US Embassy and Consulate Discussionadvice for co sponsor?

okay we got the noa2 approved and all that so now were starting to get things ready. my fiance,the petitioner is still a student and has no income or anything....her mum earns $90 000 a year so more than covers the sponsor requirments and has agreed to sponsor all this.
wel be living with her parents too so were just both her and her mum need to fill out seperate i 134 forms?
or just her mum as shes the one with the money and stuff?
please help,as soon as we get that worked out we can start planning our wedding

Hi, I had a similar dilemma. My fiance is temporarily not working but filled out the I134 anyway with details of his assets. I put my brother (US citizen) down as co-sponsor and he completed the I134 and sent all the necessary documentation. At interview, I was given all my fiance's stuff back saying they didn't need those as he wasn't my main sponsor. So, I think you can safely dispense with your fiancee's I134.

Hope this is helpful.

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 15:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-230 Question

This is probably going to sound like a stupid question..! Just want to make sure before I send off packet 3.

In the DS-230 Part 1, it asks you to list all the places you've lived since the age of 16. The columns underneath say 'City' 'Province' and 'Country', so so do I just put down: London, England, Great Britain or do I need to write down street addresses? When I was a student I live in a LOT of different houses... :wacko:

Thanks guys :)

Hi, I lived in a lot of different places since the age of 16 too. I put "see attached sheet" and wrote them all on another piece of paper. City, county, Country is all that's needed - start with your current address and work backwards to the year you were 16.

There were several questions which didn't leave enough room for the full answer - I added several attached sheets and numbered them.

Good luck!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 15:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmployment History...


I am just putting the finishing touches on my forms for Packet 3 and on a couple, I am asked about my employment history. The problem I have is that I cant remember the exact dates or sometimes months that I started a particular role.

Any advice on where I can get this info from?



If you go to your local Tax Office, they can give you a form to fill out requesting employment history. Unfortunately, they say it takes 6 weeks to get a response! You could phone them and beg them to give you the information more quickly, explaining your situation. You never know, you might get a sympathetic person on the phone! Do you have an old CV anywhere? If not, perhaps you can contact your last employer's HR department and see if they have kept a copy on file. Good luck!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 16:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPack 3 Forms

Hi guys...

Just filling out forms ready for pack three. I have a few questions which I hope some of you may be able to answer:

DS-156K: States that you should include Birth certificates, Police certificates and financial support.

Firstly, I need my police cert for my medical so assumingly I cant send this back until I have taken the medical. Or can I take a copy to the medical? Secondly, I didnt think you needed to supply the I-134 stuff until the interview. Can someone confirm?

DS-230: Questions 14 to 17 refer to your spouse. I have completed it with the details of my fiance, but by definition she is not my spouse. Do I leave it blank or...?

Thanks for all your help!

You don't send any original forms - you will be asked for these at interview (they return them to you at the end) Just send copies.

Where a question refers to your spouse, don't leave anything blank - put N/A if a questions doesn't apply to your situation. If you want to give explanatory information, put "see attached sheet" and give your explanation there.

Blank spaces prompt RFIs which can delay your process.

Lots of luck!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved and ready to go!

Atlanta is the second busiest airport after JFK . It is hugh and have many terminals . You have to take a skytrain to get around . They are many freindly customer service reps who will help you .After deplaning , you will be directed to the customs area .After that you will go to baggage claim and claim yr luggage then pass through security before meeting your POC. Where is your final destination ?? Good luck .

I went through Atlanta about 30 years ago! Can't remember what it was like. The reviews on the POE forum are mostly very good so I'm not worried. My final destination is Greenville, SC - only a 50 minute flight from Atlanta. The only thing that troubles me is that I only have a 2 hour layover in Atlanta before my connection to Greenville. But the worst that can happen is that I'll have to get the next flight - OR, my honey can just drive down and get me - it's only about 2.5 hours drive. It'll be fine - most reviews on the POE forum say between 10 and 30 minutes to get through immigration, depending on how busy they are - I arrive at around 7.30pm on a Tuesday, so perhaps they won't be too busy then. What the heck - what happens, happens!

