Canadalicenses in the US

u wil find ther eis no "United" in United States when it comes to getting ones DL, it varies from state to state!

Very true!! Here in SC - I got my DL with no problems. Didn't have to do a test, written or driven. Had to have my SSN and GC and that was it. They also let my keep my license from BC, and DID NOT punch a hole in it! :) *I don't use it, of course, but it's a nice keepsake*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-26 18:48:00
Congratulations to you both!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-20 12:45:00
CanadaBeginning of our Journey

Welcome welcome welcome!! Sounds like we'll be going through this journey together as well! I was married on Sept. 19 and we are sending out our I-130 packet today (crossing fingers)! This site is a great place to get all the answers to your questions and find all the forms and info you need! Best of luck and feel free to message me with any questions!


Cool!! That's the date we got married; but in 2009.

Welcome to VJ, Janice. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Many have gone the path your about to partake of, which is a very good thing, as you can learn so much from everyone's experience, (good and bad). The key thing is to read LOTS. I was a K-1 and I read so many posts from different people from when they started the process, to the NOA2 to the interview. That way, I had some good ideas as to what to expect. I knew how to get things in order, I knew how much $$$ I was to need in this entire journey. That's a biggie. You'll be going to Montreal as a CR-1, so find out how much the visa is, how much your medical will be, how much the police report, perhaps the cost of getting there, hotels, etc. I agree with Warlord about preparing yourself mentally too.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-29 10:02:00
Canadavisa denied?
Just want to say to the OP, and everyone else waiting for their visa...

I don't have much advice to give, as I didn't go through Montreal, but I really do hope you all get your passports with your visa's soon! I can only imagine how it must feel to wait.

In the mean time...keep your self busy!! Organize the things you want to take; sell off those items you no longer need, (or give them away) clean your homes for selling, or your apartments if your moving out. Take extra time to be with friends and family; could be a while till you see them again. Take lots of pictures (and videos) of the town you live in for your own personal memories.

I understand that Montreal is sloooooow when it comes to things....and it's probably like the petitions: some are quick..and some take time.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-28 09:17:00
Congratulations! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-11-03 07:52:00
CanadaCdn passport arrived
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ May 1 2009, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ May 1 2009, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is it true that Canadian passports are good for 10 years now?

Someone told me that the other day, but I just didn't want to believe them....

I heard they are going to introduce 10 year passports in 2011. This is from a lady at the passport office in St. Catharines good.gif

Great! Mine expires in 2011. For now I'll be making..(when I can travel) all tickets in my current name, and change it when it expires. Then not long after that...when I go for naturalization...I'll have two!! LOL....

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-05-06 20:14:00
CanadaHolier then thou attitude
I don't find the majority of Americans rude. I know some are out there...I have seen it. But I've also seen rude Canadians. You'll always get a mixture of both, where ever you go. I suppose there are places where it's more "evident" and it's sad that some people will judge a whole country because of that.

And yeah..medical. I'd love to see some similar ways here like in Canada, but one certainly doesn't have to wait near as long for tests here! Tim was telling me that his doctor's office has an X-ray, and I think Cat Scan right there. I don't know about other doctors, or if it's the same in the rest of the country, or if it happens like that in Canada, but the town I'm from....ummmmm no. If the doctor wanted to do ultra sound, or X-ray, or MRI, etc., she'd make an appointment and I'd wait to hear from them when it would be. Tim's eyebrows where raised when I told him that most doctors, (that I know of) have 10 minute appointments unless you tell them you need a longer time. And that several people will have the same appointment time, so you wanna get there early!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-20 12:43:00
CanadaWoking medical appointment Van

Yes they contacted me by email, and I think it was a few days after I filled out the form. Yes they still did my medical, after a loud annoyed sigh from the receptionist and her chewing me out for not reading properly. I think that if that's all I forgot, then I was doing pretty good :P

awww sorry you got heavy sighed at...

When I was there doing my medical, someone else didn't bring a copy and they too, got chewed out! I think they had their passport and had it photocopied there, but they weren't happy about advice...copy it!!!

