CanadaWhat exactly do I need to make sure they do at POE?
Are you flying, or driving? If flying, the cost of the I-94 is included in the price of your airline fare. If your driving across the boarder, then you will have to pay for it, $6 I believe, and I *think* that is in US but someone that has had to pay can tell you for sure. :) The POE isn't all that stressful, but because you will be pulled into secondary inspection, allow your self enough time, especially if your needing to follow a schedule. I went through the airport at least 2 hours before my flight, and was in secondary almost an hour. (There were lots of people there and very busy).
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-14 10:55:00
CanadaHow did you meet?
Tim and I met in Hawaii in June of '06. We were part of the same trip. Funny thing is..there were no sparks or anything...just 3 very short conversations, at the end of the week. It wasn't until we got home, and emails started, then yahoo...then calls..then visits....well you get the picture Posted Image As others have said..the rest is history....

Edited by TimandJoyce, 05 August 2010 - 08:38 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-05 20:37:00
CanadaDoes EAD/AP/AOS take extra long...
We sent the AOS package in end of Oct. last year, and I was approved for GC in Feb. (EAD, and AP in Jan.) That included an RFE which took about a month to collect the data, and send it back in. I feel I would have been approved much sooner otherwise.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-21 11:54:00
CanadaA Day at the Montreal Consulate

I know the feeling of the "you're approved"...I didn't exactly get fan fare However, I did have a nice woman that interviewed me, and she made me feel very comfortable with her questions. We even laughed and joked a bit too.

We really do think that the interviews are going to be so serious and nerve wracking, but they aren't. :) I wish my JOB interviews were as easy!!!

Looking forward to hearing about your POE and wedding!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-21 14:22:00
CanadaOur Family in Grief.
I'm so sorry (F) (F) You'll be in my thoughts and prayers....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-21 13:27:00
CanadaFiled my AOS TODAY
I hope all your paperwork for AOS goes quickly, with no hassles.

You definitely need to rethink on the unpaid work...but volunteering at the hospital sounds great! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-23 14:49:00
CanadaInterview Question
You'll be fine. Vancouver is great! I'm glad my interview was there. I had a woman, (Hong) and she was so nice and sweet. The main purpose of their job is to make sure you have a bonafide relationship, and that you won't be a public charge, (hence what he does for a living and will he support you and your daughter). Bring everything that is asked for, (they may not ask for it, but it's good to have), and keep yourself organized, and acting calm at least. I was nervous too, and there were 3 of us that day, I was the last. The other 2 didn't look like things were going well for you can imagine how I was feeling when they called MY name.. :lol: But I just smiled, (important to do that too :)) and we had a pleasant chat with each other.

It's really easy, but lots of waiting.

Oh! I really don't know how important this is...but I think that having an actual wedding date, and departure date is good, as it shows confidence that you're expecting the visa!

Can't wait to read the "I'm approved" in your subject line...and to hear all about your trip to Vancouver. What a beautiful city!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-22 16:45:00
CanadaJust a quick question...
How exciting! Have a great time! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-25 08:58:00
CanadaShoutin' from the rooftops!
*High fives* Congrats!! I just knew you'd be alright!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-03 17:15:00
CanadaChest X-Ray?

Nothing says appetizing like eating on a giant picture of your rib cage! :lol:

:lol: that's funny! You must keep you hubby laughing. You have such great humour :)

One thing you will find in the US - you often do receive hard copies or originals of things like MRIs and X-rays. You pay for them so you are considered to 'own' them unless otherwise stipulated by your health care provider or the hospital - so it is possible you could collect a fair number of large images.

:blink: Interesting. One could put them all together and have a unique conversation piece in their living room! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-04 16:07:00
CanadaChest X-Ray?
I love these questions! :) I remember reading about this before I moved and such, so I knew I didn't need it after the interview.

One of my favourite suggestions I read what to do with it after....

Use it as a place mat. :lol:

However, I do have mine....somewhere :unsure: I think it may be on my closet shelf.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-04 08:14:00
CanadaMedical and Consulate Review - Van, Canada
Wow!! They didn't offer me anything! :lol:

Interesting. Almost didn't sound like you went to Vancouver. Do you have the Bank of Nova Scotia where you live? That's how I paid for my visa. I printed off the deposit slips from the computer, took them, (with the money..)to the bank in my hometown and that was that. I paid for my visa long before I had my interview.