Thanks for your input!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved and ready to go!


Did you ask for earliest date possible on your cover letter or where??

Yes, I sent a covering letter with my packet 3. I didn't think it would do any good to ask for an early appointment, as they normally tell you you will get 4 weeks notice of your interview date, but I guess it paid off asking.

Good luck!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved and ready to go!

Cool, congratulations! May I ask if they gave you your original birth certificate back? I only have my original copy all beautifully hand written. I have scanned both the long copy and the short copy and was hoping they would be satified with that, after me showing them the originals of course!

Oh yes, the first thing they ask for is the originals of any copy certificate you have already sent. They give you them back at the end. (they will want the long copy of your birth certificate - not the short version).

Good luck to you!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved and ready to go!

Congrats on your visa . . . I only hope when it's our turn it goes as smoothly. Did you have to pay for your medical there or is it covered under NHS?

Hi, thanks! The medical fee was 200 pounds - no the NHS won't cover it I'm afraid (but I made sure I got my vaccinations from my GP for free, instead of paying for them at the London doc's!) Private doctors, but very very pleasant!

Good luck!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved and ready to go!
Does anyone have any information about what they are like in Atlanta as a point of entry?
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-10 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved and ready to go!
Hello again everyone.

Well, the London Embassy received our file on 20 October, but we didn't hear anything from them so I called them on 20 November and was told when they had received my file. As I already had everything ready for sending off Packet 3 to the Embassy, I went ahead and made my appointment for a medical, which I had on 2 December. The staff were fantastic, polite and friendly and everything went well. A few days later, the Embassy finally sent Packet 3 by email and so I filled in the forms and sent everything off by recorded delivery post. I was aware that they give you 4 weeks notice for interview, but asked for their earliest appointment anyway, and was surprised to hear from them by letter on 22 January saying my interview date was 2 February! I went along with a large file full of evidence of relationship, sponsor information - just about anything they might want. My appointment was at 9am and I arrive outside the Embassy at 8.40am to find that you have to go through security OUTSIDE the building (just like the airport, have to put your bag through an x-ray machine and go through a metal detector. I already knew I wouldn't be able to take my phone, so I left it behind. Lots of other people were being redirected to a local pharmacy to deposit their phones etc before they could go through security. I got into the Embassy at 8.55 and was given a number. I sat and waiting for 10 minutes before my number was called, and a nice girl at the window took my original birth certificates etc and went through the papers in my file. She was very friendly, and asked me to pay the fee at another window, and then took my fingerprints. This took about 15 minutes, then she told me to sit back down and wait for my call for interview. I sat another 40 minutes and then was called up to speak to a lovely young man who made small talk with me while tapping some things into his computer. After about 1.5 MINUTES, he said Congratulations, your visa is approved! Didn't ask me for a single piece of paper, or even ask me any questions of note. Just pleasantly chatted to me about how I met my fiance, and what he does, etc. I was beginning to wonder when my interview would start when he told me I was done! After a brief further stop to give my address details to have my passport/visa couriered to me, I left. I was in the building about an hour and 15 minutes. Lovely! I've booked my flight for 1 March. My passport was delivered to me today with my visa inside, along with a large sealed envelope with instructions not to open it, but to hand it over when I enter the US. My point of entry will be Atlanta, so now all I need to do is find out from this forum if anyone has experience of entering in Atlanta, and what kind of reception they got. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-10 13:58:00
United KingdomI-129F NOA to NOA2
Hi all, I am a UK citizen and my girlfriend (US Citizen in PA) and I are planning to marry in September and start the K-3 process. I was wondering how long the I-129F part of the process took, essentially from when we apply to when I am legally allowed to live in the US and then adjust status. Would I be able to visit as usual on the VWP before I come in under the K-3 when it's approved? Many thanks! Lee.
BristoLee27MaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-20 08:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!
Thank you rinandjohn for the response, I actually think most of my questions have been answered now, and I am so much clearer on the whole process. I wil definitely not be staying after the wedding then!! Which actually works out better as I need to save money. Just 2 more questions, I can't seem to able to find a clear average time it takes for the 1-129F to be fully approved so you can move over, I'm sure it differs between different countries but will we be waiting a long time or are we talking 4-6 months from when we file in September? And also, so if we ignored the I-129F/K-3 visa route after I-130 is approved, would it be ok to stay over for 90 days at a time under the VWP? As then, the CR-1 route could complete quicker... What would you guys do?

