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Ok so I just had my first real "I miss home" moment.

My best friend had her baby on Thursday, beautiful baby girl. My friend's mom has been posting videos on facebook of little Laura every day since she was born.

Well it just hit me, that my friend is taking her kids to Sudbury next week and I won't be there to meet the baby and see my friend n stuff.

It's so unfair that I can't go back to Canada right now :(.

awwwww (((((((((((hugs)))))))) Peachy. I hate those "miss home" moments. For me they sneak up on me, and I become distant. Then I feel like I've made the wrong decision, and start resenting everything. Today for instance, back home, my sisters did the Walk for Memories for Alzheimers Awareness. ( We lost our mom in 2008 to it) I did the walk last year, but I really wished I was home this year with my sisters. Poor Tim. I'm sure he was wondering what he did. I haven't been very joyful for about a week, then it hit me today.

Yeeesh...can't wait for this part of the roller coaster of emotions to stop! :wacko:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-31 22:51:00
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I GOT MY VANCOUVER 2010 MITTENS TODAY :D They shall accompany me to Montreal. Hahahaa!

:lol: I'd love to get something that says Vancouver 2010 on it. I saw some great hoodies in Zellers about a year and a half ago..and of course..I didn't buy it!!! :angry: silly me!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-27 22:39:00
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I am a Second Cup girl all the way! I don't really like Tim horton's coffee at all though we're going to go today so that my husband can have some Timbits... he's all on about them...

I like a medium or strong blend and sometimes a half strong and half flavour... especially if it's hazelnut!

mmmmmmm NOW you're talking!! :lol:

I'm a fan of Timmies!! But I rarely had coffee there after my late husband died. ( He bought us double doubles all the time) Tim doesn't drink coffee, so other than my couple in the morning..I really don't have too much through the day. Guess that's good, eh?

Spirit is coming to the Big Island for a visit and is going to house-sit while we're in Canada. I'm so stoked. :dance:

that's cool!! Nice peace of mind for you.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-26 07:36:00
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My cold is still hanging around :( Today I have a sore throat, and I`m still coughing quite a bit.

There's a flood warning for here today. It's also 60 degrees outside...

Thanks for the coffee Carla! I'm going to stick to OJ today tho :)

awww hope you feel better soon Peachy. I hate colds. I had a slight one on the day of my wedding!! My voice was so ratched out I couldn't hardly talk. It came out in squeaks.. :lol:

Made it very difficult as Tim and I sang to each other when I walked down the aisle! :blink:

Thanks for the coffee!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-25 10:47:00
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You are only 2 hours from the BC border, you need to go shopping!

I would have such a hard time NOT doing that if I lived that close to the border. Maybe that's one of the reasons I teased Tim about moving to Seattle..:lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-24 17:34:00
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They mix them in the cough syrups! I looked it up because it does seem contradictory. They said it's a common mistake for people to think this way and that the expectorant's job is to thin out the mucous so the scillia can move it out of the body.

Dr. Krikit, I presume? :unsure:


Good morning everyone. My husband worked on his day off yesterday. Today he has another work-related event to attend. :blink: I think I may join him down in Tampa overnight on Monday and Tuesday. I'll sit on the beach while he works. :lol: Or I could stay home and get the house ready for sale. Hmmmmmm. Beach.... work. Work.... beach. Yep. I'll take the beach.

Anyday!! :thumbs:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-23 09:11:00
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Hee hee hee.

We're rewatching Season Five right now. Just polished off the first disc last night. My wife thinks we'll burn through the whole season this weekend. Yep...we love Lost!

It really sucks that I was dumb and canceled my ticket for next week though. I was looking forward to watching the season premiere with her. :(

I just called Expedia to see if I could reinstate my ticket without incurring the $150 "change fee"...but no luck. Ah well. These two months will likely go by fast!

awww Wyatt, I wasn't aware you canceled although you need to go to Montreal as well. And the plus side?? February is the shortest month of the year, and we're only a week away from that!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Can't tell you how happy I am that you got your interview!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-22 22:41:00
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where's carla and the coffee? :unsure: (kinda sounds like a rock group, eh?)


