Australia and New ZealandDriving and insurance
Insurance is different. I was added to the policy as soon as I arrived. We moved to NY 6 weeks later. You can drive on your Aus licence for 3 months. NY state considers you a resident after 6 months. Learners permit, driver ed class and road test to get a licence. We have to start over.
Deb+SteveFemaleAustralia2012-03-04 00:01:00
Australia and New ZealandCR1 people

when you went for your interview did you take extra pictures and were the pictures the same ones as the ones you sent in with your form or did they need to be more recent? (it will be 4 months since my DS230 went in)

We did not send pictures with our petition but I took them to the interview. He flicked through it while he was talking so I would take them even if they are the same. Best of luck!!! ... :star:
Deb+SteveFemaleAustralia2012-03-02 10:15:00
Australia and New ZealandSSN not working...?
I had the same issue initially until I signed up for Time Warner in my name. They couldn't verify it either but I took my ID and SSN card to an office. Once I signed up with them, I have not had an issue again.
Deb+SteveFemaleAustralia2012-03-09 09:11:00
Australia and New ZealandHow long after submitting required document required on 221g
I interviewed on the same day as Sassy+Swoop and she received a request for extra documents. Her husband emailed them the same day. I received my visa about 6 days later and she received hers about 10 days later. So, not long at all once they receive it.

Here's hoping it's the same for you ... :star:
Deb+SteveFemaleAustralia2012-03-19 20:16:00
Australia and New ZealandVisa Interview-US Consulate Sydney
If you're concerned regarding the age difference etc., visit the India forums and definitely attend the interview if you're able. Sydney's an easy place to interview at if you're Australian, but since your husband is Indian on a study visa it may differ for you.

Best of luck and fingers crossed for both of you ... :star:
Deb+SteveFemaleAustralia2012-03-25 14:03:00
Australia and New ZealandTransferring Money when you move
St George bank is $20 per item per transaction (online telegraphic transfer) plus a conversion fee which I think is in the vicinity of $10. It's been a while since I did it so it may have changed but it was only 3 business days. I did have to arrange for the transfer limit to be increased though so check with your bank.

I checked on the transfer of funds etc for tax purposes and I didn't have to declare it at tax time only any income I earned (including interest) but I was able to claim it as a foreign earned income exclusion anyway.
Deb+SteveFemaleAustralia2012-03-19 20:13:00
Australia and New ZealandCase Completed, Waiting for an Interview Date


Thank you for letting us know.
We finally got the interview date April 17th.
Do we have to do anything now other than the medical?
I keep seeing packet 4, what is that?

Thank you

Packet 4 is the interview checklist. When he receives his appointment letter, he will receive this as well. It's everything that he has to have with him at the interview. This is what I had:-

Medical (I took a copy of mine for my own records). He will not need the X-rays at the interview.
3kg Platinum Express Post satchel
2 x US sized passport photos
Copies of all our paperwork (I-130 petition, G325A's, I-864 etc and all the supporting documentation)
Evidence of our relationship

The letter will have instructions on what to bring. It will have a list of all the documents that have been provided and/or requested with a status (this is a letter next to each one). There is a legend for the meaning of each letter.

I don't want to overwhelm you because it's not really that daunting. Follow the instructions and make sure he has everything. My interview was 5 minutes and he asked me about 5 random Q's. I am glad I had copies of all our paperwork because he wanted a copy of my husband's divorce decree. I don't know if they really did misplace it or if that was just a curve ball. Sydney Consulate was great. Make sure he is early, though. I was late and had to wait ages for my number to be called but the view is spectacular and well worth it as a last look at Sydney ... :star:
Deb+SteveFemaleAustralia2012-03-15 08:44:00
Australia and New ZealandSuperannuation
No unfortunately we all have to use the same one :-(
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-10-06 03:39:00
Australia and New ZealandSuperannuation
I too had thought about this issue and I called my super ages ago. I am with QSuper (QLD Govt) and they said the legislation changed LAST year that you can't withdraw it if your leaving the country. What really sucks is that I am required by law to make voluntary (how the hell they justify calling that voluntary I will never know) contributions every week and I salary sacrifice into my super but I can't even get that out! :-( very grumpy about it
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-10-05 16:40:00
Australia and New ZealandAussies in Augusta GA
I'm pretty sure there was somebody on here from Dayton Ohio which is where I am going!! Maybe I will have another Aussie to have a coffee with????
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-10-19 15:21:00
Australia and New ZealandIdeas & Loose Ends to clear up before you leave OZ
Thanks to the post I have organised with my best friend to use her address for everything once we leave. Without you guys it would never have occurred to me :-)
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-11-14 21:47:00
Australia and New ZealandHaving a baby in Australia vs. America
you can now either get the baby bonus paid as fortnightly payments as an extra on your family tax benefit or your can get it as paid maternity leave for 18 weeks. you can get the baby bonus paid if you are out of the country for 13 weeks but only if you meet the residency requirements (if you have just left while pregnant and have a return ticket you may be able to swing this one), but it takes quite a while to sort out.
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-12-11 04:59:00
Australia and New ZealandHaving a baby in Australia vs. America

That's weird - You would think that they would, even at least cover part of it? Im in Massachusetts and our plan covers everything but the co-pays and something else that i cant remember- up to $25,000 a year - and that's because I have a diagnosable condition. Can you switch plans at all?