Good thing about if someone forgets a form, and you can fill it out there. I'm sure it probably happens, as people get nervous, have so much on their mind, etc.

I'm surprised too, about not being able to pick it up the next day. I'm almost positive she told me I could have done that, but I was leaving that night and brought an envelope. I left on the Wednesday, and got my passport and visa on Friday.

I guess they changed things up a tad over there. I apologize in case I gave you any information to think otherwise.

Great review though. Sounds as if you had a great and understanding consular. It must be so hard on children to be there that long. The staff all know how active they can be. That's sweet how they helped you keep her entertained some. Can't wait to hear about your POE and marriage!

Edited by TimandJoyce, 04 September 2010 - 08:34 AM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-04 08:33:00
CanadaWill I Ever Get A Break?
awwwww sorry to hear about all this Rhianne....I hope you get it all settled soon...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-08 17:33:00
CanadaIs it just me, or is this kind of overwhelming?
Hope you post a pic or two of the wedding!! And relax...once you get into the paper work, it's really not that bad. I was surprised how quickly everything got organized. I kept 3 piles going at the time, one for AOS, one for EAD and one for AP and read what each of them needed.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Posted Image
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-08 16:24:00
CanadaI live! Sort of.
Sounds like you'll be a little busy! I hope the move goes well, and that you find a good job. Congrats on your husbands job too! That sounds interesting. :)

I don't blame you for taking a break! I know most do after the AOS part of it... I'm trying too..but...well.... :blush:...

Hope to see updates of your life later on! :P
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-12 16:28:00
CanadaAny of my fellow Canadians feel a letdown after their oath ceremony?
Congratulations at becoming a citizen. Perhaps you and your husband can do something ceremonial. If not right now, at least start making plans for it. A special trip or something.

At least you know your done! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-10 07:53:00
CanadaEmployment Help

And truth be told, i don't know what i really want to do. I thought about going back to school part time, but we just don't have the funds for that right now, and i'm going to be 37 this December. Starting over at this age, well kinda feels meh lol.

I know how you feel!! I gave up an excellent job back in BC.....*sigh*...and I really don't want to do retail..etc. I'd like a job that has some kind of meaning to it. I, too, am thinking about school....and I'm 46!!! There is a massage therapy course that just started this year, but I won't be able to take it until next fall, so that will put me at 47...and 48 when I'm through! :blink:

I'm quite worried about it because after a 45 minute phone call, a 2 hour interview, and then having to track down some old references and scan a copy of my work for her, it would be awful if it didn't work out. The sad thing is that everyone made it quite clear that it's the bottom of the ladder and I would be doing the jobs that no one else wants to do. I'm willing to do that, please give me a break here.

I hear ya!! I had a 2 hour interview at a retail store!! :o The whole first part was fine, and I actually thought she was going to hire me...then I had to do this weird "test" thing, *94 I agree or disagree with the statement*, credit check, and criminal check. :wow: So really, it wasn't even up to her if I got hired....I didn't. I ended up going away a week after the interview, so was too busy to call back and stuff, but I told Tim, that I'm not sure I wanted to work there anyway after all that!

I really think in some areas it's harder to find work for non citizens. We just got to keep trying, and hope for the best. As others said..volunteer where you can, and just keep sending out those resumes. Where I live, it's really not that easy, and a lot of the stores around here are kinda "trendy" and managers can see that I'm, well, not. LOL. So that makes a BIG difference too.

I know a waitress in one of the restaurants here. She told me she could talk with her boss about getting me on as a hostess, (seating people, cleaning tables) I may look into that when we get back from my son's wedding in October.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-10 08:56:00
CanadaEmployment Help
I like those suggestions Darnell! :thumbs:

I have had 3 interviews since January.....*sigh*, and it seemed like they all gave me the run around. The one I was really hoping for was at Bath and Body...30% discount...oh yeah!! lol. But they were going through a manager change, and I never got my second interview, even though I went back continually to inquire about it.

