Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

Did he have any taxes withheld? If so, i twould be prudent for him to fill out the paperwork to see if it would be beneficial to do . To me, it isn't fiscally responsible to not run though the numbers at least. The government might owe you money and he'd never know it... and the US government isn't someone I think should have an ounce more $ than they are absolutely due.

He can do it online for free to see if it'd be beneficial. Sounds like your situation isn't too complicated so it wouldn't take very long, either.

Hmmmm no, no taxes withheld. His last return, or filing was for the year 2007 when he worked the last two weeks of his job before filing for disability. That didn't start for him until August or Sept. of that year. He hasn't filed since. Guess he figures because I couldn't work here last year, I have nothing to claim. I don't know...I'm so confused... :blink:

I'm going to try to talk with again later. See if he'll at least call a tax center and ask someone. I'm hoping if someone in "the know" at least tells him what we should do...he may listen... :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-24 16:09:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

Seems so, I'm afraid. Why isn't he declaring you a resident alien for 2009 so you can file married jointly?

Because he's on disability, and doesn't pay, or will receive taxes, and so he says he doesn't file. Hasn't for two years. He even wrote a letter during the AOS procedure because they wanted his 2008 tax returns..and he doesn't have anything. I guess they seemed to accept that because I'm approved.

He's just to stubborn to pay any attention to what I have to say about it....I figure..maybe the IRS will catch up with him sometime...:lol: I've tried to tell him..but hey..according to him....he knows what he's talking about...*hrmmmph*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-24 14:24:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.
Oh Ok... I think.. :blink: So even though I'm not filing for IRS, I should still fill out just the 8891, and state what my balance for 2009 was at the end of the year? Sorry for all the questions, but I want to make sure I do this right, if I'm to send anything at all.

Ahem..*lowers voice* Tim doesn't think I need to send IRS anything right now.... :huh:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 21:45:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

He didn't cash his RRSP.

Oh ok..I was kinda looking at that link for the pdf form for the RRSP's. I guess the biggie question that I have... anyone? do I have to fill that out and send it. I moved in the middle of August last year, and my status was "pending" until February this year. I obviously didn't work. ( still not..*sheds a tear*)

Tim is on disability, and hasn't filed taxes year before last, or for this last year, as his income is so low.

I'm really quite nervous now...I don't know what to do... Posted Image :unsure:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 16:58:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

Is it possible to download leaving canada tax forms stuff? where at can I get it, I was going to file with H&R but would rather not because my return wont even cover the cost of paying H&R.

Was going to try to do it myself with my last deposit slip and my T3 unless I cant do it myself.

Possible somewhere, I really don't know. However I just called CRA..they have an international tax number... 1-800-267-5177 I had the girl send me the BC tax forms. She's also sending the proper form for me to change my name too.

I'm kinda late with this I might end up returning it late. She just laughed when I told her that. Hopefully it's my last one, unless I have to fill it out every year because of my survivor's benefit. *which will be super easy to do then*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 15:48:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

Now I have a question : I understand we have to inform the US of the amount in my husband's RRSP. Does anyone know what form I would need to use for that?

I don't know about what form to use, but is that because he cashed in his RRSP's? I still have mine, ( although not much) in my Canadian bank account, and can't touch them until 2011. Even then I'm not sure I want to cash them out.

Edited by TimandJoyce, 23 March 2010 - 03:25 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-23 15:25:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

You can request the forms to be sent to you from CRA. They will need to know what Province you lived in. If you notified CRA of your move when you relocated to the US, they will automatically mail you a package that contains your return instructions, the forms and the standard schedules.

We did ours the first year I moved here. I used the information from CRA found on line (Emigrating from Canada, etc.) and was able to get a sizeable return since 90% of my income was Canadian and I left in May so was able to claim a full year's tax credits (I had to write a letter requesting them, though). We did our US returns declaring my Canadian income and taking the Foreign Tax Credit which basically cancelled out everything, and my husband was then able to claim the spousal deductions. We found purchasing one of those published US tax guides (about $22) VERY useful, plus I did find contacting IRS through their online Help service also worthwhile. I needed some clarification and they responded quickly with exactly what I needed. Because of the foreign income we had to file a paper return that year as electronic methods wouldn't cope with it. Things may have changed since then.

Thanks!! I didn't actually notify CRA *slaps wrists* but I did notify GST and my Survivors benefit. I'll have to track down the # for CRA again and let them know.