Also..check your surroundings well, as to where you are staying, and where the medical and consulate is. That way you'll know how long it will take you to get there. For the medical, you will want to be at the office at least by 5:45 a.m. They will ask everyone to line up in order of when they arrived. And don't go too early at the consulate but probably by about ten to one should be ok. I was last, and there was only 3 of us that day, so I was interviewed last...I hope you have a beautiful day. It poured with rain on the Wednesday I was And that was in June of last year.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-05-18 18:28:00
CanadaWedding Details

Wow, people go to weddings and don't give gifts? What is wrong with people??? I don't know how they can live with themselves!

Unfortunately people are people. You'll always have someone that won't give a gift or card.

At the very least, it's always nice to get $$$$ :lol: Or a gift card. I LOVED getting those!

Glad to see plans falling into place.

I'm with Huggles...glad I won't EVER do this again. ( course, I already thought I had said that before I met Tim... :lol:)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-09 09:51:00
CanadaWedding Details

My photographer sent me a little surprise today! She had finally finished sorting through the my wedding photos from November and posted quite a bit on Facebook. I am sooo impressed at how the photos turned out.

Since the hubby and I want to be prudent on our 2011 wedding expense, I hired a former sorority sister to do my photos. She is a Math wizard/physicist by day, and an amateur photographer by night -- or during her free time. As I will be her first official client, she gave me a very generous package that included my 2009 civil ceremony and engagement photos (to come!). Of course, I was apprehensive that I would have mediocre pictures, but whatever, I wasn't planning on getting a photographer originally. But she is wonderful and I am just soo happy and lucky! I swear, this girl has made me 10x skinnier than I really look :P

Anyway, I just wanted to share some of my favorite photos from my wedding -- these were taken at my in-laws' front yard, right before our champagne toast.





I LOVE that second one too!!! And beautiful pic's. The time of year was wonderful for you. I really like how those trees are in the background. awww you're both so happy... :luv:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-07 16:28:00
CanadaWedding Details

The Knot is going to get a ragerific call from me tomorrow morning.
I just logged on to check something, and they CANCELLED my order!

I never ever asked for it to be cancelled, ever!
I had to cancel the first one since it sent twice (even though the site said it didnt when I ordered) and now the second one is cancelled!

I honestly better get a discount or get this for free. I am very, very pissed.

Oh Rhianne!! I'm so sorry. I hope it gets all fixed for you...

Wow...tomorrow's THE exciting!!

No matter what..everything will be wonderful!!

*keeping eyes out for pictures*..
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-26 07:42:00
CanadaWedding Details

Those sound so pretty!!

I've got my heart set on either of these two sets, unless I can find something with more sparkle.

Diamond Toasting Flutes


Flutes with crystal thingies in the stem

Very pretty...

Love the description....Flutes with crystal thingies... :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-22 10:30:00
CanadaWedding Details

Reading this thread makes me want to get married again. :lol:

me too!! Um...Tim doesn't though... :lol: *Need to work on that*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-22 10:27:00
CanadaWedding Details

I went to one that's run by chinese people (cause of my sisterinlaw) and they were all commenting on my skin about how soft it is and such. The one lady was like "I have to take vitamin C and E and my skin doesn't get like that". I was telling her about how I was getting married to a chinese man and she was trying to sell off to me about how they're hard workers, great family men, etc. You think I didn't know this already? Harhar.

That's so funny. Reminds me of one of my friends back home. She's married to a man from Hong Kong.

A group of us ladies were sitting around talking one day. One of the ladies was a Filipino. When she found out Helen's husband was Chinese she said.."ohhhh they make great lovers" :rofl: We all looked at Helen and said..." tell"...Course she meant the same as what you were told, hard workers, attentive to their wife, etc.

Poor Helen...was her face red!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 21:00:00
CanadaWedding Details

To other brides, I don't recommend buying your wedding dress on ebay though--the $50 dress was decent for the kind of wedding I had, but you need a $$$$ photographer to make it look great, LOL.