Carla must be busy today, all I found was this empty cup

Posted Image

Love that cup!!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-22 20:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre It's a website that has tv shows on it. :D

ahhhhhh Thanks!! Didn't know if you were speaking Hawaiian or not...

Hey All!

How's it going?

I've been coughing like crazy for the past 3 days. I'm debating going to the doctor. I have no other symptoms, just a chest cough.

Also, I've been having these dreams at least once / week that I go back to Canada and can't come back home because my AOS isn't finished. Is this normal?

Hope you feel better soon!!

I don't think I've had a dream about going home. Not that I DON'T want to go...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-22 09:56:00
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Well, I consulted with my wife and decided to go for it. :D

Some folks will see this as foolish, but...meh. I'd pay $300 for five days with my wife ANY time.

That's great Wyatt! :) Not foolish at all...

I'm in love with Hulu.

who or what is "Hulu"? :unsure:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-21 22:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Never lie to the panel physician, if he doesn't ask, don't tell.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-21 18:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Of course, rather than stand closer to the back door and prepare for an exit, should it be a real robbery, I just stand in front of the front door, eyes wide open, in my pink bunny slippers, with a soapy hand holding a fork :P

:lol: I think a fork is really going to show who's boss. Along with those slippers!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-21 17:51:00
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:lol: How am I gonna hide my ####### now?


Good gravy!! You wouldn't believe how far back I had to read just to find out why Reven had a #######!!! :jest:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-21 17:48:00
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lol.....e kept telling the woman...get closah..closah..yes es..closah!! I fainally said..DUDE!! I have BOOBS...this is a CLOSAH as It's gonna get!!

:rofl: You're too much!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-21 15:04:00
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Lots of postings since I last posted yesterday afternoon! My name here is carlawarla. My real name is of course Carla. carlawarla is the nic name that Gene gave me soon after we met. I treasure this name! It's the first nic name I've ever had. I've never been called a term of endearment from anyone that was so unique (other than sweetheart, honey etc.) Gene does on occassion call me "hon" as well. His nic name is Sparky, which was given to him by his work mates. He's the spark in my life! :lol: Hence, he's Sparky, I'm Sparkle...another nic name.

AWWW Carla...that's so sweet!! I've only had one unique term of endearment too. From my late husband. He called me Sweetner. Started calling me that on our honeymoon.

I think they dropped a few of the requirements since then, though. Well, that's my guess, anyway. lol

Yeah, maybe they didn't like having all that cash on hand. Lots of people doing that early morning immigration medical...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-21 09:08:00
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In was $330.00 and only accepts Money orders or bank drafts....and a VERY nice sweet lady doctor!!

At Woking?? Mine was $350.00 last June, and I paid cash.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-21 09:04:00
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Ha! Yes, when my wife calls me by my first name, I know that she's mad or annoyed at me. We have many variations of each others names, plus several nicknames / pet names that we use... almost never our proper names. :P

:cry: Tim doesn't have a nickname for me...

* I have one for him????* :unsure:

And Reven? I agree with the general consensus here, which is pretty much the same as with Ali's recent promotion offer. Until you've got a very good idea of where you're going to be in the next few months, stay the course you're on. You don't need another stressor / complication...especially while you're pregnant!

Ditto for me too, Reven!!

:lol: Cute Wyatt

Guess what everyone? We got that house we wanted! :) The seller counter offered today for $1,500 more than what we originally offered them... I don't see how $1,500 is really worth arguing over, so we agreed.

So now there's an appraisal and an inspection and all of the other fun things that come with committing to a place. Hopefully everything goes well! We're suposed to close in 4 weeks, maybe sooner if we can make it happen. Its unoccupied so they want to move it pretty fast.