All my income last year is Canadian, so hopefully it will be easyish. I do have the sale of my house, but I was told , since I lived in it, and the age I won't have to pay anything on it. ( I think my lawyers sheets say something to that effect) Tim doesn't file, so I guess we don't need to worry about anything for him, unless he's supposed to do something about my survivors, and actually, now that I think of it, should I be filing something with IRS because of it too? :unsure: That would be the only thing on there.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-09 18:08:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

Ufile is not set up to deal with people in our situation. Don't use it, you will do it wrong. You're going to have to do it by hand using the CRA Emigrant guide.

Ok, if I don't use ufile, what then? How do I get the forms? :unsure: And who can do my taxes??? I'm lousy at this!! :lol:

Edited by TimandJoyce, 09 February 2010 - 03:38 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-09 15:38:00
Canada2010 Tax thread - For Canada and the U.S.

That's what we did for 2008, used ufile. Filed as non-residents and mailed our return in. It took them a couple of months to process it.

So you used ufile to do all the calculations and what not, printed it off, and mailed it? That would make sense, and be easier on my brain! I'm the kind of person that needs a play by play on everything, so sorry if these have been repeated.

I also read about claiming the foreign interest on accounts over 10, 000. What if my account doesn't have that much interest? Seriously, it's a regular chequing, not a savings.

Tim hasn't actually filed anything because of his disability, but now I'm wondering, because he's married and everything, and this year I'll be collecting EI, as well as I receive my survivor's benefit every year, should he be filing something to claim that? I guess I'll get him to phone someone in the

Oi! I'm thinking this stuff is going to get confusing very soon! :wacko: I still need some more info from home before I can start to file. Course, when I got my T4, and it's not a complete year of working....the tax that was withheld....I might be able to buy a pair of shoes... :lol:

*Me thinks I'll be back here before long with another question or two*.... :blink:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-06 18:39:00
CanadaWoking Medical Review
Good review, and glad you had a nice day to go to Stanley Park! When I was there last year, (in June) it poured! So I just went back to my hotel, dried out and slept! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-06-19 15:39:00
CanadaStarting ROC.....
Thanks for the advice! I'll write a letter for sure about the tax thing. I do remember that I got an RFE back when we did the AOS, and they wanted Tim's files, but after I explained everything as to why he doesn't have any...I got approved. I'll have done mine by the time I think about naturalization and I suppose it's not exactly manditory to do it at the appropiate time line, so I may wait a bit anyways, build it up a couple years or so.

As we have lots of other things in place, I feel pretty confident. Thanks again! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2011-10-20 15:56:00
CanadaStarting ROC.....
hey all!! It's been forever since I roamed these Canadian hallways! I've been so busy this last year; completed a CNA class and am now working for a home health company, and I even have another interview coming up in a couple days at an assited living facility! But it's time to remove my conditions, and although I have found the form, (sure easy to fill out this one!) I'm wondering about the EAD and AP forms. Do I need those too? I hadn't read anything about it yet, but maybe I'm missing it somewhere? I'm curious because what if my current card expires BEFORE my 10 year card is approved? Would I be working illegally then! *shuddering at the thought!*

Also, being that I only started working this year, I haven't filed anything with IRS; and Tim receives disablility and he hasn't filed for quite some time, so there are no records there. Do you think it would be ok to write a letter to state that, just so that we *hopefully* won't get an RFE for it? I have other evidence, *bank accounts, vehicle, mail to both of us, bills etc.* and I am really hoping that will be enough.

Thanks! And I hope everyone has been well over these last few months...

*I may be back with another question or two as well...*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2011-10-18 14:08:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

so like I mentioned in my lsat post dinners have been a challenge these last few weeks. mostly because I am almost afraid of eating because I don't want to get sick.. :P

anywho, today I am marinating some chicken breasts in a citrus marinade and then I am going to grill them on the George Foreman grill... I will serve it with some steamed veggies and maybe rice or something...