Here's more shots of that dress:;id=635273495;id=635273495

Love them!! You're so pretty, ( well, you're both great looking!! :lol:)

you look so the running on the beach. I can't do that with my sweetie. He's disabled, and can barley WALK on the beach let alone run...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 18:19:00
CanadaWedding Details

Reading all your wedding planning makes me a little nostalgic! I love looking at your wedding dress selections. Mine cost $50 on e-bay, from a factory in Shanghai.;id=635273495

Very nice!!! Love that picture. I can see why a favourite.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 17:04:00
CanadaWedding Details

You could just do a small ring ceremony/get together with your family the next time you are in Canada. I have heard of a few people doing that -- it would be nice without all the stress of planning a wedding :)

Actually I had thought of that...something REALLY small.. :lol:

The funny thing is, next time I'm in Canada will be later this year in October when my son gets married. I wonder if he'd go for a double wedding? ^_^

He won''s ok. We'll just maybe do something the NEXT time we're there. I'm hoping we could go during the summer of 2011. Summers there can be so nice! Maybe we can plan something for then. Hmmmmm

You all got me thinking now.... :D
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 14:35:00
CanadaWedding Details
Lovely wedding dresses for all of you lovely brides!! And wow on honeymoon places!! I'm so glad we went to Williamsburg VA. We got a great deal on one of those cabin/condo style places. Actually they're time shares but we're not buying... :lol:

All this talk about weddings, makes me want to do another one in Canada...:cry: None of my family were able to make it to the wedding here. I really don't think Tim would go for it, though. It was hard enough planning a wedding with me so far away..:lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 12:40:00
CanadaWedding Details

So I need an opinion from everyone! My fiance is having 3 groomsman who he has already asked to be part of our wedding. I was going to have 3 bridesmaids as well but one of them had to drop out as she can't make it down at that time. So, now we're left with 3 groomsman and 2 bridesmaids. My fiance has a sister I get along really well with, and I am thinking of maybe just asking her to be a bridesmaid as well. I feel a bit weird doing that though as we aren't very close, but we do get along well. My fiance has 4 sisters and it also worries me that I would be offending one of his other sisters by asking this one ... what do you think?

I agree with Rhianne. Ask your fiance how the other sisters might handle it. Or simply, ask the one you're thinking of, and then ask her how the others might feel.

If you ended up with an odd number of attendants, don't worry. I've seen pictures that way, and they were done very nicely.

Is there any other female friends or acquaintances that you've met?

I just ordered the very last of my rose petals today from ebay! So now I've got purple, pink, and pink with white.

Now I'll just have to tackle the task of picking apart the remaining 3000 that I've just ordered when they come in. :blink:

3000 petals?? Will there be room for the bride and groom somewhere... :lol:

I'm going to line the aisle with them. I've already got 6000 petals that I've picked apart, and I'll need 3000 more. So in total that'll be about 9000ish, give or take a few duds.

Oh!! I see!!! that's going to look very nice!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-18 21:04:00
CanadaWedding Details

I made the favours myself.. I bought a bag of Hersheys kisses and placed some on a plastic spoon and wrapped it in tulle and ribbon.. and put a little note on it that said something like "a spoonful of kisses from the new Mr and Mrs"

Oh my goodness that sounds so cute!! * and I might add, very inexpensive*..
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-14 14:47:00
CanadaWedding Details

OH. My sister in law got her son a little suit since he's my ring boy. It was 34 dollars originally, on sale for about 24. When we got back to her place, she looked at the reciept and they discounted it so much that she got it for 4 DOLLARS! Crazy.

That's great!! It's so nice to find things for a wedding that doesn't cost way too much... :wacko: Maybe you can use that $20 you thought you spent on something else!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-12 08:41:00
CanadaWedding Details

I won the dress!!!


:dance: Congrats!! That's so exciting!!

For the groomsmen we got them engraved pens in cute boxes.

Good idea!! :thumbs: I like that. Depending on how many guys and all. We had ushers too, so we had to keep costs low...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-09 21:43:00
CanadaWedding Details

I don't know what to get my Ring Bearer (He's 2), my Bridesmaid (She's 22) and our Best Man (Late 20s I think).
Anyone have any suggestions?

Well, I got scented candles, and lotions from Body and Bath works for my girls.

