
Interview. Lovely.
I didnt want to put myself on my husband's bills until I could change my name on my SSN but they wont let me... so I have to do it in my maiden name then change it all.
This'll be fun.

It's on May 5th at 1pm.

That's strange.. :unsure: Just having the marriage license isn't enough proof that your name changed? I'm sure everything will work out for you. Glad to hear you got your interview and now you know they didn't forget about you.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-02 17:10:00

I just got an update and text that my EAD has been approved!

Yay!! :)

Everyone seems to be getting approvals despite having an interview booked... Where are mine?! :(

I'd love it if I could go home for a week or so before my interview... as I know I probably won't start looking for a job until after my green card is in hand...

Hang in there..I'm sure it's soon.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-04-01 09:24:00

AP approved today but still no touches on my EAD, not that I really expect anything to show up online for it as it took till my biometrics for it to even show up online.

congrats!! EAD probably soon...those emails are funny. You can check it in the afternoon...and nothing. Then later in the evening..there it will be.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-31 15:53:00
I'm not sure Danu. From what I understand, or read, if you do get an interview, then get the I-693 done because quite likely they'll ask for it.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-28 16:58:00

It says:

The I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office.

Peachy, I think that just means that it arrived at CSC...I got all those emails too. I think you're fine.. :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-25 09:24:00
Cute Bunny Ashen!!

Hoping there's good news for all of you waiting on your EAD and AP.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-24 16:02:00
That's great Ashen. I do hope all goes well for you. Even if you do get an RFE, at least you got the package out now, before the I-94 expires. That was coming up soon, wasn't it?

I hope you get approval for your AP and EAD soon Rhianne.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 22:10:00

Just got the e-mail about 10:30PM that my AOS CARD HAS BEEN ORDERED! WOOHOO! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yay!!! Congratulations!!! Now you can rest your mind for a while.. Well 2 years anyways.. :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-22 21:55:00
Awesome news Sam!! I hear these interviews are real simple. It could also be that maybe they just want to see the original of one of the copies you sent. Just make sure you have the packet you sent, with all the originals; your wedding pic's; and bills with both your names, etc. ( car, rental agreement/mortgage, bank account...that sort of thing) I'm sure you'll be fine.

Uhhh :blush:

the paper dr. seiden gave me originally says: proof of a primary series of three tetanus/diphtheria immunizations and that a reinforcing dose has been received within the last 10 years OR antibody titres proving immunity OR a td booster NOW or Tdap (adacel).

so the doc at the clinic gave me the td booster.

why give me all those options if i needed the 3 shot one? i had a td just was longer than 10 years ago which is why he told me to get an updated one. Like i said..i thought td boosters were every 10 years :blink:

Dr. Seiden is the CS for the medical right? I'm not sure about the Eastern Provinces as I went to Vancouver. So he gave you an updated booster shot PLUS the Tdap? That's good if he did. The Consulate will look for the adacel booster. Strange if he gave you both though...

My booster wasn't due until this year, (year 10) But I had the Tdap adacel last year before my medical.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-20 20:34:00

ya the insufficient interval thing is bothering td..i had one when i was a kid. i had the booster that it says to do..yet he ticked off insufficient time i'm at a is only every 10 years and i did get the booster..the paper i have from him said to get one of 3 either td or tdap or a third i dunno.

Are you talking about the Tdap booster? Adacel?
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-20 04:40:00

I still need to change mine to married name, but I wanted to wait for my greencard so I can get that thing off it saying work only with DHS authorization or whatever...
But I need it in my married name to get a drivers licence in my married name.
So irritating.

We can get that removed once we get the GC??? :wacko: Wellllll considering it took over a month for me to finally get it in my married name...I'm just leaving it on there for now! :lol: the SSN office is always so busy, and you just never know how long your going to be there. I wanted my DL so bad that as soon as I had my EAD I got them to change my name.

For anyone else interested, I had my photo's done at Walgreens, and they weren't that bad. I think that maybe they want all those pic's when you send in AOS so that they can compare with the one they take at the bio.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-19 08:58:00
Congratulations Darkchilde. It is a nice feeling to be able to relax for a couple years doesn't it? Ugh..I really wish we didn't have to go through all that ROC business. I'll probably start looking at form beginning of next summer! :lol: I don't want to do anything with immigration until then....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-18 17:21:00

TimandJoyce -- do you get money transferred in an American account from Canada? Maybe thats why they approved your case. But if the money stays in Canada, I dont know how that would work as income...? Anyway I dont know enough of the topic to say anything, but Ashen, I would suggest to do an individual post about this because not everyone checks the AOS forum and they might have advice on your situation...?