Wow! I'll be right over... I think I may just have a bowl of cereal.. :mellow: We ate lunch earlier and Tim's still full..*he usually only eats once a day*...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-03-24 16:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

i got my first credit card approval today!!!!!

i had applied previously for capital one, best buy newegg etc..all with refusals. but what i did notice was the reasons why i was refused had changed.

it went from " you have no credit history etc" to "you have limited recent credit history".

i'm guessing being on all the bills here , electricity, cable, cell phone, finally paid off. since i use my bank account to pay them each month. Been in the usa since April, only took 7 months for my first credit card. :) it was a pre approval special offer one from Capital one as well.

now i get to buy the rest of the parts for my new computer a bit at a time and gain more credit!! woot! this will help immensely since davids credit is ok but not the best. and next year we need a new car and want to buy a house :)

That's great Kimbear! I hope you can build up some credit fast. I was shocked :blink: when I got approved for an Amex back in April. I don't use it that much, but once in a while I do. It gives me Delta miles, and I hope to take a free trip somewhere next summer :)

I don't have any parents in law. But if I did, I think I would love them, 'cause Tim's family is crazy, and the apple doesn't usually fall far from the tree! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-11-09 10:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
That's so funny Huggles!!! I'd love to hear you talk sometime.. :)

LoL Rob!! *Mazda*.....

I got my passport back today in my married name!! Took about two weeks. Now I can fly internationally and book my tickets in my new name. :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-11-01 09:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I think I mentioned before that I was not able to get pregnant due to blocked tubes. And that was something we wanted even thought I already had kids from my previous marriage. I had a a reversal then was told it would not happen it really broke my heart. Well Recently I broke a tooth its was infected and I was given penicillin and I thought I had reacted to the it. I was so sick, even after I was done the week. Well Monday we fond out I am pregnant. They thought about 2 week, but do to the risk of and ectopic pregnancy I have already had a ultra sound. Turns out I'm like 6 weeks. We are freaking out. This little miracle just saved us 15-20k if we had it to begin with for in vitro. I am so very exited I have been shaking. We were so terrified it might be in the wrong spot but nope every thing is perfect.


Congratulations!! :)

Hubby and I are doing the local Race for the Cure this weekend, so he wanted to raise a bit of money. He decided to bring in cupcakes to work that people can make a donation for one. So I spent the day baking and icing cupcakes. I think they turned out pretty good....hopefully they will make some money for Breast Cancer.

Those look fantastic! I would buy one too!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-28 09:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Skype is good. Tim and I used it a lot. Sound quality and picture was fine. Course, as long as the two parties have computers and web cams. It's free. Not sure about Skype to phone, as we never did that.

You can get a good calling card too. Penny talk. It's $.1 a minute, plus a $.49 cent connection fee. AND it's the same whether calling from US to Canada, or Canada to the US. You need to go online to register, but it's very secure.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-25 18:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Bus too high, bridge too low! Megabus Crash

actaully I think Udella&Wiz was referring to this story


Both of these are so sad. Sounds like the bus/bridge one shouldn't have happened at all! How could you miss those warnings? Makes me wonder if the driver was really paying attention or not.

The brother of a good friend of mine was killed within the last week, because of a driver (deputy sheriff) not paying attention. He had stopped ( at 4 in the morning) to help some people out of their car after an accident. He had a big enough truck, put his flashers on and everything, it wasn't on a corner...and the DS hit the car and killed him. He was only 44, left behind a wife and 5 children :( So heartbreaking.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-10-20 12:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
I'm not a big fan of ketchup chips, so I don't care if I can't find them.. But those Lay's Honey BBQ and Baby Back Ribs sounds yummy! Tim bought some called Tangy Carolina BBQ, but he didn't like them, cause they have a mustard after taste. ( I like them however.. :lol:) I miss Old Dutch..but Lay's are a good second.

Your kitty sounds so cute, Ontarkie. I hope everything works out. I'm sure he'll feel loved and adored :luv:'s official. I am no longer considered a resident of Canada as of Aug 18th, 2009..(the day I moved). And GST wants to redo my credits, according to my husbands income....and see if I still qualify....ummmm I'm not living there anymore, I don't think I do....This is for October 20009, to April 2010. But they did finally catch up with the fact they deposited my GST back in Oct. and now they want it back! :lol:

In the meantime, I received the form for the taxes I did, and they were so sweet to redo a couple areas for me, and allow me MORE credit, which meant I had a bigger refund than I expected. Yay!! AND ....they sweetly took off the GST that I owe, and will deposit the's certainly not anything to write home about, but at least that payment is taken care of.

We're getting ready to go to Savannah, GA for our 1st year anniversary this weekend. We've booked a two hour dinner cruise on the Savannah River, the night of our anniversary. I'm so looking forward to that....I've always wanted to do a dinner cruise!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-16 14:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Hmmm don't think I've been caught with "sorry" but I do say it like most Canadians....all the time! Funny how when things are pointed out here how we say things, when we say things, or how we pronounce things...then I start noticing that I actually do it! :lol: *Like when I leave a store, and almost bump into someone on the sidewalk, and I say "I'm sorry"....*

HFCS is in so much, it's hard to NOT buy something with it....but I'm really paying attention to the labels a lot more to avoid it. I'm not a big ketchup fan, so I don't mind about that....and once in a blue moon I might have some, so I really don't count that. But I sure do have been drinking more pop than I ever have in my life, so I really need to change to diet, (no calories, no anything...I checked the and switch back to lemon water.