Tim got these light things you put on your caps for the guys from Bass Pro Shop....( kinda lame but I didn't want to tell him that.. :lol:)

And a 2 year old? What about a book or some cars or something? He'll just be excited that he's got a gift! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-09 13:43:00
CanadaWedding Details

So true!!

I really need to start seriously planning my church wedding... we just got a new apartment so hopefully in a couple of weeks when we have everything moved in I can buckle down and figure out everything.

Yay!! Having your own place!! That's so exciting. Just a few more months and you'll be walking down the aisle again!!

Huggles- hope you find the house of your dreams!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-04 22:01:00
CanadaWedding Details
Nice looking park!! Wow, can't believe you're getting married!!

It's so fun to be watching everyone go through the process of sending the K-1 off; the NOA2; the interview; the POE; and the wedding.... like watching your kids grow up!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-04 14:31:00
CanadaWedding Details
How exciting to see all these new weddings take place in the New Year!!!

Invites, hair clips, flower girls, wedding dresses!! Makes me wanna do it all over again...

*Ok..kidding on that last*

I love it all! That wedding dress is GORGEOUS!! I love non - traditional. I really wish I had been wearing something different, however time was of essence and we couldn't find any other material I wanted.

Now I'm thinking I could have ordered something while still living in Canada, and just shipping it down to my future SIL's place. Tim STILL would have never seen it...

Oh well... hindsight, eh? lol

Best wishes for all the POE's coming up, and can't wait to peek at the pic's later!! star_smile.gif

Edited by TimandJoyce, 30 December 2009 - 10:22 AM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-12-30 10:21:00
CanadaWedding Details
Love the dress and flip flops!! good.gif It's going to give you such a tremendous feeling when you wear that.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-11-05 17:49:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Oct 30 2009, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I went backwards earlier and it looked like you two were regurgitating cake, it was kinda funny.
They're such cute photos, I loved the whole collecting money with the shoes.

laughing.gif I guess it did look like that!! I was trying to smear it all over his face but he wouldn't let me!! We got a video of that part, it's really funny to watch. He didn't trust me... *wonder why?*

Oh yeah, some of the grooms men "kidnapped" Tim and I had to collect $250 in ransom money! They actually left and drove around town. We had just married flags in the windows of the limo. When they stopped at a red light, a guy did a double take to see two MEN in the back of a "just married" limo.... laughing.gif

Edited by TimandJoyce, 30 October 2009 - 08:55 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-30 20:52:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 30 2009, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Those are FABULOUS pictures, Joyce! There were some really beautiful artistic shots in there. Were you singing as you were walking down the aisle?

Can't wait to see yours too, Minnew!!!

Thanks! blush.gif Yes, we sang to "When God made you" I had a cold though so it didn't sound as nice as I would have liked.. laughing.gif
I really liked the way our photographer did the pictures. Was a nice surprise to see them.

Yours will be fantastic Minnew!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-30 20:49:00
CanadaWedding Details
I have a link to the professional pictures we had done!! Yahooooo They turned out well, and she got some GREAT facial expressions in some of them. We waited till we came home to have a session with just the two of us...not in wedding I'll post that link later when she gets it up online too...


TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-30 14:47:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (minnew @ Oct 20 2009, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rhiann- Congrats on getting the dress so quickly!! Everything is falling into place!

TimandJoyce- Lovely pictures!! You both look so happy!! You can't even tell the cake is leaning! laughing.gif

laughing.gif it started to lean so much we had to cut the cake sooner than expected!!

You know what was really funny about our wedding? So many people came up to the table to congratulate us, and talk, so we didn't get to eat hardly anything! We were so hungry when we left the reception that we went through the drive thru at Wendy's before we headed out of town!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-20 19:58:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Oct 20 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another awesome score on my part:

My mom called today to see if they could put a rush on it due to getting my interview so fast, and the person on the other side said she had called my house phone earlier.

Turns out they have the EXACT dress I want in my size in the colours I want in their stockroom!

I'll be getting it in 2 weeks instead of 14 tongue.gif

That's great!! Bet your grinning like a school girl now! smile.gif
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-20 19:56:00
CanadaWedding Details
Ok..just a few...I don't have any of the ceremony I'm afraid...but these are some my favourites...And I can't remember how to post the actual picture... wacko.gif For some reason it's just not working tonight, so I'm sorry that you have to click links....



