United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
LOL! One of my friends works in the Dupont building! I also just ran past there on my run!!!

Robyn-n-Kris, I'll take some of that sunshine!!! smile.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-03-18 10:37:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Mar 18 2008, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey redkitty - what part of Bristol are you in?

We are near the MOD, not the best area but we have a big house and cheap rent! Been here 2 years now so I can handle 3 more months!! smile.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-03-18 09:19:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Is it Spring yet? I need sunshine badly!!! cool.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-03-18 07:46:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
It's dark, wet and windy in Bristol today. Perfect day to be home drinking tea!
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-03-10 07:10:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Happy Friday everyone!!!!!!! kicking.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-22 05:24:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
The sun is gone again. Grey windy weather is back.

Bummer. crying.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-21 11:06:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Happy Anniversary Gwen! I think I recognize you from UKyankee! cool.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-18 08:14:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Morning! It's sunny again in Bristol!!! I might fall over from the shock! Bit chilly though, 37F!
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-18 06:31:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Morning! The sun disappeared again. crying.gif

Hope you all have a lovely Friday and a great weekend!
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-15 05:29:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
It was so gorgeous and sunny in Bristol again today, and supposed to be the same tomorrow! But later in the week it will return to our usual shade of grey... And all the daffies are coming up early!
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-12 12:36:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Are you coming just for a visit or moving here?
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-11 17:08:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Thanks for the hellos everyone!

Devilette, Bristol is great but grey and cold and not home! We both can't wait to move back to warm sunny California!
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-11 15:53:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Hi all, I'm new here just thought I'd say hello to the UKers!

It was gorgeous and sunny in Bristol today, hope you all gone some sunshine too! cool.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-11 13:23:00
United KingdomOfficial HPV Vaccine/New Police Certicate Thread
We had our GP sign my boys photo & the form. Then the certificate showed up in 4 days! Nice to know something is fast in this country!! tongue.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-04-23 06:25:00
United KingdomOfficial HPV Vaccine/New Police Certicate Thread
Just wanted to say we got the new police certificate in 4 days! Nothing is that fast in this country!!
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-04-19 04:45:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
LOL! I was talking about Micki's cat!

Yup, I'm having to buy a r/t ticket on Virgin. I want to fly with my furry mutt so trying to find a cheaper ticket on another airline just isn't an option. This is the last time I'm moving out of the country until we retire in Spain! tongue.gif
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-04-22 04:31:00
United KingdomBringing Pets From the UK
I brought my dog over from San Francisco in 2006 and she is now returning home with me this summer. We are flying home on Virgin and there is no heat embargo for any of Virgin's destinations (I just confirmed this on Friday). It was much more time consuming to fly her into the UK. Flying back to the US is much easier, but just as expensive! (£975 one way to fly back to SF!)

You will have a much easier time with a cat, and way less money!
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-04-22 03:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNew UK Police Certificate process for US visas - you MUST read this!
This was posted on my other forum from here


"Applicants applying for visas at the U.S. Embassy in London or the Consulate in Belfast are required to furnish a police certificate from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) issued within 6 months of the date of the visa interview. Information on obtaining the police certificate is available from the ACPO website.

This police certificate covers the whole of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is sent to the address provided at the time of the application.
Applicants who have, or have applied for, a Subject Access Statement

If you have applied for, or are in possession of a Subject Access Statement, and you will appear for a visa interview before August 15, 2008, the Nonimmigrant Visa Section will accept this Statement, provided it was issued within 6 months of the date of the visa interview. Applicants appearing for interviews on or after August 15 will be required to furnish the new style police certificate from the ACPO."
redkittyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-02-18 06:54:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole

Leigh-- the NVC is the "handoff" place from USCIS to the Dept of State who is over consulates. They will assign you a new case number starting with LND (for London) then send it out. You' re done with USCIS at that point and are dealing with DOS until the visa is issued.

If you haven't found the UK Wiki articles, they are here http://www.visajourn...fic_InformationSeveral links and lots of good tips.