Thankfully the choice of bread I buy doesn't have it in it, although I have seen some brands do have it. Some juices do, but not the natural ones, like apple juice, etc. *sigh*...It is hard to avoid at times, that's for sure....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-16 08:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I was meeting my new neighbour the other day when she asked "Where are you from?" I mentioned the Toronto area as part of my response and she said "Oh, now I hear your accent! You sound just like Sandra Rinomato!" I went :blink: :angry: . She said "What's wrong? I love her!! Why don't you like her?" I said "Well.... I find her kind of irritating." Her husband started to laugh and said "See? I told you she was irritating." :lol:

:lol: too funny!!

My friend (also from BC) and I were in Hawaii in '06 and we were talking with a woman from California. In the middle of the conversation she asks us.."Are you two from Canada?" I was thinking... which one of us said "eh"? We said "yes" and "how did you know?" She replied... "You have Peter Jenning's accent!!!" :rofl: I have been compared to all sorts of things in my life...but that one was a first!

Posted Image

You mean that movie wasn't a documentary? :o

"Take off, eh!" "It's a beauty way to go" "the great white North" "Hosehead!" Yep...we talk like that... :P
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-13 13:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Oh my....don't get me started..."about...out...garage...process...drama....pasta...decal" that's just a few..

I've always said "zee" so no problem there, and I very rarely say "eh" but it does happen :blush:

I've also noticed I'm hanging around these Southerners too much, as I think I've picked up their accent on a few words.... :blink: *I don't mind that much..really... hee hee

But I love my Canadianess about (aboot) me! I like it when I'm talking with someone, and suddenly they'll smile, and say "oh..there's that cute accent!"

I don't even mind the aboot, and oot thing anymore! :) I quite enjoy this part of the adventure...

Edited by TimandJoyce, 11 September 2010 - 03:17 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-11 15:16:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Hey wonderland is selling the Jetscream, who wants to go splits on it? :P

I'm so in!! It's only $150,000, what a steal! Enough people lose their loose change on that ride, it would pay for itself in 50 years or so :P

Whooooo Sounds like fun!! Let's see....$150,000 divided by 3......*hmmmm carry the one....*

I can never get used to the way some of you Canadians write your dates. It drives me up the wall when Mathew puts the date before the month, but I guess I'm just a stubborn American like that. :P When I saw krikit say that Chickaflick wasn't married yet I was like "whhhaaaaa? Looks to me like she got married in January!" :bonk:

hee hee, it's taken me a bit to get used to doing the month first!! Then I thought....HEY... that makes sense. After all, we usually say....June 1st...or December 14th...etc. I don't think too many people..*unless they're lawyers...* say...the 3rd of March.....*unless you're Canadian...hee hee*
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-10 09:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
We don't have an In and Out here...not sure where they start either, so it may be a while before I can find out if I like them or not.. :lol:

I forget we do have a Harvey's though. It's not located in the area of town we usually go to, so that's why it's usually forgotten. This town is spread out funny..
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-08 22:02:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq


Five guys poutine would be amazing. <3

Oh those would be so YUMMO!!!

I love five guys! :luv:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-08 16:26:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
I didn't see that movie actually, ( course, now you made me curious!). My husband would still love that lamp though! LOL LOL
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-06 15:35:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
I love it Sprailenes! My husband loves those, and well, you just don't want to know what they look like on me, so I don't wear Maybe I should find that lamp for his side of the bed! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-09-06 09:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I was in a car accident this morning. I've never had this happen before, so I'm like... whuuuut!? I've already contacted my insurance and all that so they're helping things get taken care of. I'd stopped for a pedestrian at a marked pedestrian crossing, and the guy behind me was either going too fast, following too close, or not paying attention, and ended up slamming into me after SLAMMING on his brakes and SQUEALING them, and still probably hit me at 20-25MPH (estimated from witnesses). I think I have whiplash (my neck hurts and back of my head has a sort of weird feeling... cause when he hit me it jolted the car forward about 10 feet and the back of my head hit the seat pretty hard)... but we don't have any proof of our health insurance yet, so I can't go to the doctor about it yet. The guy totally accepts fault (as he should), so that's good... and his vehicle is more damaged than mine was (*point/laugh*).

