmmmmmm

Posted Image

Wow...haven't been here a while....and I'm really not sure WHERE I am either...LOL But according to Carla...I guess I'm here....going to take a while to figure out a thing or two I suppose..

Glad the coffee can still make it! :lol:

Minnie!! Sorry to hear of your hubby...I hope this time goes by fast for you. I'm glad to hear about job! I sure wish I could find one....*grumble, grumble*...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-16 07:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

this might seem silly to some but I just figured out how to connect our laptop to the printer attached to the desktop :dance: I feel so proud of myself..

I had tried to figure it out months ago but I gave up...

Yay!! Not silly at all, a real accomplishment. I'm not a techie by any means, so I'd be feeling proud of me too. My problem is...I"m on wireless, and I don't have a c.d drive on my laptop, so I can't print anything off. I'd have to "hook" the printer up anyway...too much trouble. But Tim doesn't support microsoft office on his so it's hard to get anything printed off anyway... :( Oh the fun we have with technology!

Posted Image

Love this mug!! I want one for

Can't wait to hear about your travels. Good to have you back Carla, you've been missed. Wish I could help you with your cursor problem too....sorry..someone here's probably a techie...:lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-01 09:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

My cousin decided to 'come out' on facebook... it was a total disaster. Her parents were so sad she didn't just come to them first and then tell the rest of the world :lol:

:o Yeah, that one's a little different....

Edited by TimandJoyce, 26 February 2010 - 10:13 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-26 22:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I got an email from my wife about twenty minutes ago saying, "Did you post about my promotion on Facebook??" To which I replied, "Yes, I did...why?" Well, it turns out that she hadn't told her parents yet, but her sister is on Facebook and saw my status update and immediately called her parents to tell them about it...and of course her parents hadn't heard yet! Eep!

Damn you, Facebook! I was just excited about it is all...

My wife's not mad. But I DID inadvertently steal her thunder. Oops. :(

awwww I'm glad she understands. It's hard to hold back excitement. At least for the all the future announcements, you'll be together and you can ask "did you tell your parents yet? Yes? Good" *Wyatt runs to facebook, and Visa Journey*....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-26 18:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Posted Image

Nanaimo Bar!!! I gotta make one's such a big hit here and Tim LOVES them....

Posted Image For Krikit. I pray her mother shows great improvement.

Congrats Bern and Wyatt for your spouse's promotions. Nice to have that happen just before moving down and all..

Goodness! Those interviews are coming up soon! How exciting! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-26 17:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I have no idea what to do for our anniversary next week.. I want to do something nice that isn't too expensive...

Happy early Anniversary! I'm sure you'll do something nice. A romantic dinner at home...lights turned low....soft music....scented candles...

So I go for my interview today...I hope it has a better outcome than the last 4 I've had :D

good luck!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-26 09:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Hiiii Everyone!

We got the keys today and have been busy doing little home related things. Switching out light fixtures, door handles, painting, things like that. Great fun! I can't wait to move in on Saturday.

Good luck with your POE tomorrow lgg!! :)

How exciting! I love that feeling of "moving in"....even though I don't actually like...."moving"....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-26 09:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I CANNOT believe I am POEing tomorrow.

Posted Image Hooray!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-25 19:27:00