Proud of your son too. God bless him.

Hi. Thanks so much for the link. The contact number for the Embassy from the UK is wrong in this information. The number is 09042 45100 - not 45010, as stated! I just called them and a very helpful chap told me that the Embassy have had our petition since 20 October, but have my address details wrong. I had moved in September and we notified USCIS and had an acknowledgement, but still my file hasn't been updated. Anyway, he gave me my LDN case number and the email code so I have contacted them to make sure they have my correct address.

The email code I got for today (20 November) is:


I don't know when it is due to change though.

I think now that I have my case ID, I can go ahead and make an appointment for my medical. Is this correct?

A little progress has been made and I'm very excited! Thanks everyone, and good luck!

Leigh xx
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-20 05:02:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole

This discussion regarding immunizations for Knightsbridge K1 vs AOS is enlightening and a bit confusing. My fiancee, as far as I know, went ahead and got all her vaccinations taken care of for the K1 medical at Knightsbridge. Obviously she wanted to make sure she had EVERYTHING done although I think after Knightsbridge, she still ended up needing a couple more vaccinations, although on of them may have been the flu jab. In the end, to satisfy the Knightsbridge doctor, she sent in correct documents and that finished things up which were pending and the K1 was finally sent about a week ago.

So if what I read here is correct, you can satisfy the requirements in London for the K1, and yet the AOS may require further vaccinations? I would like of course, for my fiancee to have all taken care of before she leaves since her GP can take care of here over there rather than have to find a doctor here etc.

Coffeemuse, it does seem quite hard to get things right. I was just looking at your dates - it seems you waited a really long time (July to November?) between the interview date and the K1 being delivered. Did it take that long to get all the medical stuff together?
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-11 16:50:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole
I just googled Pertussis - whooping cough! Don't think I've ever had that, and had no idea it was infectious. I'm getting some education here!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-11 16:07:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole

It's not just a tetanus booster that's needed. Diptheria and Pertussis are part of the requirement. My fiance/husband's NHS doc said he was fine on tetanus but at the medical exam, they told him he didn't meet the full AOS immigrant requirements which was his intent to do before he came. He went back to NHS and got DTP with all the babies waiting that day. Then they faxed that to Knightsbridge who were holding his forms to put it on his record. You may want to clarify that at your medical exam. You aren't required to get anything for a visa, but for AOS you do.

Here's the AOS list the adjudicators look for

19 through 26 years · Td or Tdap (if DT, DTP or DTaP shown: okay to accept) · MMR · Varicella (or chickenpox disease)

27 through 49 years · Td or Tdap (if DT, DTP or DTaP shown: okay to accept) · MMR · Varicella (or chickenpox disease)

50 through 59 years · Td or Tdap (if DT, DTP or DTaP shown: okay to accept) · MMR (if born in 1957 or later) · Varicella (or chickenpox disease) - Influenza (during flu season only; October 1 through March 31)

(The Td, Tdap, DT, DTP or DTaP have to be within the last 10 years meaning a booster if you had it as a young child)

All of that variation of Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis - A capital letter means a stronger dosage and a lower case letter means a weaker dosage in the mixture. Tdap (tetanus, diptheria, acellular pertussis) is the shot developed for adults but it isn't even available in the UK, which is why my husband got the UK shot for babies. Varicella shot also isn't available in the UK but hopefully you had chickenpox.

Sooo anyway....he had DTP, 2 MMRs, and a confirmation of having chickenpox on his Knightsbridge immunization form (DS-3025). He did not see a civil surgeon in the US, or pay to have his records copied onto an I-693. You will read much confusing discussion of that on the AOS forums. I am just stating that he and many other UK people got their green cards without RFE because they had all the shots I listed above on their Knightsbridge record (DS-3025). If you leave anything to after that Knightsbridge record, then you will have to pay a civil surgeon in the US for sure. Finding one that won't over charge you or insist you have to do the entire medical exam again can be a big hassle. There are good ones out there and Heather started a thread "Civil Surgeons who don't rip you off" where people from various parts of the country post names/phone numbers and how much they charge.