P.S. I have a job. :thumbs: lol

Ashen! I'm so sorry :( I hope it all works out for you (doctor stuff, and the insurance stuff, and that you hear from this guy) But on that positive note you posted...your job!! Can't wait to hear all about it...what is it??? What are you doing???
Take care, and I hope you'll be feeling better soon.

I made some s'mores cupcakes tonight for all of you... eat up! Yum yum!

Posted Image

Yum! I'll take a few......dozen... :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-21 08:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
I'm so sorry to hear about the rings, Flames! I really do hope they show up.

Tim and I do trolley/city tours pretty much all the time. That way, we can decide where we want to "hop off" and "hop on" later. Some parts of the city are more interesting, to us any way, and that's where we like to spend most of our time.

Depending on the tour out for I think it's stop #9 according to the map. about two or three buses zoomed by us, and we even called the office to get them to call the buses! Finally one stopped, but it was too late to tour up around Harvard, or take the Harbour tour! :(

We did see Cheers though! Or at least..the sign. Didn't have time to go in...if you do, see if everybody knows your name!

I loved Boston! We have to go back for sure. If your into history, you could always do a tour of "Old Ironsides" the USS Constitution.

Have fun!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-09 13:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Oh, so I was wondering (sorry if this has been talked about before) if anyone who is in the States celebrates Canadian Thanksgiving? My husband and I did last year and we had a lot of fun! We've actually decided to make it an annual thing and we invite our friends over and have our own Thanksgiving dinner! It's nice because Kyle gets to celebrate the holiday when he would at home (although it's not necessarily on actual Thanksgiving day, usually on the weekend since we don't have the time off on Monday) and we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with one of the biggest things to be thankful for - our friends! Just wanted to know if anyone else did something like this or any other Canadian holidays or traditions after moving here.

I want to celebrate that too. I had hoped to do it last year, (moved down in August, got married in Sept), but we had a 3 week road trip honeymoon, and by the time we got back home here, forget it! There was so much to do, plus I wasn't overly used to Tim's house yet, nor the kitchen, and so much had to be rearranged and cleaned! So then I year...

Now it's "next year"...and my son is getting married, (back in Canada) on October 9th!! Canadian Thanksgiving weekend! :lol: Guess we'll just have to celebrate up there! :)

Oh year......:P

Edited by TimandJoyce, 09 August 2010 - 08:32 AM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-09 08:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Ashen!! You poor lady. I know JUST how you feel. Same thing happened to me back in May. I'm really not a "sun worshipper" if you know what I mean, and so that day was the first time I'd spent close to 7 hours in the sun! (I wore sunglasses too!) It wasn't painful for me...but sure looked gross as my face was peeling off! The day after the show, (Sunday) I taught Sunday School, and the kids asked..."Did you get sunburned?" :rofl: I love those kids! :P Aloe Vera is a good stand by too if you can get some!

Oh Huggles!! How cute!! I love wildlife, (as long as I'm safe!) Tim and I want to tour that area of the States so bad! Don't know when it's going to happen though. I keep waiting for my Dad to win the lottery and give me some of it! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-08 16:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
That's great Kimbear! And so sweet that your husband is already looking at planning a trip for you. I can appreciate all the emotions your going through, but once you get together and meet them, I think you'll probably find things just click.

So sorry about your aunt (F) Funny how you found that letter written so long ago...and it lead you to all this. It was meant to be! :)

Edited by TimandJoyce, 06 August 2010 - 09:16 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-06 21:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
International calls on a cell phone I'm sure can be huge!! Have you or your BIL heard of Pennytalk? I believe you sign up on there website, but it costs only 1 cent/minute to call anywhere in the States, and Canada. Tim and I used it all the time. You can also use it out of Canada so something maybe your family might be interested in as well. With this economy, it's nice to cut costs where ever!

Course, nothing beats good old webcams and skype; yahoo; msn...etc. That only works though if both parties have a computer :P
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-06 08:02:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Katheryn! That is so cool! I think I remember reading about the cat a while ago, but must have forgotten. Sounds like he loves you! :luv:

Funny, be we too acquired a stray male cat, about a year old, gray..and I named him Smokey!! :) He stays outside because he's not fixed, and I don't want him spraying in the house. Tim doesn't want him in the house because of all the cat hair...soooooo I'm hoping to soften his heart! Once I can get an ok to let him in..then we'll probably get him neutered. Although, I would rather do that now anyways...but again..I don't think Tim will allow that yet...another thing to work on.