The last interview was for a retail store called Cato. The interview with the person went super, I thought. We got along, we laughed, we even had things in common. Then she said, "I need you to fill out this little quiz" :blink: Something like 94 questions, with several of them asked different ways. And whether or not if I agreed with the statement or not. I also had to have a criminal and credit check done! Needless to say....I'm not working for I have a real hard time with that quiz thing!

We're leaving for Canada in a month, :dance: for my son's wedding. I can't wait. First time back since I moved here last August. So the job search is "on hold" right now. I plan to look aggressively when we return in the middle of Oct. I'll have to apply online, as it seems that's what I've been told by several people. There is also a place here that is like a job placement program, and I'll check them out too. I really DO NOT want to do retail, if I can help it. I'm too old for that :lol: I'd really like to get into something where I may have a chance for advancement.

The other thing I'm seriously thinking is going back to school. I'll probably go talk with an adviser at the college here to see what my options are and such. There is a course I'm interested in taking; wouldn't be able to start until next fall, but I could start with the prerequisites.

I do have to say though...I've kinda enjoyed not working for a while. :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-02 22:21:00
CanadaTN to Green Card - Overdue Check-in!
Congrats on your marriage and getting your GC!! I'm so glad everything worked out for you. :)

So sorry to hear about your grandmother (F) Thankfully you did receive the time to spend with her, considering all the paperwork going on.

Yes, your GC is good for two years, (will have the expiry date on that) You can start the removing of conditions (ROC) 90 days before it expires. USCIS won't be sending you a letter about that, (naturally) so just count back 90 days from your expiry date, and you'll know when to send everything off. Take a quick look at the guides so that you'll know what to gather and all. I just noticed it and we've been married a year I'd better get cracking!

Keep in touch!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-15 08:16:00
CanadaEAD ( Form I-795) Question
I put my POE too, and I flew from Vancouver so that's the airport I used...everything went through fine :)

Hope you have a very successful, and very quick AOS!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-16 10:21:00
CanadaJust checking in!
Wow!! I really had no idea how long it all took for you. I remember reading of the denials and such, and that you needed to prove domicile. I'm so glad it's all worked out for you, and that you've also received a job as well.

Keep in touch.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-16 18:13:00
CanadaWell, I just don't know what happened
Awesome news, Spirit!! Congratulations on a quick approval! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-03 17:18:00
CanadaEdmonton POE
Congratulations! Have a great wedding! :) Glad your POE was smooth as silk....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-24 08:07:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

Me toooooo... we should have prizes for speed-reading in the grocery aisles. Though HFCS in milk is new to me O.o

Wow...never thought to look for that in milk! What brands? Anyone know? :unsure:

I agree about all the HFCS is in so much! Enough already...sheesh. I know I've gained, (too much) since moving here...maybe another reason why I feel so depressed. Well, there are lots of other reasons too...but I won't go into all that......
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-25 11:27:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

The funny thing about Tim Hortons no longer making the donuts in the stores------They changed how they did it for months before announcing it to the public, and no 1 complained!! BUT once they heard they were no longer "fresh" then they stated they sucked,lol

Maybe the town I lived in was small enough that they kept making them fresh right up to the end :unsure: Jim and I would buy a cheesecake (real cheap too!) and we got to know one of the workers there real good. She said that she could put any topping on it because that's what they used to fill doughnuts with. (chocolate, blueberry, etc) ...and she just charged us for the cake too :) *less than $10*

One day we went in and she told us..."this is the last time I can do this...we're having all our goodies shipped in now...we're not making them here anymore" Oh well, it was good while it lasted...