Wow! Thanks for all that. I've copied your whole message and will take it to my GP to make sure I have everything necessary. I think the nurse who gave me the jabs said the Tetanus covered diptheria and polio. Also, I happen to have my childhood vaccination record from 1968 when I had the diptheria/polio/smallpox vaccination. As I'm just shy of my big FIVE-O at the end of January, I won't have to worry about a flu jab. I've never heard of persussis. I know I've had chicken pox - I recall it vividly when I was 5. The calomine lotion was freezing! I just hope after being stuck like a pin cusion I don't get hit by a bus on the way to my interview! If it means I can be with my honey all the sooner, they can damn well take a limb or two if they like!

You guys have been so helpful - thanks so much!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-11 15:59:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole
The best way to minimize these gaps is to get legally married ASAP and file for AOS soon after.

Oh, I can assure you we will be beating down the Courthouse door on the first available day, clutching our rings!!!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-11 02:15:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole
If you haven't found the UK Wiki articles, they are here http://www.visajourn...fic_Information
Several links and lots of good tips.

Thanks very much for this link. Jim phoned the number given and we don't have an LDN number yet - he'll try again soon. Meanwhile, I am thinking ahead and got my Tetanus booster and MMR yesterday. My arm hurts!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-11 02:05:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole

You'd better keep us posted when he comes home! We'll have a virtual party ;)

Too right! This will be his second tour in 'that place'. Came home without a scratch last time. I'm positive. I'm also intensely proud.

Jim & I received NOA 2 on 21 October so I'm waiting for Pkt. 3. Thanks to the guides on here, I'm able to start gathering the required information/docs to send as soon as I'm notified. I'm a little confused about the terminology I'm seeing - People are saying their petitions are approved by USCIS and then sent to the NVC (National Visa Centre?) who then send it on to the Consulate. On our I-179 NOA it says petition has been approved and sent to the Consulate - no mention of NVC. Am I missing something? I take it I'm waiting to hear from the Consulate in London that they have received our approval and sending me Pkt 3. Is this correct? I have heard that sometimes people don't hear from the Consulate even though their approved petition has been received by them, and they are sending all the documentation to the Consulate anyway. I'm seeing my GP on Tuesday to arrange for up to date innoculations - I'm also sending for my ACPO record as soon as I've had some photos done to accompany the application. Jim is sending me all the financial stuff re his income etc. I'm not expecting to get an interview until January, but I want to be ready. I don't want to waste a single day that I could be spending with him!

Love this site, by the way - it's been so helpful and friendly!

All the best to everyone else, by the way!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-07 12:45:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole

Leigh, saying a prayer for the safety and safe return of your son so that this question becomes a non-issue for you...

Thanks so much for the kind responses. This has really helped.

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-05 14:49:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole

You can apply for a general Advanced Parole with your AOS application. It is free so no harm doing it. You'll probably be approved around 60 days after you submit it. You can also apply for emergency AP where you would get an Infopass appointment at your local service center and they can issue it on the spot if you can show the nature of your emergency.

Thanks for the very prompt response! I'm sure everything will be fine, but I think it's sensible to know these things beforehand.

All the best.
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-04 19:05:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole

I'm new on this site and have spent hours researching for answers to all my questions, successfully mostly. I am in Bristol, UK and my USC fiance is in North Carolina. We filed in June 2010 and received NOA2 a couple of weeks ago. I am expecting my interview to take place in January, judging by the info on this site. Everything is going smoothly, and I am gathering together paperwork in advance of my interview.

I have a question, if anyone is able to answer. My son is a Royal Marine and is due to begin his second 6-month tour in Afghanistan in April. I anticipate being in the US by then, in the midst of AOS process. If (God forbid) something terrible should happen to my son, I would need to get back to the UK sharpish. Can you apply for Advance Parole in anticipation of needing to leave temporarily, or can you apply only when the need arises, and if so, can this be expedited on this sort of compassionate ground? In those circumstances, I'm not sure how clearly I would be thinking in order to negotiate the rules.

