CanadaMontreal Consulate Interview Review
Wonderful review!! Sounds like both consulates have great people in them. I know Vancouver does. I almost .....almost...wish I had pushed for CR-1, only because it was a great excuse to go to Montreal!! :lol: I have always wanted to go there.

I'm sooooooooo happy, ( or hoppy ) for you Lgg!! I KNEW you'd be alright with the amount of information that you've received. And I KNOW all the others will be just fine too!!!

I'm excited for you!! :) congratulations!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-26 17:33:00
CanadaBC to Vancouver for medical & interview, transport questions

I had two days of beautiful sunny weather. This is apparently rare in Vancouver.

Wow, you timed that well!! And good point. My interview was in late June. I flew from the Island and took the shuttle to the hotel, checked in, had a lunch then got ready for the interview. Of course most of the afternoon was taken with that. It was a beautiful warm day. Met some friends that live there, and we walked down to Gastown to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. Beautiful evening. That was on Tues. On Wed. I woke up EARLY and walked about 10-15 minutes to the clinic. Got there way before 6:00, but was still number 6 :lol: however. I was out by 8:30. And for those that have been there, you know you can "see" the sky...and I saw it cloud over, and drops fell on the sky lights!! ( I also forgot to pack a jacket...long story) So I was soaked by the time I got to the hotel. And I wanted to go to Granville Island!!! :crying: So I went back to my room and slept and dried off. Checked out at noon. Got my results, (took cab for that cause of the rain) took them to consulate, left my x -press envelope and passport, ( I knew I was approved the day before) flew home to the Island that evening. Passport and visa arrived on Friday!! :)

Guess that's the long way to say...pack a coat!!! :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-29 21:07:00
CanadaBC to Vancouver for medical & interview, transport questions
I can appreciate you planning in advance! :) nice to have a few ducks lined up so you don't have to worry. I don't think a cab from the consulate and back to pick up his medical would be too bad. Maybe around $20, give or take. Just to make that last bit a little quicker for you. The interview itself starts at 1:00, and he may be in the office there for a couple hours. He probably won't be able to pick the med results up at 2:00 but maybe about an hour after that. He just needs to let them know he wouldn't get there till later. Then he will probably be able to dash in, pick up results, and dash out, and the cab could wait for him.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-29 20:14:00
CanadaMy interview experience
I'm sure it won't take too long to get those required documents. Thankfully, it doesn't sound like impossible things to obtain, and you know you'll get the visa once you send them in! That's the main thing.

I'm sorry it causes the delay it will, but you're still moving forward!! Hang in there! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-29 20:25:00
CanadaAnt’s 3 years and 3000 posts later...Goodbye, Good Luck, and Thank You to All!
Best wishes Ant!! Enjoy all that time with your baby! I loved all your posts and I hope you'll still jump in here from time to time. Even if it's just to say hello!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-26 17:52:00
CanadaShe wants to return to Canada!!!

I have a question are we able to file for the AP alone before sending the AOS documents...has anyone done this ? is so can they please let me know the process

I don't think you can. AP and EAD are only approved, only good for a year, because of an AOS pending. They really don't take long to get approved. But the key is to hurry and get those papers off.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-01 08:24:00
CanadaShe wants to return to Canada!!!

Thanks for all the replys as I stated we are in the process of getting all the paperwork together and funds for the if I were to send it off and she got AP she can get a NEX pass and still work in Canada? I didnt think it was possible as she came on a K1 confused and as we reside in Michigan she would be taxed in Canada and michigan on the Canadaian income?! not sure if it is going to be worth as factoring in the gas money and border toll wow that would add up!!!....but I did read your comments to her and it mite be an option but how long does it take for AP to get???
And on the paperwork for the AP do we put multiple visits for Canadian employment are they not going to question that?!! I did not know you could still work in Canada???

Thanks again you guys are awesome :thumbs:

Brock, as far as the AP goes, once you send all the paperwork, it could take up to 90 days. ( They always give you the maximum timeline) However, some people got it in much less time than that. Maybe a little over 2 months. Mine would have come quicker but we got an RFE which only held the process up by about a month.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-31 22:27:00
CanadaShe wants to return to Canada!!!