Whoooo how exciting!! Congratulations!! :D

Edited by TimandJoyce, 20 January 2010 - 11:32 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-20 23:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre


Kind of like when I'm reading gamer talk. lol

I do the same.... only my husband has met Trailmix and Carlawarla so if I mention them I have to say their real names. But it's so hard not to! :lol: I'm sure he'd think I was crazy if I said "Trailmix says.... "

You mean trailmix, Krikit, sprailenes, carlawarla, are NOT your real names!! :blink: I'm in shock!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-20 18:07:00
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Happy 4th Monthliversary!

:lol: thanks Reven! I hope I remember NEXT month...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-20 18:05:00
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Posted Image

oh no not the vet! poor gilbert!

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-20 09:13:00
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:lol: it's our 4 month anniversary today..and I forgot!! :bonk: He went out fishing, and I stayed home, because it isn't often we're apart!

Just found out..he knew what date it was today... silly guy..he should have said something! :blush:

Edited by TimandJoyce, 19 January 2010 - 10:43 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 22:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

She should have just taken that money and donated it to Haiti.. at least her soul would have been totally stunning!

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

*as well as applauding*....

Well said....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 14:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

*eats cookie, wipes large, sandbag nose and scratches smallish, sagging #######*

Meh, I guess to each his/her own.... it's a sad state of affairs if you ask me...
Truth is, if you don't feel like you have something to add -- that's a problem and at 23, we're all still grappling with what is what... it only gets better from there -- wish I knew her so I could make this promise...

It's pretty much true...

:lol: love your description!!

And I agree with you whole heartily...

*ummm not the "description" part....*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 13:54:00
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I've read quite a bit about addiction to plastic surgery. Once you have a couple of procedures done, then you start to need "maintenance" procedures done at some point and it just snowballs from there. More surgeries needed, and more self-scritiny fuels it.

You know that's what I'd think. If you get something done at an early age...what in the world do you look like when you're 80?? Course, in Hollywood, the 80 year olds have enough $$$ to keep it up.

I know lots of gals in their 80's that look great, with NO surgery. Just a healthy living is all. You should see the one woman at the Curves I used to work at. She's 89 and puts me to shame!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 13:52:00
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GASP I didnt know I can insist for a tracking number. The person said I couldnt do it and wont give me a tracking number too.

Hope your package doesnt get lose Emancipation.

the Post office DIDN'T give you a tracking number?? How was it sent? When I sent AOS, I sent receipt requested, ( or what ever that's called..:lol:) and got a tracking number. I'm sure sending regular mail, you won't get one, but I'm sure you didn't send it like that.. I'm confused... :wacko: :blink:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 12:18:00
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Bah.. they wouldn't do it for me this am...

I hate my post office.. :angry:

Your post office won't track? I just did all mine online.

Well, Canada Post tracked the one Tim sent, that's when I found out you could do it... :blush: That was close! I got all that info the day before my interview!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 12:13:00
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Hiya everyone!! :) Just sent off the CDN passport renewal..

USPS can't track to Canada? Please someone reassure me and tell me USPS isn't going to lose my passport, birth certificate and marriage cert.

Bah.. :unsure:

I believe you can track USPS until it crosses the border. Then go on to the Canada Post, and enter the same tracking will still work.. :thumbs:

At least it did for me last year when I was waiting for all that important info from Tim for my interview.

I just looked it up. The final night launch is February 7th. 2010 marks the end of the space shuttle launches. The last one is scheduled for September. Here is the launch schedule:

February 7th - final night launch
March 18th
May 14th (this is the one my cousins were coming for)
July 29th
September 16th.

Great, thanks! I'm afraid we'll be missing the Feb 7th one.. :( We're already going to be busy that week, which is a shame because the 8th is my B'day and what a nice gift that would have made!

I'm sure we'll catch one of these!!

Well, at least the days are starting to get longer. :)

I noticed that!! Yay!!!