I'd appreciate any input.

Many thanks!


Edited by leigh, 04 November 2010 - 06:56 PM.

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-04 18:55:00
United KingdomUK Embassy contact details
I just rang the contact number for London Embassy enquiries (for UK is 09042 45100). They answered straight away (seems like Saturday mornings are a good time to call - no waiting or annoying background music!) and a very helpful young man advised me that our petition was received by the Embassy on 20 October, although I haven't heard from them yet, and he gave me my Case ID, which I'd been waiting for. He was also able to tell me that, although I moved address in September and notified USCIS and got an acknowledgement, my address details were not updated on the file. He gave me the code for emailing an enquiry - I don't know how long it's valid, but for today it is:


This may be helpful to anyone who wants to contact them today. You MUST enter the code into the subject line of your email, and then give your name, date of birth and Case ID in the body of the email. It may take a couple of days for them to respond.

The young man, named Paul, advised me that this part of the process is the most unpredictable, timewise, so if you're at the same point as me, don't worry if it's been a while. Apparently it depends on how many applications are pending and how fast they are able to deal with them. It might be worthwhile phoning if you're still waiting for your Case ID number.



Edited by leigh, 20 November 2010 - 05:25 AM.

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-20 05:23:00
United KingdomHow soon did you recieve your visa?

Hello everyone. So my fiance has her medical on the 14th and she is sending all of her documents for packet 3 today. I am hoping to get her interview soreted very quickly do to the fact I am in the military and currently forward deployed and was made to take leave on March 21st and leave London on march 27th. I also had to buy plane tickets already as well. The Navy likes things sorted out well in advace. Anyways my question is how soon after the interivew did you recieve your visa in the mail. I see it says 5-7 days or so but what is really going on? Thank you as always.


The London doctors are very efficient, in my experience. They should send your fiance's papers to the embassy quite quickly after the medical, provided everything is in order for her. The embassy won't issue an interview date until they have the medical results. They normally give 4 weeks notice of an interview date and don't normally deviate from the usual process. However, when I sent my packet 3 stuff off, I sent a covering letter asking for their earliest available date since I was all ready to go. They wrote to me on 22 January offering me an interview date of 2 February, so my request paid off! I just received my passport with visa on 9 Feb - so they were as good as their word in my case - they sent me a text the day before to tell me it was on its way. I guess it depends how busy they are, but my experience of the London embassy was excellent. Very friendly and polite people. Give me a shout if you want any more embassy info!

By the way, my son is in the UK military - so I have a soft spot for you guys! Hope all goes well for you!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 16:03:00
United Kingdommoving from london to kansas next week

i'm sure there are tons of you who have already done the research on this, and we're kinda last minute since we weren't expecting the visa until mid-late march and now it's next week (yay).
but what would be the cheapest/easiest/safest way to ship his belongings over?
i'd love any input that anyone has.
thanks :)

Hi, I got a lot of quotes for international shippers, and this was by far the cheapest:

They are also very friendly and helpful - sent me all the customs forms I need to complete, and answer email queries quickly. I am only shipping about 12 boxes of personal stuff - no furniture or anything, and it's costing me approximately 550 pounds. I did get quotes of over a thousand!

I recommend Fox.

All the best!

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-13 03:11:00
United KingdomCompleting I-485 application

If you changed your name, then put your new name. They do this all the time, so they know what to do :)

There is also a place for "other names used." AND they will have your marriage certificate. Good luck!

thanks to both for these prompt replies!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-28 21:40:00
United KingdomCompleting I-485 application

Having got married to my fiance on 10 March, when completing the I-485, do I put my married name down as the applicant, or stick with my previous name. It occurred to me that putting my married name on the form might cause confusion when matching up with my previous forms on file. If I put my previous name, then the paperwork I receive in the future will contain that name - and that's not my name anymore!