The OP said "getting all paperwork for AOS" & "will she be able to visit the states?". If she came in on a K1, got married & haven't filed for AOS yet, is she able to visit? She doesn't have AP, so how would she get back in the U.S?

This crossed my mind too, as I'm unsure as to where exactly they are in the paperwork scheme of things. If she went back now, does she just forfeit the AOS, and can she return as a visitor only? I'm quite naive in this part of the immigration status. And if she didn't have AP as of yet, she wouldn't be able to work in Canada yet and return.

Guess we need to know whether the paperwork for AOS has been sent off.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-31 14:59:00
CanadaHappy Wedding Day, Spoom and ScooterMac!
Congratulations!! :star:

Pic's; Pic's; Pic's!!!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-23 19:52:00
CanadaWhat Happens if Customs is Cranky??
Where you flying from? I flew from Vancouver, and made sure I was there EARLY. Ended up rather early as I was only an hour and a half in secondary. However, there was a couple there, ( I have no idea what the issue was) and they missed the flight. The airlines changed their tickets and baggage claims, did everything for them to ensure they had another one. I think it was totally unexpected for them to be questioned, where as I was aware of it.

I don't know what the other international airports are like in Canada, but I was very impressed with Vancouver's.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-01 08:31:00
CanadaI just bought my first house
Gorgeous!! Wow, all that for a great price!! I sold mine for just under $200,000 only cause I wanted to sell it fast. I probably could have put it on market for $230,000 - $250,000 and mine was a QUARTER of what yours is!!! Plus I hardly had a yard.

Oh..and I lived in Comox Valley! I can only imagine what mine would have gone for on the mainland!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-01 12:12:00
Yay!!! See you soon on the other side!!!

Um...when you moving?:unsure:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-01 18:19:00
I agree with the posters here. There are special circumstances to being in the military. Use them. It's amazing when I've seen the time line of such. Hope it all goes through fast for you.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-01 08:20:00
CanadaK1 Visa and University Enrollment/Tuition Rates
I would check the schools out and see. The GC really doesn't take that long after you get married, so make sure you have as much ready for that to send it off ASAP. I'm waiting for mine for everything. I won't even get a fishing license because why pay those high international fees? Best of luck. Maybe you'll find a school he can start in early enough.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-03 10:09:00
Canadaappointment in Montreal
I hope everything goes smoothly for you cndwife. Keep us updated of how things are for you. You'll find lots of good advice with those that have gone this journey before you.

A mini vacation is wonderful. I've never been to Montreal either. I'm from BC, but now living in South Carolina, waiting for my green card.

Welcome to VJ! :star:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-02 18:03:00
CanadaRoasted Groundhog

ACK!!! Forscast for Montreal is a High of -9 For Friday......That is gonna be freakiing chilly at 6am!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr need to go find longjohns!!!!!

Brrrrrrr that is a little chilly. Jog on the spot as you wait for the door to open...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-03 12:22:00
CanadaRoasted Groundhog
Fire 'er up!! Posted Image

I'm supposed to have 6 more weeks too!! ( course, I haven't seen any snow yet..wouldn't mind a little)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-03 10:44:00
CanadaThanks guys...
I enjoy facebook. I just don't get too involved with all the applications, just trying to keep my status updated so that my friends and family know what's going on with me.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-01 11:21:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

Well, I'd just rather be WAY overprepared than just a little UNDERprepared. I'm surely going to have far more stuff than the consular officer is going to want...but I'd prefer it that way than the alternative!

I brought LOTS of information to prove relationship, and she didn't look at any... :lol: Well, the top picture of the little stack I had, and that's it.

I have faith in you. You're going to be fine. :) I think a real main key is to be confident, but not over confident. Bring all documents you need, ( slightly some different proof than K-1 I know), and relax.

OOOOPS Slightly OT from the original thread! Sorry.. :blush:

Now..back to the polls....:whistle:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-02 23:18:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

3000 miles.

And I'm driving the whole way there next month (pending interview approval). :P

"Pending" HA!! You know you've got it! You've been on these boards and have made too many friends that have given you sound advice to be ready! Go start that engine!!....