For some reason the cake looks yellow here, but it was white!! This is a good shot to show the fountain underneath...


And a close up of the topper...


TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-19 23:02:00
CanadaWedding Details
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! I LOVE the second picture down!!! That's a keeper...and the cake looks wonderful. The couple on the side are so cute! Looks like you had good day too. Your dress is very lovely.... congrats again!! star_smile.gif
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-19 07:37:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (minnew @ Oct 13 2009, 05:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our cake unfortunately did not make it to the cake cutting sad.gif That was the only mishap, but I think it was because it was too warm in the room! When my hubby and I dropped by the room to check it out before the cocktail hour it was leaning a bit. Well it kept getting worse....We had pillars in between the top and middle tier. By the time the dinner was almost over a staff member came over to say its getting looks like the leaning tower of pisa.... laughing.gif They boxed up the top tier for us before the cutting of the cake! The cake was delicious and we have ALOT leftover!

TimandJoyce-congratulations! Hope your roadtrip adventure was wonderful!

We must have had the same cake! It looked alright when we first got to the reception, but over time it too became the leaning tower of wedding cakes laughing.gif so we had to do a cake cutting fast.

Our road trip was wonderful. I want to post some pic's soon, but like you ... paperwork, paperwork, paperwork.

I know this isn't a "wedding detail" but we did find out that when I get my GC, I won't have to take a driver's test or anything, just get it transferred over to a State one. Well, that's what we were told yesterday. The rules will probably change when the GC comes in... wacko.gif

Looking forward to your pic's and hearing more of your adventures. Ain't married life good? I LOVE the fact I'm not working!!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-14 08:27:00
CanadaWedding Details
Happy Wedding day Minnew!! I'm sure everything will go great!

We're back!! *Whew* we went on a 3 week road trip after the ceremony. I've seen so much country The wedding went reasonably well, considering I had a COLD..go figure...and Tim and I were singing to each other. Course, my voice came out in squeaks, but everyone else loved it, and a few told us after that was the first time they ever cried at a wedding...* probably cause I hurt their ears* The reception was like an Hawaiian luau, with blue table cloths, sand and shells on them. Then a few folks kidnapped Tim and held him for ransom till I could get $250...I got $277. jest.gif

We went to VA, and DC, and Philly, Boston, and St. Louis, and Nashville, and Pigeon Forge Tennessee. Wow...were we tired when we got back home! Sorry no pic's right now...but I'll come back ASAP and post some..I'm just a bit rushed as I need to get some things done here around the house..Just wanted to pop in and and say hi and let you know I haven't run away...We got to get onto AOS we're really busy! Talk with you soon!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-10-10 10:31:00
CanadaWedding Details
Hello all! I've been so busy last little while...and soon it will be all over this weekend! Only 2 days away. I think we're ready... laughing.gif Then we're going on a road trip for 3 weeks so I'll post pic's when I get back!

Wow...tomorrow nights the rehearsal!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-09-17 20:22:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Sep 10 2009, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG.... OMG... Have you guys seen this?!?! HAHA OMG. I don't know if I want to laugh or scream!!

That's funny! She should have worn a bathing suit standing so close to the water like that!

This one is probably making it's way around. Tim and I saw it yesterday and laughed!! One of the best I've seen.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-09-10 20:16:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ Sep 5 2009, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Joyce you must be excited, 2 weeks!

Mine is 364 days from today laughing.gif but who's counting?

I'll be glad when all of it it over! laughing.gif But I think it's going to be a really nice wedding. Can't wait to see how it all comes together.

You'll be amazed on how quickly that will pass. Just go one holiday at a time. Next month...Canadian Thanksgiving!!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-09-06 21:35:00
CanadaWedding Details
Happy Ceremony to Chadlaure!! I hope we get to see some pic's. And I hope the day's weather is good, and not too much traffic to go trough this weekend. I can't remember where you are.... blush.gif

That means two more weeks for me!!!! dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-09-05 12:02:00