Can anyone advise??

thank you!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-28 19:20:00
United KingdomI-94 form

OK, further to my last post on here regarding the missing I-94, it's been a bit of a nightmare. First I was told by Customs & Border Protection that I would need to attend Atlanta to get the problem sorted out. I called a Mr Mobley in Atlanta who told me I don't need to go down there, but could go to my nearest airport (which is Charlotte). I phoned them and was told by a gentleman, who checked his computer, that my I-94 was not yet registered on the system and that I should wait another week before going up there and having another I-94 issued. I waited a week and called again, speaking to another guy. He checked and confirmed I was still not on the system and instructed me to come up to Charlotte Airport the next day to get a new I-94. I did this, and on arrival was told that they cannot issue a second I-94 as having two in the system would cause nightmarish problems down the line. They checked their systems and concluded that my I-94 form must have been lost by the guy in Atlanta as it still wasn't showing up on the system. They also checked other passengers on my flight and their I-94s had indeed arrived on the system. They said they would investigate and get back to me. I've been calling a particular officer regularly and she hasn't got any further with the investigation, apart from to confirm that I'm still not on the system. So, I made an appointment with my local USCIS Field Office, as I am pretty sure that the guy in Atlanta put my I-94 into the sealed envelope and sent it off to Dallas, or wherever they go. I explained the situation to the Field Office and they told me to sumbit my I-485 anyway, with a copy of my stamped passport and an accompanying letter explaining why there is no I-94. This I will do. Fingers crossed! What a pain. I can't even apply for a driving license without that form! I'm going slightly stir crazy at the prospect of not being able to work for at least another 3 months. Beware Customs & Border Protection - I have had as many different pieces of advice/information as individuals I have spoken to. If you deal with them, make sure you take the name of EVERYONE you speak to so that you can quote them to the next person you speak to. Will update again as soon as there is progress! By the way, I did get married, so they won't kick me out of the country if I can't keep up with the 90 day deadline, as I have shown "due diligence" according to Chief Sams, of Customs & Border Protection in Charlotte! Well, that's something I suppose!

Finally, success! After many conversations with various Customs & Border Protection people, one of them in Atlanta finally took responsibility and got this sorted out for me. Yesterday I was directed to Customs & Border Protection where I live. Due to their realisation that they had lost my I-94, I was given another one. Now I can move on. Advice for those who didn't receive their I-94 at POE, contact Customs & Border Protection at your local office. They will be able to issue another one. Good luck everyone, and thanks again for your input.
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-14 09:55:00
United KingdomI-94 form
OK, further to my last post on here regarding the missing I-94, it's been a bit of a nightmare. First I was told by Customs & Border Protection that I would need to attend Atlanta to get the problem sorted out. I called a Mr Mobley in Atlanta who told me I don't need to go down there, but could go to my nearest airport (which is Charlotte). I phoned them and was told by a gentleman, who checked his computer, that my I-94 was not yet registered on the system and that I should wait another week before going up there and having another I-94 issued. I waited a week and called again, speaking to another guy. He checked and confirmed I was still not on the system and instructed me to come up to Charlotte Airport the next day to get a new I-94. I did this, and on arrival was told that they cannot issue a second I-94 as having two in the system would cause nightmarish problems down the line. They checked their systems and concluded that my I-94 form must have been lost by the guy in Atlanta as it still wasn't showing up on the system. They also checked other passengers on my flight and their I-94s had indeed arrived on the system. They said they would investigate and get back to me. I've been calling a particular officer regularly and she hasn't got any further with the investigation, apart from to confirm that I'm still not on the system. So, I made an appointment with my local USCIS Field Office, as I am pretty sure that the guy in Atlanta put my I-94 into the sealed envelope and sent it off to Dallas, or wherever they go. I explained the situation to the Field Office and they told me to sumbit my I-485 anyway, with a copy of my stamped passport and an accompanying letter explaining why there is no I-94. This I will do. Fingers crossed! What a pain. I can't even apply for a driving license without that form! I'm going slightly stir crazy at the prospect of not being able to work for at least another 3 months. Beware Customs & Border Protection - I have had as many different pieces of advice/information as individuals I have spoken to. If you deal with them, make sure you take the name of EVERYONE you speak to so that you can quote them to the next person you speak to. Will update again as soon as there is progress! By the way, I did get married, so they won't kick me out of the country if I can't keep up with the 90 day deadline, as I have shown "due diligence" according to Chief Sams, of Customs & Border Protection in Charlotte! Well, that's something I suppose!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-09 09:48:00
United KingdomI-94 form