Edited by BristoLee27, 19 July 2008 - 02:43 PM.

BristoLee27MaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-19 14:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!
Again, thank you for your replies-spoke to another agent at USCIS today who was a lot more helpful this time around! But still have a couple more questions if anybody can help. Does the following scenario then sound possible...? This is how I have kinda worked it out in my head, feel free to correct me or advise on doing something better!

Enter on VWP as usual in Sept.>We get married in September. > We file the I-130 and the G235 A.> I return to the UK, continue to work until I have saved enough money to help support ourselves when I come to the US unable to work. > File the I-129 F. > Enter the USA on VWP when I have saved enough, maybe 3-4 months after the wedding. (OR, do I have to wait to enter until the I-129 F has been fully approved?!) > Then, Adjustment of Status to eventually obtain work permit in 75-90 days. Am I allowed to enter the US on VWP even when a visa is being processed?

Another scenario we thought about is waiting to save money first, then marry in December...and file everything, including AOS while I am there. Meaning I am not supposed to leave, or is this now immigration fraud?

Thanks again for putting up with all my questions, all the help is greatly appreciated!
BristoLee27MaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-18 18:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!
I think I understand now the difference in visas, and how they are more appropriate to different people's situations! K-3 sounds good if I can travel back to the UK after the wedding in September, save some money to help pay for rent etc. when I am allowed to live (but not yet work) in the US. Would it take about 3 months for me to move over there on the K-3? I take it when I come over to live but not yet work on the K-3, is when I am not allowed to leave the US and have to do biometrics, medicals etc.? And I have the main interview at the US Embassy in London for the visa before I come? Thanks again to you both..!!

Edited by BristoLee27, 17 July 2008 - 08:22 PM.

BristoLee27MaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-17 20:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!
Our ideal scenario is that I come in September, we marry, file for the appropriate visa, I return to the UK and continue to work while the visa is processed and go to interviews etc. All this until the EAD is complete and I am allowed to work in the US...Is that wishful thinking?!!
BristoLee27MaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-17 19:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!
Thanks again for the replies. Things are getting a little clearer, but still have a couple more questions...! So what is the benefit of 'Option A': Applying for a K-1 before I come, then marrying in the US, then AOS, and waiting 90 days to be able to work-as opposed to 'Option B': coming over as normal under the visa waiver program, marrying at the same intended time, then applying for a K-3 or CR-1 and waiting to work? Sorry but one more question-and with both 'options', when do you apply and become approved for advanced parole/ability to leave the US? So basically the K-3 visa would get me there quicker to live but longer to be able to work, as opposed to the CR-1 which would take longer to process but get me working faster...and on either, I would be in the UK while being processed, right...? wacko.gif
BristoLee27MaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-17 18:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!
Thanks for the response MsZ! That's clarified things a bit more, although what do you think the USCIS meant when they said I had to stay? It seems more sense to have people leave the country and then re-enter on the appropriate visa. Unless they thought we were already on a K-1. So if we apply for a K-1 Fiance now, while I am in the UK, can I work as soon as I arrive in the US on that visa? And then get married while I'm over, and begin the next visa process? I'm just trying to figure out the quickest way to get me working there, but not neccesarily living there. Sorry about all the questions!! Many thanks, Lee.
BristoLee27MaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-17 16:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!
Hi eveyone, I was really hoping for some advice and information regarding the situation my girlfriend and I are in! I am a British Citizen living in England, and my girlfriend is a US Citizen living in Pennsylvania. Last month, we had a baby daughter together which lives in the US with her. At the moment, we are trying to decide what's the best course of action to be together-if it's too difficult for me to get there then maybe they can come here. But we have talked about getting married in Pennsylvania in September, with the intention of filing for a visa to enable me to come over and eventually work. I have a potential job lined up next year in Nevada but it all depends on the speed of the Visa Process!