I do transfer yes. Good ole Custom house, (although now it's Western Union) but USCIS didn't ask for information on whether the money was deposited here, or in Canada. They just wanted to see proof of where I was getting it from, which is funny because I sent my T4-A (p) but I guess they didn't understand it :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-17 15:56:00

Take deep breath!!!! In with the good air...out with the bad...

Feel a little better? I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I know about 24/7. Tim's disabled, and doesn't work...I don't have a job....anyway..I won't go there... :lol:

First let me advise you...send the AOS...if you get an RFE then they will give you so much time to complete it. ( they gave me 87 days from the date of the RFE) So if you think you might need another shot, you have time to check around, make sure it's a USCIS doctor approved; contact them, ask how much for the shot, medical transcription, etc, and at least you'll be somewhat ready for that.

As far as taxes. I would definitely include the taxes from Canada, with a note explaining all the details and such. My RFE had to do with two things. Tim's recent tax year, and where my monthly income comes from. Tim wrote a letter explaining he is on disability, and does not file taxes as he makes less than 25,000 and year, there for does not pay taxes. ( or have them deducted from his income) My income is a survivor's benefit from Canada. I had added it into the household yearly income, and of course they wanted to see proof that I was legal to work in the US. Of course I wasn't. So I contacted the Canadian government, had them write me a letter explaining that I will continue to receive this, regardless of my marriage status or residency. I also included a letter stating this and such. My case was transferred after that, and approved.

I guess I said all that, to say this: Include it, with the letter explaining all his income was foreign. I know you've got a co sponsor and all, but you don't want to end up having to search for more information than you thought you might have to. Do your best to just keep it for the medical, in case. ( I didn't get RFE'd for mine...just sent the form I had from Vancouver)

If you have everything ready to send it..then do. At least you know the dates are lining up with the I-94.

Best wishes for you. You've already had a go of it...Perhaps this part will go silky smooth for you...((((hugs)))
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-16 23:19:00

Well, I got an e-mail today that I'll be receiving a RFE in my file :( Sadness. No idea what for, but I'm hoping nothing big! Question about RFE -- when you get one, is there another fee to pay? & do you have to submit the same I-485 package as before?

Ugh. I literally cried to my husband about getting that e-mail. It's so frustrating!

No extra fees :) Don't know if you already did the medical transcription, if not then a possibility that's what it is, but wait until you actually see it. They give you a good amount of time too to send it back in.

My RFE had to do with financial things, instead of my medical being transcribed. ( I hadn't done that when I sent in the AOS ) My case was transferred after sending back the RFE, and my GC was ordered a month later.

Don't worry yet!! I'm sure it's an easy peasy RFE.. :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-10 08:49:00

EAD card production ordered yesterday and I-485 got touched today too! :thumbs:

awesome!! You can start getting those resumes out.. ( and collect your EI if you applied for it )

I'm still looking for work. One of the places that I thought I'd get a job at really has given me the run around... :wacko: but I got a wee bit of a lead in a couple other places so I'm going to go check them out.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-10 08:46:00
CanadaArrived and Settled
Glad your POE went great! Enjoy Boston! We went there as part of our honeymoon trip, but wasn't there near long enough. So much to see and do! We did do a bus tour and I got to see the sign that says Cheers! LOL..didn't have time to go in tempting. I wanted to see if everybody knew my name.....:whistle:

regarding EI: I started my claim in January....I had to wait until I could prove I was legal to find work. Check the Wiki page, plug in Canada, and scroll till you see the information on collecting EI out of country. There is the toll free # to call too. Usually you would talk with Donna, ( need to leave your SIN and phone #) and she'll call you within a day. You can ask her all sorts of questions.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-05 12:48:00
CanadaYou know you wanna be Canadian!
LOVE that video! I like to watch it when I'm feeling homesick! The words are great!