And it's a nice warm week here in the South!! Almost like spring now... :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 12:08:00
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Don't be sad. There's lots to see and do in DC also. Omg the spring in DC is beautiful because of all the blossoms. People who visit you... free museums remember? I mean you can just walk up and down going into all sorts of neat places. You can visit the museum of the American indian and see my peeps. :lol:

There certainly is lots in DC. We went there as part of our honey moon. Oh..and if you can, it' only about 4 hours to Williamsburg VA. Great history there. Jamestown, and Yorktown. I quite enjoyed it. I can't wait to go back to VA and DC to see more!! Tim and I were in the American History Museum in DC.
We were there all day. 3 floors!! :blink: And we only really saw two exhibits because of all the information. ( And I thought the museum in Victoria was good!!)

Ummmm what's this about the last shuttle launch? I'm sure Tim hasn't heard anything about it, and I KNOW he'd want us to go see it. He went years ago to watch one. Said it was incredible.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 10:11:00
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Do they still make GOOBER??? Peanut butter and Jam together???

I've seen it on the shelves here. I'd have to check again to be sure of the brand name, but it's the same thing. Grape, and I think strawberry.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 18:44:00
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I can't scroll back to see where all this started :blink:

It's lunch time - so here is a (vegan) buffet

Posted Image

That's my kind of lunch!!! I don't care what any of it reminds anyone of anything.... :lol: Let me have a plate!!!

Posted Image

Posted Image

I don't think they sell it anymore

Hmmmm can't seem to remember seeing that... :unsure:

And for dinner we have the spicy peanut vegan soup!

Posted Image

And that looks like my kind of dinner!!! *Slurp*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 18:37:00
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I typically love poached eggs, but this entire conversation is making me love them a little less, lol ;P

:lol: I'm thinking this conversation is making me love a lot of food a little less!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 14:38:00
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I have to admit, while I typically love eggs, sometimes I almost gag when I eat poached eggs, just because I think of what exactly it is I'm eating... :dead:

*why she doesn't eat poached....*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 14:30:00
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P. S....

All my above posts up there?? ^

My computer froze and I'm thinking there is a time limit or something to have more than one quote on a post?

*that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!* :P
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 13:41:00
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Good job Sprailenes :lol:

Anyone wanna play a game? :)

(It's tough)

Yikes!!! I love tetris, but that one is hard!! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 13:14:00
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At the intersection this morning and the car behind me starts honking its horn like mad. So I give them the Jersey salute and Ethan turns to look and says: "Oh that's Mrs. VanFossen!"

AKA his teacher... niiiice.

Wonder if it's the same as the South Carolina salute? :unsure:

*Not that I've seen any here....*....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 13:11:00
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isn't it made with coagulated blood???

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 13:06:00
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It tastes like #######! :lol:

Well then... I'm out!! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 09:55:00
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Come Dine with Me. It's a super great show that I'm so digging. 5 strangers meet up and take turns cooking meals for one another for a prize. IT's a British show and it's awesome. Watching them try to cook all this fab stuff and having tons of mishaps is totally awesome.

OH and I have NO interest in Black Pudding...

:huh: if it tastes like licorice...I'm in!!

Good luck house hunting Sprail!! That's really exciting! :)

Speaking of which, Bill and I just got back from looking at houses. We found one we really love and decided we're going to make offer on it!! So exciting and scary all at the same time. Its not a huge place but its very cute and charming and has a lot of nice updates, especially in the kitchen. We looked at over a dozen townhomes because we thought that's what we wanted, but I guess we were wrong.

Hows the house hunting experience going for you Trailmix?

How exciting about your house!!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-17 21:59:00
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People need to stop saying freaky <_< (at least until I get this song out of my head lol)


That song used to be out of my head...until my 23 year old son started singing it all the time... :lol:...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-17 21:55:00
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I'm a day late ! But I got a phone call Friday afternoon for a different job! They want me to come in on Tuesday for an interview! :dance: I think I might enjoy this position more if I am offered...less commuting...but less pay...nontraditional work hours but at least I'd work similar hours to the hubby...good chance that the other position I first interviewed for would put me in therapy...

How exciting!! Doors are opening up for you!!

I just spent 3 hours at a hair salon.
Gained highlights, lost half my hair.
It's weird having shorter hair again... feels kinda nice though.

pics, pics, pics! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-17 08:15:00