My girlfriend has spoken to USCIS and they have said that if I come over and we marry in September and begin the process, then I am not allowed to leave the USA until I am a permanent resident-is this true?! Ideally, I'd need to come back to the UK after we marry (and/or send the papers) to carry on working/saving money for when the Employment Authorization is ready. Being over there with no income doesn't sound like the best idea as we would struggle financially! We've looked over the guides but seem to hear conflicting things, and we are unsure of what process to undertake. Basically I need to be able to work over there ASAP, or carry on working here with the ability to travel and see them both, or them come here and visit until I can legally work. Two more questions: I know it's hard to tell, but roughly how long would it take for me to be able to start working? And: Is the marriage (K-3) route the best, or fiance (K-1) first?

Any help and advice will be GREATLY appreciated!!


Edited by BristoLee27, 17 July 2008 - 03:54 PM.

BristoLee27MaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-17 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravelling to from USA whilst K1 is being processed
Hi everyone!

This is my first post, so I hope that this is the correct place to post questions

A bit of background:

I got engaged to Phylis at Christmas and she (the US citizen) applied for a K1 in January. On Feb 19th she received the approval (NOA2?). I understand that this will now be passed to the US embassy in London.

So I have a few questions:

How long does it usually take for the London Embassy to schedule an interview?
I have 3 trips booked to visit the USA in the next few months (beginning of April, mid May, and then end of July - for a family holiday with 2 of my daughters) What happens if the interview is scheduled before any of these planned visits? Can I still travel on the Visa Waiver scheme?
In April we are thinking of buying a property (off plan). Is this OK?
Once we get married, can I return to the UK before I move out permanently? How long does it usually take from the date of the marriage, to receieve my Green Card?

Sorry for so many questions

Thanks in advance,

Kev & PhylisMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEEWBIE - Please help us :-)
Thank you so much to everyone that has replied :)

It is so good to have found this site, not sure what I would have done without it

Thanks again.

Kev & PhylisMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEEWBIE - Please help us :-)
Hi everyone!

This is my second post, but as I didn't get any replies :( I thought I would post again. Maybe my topic title wasn't eyecatching enough!

A bit of background:

I got engaged to Phylis at Christmas and she (the US citizen) applied for a K1 in January. On Feb 19th she received the approval (NOA2?). I understand that this will now be passed to the US embassy in London.

So I have a few questions:

How long does it usually take for the London Embassy to schedule an interview?
I have 3 trips booked to visit the USA in the next few months (beginning of April, mid May, and then end of July - for a family holiday with 2 of my daughters) What happens if the interview is scheduled before any of these planned visits? Can I still travel on the Visa Waiver scheme?
In April we are thinking of buying a property (off plan). Is this OK?
Once we get married, can I return to the UK before I move out permanently? How long does it usually take from the date of the marriage, to receieve my Green Card?

Sorry for so many questions

Thanks in advance,

Kev & PhylisMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 02:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore advice required please
Hi VJ'ers

I need some advice on the validity dates printed on our NOA2

The NOA2 states that it is valid from 2/19/2010 until 6/18/2010. I have not yet heard back from the US embassy in London with my appointment date and I am concerned that the NOA2 will have expired by the time my appointment is scheduled. Can anyone tell me what the implications of this might be?

Many thanks.

Kev & Phylis
Kev & PhylisMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-27 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp required! please
Hello all

I am in the process of obtaining a K1 (fiancee) visa and have my medical scheduled for early in July, after which I will request the interview at the US embassy in London.
In the meantime, my company would like to transfer me to our US subsidiary (where I have worked previously) and will be arranging for me to apply for either an e-visa or an L1 (which I had before).

My question is:-

If I apply for an e-visa (or L1), will this allow me into and back out of the US even after my K1 is (hopefully!) issued? This would allow me to continue travelling for my job, whilst planning my wedding. i.e. would I be allowed to travel using an e-visa even after a K1 has been issued (which I realise has to be ‘activated’ within 6 months of issuance)?

Many thanks in advance of a reply

Kev & PhylisMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 05:02:00