We must be about the same distance. I looked it up once and it said, ( according to flying I think) from Columbia, SC airport, to Comox, BC airport...2,500 miles. West meets East for sure!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-02 17:58:00
CanadaGot my US Visa Today
Congratulations!! I hope you have a very smooth POE. :star: Looking forward to the review on that.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-03 10:15:00
CanadaOh oh!!! Can't find my greencard!

FOUND IT! Torn my car apart this morn.... not there. Went thru my purse, diaper bag, pulled everything out of my wallet, checked every jacket coat or sweater that has pockets... no luck. Then, it dawns on me! I had to take a photo copy of it last week. Sure enough checked my printer and there it was on the copy plate. Wwhew..... glad it turned up.

Oh neiks!! I'm so glad you found it. It's amazing how easy it is to forget something on a printer. I did my resume at Staples, and someone left their DL on it. Then I got back out to the car, and realized my RESUME was still on the printer!! :lol:

Hope you didn't tear up the house so bad it will take you a week to put it back together. I know that's probably something I would do.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-03 12:29:00
CanadaOh oh!!! Can't find my greencard!
Hope it's there for you Neiks!! Best of luck finding it!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-02 23:23:00
CanadaDefinitely check this out!
Love it!!

"what did she say?"

"I don't know..I can't speak Canadian"

Kirsten...walking away..."okey dokey"... :lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-05 12:01:00
CanadaMore name issues
Sorry to hear this Huggles. I'm sure it will all work out soon for you.

Hang in there!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-12 08:10:00
CanadaMontreal, safe and sound
best of luck Zansgirl!! Looking forward to the review!! Hope you sleep well tonight.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-02-04 22:40:00
CanadaHappy Wedding Day Rhiann :)

You know why I took so long to come into the chapel?
She couldn't untie my train fast enough, so it looked like I backed out :lol:

*giggles* I'm sure your husband was wondering about it. I snickered because some of the guests seemed to be looking around, not sure what to do...:lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-29 21:10:00
CanadaHappy Wedding Day Rhiann :)
awwww Rhianne!! How lovely. Thanks for letting all of us be there. :) It was beautiful. You both look so happy!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-29 20:02:00
CanadaHappy Wedding Day Rhiann :)
Congratulations Rhianne! Enjoy every moment of every day. May you have a wonderful married life :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-27 13:20:00
CanadaWho is on FaceBook???

Lawd, getting friend requests = recruit for Mafia wars? LOL, thanks but no thanks. Where do y'all find the time to play games on line, have virtual "second lives", etc? FB already keeps me busy just by the status updates, wall postings, birthday reminders and chats on group discussion forums!

:lol: Me too!!!

Then of course those posting the albums of wedding, honeymoon trips...any times...pets...etc. Takes a long time to figure out the cover, write the description....blah, blah, blah... :P

I like playing Lexulous or Wordscraper but only one of my friends on Facebook plays it with me... :P

I'm a word a holic game player too. sometimes Tim and I will play scrabble on FB. He's in the living room, and I'm in the dining room..and we play the game..:lol:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 20:47:00
CanadaWho is on FaceBook???
I don't think I had anyone monitoring my FB page, not that I have anything to hide. My privacy setting are set for only my friends, although anyone can send me a private message, or add me as friend.

It's funny though. Before I knew about K-1 and AOSing and all, I posted about Tim and I getting engaged. Then someone I knew who was American and her Canadian husband worked for Canada immigration told me to go "visit" get married and AOS.

I told my sister I wasn't sure the best route to take and she said "Now that you let the world know your intentions, I think you'd better do it the right way" :lol: good point sister... K-1 here we come..( and went )... :P
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-19 14:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

Anyone who is a big fan of the 1880's needs to download this mix from Amazon:

not sure my computer does MP3's but I love music like that!! I don't even have an MP3 or Ipod. Just gotta use those good ole fashioned C.D's.

edit: I really do hit the "quote" button. Sometimes it works, and sometimes not!!! I'm really NOT trying to take over the forum boards with several hundred posts one after the other!! to your regular programming and conversation.... :pop:

Edited by TimandJoyce, 04 January 2010 - 09:28 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-04 21:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

I have spent pretty much the whole day either on the phone or filling out/scanning/emailing forms.