If you can't track it down, you may have to look into this:

Thanks for your responses. I called Customs & Border Protection and they gave me the number of their Atlanta office (my Point of Entry). I have to go there in person between Tuesday and Thursday to see the guy that deals with I-94s. I am hoping he will sort it out for me.

Advice: GUYS, MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR I-94 HANDED TO YOU AT YOUR POINT OF ENTRY AND DONT LOSE IT!! Thankfully, I don't live a million miles away from Atlanta!

many thanks to all.
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-18 11:10:00
United KingdomI-94 form

Our K-1 application was approved and I entered the US on 2 March. We got married on the 10th. Now I'm about to apply for Adjustment of Status and discover that I must have the I-194 which I filled in on the plane. I handed this over to the immigration guy in Atlanta along with my sealed envelope. He didn't return it to me!!! Any suggestions as to what I can do? I need this for everything - including applying for my social security number.


leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-18 09:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffadavit of Support

Thanks Pinky and Anh Map,

We're investigating co-sponsorship in the first instance. Whilst marrying here in Australia is an option during a planned visit in January our biggest fear is that it will put the whole process back by months. I'm only basing this on the time lines shown for K-1 versus Spouse visas. Historically it shows that a K-3 takes significantly longer.

Thanks for the info about the Asia-Pacific forums too :)


Hi, I have been investigating co-sponsorship. I've noticed a little confusion about what's needed in that case. Here's a link to the USCIS guidelines to completing the I-134 - it gives a list of supporting documentation the sponsor needs to provide with the form. Just in case it helps:

All the best!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-15 16:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionanother 1-134 question

No, you do not send it to NVC. NVC is the middle step before it is sent to the embassy to schedule interviews. The I-134 would be sent to your fiancee so he/she can submit it as part of his/her paperwork that he/she has support in the US and will not become a public charge. I do not believe it requires notarization.

I've also read from other places that the government wouldn't likely use it against you to force you to pay for him/her once they are her either (fiance/spouse visa book I bought written by lawyer.) That is why they require that as part of your AOS that you fill out a I-864 which is legally binding which they would use if necessary to sue you and require you pay back any means tested benefit he/she receives. I don't know why they say that about the I-134, but the I-864 is considerably longer and requires more documentation so it makes sense.

Hi, this is the very question I've been researching tonight. See the link below which is the information that comes with the I-134 from USCIS:

Best of luck!
leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-15 16:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionadvice for co sponsor?

okay we got the noa2 approved and all that so now were starting to get things ready. my fiance,the petitioner is still a student and has no income or anything....her mum earns $90 000 a year so more than covers the sponsor requirments and has agreed to sponsor all this.
wel be living with her parents too so were just both her and her mum need to fill out seperate i 134 forms?
or just her mum as shes the one with the money and stuff?
please help,as soon as we get that worked out we can start planning our wedding

Hi, I had a similar dilemma. My fiance is temporarily not working but filled out the I134 anyway with details of his assets. I put my brother (US citizen) down as co-sponsor and he completed the I134 and sent all the necessary documentation. At interview, I was given all my fiance's stuff back saying they didn't need those as he wasn't my main sponsor. So, I think you can safely dispense with your fiancee's I134.

Hope this is helpful.

leighFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-11 15:50:00