In the meantime though...he seems pretty happy, and loves to eat!

Kimbear...hope you make some connections! I'm sure it would be interesting to find out some kind of roots.'m not a vet or anything, but sounds like that poor animal has chemistry imbalance or something. Did you try calling a vet to describe what's happening? Or looking online? I suppose you probably have. If he's 4 now, I'm sure you've covered many bases. Must be a little stressful. When does it seem like the cats the happiest?
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-05 21:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I wasn't sure if this was a vent or not. My grandmother has alzheimers and severe dementia. She is 97 and has had it for the last 7-8 years. it's taken me most of that time to really come to grips with it and desensitize myself to the utter madness that is living with that. Then, on Friday, while I was moving some stuff into her basement, I came in the house to just say high and give her a kiss. She remembered me. At first, I was so overwhealmingly happy that she did. But then I was on the verge of tears because it just reinforced the idea of the torutured madness that alzheimers patients go through.

I'm so sorry! My mom had alzheimer's too, probably close for 20 years. It was very hard to watch her slip away. She died two years ago; she was only 81.

Although it's hard knowing what this terrible disease can do, you have wonderful memories and that she's 97 is good cause for celebration! I do have some advice for you, and anyone else who may be going through this. Take lots of pictures, and videos! My niece did when she and my sister came to visit her in the home she was in at the time. I'm forever grateful that she did! Even though she had no clue as to who any of us were, those video's brought a smile to my face. I had a such a great mommy! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-08-02 16:06:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I need to go shopping for something nice but I've been putting it off. I have to be in the right mood to want to go shopping, otherwise it turns into a stressful experience and I get mad at everyone and everything. It's our 1st wedding anniversary next Friday and Bill is taking me "somewhere nice," but won't tell me where. It's hard to dress for an occasion when you don't know where you're going or what you're doing.

Wow!! Where did the year go???? Weren't you JUST getting approved for your K-1??? :lol: Happy early congratulations!! I'm sure your dinner will be lovely!

I'm finding it hard to believe that I've almost been living down here a year myself! Will be as of August 18th....
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-29 18:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Sounds like fun Marilyn. I sure hope that someday we can get over to the San Diego area. Right now, I'm just as excited if we go to Myrtle Beach! :P
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-28 09:40:00
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For those of you who don`t read the AOS forums, my AOS was approved yesterday!! Yipee! Took long enough.

Congrats!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-22 15:06:00
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Funny story. Well, I'm not sure if it's funny or sad or stupid...

A girl from the office met this guy online like 4 weeks ago. They went on one date and decided they were madly in love. So she comes into work two weeks ago and tells us they are getting married, after only knowing each other for 3 weeks. A few of my coworkers tried to talk her out of it, but of course she's so in love, their soul mates and meant to be together, yada yada, and nobody understands the amazing power of their love. So last Saturday they go down to the court house and elope, 3 1/2 weeks after their first date. To make it even better, they're both 20 years old.

So it's been a week and a few days. He calls the office constantly and asks for her. He comes into the office almost daily and bothers her. She complains about how he's annoying her and doesn't give her any space, he keeps her up at night, he feels the need to give her a play by play of his day, he doesn't know how to be assertive, he's bad with money... I could keep going. They've been married for a week! Nothing like getting to know someone before you tie the knot.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-20 23:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

He died a few hours ago.

awww Krikit... (F) I'm so sorry....

I just talked to my dad, he said they rented a dune buggy in Florence, Or and drove around in the sand dunes for an hour... it sounds like they are having a blast...

We did that at Pismo Beach in CA. We had a blast! I'd do it again in a second! *I even got to drive the jeep a bit*

so I posted a bunch of pics form our trip on FAcebook...


Beautiful! The East coast certainly has beauty, but I sure do miss the ruggedness of the West coast! We drove down the Oregon Coast 2 years pretty....

I've had Canadian KD, or Mac N Cheese as we call it here. It was meh. I prefer the U.S. version, undoubtedly because it is what I am used to. LoL, I don't get the Canadian obsession with ketchup. I dont' like it, so it really doesn't make much difference to me where it comes from. :lol:

I used to eat KD with hotdogs cut up in it all the time! Real healthy, eh? Now I prefer to make homemade mac and cheese! Tastes so much better, and I'm one of those Canadians that don't like ketchup, so I don't care where it comes from either! :P
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-07-20 10:42:00