This not working seems a lot like work sometimes.

I'm still spending my days trying to organize this house!! Tim was a bachelor a looooooooong time... :lol: It's getting there. In fact, in my minds eye, the house looks great!!

I'm not missing work, although it will be nice to get a part time something later on...
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-04 21:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

Good morning everyone! I've been MIA for the holiday season. Gene took off the same time as well from work, and we had a really enjoyable holiday. Had some company, went out to a few events, basically just rejuvenated. I hope everyone else's New Year is off to a good start.

Welcome back Carla. Glad you both had a wonderful holiday season!


Good morning everyone. I don't feel like dying anymore. Though I do look like death warmed over. <_<

glad you're starting to feel better
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-04 12:58:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

hehehe awww Rhiannercakes!! :lol: My first thought was that it must be a nickname your fiance uses for you.

Huggle buggles is a phrase the husband and I have used since we started dating. Pretty corny, I know, I know. It used to make my little sister physically ill :lol: It has now expanded to mean anything from "can I have a hug?" to "I love you"

I don't think I have a nickname!! Going to have to tell Tim to come up with something..LOL * course, I don't really have one for him either*

My late husband used to call me Sweetner, because I "sweetened" up his life... :luv:
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-04 12:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Love your new name Rhiannercakes!! :)
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-03 22:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

Hi Everyone,

Where I am in rural New York State, USA (near Buffalo, NY, by the way.)...It is currently...

18 degrees F...(way below freezing)...And with snow, snow, and more snow to come!! We'll be burried alive!


Typical January winter weather though....So it's not too unusual to expect such around here....

Though I have to wonder: How do they stand outdoor football in weather like this? Freezing fans and players! :wacko:

We get the cold air and lake effect snow from nearby Canada....So yeah, it's all the same....North of the border, south of the border...:lol:

I don't mind the cold (it must be a Canadian thing)....
But I hate the high heating bills, despite keeping the heater at only 60 degrees F...
On the bright side: It is very beautiful to see the snow-capped mountains out my window, and thank goodness I have nice and helpful neighbours willing to help shovel our 50ft driveway for free..:)

Hope its not too cold and snowy where you are...

Sending some hot choco and warm thoughts to all!


wow! It was 18 this morning here too!! Brrrrrr Believe it or not, but sometimes it was WARMER back home than Tim in the winter...LOL

Oopss. forgot...I got a visa card!! Well, it's actually attached to Tim's account, but it has my name on it!! :) I might not have my GC but I have a visa...let's go shopping!!!

Edited by TimandJoyce, 03 January 2010 - 05:34 PM.

TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-03 17:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

Hi all! Driving back home now, what crappy weather we've had. I can't even help with the driving because I broke my finger. We're just outside of binghampton now and it's starting to clear a bit.

Sorry to hear about your finger!! Hope it heals quickly. Drive safely.

We had a great time together, and it was actually pretty good at the airport this morning -- no tears etc. this time. More excitement that this MAY be the last trip before I'm actually moving there! If I don't get an interview scheduled in the next couple of weeks, I may fly down at the end of this month, but one of my wife's New Year's Resolutions is to not get on a plane this year. She HATES traveling! :lol:

Sure hope you get that interview soon!!
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-03 17:30:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

CDAgirlMI-Oh yeah, I love saturday mail service here in America too! Now, if only they can put my mailbox in front of my house! (my mailbox is literally a mile away), and not make me pick up packages at a post office 20 miles's another story)....

:lol: I always forget about Saturday mail service!! Actually, I tend to forget to check the mail, because I had a slot in my front door back home. Our mailbox is right across the street from us, but I still forget. Also when we go away it's strange to me when Tim "stops" mail service for a while. I just had my son pick mine up off the floor and put it on my desk for when I got home..
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-03 08:22:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

Just got an email from my brother, he found Max this morning. He was sitting on the back step of the house waiting to be let in. Poor fat Max. :thumbs:

That's great. I hope everything is going alright for everyone else, considering.
TimandJoyceFemaleCanada2010-01-02 17:00:00