BTW..did you ever see the behinds the scene video on that? :) By the looks of it, those two did all the video taping, etc. themselves. Seemed like they had a lot of fun putting this together, but it was a bit of a warm day to be wearing the RCMP outfits. lol

*I showed Tim this video a long time ago, but he didn't seem to impressed...think it was the "lose the gun" thing* :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-05 07:36:00
CanadaI just gotta say..
That's awesome!! Congrats!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-05 21:09:00
Canadaaos question
Also....what about assets? Like, savings in a bank? His IRA? And do you have any to contribute?
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-06 09:08:00
CanadaVancouver Clinic: Adacel/TD Booster
QUOTE (Danu @ Aug 27 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
which is odd because for my medical in Toronto at Dr. Seiden...all they told me was I am due next year for my Td booster, the last one I had was also a Td booster. They didn't tell me anything about having to get a Tdap. Must be a Vancouver thing only. Anyone who had their medical done in Montreal been asked for a Tdap specifically? That way we know what to specify depending on clinic.

From Dr. Seiden's site:
Td or Tdap
Hep B
Influenza (if flu season)

I had mine done in Vancouver, but also needed the Tdap booster. It was quite clear in the FAQ part that this is part of US regulations, even though it may not be required in the Country you live in. It stated that as one is immigrating to the US, they need to comply with health regulations. Strange if they didn't mention that, or you haven't got your update on immunizations. I would assume it would be the same in Toronto.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2009-08-30 22:34:00
CanadaSign-In Fail Question
Whoooo hoooooo Congrats!!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-04 09:49:00
CanadaVan Consulate Question
They wanted a certain order??? Guess I missed that link! :lol:

Just keep yourself organized! They are very nice at the consulate, I'm sure all things will be fine. As long as you know where everything is. If I remember correctly, they never asked me, "hand over the folder" , they just asked for certain papers, and I knew where they were within all my "stuff".
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-09 08:36:00
CanadaHow long did you wait...
Awesome, not too far away! Best wishes! :)

The people at Woking Medical, and the consulate are very nice too. They have a way of making you feel relaxed. I had a woman doctor, but I think there might be a male one too. The one I had was very sweet.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-11 12:23:00
CanadaPOE Tomorrow!
How exciting!! Have a great POE! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-10 07:06:00
CanadaI was denied...
Wonderful news!! Congratulations!!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-09 13:00:00
CanadaAlaba... APPROVED :-D
Congrats!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-12 09:35:00
CanadaWaiting at Woking
I found it to be quite a good area. You want to get there early! Like 5:45 am. They will take you in order of line up. The actual door to the clinic is kinda hidden, and at first I wasn't sure I was in the right place! lol. You will take an elevator to the clinic. Now..I have heard that several people would have to wait until the nurses came before getting on the elevator, but when I did mine...we all waited in the actual office upstairs. So don't hesitate to try the elevator, just in case.

There isn't an actual "door" at street level, (if I remember correctly) When you find the building, you'll see an entrance, like going into a parking garage. It should be to you left. Go on in there, and you'll see the elevators. Maybe there are gates around them or something. Somebody that had to wait down stairs will let you know, but they were definitely open when I was there, (I got there about 6:00 am) There are lots of people for these exams, so very safe for your mini me :)

Once you get upstairs and they are ready to start taking everyone, they'll give you forms to fill out first. Try to fill it out as fast as you can, because first come first serve. If all goes well, you should be out by 8:00 - 8:30. Lots of time to see parts of Vancouver before picking up your results at 2:00. Enjoy!! :)

Exam's really easy too!

Edited by TimandJoyce, 12 August 2010 - 09:33 AM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-12 09:31:00
Congrats!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-11 12:17:00
CanadaAnother question- income levels
As long as he meets the criteria, you're ok. Definitely bring the last 3 years taxes etc, because you just never know what they might ask for.

I can't say how everyone's interview went but mine, (in Vancouver)was something like this..

"How much does he make a year?"

"XXXX amount" She didn't ask for proof, just what his annual income was. This was the scary part for me because he's on a disability, and his income is WAY lower than were it should be for two. All she asked me was how would we survive. I told her he has XXX amount in his IRA, and I was selling my home (mortgage free)for XXX amount. Again...she asked for NO PROOF of anything, she just took my word. She was very satisfied, and I was approved.

The most important key is confidence. Keep yourself very organized. Know where ALL your papers are. I really believe, (as I've said before) this is why she approved me. I was very nervous, but made sure I didn't appear to be.