Um Yeah...hijacked I feel like I made a mistake...???? :blink:

I sure do wish I was home now so I wouldn't be dealing with all this humidity and high temperatures that I'm not used too!!! Oh, and the crazy drivers!! I think for me right now, not working has put a big strain on me; I feel I don't have an identity. I'm looking at possible schooling, but at my age, I'm going to be very picky. The tech college here though is adding a new course, entry level ( that sounds good to me so far!) but not enough info online for it yet, so we're going to go to the campus to find out more. I wouldn't be able to start this fall, as we're going away for 2 weeks end of Sept. but maybe for next year...depending.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-05 10:42:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

I'm just saying. Timmy's bagels and doughnuts are #######, but their coffee is great :)

*Whew* you guys have been talking a lot!! :lol: Not enough time for me to back track and see what you're all saying...but...there once was a time Timmie's made their doughnuts at store level!! YUM!! My late husband and I used to go there a lot. Double Doubles, and what he always like to call them: a fat pill! :lol:

But then...they stopped doing that..and now have them shipped in.. *sigh*....The coffee is still great though! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-05 07:43:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

Hi everyone.

I just came across this thread today and I just wanted to say that it's nice to know that I'm not the only one feeling this way.

My now husband and I have will have been together 6 years in November and we just got married at the end of May this year. I've moved to Iowa from British Columbia so I'm really having a hard time adjusting too. It's hard not being able to see the mountains everyday, being a half hour drive from the ocean, to moving to a mostly rural area where it takes just a half hour just to drive to the nearest shopping mall.

I've only been here for a few months, but now that I've started looking at my AOS and what it all entails, I'm mostly looking at getting my AP so I can get back to BC to see my family. I've been having a lot of breakdowns lately, and it makes me feel terrible that I'm putting him through all my emotions. He actually asked me, "am I worth all this grief?" I honestly didn't really know what to say. We were engaged for a year and half even before we decided to get married.

I really wonder how long I'll be able to handle it.

Right now it's really difficult as we still live at home with his parents, his father being in a wheelchair and being an only child he stays home to help out. But that might be it. It's not really a place of our own. I don't have a car, don't have a job... I do have some of his family close by that I think I can actually sit and talk to a little more than his parents, but I just don't know some days. :(

My mom and I Skype pretty much everyday so that helps a little bit, and I love him to pieces, I just really don't know if I'll be able to be happy here, so far from my family.

Did we move to the same town or something???? :lol: I'm from BC too! Vancouver Island actually, and I HEAR you about the ocean and mountains! I could walk down the street to see water! And mountains all around....*sigh*....

Now I'm two hours from the coast, and no mountains in sight! Course I knew that, and I knew we'd be living a fair drive to the mall, or any kind of shopping, (where as I used to live *in* town...walking distance to everything) but had no idea it would affect me this much! Slowly getting used to it I suppose.

I'll finally be going back at the end of Sept.!! *cheers* My son is getting married Thanksgiving weekend. I can not wait to touch Canadian soil again! I keep in touch with my sisters and Dad via FB and such, but it sure does sting when I see all the fun their having....without me!! :(

*Course...they are a little jealous that Tim and I have done so travelling this neck of the woods*

LOVE THE LOGGERS WALTZ!!! My Daddy was a West Coast Logger.... :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-02 22:36:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

Wise words. About any issue, communication is *extremely* important. I cannot stress this enough. A partner who doesn't know about a problem *cannot* help. Communication can avert potential disaster, or start you on the road to mending what's already taken place. (F)

And to add to that - my husband and I communicate well - it's our 2nd marriage for both of us so we like to think we're pretty prepared...and we are. But.........

But throw immigration into the mix of a new marriage and moving and OMG - you have other issues you never imagined. Despite being very effective comunicators, we have faultered along the way...him understanding my feelings, me expressing them properly so i feel validated etc.

After almost 3 yrs the clouds are indeed lifting for me and for us. I've had bright moments along the way, with some dark ones thrown in. As some here will know, my daughter (now 18) had issues adjusting...probably akin to what we all have experienced and it made life even more complicated.

Keeping yourself busy with something that makes you happy (and I don;t mean work...not for everyone) is really something that works naturally as a

de-stressor and helps one to be validated.