No we were just added during open season and it is the best plan for our family as my daughter has cystic fibrosis and they cover pre exsisting stuff. None of the other plans on offer through the government that we looked at covered it either. I could always use the excuse to come home and hang with my bestie anyhoo :-)
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-12-10 06:10:00
Australia and New ZealandHaving a baby in Australia vs. America
Blue cross doesn't cover IVF at all and we will be in Ohio also. I have the charter here and it is very specific about it :-(
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-12-09 03:29:00
Australia and New ZealandHaving a baby in Australia vs. America
We are with Blue Cross also (we are already registered even though we haven't arrived yet). I was curious about the whole medicare thing also from having fertility treatment. it would be cheaper to fly to Australia and have a round of IVF, even without medicare than it would be to do it in the states. Naturally if I could still get medicare it would be heaps cheaper. I also will be still getting paid from work for the first year that I am away, does that mean I can still claim on my medicare during that year seeing as I am paying for it?
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-12-08 23:49:00
Australia and New ZealandBringing cats from NZ
oh that $2890 isn't each, that's both of them, so $1445 each, which is cheaper than when you brough cat over in the first place :-)
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-20 17:45:00
Australia and New ZealandBringing cats from NZ
I don't think it will make that much difference. This was the cheapest quote I could get, others were in excess of $5000 so we jumped at the $3000. I have 3 kids who are leaving absolutely everything behind for this move they never asked for. They have had these cats all their lives and I think it is only fair I let them take them with us (not to mention I also would miss my boys terribly). I'm just worried what my Queensland cats are going to think of snow!
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-20 17:43:00
Australia and New ZealandBringing cats from NZ
I just got a quote a couple of days ago to move my 2 cats from Brisbane to Ohio. it will be $2890 for both cats including the purchase of crates and the person to look after them on the 12 hour (mandatory) lay over in LA. This includes all their vet checks at the airport etc. This was with JetPet.
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-19 18:36:00
Australia and New Zealandstarting to freak out a little
Thanks for that, it makes me feel heaps better!
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-24 18:39:00
Australia and New Zealandstarting to freak out a little
Wow KLS2010 I can't believe you moved all those pets, that must have been stressful not to mention expensive! WE are moving to Ohio and I do intend to find a church I am comfortable with early on. My kids are older (18/13/10) so mainly worried about the younger 2. I think I am worried about friends because my kids are to old for play group and until I actually have a baby of reasonable age I won't be able to go to any of those kinds of things. Money isn't really an issue, but it might be if I spend all my time being bored and shopping lol!
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-24 00:31:00
Australia and New Zealandstarting to freak out a little
Thanks guys for the great ideas and the congratulations :-). I am still in shock about the baby because we have had several rounds of failed IVF and then BAM got a baby all by ourselves! So much going on at the moment I occassionally lose my cool lol
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-23 06:47:00
Australia and New Zealandstarting to freak out a little
So we are nearly through the NVC now, just waiting for CC and interview (plus medical which i will do shortly), and I am starting to freak out. I have done nothing so far to get ready to go, not sorted the house at all because it was all taking so long and felt like it was never going to happen! We are moving with 3 kids (and 2 cats)and they start school on MOnday (the kids not the cats lol, at least the schools said don't buy them books). We think we will probably arrive just before spring break, I am worried that then they will not be in school for a couple of months and how will they make friends??? This is going to make them more homesick! Also I am having a baby (We are dead excited but i am so sick, sorting out the house is going to be a struggle), so i won't be going to work anytime soon. I am worried about making friends myself, do they have mothers groups and stuff, how do I find all that information? I know I am probably being irrational but I feel so overwhelmed today :-( Please tell me some of you were just as overwhelmed?
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-20 17:57:00
Australia and New ZealandHow long did you wait for interview?
Hope I move as quickly through this last bit as you Timmy! I feel like i'll never be leaving Australia
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-30 17:48:00
Australia and New ZealandHow long did you wait for interview?
I was wondering (particularly those on CR1/IR1 visa's) how long did it take after you sent all your stuff to the NVC til you got an interview date? just trying to figure out a basic timeline
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-26 16:58:00
Australia and New ZealandWhere about is everyone moving to in the US? Just curious!

Peter is moving from Brisbane to Arkansas. I tried to warn him about the humidity...

ohh another Brisvegas person :-D
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-01-28 19:24:00
Australia and New ZealandWhere about is everyone moving to in the US? Just curious!

Dayton, Ohio here... and the W word is scaring me too I'm a Cairns,Qld boy so I haven't seen snow for a looooong time lol

Really, me too!!!!!! Edited to add: I am moving to Dayton AND I am terrified of the W word too lol

Edited by Amanda and Josh, 27 August 2011 - 10:51 PM.

Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2011-08-27 22:49:00
Australia and New ZealandPacket 4 wait time?
we waited about 2 weeks for our interview date too :-)
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-02-22 22:05:00
Australia and New ZealandAny Occupational Therapist moving to USA?
I have massive hoops to jump through to as a RN/Midwife. I can't help but I can sympathaize
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-02-22 22:02:00
Australia and New Zealandmedical done, booking interview flights
the Travel lodge want $380 because I have 2 children so it's like double the cost just to house the little buggers. I object to that because I could stay in the same room for half the price if I didn't declare the kids!! Looks like I will just have to suck it up though :( I will try the mecure thanks.
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-02-23 17:05:00
Australia and New Zealandmedical done, booking interview flights

Hi, I had my interview yesterday and I went up the lift at 10:35am, to 10th floor. Was sent straight up and got my number and was called before I even sat down. BUT - we didn't leave the embassy till 12:15pm. There were a couple of interviews that took a while and one in particular that had 2 CO's in the booth. That slowed things down a little. We really enjoyed having time to sit and take it all in, call and text people and just get used to the idea after the approval. Went and celebrated at the Lindt daughter can't go into a bar yet, too young!
My flight left at 5pm and the motel looked after the baggage for us. Was good to have 2 hours spare to get to the airport.
Good luck with your interview. :dance:

Thanks for that. Can I ask where you guys stayed?
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-02-22 22:07:00
Australia and New Zealandmedical done, booking interview flights
booked it for 4.30 pm. now to try and find someplace that is reasonably priced and will sleep all 4 of us!!!
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-02-21 23:50:00
Australia and New Zealandmedical done, booking interview flights
We heard a week after our case closed when our interview was. I agree with Meghan, just wait to hear from them.
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-02-21 23:44:00
Australia and New Zealandmedical done, booking interview flights
So our interview is at 11 am on March 27. I just wanted to find out how long most of you took at the interview to get an idea of what is a safe time to book flights back home that day? I don't want to be stuck roaming around Sydney with my bags for hours but also don't want to be rushed and paniced to get to the airport?
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-02-21 17:04:00
Australia and New ZealandShipping costs Aus to USA
Pack and Save will sent over 38kg for $490. I asked recently because I need to get my grandma's china over. i am going to leave it with my dad and get him to send it over once I'm settled.
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-02-29 18:37:00
Australia and New ZealandCR1 people
Oh gosh that was confusing. I meant passport photos not other ones lol (I'll blame placenta brain)
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-03-05 01:30:00
Australia and New ZealandCR1 people
when you went for your interview did you take extra pictures and were the pictures the same ones as the ones you sent in with your form or did they need to be more recent? (it will be 4 months since my DS230 went in)
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-03-02 02:35:00
Australia and New Zealandgetting nervous!!
I'm moving to Ohio and it has just started to get hot. Here I was thinking I was going to have a lovely spring baby and now I will suffer through 2 summers pregnant! I am just nervous about my child with health issues and my custody letters. I know i have everything to cover it but I am one of those people who always expects the worst! I also have very severe morning sickness, and tend to be quite vague and am worried I will look stupid lol. Thank god for my teenagers daughters to help keep me upright!
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-03-17 17:41:00
Australia and New Zealandgetting nervous!!
Our interview is in 10 days!!! Starting to get all nervous about absolutely nothing lol. Obssessing about how to put my evidence together and starting to pack up stuff! OMG i'm moving live with my husband in about 6 weeks!!!!!! (providing i don't mess it up and actually pass my interview lol)
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-03-17 02:37:00
Australia and New ZealandCase Completed, Waiting for an Interview Date

I am a bit confused too b/c we didn't get a packet 3 or 4. we only got an interview letter from the NVC that only states to bring a medical. NOthing else. No prepaid envelope, no relationship evidence, no previous forms. Nothing. I know this is a new process for spouses both residing in Australia (now that DCF is gone), but i feel like we are missing an enormous amount of information on what to bring to the interview. If we didn't know about VJ, my husband would have shown up with medical in hand and nothing else! He's even emailed the consulate for further clarification and they haven't gotten back to him...

My letter was the same as yours. It just asked for the medical and photos if not previously submitted. I found the pre paid envelope thing on the consulate specific page on the web and because I knew from here. I took everything suggested on here even though I wasn't asked. Out of about 10 people at the consulate on myself and one other man was approved on the day and he had his done by a lawyer, I thank VJ for my applications completeness! I got asked no questions, I didn't have to show them anything and they didn't even want my photos, but I'm glad I had it all with me after listening to the roasting some otheres got!
Amanda and JoshFemaleAustralia2012-03-30 15:23:00
Australia and New ZealandMOVING TO AUS...HELP!!
Hi there, just saw this but here is the link for the visa options. Last I checked the application fee was AU$1,735 (plus any medicals, PC's etc).

Also, the application does not list income limits the way the US process does. Aus immigration may request a bond which is either $5,000 - $10,000. Note, they 'may'. It's not very clear. Depends on the circumstances, country of origin etc. and this is held by Centrelink for a period of 2 years.

Best of luck to your friend. Hope this helps. :)

Edited by Deb+Steve, 11 March 2011 - 02:20 PM.

Deb+SteveFemaleAustralia2011-03-11 14:20:00