You'll be fine!! :)

If you have ANY will help...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-12 13:40:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review
Congrats!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-12 13:43:00
CanadaVJ Meetup (NYS/ON Area....).....July 11th, 2010!

So just tell me one thing does Ant laugh as much IRL as she does in her posts... Lol.

:lol:...Yes I do....seriously...;)
(lol...maybe you would like to find that out for yourself too...)
Lol..After all, one can't help but laugh when going through this crazy immigration process, and having all you fun VJers to share similar experiences with along the way!
Thanks for the fun and the laughter, Everyone! Sure brightens up my day, being here on VJ! :)


:lol: I'm like you Ant. I tend to laugh at everything! I'm usually always joking around and such....

I love the pictures!! I've never been to the Falls. We were going to go there during our honeymoon trip, but the weather sounded like it was nasty at the time, and we were also needing to head down to St.Louis, so we skipped it. But.. someday...*sigh*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-16 10:54:00
CanadaVJ Meetup (NYS/ON Area....).....July 11th, 2010!
I am!! I am!! But I live too far away :(

However..I do hope many pic's are taken and posted for the rest of us to enjoy!

Have a great time to all those that are going...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-02 13:13:00
CanadaI need DOnair assistance :)
Hey Autumnchik! You're at my old stomping grounds!! Your husbands family from there? I grew up in the Valley! :)

Try Yummies $ Gyros Cafe. Hard to explain where it is, (unless of course your husbands knows where it is)It's up Puntledge Rd. across from Lewis Park. Or at least it was, unless of course they moved. They've been in town a long time and popular.

I hope you find what your looking for :)

And if you want a good burger or great Chinese food, you gotta go to George's Food Bar!! I'm pretty sure they're still open.

Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Edited by TimandJoyce, 14 August 2010 - 11:06 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-14 23:04:00
CanadaMontreal K1 Interview Mini Review
Great news!! Congrats! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-12 13:46:00
CanadaFInally Married
Congratulations! Do we get to see a pic or two? :)

Happy moving and best wishes for the AOS part of your journey.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-15 15:13:00
CanadaWhat exactly do I need to make sure they do at POE?

Has anyone ever had to give a detailed list of what`s in their suitcase? I`m taking the plane, btw...

It may have been because the fellow wasn't used to working in the Vancouver airport or something, but no one even asked to open mine. I had two big suitcases, plus I also had a big box holding wall pictures, and my carry one. Course it all goes through x-ray anyways....

You could always just write out a list, just in case, but I'd be surprised if they asked for it.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-16 10:54:00
CanadaWhat exactly do I need to make sure they do at POE?

I think the reason its stapled to the passport is because one of the directions they have to follow is one of the stamps for it needs to be half on the I-94 and half on the passport where the I-94 is affixed to the Passport. I had like 3 officers reviewing the instructions while I was being processed :P
(I really should actually post my POE review, even though its 6 weeks later, I suck :unsure:

:lol: Well, here's another case of not everyone being on the same page! The guy at the airport stamped the I-94 as well as my passport, but it wasn't like you mentioned! Guess it's up there with paying at the border or not...depends on whose processing you through! :P

*didn't seem to make a whit of difference for AOS either*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-15 15:10:00
CanadaWhat exactly do I need to make sure they do at POE?
Very good point HeatDeath. I hadn't thought of the corrections and all on the 1-94, as I went through Vancouver airport, and the guy there actually had me fill out my own! (which I didn't like doing as I don't have that great of penmanship) :P

FYI: mine wasn't "stapled" to my passport. I just kept it in there so I knew where it was. I think they staple it to assure that it doesn't get lost, as you do need it for AOS, EAD and AP applications.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-14 12:57:00
CanadaWhat exactly do I need to make sure they do at POE?
Are you flying, or driving? If flying, the cost of the I-94 is included in the price of your airline fare. If your driving across the boarder, then you will have to pay for it, $6 I believe, and I *think* that is in US but someone that has had to pay can tell you for sure. :) The POE isn't all that stressful, but because you will be pulled into secondary inspection, allow your self enough time, especially if your needing to follow a schedule. I went through the airport at least 2 hours before my flight, and was in secondary almost an hour. (There were lots of people there and very busy).
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-14 10:55:00