So true! I agree with both that communication is important. But what you said Udella&Wiz: Throw immigration and a new country, nonetheless...and it becomes different. Men want to "fix" things for their wives. That's just their human nature, and I love them for that. It's sweet. They want the love of their life to be happy, what ever it takes. But....this is something they can't "fix" The new laws, the new ways of life, the new rules...everything. It becomes so overwhelming. And if someone happens to move to a place where they know very few people!? Sometimes, it seems easier to just shut yourself in a box and ask everyone, including your spouse, to leave you alone! *yes, I know that's not right..but that's how you can feel*. I've moved to the South, and although I find they are the sweetest people; so polite, so friendly, etc. just some things that I have been told, "the Southern way to do things" not how I did things back home, and it makes it even MORE overwhelming here for me. So I also think that no matter how "prepared" you are for moving etc, depending on where you move to, can make for quite the culture shock. Perhaps had I stayed near the West Coast, like Washington, or Oregon, it might have been a lot more similar to home. I'll never know though...I moved to the South. ( I WILL learn to love it like home though)

TimandJoyce- I live in Charleston...anytime you want to get together and talk Canadian I have a tin of timmys coffee in the freezer! :lol:

You're so sweet!! *shakes hand* I love Charleston and kinda wish I lived there. Probably because so close to the water...I really miss that. We haven't been there in a while but maybe the next time we are, I'll send you a PM and maybe we all can meet :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-30 11:24:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
I've gone back and forth with wanting to reply, not sure if I should reply, etc, etc, etc....because this too is exactly how I feel.

I really can't add much as a lot of what some of you have stated is what I'm facing and I've not quite been here a year yet. (next month will be, and we'll be married a year in Sept.)

I can say that I'm very envious of those that leave close enough to "zip" home. :( I'd love to live that close.

I really thought I could "handle" a lot of things here once I'm not to sure..However, I did make the choice, and unfortunately moving back to Canada is not an option for us. So I do need to get over this and make it work.

Reading this thread yesterday made me cry, and of course Tim's asking what is wrong. I let him know that it's just the "normal" struggles, nothing he can really "help" me with, and if I told him everything that I'm feeling he'd be offended. Which is kinda true...after all..he really doesn't want to hear that I'm having a difficult time "loving the US like home". It's not home for me...not right now. I just can't feel the same way about this country like I can with Canada. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong...and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it, but it's just not "home".

I don't think that's wrong to feel that way. Any American that moves to Canada I'm sure has similar issues.

Sprail...I like what you's like learning to walk again. :)

P.S. I'll be stopping by time and again. A lot of responses has helped me somewhat. Some great advice is here. Plus, it's just nice to read from others that have some of the same situations. I almost feel like I'm talking with another Canadian!!

*Oh how I wish I had one or two Canadian friends here to see face to face*

Galateia...I hope you don't feel your thread being hijacked!! I really do feel for you and my heart breaks. As it does for everyone else. Thank you though for starting this. I think it's needed....

Edited by TimandJoyce, 29 July 2010 - 01:52 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-29 13:50:00
CanadaFinally going to Canada!

Have a great time. Be careful of all the yummy canadian foods that you have been deprived of!!! I know I came back from my recent trip a few pounds heavier :(

Oh sure..just what I need!! :lol: Actually it will be great not worrying about HFCS!! I might even get daring and drink a pepsi that ISN'T diet...

Sounds wonderful!

If you expedite your passport you can get it back before you leave. They delivered mine to the address where I was staying in under a week. :)

From the CBP website:

If you are a green card holder and you do not stay outside the U.S. for 1 year or more, you should have either your green card (INS Form I-551, or your returning resident visa to re-enter the United States. You are not required to present your unexpired passport, however it is not a bad idea to carry it with you. Link

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-28 23:07:00
CanadaFinally going to Canada!
We're leaving tomorrow! (29th). We'll have to stay the night in Seattle, and then catch the Clipper to Victoria Thursday morning, but I'm so excited I'll be touching Canadian soil again soon. It's been a long It's funny, cause I'm a little nervous, as I'm entering the country as a visitor I don't know what to expect. I have my passport, and my GC and my marriage license in case I need to show all three going in. I do plan on renewing my passport when I'm there so I won't have my passport, but I'm under the impression the GC and marriage license are enough to get me back into the States? :unsure:

For the renewing of my passport, I also will have my birth certificate to send, as I did have to do that before, (the original, not a photo copy) and the office will take a copy of my marriage license, and what else? GC maybe?

We'll be gone for two weeks!! I'm so happy to have a long time to visit with my family and friends. I really miss them. Maybe I'll see about making homemade mac and cheese and use some good old fashioned cheese!! Wonder what Tim will think of that? It's a tradition for just about every meal, maybe I can make some for Thanksgiving. My son is getting married on the 9th, and we'll have Thanksgiving at my Dad's the next day. It will be a little different for Tim. He's used to Southern style FRIED turkey....*which is quite tasty*

I'll try to pop in every now and again while we're gone...I hope to be online as little as possible.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-28 16:39:00
CanadaEating Differences

I find here that Kroger's and some Food Cities have a little british food section, so I can usually find HP sauce there. If not we have a World Market not too far away.

Not sure who has what grocery store near them, but the Bi-Lo here has an *small* international food section. They have HP sauce, and the Birds Custard Powder I need for my Nanaimo Bars!! They also have an Areo bar...but it's $1.59 :o
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-28 16:09:00
CanadaEating Differences
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of ketchup either, and neither is Tim. The way I look at it.... IF I decide I want a little on my fries, the HFCS won't hurt.. :lol:

Love poutine also!!! :thumbs: We're heading to BC for my son's wedding in a few days, but when we come back, I want to experiment with making some here.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-25 17:40:00
CanadaAP question
Hope you get your visa soon and can move! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-27 09:34:00
CanadaReceived welcome letter and SSN
Congratulations on getting the welcome letter and SSN! If the GC is the same for everyone after getting that welcome letter, it shouldn't be long now...Mine was real fast! I came as K-1 though, so I really don't know if that makes a difference.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-18 17:14:00
CanadaCanadian Thanksgiving
I get to be here for Thanksgiving with my family, but that's only because my son's wedding is the day before! :P I'm hoping that next year, I'll do up a dinner for family and friends. I like the idea of celebrating twice! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-05 09:54:00
CanadaHEINZ ketchup!!

Yeah, I don't like to put too much salt on my foot either. Posted Image

That's OK, Rhiannercakes, because right after you wrote that, mandaNchris mentioned that they liked to salt their fires:

I only do that when I have set the stove on fire...

I need to stop being so ####### about typos Posted Image

LOL so funny...I didn't notice either one, till it was pointed out! :P

Personally...I don't like ketchup. I hardly ever use I really don't notice the taste difference. I'm just not a die hard Heinzer...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-05-16 16:35:00
CanadaWhat to do with the Ontario Plate?

I kept my front one on the front of my car!(in SC we only have rear plates) every time I see it there I smirk..hehe makes me think of the traffic I'm no longer stuck in! :dance:

If I ever see a car with a Canadian/American plate...I'll know it's you! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-23 10:36:00
CanadaWho all do you notify when leaving Canada?
Have you been working at all this year? You'll need to still file your taxes next year, and they will have to send you forms, as I don't believe you'll be able to to do it online. Do you usually pay or get a refund? If you get a refund, you don't even need to panic of having it done by the end of April.

When I left BC, I called GST only to let them know I was leaving in mid August. (Course, they still deposited in mid August :bonk: ) I waited until the following year, called a number for RCA and they send me two forms. Taxes for my province, and the Emigrant guide, which helps for doing your taxes out of country. The nice thing, (I knew I'd get a refund) they re did part of it, and I got a bigger refund that I was expecting!! Then they took back the GST they gave me , and it became smaller :lol: but at least it's paid off.

Other than any of your regular bills, I don't think there's too much you need to call. MSP if you're paying, but in BC I didn't have too, (didn't make enough so I had 100% premium) so I really didn't contact them. If you do pay for your medical, then for sure let them know.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-25 07:32:00
Canadalicenses in the US

u wil find ther eis no "United" in United States when it comes to getting ones DL, it varies from state to state!

Very true!! Here in SC - I got my DL with no problems. Didn't have to do a test, written or driven. Had to have my SSN and GC and that was it. They also let my keep my license from BC, and DID NOT punch a hole in it! :) *I don't use it, of course, but it's a nice keepsake*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-26 18:48:00